-u- j t i 3 it railway time table grand trunk railway etpnsa hind ij tin rt5 am putraaii r ajn rhrooru kxijn pan mail spel ms pm ooiso wkkt rtimo lire ini express si tm kxttms ltnpm mail lj0pm spdl oopm th nifht uprm suinr et it un uti- ud sal th ailrtit xpns pjfag east at sjai ajn do do nt on uomlar uioniini time or djokv ku11jl tfoiuc vwt 9w aiu troinf kl wo ut aool vto pjn kuclish tuall clo tt 100 sao ca kridsr special offers our olub list tbi fsxx paxss to new subscribers or tt old subscribers whose sub- scriptions we rormin oat rora present date to january i8s5 no iuconvenieucc lus been oiporioiiced j i this full from bud road and a few more i i iucltei of snow would make vorv fair j flcicliiii as the tvuiifuea uuhcmty jubilee singers ire engaged to give a concert hero on saturday evening it may be prcsumod by some people that they will b in otic one the churches on sunday as has been done on several former occasiouc thcwe i however who wail until sunday to hear them will be disappointed an the company never slugs on sunday tiiey require cue day iu every seven tqwit as well as any ordinary mortal let every citizen who cu do ki to to bear them ouiaturdsy evening village varieties- a ollwllm r lecal iiti ud other mailers r ifeelal miereit to oar mua c bender hm tsi im frost and weekly gfov from present date to january 1 155 for 190 tei furr pass and lajly cm oue year 750 tax full pars and toronto daily horw cue year lii tei frxe tiirss and hetitm xf- ixrtuer from present date to janu ary 1 1sss for 190 tax tuex pexs and cdsrfn fanttr from present dale to january 1 lsso for 190 in all cases these rates are invariably cash ix advance in sending subscriptions send per regis tered letter or tost obce order write name and tost office distinctly and addrwa h p iloor feu pcxss omen acton oct at ceo hynds tea spoons tble spoons knives iad forks at grojhynds watches clocki jewelry a larst stock spectacles irum 35 cts to 3- wedding- and birthday presents purses pipes pocket knives combs hair rashes school books note papet and envelopes pens and ink call in and see hit large stock geo hrnds jffreuerr t faiicy goods store actoni ont tiongru ffress taroiiit iteexrs so 15 13 bits of brevity exl aa4 thenrlae prepared bj- he e ike pt a4 tclmri far realen afke free prtai 1 4 i slippeiy sdetralts- wicter seras to hare reajlr eet in xlittrday w5 a hard day on the fowls lets sec a there ft kting rink in acton the kere reaorrectea on baosr j tiiove ilonday the cheerful coal fire is nov most veloome- visitors wert namerocs in town on thanksgiving day the new post o5ce at milton will soou be ready for occupation nov let the tnrkeyb that were spajed indclse inthankgivin the annual manicipai oyster sappers will soon be on the tap f the weithir this week has been dis agreeable to thi builders winter opened with a veritable bliz zard on monday morning i few employera seemed to forget that thursday ws thankspving day the dry goods men and tailors are growing more hopeful as cold weather ad vances the highwind of last sunday evening did considerable damage throughout the country the constable will soon commence ins rounds respecting the clearance of the side- wilks of snow the rinsing of the six oclock mornintr bell for the eii months ending nov 1st cost the council ten dollars winter opened last yeax oh the 17th november and sleighing continued unnter- rngted until zoant the 1st april burin the thaaderstorm last thurs day aii unusually large quantity of water fell- the shower was of hat short dara- tion however ililton council has decided to bare the town hall thoroughly examined by competent men in order to ascertain whether it is safe i two bottles partially filled with liqaor were found in joseph tarnera premises milton the other day there will iike- ly be another scott act prosecution this is the middle of november next month is the holiday month promptness tella in advertising ax in everything else that is twice done which is done quickly the homestead of the late john mo- coll in esqaesing was sold to mrs john mccoll for 15000 and tne brick dwelling iu georgetown to lr allan holmes for the november sitting of the fourth division court was held in the coancil chamber jesterday judge scott of bnmptou presided there were more cases than oaual up for hearing an authority on railways states that bedoes not think the credit valley will baud the line to gaelpb the grand trunk byhne them as well as the great western division having got basiness too well in band for the company to make it pay the municipal coancil has decided to adopt the new standard time here the i bellringer has received instructions to ring the town bell with the above time com mencing next mondajv the new standard is about seventeen minutes fastev than oar present time there were oqly eight jxmpetitoirs at esquesing plowing match following is the prize list firstdas men 1st thov w m 2nd geo broom 16 1 3rd jaf ifatzay u bcondolaw inenlst wm barnes 6 2nd jycx ifcdoweh w 8rd john mcdowell hi th arch mcdo tgall ft xoyt unfa iutvfm5uuktf the sacrament cotumanioh tcrvioas will be held iu st albanti church uit sunday comuieuc at 11 am uev d j iickuuzie ol miltoa will ofticiatc aud he will alo preach in the sime place at g30 pm no public charily necessary it is very satisfactory to be able 5 report that acton has uot a single rtfidehtrittir iug ud from the municipality not a dol- j lar has been liid duriu the past year by the coancil for local charity would we i be able to mike this statement if whiskey j was being indiscriminately snld iu our midst and the scott act a dead letter i the crewsons corners fire the baniiugoi ilrs sopeirii residence st crewsons corner reported in last issue of the fntc piea wa even more serious than wc were at lite time aware- of we j aremformei that i50 iu ciih was bunie1 in the building the family were all ab- i seut when lhe fire took plaoe the honse i was the property of mr wm crcvji of the same placj drowned at gueipfa the body of an old uian named alex macdonald of marden near guelph wai found floating in the river at giielph on monday morning he had been missing since wedneaday last fair day and was considerably under the induence of uquor when last seen he was a farmer in good circumstances and had lived at marden for the past tifty years pulpit exchange revs w bryers and g- w dewey the i popular junior pastor of ths m e church i georgetown circuit exchanged pulpits last sunday evening the attendance at the r methodist church here was unusually j large and the rev gentleman delivered a j very earnest and interesting discourse rev mr bryers was well received at the appointments at which he oeciated competent and satisfactory teachers j tiie fact thfu the head teachers in every i graded school in oar county hnve been re- engaged far 18a speak volumes fur the j efficiency of the head teichers in ourcouii ty pallic school the schools themseve will do doabt befoundinacorrespondingly satisfactor condition for quite a num ber of years our schools have occupied a j very high position in point of excellence among the schools of the province and the facjf above noted does not evince any retro- i grade movement an interesting case what promises to a very interesting law suit will come np for trial at the ham ilton winter assizes messrs parks mcadams barristers of that city acting on behalf of mr h e smallpiece gnelph entered an action against mr g terry marsh fugsley tt co real estate agents winnipeg claiming j000 damages the suit aries from the sale of the gitelph hrrald newspaper by marsh tt smallpiece in l tle title to which w alleged to have been defective gtitlpk mtrcunj our public school teachers j at the last meeting of the board of edu cation mr thomas t moore was reen gaged as principal for the coming year at the same salary atf this year viz 5550 and free residence miss anna morton of georgetown has been engaged for second department her salary being 325 and miss jennie k grant will have charge of the third department provided her certin- cgte h extended by the minister of educa tion at 2ys our public school is at pred entin a very satisfactory condition thanksgiving day thursday last was a very fine day and as business was suspended anr citizens generally enjoyed the holiday appropri- ate services were held in the presbyterian church in the morning and in the meth- odistr episcopalian and baptist churches in the evening a good many sportsmen spent the day in the woods but a large number of game bags were brought home again empty eight or ten members of our local hunt club paraded the streets for an hour or so in the forenoon with their steeds in holiday attire cattle astrar attention is directed to the advertise ment in another column of cattle astray six head of young cattle worth something over 200 strayed from the farm of mr wm- carroll about the lith of october and notwithstanding the fact that all pos sible enquiry has been made respecting them nothing has been heard which would l to their whereabouts if ajiy of our leaders have heard anything aboat the lost animals they will confer a great favor upon the owner by sending him any infor mation they may possess in the matter township bead improved very appreciative work is being perferm ed on the hill between btewarttown and georgetown the bridge has been built about six feet high and forty feet wide with squared stone and the roadway ib feeing filled up ten feet above this with earth cat off the hill east and west of the bridge thisjhiu has always been a troub lesome one to those teaming to georgetown bat the improvement referred to will render it an easy matter to get over the hill with uny ordinary load the contractors will receive about hlq for their work if half fhe above amount was expended in improv ing the iiecnd line between speyiida and acton both oof citizens and the farmers von travel the road would be exceedingly thankful what des the townshlparan 0fl think hoai it personals mi- joseph bmgeman of bcriu was in unvn on tuoaday miss ella davii loft on saturday for her home in hamilton mr gji brown of parkdalc was in town ou thursday mr james moore of braniplou is visit ing friends in acton miss lizzie mcmackbu left for her home iu uighgate last friday mina kilty kirkwood of brampton visited friends here last week mr aud mrs john kennedy of guelph viiited fricuds here ou thanksgiving day mrs a a- farmer and children of gravcuhurst spent several days this week with ac ton friend misa fanny jioumer of clifford who ha been visiting friends hero during the past week loft for home this moruiug miss barbara warrui who is attending the high school m brampton visited her friends at home ou thanksgiving day mr andmrirtirbatlin accompanied bvlirreslella butliu left vesterday- morniug for their home in st clair mich we had a pleasant call laat evening from mrw thurston of the toronto world stsfl mr thursion is the juet of iuk uncle mr p thurston mr and mrs orlando thurston of flint mich mr daniel taunton of st law- rcncv x v and mr and mr- allan mc- taggart of flint mich woruthe guesu of mr philoman thurslou vl tils village during the week mr jfls moore jr returned uu thurs day from his ilvtrhuuting expedition in musktika jim had u hand in the capture of scvem1 of the coveted game but hi winchester didnt boeni to send forth fatal bullets when ruot desired he repon- however having had any amount of p access with smaller game the famous tennessee university jubilee siugers in the town hall on sat urday evening cascara bitjers cure all diseases arising from the blood liver and kidneys price 8100 per bottle at- jr e drug and stationery store acton ont picturesque canada- tarts 23 and 2l of this beautiful wjrk are being delivered descriptions of scen ery aud historical allusions of the country frorn toronto to lake huron make up the nunibrri giving as glimpses of stratford goderieh kincardine owen sound and collingvrood the work grows u interest with euxy number and tiie easy aud graceful language used in tiie narrative is both pleasing and instructive successful special services the revival services in the methodist church at eden mills referred to in la5t issueof the feej pheas are being contin ued with great succe the meetings have now bee- a in progrxss under the saperin- teudence of rev mr sparling pastor of the circuit for about six weeks and are the grandest ever known in thafsection between feixty and seventy person have resolved to lead christian lives henceforth que remarkable feature of the meetings is that nearly every young man in tne neigh borhood has been converted an well as several heads of families the work is ex tending for miles into the surrounding country may it continue- to extend- attempted suicide we are sorry to learn that mr il h wansboroagh school teacher of erin well acquainted in this village whije in a fit of mectal despondency attempted suicide on the gth tost by inflicting a severe wound in the neck with a razor the jugular vein was uot severed and it is hoped he will recover the unfortunate- young man has been in feeble health for several months and at times he suffered severely from pain in the hoad he hid been a very hard working student and the opin ion of the medical meu consulted is that his enfeebled health is the result of over work we sincerely sympathize with his relatives and hope that he may rein his health and yet be a aseful member of societv measuring wood the present high price of cordwood seems to have had a remarkable etfect on the length of the average stick as well as on the general dimensions of the pile it has aiodevelopeda tendency to sell by the load instead of the cord it would be bet ter for honest buyers and sellers if the council would regulate the matter by by law compelling all sellers to procure a ticket from an officer appointed for the purpose giving the amount and quality of tbewood then bargains should be made- at so much per cord of 128 solid feet and the farmers would get what was right and the buyer would be satisfied instead of be ing suspicious when wood was 150 or 1200 per cord the measure was liberal but now it is generally pretty close and some times very ehort of what it purports to be our suggestion offers the only apparent means of cure and it should be adopted whether with- or without a fee as may bo deemed best m that tea our teas are piving perfeot satisfaction best value ever offered 6 lhs pair tea fuk a 3 ibs good greek tea kok a 3 lbs good japan gunpowder tea for a xu i 50c greek tea xo 1 50c japax tea superior qualitv 75c black tea 5 116 best ten duet in the market for a frt remember vthe place to get these teas is at w p brown cos new store acton t too- are looking for i ice new fall and winter hats k bonnets iu all the latest freuch euglisu aud american patterns trimmed by experienced hands only n tennessee university jntilee singers tue tennessee university jnbilee singers have been engaged by acton lodge ioo if to give one of their excellent concerts in the town hall on saturday evening this company has a worldwide reputation and the entertainment will be well worthy of the patronageof oar citizens the miu ton champion says the tennessee uni versity jubilee singers appeared at the town hall on saturday evening to we are sorry to say a very small audience they howover went through- their programme faithfully and gave one of the finest con certs we have ever listened to iu hilton the six performers composing the company are all gifted with exceptionally good voices which blend harmoniously together in their characteristic hymns which they render without any of the clownishfunny business which marked the entertainment of a similar troupe that recently nsited milton and which savored very strongly of irrevorence the chorus a steal away to jesus was particularly well sung and was rapturously applauded and the solo book ed in the cradle of ti cojp byllrsam cbrisfman vngmtiy admired as was also tba of the fisherman and his child by mr wm daits we hope the oompauy may on some fotore occasion favor milton with a visit and if tjieydo tbejr may depend on jattfng ul ibum new velvets plain uud brocaded iu all the fashionable colorsand shades ot the lowest prices ranging from 35c peryard aiid upward oar velvets are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be the finest assortment and best valnes ever shown in acton why so because we sell only the silkfinish lyons und pile velvets at the same price as common velvets new dress cood8 to match our velvets in allwool goods that keep their colore and will not spoil with wet or other ordiuary matter so de structive to common aud cheap dress stuffs new buttons and lin1ncs tosuitour dressrdods everything always to match mantles overcoats readymade clothing shawls clouds knitted goods for ladies children shirts drawers for every one cheaper than any other house from 30c upward sailing off boot and shoos at wholesale prices as wc do not intend to carry this line of goods mncb longer 80 we are working into an entire dry goods house as fast as possible our dry goods stock this fall is better as sorted than ever everything marked iu plain figures at the lowest prices bsia visit to our house willconvince you that we will uot be undersold we have a large stock of winceys we are offering at 5c 9c 12c and allwool flannels at 80c bwe are selling cottons k blanket at mill prices aud mens and boys felt hats from 40c 5qc and 65c equal to any goods you pay sloo for elsewhere w hy so because we always look out for jiargains and sruy direct from the manufacturers come we will consider it no trouble to show goods and qaote prices at the halton dry coods house acton cb griffin g lasgowhofse fall opening m tern we desire to call the avrextiox of intending pur chasers to our immense stock of general dry goods 8uitable for the fall and winter trade coxsisi ing of all the leading stvles of allwool suitinc s in every shade cashmeres in all the lealing colors and all the leading lines found in a first class dry goods store litwe have the choicest selection of silk finished velveteens in the latest and most fashionable colors in the town tga splendid range of knitted goods for both ladies and childrens wear in all shades and at the lowest possible prices hvt ii j full lines op mantle cloths flannels winceys c ladies mantles in great variety desirable stylish and cheap y remember our ordered cloteixg department where you can secure the newest goods andthemost perfect fitting garments in the town remember our famous 50c tea nelson mcrae go to mrs e h passs guelph for cheap millinery velret bonnets from 9 59 trimmed hats from 91 85 dress velvets from 40 cts hantle fnr from 35 cts far caps from 8275 at our millinery show rooms st gcorscs square orb drlss mantle haeixg v wc do not need to inform the hdia of our own city that in our dressmaking we al ways give a stylish mke aud a first class fil but for thebenefit of strangers we wish to call attention to the set that we iavarubly give satisfaction jackets ctt fitted bbff e h pahs new coods for fall and winter subscribe for the acton free press best cocac paper in halton county only froiinowtc immense 8uperb stock at the mammoth house creat bargains mcleod anderson co have pleasure in announcing that their tock was never before in such an attractive con dition for the publfo for variety iextent and cheapness they hare farrly surpassed themselves great bargains in all lines of foods an immense line of wincey for se 8c 10c 12c worth 3c 10c 12c 15c the above are the cheapest goods ever of fered to the public in cottons and cotton goods we took advantage of the serere depression bought largely and can now offer them retail at less thanpresent whole sale price as they have advanced lately iu woajlen goods gents suitings and overcoatings we have ap immense assortment market has contributed its quota to ward this stock the getup of our garments in our tailoring department is uxr surpassed for rtyle fit cheapness and durability septs furnishings in every con ceivable description at close prices our dress goods department is replete with all the latest style of dress ioods including black ond colored cashmeres black and colored silks fancy silks latest trimming in every conceivable description oar dressmaking and mantlemaking department is carried on in firstclass style charges moderate consistent with efficiency didiea need not hesitate leavlog their ordurs with us wedding and mourning orders a specially our millinery depart ment is under the managemeat of an efficient and experienced hand and we turn out novelties in millinery that gladdens the hearts qf the ladies we have an extensive slock proper variety and all at rock bottom prices we hare a large and extent iive stock of carpetsrbrutsols tapestry supers andsply carpet union and- hemp carpets oil cloths and linoleums curtln table covers window blind c we are satisfied that lour large stock aud cheap price surpasses many city houses for site and cheapness ana we ere satisfied no house shall offer yon such tsjue as we shsll mantles aad shawls haberdashery and small ware beady- made clothing in heas youths and boysimmense stock and at fearfully low price overcoats in mens oaths and boys big stock- big- bargain ttoott shoe ettehllte slock low prlce flirt in mason we have a great mny0oda ae cennpvennmerate we simply irtmind yon that through our long experlenotudbiit- iboubted position in the markets as regcrds credit and money thrt wehavemeirtlet lof i urge barino mara ana that we have position ahead ol dj veidem thatwa buy mostly direct from- tfcemanufacturers and we sell yon gtmlrle- jaalaprloe we shall be pleased land thankful far your petronaje os you will make money for yettselve inspection invited asdfirstm it mj f i 3rijj imm sssmfis m0-