i 1 tum4mrm tsruiut mosxiso kow 15 ibs3 wedding bells ring oat ol your rosy lurost oh bells ol liio morning tiruo rinjj loud and clear lor the hop draw uar that march to your joyous chime bine jubunl bells of iho bridal for lho moraine hah ormaod wide her boaautul gates for the tolltt that wails the bridrooni ani the bride siring high in your crystal towers j oh boll of the festal nooa r bins oat t and boat to tho trliping tvc of ho dancers dancing in lime for th oor of orange qawri breathes soft in the tuuimer gal and tho rhltd muty nrocp oer valley ttwp like tho tdioeu of bridal veil ring out ol your golden belfry 8vct chlixoi ot the tcspertijc for the tot that cross the threshold 01 fair ncv world untried i r then ro broken linka in th music that gliidcqedrour live ot yore eiag low and wect tor the steps that greet our coming alii nevermore ring low tor the minor melody of a chastened mrrow swell like the plant ot a ud refrain thro all soarjubiliat chimes oh bells ii yoa cannot rest for an boor cost thirty minutes hall a load ivbetter than none the star dye are unexcelled- for cheap ncas and brilliant fast colors 10 u no aaid baas u i cant afford to pay yon anything to tell my fortuno when i find the fortune i faess i shall be able to tell it without yor help thank yoa he probably iriu jlllfittirfg boots and shoe cacs cores eohowaye corn cnre is the article to we u your children are troubled with worm give ihem mother graves wonneitennin- ator safe and effectual k people troubled with codi wpnld take ayers cherry pectoral before cotd to church or placea of entertainment they woulj avoid coughing greatly to the cool- fort cf both speaker and hearers public speakers and siegers find that the pectoral woalerfully increases the pciec and cim ibtuly o the voice iyers sarsapirilli works directly ioj promptly to purify and enrich the bt improve the apatite strengthen the rrciv despaired of until in last october s for beauty add durability of color the trianglepackane dyes boat the world if you never used dyes boforo do io now and bo convinced 10 18 they all tell the same ltory mr w thompson jeweler dolhl buffered for years from dvsptpsu tot no relief until be used dr carsoua suruach bitters he says it was just i lie medicine i needed it lias cuted mo 15 thu quickest ttunr on eeoord is krimi fluid lightnina for neuralgia j headache toothache etc it does not blister or discolor the skin requires but oqa application to banish all pain magically without using any greasy linimeut or carr iagyour wad in a pouuico for weeks try a twenty livo cent bottle from j e mc- girvia druggist 40 another witness a chard of sterling testifies to the efficacy of hsgyards yellow oil which he used or a badly injured knee joint it is the great household remedy tor inflamma tioo piib orebcs lameness etc and is used both internally and eiternally with infallible e access- 19 a sagfestfon a days pleasure at your disposal instead of a days agony everyone who has corns can testify to the constant discomfort they produce i could have enjoyed the ball or the picnic or some other social pastime but eh how ray corns ached t ko neces sity now for such complaints putsasts paikless corx extractor removes the cause speedily try it beware of another article just as good take only put- cams sold everywhere nu eolsox co kingston proprietors v w mcldua lyn k s writes i was evicted with rueunulism and had given np all hopes of a care by chance iaiw dr thomas eclectricoil recommen ded i immediately sent fifty miles and purchased four bottles and with only two applications i trii able to get around and although i have not used one bottle i am nearly well the other three bottles i gayc around to ray neighbors and i have had so many calu for more that i feel bound to relieve the afflicted by writing to you for a supply a remarkable eacape mrs mary a dailcy of tnnkhacnock v afflicted for six years witk asthma ind bronchitis duridg which time the best dress goods millinery mantles underclothing ing dera ihumuon lu puin and crabd d ta blackand luhc ncwet colon timo kinco hit return homo lut month jcbiniiu the silki satini bilk velteu and pluhoa and vclrctceoa rcjn aurprla- watkins bonnht 783i pleoi of them when in europe lately and boa bad to order fife the qualities are good and durable they nre mode ind dyed by flntcla artiata tbe oolora are bcaatiful pore od bright and tho mourning qooda cooilitiog o the iataat dcilgni in varioui qnalllira from n very inperior black all wool dyed by cbapat the beat frcuoli dyj in pari und war- menie reduction on former prlcei ia ffoing on with a rnsb the prlcea are tbe very loweat that can be boorht lor oaah down tho mou prtooh twill at 28c up to the beat french ottoman and cashmere clotbi are greatly aoant after they arc rantfdnot to lorn brown in wearing the great ale of cnrpeta linoleums floor oilclotb etc etc at an im immeiue quantities are being lold call at tbe right house king street east ladies can order from their uew houaes by telcphooe hamilton nov lit 1888 thomas c watkins hamilton physicians could give no relief her life s j t t i rmrtiwir i he and brace up the system it is in thc truest sease an dumliix medicine vtvery invalid shock five it a trial pimples ud blolclie v call at j e ilcgarvins drag store for a package ot mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate it is composd of yljeline car bolic acid and ctiu and has cster failed to remove pimples blotches ulcerated sorea bench skin it cures when all others fau- try it r i igood latrodarfloa j kennedy a merchant in dirie about i three ytir go iatroi need eigyirds pec- toral balaam to hu csi mers by trjicg it i in hioti family for coughs indcoli being pleased with results urge sales fol lowed and it ia now the favorite remedy in that neighborhood t 19 sirs j mcphee appin writes during the last eight years i have used almost every medicine recommended for bilious ness bnvfcnnd nothing equal to cirsoav buters if you suffer try it price 50 cent 15 th03e twin fyts to bodily comfort dys pepsia and bihdusceis yield when war is waged airsicst them wih korthrop lymans vegetable discovery and drspep- ticcure iu use also insurer the removal of kidcey and tjierine maladies and r promotes unobstructed action of the bow els the purily of its ingredients is another point in its favor as blood purifier it has no equal it is also a great favorite with the udies i vhy angelina where did you pet those beautifal rich colors an your bonnet aint they lovely i dyed them with the triangle package dyes lpc is g miagiyparkdale toronto writes my wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach hearing of de icnss pnofeattye audits pieasantness to take i gave her two bottles and she has not had an attach since and her health is ranch improved for sale by all druggists bhilohs catarrli jbemedy a marvelloas care forcitinhdiphtherui canker moath and headache with each bottle there is air ingeuious nasal iujeclor for the more succeaaf ol treatment of these complaints without extra chrrge- priccoo cents sold by j e mcoarviu a cure for culs or fce the lineal healing comkiund under the sun is mcgregor k parkee cvrbuuc ccrail there i np sore but will tucsiubt iu wonderful healipg prrii- it i- au invilutbie dresiiz for curiu etc 1rici twenty- dvc cnti j e ilcgarvins drug store procured a bottle of dr kings kev dis covery when immediate relief was fell and by continuing its use for a short lime she was completely cured caining in rlcsh 50 lbs in a few months free trial bottles of this certain cnre of ail tiiroat and linz dueaae t j e uc- garvins drug store larrfi bottles 100 a fl iobf oplblok llany a dollar is paid for prescriptions tor seme disease that never troubled the patient and when the sole difficulty was worm which a few of freemans vorm powders woill remove these powders are peasttat safe acd sure contain their own cathartic and are adapted for cbildien ur adults 19 xo household should u considered com plete itfcoct a bottle of da tax brrrss kidsctccee is in the closet it is tbe only remedy that will positively permau- j enlly and promptly cure all forms of kidney disease sold by j e mcgarvin in the history cf medicine no preparation his received tuch ccirersal commendation or tbe alleviation it affords aad the per manent cure it effect in kidney diseases aa dft vas bcress kid sty ctee it ac tion in theie distressing complaints is sim- ply wonderful sold by j e mcgarvin a wonderful revolt a single bottle of dr lows plwisant wcrm syrup has frequently destroyed from 100 to 200 worm ills pleasant to uk- no other cathartic bein required- tape worms hare also been removed by it of 15 to 35 feet in length it is effectual for all varieties of forms afflicting both children and adults 19 hot r mf others uatherx are yoa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by atick child suffering and crying with theexcrucfatidpiin of cutting teeth if to co at once and ret a bottle of krs- winslotts siothiojr syrnp it will relieve the poor littie sufferer immediately depend upon it there is uo mistake about it thereis not a mother on earth who has ever ccl it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the boweb and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like maic it is perfects fife to- use in nil cases and pleasant tn the taite acd ijithe prescrip tion of nae of tlc oldest and best female phvsxmls end nurses in the united states stld everywhrc at 25 cents a bottle vegetable sicilian hair renewer tu the first preparation perfectly adapted eur disease of he scalp tod the first sue eesaful restorer of faded or gray hair to iu natural color growth and pauthful beauty 1 1 has had many imitators but uoue hare io fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp h all1 hair rcxcwcr has steadily grorn in favor and spread its fame and uicfulueu lo ettry qaartr of the globe its unral- leled lueceis eau be attributed to but ona eaase tkc cnir fuljiinail cf it tiroatfct the proprietors hato often beea surprised at tus rectfpt of orders from remote eoon- trks vueng thcyhad never made au effort for iu introduction the oie for i short time of ii alls hair ilcsrwtr wonderfully improves thi tmr- oual apiaraiiee it cleanses ik tealii from til impurities cures all humors fcrcr and dryness and thus prevents baldness it cinijlitci ilie veakrncd elands acd cubes lljcr la insh foririm a ikw andjvlcnjus grotih the effects of uij anie nre tot lraji like tlione of alcoholic trvpara- iiflu riiiitiu a long tiuje ulich uikti il iu a matter c cioriy buohnahams die fou inn whiskers wju eharre tlic icinl tu iatoral brotn crmtelc rittesired it njdrct p ntinert cooc llisl trill no tih avray cajithff a tingle ireparaliovil i apijici rijout trouble e p hall co kastna hh som by all ikx- t in medicines tor all the f0rm3 scrofulous mercurial and blood pitardcn the best remedy lsa i3j most searching anx ujctmuji bloodpuitflerts ayers sareaparilla sold br all dniita i tii botuea as speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c ai prepared to famish everything iu their line from the be8t casket to the plainest coffin oh the shortest notiee and at lowest terms sa11 calls either night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire hfft kt in pojiiionloajtictoriiy fill orjeri for svjjorn carriages ic of every description ia reasonable time good workmanship ood firstciss material alwaya used wc bsve also splendid lot or furcitorf both common and extra quality cheap arif yoa will pay us cash ill sell yoa anything in oar line cheap j a 8pei0ht manager east end clothing store while tendering my sincere thanks to my numerous customers for the libera i patronage heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my patrons and the public that i have now opened a very large and wellassorted stock of cloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season hills tin i stopdepot good assortment ok stoves cheap for cash tinware of all kinds bottom prices at eavetroughing a specially and put up on shortest notice the t h iafor evrpl log haiii c are salf j vxcu i urtit pii-yme- 1 vuii c rv- truu- u eio inactvity of liver ilitri dke c ifipaikj aeck kmiie dtse-s- of he riinirr ts ir rei-i-re- m np izjr jiconr lani ffil auayr fid rjcjtric best an i only enin mr kiv act surely und quickly eviry lottie cuar- soteed to give entire siti fiction or inoney refunded sold at fifty cents a bottle by j e ilcgarnn houoicaif puu the great need tbe blood is the me und on its parity depend oavhealtb if not our existence tiwse pills thoroughly deaoee this ritil fluid from all contaminations and bf that power strengthen and invigorate the whole system healthily stimulate sluggish oftraus repress oyerexcued action and establish order of circnlationaod secretion throughout every part of the body the balsamic nature of houoways fills commands them to the faytmrof debilited and nervotm constitn tiona which tbey soon resuscitate they dislodge all odstructjonb both in the bow- di sod elsewhere and arc on that account much sought after for promoting regularity of tion io your female and delicate peraons who are naturally weak or who beth geeeit what the great fbb caltnruf sayi last winter i went to florida and w bile there coqirocted malaria in a very severe form when i returned home i went to bed and rom lined there am ii iprlnj mycymp loms were tenibl ibad dalhachlnf paloa in my ieil imj an1 around my back hy appetitfl waswhoilv ne and 1 felt a lack of enerrygnch an i bad often heard described but had navor experienced any one who ha ever nada evoro atlacx of malaria can apirociawmy condition asl failed toget boy belter i determined to try a rem dy made by a gentleman in wbom i bad the greatest confldeocp lam haopy to say it effecved permanent rellelandthatl am well today tbroogh tbe influence of warner safe cure after sucb an experience 1 oan most heartily rtoqramend- it to all nf- town vtv- sis 1 fonttiill nurseries i ms acre ai in the nom so also in tho future i propose to gire my custom ers the tat value that j cau be bad in the rade good soucd material in all the newest patterns and perfect- fitting- gjinrcui at hwcst posiue price hats and caps in all the leading 1 shapes for fau wear call and see them jfyfe the largest in the dominion steady employment at fitcd salaries to all willing to wurk i men and women csu ha pleisant wohk the teae bound good agents aie earnidg froiu 40 to 75 per month ind expenses jtonn and outfit free aldna stoxe wellixgtox toronto ont photography first class material onlt used a call solicited j o hfcrrmiiist oioaimxj afur fair trial trith no relief or cur r7stct your mofwrsvtt be rrfundd pines sie sold far dbctcirn muiocl errmrlntr amonnt required to care as roixowa oxi to su bottlcs will pnrifj tbettood eradicatinr all bumoars from the caxbtnoa pimple blotcb orboil to trie moat nulig nint form of acrolulous ulcer okz to 8a bonus by cleansing the blood will purify tbe complexion uorn sallowpesa smootb curt tbe wnnklts resn- log from imperfect oourlabmeiil of tbe body aireeteo foal bratb and reootate tb0 entire system ohe to two bonus will care ordinary constipation or uotlirneaa tbercby femdring hbadache pileabiliousoem and jagndic and all diieaaef resulting from torpid liver oxx to six bottus by cleansing the blood improving tbe genersl bcati ind fortify ino tbe system agaurst takins freah colds will in all cases reliere and in moat casea core that common loatheaome end dangerous disease catabkh oirz to trxsu bonus will regnlite ill derarjgementa of tbe kidneys enring urinary dixbcakiet prostration gravel diabetee tc oxzto foub bottles will reinvigorau tbe entire aystem caring nervoos and gen- eral debility female weakness and all it attendant miacrjee soa me jzs ixet ii 143 men m tidn 19s hi man wm kb th m eom men rft bi i i k on hall fj iaar ont half y nar v5 vtu v hall s nai iv ai will 5 se i 06 bell vs wl 1 wee m piiotogkapiisthelateststyles made- second ixone only 190 tor tbe fbee press the farmers advocate and home maoazine without a riral tncanada and unsarpaased iu america for the stock kaiser dairpnan and fruit grower wo are enald by a ipocial amnfiemect to offer that wellknown agricultural paper the fmicebfi advocate now in its 19th ycarof pub lication clabbad with this journal for the abotc small amount superior to ah others tex advocat u tha acknoirledcbd agricultur al authority of canada and comblnea wiih under it home magazine dspartmeut the best family paper published in the dominion iu motto plain practical and paying infonnauoii and its best energies ars devoted to the interests of the fanner and his family over 0q pages every year just what is wantod for every owner of farm garden or orchard improvements in each department during 1884 stb8cb1be xow balance of year feee send for sample copy ps oct subscribers can also procure a copy of the fanner hand book for is3 with the fajhiksu advocatt and fuee pbesi for 25 cents extra every farmer dairyman or carden- cr should have a copy of this most useful book pictureframing of allkinds kepton hand hadetoorder oldpictukes copied and enlarged secondto nune at c w hills photograph coloring a specialty call and see samples j man who is unacquainted with the cxooraphy of this country w1u 8ei by examining this map that the flour feed storje tfje uiiicriiej lis imrcliicd the fjour icd feed tjiiues irniu mr rlliert ksiiott aiis will cxrry an tiic sijititm in tilt build- iue fjrmcrly ud as a bai ler slmjj dppos- ite the ol feed tore i will keep iir htoct ami sell for clab flour chopped peas holler flour ciickfta feed granlatd wheat oata peas ofaoked gtiaham flour buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats barley eye oil oake thorley oattle feed climax peed flax seed fotatoes turnips chopped barley beans o o garden field and flower seeds fresh and uood for sale oheap your pstronatfe regpectftuly solicited oadier all kindi of grains ilg chicago rock island pacific ry tolng tha great central line affords to trnrelers by reason of its jnrlled geo graphical position the shortest and best route between- the cast northeast and southeast and ths west northwest nd southwest it is literally and strictly true that its oonneotlons are all of the prlnolpal lines of road between the atlantic and the pacific by its main line and branches tt reaohes chicago joliet peoria ottawa la salle qeneseo molina and rock island in illinois davenport muscatine washington keokuk knonllte oakalooaa palrfletd dea molnss west liberty iowa city atlantic aroca audubon harlan outhrla center and council blurts in iowa gallatin trenton cameron and kansas olty in missouri and leairen worth and atohlson in kansas and the hundreds of ortles tillages and towns mtarmsdlata ths great rock island route aa it la familiarly called offer to tra all the uhrantasem and eon incident to a smooth traok aafe bridcea union depotsoit all ocmneotlne polnta faat eapreaa train oompoaed of oommodkmis jwfij ventilated well heated finely upholstebed and sleoant day coaches line of the most maonipicent hqhton mounino chain oms erer built pullmans lateet dned and handaorneat palaoi sltwifo oam and dining oars tjurtsb aottnowledied br preaa and people to be the finest run aipon any road in the oountry and in whkki aupertor mswla art aenred to traselera at the low rate of seventyfivj cents each three trains each warbetween ohioaco anid the missouri river two trains eswh wajr between ohioaoo and minneapolis and st paul maimfamoua j albert lea route a new and dlreot lint ta swim and kankal between w nsnya jtterimond olnolnnatl arrdowihdisitrstputmlnneponandli all throush paaaenscara oarrlad r fwrnm detailed lnforma and fcdwhleti may be obtain edaa vtoep ttasnoantry bswn opened itapotto and la fayette it points l texpreutralna butcher shop r holmes would respoctfully inform the peeplo of acton and vicinity that be baspurchaaed the bustneaa and property of mr w c robidfloq and ii prepared to iwlv all with firstbass meat of all kinds aud poultry and gim in sea ton ft meat delivered to toy part of town at any time s3 having practical experience in the butcberiug business i feel con 6 dent that i can suit all a call kindly lolicited r eolmes m rwsftg y yffl7 g i s t swiifbssiijjjasi nssez auatoiiiidi coi twa at tnsaaaai worth their weight in gold holloways pills ointment this incomparable mfidwwe ha ttcurtd for iutlf an imperishable fame throughout the worldor the alleviation and cure 0 most diseases to which humanity ii hrir the pills purify rciiulate ind improve the quality- of the blood they assut the digestive oreaoi cleanse tbe stomach aud bowels fucreaae the secretory powers of the liver bracu the uervous systeui aud throw into the circulation the purest elemeuts fur austaiaiag au4 repairing tbe frame thousands of persons have testified that hy their use alonq tbey have beau restored to health aud slreagth after every other ineaushad proved uoauccewful the ointment graduated with honors mccoll bros co lardine and other machine oils having passed the raost critical examinations by competent judges were awarded oold and silver medals and diplomas at all exhibitions hecollbrosco lotonfo ont m crojr- harnes trunk frl e d t hjittxs heoltlbixa axyttjtxo ts harn9a or trunks- to bare money ahotud go to r creech acton dr feliz lebninv ottjn i- a fanrantped cure or veneu dim art safe plenum ami reliable no bndefleeta ft bl froru ll use nessnr uiet docunot linrttns with bral- vtik ft pf r box or tbre boiea inras ttrlttentuarantsiasnfibret3r only aathorlied ajera lo refohd ih5 money tbreeooxeswitoeorj seotpohace prepaid t on recelpeof price r ix lb brtjn a co si a b stlv hromqyoi proprtelora if- oalafi aotborlaeu acenl for aeton on recelpeof orfblij 8leattc j e uettli buyilock blood will cure or reufeve biu0u8nes8 0izzihe88 at it john oenitkhapaaev t will be found iuvaltlable in every hoaaehold io the core of opoo sorea hard tumors b4 ict old wrauda oottefc colds sore tbroata bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and cheat aa also gout rhenmatiam scrofula and every kind of skin disease uannfaclared only at profeaaor hollo- waya eaublishment b33 oxfokd street london and sold at is hi 2a 9d 4s 6l 22s and 83a each boi and pot and in canada ts6 cents 90 cent and 160 and the larger atzes in proportion j0ioriqk i have no agent in tha united states nor are nvy medicine aold there furehaaera ahoold therefore look to the label on the pots and boxes if lie addnaa is not 583 oxford street london j tbeyweapuridos 1 tbetrade mark of my aaid medicine ia registrared at ottawa and abont vfaah- hton aavtjaiitmto- dyspepsia ihdi8e8ti0h jaundice erysipeu8 salt rheum heartburn headache mr0psy hutteklha ofthehealt acidity of s the atmmflrt dryne88 i of the sou ped bori and every species vf disease arsabiar fttaas dlaordered liver kimeys stomaotv bowel8 0r blood i 1 i i manhooq hbw tt hwir- e8ttblfc jmbk wjehaterecebtljipnbuanis rreira ue lvnouiaa- aaawljs oluonorsv krsr easu on i permanent ieare clrjofremodblutrali allnaapaelioutmpedlmentae reauhinx rromexoeaaea i i jsjprlrefn aseejeienvelopeyonly lhet ortworn tvestamns r -t- tbeeeiebrataduiuior lnthls jadmlrawk- esaat chrly demomatrawa frmn myiwl tajjejajl f means f wnlcu terr anflerer no saa hatbiicondlubri may twmaxonrelrln elarfrtvaulyadfadjltjr tbmtore r the everriroolu and eterjmantnthl land- fi r mwuty i memfnl tneuee y im radlea tbe daoterou uaeorinl the nae ol the knife polnitnii oata stodj enrealobcoslmple eertalblndei mm