f- t i m i fas- 3 i i call and see my large and complete stock scarp albums british workman band of hope bibles books toy books photo albunis autograph albums plush goods toys dolls vases purses knives mugs plush frames toy cups and saucers cake baskets zmas and new year cards cruets 1 pickle stands card stands butter knives naokin rings 7 geo the leading store in acton for xmas and new tear presents is leririisnds jewelet jnjd fnsrcisr goods stoee butter dishes fruit stands pickle porks ink stands c c id an rji ne air ess lvmu m tin- tm the municipal elections aeic r u tor our par w wi r riitrr imjorturv vc- irrioi- i hon tv do gjj hiir vtir lirv a 1071 i tamtiuclkrskfu i 750 iv ikk -nlii- lwl mwi ly 1 k maiirvin svcoinkj by i i fiv wa- v1 w h stoiv tht- th- njnt of the fi- vxiut mtirifijrii iimix committo- naoplc1 critied utt itlctil the spvlicutiou of mi jinnic k gmut i eu for the ktuitiou vi tetber of third o- ivtiiimltirth pvticii k an k avail kry wrprc- mk in their vitil to the boiil mc-r- i jukrron rml pr imvry ctvrt j sij took tliuir ust- j mui mu iciulti that mi jtmnck i t- h- rocncii icichtr of thin ujurinu ii tt htr former fcslsry twu- j hrniani mid fifty dollar yrriel j 3 mr h i timrou applied for the n iid vf iiu rvms rvriythiiruy r ti- tciitry vi- iiitnulvd ti inform j piojcr m thvoi it the toard did not p- i iit prtr usi- i ho vhvl for iitiy otlur ltvit pkpjthiii tiiat for vuiieh it was dc-in- iiura llit li mni i w 11 simta oidod by 1 i l mdian thmhj tvwn iiall lv the j pl-u- lor iiln the election of trustees to tue iul ijarrcy suvj by the retire- icit lf mtr- jam j- matthews and d ii i the uurd mid thst h p utiv mo- re 1e iinl hereby eppninted return- r viih iutnictkus to civc propr nterial rro ayers hair vigor n ere with te loj and freihceu of j tmih uitci or trut iiair to i citcnl rich h in ue lighter retlhirriitbdirieiifri liaii liiir tulclecvi ii ballnm olien it checlt filirc of the hair iri itiuc- lt i ucik ttj fikir crnirth to rijor it jcevfjiig ltidcursc rurf led dardruff tui ik irarlr ctr dif icir to tli tcilp ai s ladlrtiiatr dreulat vfir i mieiuallm i oniiii hfitlicrn iir l rid-i- t ir sift lv xij itfii in iitr iil iirjxrti ilriiraie ir- ic j lilin j riiiii mi 1 billli rit- frmit aiy ji i- iai frfl luj lirirriiniifiiwl fi- imi end in x tbyrt tm 1 lie ueiru bli 1 uil lrt of lotll til aiis iuik vtoi which ttopji ihc fxil- iuzct tli- htir xiiii tirl nor pronth i hst- uiu- i full hfil rf lircroiif ri i new christmas adv kextjsneek lamp light every person wanting light should cau at w l brown govs and get a lamp7 we have a splendid stock to j choose from all sizes in glass lamps also t i iitii vi uiir jiiniui iiii- m nrcd ihir til kir ile pirjirrim 1 tlioili lite la i i iu 1 r m 1 i w ircs jui- tur of the scirihir t vkirrf avip iiaip iqot irlliit jrf itrxiifii for the liir k f fri uiv ixii eiixrifrf iu t -c- li- nklh if nor luir led t ij hft uif itnr ieilfa -r- t ft duiririiir net lcithir- rr i u- ti ieiiarrlhii ctcr fiilei c iiiit- ffrikn s kirikv ctvr rf ihe 1 i riiain fmuiiv of soltth ii mt jfi f ll- ir rt ivy ul lor this 1 thv liblic hirj the 1srnea rdjourirl j-ii- correspondence l- i vi r-pji-l-lt- fur thi opu- rockwoods depravity t ijic rf th chif which tcrlirc lc tilrh 1 liwe u5m avlils hlik ii i j lv 1cti tble to ciiiitiin r- r in- f iihriiine rrjitr cf r ii riie to rriiiisterr rn- ii 1 in faft ftcrv cr who llttt arriilrii frori l fln in ij ftf dlhirl of rij hkt riiitv tad i wti iiik a irs huh 1 i s 1 r new iwlh n irlh rrt hl th ilor hjlr it nj itw ts cxd k tilm tutouc bottle j it vcctioililt l some rory nice fancy lamps plain and fancy shades shade hinge plain and fancy chimneys in common and flint cias i lamp burners and wick coat oil cheap cheap cheap and dont forget that good tea w p brown co fo u vlfi tut l w new goods for fall and winter i yitm lrvalml me rv-ei- irilui ii- i it if cnuit n irt uz ornl s oi hciyiiatli- o te whe hcr he u ifu 11 his i mfjnii tutry w litre hurdrt- cf njiilir twtlirnaiiu to th- iiiy cf avrrf hah vigol it itu i ii t f ciitiiie tlie nasi etejtl- cil of it tile rrnrtrld br dpjcayerico sli by lu drzjjuu business brevities j some facu about our b mine it men and hotuoi of benefit to oar kcneral readers ii i iti ii kcvtrc now i t r iiy r r pr i kt r irulfc hut ci the contrary f iisjlji li iiivijih who coc ltr c tt t- mr i co- u tv id c rii- 1 p mr t rj a ru a r ci jr 1 tr lr i oc m j a icll 2j j vc ifjr to jr jrc a- 11 lio ab- r- f puuc i of r i tl ua nr lothfrs before 1 hit total hits fm j ieut tr p20 at j fyivi it yeti wiiil i nobhv durihle itid ehtip cult j kyles is ttir phice to go the urc- mil rhikt vtnvk nf 0 t select fruin iv it ju a mclw thv largest tok of icqt puruithins hits nl cps shirts itjtj irnvcr it xtl- ton mcllav j tle itet viiin ii ftetty cnttoni wincve fiuibvu ind itikstic ituit s j great if em rla 1 i- t tiie franchise to women cjtiiic n reeiit o ilide of the wdiks tj ti oti hti tie- j the oituri iiiiture ia uva out-ha-r- j eie0ii i mfki iiijiy ta sy thy ri rv repirt- hcy brjfl itin livlrrij- j ready uh- citiiii in ih- i r uiaj iu-u- i iiut mr 1 ntrlm l mel t iizj u uvcry j-iiix- jkrfoa who rt- f jli s rtljia lyikutitvi j lju ccuij- sclcli lil aiui t mi iu snitiut iv iirji iheir own hiiiitse tr 1 licnounc- r l s vxtjtivwiitl wbiionoitxlcct ccftt vrntty it the hnrt tnti c lotiniiy v lt s of iv in iloclcwoai ei thev ii lu cjtiiea if iio li the trouule to lini ovennatf aal 1 lie lert stflectioj f lefids live hlvlt 1u iiltel bv inv of the wi lj- ll l lwst trices al nel si j i wvco ojjii iii thie orderly ukui we 5ud tho rates aud imde in latest tvlei y or other chif uij liii h jilxce oa i jiliitfcn or it ihc iron rnl jiciii fouje to call and fee tiltni j i vie acton i jjl in thj bors bat in tae diidrjcrly store j fyfa acton tiie illva perfect tilting mi- if k mcracs t ertremely low- be m1tc f ici dorvu cuijii the y- iijiiiiij urcrjiu lyi trying to fud out irt thv ti j- t j unciiiirj for ine to v tht lr ii tc iiivlribiy continues ts ion rhi-uacjnir- is ojt of his place it is bit t fr w miicfoiit- of the iaot popujtr cliqcb lt- f citieijih fi io i iivlu ucauie f cutb e-otl-iils- 7li d id kje fcnukentotbe derils ir a storv lvebr tr jozrt old it is e jiitr jioiivs viu pci the cnie of tht i in the matter t jfjtvl roiret lis btin tronra to rlj onilu who iile tjll him thit the bov the hct aurlmcut of dbck and dl- aretl volvet- ltdie maiitlei avodlluusuii koitted goods in the tokii it xtlson t j fjinc rlj sroiiilu who iile tjll him thit the bov i- cilc on is ijtijfl u to 1 f vj lh uovir well ccrtainlv ujv ty dul ai nt are n ji truue election- if rry property tmiyifici- t it s riiiny ults ho mr iciitor 1 tm oui to tell yon riiitliii vriiirh i woajd ftiu cnra ucsiid lftirii the fu tnl fiiiiiiuer iaoth two younj ttorctn jiliti fron acton thit pood little plcetrne rtukriv tcifo or thrice a wetk on nanny rioes not tipper j i the tim ovit train conduced p nii thtmlvca in such e manner thit even the i ditmc iiock ro t ted tliccoashle to attend itrei th vbojl and j thit trtutnjetoji th- viiita of the5 prostitute and it oue of tha lojs did depart lomewhat tri tiie ijolitsril frau- from the prths of virtue ecu tre cot blame thit poilvlittl villigecf acton for ths cause doci j livh m iti fy fiin the ftirfaiuo of the ban- ii ii fr te movement is rnk- rvv in catitlihi and veliave tijij ii nttid forth in support iii- cliunied lu1 we hoe no rtiron rjio hve procrty loim not iii tuey tiixed fjr it the rue where property u lured v ie reireeutc1bv rome one ucr couutv ol hsiton if so i cannot help it it is b fat us mr lditor i do not mesn to tiy ibt or boys ere jat khft tiiey thonld be but they lirf- not jjh f citizen rcprents them nci 1 thitih it votilj hart- reetel fsr more credit on him had he titd the high ixwitioii which he orcapies in endesvoritii to educate the youth of his tillage to a higher inara1 etandinj thm in rithcnni jti r lot of old fives stories ana rab- t cd tt70 c 1 ct to ronkv to loan ukiwtl i i m- at sis eer cent clauki acakniffr p iianrirrr ar cuttens block guelpli 0 oalfoksale tbe undersigned intends keepioc constantly on htai a stock of hard and eoft stove coal of kii kinds wliich will l dtlivered to nny part of tlie viilece parties desirirs coal should give him call c s skith ttavlax barber shop ltie ard a- ejiwr in your little editorial hii opened barber shop in the premises vou clijint in rjth cjttn in estollmg acton ji t c ji il tne iieu o itocksrood vhile on tje same i j kcujied by dr forster as a medical jiarj voa nave an item vrnicb sajs tbe faimers ofuce and solicits a share of the patronage the uiifi- viii nrj doubt be brought ud j in tbe viciuny ol acton are losinu fowls and l 0 li yicinitv every department of th nt the nicaii- of the coundlneu tuesday scti business ill be conducted in rirstclas evenii ad ve trust they vail concur in the lctioti ui the cojci ntmed above board of education hoping i thell not liive the iieteity to irotible joi viu i reniein yuur ic a roclvoodi3ov poctf owl dec 3rd iw conccnice the fctrictures in lha laxt t-ara- griph of the tbovc- adoresei to ns we nave i he triirteea of acton public schodl met only to reply thit vre in no wie endorwd the statements of citizen in our item hurt weojc iii tiie ouci lhuuiijer on iodatiy even- i ve only aci our rcsders thit the author of i orlvi le letter wtt t msn of integrity tnd cots wfcin- v r t ic hyporitcal faulmnder having co stindieff jicawri present ir james jinttbews orrespet in the village in whichheixarciiient vf ttt ti- c j thishc kiilnniifhqiihes the trouble to give ctirmi ia jic ii btorej tto ite3 mmd reading smce tha appear- jame motc nd j k mcgirvin lre of the letter in question however ire liave i hjtt sversi cf kockw ocas citire and in epeak- juiiui oi in meiitjg res1 eua con- in5 cf the letter thej informed usthatthe etate- rmri ients miueby ciuzen ware trjetnd without 9neuon is every rcapt iks ham cc connaittcc icrcscstai tiir jiecrrin to teyonxtometiotinbcc2iisg tf- j- chnmctcr rjpartdd to tail from actos we feci trcilu rcpjit rcajaacesdids et fcf czuci epos to infarc a fiocimjod iioyf that the following acct5 cunitcdwifithochctcnrctflrrpd w to and microhm taattlhorfco la apparaatly thai jlorc sdiry r 552 fj neniintvd sth thetn and thtax taore- jii gooi do 7j1 cicnt ttiii pme thcr they ararosidacta of ju- brtn j eriiicte the eviled fe2c pczssj style- give us a call jan 23rd 1s53 aas j p borden wellington marble works quebec st goelph john h hamilton propfiletor formerly mcquillan fehamilton deilcr io murble graniti nad sverjthiog porttiiuir j to rasefery work hccdvxd ist priaj at frovinciii ex hibition gndph tba wsstern fair ind u local oxhibitiotis for esceleac2 of matoinl and superiority of vrorkraanship yozt orders are solicited immense superb stock at the mammoth house bargains mcueod anderson fc co j ml- have pkamirc 11 ainnunciiii tjt liieir stck w3 never before ill suh an attractive con ditiou ir tlie jiibhc fur vnity viteut and cbispues they have faiily suipafsed i tlicuiselvv i ileal hr in 11 lines if no ds an immense lice cf winccva for- i u tc lue lie hlii j- ill ilv is- tile akve are the cheap cid ever df- fiied to the piildie in ti and ccitu tiids wctook advmtae of the severe j dtiremu liiuht lrh ud tn now cukt thtrirelnil at itssthan present je salt price they lnim- ivuci d lalciy in woeileu gols genu suitings and overclaim vvc iiave i iinnune isintmcijt market has c intributed its quota to wards this ftnek tin- jup uf dur carmenu in our taikiricp deparlmenl is en- surpusd for inlc lit clicpnesf and durabliiy gents fumishicrs in every ecu- ccivibe ilescriptiin at el prices our dress goods department is replete with all tlie utet style- of- llr rioods iuciudicj black ond colored cashmeres slack and chiid silk- fmcy sjlks latetl trimminr in every oonceivable descriilion our dres- tnakina and manibuiakinu hepartment is carried on in firsteiass style tliarges muderate- avnbti lit witii efiiciency dadiesneed cot hesitate leaving their ordurs with ns wedduu- and monruiiic orders a specialty our millinery depart roetit is under tlie iiiiniairement of an eliico nl aud cipctienccd iiard and tve turn out noveltici in miilmery thit gladdens the hearts of the ladies we have an eilenaire slock proper variety and 11 nl lioel liotloni prices we have a larje acd eltem- ive stock of larpeishrtiels tspestry supers and 3ply carpet tciou and hemp caqiets oil cloths and linoleums curtains table covers window blinds cc e are satuhed that oar irrce sok and cheap prices surpasses macr citv houses for sir aud cheapness and we are satisfied no house shall offer von such value ns we shall mantles and shawls eaherdaaherv acd small wares heady- made clothinnin mens yoaths and roys immense stock and at fcarfulh- low prices overcoats in mens voutui and boys bic stock die earcdcs boots shoes extensive stock low prices furs iu icaon we have a great many foods we cannot enumerate vetimly remin you that through our long experience and un- lwnbted position m the markets as rcicrds credit and money that we have an outlet of 2 lare hutinet bluce anit that we have a position ahead of ordinary retailer that we buy noisily direct from tlie manufacturers and we sell von coo s at whole- sal- prices wc shell be pleased cud thanlfu for your prdronarje bv palronircr ns you will uiake money for yourselves inspection invited the wonderful man wrty we did it riome people are very unreasonable amtwill nut see the deirability of making changes even though the cliarjge in the end prive a di rect benefit to themselves a big drop has taken places in the silk market aud we believe that by the month oqiay all kinds of silk goods will be much cheaper than at present i therefore we make a change and one that immediately concerns the public and ourselves lt required considerable nerve to mark them down so low but weve done it j and are now offering our entire etoek of silks at the following des- 1 perate prices thirtyfive cetfts colors myrtle hunters green olive xavy marine ulne seal hair brown olive brown and some stripes sixty cexts fioois it colors slatq new shade chestuut brown biscuit brown olive brown garnet iiulberry prune arc sixtyfive cests colors hunters green myrtle brodze dart olive peacock seal hair brown slate ucw shade nay v garnet ic sextyfive cexts same colors asl above with three or lour shades of a color ninety cents colors amber brown chestnut brown dahlia admiral blue ruby jgarnet claret tally ho antique mvrtle bottle green j slate new shade sapphire navv prune ire mcleod anderson co mammoth house ooorgetowit the favorite oyster parlor a e matthews ts sow klxxivivtf duly rresh oysters finnan haddies canued flsli aud fruits lenioust orancesgrapcs covfkcteoxcbr and all other jjoods in his line the iirest isortrnent of plain and fancy bfscnits itt town and from tbe best rauiu- faclurers- hy culotncrs will find all my lncds freali aud in ever- way satisficlcrvv the oyster parlor oysters served iu any style during the i season or will be supplied bv tbe cm quart or jillon i i 1 ibmood cookinc apples rdtays on hand aematthews cuelph cloth hall our scotch tweed fall suitings have now all arrived aud ordeos for suits are respectfully solicited shaw grundy mxrchaxi tailors ouelph one dollar satin brocades in newest patterns and in colors to match each shade in the various prices of silks one dollar satin ducbtesse a splendid heavy dress satin makes- up very richly and wears exceedimjlvwell colors same as in line of ninety cent silks this- line we particularly recom mend to vour notice stable for xmjas photo gallery black silk brocades for basquos and mantles our stock of these goods is very large and contains the choicest patterns the market affords pletroles0c fl 125 150 175 2 250 asd 300 gros grain black silks immense stock weve far too many and must sell them price will do it but the price must be low black gros grain silks at 75c 80c 90c 81 8125 135 and 140 wbut meia figures are uo indication of valneqj yon ought to see them at once a few days will make a wonderful j change in tlie assortment of colors john hogg son guelph