trrmiiiiiabcambtwi c w christmas gonfacttonery larcost and best assortment ia town at b fxelsior bakery cull ati4 ceo 13 mckllv son jfr ton rc e ffress tncnsiu- mokmku due io lsss merry christinas 1a 1 vrrt- ic il ten u l- tii ru-ik- ktyl l tvr clcl taih nthli bo 1 iishvd bcoro ciclu r i biiii liriiilucns the hginii r rt vcikrs christens merry oirutni vail hue como bda cono chrtrn vil sll it- aiuadasl train of tvltotcanafcvm rcctm it upon us th- i xa joisod olj llw year briniig vrith i sweet racuorics c the jisit il rvicwisij ctcr rcaiiiutccnccs of bvjc days the hcno circle disjointed is u ireniztly the case by absent ones is supoi no io rvuaerel joyous anloonrillc by the arrival of the missing members ail a luvpy reaiiion once more 5eitelrrurithefvicboi4 children lck ci vith joyous tipttiney to the zr- rltur oi lcinyilioocd ssiu ciu d rrcit ii friend- ire exit ed iv u it tht the ict5ry aeort- mrt c s l v ul clirtri oy c t 1ij plie the uyjcdlck icu- the bjiy icsoviiv hx her encrie taiei tt iii urticulr eist- of the voir in her cdevr tonraih the correct velvet pbili ivnif uthtrfaautlhliie uir x ui c w ttriv raqoitil turn iu the tide mr mowats taw hiiiisler of education mr q w rom carried wost middlcux and bis ex change from the dominion houae to tho local ww effected without low to hit party us tlie liberal candidate hr cameron w elected to fill his puce there the reformer a carried westsiincoo which ras formerly conservative cardwcll returned the conservative candidate aud remains as before the result in the locai iioqfie is a paiu of two votes in a division for mr mowat it is said that the contes tations ia the other election cases or aome of them will now be dropped b lice ru trc i iht- cinri- the for- fivi r hi- hstv hoiiiiy ajord u- the vwvuy i uo vjd let as no j iv it i uiiicoeh for nothing is nz-reclr- il iiy of u5 will not be here o do j vhe another christmas coikroani or tie eve oft- harry fostivd crci loj ci ivjrx fmily reunions and the l- m of rcc o erth od wiu tonzeu we fel the indncncefi which hct ooitcus inspire tnd thautilly icok cch ovlt th yusr wherein we hive ceen jvnnittei to terfurta- our jlotted ticks in the baicc cf life it is well for him who at this teison is iible to tay he hss dne ihu duty ell neglected no orrorrnnity for lorforrsicj rhht actios ici streuzuet by ihi conci3nne5 cn ick forward to thc3ziin5 ycir with hope a3dtdiiiience ciuit iinn joy thnnzhoet hie world it is generja holidiy and cinse fie hert of the moit cynical to thaw 0it indhi eyts to brighten is he meets sn aciaxintince tni sivs sad receives the hearty clip of the hands and the cheery salntition of a jlcrry chriitrnis and a haspv new tir we none of u seem to fcrow tirero this uenedictico we never- reuv re throaghout the ion the little ievcno the kingdom of heiven iht is within u and which finds sch anirlc ette iiop on chritmis m peech sn1 ucti eymbolical of whit a milieninn of hiippies ope- to oar men tal dew when w- r the heavenly alutt on the firt contm miming to t-en- o id or yourg rich or poor rciertiy wish not5and comments newspaper advertising is new regarded a- the irot impdrtict bruicli of nearly every reteil bunes the growth hn been ovr bm nre rtil nwihe sdvert- ing tlii coidrrl oe of the legitimate esis of every weil conducted etiblish ititvjt in th connfrtoi it is perhaps neeicis for u to cl rt ten tion to the fact that the iijiz frw oner nasil advan- uccs to the- bn-irc- tuhiic t with its i hivaltrnbie a- aa adverfidng medium wnep le the order of the oav kov the iiurce companies have iormsi themselves iiaa combination and increased the rate- enormorly so that it becjnc- i- vry yriaii matter the result will ho wiih ci y thtrintead of paying higher rate to the cva noons icurnce coapanie- tijey will pa- kii insuracae eiiueiei in ihmilton are discuaicg the clii of a stock company in which erpnsei wiii ho largely cnt down in cose iuece of ecrj- man being his own aent the ijjurahoe combination fihoald le uroln rockwood news from our vtcu eurrctpqiidcnl a uamber of jattle were shipped from here last week for the toronto xmas market mr george drydea who has been attend ing medical college toronto is home for vacation farmers were ploughing in this vicinity on the 13th and hth insts this is a con trust to last year mr thomas moore has sold to mr ed ward cox his farm containing 110 acres ucir rockwood for 2700 mr ifortou kverton is patting in four setu of rolls for the manufacture of the new process hour he expects to have the new machinery running by christmas the annual meeting of rockwood and kvertou branch bible society will be held ia tha methodist church the dat for which meeting will be anuoanced in due time tiu collectors have commenced their work quite an citeaaive baiiuess is being done here in turnips many carloads are being shipped every wees to the american aide tho cid prices usered have induced far- nitra here to grow more than they require for their stock j mr aier burns has put up a ue hew windmill ou his farm it is a selfregulator and supplies the house itables and several fields with water the windmill wis erected by messrs mcdonald co gait and has thus far proved a eucccss large quantities of stone are being shipped to toronto for building purposes ina crib work theru is however no fear of the supply fadling short as the abund ance of this article is one of the things which has rendered eockwood so pictur- sta1 the gocae are they rocvwooditw l dont know naitiwr docj gitixien nor by blander thb boyi who do the oxcoptianal lioot- inh at and imaltin of oar fair wo- men and bravo men on th atrosta are maro children whom their parents ought to take in hand and what tane person would feel insulted by a child finally mr editor it is probably a good thing for acton an we have now lo cated it for a short time ago the inquiry iu rockwoodwas wher ia acton aify way i hare the honor to be your ac aivriexu or trctii rockwiod dec 17th 1883 personals mrs k reid of orangeetlle is visiting acton friends mr w broddy of winnipeg visited here daring the week mrw smith of ancaster paid ufa friends here a ihort wait last week mrs j m beard of east saginaw mich is the guest of mr aw green messrs alex grieve and d mckenzie of georgfltohu visited acton last thurs day miss maggie a moore who has been en gaged iu a millinery establishment in brighton daring the past beason is home for the holidays miss b a gordon teacher of the second department of acton public schools has been engaged teacher of leslies school at an advanced salary mrs m m morton aud little daughter minnie left monday last to apecd tho holi days with friends in walkcrton ana sur rounding country they have our best wishes for a pleasant time the editors table we arc in receipt of a copy of the do- uunijn dry goodt licjort and fur ha ahd cltking rrtvrd a monthly journal devoted to giving reports concerning the various branches of business named above aud published at montreal it will be found a valuable aid to those engaged in the busi ness it represents- business brevities some pact about oar buaines bfen and soomi of benefit to our jraneral readers correspondence wt vish it to be- diiticctlj understood that ire do cot bold crarselvcs rwspgscbls for the opir- ioat cr cipressioat ot my correfpoaijecu- xh illiit 1 inor tramc under the can- a3a tjairraijce act has received a freh rebu5 in the supreme court of kova sxitia- a mn iq kings county was fined fifty dolifs for a first oence and no goods being found to satufy the iiae and costs he vras ordered by the j usticz to be imprisoned or three months in default of payment an application waj made by hie counsel for hi roleaie from imprisonment under the act relating to the liberty of the sub ject- the grounds oi the application were that power wa not gien jostices to im prison for a firat ofence ujider the panada- xemporance act and that the summary convictions kix coij template imprison ment for waat of attics only in casos when the iffiprianiacftit ia aihyid by the auiuo impodng thipeoaniary ponaltjv judge thompran heard the application tind after duo deliberation refasod to dis- tharga tup prisoner on tuegroandffpreyeiit b3r mffifkal wikivn the sppetraeos haa for some time bosu tht tho reformers were losing ground in ontario- tbffeiectwm to friday howtty rockwoods defence tj li ldur oflhr frtprtt diue se our citizens most be very anaious for the reformation of our village when they exert such linguistic efforts hi advertisinj its sins and shortcomings in the columns of the paper of a neighboring village which village no doubt is phara- saicadly glad that it is so good and rock wood so vile and corrupt forgetting of course in its supreme cristianity what is tlue its neiguborh citizen says you might travel across the continent and yoa woald not find a communiiy where the youth was so completely outlawed as here he evident ly has travelled and knows or he would not be so positive and 3ct our citizens are not robbed burglarized assaulted incen diarized or murdered as we occasionally read they are on this continent- there are a few petty pilferers here now end then jbey may be from acton or its vicinity gaelpa or its vicinity or even rockwood we do not know where they come from but citizen says with great gusto the youth of rockwood including all the youth do these misdeeds utter disregard for all law and decency is entirely untrue as anyone in rockwood knows who takes the trouble to look at it as also are the assertions respectable people are insulted on even hand and cannot meet at anv public gathering without having to put up with the basest insults those who know our chief mag istrate best have more respect for him than for many of those withmore obtrusive pro fessions aniwe know he always ponishe3 severely enough breaking of the law when the culprit is brought before him xot safe for a lady to walk the streets after night ther nearly all are to be seen there uor and then aud apparently deem themseives safe enough i know no woman has been assauhel on our sjreets for yean aad very few insulted excepting some who are continually courting that kind of thing by jheir actions something should be dene jvhoerer was mobbed that en forced the law hercjj it will no doobt cure the youth to attack them- in he way citizen has done attributing to them everything bad in the calendar and mr editor if citizen had wound up hie remarks by raying sir the foregoing are bise exaggerations inftaj of facts he would havegot at the truth agam in your issue of the 13th by- atandsr attacks a rockwood boys defence of hi3 village in a peoaharly child ish manner he says citizen strikes the nail on tho head how by lying about our youth i presume is it impu dent of any boy to try and save tha name of his town from slander his reference to his satanic majesty ia elegant in the ex treme aud exceedingly appropriate- he mokes do forth or assertion worth referring to and would evidently maks good po- itxi toady iji reference jo the pilfering dono herd i may say thata party who knows all the bockwood boyb wae passing by the town hall ou the night that ho methodist tea- wting provisions were stolen and saw fcaogew w tho piilagewwijo were appwatly lwi te wmrtbing and may luvo had ttutok to flo wlf ualoctod and within the remnants 0 fetott aod wtae pxtgti hbro hatt stolen perhapa sbtow one ia ha s great maay good ple ia this wtnrld drtog evu thatgood maj oonw rf i m00 rtrow ftw toftrtw wftb g mf ww hits from 75 ceuts to 2 go at j vyul if yoa want a cobby- durable and c ait j fyfes is tbc plic to go the lircest and chespekl itock of boots t shoes to bclect from ia at xehti mcrae thv largest stock of gents furnishings hau and capksnirts and drawers at kel son t mcrae6 the beat valae ia factory oittooa wincey flannels and domestic goods at kelsoa mcraea the largest and cheapest stock ol ready made clothing ia the iowa is at kelson fc mcraei i scotch ewhsh andcanidixn suitings in ret variety at the eat end clothint store j fy ft acton the raot perfect fitting suia ad overcoxts and the best telection if goods tliie lowett prices at kelsou k mcraes suits aud overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and see them j fvfe acton the best assort meal of black aud col ored velvets ladies maiitles woollea and enitted good in the town it ktlaoti 4 mckcf daeklens tralcafialfe the greatest medical wonder of the- world warranted to hpfcvdily care bums bruises cats ulcers salt bheum fever sores cancers piles chilblain corns tetter chapped hinds and all skin emp- tijas jruaraateed ocarein ever iiiiltncc or money refunded 25 ceau per bor for sale bv j e mcgarvin i 46 a card to all who are mfferinz from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early decay loas of manhood c i will send a recipe that will cure you tree o ciiaege this great remedy vis dis c3veredby a missionary a south aierica send a selfaddressed envlope to the rev joseph t ismas station vxeic york city 950000 reward for any testimonials recommending mcgregors speedy cure for dyspepsia indigestion cosliveness headache eel that are not genuine j oote of which are from persons in the states or thousands of miles away but from persona in and around hamilton out we gare trial bottles free of cosvso that yoa cannot be deceived by purchasing a worthless article but know iu value before bayiag trial bottles and tstimonials given free at j e mcgarvini rrug store 48 kchjnc plies flnptemi and cr the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itching iocreaacd by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night scams t if pinworms werbcjatling in and about the rccfurn he private parts are lometimesaffeeted if allowed to cootioue very 6eriouirosult may follow swayxeb 0ivtxe5t is a plaaflant sore care also for tetter ft oh hall rhura all scaly craslj skjn diseases rent by mall far 50 cnts 3 boxw 1 jip tamps ad dress dr oayxe sok flhudelpjiia pft floldhy drugials i ayeifs hair vigor rmtom vith the loat and frathneai of mui faded or pay hair to a natcra rieh urewn color or dttp blaek umaybe datlrad 0r iu os hbt or rd ualr may t darxaoad tltla hair thickened aod baldnaafl oftac tiioah not alirari oured ill eheeki filling of the hair and itlaio- latos a woak and slokly growth to rlfor it nrereata and earn sear and dandruff aud livau uearly erory disease peealiar to the scalp as a ladles hair draalnr th yioor la unequalled it contains neither oil nor dyo reiidon tho hair soft flowy and atlken in appearance mid imparts a delicate ffmujle andlaatinj iorfome i mu c p dniriikir write from airftjr 0 jnu 3 ituu ul w my oalr euntmeiiceit failw oal ami in aliort haw i booam aaarly bald i used part of a bottla of jlvkes liaia vioon which stoppod the fall- biz of ihe batr and iiarud a new growth i aare now a full bead of bair powinf tijot- osly and am convinced tbal bot for tot u of your preparttioul sboald bare been entirely ball tw uowex proprietor o the lit arthur oaw knouirrr tayi arcaa h air vioo i a moat excellent preparation for uie hair 1 ipeak cf u from my own eipehence iu iue nrfltnoiei uw rrutlu of new hatr and fnakoi it lossy and soft the viooa if also a i are euro for dandruff not witbln ttiy knoejje uai the iireparatlou erer failed to give pntire ia lis fact ion ln ajtam fainnai leader of the eelbri fakbaini family of scoillib vocaiiiu writes front rattan aftur fib t tso erer ilnce my hair begun to aire ill- ten- cvijcnce of the ebanje which tleetlnf iiiue procureth i liate used aveni uaia vimm an w hare been able to malnuin ijaiiinne of youthfulneu a matter of mcraljle eonichee la ministers ora- linr ikluz rnd in fact ercrj- one who urea in ilmm ix ilia public jilii 0 a iitrott writlnf from 1 eln c a trrtcten 1aii april u iw2 lay tao yean nci about twotblrdi of mybalr ciitf olf it tliiimsej very rapidly and i was rh ctoriti 1u1 ou using avkss liair v ki lit tu fillf opd and a new growth eonueiiti and in about a month my bead was eourrctrly covered with short uair it hu cclrtnl n prow and u now as good u before it fell i rrgularlyused bat one boule of the vmoti but now use it occasionally ai a jromiuff vte have handrel of ilrallar testimonial the efficacy of averi hair viooiu it neds bat a trial to convince the most uepti- eal of lu viiae rnrraaxd st drjcayerco saliby au dniiai 1 iw iolft a guranted aure for irovovdobutoaadsettirialweaot- 40a7orun9vadoravalaiijiu od ah braio ana nerve irouhlei paused by or bwin work e uri self aboiivj mxn a ewry case or writtea guaradteo imguae m neyjefuded send lecfv beit aad coaiferttoiae sacterlbt jbrowus houaehald panacea has no cqaal for relieving pttin both internal and external it cures pain in ihe side back and bowcl stv 1 hrual ilhtfumtijm toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and ileal as its acting power is oaderful browns huaaoiiold panacea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other rjliiirof lnnmcnt in the world ahnuld bo iu every family handy for uie when wanted as it really is the best lmedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of ail kinds and is for sal by all dmcjrtsls at 25 cent bottle 1884 hn y s84 1873eleventh yeas1884 gaff canadas representative comic journal published by canadians for canadians and devoted solely to the interest of the people u distinguished from lb interest of political parties ought to be in every canadian home bachelor would find their lonely lives jrffibtened by a visit of tho joliy little jokar nce a weefc only 200 per annum lovrn mijht find a rrennial soarcc ef con- rersauon in the page and pictures of grip titer all other subjects bad boen talked to death jonjy 1 00 per annum politicians of either party who can- enjoy pood humored and truthful bit at themselves viji appreciate giups pointed cartoons if there are any politicians worthy of the name who have not labscribed they are informed that r grip costs only 200 per annum parents all over the dominion testify that igrips weekly visits to their homes are nailed rwith delight by their children to whom its ear- toons are a unique cduaation juai try a year subcripti3t and prove this assertion 200 per a tin hi advance roa bare often boafht of taklnsgrik send in your nameand 340 now geips pl1tforxl ftumoroas without vulgarity patriotism with out partixinshin tmth withoat temper l8t0as toir fsr oaly 3188i adehjss s j mooce uanager toronto cities recovered -or- explorations in bible lands bt frank s dehbbs dd the latent cheapest andbestbookon the subject no other author fives so graphic a sketch of eastern palestine its 175 illo3tratiotis are superb and rare and are from phototnaphs taken on the spot and executed without regard to cost it con- itains a comprehensive and critical history lol bible lands aod of the world from the creation j sahiel meredith atrent i limehouse ont will call upon you with a specimen of the above volume aad will be pleased toive you any information respecting it testimonials i have looked nver the specimens of buried cities recovered by frank s dehess dd shown me by mr samnel meredith ajjeut for bradley garretson co and believe it to be a valuable book for all bible readers i therefore have no hesi tation in recommending it to tho fnvorable consideration of the public d b cameron jlinibter presbyterian caorch the masse acton nov 12th 1883 iu a harried review of the baried cities recovered i have found it a volnme written in a clear graphical style bounti fully illustrated and replet wib descrip tions oi the latest discoveries in the holy land tho work ij written by bov f 8 dohcao dd for many years american consul at palestine and this fact itself should be a satisfactory guarantee for the excellence oi the volume to the biblical student and those ho take pleasure in biblical subjarta the work will afyora vau ible sd and oinnbt bm yifild si large field of intel argument to iitr eauued reader arid taken as a ialrrit uemjnent- ly fitted to stimulatothostndyof the in pirod rooord fho book is tastofolly gotten ap with fall legible type heavy paper rood binding and bowa mp and engravings with ihteiesting and via- tirring information the bonk la worthy fit tho widest oircalation and gpmoobiv saifprtmi fojei attar ktmtttttuswt pkrf cow roa turn ic aiierlaiieil lias fur iiil a bef o hi gulhl ciltklitklll iu8 edward moore clon not 2gih whs m oney to loan rwtiri rikm 7 at slac per oeaat- clarke canniff bisnistias ic cottons block guelpb s teeb astray 8trsyed from lbs premises lot 15 con 4 eiqueiing about the middle of august white twoyearold nteer with a split on the left oar any person giving information which will lead to its recovery will l suit ably rewarded jas robertson eqarsiig deo 19th 1883 xoal fob sale tho uudersigned intends keeping constantly 00 baud a stock of hard and soft stove coal of all kinds which will be delivered to any part of the village parties deairirg coal should give him a call c 8 smith rtanlan barber shop j t oeden has opened a barber khop in tbe premises lately occupied by dr foriter as a medical office and sollciu a share of the patronage of this vicinity evory dtparlmeot of the business rill be coaduefcd in lirstclass stvle give us a call i p wordes jan 23rd 1 ss3 rpervders for stone tenders will be received uy the under signed tip to the 1st january 1884 for the eupply df 30 cords oi freealooe suitable for building btouc to uj dclivertd on tbe silo of oar new fsciorv ssflov6 half ly 15h ajiril balance by 1st may 1854 tenders for whole or part may be given stating quality of soiie tilt iovet o any tender not uecemardj- accepted uolcwt satisfactory v hstolteytsox acton 13th drc 18s3 christmas greeting tb undersigned take great pleasure iu thanking the public for their kind pat ronage during the past year and in soliciting a conumisnce of the same would assure ihcra that her stobk of christinas confectionery christmas fruits christmas at christmas tors christmas cards is equal to any in town give her call all are welcome hks ff c kixg acton dec u 83 wellington marble works quebec st guelph- john h hamilton propfiletor formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work received first prizes at provincial ex hibition guelph the western fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship your orders are solicited guelph cloth hall our 8cotch tweed fall suitings have all arrived mid ordeos for8ait8 are respeetfnlly solicited shaw 8c grundy merchant tailors ouelph graduated with honors mccolbroa co lardine and other machine oils having passed the most critical efarpipatioiib by j competent judges wero awarded old and 8lv1r medals and plonas at all pyhiljitiqnb mmw bigger bargains mm ivib for this mufiih i am offerlac ray whole stock of 1 watches i jewellery p at rednced kriee my tiliap is filled with new moods new styles in every line the low price of my flue gold setts ladies watches chains necklets brooches earrincs e gar- prise everyone call early and have your choice and also have your eoods properly engraved b thanking be people of acton and vicinity for the liberal patron age iu the past i solicit a con tinuance of the same and wish them all a merry christmas and a happy new year wm s smith the watch and clock house of guelpb wyi brown cos for- christmas groceries new and fresh beautiful designs glassware and china 1 come and buy- your xmas presents i w p brown co new goods for fall and winter croati immense superb stock at the mammoth house bargains mcleod anderson co i uave pleasure in announcing thai tbeir stock was never before iusach an ttradive eo ditiou fur tbu public for variety extent aud cbeapiioa tbey hrve fairly suipassed ibemseltes urea bargains in all lines tf goods an imrreose line uf yinccyfr 5c 8c 10c 12c wonb c 10 12c 16c tbe abovcurc tbe cboipctigoeds ever bf- leied to the public in uotlons aud cotton goods we took adtintske of the severe depression boogbi largely and can now offer them retail al less tbau present whole sale prices as they have advanced lately in woollen goods gents soilings aoct s overjsoatings we have an imnjonse assortment market has cdntribnterj its gnoia to wards ihis slock the netup oi our garments in our tailoring department is on- surpassed fowtytej fit cheapness and dorabiliiy genu furnishings in every eon ceivuble description at close prices our dress goods department is replete with all the latest styles of dress boods including black ood colored cashmcrea lec and colored silts fauoy silks latest ttinimiriu in eyery oonoeivabla descriptioa g oor dreaamalung and man dipaftmenl is carried on an firstelass atyle- onarges moderateconsistent with efficiency dadies needuot hesitate ieavlnfl their ordnriwuhus wedding and mourning orders a specially obr millinery depart ment is under the management of an efficient and experienced hand arid w turnout novelties in millinbry that gladdens the hearts of tho ladies we hare an extensive i stock proper variety and mi at rock botiom prioes wo have alarp and extena j u c brnwels tspeatry supers and 8piy carpets onion and hemp carpets oil cloths and linoleums odftains table ooveis windowbbndsi fie ws are satisfied- that our large stock and henp prices sorpasses raaij cily ils honses lor site and cheapness andweatesaulivd no house shall dfiwyoo saeb cannot ennmerate we simply remind yon that through our long expedience ands- bonbted position in th markets asiegenu crtldlt n il money that tic have anotiue osst of a large business blocc and tliat we bye a povjtirn ahteil nlonlinary teuuerf j that we boy mostly direetfromibe mannfaotarere and we f dl rot cnoi at boift 1 salp prices wo shall bo pleased and thankful for your pnironagc by patoamnf rr 1 ns you will make money for yourselves inspection invited if j l- tx