Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1884, p. 4

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ress thchsi mnrixa jax 11 1681 trifles wht ili u mine i utft little while j that or a day v met u11 pavo wa r touch i wi he cpoauit wt wbi u1 it uittw whether liairta brt and uve were true that tou pay me the yiu pithy 1 ertitt ai 1 pfcve you tltcv trifles cau it ixruiey mike or unr a human life aw fools as lightly tnyoa u nitlic ire hy nve orntrife tc yoa look tho fiiatias liart uuj break or irakcit whole am jjt boc wvrtl mid tor tow ravk nk mtu yrr n tout miue i ft hipu cillfug wy thebcu ritiflet tlie star lhoi ate uurxcelled foe cheap nei and brilliant ft colore- 10 tbe liule oiks m ibe most highly gifted people about chritaaas time a lady- writes 1 wis enable to rtmvt the corns rnot and branch by the aso of holidays com catc what relalipu daw the doorstep bew- to the doormat its a stepfarther one trial of mother graves wonr ex termiailjr ill convince you that it hu no equal as a wurm meilcioe a yonng lady called her beau honey suckle because he is always hangiug over the front railing for beauty and durability o color tbe trill jle package dyes beat the world if yonnevcr used dyes before do o now and be convinced 10 is it is one of the inconsistencies of life that we throw boauctfat the soprauo and bootjacks at the tomcat do not wear faded clctbes when 10c package of the triangle dyes vvx mite them look bright as new all tbe popalar colors 10c at j e mcgazriaa draff store 23 ayers cherrj feeler is recommended by ph sicians of the greatest eminence on both sides of the atlantic as the most reliable repietiy for coldi and coughs and all pulmonary disorders it affords prompt relief in every rase so family should ever be without il moliere the french tenor went mad over bis own whistling in this coantrr the neighbors generally do that tim pies and butekea call at j e mcgarriavdrug store for a package of mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate it is composed of vaseline car bolic acid and cerate and hasneter failed o remove pimple blotches ulcerated sorea kkic it cares when all others fail try il 46 the triangle package dyes bare won their fay to public favor solely on their own merits and ire now to be found in etqry sectiva of the country 30 colon ailptqct floc at j e mcgamae drugstore 3 w 5 t present is good advice- said the newly- married man as lie sold adupiigate nreddinggift drcdivinv rujnioiiart coagh drops the prscriptiaa of an od ondiu pre ritsoser the best rusfedy for the lunf in urge bottles at 50 cests for rale every where 23 the pullman car company have ft000 blankets if yon dont believe thu- give the porter fifty cents on a cold night end be will show ybtt one health is iiilposiible when the blood is imnare thick and sluggish or whea it is thin acdiraporerisbggfcs cpd con- ditions boils pmple3eadacnsi neural gia rheumatism and one disease after another is devolepl take ayers saraa- pinlla and it will make the blood pure rich wane and viuinnr- flow to treat weak loagi always tbrnagh the narfe keep ing th gjgluu loscd a much as possible wait and l erct exercise in the open ir keibuiinrfapatcasiycleaii and and tke bgti avpec fur coughs colfls aid brcachial trcclilcs 26 tae anlckest thing on aeporol uknjae flaid lightning forliearalgia hzxzcke ttfotbache etc it does ubt blister ordisjicrxievttinjequires bat one application to btaiih ah pain magically withoqt nsinzany greasy liniment or carr- ingyour heail in a poultice for weeks trj- a twcntejajvejt e mc- garvia dnijut 46 pectorli i pectoris pectoris the great remedy forcab colif brjrciilii sore throi tniiieaia haivtat aud ail affec tion of ik lung3 aud throat or ciict pectoria loosens tbe phlegm and breaks up the cou2h 25 cents per f bottle dont give dphidkvijimre tiijectoria all dmgsahafeel sffiisepcwscu it 23 a remarkabietempe miss mary a dhey of tunkvanaock vi nvpfr4qjfjieftifilfa asthma and bronchitis during which time the jet physicuq tiajd jdrt op relief he- life wa dcefferad ajtijiif at october she procured a bottle of dr king new dis covery when immediate relief was felt ao4iueaujiiuftijpx a short time vbe was completely cured gainmg in flesh 50 ihri in a few monljis fre trial botfe dfittweertain cu re of all tlrroal and luog diacisea nt j e ifc- gadbtfe jfwgotdei 100 wsftlni sfoscolasich write i have ueeddr thdmaa eclecl ric dil on liorsta for diewrtdtflrn1tnd found it to be jusl us yon recommendod it has done justice to me every lime and it u tbe beat oil for bone i ever used- olwerre that the nmi3ftlminai feltric oil irwtosjfifc rtnwewmbmhere are imiutions of it the best medicine authorities declare that worms iu tbe turn an system are often in duced by eating tod freely of uqpfcej fruit and tod much 3vf9tyfi whatever rnay be the cose tremv beware of the cough i it may kill you curt it at oqm with dr caraoui pulmonarv cough dropa it never falls lanre bottle at 50 cents for iroryvherc 98 mr alexander it obi own of exetar in writing alxut one of the moat popular articles aud one that ban done more good to the afflicted tnan any other medicine ha during uihvrt limo it has been in oiist once bsji i havf a tod four bottlei o kortbrop lvmini vegeubje ditcovary and dyspeptic cure and hare been outed of dyspepsia that troubltd mt for over ten vcftrt part of that time i bad it very bad and i was at considerable expense trying lo jtt relief but this excellent medicine was the first and only relief i received bkj af rteahlt one ery valuable feature of dr lows plewnt worm kyrap it that it is highly agreeable to take and all varieties of wordii tape wormi included can be safely expelled by it without recourse to harsh and sick ening drugs 1 26 a m hamilton writes for weeks i was troubled witha swelled ankle which c uised me much pain aod anuoysjice mr mavbce of this place recommended dr thomas eclectric oil for it i tried it and before one bottle was usod 1 wis cured it ii an article of creat value beware of electric or electron oils as they are imita tions of dr thomas eclectric oil s3 ttln their ladies mantles jersey vesta pur tiimmiags c at the eight house tu totlowinggoodi hr ikxia neelvod tbii week tromkotop ja largo lot of m vomeo woraenj and krg womu knltli jroy blao gudt uurown in ih nowe1 lvl kl iisoo hmdkrolilof ifmbrouorod klolia aiiwool krjneh dra ooodi lo tbe ltwt had u oolorand prlw t pwaolr klbbooi foot pllo muinotlo vtlratcini for trimmingi in dillbrnl width ut nd 8ilv bwidi frenoh satin crab to iimlaohlt gnormom took o taoo carutui buogbt at 33j per otmt lew thun ranutaotaror price nd ling off far blo unal rata j mta 1 juteiamino lambrequin and i anumaoauar i rer attractive nloo looking and clieap the pattern nro very bandwrae cmropton conou bo an b ve ulti oromptja clebrld caroline uoru- hi sid spring health corwu b hi victoria conot hi tv atkin corwl t cil rom durabtlitv ad oboapoen thow are no ooroui in tbe market equal to then two more cat of blanket arrived tbee blanket are flne pa irol uongni ior i the beat blanket maker lu canada at tbe very lowwt prlo tlint cath will boy them for and wiling off at vry mu probla fli art i l clirilma bona frenob faille ribbon and kibbou velvets imported thit wik 8wiu nnd mottin laoe cnrtalu and lambrequin thli week e s m preaenulnbrltiih french and oerman make lately arrival uim beaver hu reduoed lo about ooctwrd ibeir real value colored silk flube j lo7c beautiful lteal lace flandkerehief very obtap vory liamuome 4bnttouol klilolove in tbe newit bde ladlf cent and children vnton on go i i kind wmarkably eueap an lmmon took of new lyle of mantle and ultrt cloth direct from tbe malicf in etra aond wle new tweed j good indie qaiftid black 8kiru feltskirt and wftlte embroidereii nkirt unuually low and of uperior qunlitie new print in abondancc wiling oo at u per xm lest than tbeir real value ciupots reduced immcntely in price the kiglit houae king ttrect ealt cloje to hughtod atrecl p if- mm rsk ii hamilton dec 13th 1888 thoma cwatkins hamilton a raralttte streke wi u howard of geneva n v suffer i with palsy and jneral debility sod spent a small fortune in advertised remedies without avail until he tried burdock blood bitters it purified and revitalized the blood caused it to circulate freely and quickly restored him lo health 26 tie a solid raett the best jaltod purifier and stttem rara- utor ever placed within the rtach of suffer ing humanity truly is electric bitters inactivity of the liver biliousness jaun dice conalipatinn weak kidneys or any disease of the urinary otgans or whoever requires an appetizer toaic or mild stimu lat will always find electric bitters tbe best and only certain cure known thsy act surely and quickly every bottle guaran teed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded sold at fifty cents a bottle by j e ucgtrvin s cbadwick of arcadia wayne co writes i have had severe attacks of asth ma lor several years i commenced taking dr thomas eclectric oil tbe first dose relieved me in- one hoar i continued tak ing it in teaspoonful doses for a few days and have not bead an attack of it sirce now nearly one year 73 x aire far carta kre tie the finest healing compound under the son is mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate there it no sore bat will succumb to its wonderful healiug properties it isai invaluable dressing for scalds festerings etc price iweutysve cents at j e mcgarvins drug store 46 a buttlaf isduciut ko one would suppose that the iutro- dactioa into a family of ajbottle of per- nuss paiyij33 coax exriuctoa would be the means of restoring peace and prosper ity com are painful and constant coo- tciouinesa of this uooa evt the bsst ature produces nettoun deproision ill- umper rccklisineia leading a desire to spend their time away from the bosom of their famdy lu order to avoid the evil bove meotiooeci always kaep a bottle of potmans cora extractor ou hand- seid ryervchere kcpolsokco proprietors ifoucxjyt ointment and puu diseases of women xi edical science in ail agca has bosn directed to- alleviate the many malidies facidtntto females bnt professor holloway by diligent study and attentive observation was induced to believe that nature had provided a remedy for these special diseases after rait research he sacceeded in com- pouudinrhis celebrated pills and ointment which embody the principle naturally desicned for the relief and cure of disorders peculiar to women of all ages and constitu tion whether residing in warm or cold climates they have repeatedly corrected uijdertd functions which had dificd the usual drugs prescribed by medical men and with the still more satisfactory result thai the malady has been completely and per uiauentiy removed nest aad courorf lallie sajteriaa browns hoosthsjd panacea has no tqaal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back and bowels sore ihroat bhenmatism tcothacbe lumbago and any kind of t pain or ache it- will most surely quieten tbe blood and ileal as its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever aud of double the strength of any other ehxir of liniment in the world should be in every family bandy for use when wanted as it really is the best rinvdy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all pruned at 25 cents bottle the best prsolv the olobc i sell more burdock blood bittersthan f donf any other preparation in stock says b jackee- druggist toronto if tbe read fir will auk any druggist in the cily he will gt a similar answer to his query a proof that it is the most popular medicine for the blood lirerand kidneys known 26 l cntflsffceran hkerst are you disturbed si night sod broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and cryingwivh tbe eicruciutjfj pain of cutting teeth if so o at ouce and set a bottle of mrs wlnslows soolhin syrup it will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it there u no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who weer oiedit wwwiutia ieftfsr at on that it will regulate tbe bowels and give rest to tbe mother and relief and wekrfjfsoowoafw flueataod bet bmaje pbrnciiti and uunealu u onitod 8tatn vegetable sicilian hair renewer was tbe ant preparation perfectly adapted eurt diseases of tbe scalp aud uie first sue- eeaiful restorer of faded or gray hair to its latum color growth aud ynuuiful beauty it has hail luauy imitators but noue hart so fully met all the requirements needful foe tlio proper tiratmeut of the hair and scalp halls uaui krxewta has steadily grown lu faror and spread lu fame and usefulness lo etery quarter of uio globe its unparal leled sacoen can be attributed to but on caiuc titntirftljumcuttifutprmiki tho proprietors nave often bcea surprised at the reeclpt of orders from remote ooua- trrt wher the j had uever made an effort or iw ijilrodocuon tbe use for a short time of halls iuir hrs tr kit vondsrfully improves tbe per- oial appearance it eleauics the scalp from alt impurities cares all humors fcrcr aud ilrjuc aiid thus prevents baldness it rtiiiiuhtcs tlie weakened glands ami enables liiint in iniii forward ft new aud rigorous ptmsrib the effects of th article are not imiiiu liko those of alcoholic prcpnra- tiibul rrinain a mg uuevuleu maies its ot a mtter of ecoiiomy bughnghams die roarnc whiskers win cliaigd the tcaril to a natural brotn crbla1cajdc it pndoees ajcmironl eolor that will not train eway conslstiugof tingle jitrjrallan u is applied without rouble prepaltfj dt e f halls co naslia hh sold by ill ialcr in medjctam speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to farnisb everything iu their line from the best ca8ket to the plaine8t coffin ou the shortest notice and at lowest terras all calls either night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case i a firstclass hearse for hire wwe are in a position lo atiiafactorily fill order tor waggon carriage c of every description iu reuoume time good workmanship ond firstclass material si way used we have also a fjjlcrdid lot or kurnitorc both common and extra quality cheap flf you kill pay us ca8h we will sell yon anything in onr line cheap j a 3pei0ht manager foe all the foemb ijtw scroftiioas mercurial aad blood disorder the best remedr iecarae the most soarehinr ait uiorongb liloodparlfler is ayers 8ar8aparllla lem by all uraoisti sti houlat is si fon thill nurseries i east end clothing store while tendering my sincere thnnks to my numerous customers for the lihertil patronage heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my patrons aud the public thati have now opened a very large and wellassorted stock of cloths and gents furnishings 8uitable for the coming season as in the tia ki uo in the future i propose lo give my ciis toroo 11 tst value that can be had iu the tmde good sound material in all the newest patterns and perfect fitting garnuik it lowest possible prices hats and caps lu all the leading shapes tor fall hcnr call and see them j fyfe the largest in the dominion j salesmenwavttd i steady employment at fixed ailanea to all willine to work men and women csjj have pleasant j work the year round good agents ale earning front uj lo t5 fj per raontu ird espti i f sh ttroi oiid outfit ire aldrvss w stone wellixgtox 1 toronto ont h b8t family hew8paper ih cafiada ij king of weeklies weekly free press xarge 1 papex 8 page cut 4 pasted by kew machinery i coutaiiifi all tlie sews special market department j agricultural department capila story always running ingenious puzzle column funny humorisnia fjraales an endless variety of plush andiother picture frames suitable for presents photocraph8 tbe latest style taken by the new process no long sittings bring your pictures of deceased friends and nave them enlarged in flratclaas style cwhill acton feambs ia just tin tfiine far tha tvdu7 tissaiid ujand tbe paper will lieforwartudj to you to jtnuanist 19 tl000 ih premiums too most liljenj inducements ever offered in j canada to parties gettioc up clubs for ihe week ly free ptss send for premium list wecklt fbec bea 4 likheslt i autocate seal lo 1st jaauarr l for j 173 addresi i fbet press office j tolidou ont who is unaoouaimted with thi ceooraphy i sb bt txajhininq this map t thnoountry wiu tthi flour feed store the andersigncd has pureliaaed tbe flour and food basin ess rom mr robert elliott aod will carr ou tbe busioeas in tlie boild- in formerly used as a barber shop oppm- ite the old feed store i wil keep in stock and sell for cash flour cfaopped pow boiler flour chicken feed granlatd wheat oate peas hills tin ok depot good assortment on stovks cheap fob cash tinware of all kinds bottom prices j at eavetrougfting a specialty and put up on shortest notice first class material only used a call solicited j o hill mill st butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the peple of acton and vicinity that lie has purchased the bunuesa and property of mr w c robinson aud ii prepared to snpplyall with firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in seaeuu jt meat delivered to any part of town at any time having practical experience in the butchering business i feel col fid ant that i can aait all a call kindly sob cited r roltfes a boon toms worth their weightin gold cracked graham flour buokwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley barley rye ou oake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed fotateea turnips beans o sso garden field and flower seeds freeh and rood for sale oheap your patronage rmpeetfoliy cub for all fdf ofcraln qhicaco rock island pacific ry ung th orwu cantrol una afford to traveler br ruaon of it nrhraled geo graphical poattloni th horteat and beat route be the laat honhaaat and outheaat and the woat alortht apid southwest it i literal and trlotrr trua that k oonneetlon are all of the prlnolpal line of road between the atiantlo and the paelflo br it main line and branone it reaohe etiloago joliot peoria ottawa la all oeneeeo molln and book island in iiimoia i davenport muaoatln wathlnston keokuk knonlll oakalooaa fairfield peimoln weat llbertjr iowa oltr atlantic arooa audubon harlan outhrta center and council blurt lii lowai callailn trenton cameron und kansas cttr in missouri and leaven- worth andatonfos 19 kansas and the hundred of oitt rllbige and town intermediate t i great rock island route a it i famltterfr called offer to traveler all tit jadvantaam and ao incident to a smooth track sat bridge union depot at all ooniwotinc point feat kipree trains oonposed of oommooious wtllfkntllatko wtu hiatko pinklv uphotstwfd and buoa1it oast 60a0hu a tin of th most maoisinomt hobton fhoumimo ohaw oatr built pullmans latmt destcned and handsomest palaol latpmo i oam and dininq oais ttaacatmwledd brprea and people to be thai futbbt bon upon any boaaw thicountby and in which superior irmaia are served to traveler at theiowntalkawrvriprobirrakaohr 7 thrkt tbaims each wftlwirweeo ohioaoo and the missoofu bivib tw9 tbain eaoh way between mrtmqo and mlnniapous and st paul vtstheramou v7 v albert lea route anmajid1hrwatuammdftaui ixtween he p news blehmond olndliujia aaallmnpsn and u raivtts an thfosjch passencfrs oarrvsd wfmttipnmtrajn onwmdstausdlnfbmsbuoniawmaiw emanoluvatanilpilthlmotim ft b cabli r pills ointment tim isvompaltablk udwixe has secured for udf an tmperishabu fame throughout the world fur the nfvrafkm and cure of itiqst dittos to tratd humanity ukfir the pills purify reuulate aud improve tbu quality ul the blond tuev assist lhcdigetivo oigau cleanse tlie j stohacu and bowtls increase tbe setfretory powers of ttao liver bmim tuo nervous system aod throw into the circuution the purest element j fur sustaining and repairing the frame v thousand of persons have testified that ly tbeir use alone tbey have ueen restored to health and strength jafter every other means bad proved uusuceeaaful the ointmen bleli will be found mraluablejiii everv household in the cure of opep sorea hant tumora blgouwonaasqotfhj colds bore throats jbronchltis aod all ilisjrders of the throat and chest aa also qoat rhenmatinl scrofula and even kindofaklndiaoaae r manufactured only fat professor hollo way lktabltahmenv 683 oxfohd street london und sold at 1 1ja 2a d 4s 6d 82i and 33s each beit aut pnt aud lu canada jot 36 cent 90 cent and t jo and tie larger sixes in proportion acijrndh i live no agent lo the united stales nor it my medicine old there purohwrs mould therefore look the lhel on itt pit i and boies um addre i not 583 oxford 8traet bondon i they are purine j 1 sljllrs r mj i regirtrared at inmi4 1 and alo t weill k2 ctaaasrrra after fair trial shth jlrllsf or cure effected your monerwu 1 refunded pmez iioa sold bv i llirsindrn a nealebi errtrwbrte amount required to core ia rullows 0a to six bottlix will purify tbe blood eradfeutinr all humours from ibe coaraoi i pimple blotch orboii to the most mslig nant form of scrofulous ulcer osx to su bottles by cleansing th i blood will putify the impvxiiu fron 8allovrnea8 smooth uot che rinkltft reull iug from imperfect nourilnitnl of the bed sweeten foul breath and renovate th entire system osx to two bottijs will care oidinar conslipatinnorcoalivesesa thertby remcriug hbajschf piles biliousness and jaundice and all diseases reselling fiom tor id liver oxx to six bottlt by cleansitu the 1 blood improving the genera btailb and fortifying the system againtt tahint fresh colds will in all cases relieve aud in moil eases core that cimimon ioathrsome and daugerou disease catakuu j osx to three bottles will regoljte av dereugeoients of the kidneyf curing uiiusijy difficulties prostration gravel diabetef etc ok to focc bottlks wilr returigorate tbe entire system curing nervous sod gets era debility female weakness and all is attendant miseries the key m health unlock all the dogged svennea of th bow kidneyb aid liver carry ingofi gradually without weakening the eystem all tbe imprjrities an4 fool humor of the aacrefaons i at the same time correcting acidity of tbt stomach curing bflloqsness dysi pepaia ejeadacheav x idtzat eeartbnrn oonstipationi sryneea of the skill dropsy dimness of vision jatmdico bait bhosm sryshwlsa borofala flattering of tho heart korvonaness aod gen- eral dehility all these and many other similar compkints vield to the happy i of btjedock blood kttlkhr i iv bilsiiu a co tendeiurs tta ctqjf harnes tbunk i parties bkorieiso i5nuix0 1 harness of trunije- to save money should go to r creech acton diy eelis he bruns grlzgr ott s a euaranuetj cireor vcne 1r1 ifsef sufe plea taut a relliiblt xtj bnjetteti from lt uhe fofnot innrnc villi bim dfmor ulet rrle- spcr biixor tbci boxfr- llr brjt fl l lo e so ill pftsfigf it r qaieeelpenrprlre 81 east toronn hof frofrieiory j fi tfearvln ntiorixp iarpiuroi i i i ontario rixp i ajitxt for aetna wiljiicutte or relieve biu0v8he8s dy8kp8u ihdlqesmh jauhdi0 w8ipbu8 sm rheum heatttbvtm headache dlaordrod twst bowels t iqsburn 4 60 duzihes8 pgopsr ofithbhw acwirr of iwsroua dothess r of the sty oh blood tobqntd ii 2 mriuow asgresek j weharerecvljpnbllahedanyf edition of bf fslterwellvji aivlvssii op tnvnialeet permatresleure wlihonl at elofnrtottdewtymeitlanphy allbcpatiimpedteenuornarrlaftiteij rulmnromexoeae ja tbaprlreluaiuenvolopeotilj orivro pol x atampa f theeenikleuiatnot in this admi essay oliatlj demoualrate ftvat yoaranv secjdenees may p rdlrauy cured thettangereua hoi lutervl lied theue otthe lnmiaolniinsol sure at onto mntptoderlalr ami t- mean f rwulon jrjtfleter whathla ucutio majnejmayoni ohepiyprlttlyaineraneaui thta tctute ahdoktbe jiutae trtroutuntteverjaanilp afldre v j tv

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