Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1884, p. 1

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a l rf blimikd thltutday uokninu tk fkee wrtss powtr printing hou 1 mux strkkt actonoxt tksh rtuc fbe plana will beaeul to subscribers postage paid for 1100 per n- nam in advance f 1 50 if not bo pud no paper discontinued till ail arrears or paid except at the option of the publisher anvxanrxa rites casual advertise- meats 8 cents pr lino for the first inser tion and 3 cents per line for each- ube- qncnt tnscrtiou cwi prnreesioual cards 10 lines or leaf 400 per annum 1 square 13 lines1500 per annum payable in ft nnnths from date of insertion any special kotic the object of whtoh it to promote the pecuniary benefit of liny individual or company to he considered an advertise ment the number of line reckoned by the space occupied manured by a seal of toli1 nonpareil i contract rat one enumaone rar tsnco sill vmamn ne rar 150v nrit- umniiao jtrar- jw on e laua tlx tnmttif x ji00 alfelaiun tlxniuuht sooii vi untmlannwi moniii 130 o t e llaata hire months 3000 rtlfcnriamamrmonths 11 00 tatr otnm 0o k veramniwuviaweinc direction w i ll be 1 1 eied l ih r irbltf ami eh trf d afwrd- tnclr traiitnrr arttleranu motbe nslt ladrxar tn la tif offl ay moa m nlaxa her ue the twill be lft over uu the toilowln week r p moore kdllor proprietor termsloo in advance j the newspaper- map of buey life fts pluotuationu and its vast oonoetns 9150 ir not no paid volume ix no 28 aoton ont thursday jan 10 1884 j whole no 446 actan banking cot storey ohri8tie oo tthsmuacarfst tntatbcbbza10tbrwbll vtvre itfrntlnre aoatnaamwbafefaru ik kkw yukk business directory baskkrs iclorr onturiu a geseral bask i mi iilvi xksx transacted u9h27 mahsd on appsovsd sotss notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits special notice grand xm as sale at the 3eat store and cheap cash bazas cpr wyndhm sre iuelph 10 w bowry mb kp p b graduate of trinity college item- krrof coilege of physicians and surgeons 1 osce and residence at the head otfred trick si- acton l iet bexkett itnunl dentist george- ojr parchae of ttennin i read mid british teja vast bus laui cards cilia ani otber finer gooui uii bsca lia been lirccr ttta crr beior la iaur lisctl o coods ocr itock it too big tltofrtltr so wre iurposc of- feriaj oar customers special inducements lo make urcs parcliu oar itntntion i to ell out onr umniflceat stodc uy ke vesx v jobs lawsox gradtate of ox- tiiuo vettiisaki college toroxtd reuriuary surgeon actm onl office in keouey 4 sons boot aiid shoe btore res idence in the rear hone examined is to soundness nd certincads civen- all cslis nihl or day promptly attend ed to terms easy tf y 1she b t s- geobgetowx oat irill visit actoa every wednes day and will attend to all calls pertainii to his orafessioa orders left at mcgarvins drug store will receive prompt attention terms modente t j fisher- ch riggs ljs of the firm of riaos ivoar tobosto vtillbe at campbell hotel on the first ifonday of every month in the practice of his professioa all srert executed in ih- f latest and mot improved style of the deiita art xo chutje for cousoltation towat k ifcleax birristers solicitors notaries convey ancers tc tilorr to loiy- omce secords blnrv kftl st- acton- jl ytotrir vr a arcrrik cl sgoodtoxie barrister sol cier xotary public georgetown actox btxcjnozi in mra shards block tohxiday i- abchitkct gaelph ontano- ornci queens hotel blck 5arket t square 10 ceut store and cheap bazar cash jasfkidner gueiph cloth hall x lewis nis outspoken opinion the vcrj marked testimonial fronj col lege irofesaora resiectable physicians and other centlemcu of intelligence and character to the value of warners- safe cure publifahed in the cdilorial columns of our bealnewspapertihaie preatly surprised me itanv of tliesc pentlcmcn i know and reading their testimony i war implied to purchase some bottles of waiaelv safe crur and analyze it iksidcs 1 lock some rwallowinthrtcliniesuie prescrilod quaa lily i am satisfied the ntvdicine ia not iujurious and will frankly add that if i found myself the victim of aiserioas kidney trouble i should ue thi prejiaraliou tle truth 9 the medical profession ttand dazed and helpless in the presence of more than one kidney malady while the teti niony of hundred t of intelliffcut aod very repauble ferllenjcn hardly lcacs room to doubt that mr u if winxtn has fallen cjiou one of tlioe happy dicovercs which occasionally bring help io suffering hu- r j our scotch tweed fajl suitings have now all arrived and ordeos for suits are respectful i solicited shaw grundy aictchaxt jailors ouelph i60g worth -ok- christmas cards al0 3000 worth -of- new fancy coods an old iww sal by a collate door uowed aadiilcat oao mranjert day j his blao eyos vauduird tlitf lavdscapo oer j tliouu plaiuly lus ujougbu wro far waj tbo breeze louod hit hair so itbit aud tltiu a fricudly cn gtoocl his hauls witlixa whiie on il restod bis treinbllaff cbln i good day kind air i wjd with a iinuc ktepjidij amjo from uy usual war you wcid aloa may i rail a whue ay dearie rct tbeu i hoard hicn say a step iiear u- 1 was glad to sof so on it 1 sauk quite willlntl sly panama liting acrou my kne vou kku31 to be lot ia iliougbl old mi v kay i aai jou uowbm yflr thouljli had royed far back my ton bu my life began to boyhood bouia and tbe friend i lovod noo 1 am gray aoj bm uj old hat once l wu youof and strong and bold iiria full q uiifkbir too i am told with diaiilioodcam tbeoaclote of we kor ada campbeli i early mft we lovod and later i called brwtfe hal tooa the dieu tad j moujru br yet you disunt chorcbyard plaiaiy you too ily love lies there sbora f ooa iliajl b the sxayiug trees tecir to becioo me i my soa 1 tbougbt u you canie this ay hotr fait th sun creeps over tbo aky it toon vill set aud i uiouut the day when my life ibiu vaae is itrnwiu tiib tbco my fancies tbo itream of teatb lotpod oer i uv my love oa the other ihoti lad my haul claspc bers to part tio more yev toon my cot trill be facoat too llr form ia the cburjiyard lot will be hut uie btrdi will in u qot they do and lirei drift oo to eternity so mtuiag i count the boars nil by witch kbadows of e creep slowlr nitfb aud smilingly wait my lime lo hie r our stofy 500 worth of dolls cu-enfu- at days bookstore ciclimi the oldest drug store w b bragg practical millwright rsrfnnf oi fioot mills s speclaltt p o address boi 103 rocttood i patkkts scceed i for inyexttoxs j hekhv hist oitiiu ctaw jo tears pracrlce ko pslsntko pir farmers ant sacceir to t f hapman i bookbkvdee st georges square gnclpn j account- books of all kinds cnde to order j periodicals of every description carefully j toaiii eaunjj neatly and promptly dane railway men w il hemstbet wia bf licensed auctioneer for the counties of wellington and hilton jzlzslikbixhe fzzt pszfs office acton r at my rtiidencc in acton promptly outudd tc terms reasonable klover a lm also miueyj to loan on the mont favorable j trrms and si thelirwest ratfi of tntareat in sum d 500 and npyarou t iitfifob sale lima ca be htd at the canada lime otorks in small or large quantities at any time apply at the kiln near toltonv mill or to cfi 61iith may 1st 132 box 172 acro the orphan boy miss abigail burr was a little brown old maid who lived in a little brown old boose with her cat debby and her woman of all work prudence sharp of wngue and long of visage herself there was nothing of grace nor sweetness about miss abigails life everything was dry and hard aod husky indeed some people were so un charitable k3 to say that her heart was like a very much dried- ap kernel in anntsfaell and would rattle if she were to be shaken hard enough but i never believed that 1 always said there was a vcrft spot in miss abigails heart to be found when the time came to find it one spring twilight a boy opened miss abigails garden gate andjwalked up the path between the rows of straggling lilacs he was not n boy who lived about capers- town or he would not have dared venture i am sore for prudences sake besides having nothing to venture for he was an unkempt starred- looking specimen of hu manity his coat wae a world too long and patched ai the elbows and bis trousers is shivjles stated ivijfijujixv fj3b sale tbe aoderoigfied ha 0tr in stock grit- iuf pia- tvur nd ab silingli 8tre fail tunj htoiiing caii sodrttaimine tioci if yii rrauire jnvlbiiiz in ibc line thoi c moorb aclfli p o thoe a viojne arc requested ut call it ooeeal ixti ihfir anntioeririe tm emit will eucet tbeoi nulrabk lakms for sale 0 sesdrick rial eftatio aett h stltinn tiumiunuueiqiprte4 vitb biit tree tod berrinpf ill wta plenty of timberiaai lehooli ki ehorcfaes good inwkeu j k aales from philsdelpfaia plenty of oesleis sal fxm veiy ptojiwtiw j ethnste- auj tsd plcamot oeme nd tejoussu sad be coofinoed i ua uhusnj sod esrisge to take wjhsfshfrsejrf patent bustproof case j with waltham movement b savage ieipn tahe8 matruklvs atrent for fire insurance gos life accident insurance ticket 83qqq fitf 2o- per day agep fof the dqmimou stainsbip co retarp tickets issued 01 tickcu to bring out yoar friends cnurxg tbax ilkost akt 4thkb uare hnney to loan good jopt or endorsed short dsfe notes discounted agent for tbe cnidisn loan t savings ootaronto emnute or deeds moraees disosrms caattle uortsrsstm farm and honse leasee asroemente c clerk dir oonrt comr in qneene bench stc issuer of hsrrisge liosnses v oam potmaut and poak world too short and patched at the knees his hat was guiltless of brim and throagh a hole id the crown bobbed q little tuft of hair which had once been brown bat now woefully faded he went straight ap to miss abigails porch steps j hiss abigail waa sitting in the porch in her highbacked rockingchair so intent on binding off her btockingbeel that she heard neither the click of the gatelatch nor the footsteps on the hardtrodd path and she did not look up until the boys figtire interposed itseli between her work aud the fading sun set light he doffed his tattered hatcrown ll you please maam will yon may i have something to eat v it was not at all a tramps manner of i asking there was a manliness in his voice j which miss abigail could not help noticing ierhaps that was the reasoq she looked at the boy sharply for a moment before she answered in that moment jpmdence tall and angular stood in the door with a shawl thrown over her head and her right hand swathed in soft cotton ill have to get jones barjows to do the milkin miss abigail aaid she i cant ive burned my hand that bad tbe boy looked up qoicklyj cant i could i milk for you i as i have intimated prudence did not liko boys and that she some imes express ed her dislike in a very forubie manner many of the village urchint could testify now she surveyed this boy standing by the porch steps from his 1 iare bead not forgetting the faded little ift in dumb astonishment you might let him try pi adence said iiissahigail thinking dubonsly of tbe nervous moosecolored alo arriey in the yard 1 chored on a f arm all lt summer explained the boy eagerly lancing from mistrees to maid i want soine supper and ill he glad to do someth hgjto pay for it well yon kin try it m id j prudence after a momentary dalibeation its bettorn beggm a favofny iow she led the way to 0e lufc ben and took a ahiniugtin pail xronthjtd aw ak herta th mittpab athelftise boy who stood waiting i the cows in tbe ysrd yonder payaay ocjmee when dfapejibjng chemutfl i tbe work i dom t setting ft lancb of bread and butter and cold meat she felt morally certain that the nighty alderney heifer aed only to wamankind would be much more likely to spread a pair of bovine wings and fly away than to allow herself to be milked by a boy he can t doit she said to miss abi gail who brought her knitting work into the kitchen the heifer will send him skyhigh i but ho could and he did soon he ap peared in the door his pail brimming with snowy foam wall i never 1 ejaculated prudence you didnt think i could asked the boysmlling brightly ko i didnt admitted prudence and straightway in ber astonishment she add ed to his fare a segment of rbbarh pie wasnt there a bit of cheese left over from tea asked miss abigail prudence thought there was and while she was fetching it from the cellar the boy cave himself a scrubbing at the pump coming in from his ablution fresh and ruddy as a rose he was very hungry there wat no doubt of that he looked at hiss abigail with a deprecating smile as prudence carried off the broad plate for a third replenishing im pretty hungry he said this is the first bite ive had since morning and it tastes good to be sure it did miss abigail thought of a little brother who died years and years before ere his tender feet besran to feel the pricks in lifes path how strange that the sight of this little vagrollt satisfying his hunger at tht kitchen table should bring to her remembrance the child who had so early put o2 the mortal for the im mortal presently when the boy had finished his repast he laid bis knife and fork across his plate with a methodical precision which pleased miss abigail to see and then he glanced from prudence stand ing near her with arms akimbo to miss abigail thank you for my supper baidfee maybe id best be getting along you dont want a boy to work do you f a boy to work echoed prudence did ybu ever ko we dont said miss abigail shortly and then it wae enough that she oo aid not help thinking again of that frail life which had blighted in the bud so long before how far are voa coin she baked i dont know maam and where have yon come from proceeded miss abigail trescott maam mother died there three months ago there was a pathetic quaver in his voice aud then with a little questioning he told his simple story his name was barry olmstead and he was twelve years old he had lived in tresoott a long time he and his mother they were very poor but they hd kept a little home together his mother bad taken in sewing and he had worked for the neighboring farmers sum mers and gone to school winters and he had been happy for all they were ao poor until mother died then i stopped with deacon staples a spell be eaid he wanted to try mo but they wanted to bind me out to him so i rau away none to blame nnther mterposed prudence with a great deal of emphasis ive seen old stiplea down to ivesoott hes that mean hed skin a mouse for the hide and taller i ive bean trying along for a chince to work continued the boy smiling faintly he was very near to tears now bat he held them back sturdily but thefe dont anybody seem to want me miss abigail was moved more than she would have cared to own by his recital even to her who had lived for self bo long there w something indescribably pitiful in the thought of this little wanderer battl- best canadian goal 01 only 20c a gallon now ifi tlia tima to bay your coal oil- wcinbotham8 condition powders invc giv u iverl salif bci in ini i1w u liive ubvl uiein ft hte and cattle jestify to tieir e cellunce prepared iily by w g smith co wlatir i luld an rbgnl popart thiift eiipbiiieh rf the 6kio chapped hands srrv lips fnst bite ok- pre- psred only by i- w 0 smith t co tliorlf js home and cattle food 8m lii auy quanaiiy to suit purchaser diamond dyes in the murkej the best tod otiipest w c 8mith fc co freely this abigail said to prudence who bad come to tbe door j i dunno answered pradence barry heard and tamed i jgueu its because you leave the old blossoms on he aid hesitatingly mother used to say i moat pick the blossoms off one year if i wanted any the next and then he went ont of the gat dosing it carefully behind him and along the moist brown highway that is a very an common boy said miss abigail looking after him with ser ious eyes- yes assented pradence hes a clever enoagh little chap for a boy to think of his knowing about liuca continued mias abigail meditatively i mast cut off the dowers this spring an he got a good a mesa o milk from the heifer as i could ha done myself with a well hand pradence wunt on yes he would have been handy about milking and getting the wood for you said miss abigail an bringin the ctterd fcuin the pot office continued prudence its a good piece over to the village in muddy walkin so it is said miss abigail b he gazed redectively along the road which wound serpentine to the httlu hamlet a mile away barry was climbing the hill a mere pitiful lonely speck in the distance as he was a mere iusignincent atom in the great body of humanity miss abigails eyej fiiied we might have kept him she said tainh too late yet pat in prudence the two women looked into each others eyes if you can make him hear began hiss abigail for answer prudence strode to the road and sent a long quivering cry after brry boooy but the little figure they were watching plodded steadily on gimme the old tin horn oat er the kitchen miss abigail 1 called prudence excitedly quick miss abigail staid spinster that she- was without a thought of the ludicroasness of tbe proceeding ran to the kitcben snatch ed the horn from its nail and ran ont with it to prudence and prudence put it to her lips and blew a blast so long and so loud that it startled the birds into silence and set the echoes ringing from hillside to hillside he cn hear that if he cn hear any thing she mattered he did ho stopped prudence flour ished the horn in frantic excitement there was a moment of suspence and then prudence turned to miss abigail who was standing by the gate v hes comiu back she said j when barry breathless with the haste he had made reached the cottage miss abigail was on tbe porch we made ap our minds to keep you she said so long as you dont givt too mnch trouble oh thank you maam 1 cried barry indeed ill try to please you i i am sure he has succeeded for the lilacs have been in bloom three times since that morning and he is with miss abigail yet growing tall and strong and manly as thd years go by he tills the bit of a farm which had so long lain unimproved and in winter attends school at the village woere he is in excellent repute he is so faithful and helpful and kind that prudence is fain to apothematixe the horn after this fashion hamsome is as barnsome does an yon are deservin of a bed o blck velvet ole horn for the deed you done tbit diy the on that rests on the rirer in tbs shadow of leaf and tree with wlatftil eyas loakserer to the one far cot at sea the one that rides the billows though sailing far aod fleet looks back to the peaceful river to the harbor safe and sweet one frete against tbe quiet of the most grown shaded jfaoru one sighs that ft may enter that harbor nerennore one wearies of the dangers of the tempests rage and wail one dreams amid the lilies of a faroff snowy ieil of all that life can teach us theres naught so true ae thk the winds of fate blow over bat ever blow amiss what a good wife accomplished disraeli married in 1839 a lady some what older than himself who had a lair competence thns lifting him from penary the devoted lady who became his wife not only brought him a fortune bat the most valuable companionship she made herself the minister of bis ambition with an extraordinary singleness of purpose relieving him of all domestic cares attend ing to bis smallest comforts warning bin against enemies and striving to recruit friends for him thbse who know her remember bow every morning when she hod settled her housejuold affairs with a quiet domineerin activity she would sit uuwu to glance through heaps of news papers reviews and even binebooks to spareher husband thai fatigue at his ten oclock breakfast be heard from her all the news of the day got the pith of tbe leaders from the times was told of everything printed in his favor and often received a useful budget of facts statistics and anec- dotes bearing upon speeches which he was going to deliver prom the time ofhis marriage a great change came over dis raeli the fervid seuaasertedness of bis bachelor days was put off the florid im perfections of bis dress were corrected be became less anxious to shine than to please less careful to convince than amuse his sure helpmate scored for him so to say marking down all tbe points that be made watching the effect of bis conversational shots and reporting everything faithfully to him so that he could never feel depressed under a sense of diminishing prowess only a mans wife can do this for him by for- chanoe wise wortta he is not likely to be a true man who is false to god falsehood always endeavors to copy tbe mien and attitude of truth he who can conceal his joy is greater than be who can conceal his griefs our happiness and misery are trusted to our conduct and made to depend upon it nothing is ever done beautifully which n done in rivaiahip nor nobly which is done in pride let us learn to appreciate and vajne at their true price the little blessings that come to ns daily there are men who love only themselves and these are men of hatred for to love ones self alone is to hate others remember that yon grow older every day if you have had bad habits tbeygrow older too and the older both grow together they are to separate our brains are seventyyear clocks the angel of life winds them np once for all then closes the case and gives the key into the hand of the angel of the resurrection ing aiooe with the world buffeted tune drifting here or there as might dictate it had grown dark the lamp had long since been lightejd and there were mattering of distant tuunder in the air its going to rain said miss abigail you neednt go tonight you may sleep in the stable lott j barry thauked her the storm broke with great violence and while miss abigail listened to the sharp peals of thunder and the pouring of the rain against the windows she thought of tbe lone yhttle wayf arer in the stable loft with a new strange throb of pity horning came merry with bird songs aud j listen ing with myriads of rain drops pr idence was up betimes but early as it w a she heard the sound of an axe in the woo ished and when bhe opened the door barry smiled at her from his post at the chopping block i dont think i paid enoagh or my sapper i eat soon a lot he said io ive sput some kindlings and 111 mils f ir yon this morning if yon want me to pradence brought the milk pail v ithout a word but when she had prepare lmiss abigails morning meal she made n ady a good substantial breakfast for barr also and fradento smiled u tlje wlien he hadeaten it he took np biehat crown it 44 oo oat tbe way yon came inr said prudence or else youll bnnbedlnofc flajlgh two curious neaclles the sing of prussia recently visited needle manufactory in his kingdom in order to see what nuchiuery combmei with the human tuni could prod jc h was shown a number of saperfine neeii thousands of which together did not we hilf an ounce and nurvellei how such minute object could beperced with u tye bat he was to see that in this respect some thing even still finer and morqpejrfeu could be created the borer that is the workingman whose business it is to bore the eyes in these needles asked for a hair from the m anarchs head it was readil given and with a smile he placed it at once under the boring- machine made a hole in it with the greatest ease furnished it with a thread and then handed the singular needle to the astonished king the second enrions needle is in the pos session of queen victoria it was made at the celebrated needle manufactory at bedditch and represents the column of trojan in miniature this wellknown roman oolumn is adorned with nomeroua scenes in sonlptnre which immortalize trojans heroio action in war on this diminntite needle scenes in the life of queen viriab represented in relief bat so finely ont end so email that it re quires a msgnifying glass to see them the viotoria needle can moreover lie opened it contains a number of needles of small size which are equally adorned with scenes in reliefs what is one mans meat in an other mans poisdn good beef good bread exercise sunshine pure air temperance cleanliness abundant sleep a cheerful temper and a- hundred other things are every mans meat no mans poison it is true there are some things which one man can bear and another c vnnot bat they aro of doabtfnl utility if you keep to the good and safe ia food and drink there is nq truth in the old saw thu wliatjs one mina meat ib another mans poison this old saw is made to cover a m altitude of dietetic sins thons- auds of persons starve theinselvcs into thinness paleness and nervousness by liv- tu on white bread add sweej things and ileepimitap little ounel crocked wheat raliani bread and beefv with plenty of lee wovld mike them plump and ruddy riarry gave a little bat he wnt oat to theporoh was thoje taking deep brettht age fcndjb went off eiens path again between theuucr tfmwhut t when ai msa finds dog oolbr in a pirns of mines pis heieslss little sorry tortfe dog bnt bis sympathies jmspobeo trstedonlumseu v k issvnpwtutfcpo humor of the daj one of the utnrslists fiires the comfort ing asbnrsnoe as he calls it that a bee can sting only onoe onoe is enoagh a glass worker can make 1175 per month and if he wqrsi a glass ia another direction he can lose alii he makes and all no eu borrow amaffis abflned as a thing which holds a girls hands and dont squeeze it correct and any fellow s a miff who will hold a girls hand without sgoeesinf it i it isnt a great ways to the sod of boats nose bnt its for to the eadof its tail tbe skeleton in the closet was first discovered whea the hoopskirt was fiiwt- z it is bard to tell whan a li a mosojufo oradsuojantsiibscribetjsgouigt astfa soi ia msa doss not mssisaa back pensjoitbaoanss ha was shot in tsv bank few awomap can keep on talking while ahetwistsop- fats back hair and baa bar moalbmrfhairia3samysterynoty explained i j w i tit m am

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