Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1884, p. 2

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f ten tgrct grm tnrasiht slfih jut 10 194 the municipal elections a lively contest in the election of councillors j narvm the trcuus ol tin candidates or municipal honor both iu iho village and township urnolive exertion ami the re- salt was ori all hide a cum sra lively keen contest a far p ocr own municipality is concenwsl however the excitement ap plied oiy to the election cf councillors the rve hswu been elected by acclama tion for the ocice of councillors five candidate were iu tho field and it was naturally the desire oi each that some one other than himself should be tb left man this raiie a lively coutest ami the counting bf tn ballot revialed the fact that plairn vby one itros and threes had beou the order ol the day otwith- tandiii the enthusiastic nature- of the eleclio we ire pleased to bttfeble to state thai everytk was coalacted with the best of fecjiu on the part of the candidate and tueirsu purlers tie fouawiii is the rjesult of tao pjllio mr john kcnney be ing the candidate ceted to remain a private citircn be retaiued so long aa her mrvtcw are aatiafactory to this board at wvme nalary as laat year carried the ehyiuoi committee prewnud their first repottwcom mending payment ol tho f ollgwinooconu tj the t bloon salary doc- fifibs mim gordon do 2706 mist grant do 2083 mrs adams do 025 r hay co bchoo desks ac 1250 j c hill stovo pipes dx 606 martin flinn wood 200 h p moore printing 226 13589 moved by w h storey seconded by j t mcgarviu that report of the finance comniitteo be adopted- carried moved by w h storey seconded by w 1 brown uiat tho teachers of each depart ment report monthly through the head jmaster to tho secretary of this board the number of pupils enrolled in their several departments from 1st january isst to gether wit aggregato number of days at tended and lost by enrolled pupils also the names of those between the ages of seven and thirteen years who are not at tending school as required by law car ried l the board then adjourned clxbidit rci sra y c xo2 totji headcrci s3 co 107 caciro 46 15 91 smith ss 79 ismord h si 78 kerrey r oo 35 the colcj for ihc p ecit vc ar vul cpnse4ceuy b rete w ii storey copxolloe5 d henderson cs smith win ismoai and donald cameron thus we have tin council of 1s33 with the exception that mr cameron has chang ed place with mr kenney wither municipal business in the hands o the council ekctcl for isji we feel con fident that everything will hz attended to with a view to the lest interests of the macicipaiirynd with a reafonable anx iety for economy in finances elections eleswhere gcclcnijtrx reeve wm mcleod councilors barber tyrol taylor and grieve i milts y ma yur geo smith eeevejno white condlora shannant johnsun- ter and j p rojer tt h lindsay geo andrews and j k harrison jos brothcrr w hgbbs and m conway oixvxlix mayor qo andrew reeve w b ciisholm councillors m fcian c g mriai and iv wtiitater joseph boon j joyce and w robertson c w coote m- bkr and b johnston bcmxxgvrecve e g baiter councillor- c w cooker w j douglas james mortimer j k 0g esquenp reeve k lindsay 1st deputy joim warren 2nd deputy richard graham connciilor dr vtebster weuams yiisagiwryi reeve james jenzies deput- d wiethlan councillors d 1 hatcheon ttter gould john marshall taarilii beeve e bobinson 1st deputy a bci 2nd depdty husband goonciliora cooie savaje kelex- rceve depatyreve h- mmaicr coticcdloxs 1 dalton j peer j etu grriru iia or caieb cha5e aldermen golie uiijji iio bruce boce maddoci ccrniaci lamprey buma w walker bruce hall macdonald sterea- eon skinner co5ee rinlay anisttul esairiii eeere j matrie deputy benham coanciliors loree rea fletch er 1 ecu- towyaap eeeve j w bcirt 1st deputy reeve mciliilan 2nd deparv carrie co invars hczdi kobiason in memory of bertha orr lins ou the death of bertha orr daughter of of jim il c orr who df prtni thin life on fri day slh dcinbor 16sa gd u yean the light of thelioamihoid bu gone the daughter ejii sister io dear tlc robes of hrijht tnol the noirihu put on led ui eorv wiil ever apicar god took the voting girl he had given to emil on this earth for a vhue be took her to mansions in h eaten asay from all sorrow and guiie tis bat a fdir dayt tincc wc saw bcr so fair in her bcaaty and uloora til hard to tar goodbye and leave her xj leave her done in the tomb lion- tailors mother to think her darling from her thoojd be tarn hav sad for the now lonolr brother and sisters their dear sister to mooru but burtha would not change ber place for the fairest abode earth can give god grant we may all see her faoe and in happiness ever may lire now all moorniafi friends left behind your tears wipe away do not weep call the wcrd of ths teat to roar mind the maid u cot dead but asleep asleep in the arms of her sartour who died a lost world to redeem lis belter for her freed from sorrow though bitter the paruagtaar beca ur phbokh liinieitt acton a school companion business brevities some facts about oar buaineaa ken and houses of benefit to our jcoaerad readers board ofjedfasation theboirdof trustee of acton srhool division met in the council chamber on monday evening 7th int prfrieni mr jatnei mitthews cliairmzn and ileisrs w h storey d henderson jae moore and j e mcgarvin minutes of last meeting read and con firmed- the annual report for the year 1683 waa presented examined and certified to by the members present moved by w h storey seconded by d heodereojn that the thanks of this board be tendered to mr james matthews the retiring chairman for the courteous and efficient manner iu which he has pre- bided over the deliberations of the board daring kis term of offce carried the chairman replied in fitting terms and the retiring members vacated their seats tnc ncwlylectcd members messrs xhos c moore and w p brown wore introdocedr and took their beats- at the board the secretary took tho chair and an nounced the meeting open for the election of a chairman for the current year mored by w h storey seconded by j e mcgarvin that mr james moore be appointed chairman of thifl board for the present yeer3afriecu mr mooru then took his position moved by j e mcgarvin seconded by w h storey that the morer be a com mittee to strike tho standing committees for the year and that this board do sow adjourn for five minutes to enable the oom- mittco to r port thereon carried the committee met rose and reported that they had arranged standing commit- fiem as follows j fffh8terey financockminiitteojje mogtmnf dr umry tfaosdmoorei property committee w p brown i jm moore v by w h sporty f seconded by wi lfyf7b l oi mo fwemdsd by hats from 7t cents to 250 at j fyfs if voa want a nobby durable and cheap iut j fyfes is the plac to go the larrest and cheapest stock ot boats shots to eelect from is at kelson mcrasi thv largest stock of gents furnishings hats and capssairts and drawers at nel son k mcraes- the beat value in factory cttoqa winoeye flannels and domestic joods at kelson meraee the largest and cheapest slock ol reiilj mae cithcg in the town is at kelson 4 mcraes scotch eulish and canadian saltiest in rtut variety st the east end clothtni jtore j fyft acton the raot perfect fitting sails asd overcoifs and he iest selection of gartd the iowcat price at kelsou t mcraes suits and overcoats al extremely lev ratet and made in latest styles be sore o call and see them j fvfe acton the best assnrtmcut of black and col trd veireu ladies ma u ties uoolleu aco hlnitted goods in the town at kelson ucras k marvelous story nut n two knot from the son txssz ontltuni mj ouw nrttot m olonr tv hhmutiri traahwt- k ud tklud0md mmr vul mu rb hubadlauietm i tklak ut uooiiui bin wmttlmll uu humor for u iwa m 7ui batltdldiiotibo ot t mmtilou ton os tlu wrlit asto iboat tn tmti mo front trw ipott vblek iji- tiii it thu tlaw it fnrfudj ifntd m u teeonrhliatlnoodr iunnyoabtnr tarrlur ftfflkted and ftnobeto pk7whttt btbtctuiuldf tonroxdlela how then in htnenot hu ago who tnjtrf m good boalth u h hu i rald ouflj um tit ptnoai ho would ublry to tb fmtt in hit mm vountmlj w mpnuim fromthe father siilrss a duty for me to state to yon um benefit x han derlred from tha we of ayers sarsaparilla 6tz months ago 1 was oompletely eorered with a terrible humor and scrofaloos ions ne humor caused an looeesaot and istolerable ttehins and use skin cracked so as to easse the blood to flow in many places waeatrer x motcd my sufft rings were great asd my ufa a burden i ooranwaced the ose of the 8xasifailla la april last asd he seed it regularly slooo that time my eosdluoa began to tmpror at once the tores bat all beelod and i foci perfectly well la erery respect being now able to do a good days work although t3 years of ago maaytoqolr what has wroaht saeh a oars fa my ease and i tell thorn a i hare here tried to tell yon arms smuribttu glow tl oct tilett yours tratelnuy rixjjc pkoun attei sxjliijuttta eons scroroia and all serofoloaa oompulnte sryitp- eue eaems ulbgrworta btotctwe sore bolls trxman end ervptseae ot the skin it clears the blood of all impu rities aids digestion stimulates the action of the bowels aad thus restores tttauty aad rtreogthens tho wool system rarpaixd bt dr jcayerco lowell mim soubyaudnigglfti fl six bottles for a ftp ijt awautedterthe lives of all autll i otlioprcsidentsoftheu6 thelargcot handsomest boht book ever sold for less than twice oar price the fastest selling book iu america iuimensoprofit to agents all intelligent people wont it- any one can become a successful agent terms freer haixettbooe co portland mamc 850000 howard for ac tounioaiah recommeudinf ilcgreors secdv can for dyspepsia fediaestici coiliveuefs headache ect that arc oot euuine imue if which are from persousiu the staler or tlioqjuda of tiiics away bat from pcrsaaa in and around hamilton out wc pave trial bottica free of cost so that oa cannot be deceived by psrchiaic a worthless article hat kuow its value hefarv buviiit trial bnttles and testimonials ji veil free at j k mcgarvin drag lce 46 luliwar aeeltf fnxk spink wilton avenae torouta ome time ao reoeivcl a bad injury by an accident on the g t r the severe coo- alons wticqiikklyhealed by the ui of rlagyard5 ydioaplll 2c a card to all who arc suffering froni the errors icd inditcrctinns of youth uervoas weak ness call i decay lsa o manhood tfce i will ead a recipe that will cure yon fsce orcaaece thii creat remedy was die covered bv a nisiionary in south atnerica send a seuaddresed envlcpe to the rrv jostra t ixiia station dxeic yorkcxif ft 1001717 send sir ccnu for post- it 81 1 sh t ce and receive free a costly box of looda which will help you to iore money rhl away than anything else thia world- all of either sei sneoeed from firt hour the broad road to fortnne jpens before the workers absolutely sore at once address tbct fc co augusta maine- new coods for fall and winter 1 immense sgperb stock at the mammoth house croat bargains mcleod anderson a co have pleasure in announcing tbil their atock wu dcver bcloro iu buth an attiaclive con diuou tur the puulio fur variety exteot and clieapun tie huve anil 80ipifwd ueuikltea urui barins in all lines tf goods an irurueuac liue ul witccya or 5c 8c 10c 12o worth fc 10c 12c 16c tun above ure ibe cbepci ruoda ter of fered to tbc public in cotumi and uouou good ii took anviutose ol the aevcre depresaion boagbt largely and cau now offer tbem reiuil at leabtbau piemot nboli wic pricea as tbcylivo advanced lalely in woolin goods oecta baitings and overcuafciiigb we have an immenm assortment w ai keibus contnbuted iu quota to wards tliis stock tbe neop of our garments in our tailonuy depsrimeni is no- surpassed for style fit cheapness anddorubiliiy gents furnishings in ever con ceivable description at close pricts our dicss goods department is replete with all tbe latest styles of dress goods iociuding slack ond colored cashmeres black and colored silks fancy silks latest trimmink in every conceit ible deicripiibn onr dressmaking aod matnleinakidii department is carried on in flrstclaca style charges moderate conristtnt with efficiency dadics need not hesitate leaving their omnrt with sa wedding and mourning orders specially our milliner depart- man sunder ths management of an effimenl aud eiperienotd band and we turn out novelties in millinery that gladdens tbe hearts of the ladies wc bote an extensive lock proper variety and au at bock bottom prices we have a huge and extens ive stock of carpels brusel tapestry supers srd spl carrels union snd hemp crpets uil clolhs and linoleums curtains tabic covers window blinds sk we are satisfied that onr largo stock and chcup prices suinssn many city houses or size and cheapness and w are satisfied no htnte shall offer you inch vsluo as we shall ilantieiand shawbj balnrdubery and small waits beady- made clothing id mens yontbs and boy immense stock aud at fearfully low prices pverooauj in mens youths and boys big stock big bargains soots shoe 3bxteuive slock low prices fan in msson we have a prat rnsny gnofls we cannot ennmsrats we simply remind yon that through our long sxperienrr and on- larabted positioe in i be markets as regerds credit and money ibst wr have tn outlet of large buslnen usee and that we have a pwltion ahead of ordinary retailers that we bay nietily direct from the manufacturers and we sell vnn enri a at whole- tala prices we shall be pleased arfl uwakfal for yonr psironage by pttronlllrg os yon srth make mousy for jrenrsshme inspeetion invited meuod ansrsoii ft ar 1 masrimwhlfnm ottftowt i s4 alsusw6swibafam jin ijsfy ul iliiii lilisvlisjfj f x -tw- great special discount sale ol- immense sacrifice of entire stock for 30 1 days only commencing on monday 14th jan carefully examine ttie following list of discounts 30 per gent bonn ts and hats trimmed and un- crimmed wings feathers and flowers 20 per cent mantles dolmans jackets ulsters shawls and lace curtains 20 par ontsilk handkerchiefs silk ties lace ties and laces 20 per gent ribbons gimps fringes trimmings and buttons 20 per cent gentlemens scarfs ties silk and cashmere mufflers 15 per gent shirts drawers underclothing and gloves f 15 per cent kid gloves cloth gloves hosiery and corsets 15 per cent fancy dress materials of all kinds- over 20c a yard 15 per cant black and colored silks satins vel vets plushes and brocades 15 percent damask table linens napkins tow els table and piano covers 15 per cent blankets counterpanes quilts and comforters 15 per cent tweeds mantles and ulster cloths 15 per cent grey white scarlet and opera flannels 10 per cent white cottons greiy cottons pillow cottons sheet- ings aud canton flonuels 10 per cent prints cretonnes ducks and denims 10 per cent carpets hattingsrog3 and oil cloths 20 per cent furs of all kinds miuk sets astrncan sets french seal sets and caps in great variety our stock is all new aud bought if the best markets oft the lowest possible price we will guarantee every article sdld correct iii style quality and price and those availing themselves of this rare opportunity of supplying their wants with everything necessary in the dry goods line will undoubtedly i save akojsre2 any goods booked during the sale will be charged at i tegular prices o a o q ffi 0 3 c w t store will be qper day at 8 for business each 30 am nivan rcirw jx sttxtpar oeat clabkb i canniff bluistebsllr cottena block onehph steeb itmtbay strayed from tbe premises lot lo con 4 esquesing abmt the middle of- angust a white twoyearold steer with a split on the left ear any person giving information which will hud to its recovery trill bo salt- ably rewarded jas 150bektsox esqareiog dec 19th 1583 ccca week at home500ontlit free pay sjuuibaplnteljsore no risk capital not reqoiredi beader if you want buaineas at which persons of either sex young or old can make great pay ail the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to b hiuxrr a co portland maine jo al fog sale the undersigned intends keepiot constantly on band a stek of hard and soft stove coal of all kinds which will be delivered to any palt of tbe village parties desiring cos should give him a call c 6 suith t fcrvdeks fob wood tenders will li received by the under signed up to 15ttrrhst for ten coris sound co beech and staple cordwood fqnr feet w wood to be delivered to the under- signed by the first of marrh h p moore fbke ihimiorncx j aeton deo 3ln 1883 h aslan bajtber 8h0p lias opened a barber shop in the prenmet lately occupied by dr forater asa medical office aod solioita a share of tbe patronage of thisvidnity every department of the husioess will be coudncted in nrstclass style give us a call r j p ivobdex jan 23rd 1883 the favorite oyster parlor a e matthews ii 50w hecjtixg oa1lt vk5h oysters finnan hacdies canned fish and frnits lemons oranges tirapest- cqsrectlosejkt and all other goods in hisiae bisccfiil the largest assortment if plain anil fancy biscuits in town and from the 4iest manu faetnrers my customfrs will fiodyll my goools fresh aud iu every way satufketory t the oyster parlor oyatera serrod in any iyla duriisg ihe scam or will be iappl by this cbb quit or gallon good cooking apples alwars on hji3 a e matthews wellington marble wsiks qtjebbo st qoelphi john h hamilton propbietor l formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite and ererjtliing pertaining to cemetery- work beceived first prizes at provincial ex hibition gnelnh the western fair and all local exhibitionsforiexoellence of material and superiority of workmanship yonr orders ajre solicited thbchallplonor l the homes azalast the 8atons j a materly prohibition paper the lever the leading temperance journal f the united sutes opposed to license in alt its forms tbe pearleas advocate- of the total prnhildrjou of the prink traffle j tensrsoaoiljirr tear stliberal reduclinu to duba agents wanted samples tree address vanglsstilotrmls i 47 wak st oucago graduated with honors mccoi bros co lardine i and other vi j macwneoit8 havingipaaaed the iuost eritibal examinadona by competent jndges yere awarded h ool0 and silver medals atiftwrhaiij at all exhibitions j i becoll bbosbtj toronto hi oob 6eal9 joratafor poatae and we ml ytnfnt roysl valaable boxiol ida that will ptoin the- way tsw meir daya than r f w sooible u any boaini ss uettljut reqnirea- wwmtvt yj bomwork rr obly- twrnahoiitorai mteboth awns younx and old wtasrt be- imil pall mmmb

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