v vn nuhsti w morning rwt pre8s powtr pwlntmq houw mil tkikt actqxoxt i tbc kara pun will beirnl to ulortif portaf paid for 1100 per u- aauit advaiic mw if not to paid no paper di wauuncd till all arrears aw paid xvpt at the option of the publisher aivkrmts kit casual advertise- r jurats reals pot line for the flrwt inser- tiu aui 2 cent per line for each aubac- atut imrlin cash profotaional caidi t 10 line or w 00 per annum 1 aqair fit hie koo per annum payable in c iuath trui4ateof inmrtiou any special notice the oljt of which t to promote iha pecuaiarj boaefit of any iudmduai or cjaipauy to be considered an advtrtiae- aat- tuc uambor of line reckoned by the pax oorapiel iikanrvlly k seal f sshi n iiipjlreil xmnf kact rates ocs cliimvimc year ivoo lltuijrii tuic vcar as q ur la oi n on- year svoo oa c ja u j ill tumth so0 alfj imlir ilmuite fooo jitrir unntxmoii- it 00 j 1 0 iiti liiter monut jooo hair a ran hrtfruonitn u o jiur ittti ijire moniht too uvrlintitruinttt directions atttv- iiwlilf irtilttanlclirefiiweofd- iojev trariviticy iirrtlrmf rti- maitbe pah lujjariv cujuir remind advertueounumual be la t olw ur 9 moa m itvlaya other wise tar will be ufl avsr um uh following wefc ht moore tmuoralroprlelor teruftk00 in advance the newspaper- a map of busy life its fluctuation and its vaet concern 150 if not mo paid volume ix no 31 acton ont thursday jan 31 1884 whole no 448 actun banking cot storey ohristie fc 00 livnkkhs acton ontario a gexeiu l ha xk1xv u i 67- aavsv tkaxwtrfi k0jte7 x0aks1 off app07ec s0t2s notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits i wo rarcit rireir coi newrt ai- trniabamo1 sprue st vthtr dirrttili c aircu icv t made luc u ik kkw vpuk business directory- welowrv mb mc p s a gniaitt of trinity college hcm- ter of cjuejitf of physicians and bargeoni 05cinl resilence at the head of fred- critk st acton l -l- beknetr dentist cjegrge- j0hv lawsok gradtate of 0k- tivic ctraciaat couut toeosto vcilrinary sanjeon acton on office in kenney 4 sons boct and shoe store re- i deaes in the rear horse examined t to foadaesi acl crtdcts ciren ah talis cht or day pnmptly utnd fdta terms easy special notice grand xmas sale at the- ceat store and cirkii cash bazab wyoduim srnj juelpu 10 ch riggs lj3s ctthe firm of rigo4 itobt toaoxto wl be at cmpbellc hotel cc the titi itcqiycf evey monthin the practice of his profession ah wcrk executed in the utevt in lm3 improved style of the denul t art ko charge for consaltattoa j r pa twjx vaie qmtlu imii ardk ad other fancj ooodithi scoa liai uea iwctr than itfr iworc la tumy liac of eoodi oar took i too big tltoraihcr w ire rcnom ol- ferlag oar cut toiaen special inducements to cite 1itr itirche our iclcauoa ii lo u oct oar magnificent sto by sew ymx hi cent store and ctirap cash bazar jasfkidxer arowitamcleak i barrisler scliciton kori gonver- incerr ac- e3hcittt to loxc omcs r socord block mill ss actoc j a ucit w a mcliiv- s goodwtliie barrister solicitor xotijy pubhe ge0bget0wx4 act0x fractn 0m ir sin secocdf block cuelph cloth hall tohs dat architect gaelph ornru53as h squire ontano 1 block market our scotch tweed fall suitinc8 liiave now all arrived and ordeos for suits are respectfully solicited i- tt b bragg practical mxllweight earrfcigii ai floar muis t specillty p o address box 103 eocrwoi patents hecleed for ikyextioxs hekbt gei5t omi cutidi j 1 teifs practice ko plaf ko fiy shaw grundy merchast tailors ouelph t m okey to loc ifnirite rrtpsi t six eer cjeat ciaeki ft casntpf cstteas block gmlpl farmers ewascis ukak i successor to t fcuapwiai mofclbldek i st georgeisqnre gaelgh acooaat bocks of all kinds made to order periodicals of- erery description caxafully j faoiiii baling neatly and promptly dane j railway men rrrjt hemstbeet bioensad aaotioner j for the coanties of wellington nd haltou orders left at jhe fak pbejs office acton j or at my residence in acton wie bei protaptlj attended to terms reasonable 1smet tm lmuu i au3 moccjrto loan ontnc most favorable j terms and at the lowest rates of interest in sanu of 500 and upwards t i1ee for sale liae can be had at the canada lime works in small or large quantities at any tin apply at the- kiln near tokens mill or to c s smith may 1st isaj box 172 acrox i taslax babbeb shop j i t hobdev has opensd a barber shop in the premises j lately occspied by ur forster as medical j omee and solicits a share of the patronage j of this ncioity krsrjdepartmebt of the buii will be condootedui ifstelass atrle gire n a eall j p wordbk jao ard ij8j- i bee our h cton gnt n88 thuiudit mow jy- 11 ibsi foetly the fall of the traffic liquor lewis his outspoken opinion the wry marked iljiiniouiak from col lege prtifesior rtctuble physiciam dud other nllvmeu of iikiiijtnce and character lo the vnlut- of warner safe cure peiiished in ur- etlilorial coljrans of our heit coviisirnimepreat surprised me main el thec pcr4tjencu i know and reading their lef limory i wni imjujlled to porchaee none l-ottlc-l- of wiisraf safij crnt and anxlyze it ik i took some wallowing three time the prec riled quan tity i m slisficd the medicine ii tiot injurioua acd will frankly add tlikt if i found myself the victim of a krion kidney trcuhle i should uc this preparation the truth is the medical profefion stands daxed and helpless in lic proence of norc than one kidney malady soiile the testi mony of hundreds of imdhni and very repntaule ccntemen hardlv haves room to donht that mr it ii wiuui hat fallen apou one of those hirfpy discoveries which occasionally bring help to suffering hu manity oli for nn iuicl rrur like liin of oli ileircuiinj full of ijrtr nor to prucaiin 5it thou nntt mghty ru3 art fiulcu ia an hoar kor in ihee too u foand the mood of uati and innocent at the with ilcn urwl riebe too dont ibou aljont and flfypn anil kjuu of men when tku w heur the cry hjo because her juijnaenl hour is coma v fitrong ii th lord who judgeth h drsv nili lie briars her day of dooi what ucuih the jniful boarta th tu- of blood khe hed criei 10 hl ear lie wong ye workers witi the lrd of hesti tlt- victory it near bikole blessedkess a fib tell me not in singlfl iuglt uaniacc i an eciptj dream for the soul is dead tuati single- thing- are teddem what they kqi life it roaj life is irut siasle hleasednesi a fl ti uan thou art to man rcturucfii tai notaiiokanof the rib much enjoyment and aorno kirrow- is our destined end and way so to live tixel each tomorrow findu us nearer wedding day school books copy books drawinc books all the new text books full stock days bookstore glelpii ak oves- officious offi cer punished patent dustproof case with waltham movement b savage gl elph delhtaht farms for sale trtmhtuhtrerltrt 40 henoricks vmi uttu asmt bsiuira sdnan these farms are improved with bn ieaees frnit trees and berries of all kinds ood water plenty of smher hmdj ood toads schaols and churches joodinnjtjj nlj 95 miles from philadelphia ptamy of 4ih oysters and game very prodnebk land climate mild and pleuaat come and it for yourself and be convinced 1 m prepared with team nd carriage to take imett to see the farms free c wellington marble works qujbbbo st ouelph john h hamilton pbopfiletoe formerly mcquiljad hamilton dealer in marble granite and tterythinu pertaining toowtery work beceived fiat priies at provincial ei- hibitioo gnelph the western fair sad ail i sghibitiomi toy ffoeflen or m 4smios of wotfannbip tow best canadian 0al oi only 20c a gallon now is the time to bay your ooal oil hicinbothams condition powders have given cti verbal satisfaction and all who have qfid thapi for fionjs and cattle teatify to their ex cellence prepared ouly hy wg smith co winter fluid an elegant prtpara- flon for botighocia of the sitip chapped hands sore up psost bitej ac- pro- pared only by w c smith k co tborley horse and cattle pood so i j in amy qua natty to euil purcliaer via bio dtl ilye ihe best fndobcipeft in the nftkef w c smith a co dispensing cheraipts otndja 10u deo the quaint goodhearted benevolent deeds of the german emperor joseph ii 3eeda of sterling hamanity and pure beneficence would fill volumes and they vodd afford too most interesting readinp i hac already told a number of them and now here ie another certainly worth t-oll- in and which may be relied upon as itrictly authentic at his capital vienna joseph main tained no brilliant court nor did he hold creat state save when important aifairs of the empire required it it was bis- habit on all posible opportunities to be around amongst hia peopla the poorer the better and he liked best to go alone and uitog dayafter day and night after night did the popalar and beloved emperor spend the hours in walking aroond in the heart and in the suburbs of lus capital etadying critically the habits and characteristics of his subjects rich and poor and marking odt for future ciamination and settlement all such cams as he deemed worthy of es pecial notice eftrlv one morning while on one of his solitary peregrinations he found himself in the extreme northern suburbs of the city close by the jeidersdorf barrier where he saw a crowd of people gathering around a cart that had been stopped at the great gates he was at the time habited in the garb of an humble citizen and no one knew him he might have boon taicen for a mechanic ou a holiday or for a third or fourth rate tradesman he pressed for ward and mingled with the crowd wherol he aoon discovered that the inspectors the barrier had stopped a poor woodshry from the country who had in charge a cart loaded with firewood r the law of excise and customs were then as now very rigidly enforced and at all the entrances to the city officers were stationed whose duty it was to see that no contraband article was smuggled in there was no duty ou farm produce such as tnilk batter cheese eggs vegetables hay wood and other articles which the farmers brought in for daily consumption by the people those things being taxed to the producer outside hut it often happened that these same farmers would bring now and then a milkcan filled with spirits or with ale or in the midst of a bundle of hay or fagots might be concealed a few pounds of tobacco which articles paid a considerable duty at the gate ou the present occasion as the emperor crowded his way ntar to the central scene he found that the inspector had accused the woodman of having tobacco or spirits concealed beneath his wood and he had commanded that the load should be thrown off then and there that he might fully satisfy himself the countryman was an honest looking man ha had on his cart a heavy load very carefully and neatly stowed consigned to a gentleman of the city whom he named said he to the inspector think what an amount of work and wha a ipsa oi time will be entailed upon me by the execution of year order and i do assure you that my time and the time of my hone ia valuable i have never smuggled anything and i never will now good air if you will allow onu of your siftanu to go with me and keep me com pany until my wood ii ail jinloadtd yon will accompliah all that you desire and do me a great favor nonaenaet km thareapdnee of the wgfeeung official the tims of my people is also valuable i would have you understand- wiee4 sir pleaded tie poor man irijvfour mi would raer jj job man for his tirao than to stop here for j uch n teliotib and wholly unnecessary work it 19 for me mmli to judge what ia necessary off with your wood i off with j j it zounds yoar hesitation looks very j much like guilt at tiiis joini thy kmperor elbowing ins j wa forward amrusaed the inspector i my good ii swasin- with great rc- hjicct i tiiiuk it mutt be evident that this i inns i honest mi his utatcment it would j be el pity to put bin to no mach eipense and trouble inci moreover i will myself volunteer to go with him and see that he has nothing contraband in his load or i will accompany one of your own people oho 1 cried the official loudly and in sultingly an accomplice i do believe say fellow to the woodman ia not this man thy companion in iniquity neither k that uiftu my companion nor am i used lo doing iniquity yet i thank him most kindly for his friendly in terest in jny behalf knave vociferated the inspector now fairly insulting in hia rage and pre tending lo be dangerous do you unload your wood off with it to the very- last click if necessary and let me see another man interfere by my life ivill make il bad for him joseph not caring to suffer more from the irate mans tongue and not being wil ling to expose himself to thegapingcrowd turned for the purpose of making bis way out from the press as he did so he caught the wondering gaze of a commiaaioned of ficer of the cur4tugarilc who had reoog- nized hini be the emperor took quietly him by the arm and let him away lieutenant he said as soon as they wore free from the crowd you have seen and heard yes sire and i have seen that same officer on previous occasions insult honest people when there was no earthly need only two days ago i saw him stop a poor woman from the country who had four large baskets filled with eggs carefully packed in straw she was impatiett at being stopped and he in revenge made her unpack every- egg before he would al low her to pass the barrier zounds we will punish him now look you go to your barracks and call out a sergeants guard under arms come with the soldier directly to this place and watch narrowly the unloading of the wood- if in the end there shall be found no to bacco or any contraband articles as i am very sure there will not you will cause the inspector with his own handa to re load the wood in as good order as he found it also you will make him pay to the woodman three ducats for his time and trouble and thcn close you will cause your sergeant to give him twenty huhaa with the carters whip in punishment for the gross insults which he offered to re spectable citizens who would have kindly expostulated with him the lieutenant bowed and promised that the orders should be promptly and faithfully executed meantime the poor woodman waa busy at an loading his wood the inspector at tempted to prevent the bystanders from as sisting him but in this way he waa un successful for they knew the law and they knew that there was no law in the land that could debar them from such an act of mercy and good nature at length the last stick of wood had been removed from the rvt and nothiag out of the way had been found ail right haid the inspector with a i coarse laugh now you may put your load back in place and be off with you and and you may consider yourself fortunate that you got off w easily hold hoated a voice from the out skirts of the crowd and thereupon a lieu tenant with a sergeant and 12 soldiers of the cty gnard pressed forward to the side of the cart- ilr inspector you are to put that wood back into the cart in good order just as it waa before you will do it with your own hands beyond that you are to pay from your own pocket three ducats to this poor woodman to make np to him for his time lost and hit labor and trouble the officer of the barrier stood aghast he dared not answer a lieutenant of the corjudeoarde indecently yet he demand ed to know by whose aathority this order was issued by authority of the emperor himself waa the answer he was he nd and heard all coma make haste because i have another order to execute of which i have not yet informed you there waa no getting away from it ordinarily the woodman woold have lent a helping hand and hurried forward the re- loading but not bo in the present oas it did him fjood tjo ae the inspector puffing aqd sweating over his task and when he remembered that hia time was to be paid for he borrowed no trouble enough to aay the wood was all replace in the cart the three dooats jwere paid to tho honest countryman for his toss of time and his extra labor and then the soldiers two oi the strongest of them seiwd the inspector and fashed mm fcq one of the gate pout wbn twenty lashes of the carters whip- were dealt out to him he was not made to remove his jacket for the lieutenant knew that it was not the pain whioh josiphati ineitded pnty th shame and ignominy ant ihisvipttn got to the foil and we may vsntan fib deceut and proper exorcise of aathority not a very imperial or dignified manner of meeting out justice some may say yet josephs people loved him and the poor and the downtrodden loved him best of all for hesjss most emphatically the poor manslend pearls of thought love is h religion of which the great pontiff is nature the world is more apt to rcwivra ap pearances than destrts men with few faults are the ieast anxious to discover thoae of other habits are soon assumed but when we strive to strip them off tis being flayed alive those who are most disinterested and have the least of eclfishnc3s have best ma terials for being happy open your mouih and purse cautiously and your stock of reputation and wealth shall at least in repute be great if we did but know how little som enjoy of the great things they possess there would not be much envy in the world believe nothing against another but ou good authority por report what may hurt another unless it be a greater hurt to an other to conceal it even master has found his materials collected and his power lay in his sym pathy with his people and in his lovo of the material he wrought in a neighbors logic a gentlemen residing in the city of bing ham ton has in his employ an aged negro whose early life was spent south of mason and dixons line ajid as a chattel or pro perty tho gentleman is a keen observer of human nature and enjoying a good thing has drawn the old negro out oa many important q a est ions of theology law and logic in a conversation some time ago he said to him sam i have heard that all colored peo ple would steal is it so no taint eo tis a lie well said the gentleman when you were a blave didnt you sometimes take a chicken or a turkey from your master and eat it 7 yes baid sam sometraiea took a chicken or a duck or a turkey but lord bless yoa that wasnt- stealinv why not well i tell you dat chicken he was property i was property and if property took property to support property dat want stealin djs see could any logic be more subtile and con clusive correspondence we wish it to to oistuetljt understood ifaat we do not bold ourselves responsible far the opin ions or m of asr ooirespcnasnts humorous jottings a deer child a fawn catstpjphy a mouse fowl water a duck pond always behindhand the wrist the american press the corset a pressing necessity a tailor soose a fisherman has the largest net profits the hardships of the ocean ironclads crystalized themen who wear glasses a minister in orkney used to pray that all good influences might cleave to the hearts of his congregation and to their childrens hearts like butter to here ban nocks sydney smith seeing brougham in a carriage on the panel of which was the letter b surrounded by a coronet observed there goes a carriage with a b outside and a wasp inside marty rich tliis is good advice girls if you get a healthy man with ihe cosh but if you se cure a peevish nervous dyspeptic fellow you are certainly in hard luck for what good is he except to wear your life out with his grumblings and lamentations give us the man with a sound stomach plenty of blood in his veins a smile on hia face and a pleasant word for u we would take him if he hadnt a dollar were we leaking for a husband just now health s better than riches yon may depend the choice of a profession the youth of today who is thinking about entering upon some profession that will mosttrapidly lead to fame and fortune must be greatly perplexed whether to de cide in favor of becoming a prise fighter baseball pitcher or a champion rower and there is danger while thus besitating he may be porsuaded to throw j away his talents on the law medioine or literature and become a mere nobody your cheek is an awful temptation to me he exclaimed as he looked id miring lyat her fresh young face y ur oheek must be an awful burden to yon she re plied glancing at him suspicions y when a mans wife comes is and sees him razor in hind and his faot all over lather and asks him are yon inating f itsa pravpking thing toanswjar no fm blacking the stove w ifts human nature to so reply a mothar can oau johnnie its timel to get up for thr hours with mt making tuy impression htrt whwitiijoid mai ana we may vennro we i taps to the foot of the stairs i nd abonu nwrftatti he jhflattv johnm take bir bra ifaajwith iif rookwoods recovery to the educr of the fru prtu df ia 8ib according to promise i now take the liberty of using your columns to point out what i conceive to be a remedy for the evil complained of in the column of the fare puts the origin of tbii evil may be traoed i think to the want of proper home training there is no doubt but the home wields a powerful influence in forming the character of the young the great philosopher locke says of all the men we meet with nine parte a ten are what they are good or evil useful t not according to their education it it in the home that we most look for the first i tupres- slons herd the foundation of the cl racter of the future man or woman is laid here the parent exerts an incalculable ii iuence on the offspring what the father or mother does is not usually questioned what the parent allows or sanctions is at once lytflsffded by the child as just the thing to do just as a plant will be sickly or roloet according to the soil it grows in and the atmosphere surrounding it so the young of any community will be what the home have made them the old scrip tural adago a tree ia known by its fruit is applicable here we dont pretend to judge of the character of many of the homes in this community by actual insight we only judge by the fruit which is seen on tho street in public gatherings and else where and certainly if we make this the basis of our calculations we may safely conclude that the standard of morality is fearfully low in many of the homes of this village and the home training accordingly depcient if the lives oi parents them- selves be immoral and there be an utter disregard on their part of sacred things or even if they are professedly christian yet if thy neglect to enfdrce their author ity as priest and guardian of the home and family and allow their boys and girls to do and say just zs they please and follow the natural bent of their will the result will be evident on the side of immorality as tho twig is bent so the tree is in clined it is true that some good parents have bad children but it is also true that where this is the case the cause is found in the absence of proper home training if discipline is not enforced and the children are allowed to be saucy impudent and ill- mannered in the home what can yoa ex pect from them on thestreetin the church or in the school if in the home godb word is not read nor its precepts tangbt if there are no morning or evening prayers if the young are not taught to keep holy the sabbath day but are allowsd to break the sabbath and spend their evenings the parents know not where and to be on the street till midnight playing theirprjihks and working mischief the result will be inevitable and here we might speak of the education of the street the good book bay a evil communications corrupt good manners and many a youth with- all the advantages of pious parents and good bonie influences and who- would be religiously inclined has been ruined by the associa tions of the wicked and the education of the street parents who have the welfare of their children at heart should see to h that they keep good company for one bad boy will corrupt a whole neighborhood they should see that their children are in the house at proper hoars at night and know where and how they spend their sabbaths there are some homes in every community that dont really deseryeto be called by that worthy name where the young eat and sleep and remain for a time without anything being done for their bet ter nature the moral and intellectual in common with other places we have in this village a class 6f boys emerging from such homes as the foregoing just coming into the teens who are fast graduating in the school of rowdyism and following close upon thejieels of another class who have just bprung into manhood and are perfect in the art if the parents of such boys will not take the oversight and control of them then the civil authorities should in the interests of the moral as well as the intellectual welfare of this place the cliristian people should organize themselves into a kind of committee of the whole for the purpose of providing some kind of entertainment where the young might spend their winter evenings and where their morals might be improved what is being done for them in this respect ab solutely nothing what are the christian ministers of the village doing for the young f if the lamentable state of things is mentioned they say its too bad something should be done etc bat there they reft they preach a sermon or two on tho sabbath it is true but how many of thetaare directly to the young are the prevailmgsins of the day denounced and are the youttgijneh counselled to improvement are theyijiot afraid to speak out on this matter lest they might incur the illfavor of the wrongdoer and thus in some degree endanger their bread and batter what are the christian people of tins village do ing for he young if a mad dog entered our streets he woold be pursued with sticks stones and guns to the very death yet moral evil worss than a majt dog can walk our streets unmolested and may enter our hociea to the utter moral ruin of our young people and yet no dne not even the christian people appear to take lofficient interest in them to organw in- their de fence they are the custodians of religion and molality and ought td show awillujg- nesstojrescnsttoperishmg the low in- discriminato dance seams to be the highest ideal of entertainment in pe mind of the young and in dne sense they are not to blame they see nothing better in that line nothing better is provided in towns and citus and many niril villages there isprovojimadejtonteetfuia moral and jtotdleotiai needs of tojyonng in the shape oi serial gattwirinfo evetunglecjfaires reading ijoom young hjawtititin as- etc butherethhan ntier dearth irl this wgard whatttebhritjan- people ov gjnvto do is to provide some class of entrt linment of each a c vxuom tnte urt vlibftolqri t 4 fm