4 thiuk would tend to cdncau the young into k uituw wy of ihinkiitc anil acting and would mumn oat the low imraormily i by nbsiuuliuft atrii better but tirthw tiewiuit uu uiatlcrfrotfi fc bow uns ktawdiwinw tlm mpecubl people of this village should unite in restoring order and brine boat a belter ttato of affair roctwood han tircilitic and advantage above the average iu jvrinl of bnier j is watier powor its btkqtifal niril roraaislc bouicry its situation on tbo railway all conspire to render it on of the best bqsv nee fciw a wcjl o oho of tbe most at- 1 tractive summer jrcsorts in the province btit what fe the ftol kwkwood has had for yean a very hard name as ovwynna must admit this bad name hat gone broad and iwcanw of ihi people living at k distance are prejudiced afrninst it and business men dont care to bring thir families- here nor yet to invest their money etu bccauieot tfiedemormirir influences ot the community a christian minister who has a charge here bul resides cue- where was asked why he did not goto bockwood to live and he replied l i think too much of my family to take them to rich a place is there roasou why we should remain under this incubus and re tain this deservedly bad name none whatever in the interests of the business of tins village merchants and manufactur ers should unite in the interests of the moral welfare of their families the christian people of u denominations should unite in stamping out the rowdyism that walks oar btreets and let us be on a par with our neighoors in a social and moral pouit as certainly we are in an intellectual point and wipe off the sterna we have brne so long oar village storekeepers are stand- ing in their own light by permitting a lot of rough boys cc wouldbe young men to loaf aroand tie doors of their stores in the evening to the annoyance of ladies and others who go shopping a lady cot long eince said she would rather go all the way to guelph to do her shopping than face the crowd that is often seen at sonie of the store doors church authorities would only be doing their duty and would greatly aid te causeof good order by putting a stop toloafers standing aroand the church doors to the annoyance ot church goers respectable and wellbehaved yoaug men know better than to do it and thoss who dont know better ought to be tanght better but sir editor while there are those who are willing to be taught and influenced in the right unfortunately there are others who gloryiri their sic think it manly to be rude and reseat ail reproof and despise all counsel to reduce thatekss to order bothmg short ofthe strong hand of the law will suffice and one of the most impor tant adjuncts to the prosperity of this community is a sharp wideawake con stable the ratepayers of this village should call a public meeting and discuss this question and circulate a subscription and raise a sufficient sum to secure the ervices of a man who would devote his whole attention to the work of his ofice as constable it would pay the citizens of this village to give a man 500 a year to act in that capacity and do his duty it would be money well spent if the village cannot raise enough let it raise what it can and then ask the township council to upplement the amount with a sufficient sum the people of this village pay taxes far which they get little or no remunera- tion and the council is in duty bound to assist if that cannot be done then the ratepayers should secure an act of incor- poration when they could hare their own council and manage their own affairs then with an efficient police officer a chief magistrate who would impartially admin ister the law and a good iocknp free lodgings could be provided cur village would be all that could be desired and second to none felfowcitizens 0 rock- wood let us rally aroundthis standard and seek to accomplish this end the welfare of the young- the happiness success and pros- perity of our village btstjjaee bockwood jan 19th 18 the champion vs the soott aot the cnamphh u utterly dfsgaitcd another brett act courentioa has been held and tho fanatic conlpoatug it pro nounccd uioact a grand iuoookk what is to le done with theme deluded men who will pcrit dcepim the repeated awe rt ions of tho liquor organ iu endorsing the act why didut the caampion man got drunk on tho day of the convention and parade up and down the street to prove that at leatt there was ono man in milton wholiad not beou benefited by the act aud that con sequently it wa a failure gtoritvw croif ayers hair to the people mtcrt ffliu i bttfvn colflr r 1 by iii ll t tuln lr tlil- lllsugu iw alvn it accvs mil i cton gue jfress tbtesdxt 3f osxzsrc jur 31 ism notes and comments uuriug 1b3 2823 patent were issued by tbo canada patent office tho fees ag gregated 878023 an increase of 123 12 over the amount received in 1862 the tomo zjwc the editor of which it petrolcm v kasby has conkt as a strong advocate of prohibition its war cry is pulverize the rum power the bfaflr i a widely circulated paper and must do the temperance cause much good even xasbys personal conversion it a great gain for temperance the year just passed was a particularly bad one for accidents and public calamities of allkind- and from present indications it is to be feared that the new yer will not be much better eighteen hundred and eightyfour has opened up witli terrible disaster on land and water and great loss ef property by fire lord lome in a recent apeech gave ex cellent testimony to the value of the pro hibitory liquor law in our korthwest ter ritories he said that whiskey was the bane which drove the savage wild and was the fruitful cause of every crime among the white men in the american western vil lages and the prohibition plaoed upon its use did much towards prescveriug order among the young communities of a british soil the soott act will be voted- upon by the people of oxford county on j 13th of march next and the temperance advocates hold a convention early in tebruary to inaugurate the campaign ther ought to be good prospects for carrying the law in a county where the rural element is so largely in the ascendancy as oxford it contains no cities or very large towns where the traffic is always relatively strong er than in smaller places referring to the opening of parliament the tgjvhco seict says todays peepfehow counting the gov- ernorgcnerals performance as half his years work costs the country about 60- 000 for each days monkeying the mem bers and senators draw about 93000 canada certainly looksrich prosperous and happy when you look at it from ot tawa the ontario trades benevolent asso ciation what a misnomer at their reoent meeting in hamilton decided to recom mend that saloons be kept open until nine oclock on saturday night and impudently gave as their reason for so advising that the working man did not receive his wages until five or six oclock on that day the disgusting inference to bo drawn that ad ditional opportunity should bo given the tavernkeeper to rake in the weeks earn ings of the artisan or laborer to which his family has first claim pa rhdalt aetc preservatipn of forests the subject of forestrywhich is now re ceiving considerable attention by the ontario government is one which should be interesting to many who view with con- cernthf present rapid disappeorance of the forest in the older settled portions of our province mr r w phipps who has charge of the recently created forestry branch under the prorincial government and who ia an able and energetic man has proved his fitness for the position by inducing many of ther land owners of the province not only to ponder overhut to act upon his very timely counsel on the subject of for est presentation and reproduction in a recent letter to the glob on this subject he says at present according to much corrospouil- onea l receive on the subject very many of our janns eare oo forest left wbfia a great number nave but few acres in many nelfibborhoods the average is not more than ten acres of btwfa to the nnndred and wiiile ofooaxie other sections dto much more the axe fa ever at work aud the acton municipal council council met on friday evening 26th inst members all present beeve in the chair the first report of the finance commit tee recommended payment of the following accounts w h storey reeve charities 91000 luther lyman on account 1000 wooo report adopted a bylaw to appoint auditors for 18s wac introduced read the required number of times and passed messrs thomas t moore and ae matthews being appointed auditors- council then adjourned to meet on the 22th last tfesljat rvexdtg council met this evening members all present except the reeve upon motion mr c 8 smith took the chair the finance committee presented their j second report asking tliat the following sums be passed t s e hcgarvin election expense and registration fees 9749 jas brown wood 200 jho miller shovelling snow 100 jas grant work on streets 76 small axerafie first meritionediriu wobablyeoon be that of a very large portion 6t onr country in deed one farmer is apt to think his bush will last bis tune another thinks he will clear bis and buy wood of hisnetthbor a third that he wul chop down his and use coal very many ad- fit ka wooi ps w but think that unlaw some geaemteflort were made to preserre them their own indrriduaj as- stnce can effect little o that they themselves oigbt u well chop down nearly their last ten ffresjjfcfaufn wood and might grow wheat yt farmer oonld be indnoad to preserve spjln forest but ten aerasof mshunoiedtbe- te k got resulting to bjmstlfius to the coontey would be tocalcuuble a caref pi study of this subject by bur farmer friends is reeininended and a leruaal of the ontario tree mantiag act of last session will prove deneflcisx t i liquors have been excluded from the restaurants of the capitol- at washington whiskey ft appears waa cadaa tea and served in crockery cups fwith jfrceri at the parliament buddings at flttaw you oan take your liquor atrigbi 1 91lw report adopted a bylaw to appoint assessor was intra dacod and read first and second times committee of the whole to report at next meeting movod b- d henderson seconded by w ismond that the tewn bell be nog jsaob day from 1st april to 1st october at 7 and 12 am and 1 and 6 pm and during the other half of the year at 7 and j am and i ftnd 6 p jil carried moved by d henderson seconded by v cameron that the clerk be inrtructsd to advertise is the fans fasss jpr ieridera for the offices of caretaker of town sail and lamplighter imjfin to ataie anoturt for duties jointty rnnqul council aburned i u more burdock bleed bittw tjpaft tdorfauyodpreparationmitoaajf bjackdrugtotoetb ifjtmnad er wiuiakauy druftpstln tbe city iu etasimluransirerto his onafy- proof tbitiitbomipopftlariimalkim j y- ulj itviltlht ot iciir to n jmlurnl rieli i itiiliitim9 icilrired t sniniiiivbmlurvfiiitl nt mid la ulnea often ouvd of tic lulr auit iluim- lalesawcak nnl flckly crwlh m vigor u prccts aj cura rcurf and damtruff mid heals iipiry every discuo peculiar w tho icalp at a laillea hair drcsshijj thn wjonli ununllm it coutnliw iwltlicrolt nor dye nnlorn the itair soft glov aiij silken hi iitranttiee aiid imiurta a dcllcale agtewue aul lastius ierfuivie mrc rltnicurn writes front air6y o jul u-f- it fall my hair cotimiouectl fulfill out mil in a horl timo i biiio iiearlv bald 1 o part of a bnttlo of avuiih hvui vuiilt which lopkhl th fall ing of the liiiraitdstartwl ti now prow th i liao lion- a full head of bai refrain vigor- ouly ami nn convinced ilwt i ul i r urn uie of your tckiratlou 1 iliiulj live been tutlrcly balii r j mi nowny prorlor of lh hartktir okip kuqninr ayamvt lt u ifli viuou u a moat iccllcut invparalivirf t the hair i peak cf it from my ou cm ricnec it u16 promotes the crvjirlh of iiiw hair aiid makes it glossy and nfi tli- vkui ik alxi a saw cum for ilimlmff not within my knoiriejg hoa ihp iroiratjoii ever tallod to give entire sailfactku va axon faicaaiux lcalr of th mltsbrattti falrbalru faintly of swttiilt voealuu wrttoa froaf iuvfoa mm atfc c ifijo ever since my hair began to gitoiil- very etldeocs of the chaiigu which dee tin tfmo proeareth 1 hare uei avuas haiu ytoou aud to nare heeu alle to maintain an annearanco of y6tuiirulua ft matter of eomioerahl couwqnpiico to luinulera ora tors actors nnl iu in every ouc who htcs lu the eyes of ilia iiujiic mm o a pbescott writing from is etn st ckjrtcttqten asut ijtit it it says two years ago about iuogilrvlof my hair earae olf itthinued very rajildlv and i wi r fait growing bald on uing a v uks luli v vioua uie falling- topped am a new gruwtlt r mul m auoufa mojith my head was complete- covered lth fhort hair it has continued t 2tw and i ikw ns ctnl ai before it fell 1 rriilirlv ud hut one vstxc of tho viu itt bat now uc it occailoually u a dressing we have hauilrcls of iiurteslmoutais to tho efficacy of avrnfi kmryigou it coeds bat a trill to convince the iut uepu- calof iu vala- rrrrtrnn nv drj caycrcvcolowell s m l ail lrjliu j r the cradle wr ight- in rockwcod oi tlic irth uist tljfi wife of mr john wricht raker of a daughter gor of acton ard surrounding gom- j tnunlty i 1 ilciirc to tliimk ymi fur i lie niuuy turi 1 live rocilvcd si your hamls during the ipul yrar nl ink that i lie fiino limy bo cootlotithl fu the future it i my iouuiiju lo offer greater btrgitnt in mv liuo tlinn lia ytt bren doue in tbe 1 it r nd ns i sin to inke atock turid tilt next moulli 1 will offer liberal ditcount to aby ouc purcbusiiij from me thadkiii inv irany euitumors for put favors i i ra yours truly w h howill i scotch earhsu iid onuadiatt sditiug a grez1 variety at the fciait util clothiag store j fyfcutvil tlio bcl ajoticil lilcv and- cid- ored ehct lius m woclkmnd knitted fiaod ir the tn it kticn t ucraef the city grocery will offer duriug ihe next thiity day a discount of 10 per cent ou all cash purcbaf i sugars ex espied v have daw ou hiul aiiouicr large lot of 20 lbs raisins for 1 which are beiag ild rapidly all are in tiled to give us a cal loth treat and small now is the time to buy crockery cheap actou jan lh 1s4 the favorite oyster parlor a e matthews is sow keceitc oliit fresh oysters finnan haddies canned fish and fruits lmons orauccs tirapes covfectionebt aud all olber ccod ia bis iidc rallori tcfldfbt frank piuk wiiton avtnue truno j lomc time ago rexivci a bid injury by an i accident on the g t i tbo cverc coa- 1 tbe largest ortnculof plain and fiacy biscuits in ijio u from the best manu btacoite tasions ucieqaieklv lk hsrvards vellott- oiil evert coa- 1 jeu 1v tlir use cf j 2gi uow io treat wettk luii always breathe thntish tlie uuse keep ing the niouti irnl as mzch as posaic walkaiidsil encl exercise in the oeo pir keep the skiu scrcptiiouflv dean and and lake hsgyards pectoral balsnm for cooshs colds atd lrcnchlali troubles 2g toalfoksalc tbe undersigned in tsuds keepioc coauitly ou hand a btock ofhard and soft stove coal of nil kinds mbich will be delivered to any part l tbe village partic destrirg coal ihould give him i call c s s1hth t ender8 wasted factaren my custoiiifr- vii ijihi nil my goods fresh aud in every wij luifrtlory the oy8ter parlor oysters served in any slyle daring the season or will he inpplied by tbe can quart or gallon a good cooking apples always ou hand a e matthews tenders ill be recetvtd by the under- signed until noon on tuesday tbe 12th day of february luorlbc office of caretaker of the titwn hal and fur lighling and otber duties couuected yniib tbe street iaanrt said lender to ttatccbarzes severally or johitly tbe lowest or any tender not decesnarilv accrpied the dnliea ii be dcrloed upon spplicalion to 1 e mitiabvjx ci d 8wayses60s philadelphia lltklrilrhinptoildbr the aymptomr arc raoielure like perspir ation iotttim itcbiuij iccreascd by tcratcli- ing rerv distrtssiug parlicalarly at nigut ueuis u if pluwuruia wereciaflidfi in tnd about the rectnm the private parts are lotnetimea affected ii allowed to cootinue rery serious rrfull ruay follow swiy5l 0lxijosituapleaaaiil eorc alio for tetter itch salt rheum all acaly crnity skin diseases sent by mail or go cent 8 boiej 125 in atamps ad- acton 30th jan 1864 fa sold by drnggiats k bigger bargains for this month i am offeriauc my whole stock of watches jewellery c at bedoced price hy hhop u hfle with new uoods hi d t i p 0 h lh iliemw price of r fine 6ld stm mdlei watches xhioiu nioiletji -stoibrnrmifratli- wh crmme ieiu- e1jr iiltt fere year gods mrthbujlng the people of aotoa u viomitylbr the liberal pafroni v- age in the paat i solicit a con- tinrwuoebjtheaanipnd wjshtheibi merry christmas and a important m r great special discount sale i immense sacrifice of entire stock 30 days only i commencing on monday 14th jan y carefully examine the following ust of discouhts 30 per centbonnets and hats trimmed and un- trimmed wings feathers and flowers 20 per cent mantles dolmans jackets ul shawls and lace curtains oim firsts u q 0 tri t 20 per centsilk handkerchiefs silk ties ties and laces 20 per centribbons gimps fringes trimmings and buttons 20 per cent- gentlemens scarfs ties silk and cashmere mufflers 15 per cent shirts drawers underclothing and gloves 15 per cent kid gloves cloth glcjves hosiery and corsets i i 15 per cent fancy dress materials of all kinder- over 20c a yard j 15 per cent black and colored silkt satins vel vets plushes and brocades i 15 per cent damask table linens napkins tow els table and piaq o covers 15 per cent blankets counterpanes quilts and comforters 15 per cent tweeds mantles and ulster cloths 15 per cent grey white sonrjet and opera flannels 10 per cent white cottons qrey cottons pillo v cottons sheet ings and cauton flannelb 10 per cent prints cretonnes ducks aud deni ns 10 per cent carpets mattings rugs and oil c6tiis 20 per cent fare of all kinds mink sets astrican sets french seal sets and caps in great variety mm our stock is all wew i f i aud bought in the best markets at the lowest possible price will guarantee every article sold correct in stylo quality rind price and those availing themselves bf this rare opportunity of supplying their ws nte with everything necessary in the goods line will undoubi any goods bookerj during the bft chergied at regular prices store will 8 we w 0 t ffi g car tiaii willi 1 thiij wb ail tola yon c will his the iw i mre