Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1884, p. 3

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rmlway time table village varieties jrund trithk ranfra ftolxtlwffct amrtvi mt am t kjw sv luuuttwisi rvr t ci wv n v wmluwi iibs 1- -i- an wo iil e8ctih ail 4- a mi in ub bitft v 115ft am jo am 140 pin ant p ni r torn n mker mller arisvrlal iiftrst tdlir j vilugr iwirter now la the time i hull time are tin- but or advertisers j why heesii when money ti and j pplc are forocl to ccouomiw they at 1 rwl the atluevtiwnictilt i twtrtaiu i trf tvftv lsi lvrmlins- rookwoodt rateverjr tn auothor eojamn will in found a oom- imwicaliou from bystander a eitlsen of rockwrvxl in which ho point out n remedy for the tvllii claimed to elmti that vll- l3e we fail to we that this letter in written with the object of com rovomy or with any cud iu view avo that of endeavor ing to beuofij rockwood oar ouly excuse for iu insertion it any excuse i necessary ii an ciidvavor lo luaitt iu thegood work wliicli h slander i endeavoring t- in- aniiimu oasoara bitters cures nil diseases arising iron the blood liver and tton fttnm xfoasis j is si ifum bits of brevity mi llimt rtwi4 hy mt r lirjr ai tcutn far rrastrrt al ik lr fhm oreeung row w wfilucc t the trv j oliutrh curtnvn m1 jv wf iviivuwv mrpuve u truirmru fi l tri tenuwvrt to ihid i 1m hti mid foruijuujs complcu- awdring utcir arrival f gill of tho church 4oplo soott act drlftls at ihr police court uokwlli- on tut day la fine were imposed ou ihc follow in holoktkth or vjniatiou of iln scott 1 act nohphautlakvillkruid 11005 wt v wauh oakville 9lf nud 515 ccl m trijkx utvunc v0 md hsi tbe pulpit j r jains ihr j hv road uw a mrath touc alrvd lookout fr miou lhes- hafrs piw of mow adorn o cwry i rflv jn rolerlou t iauixg rtjl mtu supcrinttiudont of husiuns m the i board kducatiou next mouday j srui wwt occupied the pulpit in kuor j trcainp i chuwh here on guudaj hiidikotirse iik- nuvtfsj tin day jtfi7ha ktqooqhwi st valt tiro wreks tbe t- sail oa hsjjj- tbe mcrcan was pretty noarh kvl nu friday moniicf ireateil principally of tho work of thf chttrcliiu the xorth west imd the varied eiperiencos of the missioaarirs there it w very interwtiiy tbe canadian horticulturisl we hax receivod the jaunarv number of poymi rcslia that toiuorrok ix uic uis handwme monthly magazine which ii first pt fchman- i devoted to the dselopmcat of auadiau eitrcmeiy cold sunday m to lv in horticulturt il is aornod with a colored order thi xmia pj 0 a nt rawbem- rnd iilutratcd j pciiyi trains have bcu the order of i with uameroa uugraviu and fnh of in- j tcrcstfng and uitructive infonuatirtn ou lroit tlowerhrl vcyetahh- irroxiuff iu canada i tbe day darini the wck l cold and croup are prevalent among tbe little felt at prftwut kow jfr eniior try aad give ii- bel ter weather for february cka your ide traits donu tu the planks no a that the aow i- soil the caiicii asks for tenders for the ocxs of caretaker of town hail aijd linidliister thrc hs bocu k alight tasic of tluu- hy thaw dattc the pit tweutyfoar hocr after all it i said that the pcoliar mi-ci- arc caused by the sau trying tj mt by the uew piaadard tira- mr a w grtti i abji u ttuvve his kziituniacton lo the hop riccutly porchastd cu maicslrcet mr john taylor rockwood had a yield of the new variety of the blue peaj of 45 bashels to the acra last year 5ir hortcp prain haver shipped five cat loads turnips from rockwood for the americas markets last wtek thr count sabbath school coavea- successful soclai the bocial held at the rvideucv of mr archibald campbell near thi ullage ou mondy evening in aid of the sabbath school of knox church wai in every re- pect a cacce- the attendance waa ire the proceeds satisfactory and all prvsent appeilred to enjoy a iry pkiifliu and j sociable eveninir i the alieghaniana the swiss bell ringvis and vocahais of above name were peeled with a good audi ence at the town hall last thorvdiyereu- int- the niuic cifciui from the bells wa truly iicantiful and ih skill of the per- fornstr vwuderful the cai t-ctain- ed their parts but fairly well ul present wcteplead with the bell- ringing attempted incendiary on tasday niiit the urivinj theds erected by the telupvranc people and bui- ness men in cuuktiion with the teruper- aiice hoase georcc were et on fire bkauitfi carnlvah the skmuiu carmvaham friday nhjht va vail iluiided cowtutner were nu- imtrvih ami soiite vtry pretty drtuua were woni a uumuifof itkatcn frtitn guelph gwiclown and othar place were present the uiud rendered mvcral ftuu kdeciioni during the cwniug the following prizes wen- awanlod ten minute mce 1st pfiw w tkkiu jnd henry hill llovh i miimu iuei w kit llent lady- and jmi vkurn mnv stithnm find ii kaiuhlmw 1 h t uly akawr mim alice menihrtin dioi diivui hdy mia julia vc synipatiue wid congratulato it wfls with feel in jj of eonsiderable re- prvt thai wt- learned last thnrfday morn ins f lie destiuctiou of the oftico of the imv spccuitfw by me hut what was our surprise upon roouviog next moru- ing the yjtzlvr as usual iw publinliers are men of pluck and enterprise and as far a the appearance of the paper i concerned none would imagine what a trying ordeal it lia just passed throagh we extend our sympathus to the proprietor of this newsiest at monuujf papers upon their hev pxjeuuiry loss and conpratulatc them upon the possession of sufficient en- crar- and detjrminatiou to be able to con- tmu the publication of- the sfkur with out interruption tha coldest on record on thursday night last the mercury reached a point lower than any heretofore recorded in tint section releablc ther mometer registered as follows c am 3 below zro 7 am 39 ft turn su l2 noon ifi decrees the abenc of wind no doubt rendered tho above ver low tem perature less perceptible than it would otherwise have been and we are informed by those acquainted with th korth weal that thursdays weather was in every re aped simiur to the weather bt that couu- tr th ldeit citizen faifc- lo reoouect any foriiriiuace sihu th- thermometer recorded the temperature atio low a point 19 or vi ureef below hvhig conidered omethin remarkable iu tinjes pat but tut- th- i- re brigade j prompt action tlit wima lion will open at millon at ten oclock this v citizens arreted the pro-re- of the morning several ltleae from acton ilta- ttforc ai rion diinatr had will attend taken riee ccal oil had uren poured in souie manicipsjitifa the elections ajoaff the manner to facilitate tie ork of ihia year have been run on politics xot tiie devouringcjcmtut w with acton here ill the candidates ndenewsafe were of the saicmfaadc of politic j the acton banking company ua just an exchange lays do cot dictate received from the manufactory of messrs xa an editor how to nm bis paper shoald goldiet mccauocb gait a handsome fire you do so however the probability- is yon 1 and borglarproof safe of good- hepjthy will be toid to attend lo yoor own boi- j proportions and weighing about 150g d pound this- is quito an attractive c- -webu- pitasurr i cuntatajatin qmvtion to the banking cos office and j hi a- dick of the bnxjia bor upon the manager ir d henderson i jimlr his ejerafin lo the office f resitrar of p o ft wc to soon ttc nr the oisnirof ftl j rounding more in keeping with the new t i j i eife a- well a with the important banking the subject for deoate at the debating 6 c r t business transacted hat av ou mr socet himeetmg un evening is re- solved thit kapoleoa wa a greater general i than wellington a gvod attendance is amnveraar semces requested- j anniversary services in connetiun with a fire minute- bating race took place methodist church here will be heidou i iz the rink on tcedar evening between messrs- w shnltz bociwood and b- larson acton oar acton boy won an eay rktorr those bnildin5 hiring pat roofs an aovr covered ill a rtry lafge tjnafltia of -tjot- the eihl of hidi will render tfiaan hable to ctveway at aur time trie enow should be removed- tnarton tbigt connca has passed a mogon to fbecsect fiat so smoking be allowed ln fly itrfl chamber daring the year sqsr would til catch our mskipa rulers rev jjneoatlsxireahed his n- wel iennon in the baptist chnich last sunday evening the bev gentleman goea to glitnmis brnce county a fare- veil supper was tendered him by his friends in georgetown last monday evening the first carnival of the season in the georgetown skating hint will be held this evenog the rink is in good condition and its waiting rooms are newly famished a tong list of prizes will be awarded georgetown bran new brass band will be present twentyfive below zero and no coal in theory hard or aoft says the brandon manitoba the sun says farther the nxn who can live two seasons in kanitoba has either a most contented disposition earaordinary patience boundless hope or little money to get oat with febschals urs john wrigglesworth of ashgrove is mtiai acton friends hiss mary brown has been visiting tnenda in trafalgar during the week jbk maggie moore spent several days daring the week with gnelph friends miss ella 8peight of markham u the f of her biother mr c c speight mrs s t hnmberstone of jtewton- i kok paid her acton friends a visit daring week a- fn kreraud late of uxbridgehaa ofcd a stiuation in j e mcgarvins tfc tuna hyde of gait visited actoil viands last week he is about to remove i states b zero has been a reqtuot riaitor w winter go the thermometer haafrom 5 to tune informed ut jjci fied 6ord left 4 monday fovhia 2p heaqiauten in the us after jterouknoe sunday and monday 17th and isth feby on sunday rev yt briggs of toronto will preach morning and evening and on monday evening ber e h dewart d j editor of the christian ovartgah will lec ture on christian union in connection with the lecture an oyster supper will be given in the basement of the church the j proceeds of the services will be applied- to the liquidation of the debt on the church the o t t sidewalk as in former years the gtb- authorities this winter again neglect to have the sdow removed from the sidewalk passing through their property from mill street to the rail way depot and there is consequently nothing but a single foot path along this walk if the railway authorities are not sufficiently interested in the comfort of their patrons to have this work attended to then th village council should certainly sc that the walk i properly cleaned off we would direct tho attention of the chaff marc of the street and sidewalk commit tee to the matter miltons municipal muddle quo warranto proceedings were initiated on saturday at osgcode hall on behalf of dr freeman agaiijst tberetum of mr john white as reeve of milton dr free- mau shows that mr white is a suretf for the county treasurer and is therefore a contractor with the county council aa reeve he is ex officio a member of fho coudty council and consequently he is disqualified the law being that no con tractor vith a council can hold office in thatcouncil dr freeman claims the seat i a summons was granted tocommence the j proceedings and the argument will prob- j ably take place next week bible society collectors the kxecutive committer of acton brancli bbe society met iu the council chamber m taesday evening jlh inst bev v b cameron senior vicepresi dent in the chair tiic following persons wercapuiiuiod as collectors for tbe current year acton xorth of mill st muse- jfjiwie campbell and minnie swan acton south of mill st miisc louie sieihi and maggie kicklin evjncbiug tth and 5lh lin south and th lint nurtb of acton cros road john fciiawand alex gordon esqosing 2nd and 3rd lines south of acton john mcdonald and john mcbae eaquesin korth and west of acton a- campbell and p kennedy esquenng town line and 1st line south of acton crosi road jas mcbxin and albert stewart erin 5th and 6th lineo and otu line esquesing above cr5 roed d hender son and peter mann erin 3rd and th lines and 3rd line esquesing above cross road c hwack- hammer and jas l warren erin 1st and 2nd lines h ktuneiy and w worden kaisagaweya ja mcdonald and d mcgregor collections to be made audretcrns baud ed in to the secretary d henderson on or beforethe 15th february the committee by resolution directed the secretary- treasurer to apportion all subscriptions equally between tho band f societv and the u c societv municipal officers names the following pun upon the names of the chief officers in a number of the muni cipalities of the province is going the rounds of the preae smiths falls will be a cold place at they will have frost there for the next twelve months howtck raised kaine but kincardine raised a baird in oakvilla they have devlin waterford possesses a sovereign toronto choose a man who can boswell acton haa its own storey arrau indulges in potts- batb prefer a ball while brantfoi h wrapped up in a scarflo bolton hm a dog bodoaygeon i learning to bead while belleville ia tbe only phu which has punnet dolebeafw alt wright oobourg goe to work gravel stanford is renowned kjdntys br ice 8100 per bottle at s e moqamas drug store aotoa proclamation just the thing the people want cheap cooda and cood coods and the very best value for their money here ik the best valle in the hariaet look at this list of 500 lots 5 0 0 id 11 lbs sugar 5 lbs 50 cent tea m75 lamp 40 cent pitcher for 1 1u 2jc tea 1 toilet sett pieces 1 do tea plates c lbs currants new c iba kaiains new 1 covered dish for fi 12 lbs sugar 1 sett diihes 70c 1lattor soc pitcher 2 ibi fpo tea for is 1 toilet sou il pieces 54c frnit mahrllso lamp llb 50c tsa iiv5b2a ofsraop s r 1 doz breakfast plates 1125 glasi sett 2 lbs 75c tea 2 lbs 0c i coffee fl cup and saucer llis biscuits for ll- toc tea lu lbs granulated sugar 1 doz goblet 75c gla hitchor 1 doz dinner ilates for i doz china cups 1- saucers l2o cake basket jc fruit dish 3 lb 5c tea fbiack or green for 1 doz cups 4 sancern ooiv platter soc sooljop 10c pitcher 75c fruit diah dl25 glass sett broosn 15 lbs rice for 6 sugar 2 lbs 50c tea 1 lb coffee i package corn starch 10 lbs rica and c0c lamp 315c bowls 2 covered dishes 1 pickle dish 00c for i lb tobacco i large tub wash board scrub brush 1 sett color ed dishes blue for doa nickel silvol forks doz nicks silver dessert spoons 300 lamp 6 large cakes toilet soap for i bbl hrrings 50c lamp pitcher 2 gallons coal oil for o0 oo 15 5 01 00 q oo 0 00 00 00 00 strictly cash sale for 15 days at w p brown cos store ill k s r tri cd a o a m n x m m cb x o m m a it s e o e e s e5 3 3 o a 8 s is i i e a r i h n c e 5 tvo o s s s 7 g i i 4 clearing sale the bapoat concert the concert in th town hall last wed nesday evening under the auspices of the young people of the baptist church was very well attended considering the must inclement condition ol the weather mr b d warren occupied the chair and ful- filiad the duties of the office in a very ac ceptable manner the programme pre sented was an unusually interesting one and the concert proved to be one of the best in tbe amateur line that our citizens have had the pleasure of attending the instrumental solos by miss goodenow were much enjoyed by the audience and ahe was repeatedly encored the solos by miss tburza orr and duets by the misses orr were well rendered their voices blend ing in perfect harmony miss austins solos were also very creditably rendered and won hearty applause misses bessey and orr and messrs hall and bessey sang several quartettes in good style their sing- ing proving that they had hadcorttiderable practice together miss maggie kicklin gave a solo with good effect but we have heard her do better on former occasion the quartettes of missel kicklin and wor den and messrs matthews and jenner were well sung they woold however have been improved had the singers spent more time in rehearsal although we dont like to say so we moat in fairness to the singers admit that tha georgetown vocal ists were the favorite with the audience bnt w have so doubt it will be tkt verta when oar singors visit georgetown they certainly failed to do tbemselveajustlc on this occasion hisae coutta and camp bell gave a conpl of excellent recitation both of which received unanimous ap plause peetoria i pectoris i pectoris f illie great remedy for tjonghs oou bronchitis sore throat influenaa horseoe and all aflee- lion of the lungtaod throat or chest pectoris loosens the phlegm and breakup the cough ji cent jpet bottle dont give np until ion w f4 pectoris all draggudisod gers8felftaaflu it we have decided for the next 30 days to offer our large stock of winter goods consisting of overcoats readymade clothing mantles mantle cloths knitted goods in shawls clouds j hoods c at leas than cost price we are offering no 1 value in gentlemans lamb caps felt hats and caps a firstclass stylish hat from 50 cents up special value in ladies muffs in mink seal coney atlessjthan cost price masai 8tock takinc clearing sale rr the mammoth house 1 georgetown hcleod aivdekstnw co i 1 oloariag sale clearing sale oloariag sale clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale of keumauu of every description 01 ladies furs mens fur caps buffalo robe and rocky mountain wolf of dress goods cloakiogf mantles millinery and shawls oi beadvmade clotiiiug and overcoats in mens and boyl 0 carpets oil cloths and mat of winter tweeds and intcr goods ot all kinds including clouds squares etc great bargains will be chven our dress making mantle and millinery departments aee in fttlb working order our tailoring department is a i t01ve us a call and see the bargains hcleod ander halton bby ds ik they must ml go overcoats fare maatles sheet lacs towels clonds j flannels shawls tjcidnn hluceys sblrtg ducks cashmeres denims drawers collars boots shoes taps 4c e m the entire balance of ourwinter 8tock of dry goods and boots hoes we have just the goods you want and you cannot bny tlem cheaper elsewhere nor as cheap i believe by 20 per cent as i willsell for cash in order to clear out my stock by the first of april v will sell you teas sugars and other groceries cheaper than any other house in town keepthib fact in your memory and tejll all your fbientjsjtogoto griffins i 1i3f in ordered clothing we are giving no 1 value iu tweed suitings goad workman thip and perfect fits guaranteed every time boots and shoes in endless variety at less than manufacturers pricos pt groceries we are giving tba best values to be had in the oounfy be sore and secure a box of those layer baisins we are offering firti clamfrditt fl80 per box w have the raostcomplefe8tock of 50 centteasin jajjnri bktok apelgrewio bo found in town splendid valuos in sngartlsj lb bright sugar tor 0a btthais tiiv d b sure audrgive n a 11 and oenre f with thjbir cash for his motto is not to lit thi v t f nimble sixpence slip in hope of the futube shiltjngs i will nfl winter stock if it at hal price o t carry over any t have to sell b griefin cheap cash millinery store mfalli goods selling at a great bodnotionib t- im fuuin jurtu mabime jdoae in all itinuuketv jackets tm mimiti 1lt atlaavw and sth aw hfai0ttf zjj wmm osmkakmr twm4m nzip ir ffipyapft5 wiwmsi w- rj tfs p-jftsp- i-

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