Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1884, p. 2

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ibm v tton4rtirm tbomdsv mouse fra j 1884 soottaot repeal a few weeks ajo tho bote keepers felt confident tint rate for the repeal of the boott act in this gonnty wtsnld be had in april of thu yeai but they have found oat thoir mistake by this time it is not likely that an j vote can be taken upon the question until the act shall bavo been the full three years in active operation or in mev is there it t all ewuts no effort knotrn to the public on 1ho pert of the hotelkeeper toirerds preparation for election campaign and- ell the work they pot upon the petition hich was circulated in 1883 will bo of no avail in 1885 uilto vtrs notes and comments the scott act campaign has been open ed ia carleton county a large and- enthusiastic gathering of the tomperance workers ot latnbton coonty waa held at wyoming on tuesday the agitation will be proceeded with at once the canada jaxlle contains a proclama tion fixing thursday march 6th forvoting in yarmouth county kova ecotiayon the adoption of the scott act it appears as though the act would soon be adopted in every county in kova scotia the oxford scott act association met at woodstock on tuesday kotwithstand- ing the inclemency of the weather there was a lare attendance about 100 delegates from all parts of the county being present arrangements are being made for a vigor ous campaign prior to the vote on the scott act which will take place march 13th mr carlingjin the house last week in answer to a quvtion whether it was the intention of the government this session to seduce the rate of postage on letters from three to two cents as adopted in thstates said the government had the matter under consideration it is confidentially believed the government will introduce a measure adopting the two cent postage ggattauafisai mkh the warden ship vote tq utjjtiior of the frtt pru dm sra there appears to be some misunderstanding or misrepresentation about the position i took in the election of warden at the late meeting of the county council- will you be kind enough to allow me space for lay the whole matter before those interested so that they may have an opportunity of judging whether the course i in justice to all parties felt it to bemy dsty to pursue was the proper coarse or not at the appointed time the clerk called upon the members to elect a warden the question then came up as to what method should beadopted in the election after some discussion it was decided that the election should be by open ttrte and that a vote should be taken separately for each cand nominated and when all the candidates were thus voted for then the two ca obtaining the highest num ber of votes would be pitted against each other and a final vote taken between those two this arrangement was agreed to withouta dissenting voice accordingly air storey was aionce nominated first and several other nominations two numerous to mention here followed then the vote was taken for each nominee in their order first for mr storey who was supported by tile votes of all the conservative members and also by the votes of the beete and first deputy of esqnesing eeformers but the vote resulted in seven for and eight against mr storey i then enquired whether in case any other candidate should receive a majority of the votes would mr storeybe voted for at the final test the reply was that he would be pitted against the party obtaining the highest vote even if he got a majority of the whole vote nose dissenting i there and then decided that i would not vote either for or against any of the other candidates as i intended to vote for mr storey at the final rote to which decision i adhered notwithstand ing peremptory demands and even threats of expulsion from the board if i did not vote the reason i gave for iling to tote was thatjt would be both inconsist ent and improper for me to vote for a can didate now and at the final test vote against him but the vote was taken for one candidate after another with some discussion between each vote and each 1 candidate urbis torn negatived but here suddenly and in otter disregard of the method at the first agreed upon a motion was made that mr storey be warden here the misapprehension respecting my position comes in because i adhered to my resolution of alinjng to vote until the final test came up i am charged with mr storeys defeat but by a reference to the method agreed upon and adopted it will be clearly seen that had i voted for mr storey on this irregular motion andhe had re ceived a majority of the votes he would not and could not be elected until he was pitted against the party having the highest number of votes but this is dearly proven if farther proof were re quired by the fact that when the pro gramme was changed te vote by ballot the two candidates ordaining the highest number of votes were pitied each against the other for the final decision via mr storey and mr mcleotl then i voted for mr storey being the only vote which amimgtothe rule at first adopted oonla in any way affect his election i may ie observe that if the beeve of esqnesing aod myself had like the major ity df the members divided on political partylinbsfthe vote would have stood v to ten instead of seven to eight against mc storey i may m another occasion jt sosne c the nsaoos for voting as i isteil up twfwitm h 8 association the annual convention at milton last week the bpbjiotb dt80tjb8md j the annual convention of halton coon- ty sabbath school association held at milton last thursday and friday was fairly wall attended but owing nodonbtto the bad roads many schools in the county were not represented mar seuiok the convention opened in the methodist church at i pm on thursday mr honry robinson of trafalgar vioopresident in the chair the president 1 lusk of oakville being detained at home by illness in his family after reading the minutes ot lsst con vention the constitution and rules of order of the association were read to the con vention business was thon proceeded with the first subject presented for discussion how far is the teacher responsible for the conduct of his pupils 1 in school s out of school 1 was introduced by rev j neil of nassagawota in a very ablo and practical address discussion followed in which a lively and profitable interest was taken by sabbath school workers present rev w brycrs of acton followed with an instructive paper entitled how to awaken and maintain the s 8 interest in the community we have no doubt many of the points brought out by rev mr bryers and in the after discussion will be acted upon in their respective schools by those present with considerable profit the last half hour of the session was de voted to verbal reports by representatives of schools throughout the county these reports in detail are too lengthy for our columns but with very few exceptions it may be said that an increasing interest in sabbath school work is noticeable thtbsd1t etexixos session the evening session in knox church was largely attended the meeting was opened with a hymn and prayer by rev mr keil mr r coates secretary of the association occupied the chair with his usual courtesy and ability the chairman in traduced the speaker of the evening rev dr mekay of edinburgh who delivered a powerful and telling address upon many of the phases of the work and objects of the sabbath school teacher and the vari ous helps to which he may have access at the dose of the dra remarks consider able discussion took place upon several points presented in the address and by this means much that was of interest to those actively engaged in sabbath school work was learned this mode of pro- ceedure was different to that fallowing at any previous evening meeting of the annual conventions but we believe it was generally considered an agreeable and profitable change at intervals during the evening the choir of the church rendered suitable anthems very creditably raroit uomnca after devotional exercises and calling the roll the subject of lesson helps 1 in tho hands of the teacher 2 in the hands of the pupils was presented in an excel lent paper by mr r coates the secretary the paper was very concise snd practical and was endorsed by all present we would gladly give our readers the benefit of mr coates study of this subject but space forbids this matter was given more lengthy discussion than any other subject brought before the convention and though various opinions were given by those inter ested many profitable suggestions resulted from the discussion rev jno mcewan then gave an inter esting speech upon the importance and place of the catechism in the sabbath school in which he emphasized very strongly the desirability of teaching the catechism in the school utztxoos sessiok at two oclock a mass meeting of the sabbath 6chcoi children of the town was held short and entertaining addresses couched in language suitable to the youth ful minds of those addressed were deliver- by rev j mcewan rev l tovell toron- to and mr r coates the children were attentive ssng very creditably and re sponded to the questions pot to them most satisfactorily they weredismissed at four oclock after which a normal class was ablylponducted for an hour by rev mr mcewan at the close of this session the officers for the ensuing year were elected aa fol- lows president r coates bnrlington 1st vicepresident jas mraries nas- ssgaweya 2nd vicepresident g h kennedy georgetown sectreas h p moore acton executive committee johnson har rison milton dr lusk and john barclay oakville hugh mckay georgetown w s hall hornby and t hartley nelson jamtt rvxsixo sessiox th last session of the convention was held t lis evening and two most excellent and interesting addresses were delivered by revs i tovell and j mcewan the at endance was large the ohnroh choir furnished suitable music for the occasion in their usual commendable manner if those of the sabbath school workers throughout the county who have netflentm to attend the annual conventions only reel ized the practical benefits to be derived from attendance thereat we feel satisfied that the various sessions would see alargs- ly increased number of representatives present aod the schools of the courity be greatly profited by their atfejdanee let every school in the county inespeotire of derwmination send two or more delegates to the next convention and then mark the satisfactory result which will certainly follow it was decided to hold the next annual convention in acton a marvelous story win is inrournat louflsmi kj father reeldm at uln vt ha hat beta a rest nftertr immkn ila and umlmktnfiettjrwiu tell xuil a marriloa affect ayers sarsaparilla has had tn usees i think his bleed must are contained the humor for at least ten roots i but it did not ebow except in the fcns of a irofuloui sore on the wrist until about tvo jcirt sgo rron aft trots which ap pented at that time it rreduallj spread so at to covr hit satire mdy i smuts you bo twriblyaoletaaaaanotjeetof pity when fas bcpitulnf you medicine kow there are ton- men of bit at who enjoy at food bsallh a- lio uas i eould easily name fifty penou lo roim usury to the tacts in hit oast yours truly w u pmxum romthefatllksetd a duty for me to mate te you tat benefit i have deritod from the sje of ayers sarsaparilla 8li months ago i mi completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous torts the humor caused an tnoessanl snd liilolersbte itching snd the tkla cracked so u to cause the blood to flow n many places whenever 1 mored mj sufferings were groat and my lite a burden 1 commenced the use of the sinsiraailla in april last and bare used tt regularly slaee that time uy eondlllon began to improve at once tfco tores baro an healed and 1 foal perfectly well in every rupeet being now able to do a good dayt work allboogbts years ot ago many inquire whaveas wrought snob a euro in my case and i tell them as x bare bare tried to tell you areas 8aiuuaaxtxa glover vu oct at iso toon gratefully ratix ridlurs anas baltaraailu cures brrofula and all seroralone complaints rryslp- elas brsenia blngrwonn ulolches bores bolls tomors and eruptions of the sals it dears the blood of all impu rities aids digestion tumnlttce the oitlu c 1 the bowels and thai restores vitality and strengthens the whole system raxraaxo ni or jcayerco lowell mast sold by all druggists 81 six bonk- ht fi i- i desire to thank yon for the many favorl i hav received it yoor hands during the past year land ask that the tame may be continued in the future ltii ray intenllou lo utter greater bargain in ray lino than has yet been done in the put and as 1 am to lake stock during the next month 1 will offer a liberal discount to any ontlparobsting from me thanking my many customers for past favors i am yours truly w h howium the cin grocery will offer during the next unity dayf a discount of 10 per cent ou all cub purchase sugars excepted wt have now ou hand another large lot of 20 lbs raisins for 1 which are being sold rapidly all are in vited to give oa a call both great and small now is the time to buy crockery cheap acton jan lssh 166s scotch eoplith and cauidiao suiting ja great varitty tt the east end clothing store j ayf acton the lest assortment of black and col- ored velvets ladies mantles woolleuand knitted goos in the town st xelsou a mcracs i stall way lecldcal frank spink wiltca avenue toronto some time ago receive a bad injury by an accident on the 0 t 11 the severe con tusions were quickly healed by the use of hagyards yellow oill 26 bow te treat weak langs always breathe through the ana keep ing the mouth closed aa much as possible walk and tit erect exercise in the open sir keep the skin sciupiicusly clean and and take ilsgyard pectoral balsam for coughs colds and brouchial troubles 26 foalfoksale the undersigned intends keepiog constantly on band a stock of hard and soft stove coal of till kinds which will be delivered to any part cf the village parties deairipg coal should give him s eall c s smith the favorite oyster parlor a e matthews is kow keczrrlsc dillt fsesh oysters finnan haddies cartaed fish and fruits lemons oranges tarapet confkctiomsrt and all other goods in his line biscuits the largest assortment of plain and fancy biscuits in umn snd from the best manu facturers my cuitonitre bill ftml ell my goods fresh aodiu every way satisfactory the oyster parlor oysters served in any style during the season or trill be rupplied by the can quart or gallon tqood cooking apples nlwavs on hand aematthews mekders wanted tenders xii be recfirtd by the under signed until roon un tuesday tbe 12lb day of februtry 1584for tbeifbceof caretaker of the town hall and fur lighting and other duties connected with the street lamps said tender to state charges severally or jointly tbe lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted tbe duties ii be defioed npon application to 1 e mrtjaevix vlllaire clerk acton 30tb jan 1381 ufaajtcn agents to sell uah i tu sew asd scpeiuob oanada maps 0hart8 as paying as any agency in the world for par- 1 drmj rjn gwaynes son philadelphia zzf- dru ltekism riles syatptesas aaavcaure the aytnptoms are moisture like perapir- sllon inlense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems u if pin- worms were ci svling in and about the rectum tho private parte are tometimei affected ii allowed to continue very serious result may follow swatkia oijrrxett is a pleasant sore cure alio for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mall for 40 cents 3 botes f 185 in stamps ad- bigger bargains te set at awewns tut wsu pjwnwaivr for tbu month i am fferlauc i my whole itock of watches i j i jewellery c at reduced price y shop is filled wnii hew tidodt t tlte lowf rtcifir hue goldsettf stotedattorrtlbke r- andlwrafimrdialcemtd symtateasv trsu tfaaukinff the peojil of acton and violin tty ibr the hberalpatrqn- l f iaiiitatmi fefv -w- creat special discount sale -w- immense sacrifice of entire stock for 3d days only commencing on monday 14th jan f carefully examine hie following list of discobbls 30 per cent boiiriets iand hats trimmed and un- lrimmed wings feathers and flowers 20 per cent mantles dolmans jackets ulsters shawls and lace curtains r r 20 per osntsilk handkerchiefs silk ties laoe i k h r 0 l b ties and laces fl 20 per 0entribbdn8 gimps fringes trimmings and buttons i 20 per cent gentlemens scarfs ties silk and cashmere mufflers 15 per cent shirts drawers underclothing and gloves 15 per cent kid gloves cloth gloves hosiery and corsets u 15 per cent fancy dress materials of all kinds otrer 20c a yard 15 per cent black and colored silks satins vel vets plushes and brocades 15 per cent damask tablelinens napkins tow- eis table and piano covers 15 per cent blankets counterpanes quilts and comforters 15 per cent tweeds mantles andulster cloths 15 per cent grey white scarlet and opera flannels 10 per cent white cottons grey cottons billow cottons sheet ings and canton flannels 10 per cent prints cretonnes duckaansl denims 1 10 per centrcarpets ilattlngs bugs and oil cloths 20 per centrfars of all kindsminksets astracan set franca 8eal seta and caps in great variety our stock is all sew aud bojughtin the best market at the lowest possible price we will gnarantea every article sold correct in stylo qnauty and 3 price and those availing them8elvesofthj8 rare j opportnnity of supplying their wants with v evei7thingiibeajarys che d17 goods line will undoohtedly j q 0 i m y 32 mmm tgiiji j si r r 1 any goods booked during the sale will stdwhijbi 1p mm mm rm ol aabsr i i ci mii- tjhih fc tfp rsai w fc i iei is

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