Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1884, p. 1

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yv r t u st the i rcsusnxb 1 bvebt thtjksdav itobmnq iat tics free w pwntwq houm miu etrkkt acton okt tsrxs the fwatpllminube scut to subscribers postage paid for h 00 per n nam in advance ll 50 if not so pud ho paper discontinued ull ell arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher vttmtiao ran ceaoal advertise meat 8 cents pe line or the first inser tion and 3 cent pet line tor each subse quent msertiou- oaah professional cards 10 lines or less u 00 pet annom 1 square u hues ti00 per annum payable in 6 months from date of insertion any8pooial notice the object of which u to promote the pecuniary benefit of anv individual or eompanv to be considered an advertise ment the namber of lifts reckoned by the space occupied measnjed by a seal of solid nonpareil costsact eats3 one colomn one rear 80 co sal i column one j ear u 00 4 urter cjlntan one ear 3 00 on c iltrmn six montns 800 3etrcoumnlx months woo 4 tarter colnmnilzmonins 11 00 o is eolumn three months 90 00 balfeolaran uireemonuis t00 4iarter cola mo i hree raonuts 7 00 t4verilseaisbuwlitinaimelne directions rill beuwriedullrsrbldanit charted aceonl- tnjclr transitory advertisements moube ptfil in advance chances or contrset advertisements must be in tie o9ee oy a m on mnndays other arise they will be left over tin the tollowlnt wttt n p moore killlor proprietor terams9i00 in advance the newspaper a map of busy lift its fluctuations and itn vast oonoeros 9180 if not bo paid volume ix no 37 aoton ont thur0pay march 18 1884 whole no 454 agt0n banking coy i torey ohrittii ft 00 baxters acton ontario the f favorite this paper m 3 f 6k irowell ctol lu tcrtlatecbanaavsrkeatl tnn coatraeo mar be made roru in kt in loi t5ss busiassa directory wh lowrt mb m c p b t graduate of trinity college hem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of fred enck su acton l bexvett dextist george- jt town out johalawsox 6radtate0f0x xiaio vcrrrjusf colxxok tobokto yetermarv surgeon acton ont office in kennev t 8on s boot and shoe store res idenee in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy ch riggs lj s of the firm of sioos t ivaar toboxto will be at campbell hotel on the first monday of every month in the practice of his profession all work executed in the i atest and most improved style of the dental art ko charge for consultation couvev vtowat illcleaiv barristers solicitors hotanes ancers tx t3sfoxrt to lois omi secord s block mill st acton j a moijit w a mirrik a general banking bus ness transacted 1cqotc7 lcissi qk appb07xs hotss notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits school books copy book8 drawing book8 all the new text books flll stock at days bookstore glelph day sells cheap jasfkidner 10 oent store and cheap cash bazab p s goodwhile bamfeter solicitor notarrpnblc georgetown i- acton s3 acton office in mr secord 6 block toffi dat i j abchitect guelph ontario office queen s hotel block market square- tl b bragg practical millwright rearranginj ol flour hills a specialty p o address box 103 rocrtrooi upper wyndham 8t gtjelpi eemoved to cheaper but better premises- directlj opposite the old store 10 cent store and neap cosh bazar jas f kidneb cuelph cloth hall patevts seccrd r for inventions hexby grist oitisti cixui 20 tesrs practice- no jpatsnt no pa ney to loa f rarriiz rrai t si per ueait clarke acajimff blsslstzes ac t c alien s block gnefph t7traxcis ntjn successor to t f chapman booltbindeb st george s square gnelph account books of all kmds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound baling neatly and promptly done rrrjt hemstreet licensed auctioneer for the counties of wellington and halton orders left awhe ekz pbms office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly atffended to terms reasonable er t bsi also money to loan on the mostfiorsbla terms and at the lowest rates of interest in snm of i5o0 and upwards t ihe fob bale b lime can be had at the canada lame works in small or large quantities at any time apply at the kilo near tolkms mill or to c s smith may 1st 1882 box 172 acrox h anlan babbeb 8hop 1 p wokden has opened a barber shop 10 the premises lately oeopied by vr forster as a medical office sad solicits a share of the patronage of this yidnity erery department of the business anil be conducted in firstclass 1 7 p wokdeft jan 2srdj 1883 dfdwasuilfias for sale iraaftampraef attalftr 8 1 these farms act w buildings good nu pla i ttaiber und rood roiwtsndtnwhioc4msrjtet only fliimlet from pwderphla plenty of fish oysters udjefa- try pwdnctstb land climate militancl pleasant come and see for yooiaelj and be etmraeed i aw rapaiedwia rtd arrja to fete sg to ae the farms free dhe d hsibmcaflsutallmrt scotch tweed suitings shaw grundy merchant tailors ouelph established 1848 savages watelr clock jewelry spectacle house lane special attention to fine watch t kepalribk 1 b savace kef r jpetrief hew vrar store fivuvpb oyster parlor a e matthews 18 no hbthmvo 04iu rrku oysters finnan handles canned fish and irults lentous oranges rape confktlomiry and til other goods in 111 lint sisoviits the largest assortment of plain and fancy biscuits in loan audrom tbe best manu fscturert my cuitonifrs will fiqil all my fresh sud lu every wsj trtufsclory goods the oyster parlor iojstcnserted in uv btyle daring tbe season or will bfl applied by the cm quart or railoa sstoood cooking apple tlvsji oo hand a e matthews wellington marble works quebec st guelph john h hamilton propfiletob- formerly mcqurijan hamilton dealer ui marble granite and everything pertauung to cemetery work becened first prues at provincial ex hibition g aeiph the w estern fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship ioor orders are solicited the oldest drug store in ouelph pest canadian goal oil only 20c a gallon now is the time to bay your ooal oil hicinbotham8 condition powders hare given universal satisfaction and all wlio have used them for horses and cattle testify to their ex cellence prepsied ooly by w g smith co winter i ittld an elegant prepara tion fpr roughness of the 8km chapped hands sore lips frost bites ac pre pared only by t 1 w fl smith k co tfcorjeyi bose and cattle food sold in any quanaitjr to suit purchaser imankond lye the best d cheapest lo tie market w 6 smith co dispensing onemisfjl flndpioqibec sj sbrfais3 ctongreejlfn8b tncwiihy mormxo miblu 18 1884 poptrr mjohuef for love irs jack brown ai a iplcndld cllow but maitlod forliro you know i remember tho clr vcr we 1 sweet uttle khtj pufttn ptttty and lorlng and good and bright as ft fairy elf 1 wtt very much tejiipted lndotvl to marry kitty mjseu but her friendi vre all of tbuui ioor and kitty had uot s cent and i know i tboali neyer bo itb love in a coktago content 8a jack was tbe tacky wooer or unlucky anyway yoa can see bow shabby hie cost and his hsir h turning grsj bat rm old he uiiks himself rich itli kitty and homely joy a cot far sway out df town full of noil eirlaaad bol poor jack i m sorry and all that bat of coons he wry eh knew that fellows wbo mkrry for lore mast drink of the hqnor tht brew and the bandsonio atagnstm milod bis coat was in perfect tj lo and women still spake of his pace and gave him their sweetest smile but he thought that night of jack brtmu and said i am growing old i think i most really marry borne beanufol gul with gold tears passed and the bachelor grew tiresome and atnpid and old he had not been able to find ths beantifal gtrltwith gold alone with his fancies he dwelt alone in the crowded town tfll one day he antttenly met the friend of his path jack brown yhy gas vbf jack what a meeting jack was so happy and gay the bacbelnr sighed for content as ha followed his friend away to the cot far oat of town set deep in its orchard trees scented with lilies and roses cooled with the ocean breeze why jack what a beantifal place what did it cost r oh it grew there were only three rooms at first then soon the three were too few so we added a room now and then and oft in the evening hoars kitty the children vd i planted the trees tnd flowers and they grew as the children grew jack barry and brace and belle ind where are tnayoongsten now au happy and doing well jack went to bis own new house his road is level and clear and harry i a lawyer in town malting three thousands year and grace and belle are well marnei thoy married for jove as is bet bat often oar binhds coino back to visit the dear home nest so my sweet wife kitty and i from labor and care may cease we have enough and all can bring nothing bat lore fnd peace bat over and over again the bachelor thought that night bjoine and wife and children jack brown was after all right oh if in the days of my youth i had honestly loved and wed for now when i urtld there s no one cares whether im living or dead ourjstorj the wishring i a young farmer who was ery tuilacky sat on hib plow a moment to rest and jaet then ao old wornks crept past and cried 1 why do you ro m drudging day and night without reward walk two days till yoa come to a fir ttee that stands all alone in the forest and pver tops all other trees if yoa can hew it down yon will make your i cttaqv not waiting to have the adnee repented the farmer shouldered bis axe and started on his journey bore enough after tramp ing two days he c ime to the fir tree which he instantly prepi red to cat down just m the tree swayec and before it fell with a crash there dn pped out of its branches a nest containing wo eggs the eggs roll ed to tbe ground a id broke and there dart ed oat of one yo ing eagle and ont of the other rolled a goli ring tbe eagle grew larger r as if to iry their strength then soaring upward il cried ton have res- oned me take a a reward the ring that lay in the- other egg it is a wish ring torn it on your fi iger twice and whatever your wish is it ah ill be fulfilled bnt re member there is bu a single wash m tbe ring no sooner is that granted than it loses its power ind is only an ordinal ring therefore consider well what yon desire so that yc i may never have reason to repent yonri lice bo apeaking tbe eagle soared high in the air circled over tbe farmers hea4 afewfcmes then darted like an arrow tol ard the east theiamer teethe ring placed it on his finger and lamedon hia way home ward tjward iwniiig he reohed ti to wn where a jeweller at in his shop behind ft counter on which lay many costly rings for tale tbe farm rbowed his own and asked the raerchi trt ita value tt isnt wor b a sbawtbe jeweller answered w v upon that tbe eamu laoghed heartily and told them a44j twaawishrinft and of greater wwb m t the itngs in tbeaoptofletiie s f the jevfelier-wa- jwjflked iignln man so he invited the farmer to remain as his gnest over night tor he ex plained only to shelter a man who owns a wish ring roust bring lack so he treated his guest tyj wine and fair words and that night as the farmer lay sound asleep tbe wicked man stole the magio ring from bis finger and tlippen on in its plsoe a common one which he had made to resemble the wlshiing iho next morning the jeweller was alt impatience to have the f aimer begone he awakened him at cockcrow and said yon had better go for yon still have a long journey before yon as soou as the farmer had departed tbe jeweller closed his shop pnt op the shnt ters so that no one could peep in bolted the door behind him and standing m the middle of the room he tamed the ring and cried i wish instantly to possess a mil lion gold pieces ko sooner said than the great shining gold pieces oamo pouring down npon him in a golden torrent over his head shoulders and arms pitifully he cried for mercy and tried to reach and unbar the door but before he succeeded he stumbled and fell bleeding to the ground as for tbe golden rain it never stopped till the weight of the metal crushed the floor and the jeweller and his money sank through to the cellar the gold still poured down till the million was complete and the jeweller lay dead in the cellar beneath bis treasure the noise however alarmed the neigh bors who came rushing over to see what was the matter when they saw the man dead under his gold they exclaimed doubly unfortunate he whom blessings kill afterward the heirs came and di- mded the property in the meantime the farmer reached home in high spirits and showed the ring to his wife the farmer s wife of coarse proffered advice suppose said she that we wish for that bit of land that lies between our two fields that isn t worth while her husband replied if we work hard for a year well earn enough money to buy it so tbe two worked very hard and at harvest tune they had never raised each a crop before they had earned money enough to bny the coveted strip of land and still have a bit to spare see said the man we have tbe land and the wish ss well the farmer s wife then suggested that ey had better wish for a cowhand a horse but the man replied wife why waste our wish on such trifles the horse and cow we 11 get anyway sure enough in a year s time the money for the horse and cow had been earned jov full the man rubbed his bands tbe wbu is saved again this year and yet we have what we desire how lucky we are j but now his wife seriously adjured him to wish for something at last now that you have a wish to be granted she said you slave and tod and are content with even thing ou might be king emperor baron even a gentleman farmer with chests overflowing with gold but you don t know what yon want we are oung and hie is long he answered there is only one wish in the ring and that is easily said who knows but sometime we may sorely need this wish are wo in want of anything have we uot prospered to all peoples astonish ment since we possessed thib ring 9 be reasonsble and patient for awhile in the meantime consider what we really ought to wish for and that was the end of the matter it really seemed as if the ring had brought a blessing into the house gran aries and bams were full to overflowing and in the course of a few years the poor farmer became a rich and portly person who worked with his men afield during the day as if he too had to earn his daily bread bnt after supper he liked to sit in liis porch contented and comfortable and return the kindly greeting of the folk who passed and who wished him a respectful goodevening so the years went by sometimes when they were alone the fanners wife would remind her husband of the magio ring and suggest many plana but as he always answered hat they had plenty of tune and that the best tboughtsomelast she more and more rarely mentioned the ring and at last the good woman ceased speaking of it altogether to be sure te farmer looked at the ring and twirled it about as many a twenty tunes a day bnt he was very careful never to wish after thirty or forty yean bad passed away and the farmer and his wile had grown old and whitehaired and their wish wasstiu njaasked then was god very good to them and on the same night they died peacefully andtujppily weeping ohudran and grandchildren inr- roujidm the two amis andasne wish ed to remove the tingfrom the still hand as a ramembhooe th eifsbst fcnjkidr let oar father hake into the grave there vjaa4jyjjojitiyabeit it perhaps it wjsa8nw rejmmhranoe oar mother toosa ofwje tl ring she mwtbgiwhijn whetf theyirertjomg the lamp of life there are three wicks to the lamp of a mans we brain blood and breath press the brain a little its life goes out followed by both the others stop the heart a mm ate and out go all three of the wicks choke the air out of the lungs and pres ently the fund ceases to supply the other centres of flame and all is soon stagna tion cold and darkness the wonderfal works of creation at a microscopic exhibition in boston lately the sting of a honey bee wab thrown upon tbe screen the point of which was so sharp as to be hardly distinguishable at the same time tho finest of fine needles was shown under the same power of tho micro scope and the needle measured five inches across said the exhibitor god can make a fine point but man cannot a doable compliment one sunday as a certain scottish mm ister was returning homewards be was ac oosted b an old woman who ssid oh sir well do i like the da when you prech the minister wasiaware thai he was not verv popular and he answered my good woman i am glad to hear it there are too few like you and why do you like when i preach oh sir she replied whenoupxeach i always get a good seat nothing so vulgar eudora what in the world do these letters mean on mrs tomkius mvita twnf mamma they are r s p are they not eudora certainly not i know what b 8 vjp mean they stand for jlepoiuu itl reus plati answer if 5 ou please these letters are ad y j what under the sun do they stand for mamma i am sure i don t know must be something in french or spanish or possibly italian eudora perhaps a i y p mean ans wer if you please mamma impossible mrs tomkms would never use such a common vulgar language as english on her invitations photographing on linen a detroit photographer who has been experimenting in the direction of printing photographs on linen thinks that there will be quite a rage for photographs on curtains tidies and handkerchiefs when once the fashion novy possible sets in the work can be washed and boiled and will not come out the fact that photo graphs can be printed on linen and like textures was made manifest some time ago and accounts were published of a dinner given in honor of henry irving in london whereat napkins were used on which was photographed a portrait of the eminent actor this application of the art might lead to the production of some beautiful designs from nature for dress goods and other articles especially if a process should ever be devised for the representation ofj colors b means of photograph fear as an ally of disease while the plague was raging in buenos ayres the grave diggers bore charmed lives of the 800 men so emploved not one died of the disease it has often been noticed that during the prevalence of pestilential diseases physicians undertakers nurses and grave diggers whosehusiness compelled oonstant liability to infection have usually escaped in far greater ratio than their numbers would warrant the charm of this immunity from the prevailing scourge is very supple they are not scared they are positive to the disease and repel its at tacks fear is a great ally of death whoever is afraid ot disease is in a nega tive position and really invites its ap proach and thus it is the world over the brave died but once while crowds die many tunes huoh unnecessary alarm exists in every community in regard to many diseases v awah marohatand with enfmtiawtstj thscberhuuieflowersainonft wbw we birds sutapatfanivratl to bear tba songs as 1 tmuaf marsh has two vctoa 00a u harsh aadfhrieksairtmsairwtliaiae or moans upon of looaly maisb where snipes and plovers wjed tot it tries and freaaa it mocks as moans 0 er bin sad f crest field and fan and rands ttaslf afatnttb sines that form tba nwansstn tops hut dux its other talee la won w and fun of mafic strange and scroti the flowrs earns boaadrngia thato fast and all q into song march has two faoes one looks forth aeroas a soundless sea of snow where la the bane and stormy nnrth frlsmstle iesberfs gleam and blow but oh its otbartace is fair 1 think that i ean ew tt no with banstes faste in t be r that frames its high majestic brow around its nek tbe grasseselb i there robins build their nests r ad stag a song to welcome back their lug xv r i important to foreigner the following lines an commended to foreigners studying the english language a pretty deer is dear to me a hare with downy hair a hurt i love with all my heart 1 bnt barely bear a bear tib plain that not one takes a plane to have a pair of pears although a rake may take a rake to tear away the tares sol s rays raise thyme tune races all and through the whole hole wears 1 a scribe in writing right may write to wright and still be wrong for write and rite am never right and dont to right belong robertson is not roberts eon nor did he rob butts son yet roberts sun is robins sun and ererybouys tun beer often brings a bter to man coughing a coffin brings 1 and too much ale win make as ail i as well ss other things the person lies who aays he lies when he is not reclining and when oonsnmptive folks decline 4 they all decline flonltnvng quails do not quail before a storm a bough wih bow before it we cannot rem the rain at all no earthly powreigns oer it the dyer dyes awhile then dies to dye hes always trying until npon his dying bed he thinks no morem dyeing a son of mars man many a sun all deys must have their days and every knight should pray each night to hun whetweighs his ways xis meet that man should mete oat meat to feed one f ortohes son the fair should fare on love alone else one cannot be won a lass alas u sometimes false of faults a maid is plade her waist is bat a barrel waste- though stayed shejs not stud the springs shoot forth each spring and y shoots t shoot forward one and ah though summer kills the flower it leares the leaves to fall in fall j i would a story here commence but you might find it stale 1 so well suppose that we haveteached the tailend of our tale i j j a chnrch member who was pro nounced not guilty a member of a church odngregaiian in wisconsin was last month charged with gambling in stocks and brought up before a committee lor investigation tbe trial began by a deacon asking brother smith the charge is gambling m stocks yes sir and you plead not guilty r no sir i plead guilty 1 then you do buy and sell stocks apeea- late in wheat and oats andsell futures- 4n j pork t i idosir didnt i give nclomoaihtaf help to build this chnrch yes v that was part ot my profits on a spas moats didnt i foot a deficiency of m the ministers salary this yearf yes j tbatcamefromarueinstocks didnt i chip in 700 towards the parsonage p 33 yes that came from a corner in havent i whacked op on the orphan lum the new bridge the park and thwj engine you have well that means mora holding on tfll i felt my hair gentlemen i will step out for a and letyon reaoh a verdict he stepped bnt it was only before he was called m on the verdict of not gnflty t why ho never saved honey i see sud senator frye that a washington paper in a very compliment ary nqttos sets me down as a poor manv not worth over 25000 thats too muoh 1 said mr frye bat the fellow who wrote that dees not know the reason i am so poor it came about m this wise i was brought up in a quakar family and wfhen in mv boyhood igot chance to go up to boston my quaker grandfather gave me istospend i did not know any boys in boston and i oonld think of no way to have ffrworth ot fan without boys 80 1 kbptthernoneylnmypooket when i got home my grandfather asked me how i spent the is and i with tho air of one who hadjdoos a tvirtnous action said i did notjpeod it at u grandfather j saved jt and haveitmniy pocket where- upon my grandfather said yoa may give tj ttfueftfhbfai ij ga yo tt- spend at beajoo wr uidjse seoltotilmve fowronttey 7 1 h5 ssssaafr v- jfei in a recent isaoedt a ojiioagv peared the following nmoaeadi w ployer radjianvasnitfbbsd- approaching the adi headed man reporter expressed- iosity at the advertisement and asied if he might learn de of rediaired hem j business v yt well sir saidthe i have alwayafonndjthai are the smartest an4 xfokft axeprondanffwapootfnljanai iixe the ordinary errand bop6i n ttefchairr m hayenqldonht nsidaj fsti

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