0fppfpgp vf i vtv f v f ctmtgree w tmmstut jiojurrcr imaech 13 l84 the faults of others wy wsigllbort faults i wo and vet my oxm delinquency porgst i bare sundird blgh you too the dart tor qiun lit sky for me to tny ova crrort blind my light another ft alts cm find at nighl oh urn i hid the gr within myhrtorlovoico p for sin 1 1 if t- 1 i w r wise sayings politeness is a wreath of flowers that mdorns the world 8he who receives a good tarn should never forget it she who docs one should never remember it- some people seem boru with a hed in which the thin partition that divides wit from folly in wanting what is really momentous and allimpor tant with as is the present by which the future is shaped and colored there vr some human tongues which have two sides like that of certain quad rupeds one smooth the other very rough have the courage to speak your mind when it is necessarynhat you should do so and hold your tongue when it is prudent that you should do so boarding boardinghouse keeping was doubtless in tended for the solace and sustenance of aeedy women innumerable matrons have brought up their children honestly and well by means of the slow pence thus diligently acquired many a couple whose illmanned bark had suffered wreck on the unknown eea of housekeeping have found grateful food and shelter in the narrow harborage of a boarding house and yet the fact re mains that no manner of life is so objec tionable for young wives as boarding iv is too easy too public too empty the hours which the husband spends at his work the wife finds unencumbered save by what she considers social claims she sews a little ttjkes a few stitches on the christmas slippers or the new mantel lam breqmn reads i few chapters of a novel looks at the last magazine goes out to walk makes a few calls and her working day u- done at the table the talk is such idle gossip such unideal chatters half made up of proper names as interests the idle popu lation of a boardinghouse happiness becomes more and more an external thi matter of conditions dress luxuries ajnusements intimacy in a certain et- at the endof a year the pretty girl who began her life with dreams of perfect wifehood and ideal bliss probably will have given place to a gossip and an idler who finds herself slightly tired by a long evening alone with her husband if ht has forgotten the habit of audible admiration the two who might have grown nearer together- in the privacy of home by means of their common interest have separated imper ceptibly but surely wont you cat a penny open for me father t said a little girl whan she came home from school one day cut open a penny what do you want me to do that for r nfced her father cause said the little girl our tahtfr says that in every penny there are four farthings and i want to see em my son asked a sunday school teach er what do you know of the proverb re garding people who reside in glass houses v i dont know nothin was the response jahont the proverb but i know that people whvlive in glass houses ortent to lay abed late in the mornin unless they poll down thetbunds how said the irate mother to her amiry of one boy and four girls who had been misbehaving themselves m going to whip you all and she seised on jimmie to receive the first instalment of the chas tisement mother said jimmie ladies first always the old lady was so struck with this application of her own instruc tion that she did not strike any of the children but let them off that time the star dyes are uoeicelled for cheap nenaod brilhan i fatt colors 10 one trial of mother graves worm ei terminator will convince yoa that it his do equal at a worm medicine ihankaud softcoren cannot withstand olloway8 corn care ii is effectual erery fce aavybrde seal brown olive greed and other rich dark colors of the triancie dyes arc as perfectas brightfihadea thcj never disappoint the- oaer 10c at j e mcgarrins drag store zz take ayer saraipariila in the cpring of the year to parity the blood invigorate the system excite the liver to action and re stores the healthy tone and vigor of the whole physical mechanism gaukkeuncared are you troubled with salt rheum boagb skinipunpieborcadkersorea if so o at ooce to j e mcgarvina drag store and get a package of calverts carbolic cerate price twentyfiye cents it waa never known to fail 47 the extraordinary popularity of ayer cherry pectoral is the uatnral resnlt of its nae by intelligent people for over fort yean it baa indisputably proven itself the very best known ipeeific for all colds coughs and pulmonary complaints a taxwlyue slrake a thrx cornered weao the triangu lar shape or tho triangle dye package added to their undoubted superiorly have won the uy and driven all fithan from tbfe hold so colon 10c at j e itcqarvlna deng store acton 87 hltwjf afttcftble ouo very valuable feature of dr lowi plcaant worm syrup ii that it ii highly agreeablo to talto and all varieties of wofmi tape worms included can be safely expelled by it witnout recourse to harsh and sick ening drugs 26 robert lubbock cedar rapids writes i have used dr thomas ecleotrlo oil both for myself and family for diphtheria with the very beat results i regard it aa tho beat remedy for this disease and would use no other when buying dr thomas ec lee trie oil see that you get the genuine beware of imitations the most incredulous aro forced to admit that for perfection m colors the tritnrle dye haye no equal ask for three corner ed package and ke that you pel it 10c at j e mcgarvinvdrug store 33 mr k mccw cuitom uouae toronto writes my wife was troubled with dys- pepsia and rheumatism for a loug time ahe tried many different medicines but did not get any relief until she ued northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dy peptic cure she baa taken two bottles of it and now finds herself in belter health than she has beeu for years be carrfkl vflul t eat the best mediciae authorities declare that worms in the humau system are often in duccd by eating too freely of uncooked fruit and- too much meat cheese etc whateverjtnay be the cause freemma worm powdfrs arc speedy and safe to cure they destroy- the worms and contain their own cathartic to expel them 26 tbrt where the show ptaekes corns are a capital indicator they tell to a hairs breadth whether your shoemaker ha nude allowance for their dimensions or not coras will rcqnire an accident policy at coce feu puts axs faixless cork ex- tracron removes them in a few days no pain no discomfort aud permanent benefit try it idbydnigisueverjwhere n c polson i co kingston proprietors terr reaurkable steeatcry mr goo v willing of manchester hcb writes my wife has been almost helpless for five years so helpless that she could not turn over in bed alone- ste used two bottles of electric bitter and is so inuch improved that she is able now to do her own work electric bitters will do all that i claimed forthem hundreds of testimonial attest their great curative powers only fifty cents a botie at j e mcoaryins i abiskxas testwosy for a cough coldorany bronchial affection pectoria in my opinion is just the thing i have used it in my family for coughs and colds for the- past four years with the most un varied success and today my opinion of it is that i continue to think still more of that which inegan thinking well of g eo aa editors tribvie theion p eeator editor of ft wayne tnd gazette writes for the past fireyears have always used dr kings new discovery for coaglu of most severe char acter as well as for those of a milder type it never fails to effect a speedy care my frieads to whom i have recommended it speak of it m 6arae high terms having been cured bv it of every cough i have had for five years i consider it the only reliable and sure cure for coaghs colds etc call at j e tf cgarvin a drug store and get a frtt trial bottle large size il00 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cores it hat affect ed mcgrtgor speedy cvre leads the ten subjected to the minutest rhemieal knalyi it has been foucdto contain one of those iujarious ingredients characterizing the xorthless specifies daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecnl- ur adaptability to the varioai compuiots for which it has beeo compounded and efficacy ia beiog establiahed by lestimonials hourly reeeiired we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we cr offer to the public with the assurance that it will be fonnd not only a relief but an cwauit cure for dyspepsia ljyer com puini indigestion constipation and im- pare blood free trial bottles at j e mcgainns drug store 33 holfovxtft pule nervous irrilabililv no part of the human machine requires more constant eupervisionthau the nervous srsiim for upon it voar bealtb and even life depends these pills strengthen the nerve and afethe safest general purifiers of the blood- nansea headache giddiness numbness and mental apathy yield to them they dispatcb in a summary manner those uitrefibtng dyspeptic smptoma stomachic pais fulness at the pit of the stomach abdominal distension and regulate alike dpricioaa appelifii and cotifined bowehi the commonly accomfaoyiliz signs of de fective or diminished nerve tone hoi- loways pills are particularly recommended to persons of studious and sedentary habita wbo gradually fall into a nervous and irrit able state unless some such restorative be occasionally taken k m id ritb piljy and general debility and gptft mull fortune in adrertbed remedies jriaimixvul until he tried bnrdock blood it purified and revitalized tbi- enued it to circulate freely and ojrfujn8n biai to bealtb 26 ded cloak or mantle meki 5 jnckage of the triangir i pqpolar color alwiy h rjijemcoimn m- 87 the bet proeftsz slobe i sell more b or dock blood bitten than i do of any olber preparation in stock ftftyi b jackes druggist toroolo if the read er will ask any druggist ia the city be will get a similar answerto bis query a proof ibat it is the most popular medicine for the blood liver and kidoeyi known 26 hot en heikersm aelkerlll arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of catting teeth if so go at once and get a bottle of mrs winalowa soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately wh howard of geneva ny suffer p up00 j ere is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who has ever nied it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rait to tho mother and relief and health to the child operating like maglo it is perfecty safe to use in all oases and pleasant to the taste aad is the ptescrip- ion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nuneein the united state sold everywhere at 25 oenu a bottle ivi watwni not adopt a ttery schje at the rlg huao lie has no nutvuty to do so as his goods arovoducetf to anoh vary low prioet toat hit numeiuus enatomer are convinced fjf ta ajm wfll sat at the eight hois and the enormous reductions he hsi made oi hu present atar wmu tbe prieei down in many iuuooe wo jjf 4ry larga that nrusenotlo that his oort prices m cut down totha toryanost point buyhidlmthe i gjjjjj fjjjjiart 1 18s3 to it largs iota of goods from manufacturers mooh oheaber than be oould buy small quantities from them for ape wore mth lsi sd sterling this proresanu when dntjr fralght ajid i ted stales and still larger purchases of oanadlanmsde goods direct from the n fj oenaaa whieb on discounu off bis purobs io that be is well aatufled to have 4c on each donar wortt sold for profit p- ffi account qfhls sales belna so enorjnouslylarge amounts to a handsome inoomo he has marked down kukoodsirensely f kosooo to n000 u iaabla lo get larg lou of goods from manufacturers tnuoh oheaper than be i ooald toy small qnantiues i irom snern ror t setoil fabraary 1 1884 his importations from europe wore iwjm lis sdvaterllng this pipresanu when dnty freight and other z orent lo pay 0rt boide large impotlon from the oim state ud tfuj prhv rf oanmd a du f and he receives over 5000 each yesr in cub account oinib sales oeiua so enuruouaiy large amounts io a iianusome inoomu ne oa uiwra uiu u k u imm sm ono to fonuuu tbe past year up umh first of this month were far in exoea of any former year and havebeea oonsuntiy increasing sinoe 18651 some years rl morithan the previous year beautiful bleached table damask marked down from ii io 7c mntles ulsterttwmans and shas p xari sb wrccnt former prices mantle and ulster cloths marked down from 1123 to 1 snd other prloes in proportion lsfcei ktflttwl sajrfj clonds and ojl 1mb tdlece of while shirtings marked down from is to 10c frenob kid glove in all sites put down from v to 60c prints well worth iso seluog on at tuft g ki d i- o m t n t iq i ioi tn lflv nrt an nfl the moorntng vooas oi lothers selling off jmually cheap drvss goods are rcdnoed from 00 to 40c fron87j to 25c irom 18 to 15c irom 12j to 10o and sp on utelol to huahsou and tho silks and 8itlns in blaok and colors are going off at extremely low prices blsnketa greatly reduoed in pnce the klgbt house king street east close w n street tbe name is hamilton jan 34tb 1884 thomas c watkxns hamilton ayers pills a largo proportion of the hueasc which cauiohumau tuheruig result trou derange ment of the itomacli boveia and urer avrbs cjltoabtio pills act directly uiou uttio organs and are especially deatgned u euro tuo tuaeaaes eaoaed by their deraugc- mzd luclttding constipation indlgts- uiu uyapepala headache dysentery and a host of other ailments lor all ci thlch they are a safe sure prompt si pleasant remedy the extensive um oi ha- pills by eminent physicians la regular prac lice shews anmlitakably tbe estimation i which they an held by the medical profu sion these pills are oompoundtd of regetal tabstauees only and are absolutely free fn r eajomdor any other injurious lngredleou a solterer from headache writes i avers fills are invaluable to m aitd an my constant companion 1 hare becu a mrero mltorer from headache and your cills an the only thing x ooold look lo for relief one dose will quickly more my bowels and fre my bead from pain tlxtj ire lb most 1tmuto and the easiest physio 1 hare erer found it is a sleasure to me to speak in heir praise and 1 always do so tbeu occasion offers w u paaa of w l page ft bro franklin st rkrimotnlva june 3 1 i have used aths pills in number less instances as reoommended by you aud bare never known them to fall to accomplish uie desired result we eonstanuj keep them on band at oar borne and prise them as a plcuint safe and reliable family medicine too ulspavpsla they are lnvalnable v jthaits mcih texas june 17 iso the lltv fuixcis b hailowe writing from atlanta go sayt for souie yean past i hate beeu lubjoct to eonitipauon roni vliich in tuiie of the um of medi- iies of various tundi i suffered increailnc ineontuieuc until eome months aeo 1 begun taxing wras pills they hate cmij corrccied the costixe uabft and liave taatlr iuiprotod my general health avrai cirnaatic pills eorrect irregu kritlcs at tbe bowels stimulate the appe tite and digestion and by their prompt and uioronu action fire tone aad rigor to the whole iijical cwnomy racribeo ot 0 aver co lowellmt buli br iil druggisti speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the be8t casket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest kotiee and at lowest terras eall calls eitftr night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case- a firstclass hearse for hire awweare in a potitlon to aatufactorily fill orders for vafinona carriages 4c of every description in rcmonable time good workmanship end firstclass material always used we bivcalso a fplcndid lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheat aru you will pay u ca8h we wil1 y anything in our line cheap j a 8pei0ht managr co to the old reliable clothing store for your r n n g dr all experience the vonderlul benendal effects ot youkg old and uiddii- a6d nitlo taint ylaase loklbyaudniggbu jl lctlcj ic ti ayes sarsaparilla children with sore eyes sort- ears or any serornlobs or fnh may m made healthy and strong business brevities same facts about our boalneaa hen and houses of benefit to our ksneral reader yna will find a still increased stock of goods in all lines adapted for the coming season at prices suitable to the hard times do not fail to see my 811 s12 and 18 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting the finest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end clothing store j fyfe hats horn 75 cents to i50 a j fytvs if you want a nobby durable and cheap suit j fyies is tbe placi to go the larrest aud cheapeil atock of boots i shoes to select from is at xelson fc mciuss thrlirjcat stock of gents faraubuiji hats and caps shirts and drawers at kel son mciues tbe best valae in factory cottous winceys flannels and domestic goods si kelson mcracs jhe lareest and chiipest stock ot ready made ciothiag in the town is at xeuoa t ucrats the raot erfect fitting suits aid overcoat and the best selection of jockis at the loweat pnci at kelson k mcuaes suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and see them j fyfe acton for beauty and durability of color the triangle package dyes beat the world if you never ued dyes before do so now sod bo convinced 10 18 cfja week at home tooo outfit free pay vdqabsoluttlysure no risk capital not required reader if you want business at which persons of either sex young or old can make great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to h hiirrr 4 co portland maine feames an endue88 variety of plush and otherj picture frames suitable for pre8ent8 photographs the latest style token by the new process no lontj sittings- bring your pictures of deceased friends and nave them ed ii enlarged in flrstolass style cwhill acton feames who is unaopuamtio with thi oeoohaphy w f his oovmtry ww subyijuimijuakltriwllitiutthi acuto ubll i otbepresidenuofthetj8 the largest handsomest best book aver sold for leas than twice oar price tba teat selling book is america immense profit to agents ail intelligent people want it any one can become a successful scent terms free hiitzit book co portland maine cpcc srllwsuoaiqpktflblltfl- intui igjgf a guaranteed cure for yrroui dibulty iaa soistl wwk- biubyitruvnri4oes and all brain and nerve troubles caused by self abase over brain work eve sta written guarantee of cure in every case or money refunded bend 15c for postage on fsee tbui box of 100 pills address da m w bco cor clark st and calhoun place chicago 111 the bennett churn tfc tfnmt articla la tit icufttt 0iuriuitfiaionnrtiati4 tf ia ttnsltuamtt ttak ramshaw son acton have secured the sole control of tbe sals of tbe famous bennett churn this churn ia manufactured npon the most practical and commonaeiiae principle ex tant and only requires to be seen at werk to be understood appreciated and par chased a member of tbe above firm a ill call upon you with a sample churn balcssavw ft son acton jan 15 84 best aaaceaarerttelke saererlaa browns houschald panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in tbe side back and bowels sore throat rheumatism tcotkacbe lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will moat surely quicken the blood and heal aa its actios power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as tbe great pain believer and of doable the strength of any other elixir of liniment in the world should be in every family bandy for use when wanted as it really is the best rmedy in tbe world for cramps in the stomach and pains antt aches of all kinds and is for sale by all pruggistajaf 26 cents bottle harhes truhk 9mpot pavjitles keqcihrxg av d harness or traaks to save money should go to r creech acton be8 fahily newspaper ih canada kiko of weeklies i weekly free press xjaxge 1 paper 8 pagescut pasted by new m contains all the news special market department agricultural department- capital story always banning ingenious puzzle column funny humorisms jut uu thin for tie tuiily i3send m0 and the paper will in forwarded to you to january 1st iflss 911000 litpremiamst the most liberal inducements ever offered tn canada to partfee getting up dubs for the week ly pree press bend for premium list wbeext ree rbesa f1bbes8 adtofeate seal te 1st jaaaary mm far 179 address feefc pke88 office london ont thscsampwnof the homes agaitut the saloons a masterly prohibition pajmr the lever the leading temperance journal cf the united states opposed to license in all its forms tbe fearless advocate of tbe total prohibition of the drink traffic elohtpioe ftmscr colotjxwlkkiy tersbsmly 1j per tear ctlibeval reduation to clubs ageute wanted samples free i address yjisflestk looms chicago rock island pacific ry bains tha qraatt oantrml una aflortfa to travalere by reason of tta jnrtvmad smo- raphleai poattkm ttia ahortavt and bast routa ba ttw bast northeast ana southeast and the wast norrhwaat and soutfiwaat it la literally and atrtotty true that la oonnaotlom are all of the principal unas of read between tha auantto and tba paolflo br ka main una and branches it raaehaa ohteajo jollet peoria ottawa slxs jwsi s minoiai bwvanport muaobttna waahlnston keokuk jcnoirllm oakalooaa faimam daa walnaa waat ubarty towatjity atlantle avoeq audubon harlan ouuirta oantar and oounoil blufla in torn j oauatta tranton eamacon tuid kanaaa ohy in mlaaourl and laavan- worth and atchison in kanaaa and the hundrada of ansae ytuasas and towns intermedial the t- great rock island route aa it la fathlbartr oaoad orfara to travatsra an ttw adrantama and oomforta h immam to a amooth track aafa brldjpea onk bata at alnaottajpolrrbi wi aonpoeed ot oommodkwb wauvbrnum wau snbmardjluriajittv ooabsai a z it ipreaa trains i ato pimaxy upri faat hia1 most asaominobjit hobton moumwo ohath 0am arar built i lataat destined and tmniiennssjmmoss r rw and olallmcl aajtb lrass thmb tbaimb aaeh way ba twioaoo staat tna abbsousa anna t2 wibbbsb ohkwwo and mnslsos and rvmiat albert lea route i tfnr amt rtrn t ii irina ainrl ifan lias saaa liaait uuaiuu between mawport bawa rwrnona macnail and onminuflebt nmlniaayolta t fa bu tcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the peaple of acton aad viciuity that be has purchased the buaioeu aud property uf mr w c hobinsco and it piepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kinda and jottitry and game in season 0- meat delivered to any part of town at any time t having practical experience in the butchering buaineaa i feel confident that i can suit all a call kindly solicited r holmes wemrth tfcelr wellit la i pills ointment sjrffs incomparable tlbbiclne hat ttcurtd for ml an imperuhabk fame ihrougkoul the wmujor the alleviation and are of mo diteata to tehiei kumaniljjtheir the pills purify regulate and improve the quality of tbetlood they assist thedlgeatiyeoigana cleanse tbe i t stohacu and po fci8 increase the secretory powers of tbe ijer brace the nervoos system sad throw into the circulstion the purest elemedls far sustaining aud repairing tbej frame thousands of persona halve testified that by their use alone tbev have deeu restored to isalth and strength after every other means had proved unsuccessful i the ointment will befound iuvaloable in every household in tbe cure of open sores hard tumora bil i4si old vouafu ovatfu colds sore throats bronchitis and all disorders of tbe tbroat and chest as also gout rheumatism scrofula mid every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor hollo- ways establishment 523 oxfohd 8tbeet londun and sold at is ijd 2s 9d 4s 6d 22s and 33a each box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cents aad150ndtbelargersizcsin proportion t3citmonl hare no agent in tbe united states nor are my medicines sold there purchasers should therefore loqk to the label on the pots and boxes if tbe address is not 633 oxford street london they ate spurious the trade mark of my said medicioes ia registered at ottawa and also at wash ington stoned thomas hollow ay 633 oxford street loudon the key to health unlocks all the clogged avennea of the bowels kidnaya and liver carry- ingc gradually witxiouiweelauimg the system all the impurities and fool bumora of tbe becrecions at tba earoe time correcting acidity of tbi stomach curing biliousness dys pepsia headaobes bxatneas heartbnrn ccxstiraaaon dryness of the skin dropsy ptaness of visio janndioe 8stt hosxtto sryaipelas seroftoa fluttering of the heart nervousness and qen- aral debility all these snd many other similar complaints yield to the nappy l of blood btptee8 i anscei joot pnpfttr add7 send six cents for pqat- rlalsvcage and receive free a costly box of goods which will help yon to more money right away than anything else- in this world ail of either sex succeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure at once address tecs 4 co augusta haihe hflls i tin ist stove depot gqod assortment on stovus cheap foe cash tinware of all ktnd8 at bottom price8 vmiatsr1 bavtaaar and put up o shortest noticje v first glass material only used aoall solicited pl ftfor the working ilasa send 10 mulilloentsfor postage ana we will matl yon free a royal valuable box of sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days tjian yptv ever thought possible at any bmdneaa casital not required we will start yon ydu can work ail the time ar in youp apan tune only the work is universally adapt ed to both sexes young and old you can easily earn from 60 centatcis eveaj even ing that all who want workmayteatthev bustaeaa we make this unparalleled offer r tol who are not well aajtissed we wffl send fl to pay for the trouble of writing us fujlparaoulara direntjonaietei sentfjee fortpnea wul be made by those who jjive their whole time to the wort great aue- s owabeolutelysinfe btartnow addrses snxaoiot ftu portland maine i nia i x wew aerertta- ncet cm prices tbe exact t f etmif paper or list at papers dseerrollj- xorsdabed v iwb appbeatloii sy send fcr sew caxalosrae jc hough adrertjahia agent bivabuci sstrorixu- cfafrtluwttculille this i uhe of the largest and best story pat pers pubhshtd in america il is fnll of star aad aeasasm n wis alia bajaur i aaecatattaad ldteatate iu fact there will uot bea tingle line df doll reading in it pnbliahttl the 1st snd 15th of every month terms one dollar per annum iu advance agents wanted every where samples free address- the family welcome london out v smssiiiii a ww manhood ow lost hotl be8tket ifflfe jftfartssr mhl4ihadaiiaw btawt eraled essay on tbi ratueatuhl twa tiareiftiafijjectasjiiilv m