m 353 j s il u i 1 jf 7 i i w ctim 4hru wib tbquiut mottsio mijica so 1684 the littls dutomtan otm utth tachmn my utrae i vvn der dose an vt i cundot pet to ml i uncui it mit my note an n dey rill riot lei raj buy i ukes it oat ia vork au ven doy mkc roe vark too hud i aooa de job vill tliirk an vn dey send mo off to pod t lays ftvkke all night an ven dey come to vake me up 1 shuts my eyes up tight for pitt little tuchman my uime is van der dote an vat i do not know myself i never vant to known what to do and what not to do if you have goods to sell advertise eire a man with a lampblack kettle and a brush to paint your name and number on all the railroad fences the can ro whizzing by so fast that no one can read thtmto be sure but perhups the ccodactor would stop the train to accommodate an inquisitive passenger remember the fence by the roadside as well nothing is more attractive to a paaterby as a well painted sign milling- toni medical mixture for mumps have your card in the hotel register by all means strangers stopping at hotels fcr a night generally buy a cigar or two be fore leaving town and ihey need some inspiring literary food besides if an advertising agent wants your busi ness advertised in a fancy frame at the depot pay him about 200 per cent more than it is worth and let him put it there when a man his three quarters of a second in which to catch a train he invariably tops jo read depot advertisements and your card might take his eye of coarse the street thermometer dodge is excellent when a mans fingers and ears are phewiug at the heat ox tingling with the cold is the time above all others when he stops on the street and reads an advertisement advertise on a calendar people never look at a calendar to see what day of the month it is they merely glance hurriedly at it so as to be sore that your name is spelled without sf p thats all when the breezes blow wafted by a paper fan in the hand of a lovely woman tis well to have the air redolent of the per fume of the carmine ink in which your business address is printed this will make the market for decent fans very good patronize every agent that shows you an advertising tablet card directory diction ary or even an advertising bible if one is offered at a seasonable price the man must msafi a imng but dont thin of advertising in a well- awtabliahed legitimate newspaper kot for a moment your advertisement would be nicely printed and would find its way into every thrifty household of the res on where the farmer the mechanic the trades man and ethers live aocf into the families of the weahhy and refined all who have articles to buy and money with which to buy them nd after the news of the day have been digested it would be read and pondered and next day people would come down to yotrr store and patronize you and keep coming in increasing numbers and you might have to hire an extra clerk or two move into a urer block and more favorable location and do a bigger business but of course it would be more expensive and bring greater profits the star dyes are unexcelled for cheip neat and brilliant fut colors 10 worms derxnge the whole system mother graves worm exterminator de ranges woims and give reil to the sufferer the mot jucreduloas are fjreed to admit that for perfection ia crlon the trianirle pyeshaye no quil ask for three comtr- ed package aud ee that you tet it- life ftt j e mcgarviag drugstore 33 a lady writes i was enabled to re move ihe corn root and braecli by the use of holloways corn cure sail bhem cre are you troubled with salt rheum rough skin pimples nrcankei sores ifo goatooce to j e mccirvius drug sure and get a package pf calreitt carbolic cerate price tweoty6ve cents it was never known o fail 41 ayerr hair vigor stimulates the uair cells to healthy action and promotes a vigorous growth il coo urn all thai can be supplied to make the oal uiai hair beauti ful aud abundant keeps the scalp free from dandruff prevents the nair from be a three crnaretl weapon tbuinogt lir hat of the triangle dyvaoktg added to their undoubted upmwrty have won the dy and driven ajl others from the held 30 colors 10o at j e mognrvlni drug store acton 87 when the uuhh ii landed with imparities and movea iiiiirmy in the veins an atteuiwe u uetded needed at this con dttiiiu of the vil fluttt can oi last long without lerioiu rctnulu there is nothing better thn acers saiuparilla to purl by the bltxxt ami impart envrcv to the system if you have n feted clonk or mantle make il new by utiiiig s package of the trittnglf dyes all the popular colnra always certain lqc by j muoarvin 87 the port of hlkml from which the oon sutqcuu of vijuimus bflc brain and muse f a e derived is not uunfactured by aslom- nch nliich tsbifiousnr wrak uututerriipu ed thorough dijctim miy ins arc i the terreuw itciivliy of the imr ietirtd and the ivcttim ruiricmlv nunshd by the aid of voriliiooi lymaun vetiaile discovery and dtiwptic cute it is the greatest blood pun tier fvr iuiroducul iuto canada bvellrnlariea halve the ut wive in the world for cuts oruims sonw ulcers bait rheum fever soroa tvitcr chappfnl hands chilblains coins und all sku eruptions and posi tively care piles or n pay required it is goaiauieed trgnc erfect aalisfaeuon r mouey rrfuudel price wee a u per box for sale by j e marrin 31 tke terr latest kews hit vi you heard the laiest nrwg ttid ouc city swell io another no do tell me what it u well i have at last gol rid ff ray coma by nne trial of pctkans painless cork extractor and as i know youi are evuti woie than mine were i couldulpas without telling you to get a botuf at your druggists ill guarantee it will fix em eomjletely it is sure prompt and ualnlsa taking ihe corut out at ooce iitld everjwhere beware uf snbatitutea und imitrttious 5 c polsolr a co rlinstoa proprietors- art you troublihl with salt kbeum lloogh rlandg or old sores of any kind that cannot he beakd even though it be of year elaoding mcgregor prkes car bolic cerate will care it betood the shadow uf a doubt it i the leal lealing compound ever known boils festerings frost bites barm or nnv skia trouble ire alike cared by it sold it 25 ceuu by j e- mc garvio druggist 33 tlioamndi aj 8 mr t w aikina gir ml ksn aiitcs i nevrr hftiiale n itcmmend your elcc ric biltf in my calomtt they pvc intire kiiifcfaction anti are rtpd aelln elciic niiicn urt the puret aud lien medieiut knwa aud will positively cum kidnev aod liver caipainta pflhfy the buofl ma rvgalafc the uwelf ncifaniilv can affirtl ti u- witboot them they will give hurdrwu of dcjiara in doctors bills cvtiy year s j j at fifty crula a boale by je mgaivic how to make casdt this book gives faudinvlonx fir making ai kinds of tlin and faucy coniy the recpes for making- c tamel- ciioclste dropi french mixed aal all other kind- nf candle contained in uus lk rty the eatce a used by the lead- iig city cotifictioiicrs anyone can hare tlisie caiilis alhoihc si les than one thud th- uua cis ftnt f4tpid for 50 centa mi eumps ukt aidresa roches cerp0blisuso co 32 33 t z 12 obura bock to uesttt k y 33 fftrifovat puu important for the deli can- u is difficult to detetmioe wldch i ihe more trying u the human constitution ihe damp coddivs of autumn and winter or the kfen dry eoteriy winds of opting- tbrogloqi the ttasons jrood health may fw miiiuiaitied by occasional doses of hol- o ways pills whuh parrfy the blood and ac as wiiolesnie eiimabinls to the skin somacli hver inwels an1 kidneys thva celebrated mediiiue netds bat a fair trial to ennrince the aiiing snd despoudlog thai it will restore and cheer tbcm without dan ger pain or inaiovecienee ko family shoalu be ihout a 6up iy of tj olio way pills and 0 iitmeni a by a timely recourse to them the firtt errag function may reclaioied saffering may be spared and lf- saved prominent among thereatesi medical discoveries by the many caies jt oarixt- ed mcortgjrt sptedy curt leads the subcrti to the mi oa test chemical hualysik it has lieen touod io coutaiu one of those injurious ingredients cbaracterjzinfi the torthlehs specifics daily offered to the public every ingtedieut noaaesae a pecuu iaradaptaliifily to the various complaiots for which it has leen compounded and efficacy is being established by testimonials hoarly received we are therefore coofi ible aod sloajy a wide awake drag mr 3 e mcgarvin is always wide awake in his basin em and sparest do pains to secure the best of every article in hia line hehas secured the agency for the celebrated dr kings new discovery for consumption the only certain cure known far consumption coughs culda hoaiseness asthma hay fever bruu- chitis or auy antxtjou of the throat auu lungk sld ou poaitive guaranlee will ire vou a trial bottle free regular aize ioo the navy blue seal hruwn olive grei-f- and othtr rich dark colors of the triand dyes are as perfeelas brightfchadea tu- never dhsappoiut the uer 10c at 1 e mugarviaa drag store 33 thx wojtasa phybicux a common fue melical wok fur ladus only fulii ttuswrall qittiions wnici midesty- preveqta kuu a mae ptycua gives came nd sympuims of all diseases of the aex with potuxoe cart for each in plain lajtiuxe aritieu by siic v ha made tbe disaae a life ita p talk in delicate language which eerv wum mymngaa oil should re jj i ommeidd by m uym p iy an- as ajaeyuwe for thru hiodiei ixouaii1 lllftrjl 100 v i ir ifi- ltch atyli gjtujcifisg- io a33tlrfo hi pai for coming dry and ijareh and makes it fier deit tliat we nate preparation which we a i it ji i u con offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a rtlitf but au obtohdt curt for dyipepnia liver com- puint indigestion consiipatim and im pare blchkl free trial bottles at 4 mcgai vins drag store 3h thb envbswite a popular domestic journal for am homes ill be em fvr one year free every laiy who will eod at once theaai aad adlrvrs of 10 married ladies aud 0 cents no tamps takeu best paper for eidier young or old hoasfckeepeia in exut- eucc t-j- offer is made only to seen re names to whom to seud sample ciipios as we know eirrv lady who once sees tlu ijobsewirr mil subscribe fvr u begufai vrke 1 00 pir year address at ouoe the iliuslttirt rochester n y 88 bet en hauerstt hathersmt are you disturbed kl night and broken f yur nd by a ick cpihl buffering aod crying wiili lie jcrihi htn piiii ofctiuing leetb if i g t on ye aud ef n bottle of lrs winidoivs sooihiiitf syrup it will relitr the poor little sufferer inimrdihtely upeud upti iv t litre is no mistake about it there t not a mother on earth who lias ivt utwl il who will ant tell m nr once ii and jtive rs lienlth to ili it t- f firm pai it will rcgnur tn bowels o the inoihtt and relief and child operating like magic nif in u- in all cases sod i tl taift ami i i he prtfchp female i state ibotoey f of xw oldtat and best fen jlok tptiyswlni inu ntim in lie unhedflti tx v soldererywhciet2floeguabotua watklns will n0 adpptinf bit naartwi iuto oobtibowi uurthnw wlm to i hd i thl fx ngthprioilowhliioiinyluttb1iw lh mu nd mkoann ill twin the hkh diraw for b diiriituid hit prohh ibm ftf w n he hut no neoniity to do in u hii jondi tn rlootd lit iach vary loto priot tutl i uli it th rixhi ume ui tb auorinuua raduotloui be bu nutdu uu hie ptemot etof bleue noiioe tli bu pott prlcrf are cut rtowo to the cry 4nnt wliit hi he bttyt blg s jiitl zzjt i ri i 1883 to be u 11 to i billot of xoodi fro minuraoturentniuoh oliekiwrhhen iwooolllkiy email qojntltle fn them lor sjjuitmjm kbmry 1 1844 hlmpontloo from boropt c otv m l torll thb nprwnle whmty freight a rfaf i bju 1 lnjrltto from the uoud s- jhlll jajl itreet tbe nine u baralltco jen mtb 1884 thoma c watkins hamilton ayers cherry pectoral ko other complaints ara so insidious in their attack as iboss affmtiug the throat and lusts none so trifled with by the majority of suffer rs tits ordinary oougb or cold resulting xrliat from a trisuig or unoouselous ex- jf ii often hut the beflnnhif of a fatal iekues avkba curjutr fictokal hat well proven it efficacy in a forty tears fljut with throat aud lous disease and ahouhl be taken in all cases vluioat atlay a terrible co aft cured in 1mt1 look a setere eolil which affected my lungs 1 had a terrible eoutbaiml patted night alter uigtit without sleep tu doctors larsme an 1 tried ayus cilwtsv pkc- tobal vhich relittd my lunp induced i lee j and afforded melh rest necessary or ins recotery of my strenfth by tha eoiiiinued use of the pmuail a perma- uent cura vas effected 1 am now years old hale and hearty and am satisfied your cutaav fcctokal uxed me hobace kairouotnaa bocklaiham vu july 15 1ss2 croup a mothers tribute wiile in lite country lart winter my lltlls boytliree yean old was taken ill1ih eroupj it emed ai if lie would die from itraiifu- uuian uuaof tle faiuily tucsestcd tbe me of aykbs cucaav petrokal a bottle of which vas always kept in ui bouse tli was tried in small and fmjueut doses and to our delight in let than bait an boar the ttule patient was breathing easily the doe- tor said that the uirkitv phtoxal bad satod my darlings life autod slueerelyji ibsexma gtnjrrr can you aouder at touts oar grautad 1ss west 13th st new yor msy 16 te8t i hare used avals cnatit pixtobal tn ray family for seteral yean and do not hesitate to pronounce tt the nost effectual remedy for coutlii aud eolda we hare eter tried aicbaic lake crystal allnn march u lmt u i sufferm for eight fears from bronchi us and after trying many remedies with no sac- cess 1 was cured by the use of avrus cues kv itttoriu losetb waue dualiauisl aprils usl 1 eaunot say eooorh in praise of attsi crebkv pectoiial iwlsetinf ai i do that but for its use 1 ihould long since hare died from lung tmablei k dkaodox paleatiue texaa arril 2 u82 no ease of an affrr of the throat or hmgs exists wtneu r be preallyrelieted by the use of atrr hhuuy pcctobal aad it wtq atwaf ntrt when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine fsxpajxd bt drjcayercoloweilmass seidbyaudrufxtta speight son acton undertakers carriage makers o from are prepared to famish everything in their line the best ca8ket to the plainest coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms satis- all calls either night or day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every case a flratclass hearse for hire twt irt in i potlilootoutufutorily fill order for wigpitu cutitgee to of every description in reuooame lime good workmsnihip ood firstclui meterialel way ueed we lure tn fplerdld lot or fornitorc both common end eitre qlity ched wit joa will pay us c a8h vill eell yon anything io our line cheap d a 8pbi0ht mtntacer s co to the old reliable clothing store for your pring n business brevities some rou about our boaineaa ken and booace of benefitta oar iciaeral readere yui will find i still iucreiel stock of srid in all lines adipted for the coming eeuson ni iirices snitable tn the hard times do not fall to see my 11 12 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting the finest stock if huts rcarls collars and all thing necessnry to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end clothing store j fyfe hiti from 75 ceuu lo 13 50 at j ffa if voa wnt aoobliy durable aod cheap iait j fyfev u tlie puc to go the lirrfcl and cbeapeal slock ol boota t sboes to eelect frum ia ul xcls mckaea tb largest itnck of gtuta farnihiis llau and caposnirta aud drawert at kel soo t uckaes tbe beat valae io factory oaions winceyi flauaela aod domtalic goods at kelaon mcraee the lareeat and ohapt block ot ready made clothing io the town u at neliun t mce the mot perfect fitting suiu afd overcoau and the let electinu cr 0nd at the letreat pricea at nelson t ilcraes suns and overcoate at eitremcly lo- ratea and made in latest atylet beanie to call and ee them 1 fvfe acton for beauty aod durability of color the triangle package dyea beat the world il yoo neter naed dj ea befute do bo now aud be convincxd 10 18 ccs week at home 1500 ootfit free pay tlodabsolatelyeare noriik capital not irajoired eeader if yoo want boaineaa at wb4ch persons of either sex young or old can inake gteat pay ad the time they work with absolnte certainty write for particu lars to h hillrn 4 co portland maine be8 family newspaper in canada wty 01 weeklies i weekly free press largr 1 faperl 8 page cut patted by new machinery contains all the new special hrket department agricultural department capital story ajwavs bnnning ingenious pa tile column fnnny hampriama jntt tiu tilai u ti 7mu7- tarsand sloo abd the paper will lie forwarded to roa to january uw 10 911000 in premlnrrst the most liberal tndueementa erer offered in canada to parties getting op clubs lor the week- ly free press send lor premium list weekit rek patrsev flkmetls aofocatk sesu e m tnmarj isn far 115 address feames pr an endless variety of plu8h and ther ricture frames 8uitable for pre8ent8 photographs the latest style taken by the new process no long sittings brins your pictures of deceased friends and have them enlarged in first claa style c w hill acton 4 a fb a mbs who is unaoquamted with the qiocaiht of this country wiu 8u by exajwiuiso thit tiut tljal a ae jtltxn i otbpreidenuoltbu8 tbe targasrt handsomest best book awar sold for leee than twice oar prioo tb fastest selling book in america immenm proflu lo agent all intelligen people want it any one can become a sucoeaafol uent terms free haixirbqox co portland maine frfp t-mwbmoiiflpelllelil- rnlci tf a guaranteed jar for vwrw fiiouity ftsdismisal vuk- amhyrtsruwnraievoonrtllloiu suit allbram aud nerve trouble caused by self abuse orer brain frork te trk written guarantee of cart in erary caw or midoy refunded send ioc for pottage on ftf tbial box or 100 rills addreaa da m w bacua cor clarajct and calhoun place chicago 111 pills aolnpuentt ftflffi iscoupahasie medlcig hot tfcurtdor luelfan impcritiaile favu ummghcmt lie world fir he alleviation and curednkutduetualouiidhnnaailfiskdr the pills purify minium and unurove the quality ot tb blood they assist uiedifuve oiaaiui claanae the htouacu and uowkih increase ihe secretory powers of the lirer brad the uerrus system sod throw mm lie ferculaliou tbe purest elements fur auataitnag aud repainujt the iranie tboauodi of persons hare itatlhed that by tbeir me aloue ibey are been restored to heal lb aod strength after every other mean bad proved uuauccesefal the bennett churn inett tiu limit artleu to tht xaflut oharalsst 1u4 a p j anrt xntuaa of aa vnpltam it taikl ramshaw sun acton have secured the vule ontrid of the sale of the famous bennelt churn this churn is manufactured otou the moe priicrical and cvmmonai nse priociple jea taul and only requires t o be seen at wlrk ui bo nndermtood appr iciated and pari cbamrd a member of i e above firm ill call upon you with a san pie churn auassavftsoft aciou jan 15 m eat anal cesal erl lejlke satterult browns hooschaid panacea ha no equal or relierjua wiq both iuleroal ana ezuraah it cure pai i in the side back anil bowels sure ihinu bheamatum tthhacbe lambafro i nd aoy und of a pain or ache it will moat surell quicken tbe blood aod heal as ita action power is wonderful brcwnsliuoaehold panacea ieing acknoa ledjied aa the great pain believer and of doable the atrenaili of any other elixir rf lioimenl in the world shoald be in eriry family bandy for use when wanted as jit really ia tbe beat ivmrdy in tbe world for cramps io thr slomaeb aad paiaa and acbes of all kind and is for sale by all drukgisis at ss ceclt litle i harnes trunk rirtiis uouni so irranxs a harness qr trunks to save money sbonli i go io r creech acton butciibr shoi warth tkelr welgbi h0llowam 3-i- the ointment will befimudtaiuabw in every uousehbld in the core of upon sores hard tumor bad xstgs 0u voiaai oovgbs colda sore throau brooch tis and all disorders of tbe throat and cheat as also gout ehcouiauui scrofula and erary kiod of akin disease afabofactarcd only at prufeaaor bollo- ways eauliliahrkdt ss3 oxfohd otreet lokdom and sold at is ijrl 2 d4 6u ti andffla eath box and pot aud io canada at 36 nuj 90 ciatt aodl so and the larger sizes in proportion 3carmo i hare no ajsnt in tb united cttalea nor are my medicines sold there purchasers should therefore look to tbe label on the pot aod boxes if tb addreaa ia not s33 oxford street ixodes tbe are spurious tbe trade mark of mj said medicines ia registrered at ottawa and also at wash intjtnn biftd thomas hollow at- ms orfnrh irtwt tymilnn the key to healw r- tjrjockaantlieelcatemieaofi bowels iqdneysandlitbroaa isgoxt gradually without wesdaxoingt syitem all the nnpmtiae and tool humored the bewotjona ai the same time corrcctirisr aeicuty of tht stomach cuing bjlinrinrmj dys- pepaia f tjliilisiii hoauliiuru oooiaeuiicittoii xx7xbeev of tha skin drojiiy surmeaa of vlsnon jaoszvdlea tbttisteam biyaipehie boromailirterigof tbe seant k and gen- end debfuty all theae ana many other similar complaint yield to the happy i of btjedock blood iuithkh biikis a ctk preril tatcsh additr send six oentaforpoat- lllavbae receive free a costly box of goods which irill help yoo to more money right away than anything else in this world all of either sex sacceed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure at once address taos co augusta maine feel press offlce london int chicago rock island pacific ry baanz th croat oentral un aftord to tmvetars by raaaoti of ft jnrtvam in araphlcal position th shortest and bt root btwn th ban horthwat ansl southeast and th west northwest and bovtniawst h la ittarhny and rtrlotty tru that its ewmottm ar an of ttwprlnolpal dn of road between th atntntlo and the pacific h jln j onino reaon omeaao johm thorta ottawa h i mni a in iibnoji oavanoort musoatin wwhlnston kesjkuk knaiyme osttaloosa rautlsjld oa atoines weat uberty iowa city atlaiwo avooa audubon rtaltan outhrt center and oounofl blirila in iowa oallatln trenton oameron und saam ottyla ktwourt and leaven worth and atohuapa in kansas and the rnindrsjds of ortma volaaea aad town mternvedlatav the great rock island route tlhschauploxor the uome azattut the maloons a materly prohibition piper the lever the leading temperance journal cf the united states opposed to license in all ita forms the fearless advocate of tbe total prohibition of tbe drink traffic eiohtfaaifttt5r8acoliriirwiiaar terissaair sl4 per tear stliberal reduction to elqhs ageilt wanted saraplia free address at a oonnectoao bj vbntilatatd wu r jjolmes would respectfully inform the people of acton aad vicinity that he has purchased tbe buaiueas and pi iperty of ifr w c robinson ant iptepared to supply all with firstolass meat of all ki ndsand poultry and i ame in staton bar meat deliver to any part of tows it aoy time having practical experience in tbe butchering basinets can suit all a call i feel eotfhient that i tindly solicited b holmes hills tiolw good assobtifnt os stotiffi cheap for oash v t1nwaeb of all ktndsjjat bottom pei0b8 aa it mfaniutarlr ealted ofrira tt traveler l jnolaeitt aanyothttwx uirtont rilra o txwhkmqus will ynrrtlat niatboi ttmlt upholbttmp and buoaiit tay ooumhbbl a latest deslsned and haridaofnatt palaob natvwo oabb knd outun o tn low rat of mvihtvrivf qfnts iaom j ilitttea route tattwasm tsewoprt itewa rtcamond t atiil la ffiaiisi bear aiaiwaelaaltael lntn l- mrn f m shsaaisiiabesgearfeiirgs faj sblrtesbeiimlfoiri fe and fibbt 0la8siuta3tlal oh1t vseod lor hew taietjo c hough aaeitbuufaee4 mraiuct ietttdtiks wr famiu welcome phis is one of tbelargest and best story pa- pers published in america il is fall of larr sad baaasstte wltaad dsar aanxwmeaaj idteatatre i fact there will not be a single line ofdall ading in it pnbliaaed the let and isui i every month terms oue dollar per unum i a advance ageuls wanted every- berei samples free address the ainily welcome london out aai lfor the working class send 10 uuluoeptafor postage saj we wiu mail yoo fret a royal valuable box of ample goods that will pot yoa in tbe way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at adytusinee capital not required w wil atari no xou can work all the time or ia yonr apam tune only the work u ojuveraadlj adaiv ed to both sexes young and old yon can easily earn bom 40 centa to ueveryeven- log ltuwhowaatvsoaxoattha business we make this unparalleled offer to all who an not well aatiased we will nd 1 to pay for the trouble of writing ue i 3 t axtwt fjrtunee will o nude by those who txi their whole time to the work great inc- oaiabscintatyrj0 st dos8trjnk acv portland ifausa i tav- manttooq- sow intirr vm tamnwh jifsfetrirffr tj risfts s v