ajrapv ssr wp getonne tm eteuv- ttirrsdat uorhtko xt tkb fkee pficss power pwi house i uttl strektsactoxoxt leans jtlie c ititmi will b sout to subscribers postage piid for ii 00 per a- wn in advance h 00 it not to paid ko paper discontinued till til arrears are paid except nt the option of u publisher aevsartsrxa rates casual advertise ments 8 cents per line tor the first inser tion and t cente per line or each eubae- quent inscrtiou caah professional oarde 10 lines or low 400 per annum 1 square 11 lines v0o per annum payable in 6 months from dateof insertion any special hotiee the bbjoct of whoh is to promote ths pocunisw benefit of any individual or oompanyr considered an advertise ment thu number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a seal of aolid souparou rjltes outeotomaonexear mo 00 sett column one yeai 3500 j tarter luamoae year ttqo on- cihtanli month xtoo aalfeolamuflr uaatu x jooo hiarurmtflmustrmontiii it 00 oa cjumntaree months so 00 etakcslamutfirscinautfcs uoo haarlec miami three months too viverukmeuiswithnanueelfle dlreauona sr hi be aerted umirtldenaoaritaeeord- tuxtv trantttorr adrerusemenu mnstbe palu la idrmoee chances far contract adverusemenumutl tie lu the orate ar9 moa sfiodajs other tie they till be left onr uu the lollawtbf week n p moore tsdllo r4 propria tor terass910ft tn advance the newspaper- a map of busy lift its fluotuationti and itn vaatoonoerna 9150 if not so paid tuffi dldcdsrtioaaieitop terttatsf bansnpo hmt sta wtwr tcivlunc auaaasrbebiturit in new york r business dirdotory wh lowry mb hcps grsdusle of trinity college item bee of collegeaf physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of fred- a rick st acton l bex sett town ont dentist george- volume ix no 47 aoton ont thursday may 22 1884 whole no 464 acton banking goy ttorey ohribtie l oo ohribtie kankktls acton ontario johx lawsox gradtate of ox taeio yctcarxiar co tososto 1exeral baxkixa busi ness transacted k0n2y lqakzs ok ams0vis k0ts8 notes disoounted and interest allowed on deposits wall paper window shades baby 0arria0e8 baskets big- stoob at days bookstore ecelph eteriasryargeon ont in ken aeyi sons wat and s office shoe store res- ideueein the rear horaea examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy i ch biggs l j3b- of the firm of e eigos 4 itoar toaorro will be at campbells hotel on the first moulsv o every mouth in the practice of his profession ah work executed in the 1 etest and mist improved style c tie dental art- ka charge forconsaltatic rowat itcleas barristers solicitors notaries coavey- sneers ic tifexrr to loix orria tovrc hall acton j a jioto w a ilclrxx g s goodwiixre ibsrrister solicitor sotary public jgeorgetowk actox wicton oses in mrs secord6 block xoffx dat ajschitect gnelpli ontario ornceqaeeni hotel block ifsrket 5ruare jlntxgstox dizb biiistik a solinroe cosvitikcra ic- omcr xeit door to hynds jewellery i- store mill street acton 1 baix latdlaw t co baebistees solicitobs orras over imperial bank u vd- iingtsn streei east entrance exchange alley toronto joaxbus qc c a ilistex w liiriisr geoboe kifkif dat sells cheap rushing buy at the 10 gent store om new baskets all sorts andsisea cheap lirt stoek tt anr 3ntrr oiiap lust stick of tunrtm ojioaj uxt stoei of ymss it tori- oiep 10 c5ent store aa4 cheap cash bazab dirtcllv opposite old sund htrletoas block txpser tyadiim st smljh jasfkidner the favorite oyster parlor a e matthews is now kkceiylkc uulv frean oysters finnan haddies caun4 fish and fruits lemons oranges drapes coxfkctiomirt and all other goods la his hue blscaite the rgest assortment of plain and fsucy biscuits in losn and from the best manu facturers ity cuiloiners will cad all my goods fresh aud in every way satisfactory the oyster parlor oyslen srtsd in any tlyle daring ihe scuba or will be supplied by the can qcaxt- or giiloo stgood cooking apple tlyt ta band a e matthews lardine machine oil t akdixe ie4s beex awarded cold and silver medals wiiearvui nuibittd farmers tnresii8rs mill man save uoxey by uslkcslardine tljwill catwexr lxrd or 6cl oil wid warranted not co ctrx muiafctared ooly by mccoll bros toronto tjfor sale in actoa at j e mcgarvtns drugstore wl b bragg ri practical jitllwrighi rearranging of flour jlffls a specialty p oaddrese box 103 rocnroop tatexts secured if foe ixvextioxs 5 hexrt grist ormra cixadi 20 tears practice so patent xo pay coket to loax- t feirirx rcs t siz eer aat clarke canxeft bxxxistzxs 4c cattens block gaelph gueiph coth hall our springstock is now fully- assorted comprising all the newest shades in plain and fancy worsteds west of england f rouser- ingsr and scotch and canadian suitings a3we can assure our ctistovers and the general public that m have this season the choicest selection iof oods we have ever been able lo place before them and in con sequence of the loir prices prevailing in the wholesale markets we are able to sell clothing at very low figures shaw crundy ktjrchast tailoei gnelpli the oldest drug store in ouelph dm mm jlrm tausatut tfotxrxa mil 82 1884 f etry tost as i am just as i am without one plea but that thy blood was shed for mo and that thou bidit me come to thee 0 lamb of qod i coma twas thus a drunkard triad to pray while bending oer his babys clay his trembling angara anguished grasped the little hand that death bad clasped but failed to change the sunny smile that rested on the face awhile just as i am i yield the strlfe the record of my rained life the onrae that made my mind a wreck thai neither pride nor prayer cottld check xo other place have i to flee 01 let me hide myself in thee just aa i am weak weary worn the relic of a hope forlorn a thing whose worthless actions tend to every weak and winked end whose faltering footateps daily trace the path of pain and deep disgrace just aa lam weary soul oer whloh temptations billows roll the demon form that round me oreep the horrid dreams that banish sleep the craving nends that oer me ride who calls that will tt be denied just as i am remembering well the wife that by my fury fell the little lips that daily cried for bread their fathers curse denied and daily begged with weary feet that marked with blood the frozen street just aa i am 0 saviour 1 come add save me from the rage of ram by memories of this little form that thou has taken from the storm by all the hopes thy scriptures give 6upport my vows and let mo live the clouds were rent the darkness sed and fell upontbe burdened bed a ray of sunshine soft and warm that glorified the little form and shone in promise fondly there as if in answer to his prayer and ever since his feet have trod in light and life in the light of god devoting ceaseless words lo win the wandering ones from paths of sin just as i am without one plea but that thy btood was shed for me these the grand words with which he ca me go weary one do thou the same dui stoey best coal oil jirax xc1s xuxax sjccessor to t f chapman bookbixder st georges square gnelpli acco tint b ooks of all kinds made to order periodicals of everv description carefully bound r oling neatly and promptly done riril he5istreet i licensed auctioneer for the counties of wellington sndhakon orders left at the fain pars office acton or at my residence ii acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable intru teaa also money to loan en the most favorable terms and at the lowest rates of interest i n sums of 1500 and npwards t ike for sale lime can be had at the canada lime works in smsll or targe quantities at any time apply he kiln near tolton s mill or to c s smith may 1st 1882 box 172 acre only 20c a gallon now is the time to bar your goal oil- anlak barber shop 1 6 wobdes i h i has opened a barber shop in the premises i lately occupied by dr forateras a medical office sod solicits a afrare of the palronfce of ihia rielnity erery department of the business will be eondocted in firstclaaa trto tflrnac11 ipw0rd established 848 savages watch clock jewelry spectacle house large sm special attention to fine watch sepsislag b savage hear fetrlei heir brag store hicinbothams condition powders hsve gic0 aitiversal satisfaction and all who have used thefn for horses and cattle testify to their ex- celkoce prepared only by wg smith co wlottr huwan elegant prepara tion for roughneas of the skin chauped hands 8ore lips frost bites 4c- pr pared only by w g smith t co tuorley horse and cattle food sold in any quanalty to suit purchaser diamond wfes he best and cheapest in the market w c smith co dispensing chemuti guelpli10thdo 88 father try the great bell in the mill had just clang ed the hour of six and ruins white who for the first time in two weeks had been at work a whole day now threw aside his apron and started for home home did i say ah 1 it was a poor apology for that blessed place a mean little room whose only furniture was that which sheer neces sity demanded there were no signs of a joyous welcome as bnfus dzew near for he and an only son a gentle boy of nine years were all that rum poverty sickness and sorrow had left of a onoe large family five years before his wife a quiet timid woman worn out in the long conflict with the drinkfiend had in utter broken-besxt- edness lain down to die ruins sobered by the awful fact had striven desperately with his besetment and sitting beside her in shame and remorse had listened to her earnest pleadings and vows that alas i had long since been snapped like reeds just as the thick mists of the valley of the shadow were stealing over her sad eyes she threw one arm about her sleeping boy and clasping her other hand around that of her husband whispered o ruf us be good to darling willie 1 and then the golden bowl was broken the spirit return ed to god who gave it for a long time her dying words lingered in his ears but he gradually returned to bis idle drinking ways bis child bad lived with a relative until her death sent the little waif back to his careless father and the shadows of the old home ah these last two years whatsn age of fear hunger and neglect had they been to willie ruf us could always find employment hut would not work over a week ere he would be off od a long period of dissipation and his sad lonely boy used at first to en treat his father with all the hopefulness of childhood to do better and in the old first days the fond arms of his child really held him in check he did try iu a weak way but he soon grew harsh sullen or angry so the little one ceased pleading and went wearily on i he it was who did the simple home duties and made the most of a little un complainingly but he was a shrinking sensitive child he had come to them after a long period of unusual bitterness and sorrow thus it was his birthright he never ran ont to play among the boys but sat alone or fondled a poor little dog that learned with him to crouch and hide away when he beard the uncertain step of bufna but to return to bofda and our story as be car up to path this sunny after noon he beard no sound within doom and wondered half angry for willis wti am ally preparing supper at thia bom the silence startled him and ha threw open jh door wban lo the little dog apribgop with an ahnoat human cry and then ran back toward the stove ruins rushed after him and there to hia horror he- saw in boy hia only child ly ing prostrate upon the bard hoor uttsring groans of agony aqtba latant fatherhood in hia nature sprang to the rescue in wild haste he lifted the lad in hit arms and bore him to the bad o how the obild soreamed i hewaa fear fully burned he had evidently slipped while pouring water from the kettle and to pulled it onr upon him receiving the boiling contents upon his cheat it was fatal at he had lain then so long bufni hastily called th neighbors who ran for medical aid hutndneoouldbahad for hours and alaal the poor ignorant oreatores about the tonse could minister but feebly to hia comfort it grew dark and those who earn bad to return to their families so bufut sat alone with the obild in borroritrioken silence until it was too awful to be borne and he began to abhor and upbraid himself to hit child hewaa fully sober and he really did love his pretty gentle boy so now he cried out in his anguiab and remorse- oh willie willie your wretohed uther has killed oou yon my darling my all 1 o willie i if yon would only blame me despise me corse me child not lay there add moan i could bear u but no no 1 i am a fiend a heartloas wretch and have been these five long wretched years i broke your mother heart and she slipped away from me to meet ber helpless babes that i had starved out of the world 0 1 willie willie that ever i waa born i the wretched man threw hia ansa across the bed and buried hia face in the counter pane and there in their helplesaneaa they waited and watched the sombre ahadows made by the tiny candle burns yearning wildly for the doctors coming willie grow ing lets and less conscious of anything after a while bufus gave a deep groan and the child started and then said soft ly father dont feel so it is better aa it is ill see mother you know 0 how that poor hungry little soul dwelt on that word mother bach a wealth of comfort ber memory had been to him presently he said father well willie and willie said in half whispers you know the time the time you whipped me ao father tea dear yea 0 spare me child 1 well father it was the pledge you know all the boys fathers had been to the meetings and signed but mine and 0 father i felt so bad to hear them speak ao ofyou old bute white they called you father and i aaid to them he will sign for me i know but father you know you you never mind now but i got one a real pledge and a ribbon andlsigned it and put it on my neck by the bine rib bon for i thought maybe perhaps great god lad say it out too thought your beast of a father would beat you if be saw it in the house 0 willie willie he threw hia head down again and the child went on softly hush father h you thought that i must die and it would please me best of all to nave you do it wouldnt you 0 1 will you not sign your name under mine please father please do the poor child shrank at his own words and shut his eyes half fearing a blow but rufus groaned out 0 willie dear lad dont aay that not that yon must not die you shall not die i the child struggled feebly and took the ribbon with pledge attached from his neck keeping it just out ol hia lathers reach so great waa his fear but be said 1 yes i signed 8ee i it says god helping me and my teacher aaid he would help anybody me aad you father 0 father you can leave dff drink if he helps you and you will try wont yoaf the child put forth hia hand to meet his fathers his blue eyes shining like stars so eaer was he but alas it was too muoh with a quick gasping jigh he clasped his other hand upon bis heart and fell back the blue eyes looked straight upward out with a gasp he murmured father try i and bufus bending above the boy burst into a storm of tenderness and weepingt begging him to forgive him to stay with him to wait wait ah waa in vain bufus had been a strong man once but liquor had taken hia firmness with his handsome looks long ago and now he laid his dead boy back very softly and fell upon his knees beside the bed weeping like a woman and crying ont in the halfdark ness for willie i willie 1 idle cry the gentle spirit waa far be yond his voice now the lips that had ever been swift to give reply were growing white and cold the air face bad no lifelight upon it now but the slight hand still grasped tightly the blessed pledge after awhile rufos begin to grow calm and as all of us have dons he oast bit thoughts backward into the past and oonaoienceenoonraged xoemory tophus be fore him many a bitter draught he folded bis arms m deejldejeotion and gazeduponbjsbestitid4ttld while memory brought featolntalaalaatwraaa of her whom be had promise4to loreand cherish buiaibaxamat ung wijlk ami uutjuv aov oiialdin j trisas remembered have you been good to willie 0 the bitterness of thia hour good to willie 1 he gazed upon his child and with a tender touch put back the fair hair and there upon the young brow lay an ugly sear it seemed to him like the eye of an avenging angel and pierced his very soul he grew aghast and clasping his hands be cried out like cain 0 god my pun- itljment is greater than i can bear his eves fell upon the little hand and its treasure and he gently untwisted the fingers and carried the card to the candle how it melted him there in broken achoolboy hand waa the simple name willie white with room beneath for his own he read it all over carefully and willies words came to him teacher said be would help anybody me and you father 0 father you can leave oft drink if he helps you and you will try wont you father there had been a time in rufos whites life when he had known by happy experi ence that god would belp him and now he sat and thought it all over god help ing him be would try bat alas what a miserable prodigal be had been could he ask to be taken back suppose be did not ask he oould grow no better by waiting ah these wretched year had fully proved the force of the dear christs words without me ye can do nothing yes god helping him he would return the physician and frienda now entered but shocked to find his assistance vain the former returned and his friends begged poor bof us to bare hia silent treasure with them so taking the little card he went up to the toft or garret and now began the struggle how be wept and prayed for pardon in self abasement he smote upon his breast and cried like one of old god be merciful to me a sinner the conflict waa severe d realising more and more this great need he cried out in awful earn est jesusthou son of david have mercy on me and there at the foot of the cross he found the gift the holy one came to bring repentance and forgiveness of sins- he cried for freedom for the re moval of the terrible thirst which waa con suming him and when the birds sang in the early morning ahadows he whom satan had bound these ten years arose stood up free and glnrirlfd god 1 he was a man once more bleaa god he knew it and with a trembling hand he wrote his name beside that of his dead darling and b them with his tears yes bis burden was gone be was free he felt it there was within that happy sense of a terrible something lifted removed he felt the desire for a new life through his soul and be knew the thrill of the iivine touch later he went softly down and there be saw his little lad asleep in his narrow silk- lined bed no trace of last nights agony upon the sweet face and with still bands folded- with gentle fingers bufus slipped the blue ribbon about the snowy neck and then alone in the presence of the great invisible life and death he knelt and prayed aloud prayed as if he longed the quiet eleeper could hear and know that he solemnly repented prayer that all the dark past might be washed white and that henceforth he might stand and show others the way and god heard the yearning cry he did so stand years have passed since then and tonight bufus wbite is a graybaired man one who watches after a long day of loving service beside the river waiting to be ferried home tbxd loua uwlr rwwtjidubni what aflottau world wars i did folks mind their btudnsse r and other peoples late for instance you and l mjr friend are sadly prone to talk of mattara that concern us not and others follies mock ive been ftrinhng if wed begin to mind onr own affairs that possibly our neighbor might contrive to manage theirs weve faults enough at borne to mend it may be ao with others it would teem strange if it werejiot since all mankind are brothers ob would that we had charity for every man and woman forgiveness isthe mark of those who know to err is human then let us banish jealousy lift up onr fallen brother and as we journey down lifes r jad dowood to one another il absnrdltiea to lose money at play and then fly into a passion about it to attempt to borrow money on the plea of extreme poverty to faoey a thing is cheap because a low price is asked for it to judge of peoples piety by their at tendance at church to get drunk and complain the next morning of headache to say that a man is charitable because he subscribes to a hospital to tell your own secrets im believe other people will keep tbem to keep your clerks on misirable salaries and wonder at their robbing yon to make your servants tell bee for yon and afterwards be angry because they tell lies for themselves to praise the beauty of a woman hair before you know whether it did not once be long to somebody else to expect that your tradespeople will give you long credit if they generally see you in shabby clothes to make yourself generally disagreeable and wonder that nobody will visityou un less they gain some palpablaadvmntage bg it i 1 i gabtronomio proverbs fasr well feast well a wise cook foodies his fire court the onion and flee ihe doctor let the doubting cook roast bis fish diplomacy lieth under tlft diahoover the lean buyer maketh tljs fat seller discretion is the proper saoce for cheese all straw is alike to the hungry donkey a bad dinneas often redeemed by agood sshvd wise council cometh not from an empty stomach bare beef and wailcooked fish betray a wjaeeook true economy in the household has hea ven for its banker peace hideth itself under the liiof a web managed pot all should profit by the aid of the cook except the apothecary neither the nibbler nor the glutton know- eth the value of the feast womans weight we bid a letter recently asking how heavy a woman should be in ravportion to ber length of coorse a young girl may be- oomingly be thinner than a ma think that we bare been about right in making op thefollowing table u potm five feet in height should weigh 100 we 119 u9 iso is i 150 get ont your dictionaries at a recent church entertainment in chicago all who desired an opportunity to show the correctness by their skill in read ing the aentences given below which had been arranged for the occasion twenty- six persons of correct speech and pronoun- nation successfully took each along breath and begun and when the ordealwas finish ed 26 smilingfaees betokened the conclusion of each individual that be or she was tri umphant but that 26 others had been guilty of blunders the master of ceremonies whaw the facial expreaaiona of all the participants by the quiet announcement that not a single one had pronounced all the words correctly the smallest number of blunders in any instance was four and ranged np to fourteen the following ia the exercise the cement failed to cement the appara tus but the damage is still reparable the allopathiat in full dress riding in bis carriage waa awarded a precedence over the bydropathist who dressed blue blouse was compelled to walk the truths of science like all other truths are indisputable the youth of the village proposes to get up an excursion to the woods and then go to camp with one of their number as com mandant the contestants showed their usual com- bativeness engaged in unseemingly alterca tions the literau seem to be long lived and to enjoy themselves tbe live- long day but have no sympathy with the blustering brave who is continually calling oat bravo it was a scene worth being teen to see the boys catching fish with their seine a laundry has bean started by a man ol oleenlv habits who may be expected to do cleanly whatever lie does boaue who think themselves orthoepists deem it obligatory on them to indulge in labored pronotmolation v ttils iltsenmiil nf llin five feet one inch should wieigh five feet two inches should i weigh five feet thxne inches shooia weigxw five feet four inches should weigh five feet five inches should weigh five feet six inches should weigh five feet seven inches should weigh five feet eight inches should weigh 155 five feet nineinches should weigh 16s five feet ten inbhessbould weighi 169 five feet eleven inches should weigh 1 1 176 six feet should weigh 180 ex attractive girls any girljgrbatha and wholesome food and by breathing pure air can render her complexion clear and soft with care heir hair teeth and nails can be daintily kept her clothes however cheap can be freeh and becoming in color she can train her mind even if of ordinary capicity to be alert and earneat and if the adds tothese a sincere kindly sonny temper she will win friends and love as sorely aa if all the fairies had brought her gifts at her birth it is of no use for a girt whose person la oiled and untidy and whose temper it shujh and irritable at home to hop to obeat anybody by putting on fine clothes and a amile for company the tkfaifcun dy akin and tour expression wiu betray her t he that would not when he might jshau not when he would i 1 an old negro at weldon north carolina at a recent lecture aaid when i sees a man going home with a gallon of i and half a pound of meat dats t lecture enuff ior me and 1 aees it every day i i knows that ebery ting mbla home is on the same scale gallon of misery to ebery half pound of comfort at a legal investigation of a liquor aore the judge asked an unwilling witness what waa in the barrel that you lladr the reply was i well yoof honor ii was r marked whisky on one end at the starjet and pat duffy on tbe other so ijoent ii aay whether it was wl the barrel being aa ijaaj oh my oalav the ear was ltrintfavfeatlk take on a lady r bar way in when man oat and as he xeashod the- growled heras a faitjiaa tjpggishnees of- svhj bowr- 1itr themlt wtovthvnnrlewgiwtnj r oralifryin yj sfv lfsppefcai1 lj jftlairwviviiivii tt