m e mtem sows nnntinq houw mill stiutktmctosost ttans rhe pur pun will be sent to ahserfbertpostsewaitorfl00 per u- uaaitnadwbi so xocpt at the option of the publisher juthttuxo rura camel advertise- meula 8 cent per line for the mat inter lion ui t cent per use lor etch eubae qaeut insertion cash lrofetlona cards 10 usee or lew 1400 per annum 1 square 12 line 1300 per unnm payable la 6 months from date of insertion any special xoticc the object of which it to promote ths pocunierv benefit of any individuel or coapiij to bo considered an advertise ment the number of line reckoned by the uce occupied meuared by a seal of nlid xonpireil cnxtbact suites jatp tivaonerear o x tlaliealaaintuie rear 1500 lurrrilaamonefur juoo ihc iliaifcirmonllik tsgo -lf- lotttlflx mnftthl sooo ttrtrrntaainilxmanllit u 00 j tcititqainree moatbi 3000 tfakealumnlftreetaonlh tun 4nalereotaua three months t00 vtrerttteoeauviumikpeelne directions rill be uertduufbr4andcuartd accord- inrtr trsotltorr advertisements mnttbe paid la advance chances far contract advertitemenutnast oe ta the offlce off a moor mondays other wise they will be left ovsr till the lollowlbf net h p moore lllor proprietor iiii in temtvttltmi in advance the newspaper- a map ofsfusbumte fluctuations and it vaatoooern 9is9 if 14 jjbbtam volume ix no 49 aoton ont ttjttettray itune 5 1884 whole n6 466 business directory wh lowrt itb ucps graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and saigeans- office and residence at the head of fred- s rick st acton le bexxett dextist gcorgc- town out johv eawsox gradtate of ox- tirao tzxesixizx coixke toaosrro veterinary surgeon acton oct office in kenneyfc sons boot and shoe store res idence tatiie rear hones examined- to s c undness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to- term easy ce kiggs lds of the firm of 0 elgos ttoat tobustso will be at campbell hotel on the first liondayaf every month in the practice of his nrofessioa all work executed in the latest and most improved style of the dental art xo charge for consultation 1 rowat 4 mcieax barristers solicitors xotaries convey ancers ac- tafilomrv to lais omct town hail acton j a moit 1 w a uclius acton banking coy storey ohristie k 00 baskeus itlorn oularle x lexehal iuxkixc iilsi- xks ttunsacttiu 1c0kz7 wutsd on ajtbotod i kotss notes discounted and interest allowed op depoeita wall paper window shades baby oarriaoes baskets big stock at days bookstore glelph a e matthews ofkkk8 choice u oraiiecx red bauana cocaaunf dales letaoni pineapple strawberries riiw tavauitt moajrnw los 5 ibm pure maple syrnp p0etry ttuuxior dat sella cheap rushing btiay at the 10 cent sjobe iq new baskets all sortsnd aiaes cheap luc stock of anr ztmixj- oiup uxp stosk of ttinriw cowap ustt stock of 7im4 tori cl- 10 r s goodwtllie bimsier solicitor xourj public geoegetowk actox- eiactoc oece in krs secords block tohx day architect gaelph ontario om queens hotel block market t livixgstox llb buuustoi jj m soucitoc casrctisczil at ofncc xeit door to hynds jewellery i store mill street actoa bad laidlaw co baeeistees soucttors orrca over imperial bank 11 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto johsbusqcv c amjistes vtrr llffillir geoeoe icirreul trrr b bragg practical millwright kearrufein2 ui tlwir miluai upecialtj p o aiirts- boillb kotibocd patektssecoeeu fob ixvkxtioxs hexri grist oniri cisauu ii years practice xo patent xo pay cent store and caelp cash uazab direcirv oppoiitc old siuj hixtiooi block uppw vyndlua st qwpv jasfkidner vfoxet to loax iretvate rcxii jx six yxz4aat clabke 4 caxxqt blkhlsteu dc cattens block gaelph quelph cloth hall our spring stock is now fully assorted comprising all the newest shades in plain and fancy worsteds i westof england trouser ings and 8cotch and canadian surtlngs a3we cau aspire olr cutvcrs aad tile genertl aulic tlat wthhivc this season the choicest selection uf goods m have ever been able to place before them and iu con- seqaence of the iasr prices prevailing in the wholesale markets m are able to fell clollnna at very low figures shaw crundy meec3uttaiioih gnelpb fresh canned coods isi chott i uit r confectionery scc early vexctable choice hoaxe plaulx ice cream i am making ice creauttiiia seasou by a uew recipe which every one pronounces equal to any to be had ill the city having refitted my ice cream parlor i am in a position to give good satisfaction to parties wanting cool drinks or ice cream by the dish or quart ajpicuic parties supplied at reaon able rates please give me a call everything freeh everything cheap a e matthew8 acton fruit depot lardine machine oil t ak01xe hah beex awarded cold and silver medals i wukurrib ucnibrtu fanners threshers mill men save moxey by usixg lardike jwill outwear laid or seal oil and warranted not to ccif manufactured only hx mccoll bros toronto tajtor hsje in acton ai j e mcarvins drlg store an oldtofx plomc duep iu the woods and h a brook that made perennial laughter to w4iat jests were uttered xo other impalae bnt pare joys obeyed and free of wing as ever wild bird flut tered wo made oar picuic of the oldtime sort with ooantrv girls and country lads malobed fairly i for honest pleasure and such homespun sport at oar forefathers moat hare relished rarely mauds xells fans carolines and belles were there and toms dicks harrys but why stop to name them t love lifo and joy were in the woodland air with neer a ule conventional to tame them short preparation for the festive scene soon were the swing fixed soon the lasses soaring with lightsome games that make the mind the dldest drug store in ouelph axci6 xlxax t successor to t p chapman bookbixdeb st gorgebjsqaire gaeiph account books of all kinds madeto order periodicals of every description carefully bound baling neatly andpromptly done rrrjr heusteeet lioensed auctioneer for the counties of wellington and helton orders left at thefkce pecss office acton or at mv residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable rr u it also monav to loan on the most favorable 1 terms and at the lowest rates of interest in sums of 500 add upwards t hie for sale lime can be had at the canada lime works in small or large quantities at any time apply at hie kiln near tolton s cswth may 1st 1882 box 172 acior tt anlan bafibeb shop t i p tyobdex ha opensd a barher shop in the premima lteltecupied by dr pewter u nodical offiee ndmlwutftthjtatf5ip fihurwlrfty ereiy depwtoent of tfie aauaa will be coodacted io tintclass atria give at a call i p wordejt in 23rd 13 established 848 savages watch clock jewelry spectacle house large stock prices right special atteattef ipe w ah best canadian goal oil only 20c a gallon now is the time to buyypur 00 al oil hicinbothams condition powder have gimn miivcril satisfaction and all who have used them for hones and cattle testify to their ex cellence prepared only by wg smith 4 co graoehoopsm air croquet and battle dooring then the white cloth upon the turfy bank with platters ew hot viands in pro fusion ham and cold chicken places without rank of wealth or power and fear of no in trusion cool bottles dripping from the icy spring sweet aider bubbling and clear soda pop ping with shy birds blinking oer the jocund ring or some more fearless for the stray crumbs hopping then the gay sport upou the fresh cleared sward the queer old fun for partners the con tention the merry badinage the breathing hard the romping u forms unknown to late invention then wreaths of wild flowers shading many a brow and garnered nosegays of the blooms prized highly stray couples missed and soft conjectures how and why and when they slipped away ao slyly then home by lone path crosscut and old lane in the last glow of sunsets dying embers xow at this farm boose uow at that the train making alight pause to drop tome weary members till thread by thread the party fell apart worn oat perchance bnt brimmed with healthful pleasure ob what of freshening joy to mind and heart did not the oldtime picnic often meas ure pufjs tory s 18avaob hear petri ifew drue store winter f intd- an elegapt prepara tion for roughness of the skin chipped hands sore lips frost bites fce- pared only by w g smith t co f botley horse and cat4e pov soldlu any quanalty to suit purchaser uiamntluye the bet tebbsijart in the niafliet fludpnutst mjjm las aunt eebecca8 ghost i dout believe a word of it asid aunt rebecca the wiuelihc glow of suuaet yet illuunu- ed the great bay window but the rest of the apartment was already shrouded in the gray shadows of twilight iu whose misty indistinctness the huge chairs of carved oak looked like gigaotia monsters from some foreign shore from the walls frowued down dark old family portraits and the crimson hangings above the arched doors waved restlessly back and forth in the dranghta of wind that swept through the vast corridor i dont believe a word of it i repeated aunt rebecca with more emphasis than before a ghost story indeed i tell me about it violet said young haxlewcod to whom the deep baywindow with its faroff prospeot o snowy hills veiled in gathering twilight to say nothing of pretty violet ormes close vicinage were infinitely more attractive than the more modern regions of alnwiok place it is jiot much of a story said violet flushing up to her very eyelashes at the sound of her own sweet voice only yean ago long before my great grandpa built this house fhe site was ail one un broken wood and there was a tradition that a beautiful girl was murdered by her lover her grave they said was beneath the foundations of the house but i scarce ly credit this part of the legend of coarse not interrupted mis re becca with a tots of her false earls i have no patience with the relics oi old superstitlou what are you looking for auutt have you dropped anything shall i call for harris to bring a candle asked viol a moment afterwards coming tot her kunfs nothing nothing said mim rebecca with a little embarraaament in tier voice come oont stay ken any longerhjj the laocjiuiileaeyottboth wiitkjraevs medmneanddoefcira wto its not eolav ilnn beoeoca pleadod violet aitf tmfjtht aobasosftul where bebeoca and the young people ootdd poatlbly be speedily tattled the matter never mind violet whispered charles hulewood by and by when your father has gone to his room and aunt bebeooa it buy withbercurlpaperslnherowntpaclal dormitory we can hare a starlight stroll through the ghosts territory i violet gave him an arch glance as the tripped after aunt bebeooa into the ball which led to col ormet brilliantly lighted library i wiah capt haikwood wouldnt re- main out there- said aunt bebeooa anx iously he will catch bit death of cold and beiidcs betides what aunt bebeooa violet said the maiden lady i wiah you would go down and see if the house keeper has prepared that posset for my ore throat thats a good girl i think i shall go to bed violet weit to execute her aunts be hests how peaoef ally the distant hills and val leys slept in their snowy mantle that glori ous december night it reminded one of a lovely painting executed with brashes dipped in liquid pearl and shaded with pencils of glimmering flver at least ao they seemed to charles haxlewood at be stood in the deep recess of thogigantw baywindow uearry hidden by the curtains the faded splendor of whose tarnished embroidery carried the mind un- conacioaslv a eentory backward oo the stream 0 time the tall oldfashioned clock in the hall was striking twelve and the colony of cricket under the warm hearthstone were falling into a dreamy sleepy sort of a chirp when aunt rebecca emerged from her door treading on tiptoe and carrying a dim light in her hand now aunt rebecca in nodding fake curia lace coiffure and eighteenyearold style of dress was a very different tort of personage from aunt behenra with her head tied up in a auk handkerchief her false carls hud aside and a long white dressingrobe enveloping her lank figure and the latter waabyno means the more prspoeaessing of the two probably tome such oonatiionsnoa swept across the good spinsters brain for she shuffled with accelerated rapidity past the solemn eyes of the grave old family por- j trait on the wall i am sure i dropped them somewhere here aha murmured pausing in front of the baywindow how provoking i there goes my candle out bnt 1 believe i can find them however the starlight is to bright mercy upon us i what is that the ghost the ghost t an any r fled h rifting down the oorridor her hands clapped over her eyes before which was imprinted the vision of a tall figure swooping past all in white with a crimson stain at its pallid throat i the house was aroused into instantane ous commotion light flashed into bright ness at the variou doors and an eager cir cle of enquirers sorroanded aunt bebeooa who evinced strong symptoms of an inten tion to go into hysterica it glided paat me like a gnat of wind she s replying at hazards to the questions rained anon her all in white with that dreadful mark of blood upon its throat 1 its a warning i know its a warn ing that 1 havent long to live oh what shall i do what shall i do v but i dont understand what yon were doing out iu the ghosts corridor at this time of night interrupted ool ornw staring at his sister a if not quite certain whether this were ah actual occurrence in real life or merely a fragmentary part of his last dream well if yon most know said miss rebecca with a little hysteria sob i dropped my false teeth there just at daak and i didnt like ta look for them there with violet and capt haalewood standing by and so and so oho thats it eh said col orme laughing upon my word sister becky you are rather overparticular for a woman fifty years old only fortynine lames interrupted mia bebeooa with a shrill accent of in dignation but the ghost j inquired yoong haale wood who had just arrived on the scene of action with rath afhubed brow and em- asfem pormelwmtl 12251 p otto earth l teelnaii orslltwsi form h fori formes for me h bnved 1 formbb fornghjat pormabyj pnrnwbyl forme by pilate for me bk pracsoeajb for me h slept i forme he rote i fprmtabowi for me be came at f for me he die at hln for me he now nrapan fay me be snail to gloajieonii- on the stone pavement jttet let u wjt i u nntn tiiat n plaia hmjn 5wrjp barratted air upon which aunt bebeoca gave way to the confined inflaonoet of her bnthers un kind remark a the frigwoigboaseing and fairly fainted without ftuther aosfae acoordlng to the usnjjnritetn of wobsi- kind on such ooeaaionsloolf onne and all the other gentlemen were hostied onttpfo the hall while he victim ojtba female official was deluged withiemleostfik stifled with bornt feathers and vigprooaly twated with hot flannel shes ooming too poor dear creature i was the final vardiot harlad at col qrme tjjroacraejtin tdoor ldt j well im glad of it em aureaaid d oolonal when the library door wat safe ly closed it means sir laid charles laughing yet a little pooled bow to proceed that violet your daughter and i were just looking out at the stars in the embrasure of the great hall window when we taw tome one approaching with a light violet went to see what the apparition meant when hist rebecca whom it proved to be dropped her candle and ran hrlring away so violet was the ghost ehf said the colonel repressing a very strong inclina tion to laugh you tee papa interposed that yoong lady i wore my long cashmere mantle for i waa afraid ef oolds and it wat tied at the throat with red ribbons and aud aunt bebeooa took it for granted that yon were the murdered heroine of our family ghost story said the oolooel arch ly bat allow we to ask yoong people what you were to much interested in v well sir said haxlewood j bad just asked her if ahewonld marry me dont run away violet and she said yet that it if i could win her fathers content weil and i would like to know what her father says to the proposition f added the young officer laughingly detaining violet who was struggling to escape he says answered ooi orme that your intrepidity in facing the ghost deserves some reward and be likewise supposes thai hit daughter must be allowed to nave ber own way take her charley and dont spoil her no thanks now bat let me go and see after your aunt bebeoca papal she whispered at he arose with his hand on the door well my dear t dont tell aunt becky that that that you were the ghost just at yon please and he went chuckling to inquire after his sisters health there it no evidence that he ever did betray violets secret bnt two things may be regarded as settled fact in the record of alnwick place one is that aunt bebeoca strenuously denial the existence of ghosts and abhors the very sight of her nieces white mantsawith cherry trimming the other is that the is particularly careful never to pats through the solemn old haunted hall after sunset weightotmilk a great many little things are constantly passing before our eyes that most of ns fail to notice every one who eats applet knows that tbey contain seeds bat not everyone who eats applet can tell whether the seed of the applet at they lie in their little seed cases or hulls lie with theii small end or large end towards the stem of the apple we nave heard the question aaked repeat edly in large congregations of apple eaters without bringing out half a doxen correct answers the large majority appearing among the number who do not pretend to know while of those who thought they knew more usually voted wrong than right host persons probably know at- much about milk at they do about applet and perhaps one ought not to be surprised that in a mixed gathering there might be a dif ference of opinion concerning so simple a thing a milk tetwe were hardly prepar ed to find upon arecent occasion where a number of farmers were discntsmg the milk question that scarcely one coold fell for a certainty which of the two liquids milk or water was the heaviest while of those who thought they knew the larger number were in the wrong beeaatenusbontasiii fat which is lighter than either water or milk many think that the muk ileefl most be lighter tijan water probably very few farmers ever took the trouble jo weigh a gallon of either water or milk to ascertain their weights or difference the difference is comparatively slight though varying ac cording at the milk ia rich or poor in the several milk solids take veatel wat will hold exactly 100 pounds of pore water tndm it witttjnre milk of aretag qual ity and the weight will be baud ttjw about 103 pounds in other wofaa milk it 3 per cent heavier than water mr o 8 bhtajdhrgood antborityon dairy matters girts ij a recent lett to the aural nd rorfcrttm tpeoifloigravlty of pure milk m found by many tests to be 10m the standard gallon of pure milk taken at a temperature of 60 it niwtjenr eraliy understood to weigh 88 po4ia or s15 pounds per quart by thk rnle ten quirt of pare milk at a temperatoreof 60 will weigh just 11 pounds whioh are easy gure to re and from which it it easy to reckon the number of quart given by a oowaftmnbsutb number dpetmdt by weighmg ajgoodmany owner of large thilabswbaveoomet6tenlp3p lireiintrndiof milk m a ijuart which hi wrong andmis- teadiag v- bpsshsy ptljbpiatljaap- ijiftrv m wgouuma satourpp ij i amid the oonflietibueciasyatpwf is pleasant to observe that thtaoawsjf i jest upon which all parti i olaetei think alike weraiaftotl oent reform in the l ot i which taoaxs houowax isom whatever may be ttoduffarenvstof i at to the bast cures forpoutwtft are none a toombbvttemeamtesvi the experiment hat been mad toccess is j assured by teriot of trjampbt extending ottr5 yean and cowting every nul ii 5j ailment all plots of juwmtimmt ot political aavctodimdieat jbk pi ti when contrasted wrsbabee and object oi an enterpris it remedial threatens or physical pain exitat ybmi3 of b plain thenaseo ment to poipt out th eertiiitylgslj pidity with whkh they optrateiqaatts elementary germs of illtestu toraenonjtl onrea which they are daily aoo in case that nave been ifj th reach ot mediaine to rijruliuifth with the proof of ahair bdtiiktowlvilimvij th pubuo jourrial thioagboei mttc oontinaally teem would be to ffll ojo umnt with information mhatmkiw- j an mtaffigent people inthewpom9-i- dernoas and the inhotpitik nitoai in fkf wfhx gilded aalooo a in the lowly f the fishing groands on the botvtorajtfaav inland tea and in the paatate it anl4 interior at in tbf olanetry j everywhere theaepreportlaoiurjtrtr among the neoeeemrie of lite ague biuba fever and r tudji oomitanbiof i the effect of a vitiated i readily and uniformly i pfll and ointment thai auc and me and acknowledge them one gnat worlds remedy fori towns where lnxnrioa- irrisgv thonstnd mdulgeooeeof eociall many ol the maladiei pro causes in the conntry the t tian ot tbete muflkiini baa i marked and palpable andt founded at it ia upon th daily ton of the tick must always contttatarti create u eaae it u to j airoeatt v sj josh billings on 3 sum marry bekas tba thnjluw will be aoarot nextyear andl derhow theoropholdaottt wy sam marry to get rid of t discover that the game waonet could play at jtnd neither win ivifej sum marry for lore witbjoatai their pocket nor a friend in the i a drop at pedigree this look i bat the strength of the game sum marry in baete and then i and think it carefully ofer sum think it over carefully hat t set down and marry t ij nomankentffl jistex6uywearh fetch up wben he tooches oaliao rfm ttn mm ktn til jiit intiitl jii ajajj has made op her mindsewovx oataxawt knowj herself dry goods- au abodala the chad of cirouiintaiirii- mriageisaaale way tew gamble if you win you win a pile and if yoo iosb yon dont lose anything hoiffhslmestt j v shlclatk there itbeautifolntfoe of jgoods mias it wql make up andalam sure will become hninotptaav sweet an theuteeof adversity but most pjonlt piste soger ifryl but yojtfre astrapful the dell rater remarked to the baresr aait wa being aharpaaed itvagreatconwttobeleftalone said ni hismowt i etpsuially when yonr sweetheart is wid ye the city mntv soph oorroptionytrtekt uexeitad but it cant yon kaow- ho sole a camel will work seven or sight daje withoot drinking in that bedfsantreal aooeinenwheijirhtk seven or iglitdsits without worktigt i -i- u- ivy a olatgyman married lady with who he reoeivm a tubstanttal ovjw of and a fair prospeot f 05 more 8oon jiftsr- t ward white wuijnulpapi f ontahynyireaa foor ttaixasmww iaabthftn ij v forever 1st niyutem1awaj vv v hu bound nsajg when hebeaitated ande the choir will omitthje down apparent linet wbleb colonel aoaariontly robbing his ioritsoohi out hare in tbeha1ti wijjwphtlliiisiti uumiing whj ilium halloa i is this yoa myjilelevtowtivthafr ectifcit xmi itaumieauytt7btoyea it the matte yobvnt teen ajghoatlihddjanfc hopet i4- rmrmm tptaajuuhmtmatm leawia- tlarslamv jwarfcmshafbyatbtjyoesaun smiaditafnal i jmiyi ekvts sp- qlf m0 sstlt amt