Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1884, p. 4

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j iusttmlteooutjuuonoliqrjor atmnatfcvatfeoidedk pott tigut tt tu artotsauqoor stores like uia heading wkie r j wlnval bo drunkards or dead beats or sctbojt we want and uew coin- jtsttfreah tram their honies the tchool or itooottege btttt and wealthy and well stocked ahkttweage bom te tnosvandfoud sisters broth- savtoneineraits we want and uo others imaet the drunkard whose substance ii h mmr tin of ths drink he has tatted and dead beate and bummers are noisy feigns to the youths who come i tome time to resemble wrecks scho totter tud tremble round oar doors with red bloated ilhey infest saloons and low g tow not tee that our dealings are nmtsftey to drnnkardii and sots have de- toeoded i lntttatv begone tor obey seem to upbraid il tjmioaisgall who pass by with who be oar dead beat brothers wtv j kim bannf places where liquor is t emtaper ihljatt in yon our best hopes are im- lranamidvand bummers and dead beats not wanted the dark ages those of ladies no longer w- i f h t atarhnt package dyas to use are the stir dyes beautiful and lasting colors 9 hard and toft coma cannot withstand hsoowmyi corn curt it is effectual every time ajncnoxs or the lfteb bilious disor ders skk headache etc are thoroughly cared ny fliots mandrake fills sold in acton by j e mogsrri tt 45 cte osartrial of mother graveswonn exter will convince yon that it has no etnal a a worm mediosne ta1tuyers braeebridge writes oil u the best metljeefwaytgrrer tatiafsc- d in easel of coughs colds sore immediate relief his been re- thoteirho use it fusts roota rowd eb the peerless den- betnjr introduced in this vicinity r j e xogarrin druggist is a prepara- tion for the teeth of whipk everybody itseasa with enthusiasm large size socta he triangle dyes are such stone friend eta take pleasure in recommending to another mark well that yon get a three ooruered package for they are the only re- liable dyes in the market 10c it j e jsssjatvlas 49 jdral ohearn hirer street toronto uses di thomas eelectric chi far her cows for cracked and sore tests she thinks there is nothing like it- she alto uavtd it when berhorset bad tlie epizotie with he very btntceaaits donolbepersadaedtotakeany other oil in place of dr thomas eelectric oa electric bitters will do all tiiafc is claimed for ikes hundreds of testimonials attest their ireat euratrvt powers only fifty eaata a bottle at j e af cgarrins oh how tired and weak i feel i doot believe i will efer get through the spring hoosewdeasumgr oir yes yon will if yoe take a bottle brtweefilr carsons stem ach biltctt to purify your blood and tone ip the syttent in large bottles 50 cents r it you have tilizd to be benefittedbr oer catarrh reoiedie try dr starrs ca- tarrh conqueror it has receired universal endorsement j e mcgarvin will supply yon priee 50c to be permanently esteemed any article must hasp sjrlnes to marked as to be plain ly apparent the good name of the tri angle dyes is evidence of merit they prore themselres always reliable 10 at j ucgarrist drug store 45 the success wifh which the triangle dyes hare met proves fltem the most re- mmrkablcdycsof thepmtorpreeent tbey are attracting attention from all c of sodett 10c at ji z hcqaniav 49 ayer8aiipariluuattyeoooeiitrat- ed exaract of saeaaparilla anevotber blood- ying roots combined with iodide of and iroa its oonlml orer scrofulous llitrates is unequsfled by tar other medieine t there are lots of people going aroond gnunbug and half nek at thetomaeh all the time who might be veil bad happy ir they only used dr carsons stomaeb bitters occasionally ulttapfcodidb pori5er all druggista 50 centa 45 tery suasueriianie keetrerr ur geo v willing of manchester micu writes my wifetas been almost belpieav for fire years so belplesb that she could not turn over in bed alone sheeted two bottles of electrio bitten and ia to soodibbprottd that she a abienow to do her own ssork kot soother piusiull go down my throat sgain said a citizen when i can get such a prompt and pleattat cure for my odious attacks as dr csjraont fitomaob biuers it readers the blood fore and copland makes a splendid 8pring lledi- cine large bottlet centt 46 aatiistratrle thereon f kaator editor of ft wayne lad faaette writes for the past flr ijairshafe always used dr kings new diacorery for caagb ofcaott terart char aster u weflat for those of a milder type uneterfaihitoetuct speedy cure my tatab to whoa i hsjre rcaasuaeaded it hare been tmt9aivfootigh i hart had lor i swsijllir it ih only reliable i fobkoii ust a bare cure or corns waru and baoiona warranted dr starrs oorn 8orcent tht wonderful corn ketvvrer sold by j e moqarrin drug lt uk tor it priee sic salt bkeaaa carta an yon troubled with salt rheum rough skin pimples or cankei sorts i itte g at once to j e klooarvini drug store and gel a package of calveits carbollo cerate price twentyfive cents it was never koovn to faih 4 backache stitches in itho side insstion and soreness of the jbowels are tymntoom of a disordered state ot the dlgttie and tasimllttlve organs which can be promptly and thoroughly corrected by the use of ayeri catutrlio pills as dinner pills and at aids to digestion uey hare no equal they cure constipation lallikuiaf there sre but few that hare never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache keuralgia or like acute pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is su untold blessing ia time of trouble ko ditgustiug offensive medicines to be taken for days ooe application of fluid ught- uins cures sold at j e xlcfiarvins drugstore 29 facts thai are trae are wertfc avaalag the rapidity with whice howards pure concentrated alkali ia selling ia accounted for by its extraordinary merits possessing u it does the property o softening the water retnoriuc all stains from woodwork and saving time labor and expense it is pat up in tin boxes and told by j e mc- qsrvin sole annt for acteo are you troubled with salt ltheum rough sands or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed even though it be of years atanding ucgregor d parkes car bolic cerate will cure it berood the ahadow of a doubt it ia the beat healing compound ever known boils festerings frost bites barns or any skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at ss carta by j e me gsrrin druggist 33 tae iltajr tver walking the toarce of to much misery to many becomes sfter using putnams pain less cora extractor a mrricc of pleasure coras are small in size but their size sa any one fond of a tramp can testify try putnams extractor for corns- ko discom fort no caustic application ao blood letting snd yet splendidly efficacious k c pol- sox k co kingston proprietors goods selling at the whdeln europe last winter mr wu t watkina tookautxtrtlong umt tohuui ibevervibetvmbtitm i 52jy- eitra ohtap bargains he nooeeded lu getuug wu a portion of very needy manufafltifroia itook whhoh hepurchjiedatasl per cmt hthtt the kp srffl third off the net iatojet pnoea tad these goods willieeteravhrher lou that hetoeoeeded in nbtaiblngat gjemredcti0nt from the net pries m 0berlbtmte waa any wnoletalt house in canada would tell the taut goods for juat reed iht prices an i call and at the goods and ton will be aatoahthed attbeircumuntat exoeuencyjt quautiat beaut of doslgoi ted ohtrmlng colors a large lot of handsome parasols at about half theiractual value in a great variety of prlctt about 700 pain of oeourttinj it ill priors from 80o up to verj rioh gwl new designs at i pllet of excellent lace certain are selling at onethlrd tat than the manufaeterert 4urtjrtot of blbbou going at leu thantapftberf actual value very lashionable new styleiof dreu floods selung for socwhieh would be cheap ts7k hir rowekj cloetlt on and good sites golag tt ettiybo worth be belter tnd larger towel which would be oheap at 1 are offering at only 10c better atijlat- 12c which are good value for lc the 15e towel art wall worth 90c towel of extra good vi1uloll price up to wc pure linen towellings at poly so- jntl thtmatallprioat they are surprising good valo the tabh damasks and table napkins bought dinwt from the irish makers for eaah i exttaordinary good vatae good hsatytahl ditnatk worth s70 telling for 80c juat imtgini the so 61 tnd too and on up to 12 fnr very sue wide bleached table damask thtah napkin are very haodeom new patterns which are sure to please the ladies please examhie them allwool french drees goods at only ij blmkand eolord rr6bo au wool dtetatfjooauai iso whlohwonhl be ehetp at me ao immense assortment ol vary stylish makes and newest shade in ores pood at efrtoralaarjr low print tor tuoh good qllttu the right house king street east close to hoghson street the name ii hamilton may 8 1884 thomas c w atkins hamiijoni avers pilis a nje nropofuoa of tit dlttami wulek atutt human sugrn rtsult trom dersuge nient ot fat ga3k jsv ad liver areas uran ntaaef dlrtet ninn these orgaaa sad asttpfceatlj dstlgaed te cure the diseases caand by their dtraitce ncul luelndmg oe indiges tion uttpeoata bstwata dytenten snd a host etoihti aumtata tar all which ihey are a afe me pnmmw m pleasant rtmedy iht txttaavt oat of the piua by tauaaat paystetaa uttgular rar uce sbon unmlstakabrj the estimation 1 which they at held by tat maolctl prora sion ihstathaar eotttoaaatd at vtteut subsiauees only sad art aatolnttly bee r estouwl or say other injurleaa ingredient a gmterer froaahtadttli ailtet i anas fill srt nvaluahlt to nwi i are my constant eompaanon 1 hare becu a aevere aufferer front headache and rour puxs sre too only song i eouid loot- 1 one tots wul qakkly moe u nrfaead trosa pauv 71jo art the most tffeeuv and tba taatett iihrtie tor reuef bowels snd fat i a ever found it it ptaanrt to me to hi their pratta sad 1 altars do to aieaalnn otrtra if a few grains of common aente could b jububdunto the thick noddles of thoe who perpetually snd alternately irritate and woken their stomachs snd bowels with drastic purgatives they would as the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonic korthrop fc lymans vegetable disr coveryand dyspeptic cure which eauses good digestion to trait an appetite health on both mrs a kelson brantford writes f i was a sufferer from chronic dyspepsia fur jeveu years alwars after earing an ic tence burning sensation in the stomach at times vera distressing causeda drooping sad languid feeling whioo wookl last for several hours after eating i was recom mended by mr popplewell chemist of our city to try xorthrop i- lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic care snd i am thaakfal to say that i have not been better fur years that burning sensation aud lan guid feeling has all gone and food does not lie heavy cu my stomach others of my family have used it with beet results v best aaa caaalart it tae iaacttag browns hoasehold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain is the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and airy kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blond and heal as iu acting power is wonderful browns hoasehold pan acea being acknowledged as -the- groat pain believer and of doable the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as ii really is the best remedy in the world for cramps the stonuch and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle 44 advice tt aethers are you disturbed si night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrt win- tlottft smtkug synipirr children tttthaj it valoe is incalculable it trill relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there ia no mistake about it itcuresdysenteryanddiarrhoen regulates the stomach snd bowels cares wind oolic soften the gams reduces in- aatojttation and give tone and fenergy to the whole system mri wuulovsi soctiung syrtpfor chilirt tubing is pleasant to the taste end it the prescription of one of the oldest and beat female uurses and phy- eiciaui in theunited states and ia for sale by all druggists throughout the world price meeute a bottle 44 1 have ever fosmd tt is a speak in tbetr when oeeaslon c w l paoa of w t patt k brc franklin 8t glelimomlta june a 1182 i have used atxxt prut in namber- lett lastsaett at rmnmniatiitas by you and have never known tatm to fall to aeectnpuah the desired retail we constantly kaep then oauand at our home and priat theas tt a pleasant safe and rtliaut uasuy medicine fou ujirtnu taty n tavalnabla jthana uetis texas june it usl the bit faiscr b haatowc wriunt root atlanta oc sara m for some yemri past 1 have beta sakject w eoarutaitlou trom which tn tnoaof the ate efamdi- ehmt oftarious inatm i town lug lacouveaienee oattl somt bobubi axo i betan taldng arias phi they have entirely aeriaetea ike eesuvt habit and hate ttstlyn ftoenl healtii arxaa canuanc pilu eorrect irreru larlties ot the bowls stisnlate iks rp ute tad disesuoa snd by tlieir prompt snd thoroucii sction give toot and vigor to tat whole physical economy racpitgo bt drjcayorico lowell mm sold by all dn 8peicht son acton adertakers carriage markers o from are prepared to furnish everything iu their line the ittt catker to the plainest coffin ou the shortest notiee and lowest ferms 11 calls eiiler uight or day promptly attended to faction goarauteed hi every case i a firstclass hearse for hire satis- awctrcliii poaitioutoastlsfactotily fill orders for waggons carriages ac every description ia resaotuble time good workmanship ond firttelau material slways used we have also a fplcrdid lot or foraitorc both eommon and extra quality cheats trjf y wl p cash we will tell yon anything in oar line cheap 4 k 8pei0ht msnsrsr co to the old reliable clothing store for your spring olothing ah txpedeae la weaatrral benesdal ttteets ot 00 mb middle- used ffltte talst tty kytusa fauby all dratxista i id inttles l- ayers sarsaparilla ckodxaa wish sore eyes sore or ny seroraloai or frh bsaharsadcuons you will find a still iucreased stock of goods iu all lines adapted for the coming season at prices saitable to the hard times ddtlot fail to see my 11 12 aid 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting eolleri flour l i tjouer tbc cru of n exert tlic clen roller mill is humming the flour made is ecod to i none and cant fail to please the most fu- j tidlous house wife remember this is noae jj of your bslf roller mills bat is roller ca j j tire jgrist exchanged zj highest price for ood wheat tlio tiuest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end clothing store j fyfe fb a tvtes 3 joseph williams q siratkaviiif ita 1t i i rclekwilliaxh ost j iyz wife whats the matter now john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me wife tvhy dont you go to i e ho- oaryins drug store and get a bottle of fluid lightning 1 vou know it cures all such thing sa toothache neuralgia head ache lumbago earache sore throat etc it gives instant relief 33 m m hollowayt pousaiim changes fro- qaeht foga and prevtdieg dampneastorelf impede the vital functions tad cobdaee to illbealtb the remedy for such duorderi lie in ome purifyiog medieine like these fill which it ootnpetent to tsppleneee- fdllysvith the mischief tt it soaroe and ummit out without fretting the nerves or weakening the system hollowayt pilla extraeilrcfflltobrodlnoxloui matter regafite the action of every diordrd organ ftitauute i ihm aldejr sad zabix the bowuyri obeii oooi piainu bete tish 5 j mai roller flour ceorcetown mills hawing spared ao cipeose in repairing my mill and having pat in the laltt aad most iraprorej raaciiiacr i am hatr preparetl to tara oat a sfo i boiler floar equi lo any raide in canada wr cliop erery day gite as a ltil we guarantee savtialaction jtrose osergetewn an endless variety of plush and other picture frames 8uitable for pre8ent8 photographs the latest style taken by the new process no loryr sittings briruf your pictures of deceased friends and have them edii enlarged in flretolass style cwhill acton 4 q frames xtadorclothirig mrs r creech has a tall assortment of ladies and childrens underwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity cashmere net flityw in underclothing- hade to order mbs b- creech- acton may 7th 1884 rjlhe fbeepee88 j vrlvnallef fdioatioa of the ointta jttotibjel mws power printing hon executes job wobk of all descriptions in s very satisfactory manner at moderate rates with do- spasehin the time promised bofufess cibouiam lettee heads biei heads letter c1bculabs kote- cibculab8 busisess cabd8 visitihc cabd8 pamphlets hakdbills postebs r etc particular attention giren to fine wobk and extra ieare bestowed with a view to teeming puhmlll adarttmm the eonntry attended to with ae- ssaitefa sail work tewarolntmaaiateirby man chicago rock island pacirc ry mnx or oantral una florae to traveler by rasaaesi a tt jnilvam e- hfawnotlitwtisonrrweaiksohwt rmmallyandtrietfutjimtoonntntton ar ai of th principal nna mrostsbetanmn ttw axtantlo and ttw fhtohlo y tt main ana and branoha it nann ohleaaov mtm ptorta ottawa utaha oeotato moona and hook latand in rntnbl 0mport muaoattn walntrban kaoiuik anravtll oakalooaa falrtmd on wolnw wawt uberty towoltyttantleavooa audubon harlan outhrl ptntar and oownall midt l j tratitoo cameron and kamaaolt ia iloort and lmvfr jrortatjtotilaon in aanaat and the hundred of omatin and tetrh great rock island i a it ai tajniaarty oakad oflam to ua all the i t to a am traeit oao w thi oooittwv and in wftlon auptttor wttat i two tstalatt aaoh wary b radr6fi tatwrfskumsvs to trarsltwvinl awdtyr lavt ri a7tvliro atlbr i ouwpraidnttoftheu8 theurgett handsomest best book aver sold for leu than twice our price the fattest selling book in america immense profit to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become- successful agent terms free bium boox co portland maine the bennett churn tie tftwht evttielt in tn iteikat 1 ohnxaiaj ikd fiaavntiiiutmd of a statfmmbt tttkl ram8haw son acton have secured the sole oontrol of tbejtle of the famous bennett churn thi churn is manufactured npoo the moat practical and commontease principle ex tant aao only require to be men at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of the above firm will call upon yon with a sample chum aajiflhav tt so aclon jan 15 st carriage painting c c speight pabties desui1ng their buggies waggons cutters etc repainted or revarnithed and made equal to new on shortest possible sotioe tad at low est pricer aboakt leave their orders at opoe witli mr j a speight undertaker and carriage builder or with c o sfblah acton marco 20th 18s4 tcfia week at home 1500 outfit free pay tyuuabsolntelysure no risk capital not required reader if you watnt busineea at which persons of either sex young or old can make great pay ill toe tune they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to h rtimrrr co portland maine butcher shop r holmes would reepeclfully inform the peeple of acton and ricinity that he has purchased the bnsineaa and property o mr w c robinson and it prepared to anpnly all with firstclass meat of all kinds and pvuhfy and game in xaeuu sw meat delivered to any part of town at any time having practical eiperience in the butchenuk business j eel cotgdent that i can suit all a call kindly solicited r holmes hills tin l stove depot jr f it xt iv t atiiis isboupinablxmedklve las sreiyr 1udt u ifjm ikrofkoutuu rorldiroe aoatatim af 0o5iirhmtotem purify reuulite snd improve the qaalh of the blood tbeyinbttbedlgativeoicn wibaind mibtiykw inoreaw the secretory powert ot the liver brace the oervoat system and throw lllo the circulation bepuitsi elemeolt fur tutuinlng and repaiflig the frame thousands of person baro testified that by their uo lohe tbey hive oeen reoreal to health and strnrth means had proved uasuceestfat 1 fie ointment i will be found invaluable ievoterjlhouieboid ia the cure ot open sorea harfltnmor 8d ltft old yrmyt ofncks cohv bov throat broachetisviipd ail disorders of the throat and chert matto gout bhenmatism 8erofnla end erery kiodjrfskin dieae alanoiactured only at profnaor hollo waya eatabljahmtnt 533 qxpokd street london ahdoldat lii 2a 9d 4 6d 22s and s3 each box and pet and ia canada at 16 cent 0 oent and ls0 and the larger aire in proportion tacapn6if i tan no agent in thi uoited stale nor are my medicine aold there parchatrra should therefore look to the label on the per and boies if the ddms is not 58s oxford street london tbeyare apnriona the tnd msrk of my sid medicinei is ragistrered at ottawa and also at wash ington i svned thomab hoiildwra 5ss oxford street tindno i ddi7c send six cent for post- h tn istc age and receive free a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than sjiyihirjgelse in this world all of either sex succeed from first hour tbo broad ro to fortune open before the workers absolutely tore at once address tacx co maine m ispietani ejb rt- arlat or swapa t vseasa tersew csdauetraw j chough adi ei tuttg agent ssvtllua detnkkst deiaawask farms for sale rnattieiemereracr si d mehlriclli ktileatuto affttt these farms are improved with bufldingb feaces fruit trees and berriee of all kinds good water plenty of timber land good roads schools and churoheetgood market only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of fish oyster and game very productive land climate mild and pleasant come and tee for yourself and be convinced i am prepared with team and carriage to take visitors to see the farms frde of charge j f hirvniucks hoitriintelawatfi 33 acres if 83 acres foothill nurseries tie xtffmin tho ioifliraoa 8ale8menwanttlf to begimtork at once on fall salts steady employincnt at fixed salaries tn all willing to worlu mex and women can have pleasant work tbe tear hoqnd good agents are earninc frou y40 to 975 per month snd expenses terms mid out- lit free address stoae fc welilmtoa toronto ont t a wki or the working class send 10 uu lloenta for pottage and we trill w te box of good a88ojltbntok8toyk8 0hbap foe 0a8h tikwakb of atl kinds at wjttom prices mai you free a rbyal aaurple good that will pofaxw m wiy of making more money uarfewyattan sju ever thought possible at any mttineta apital not required we will start too ton can work alt the ttme orih youripare time only the toainiiivertaap ed to both sexes young andoid- dfoaj can easily earn from 50 oent to 5 every evra- ine that all who wait worknmyttest the buameast we msieftmrmptasoletod offer to all who are not wellj aiafleevwe will end ii to pay for tlw toublaof vrritingn toll particular direction etomt free fortune will be made by thoae whon their whole time to the work groat ne- oeaa absolutely tore itondei btartno address 8rdoiox i co porjlasitsnp s iiin jknlm pctgp on ifiobtest v- -it-vi- i- 3j avti i u- m 1pji- jbeso went mw wax 891 slfne reanttliir jearai ayii5s3fijrfsgi

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