Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1884, p. 4

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mmscx jiiyaihri ii lyuuli triyzrtt p- t srtowswjr iv jtttonjfn tnoianit houmra jots li 1881 4hw hievirm on little ouee are the bude that goru thia weadstrewn path of ours and lira la made the t by them and dianr our fireside bowers bit torn an trail and cold windt beat on tf boda as on the flowers 800 boda tkikabid to the ambient air iwtjeaaavmonnre perfume nourishes and natured by kindly oere paaa into fragrant bloom bat eomt qod willi it should fade away and sleep in the auent tomb tie beat maybe when the bod neer aeea the uaat of a wintry day tie beat maybe that the murmuring breeze should wait it gently away to store it aafe in the genial warmth of heavens sternal ray the longest reign in hiatory the deluge the star dyea are unexcelled for cheap cue ad brilliant futoolora 10 a lady write i was enabled to re more the corns toot and branch by the net of hoilowayt com cure a banning question how ranch it the gaibill worms dxange the whole system mo ther grates worrqextcnniaator deranges worms and ejtettest to the sufferer the ante eff eota of ayers sareaparqla are thorotuh and permanent it there ii a lnrkjag taint of scrofula aboat yon ayer saratparilla will dialodge it and expel it from your ayatem friars makdbixi ptxls do not produce ejrimiass at the stomach nanaea or griping they act directly on the lirer bold in acton by j e mcgarrin druggist price the hairdressers widow ii a relict of bajjssrisni a whisker dye must be convenient to ue easy to apply impossible to rab oft elegant to appearance and cheap in price back- injrhams pye for the whiskers anitea in rseeltall these merits try it john hays credit p 0 says hii shoulder wm so bone for nine months that be could not raiso hit hand to his bead bat by the use of dr thomas edectricoil the pain and lameoess pisappeared endauhough three months haa elapted he has not had at attack of utiace patience cornea in where there is nothing eta to briupv jl llr peter termetthochelaia p q writes dr thomas ecleelric oil cored tee of wimimsvim after i tried many medi- ltojropurpoae tt it 1 rood medi- cine just think ot it you can reliere the twinges of rheumatism or the moat painful attack of neuralgia you can check a coegh and heal bruised or broken skin with a bottlt of dr thomas edectne od costing only 2 oesta the triangle dyes are inch as ono friend 1 can take pleasure in recommending to another mark well that yea gel a three ooraered package for they are the only re- liabrc dyes in the market 10c it i z hcgarvins 49 a small son has plenty of elbow room in a narrowminded man- on how tired and weak i feel idont beliare i win ever get through the spring honaecleanmg oh yes yon wqi if- yon take a bottle or two of dr carsont slom ach bitten to purify vour blood and tone up the system in large bottles 50 cents paimaauslsaflertatc it the common lot of 0 our earliest days give mantfett proof of this sod we are never long permitted to forget it if corns should in your ease be the thorn in the flesh go at once and boy a bottle of put nams painless com extractor and be surprised at the rapidity the freedom from pain and the suoceas that marks its work x c polson i- co kingston proprie tors the report that the army worms wear fjmt juts seems to be unfounded is fajait cases of catarrh relief will be speed and cafes quickly follow the use of dr- starrs catarrh conqoerar in long 5tsndg chronic esses a cure can always be relied on by perseverence in its use a few weeks- said by j e mcgxrvin druggist price 50 cents to be permanently esteemed any article giaitiare tineas so marked ss to lie plsin- iy apparent the good name of the tri angle dyes is evidence of merit they prove themselves alwsysreliable 11 at emcgsrtinsdnig8tore i5 tut success with which the triangle dvts have met proves them the most re nuukoble dyes of the past or present they are attracting attention from all classes of society 10c st j e hcgarvins 49 it sounds somewhat paradoxical to say that cremation is gaining ground taesuaaae ear se mr tw atkins girard kan writes i never hesitate to recommend your elec tric bitters to my customers they give eo- tire satisfaction and are rapid tellers ei- ectric bitters are the purest sod best medi cine known and will positivelr cure kidney and liver complaints purify the blood and regulate the bowels ko family can sjfford to be without them they will ssve hnadredt of dollars in doctors bills every year 8oid at fifty cents abottla by i z moqarvin houmrayt oiaimad and pdu a fre qaeut cause sgout and rhenmatisoi ii file isflammatoryslateof the blood attended with bad digestion and general debility a few doses of the pills taken in time are an effectual preventive against goat and rheumatism anyone who has an attack of either should use hollowsa ointment also the powerful action of which combfn edwith the opsration of the pais must infallibly effect a cure these pqls act di- reetly ou the blood whlci they punfy and improve giving once an the sever ity of these diseases pe with the ointment after fomeoting the aflacted jeinta with warm brio will speedily relax 8 asilniiss and prevent any pirniinjajt coatrieoiioa vvife whats the mattes now john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me wife thiy dont you go to j e itc- qarvini drug store and eel a bottle of fluid lightning you know it cures all such things as toothache keuralgia head- ache lumbago earache 8ote throat etc it gives instant relief 33 tlaidltfktaug there are bat few that hare never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is aa untold blessing in time of trouble xo disgusting offensive medicines to be taken for days oue application of fluid light ning cures sold at 3 e jicgarvins urus store 29 the ban tooth powdi it fliovs bapooaoeota tooth powder tie peerless dentilreloe foe oleanaing and whitening the teeth it hit do equal gold by j e mcqarria druggist large aits sic there are lota of people going around grumbling aud halt tick at the stomach all the time who might be well and happy if they only used dr canons stomaoh bitters occasionally it la a splendid blood puriser au druggieu so cents 46 altsueemuue are you troubled with salt rheum rough skin pimples or canker sores if ad go at onoe to ei uoqarvini drug store and net a package of calrettt cacbollo cerate price twentyfive centa it was never known to fail 47 awte awake btozltt air j e mcqarvln it always wide awake in his line he has secured the agency for the celebrated dr kings new diacoyery for consumption the only cer tain cure known for consumption csughs colds hoarseness asthma hay fever bronchitis or any affection of the throat and lungs sold on positive guarantee will giye you s trial bootlle free regu lar sue 1100 the great sale at the right house is an immense success i the exceeding low prices which the ly room at the counters for them s outtomct extra good value in all thoy fortune for our wanta haa an immoral ul w r r -il- a ci u 1 goods by abusing their competitors who would not ttoop to inch a dajrntding mode of procedure and make statements about them f bk laye mtflmb imlmm truth irstead of resorting to cowardly modes of defence let them alow by moral law that lotteries ar harmless and give op their qolbwb tfceir abwsj 1 and tt tinnationa jait tee a lew of o prioea whits quilta marked down to twothlrut their value white qouu from l to 4 yards long french orspa all wool oreaa uoooi at to whloh ii good value lor wto allwool french twills well worth sto are selling off at soo prints which would be cheap at 120 are selling off at 7c ouu prtnu worth 16c are marked down to loo wincey 8hirtlngt down from 20c to 16c sud from 8o0 to 860 handsome colored silks in new shades are pnt down from 75c to 64c from mc to 76o and frpm 125 to ii table damaska marked dowo from 50o to 40o and from 40o to 80c heavy cotton sheetings down from 25o to 15c from 860 to joo lace ourtains greatly reduced in prices boautifql swita ket curtain very cheap bleak silks vslyjta reduoad us pel ryard a great broldersd swiss iluilin robot jut arrived direct from switaorund uaen down of childrens new styles of collars nuns veuins buntings silk orenafltoes andvelj vetecna in blsotvnd the newest colors all very 1 prioea a big nddotion off last teasont prices same is hamilton juno 12 1884 7ohaavnoetvlotaile6irclovhilnlumkat faaoy nstssrn u ljk pes jrard lemtbajald 1 in carpeu sole agents here for the wiloox unequalled oarnet sweeper king street east close to hngbaon street me thomas c watkxns hamilton a few hints thebx isj just reotlx who think be- cansethey have suffered from a com for years they matt suffer on to lit end of time dr starrs com solrent will surely cure it sold by j e ucgtrvin drugsjst for 25c are you troubled with salt uheum roogh hands or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed even though it be of years standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will cure it beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the best healing compound ever known boils featerioccs frott bites bozos or anv skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e ifc- garvin druggist 33 indiscretions in diet brings on dyspepsia sud irregulaiitr of the bowels eat only wholesome food and if the trouble haa be come permanent es it is prone to do try a course of korthrop t lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure the com bined effects astonish and delight the suffer er who toon begins to digest jvell regain functional regularity and improve in appe tite the blood becomes pure and good health u restored if a few gratis of common tense could be infused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonic xorthrop t lymans venuhle dis covery and dyspeptic cure which causes good digestion to wait- an appetite and health on both 23 pi ig rot hi mor doaxib sum it taw- tu fault it muif feraaguy 4 to hot srpcriaux ruldaui us gnftr io a asca com for comtraatlmi or c to remedy u to etteetlve aa atxnl piuj they insure reguisr dally action and re store the bowels to a healthy condition ret rmateetion or dvapepela anns pnis lis tavelsable and a sore eare haartburm loss of appetite rout stsmaebi rtatnleaer olsslaeaa head aeke muuibneet xaatee are all relieved and cured by atxas piixa in uvr 1ri bilious slsordars and jaaadloe atllt fnu should be riven m doses huge enouih 10 exdte as liver and hortla and remove wuttlpauoo is a etoanttng medicine in the sprinf that frxis sre uaeqoslled warms caused by a morbid condition ol the bowels are expelled by these rim bruptloaa skin diseases and file ths result of ladlxettioa or cooatipatlan are eared by the oat of atias pills lor colds take iml fills to open the pores remove inllimmtlnry eerttlona sad ausy the tortr tor dtarrbeaa and dvtenferr canted by tuddcu oolde indujasuble food et arias plus art the true remedy bhswaaotlsm gout keuralfla and isaauakjofua resort from dlnetlve deranfe- bmet or oolde sal disappear on removing the ease by the use of ami pnxa tumors proper khtneyo and other dieorders esnsed by dsbtuty or obstruction sre cared by eras piua buppneefcn and painful menstrua tlosw nave a safe and ready remedy in ayers pills oapiir etch pttiffe rxrriten bt drjcayr4co sold iy an drnafists speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c from are prepared to famish everything in their line the bet casket to the plainest coffin- 1 on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms satis- 11 calls either night or day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every case a first- class hearse for hire sarwcsralna position taattftfsctorily fill orjert for fltggont carriages e of erery description ia reasonable lime good workmanthip ood firstolaat msterislslwayt used wc bsre alto a fplcndid lot or furoltore both common and extra quality cheap srlf yon will pay us ca8h wc will tell you anything in onr line cheap ej a sptloht manactr co to the old reliable clothing 8tore for your spring clothing est ancaatert la the saxreruc browui household panacea has no equal for relievinc pain both internal and external it cures fain in the side back or bowels sore throat bheumstitui toothache lumbago and any kind of a painorache it will most turely quicks en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful brownt householtan- sces being scknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world ihaold be la every fsnxily handy for ate when wtnted as it really it the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and ejns and aelies of all kinds snd is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle 44 xilrtce te xecfeert arc you disturbed at night and broken of yoor rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs win- aiimfssootjiinf syrvpfor cluldren tuflung its vslue is incalculsble it will reliere the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there is no mistake aboat it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic toftens the gams reduces in flammation and gives tone snd energy to the whole system jfrs wauiotft soothing syrup for children xtoaug is pleasant to the lete and is he prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses sod phy sicians in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price 2e eeuts a bottle 44 eollee flour uoder the care of an expert the clen roller mill is hummins the flour made is second to hone and cant fail to please the most fas tidious housewife remember this is none of your half roller mills but is roller en tire grists exchanged highest price for good wheat joseph williams glexwiluaxs ont yon will fiud a still increased stock of goods in all lines adapted for the coming season at prices suitable to the hard times do not fail to see my 11 sli and 818 suits made up in thi best of style and perfectly fitting the finest stock of jhate scarfs collars aud all things necessary to a cdmplete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end clothing store i j fyfe roller flour ceorcetown mills hnni spevred no expense in repairing my mill and btvag pat ia the iteit and moit imprared micuinery i am uoir prepared to tarn oat 1 o l roller flour equi to any made in caaad vvc cbop every day gire as a trill v gtirnntee utitrfiction j t rom 0orctawit igjra tvtes i fi an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for presents photographs the latest style token by the new process no long sittinets bring your pictures of deceased friends and nave them enlarged in first olasa style cwhill acton i cd fb a tvtes mmah who is uimoqumirrtd wrra tht oswonapirtor trwooiiarrrywiu ubt ctaminijadtrflsiuptrtatthi pectoris pectoris pectoris i the great reraedvrtorcorjglis colds bronchitis sore throat influenza horseuese and all affec tions of the longs and throat or chest pectoris loosens the phlegm and breakr up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give np until yon hsve tried pectoris all druggists and general storekeepers sell it erfipreve dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations or articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregorys speedy core y 00 are not asked to purchase it aotil its merits are proven call at j e jmegarvina drug store and get alree trial bottle and if not contlooed if will cure yoa of the worst toraj of dvs- pepaias liver oomplalnt etc no mattet of how bog standing it coats yon nothing bold in 50o aud ffalttle see testiia lall from persons in ytnfr own town st ttnderclothing mrs r creech has a lull assortment of lndiea and childrens underwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity sacashmere set mow in undcrciothlttghafletoonler jt mbsk crbeoh acton may 7th 1884 t he feee preb8 power printing hesue executes job wobk of all descriptiont is a very tattafaetory manner atmoderate rates vitli de tpatch in the time promised bcsixess cieoulaes lettzb hbad8 billheads letter cibculaks sote ciectjtabs b08utess osxds vi sraufq cajlds p41thiet9 hasdbilxs postebs etc etc paruuw attention given to fine woke audaateaetrebettoweolxithavlewto uxaziae orders trom she oountrv attended to with de- saejteh and work lonranim immediately by mail or eaprees t17 the fan fuss iob offloe for printing h p mooeb pbopeietoii ataciltovantedfot the lives of au aufcll i othepretidenuofthtu8 the largest handsomest best book ever sold for less than twice our price the fastest aellingbook in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a successful agent terms free hiiintbooi co portland icaine the bennett churn tie vnrtit artioli la th xiriut ohtralbet h4 a fumw suuta of u aslmmnt ttik flam8haw80nact0h have secured the sole control of the sals of the famous bennett churn this chum is manufactured upon the most practical and commonsense principle ei- tent and only requires to be seen st work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of the above firm till call upon you with a sample chum eulisssyw ft so acton jan 15 84 c c speicht partles desiring theik buggies waggons cutters etc repainted or revamiahed and made eqoal to new on shortest possible notice and at low est prices tlmald leave tbeir orders at once with mr j a 8peight uodertaker and carriage builder or with o c sfeight acton march 20th 1884 jeca week at home 1500 outfit free pay yuuabsolutely sure no risk capital not required reader if you want bnsinees at which persons of either tex young or old can make great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to h euxstt co portland maine wrtfc wierlmtt t holloways pills ointment htm8 incottpabjblb uedlclse hat mukrtd for vif taiptriateoe fame hroughoultke world for the alleviation oarf omoiomeaftitaiw it hil pnrify regulate and hnrjrove the quality of the blood they assist the digestive orcius cleanse the j 8tohacu antf bowbl8 increase the secretory powers of the liver oraoe the nervous system and throw info the circulation the purest elements for sastaininff and repairing the frame thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they have been restored to health and strength sfter every other meaut bad proved unsuccessful the ointment will befound invaluable in every household in tie cure of open sores hard tumors iu ut old vouit ortrtyrn colds sore throats bronchitis aoov all disorders of the throat and chest as also gout bhenmatism scrofula and every kind of akin disease manufactured onlv at professor hollo- way beuulisbment 33 oxfokd street london and sold at is ljd 2a 9d as 6d 22s and 33s each box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 centa and f 1 50 and the larger sizes in proportion s3cinnos i have no agent in the united states nor are my medicines sold there purcbasrrs should therefore look to the label 90 ue pots and boies if tht sddretssot 533 oxford street london they sre spurious the trade mark of my said medicines is registrererl at ottawa and also at watb- ington signed thomas hollqway 533 oxford street lojmiaii xprhe send six cents for post- kg and receive froe eostlbox of goods which will help yon to more money right awy than anything else in this world all of either sex sdccxwd from first hour the broad road to fortune opem before the workers absolutely bare at onoe address thcx co augusta maine misers t pla a ddrjaft ee kawapapar aaverus- las ce onr pssme ttttfexct or hit of paptn eheartalr net apon applieatlaa twaeodarvtrwcmiaiatn j c houch adreruaiw axit eotbh sloct xietrott mica chicago rock island pacific ry aseln orent central una affords to tmetera b reason of tts jnrtvaled geo- snapmoaj position tha eiortwt and beat rout between the last northeast ane outhsaurt and tut westt norttnraartaind soutnwpat h la utecallr and atrtor tnielthat its oonneotkxta are an o the prlnolpal linn of road between the atlantto and the paollto r ita main line and branches it readies ohloatjo toilet peoria ottawa u tails oeneseo mollaw and rook island in imnoisi osmnponmusoatlna washkiston keokuk knbivflle oakalooaa falrtleld osa molnee wast ubsrtvi lowaoiti atauitto arooi audubon harlan quttrrte osmarand oounoll bluffs in iowa 1 oauatln trantbn oameron and kansas ortr la missouri and leaven- ewrth and at in kansas and ths hundreds of oltlas vhtacaa and towns uttssafflmqlettek tfm great rock island route 1 oflars to travaleva ail tha arlwniaisa and eomforts safe brtdaes onion dspots art an eooneottns aotnts d o opsmomous will vnmlattt jwsu i rmmmo ottamaiisenrbtlht fuujmm at palaqi lctpwo oam and n 1 aind people to be ths rlust run and in whloh superior mieals are sanad to ttivl osbtt eaoh war betwew ohwaoo and tha mttsoum mvni 1 ohtoaoo and mtwinpoua and vr f aol albert lea route andoounofl mutt lulatnneeteneand ii foe mora 4taimlrrfc rirattkmaeojapaand p waatlelurcatallprli saaltmmowrawlnthavth imiamlti aa it at yamldarlj inamant to a smooth past bpnaaa trains hutbirimriy up orriiaoitrrioisft that euvjmknowlodgm 1 road w tht l tha low rata of i trwsul train i two train eaohl via th famous 0 viji oaoo butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the peeple of acton aad viciulty that he baa purchated be bstiuets and property of mr w c robinson and it prepared to tupply all with firstglass meat of all kindi aod pvdiry and game in anu aameat delivered to auy part of town t any time m- having practical experience in the butchering bntinew i feel confident that i can toit all a call kindly touched r holmes hills tin stove depot good assortment on 8tov8 cheap for jash tinware of all kinds at bottom prices telawabk farhg for sale av al d hendricks roil estata agent houston delaware these farms are improved with buildings fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds ga water plenty of timber land good roaomschools and churches good markets onl miles from philadelphia pleuty of fish oysters and game very productive land climate mild and pleasant come and see for yourself and be convinced i am- prepared with team and carriage to take visitors to see the farms fret of charge jd haxnarcao hoiwton delaware the dominion organ and prano co 4 jfc evekf thi8pap nttldasl busl l be 1 town i c hbld s wiflbes hondsy of e his profei latestandh art rto c geo saetod john gualph or square j omce 1 sl b ais oitcis lingtoni alley toi w pr kcarrand ppi i b ate3 iesi 20 tears and put up on 8hortb8t notice first class material only used a oallsoictlted oihuiimtf medal arm rss7 aaa sow isururactcatxa doktsmi obqas aso piajto dompaot bowxaxnixa oatt manhood ow lost how bflstoej iew ea k tale eseair on tntndlaf v orlwpposltrjimt toeoelebraudauibor in aula iji i kasati clearly aatobatratej jssjjiffw aeoueneea the auuterobkmcsmnbt tha bh ot uieiulft ranu sais waathlaooudluonaa elisapiyprtvaterjisdr waitir i rvemoathaw pwiwjartovajfcfc f aoo perio boundj fornel orders or at t prompt i te- to sij

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