sasss tj u mess tarasnai moaji- jew it 1884 tot birds he3t x caanu eoxa rocfcaby birdie upon the elmfree when the long umbe wave gently aod free u toujja aa a bowstring and drooping and rjmiasrjisl nothing can break them to give you a fall rockaby birdies along with the breeze all the leaveo overmen hamming like bees high away low away ootne again go 1 go again ooroe again rockaoylow 1 wonder how papabird braided that neat binding toe twiga about close to biabreait wonder how many there are in your bed bonny swiagcradle bong far overhead never mind birdies how highly it awing motherbird cover yoa does with her wsigs high away low away come again go go again oome again rockabylow 1 rockaby birdies theres no one to tire mother ridea with yoa her wings are like fire all the bright feathers an round yoa so war bain can not reach yoa and wind can not harm pretty birdbabies let baby soawing la yoar high cradle while m shall sing high away low away come again go 1 go again come again rockaoy low sw ir f 4 bi kiflp- i i c r t 7 r mm- tailors crockery fashion plates use ihe star dyes it yoa want brilliant and fast colors 8 the cream of experience is obtained from jpajedsriflk r iufiuingnota sod shoes caase coma holloways corn cgre is the article to uao it is not death that makes the rnartyr bat the caase ayers samparilla is the most effective blood- purifier ever devised it is recom- mendedrbv the best physicians there is no poorer of genius that can do the work of toil if your children are troubled with worms give them iloihergraves worm extermin ator safe sure add effectual tine merit like a river the deeper it is the less noise it makes as good as ssiw if vou are bilious appetite is poor stomach needs cleansing a few doses of flints mandrake pills will make you feelss good asnew sold by j e if cgervln druggist 5c all life aims are vain that aim at any- thing less thai heaven the success with which the triable dyes bavejmet proves them the most re- markabledycsofthepaatorpreset they are attracting attention from all clasaet pf aociett 10c at t e jicgarvine being found true of heart heaven is the goal of the humblest life halls vegetable sicilian hair rertjwer never fails- in restoriog gray hair to its ynthiul color lustre and aitaety dr a a hayes state assayer of massachusetts endorses it and all woo give it afair trial unite in grateful testimony to its many virtues- i v we ought not to judge of mens merits by the use they make of them thetriaugie dyes are such as one friend can take pleasure in recommending to another mark well that you got a three cornered package for they are the only re liable dyes ia the market 10c at j e hegarvins the rays of happiness like those of light are colorless when unbroken jacob loockman buffalo ky says he has been using dc thomas eclectric oil for rheumatism he had snch a lame back be could not do anything bat one bottle has to use his own expression cared him up he thinks it is the best thing in the market the truly valiantdare everything but do ing any other body any injury ait ftkem cared are you troubled with salt rheum rough skin pimples or canker sores if so go it once to j e mcgxrvihs drug store and get a package of calverts carbolic cerate rice twentyfive cents it was never known to tail 47 h you would not fall into sin do not sit by the door of tgrnptatioii yfaatlaiu if troubled with an unhealtby slow- healing sore iise mcgregor earkea car bohc cerate you will fiyfll it invaluable for healing cleansing and completely re moving your trouble if the blood is cat af order take with it a few doees of mc gregors speedy cure from j e mcgtr- vins drugstore 29 when tjie chu idi ceases to evangelize it will cease to be evangelical to ste act tet is to like- flints tooth powder the peerless dentifrice a novel la bestyattractivesttfecompaetfrom superior quality if you want white teeth sod a sweet breath use it sold in acton by j e mcgarviu druggist 25 cents there is a majesty in simplicity which is far above the cruaintness of witt oh bow tired and weak i feel i don believe i will ever get through tne spring housecleaning oh yes you will if yon take a bottle or two of dr carsons sioni ach bitters to purify your blood and tone up the system in large bottles 50 cents r tf hie 6 ely is most in want of anothers patienc who has none of his own peter kieffer buffalo says i was badly bitten by a horse a fewdays ago and was induced oy a friend who witnessed the occurrence to try dr thomas eclectric oil it relived the pain almost immediate- ly and in four days tbe wound was com pletely healed nothing can be better for fresh wounds see that you get the gen- nine dr thomas eclectric oil as there are imitations on the market wife whaf athe matter now john huabsndtoh that neuralgia and tooth- aohe near kills me iwitrwbydoutvongoto j ejtc- oarrins drag store- and get a bottle of iflnid lightning i yoa know it cares all odi twngiaa toothache neuralgia ablrabgo araohe son throat etc it girwlniunt relief s3 a lady from bytkrrah writee i for about seven years bef n taking northrop ft lymans vegetable dlwoteiyand dyspep tic cure i suuered rim a ooaplalot very pttiyalenl with our ssx i was unable to walk any distance of stand on my feet for more than a few minutes at a time without feeling exhausted bat now i am thankful to say i iso walktwe miles without feeling the least inconvenience for female com plaints it has no equal merit irevea dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendation for articles entirely worthless xot so with mo- gregorys speedy cure you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvins drag store and get a free trial bottle and it not eonvinoed it will cure you of tile worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc 00 matter of bov long itaiidipgj it coats you nothing bold ia60c and f i bottles see testimon- sls from persons in your own town 89 tkemaaads lay he mr t vv atkiis girard kan writes i never hesitate to recommend your electric bitters to my customers they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers electric bitters are the purest and beat medicine known and will positively cure kidney and liver complaints purify the blood and regulate the bowels no family can afford to he without them they will save hundreds of i dollars in doctors bills every year sold at fifty cent a bottle by j e mcgarvin are you troubled with salt liheum kough hands or old sores of soy kind that cannot be healed even though it be of years standing icgregor parkes car oolic cerate will ureitberondtheshadow or a doubt it is tic best healing compound ever knowu boils festerings frost bites bums or uut skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e mc garvin druggist 83 k wallow skeletal m e springer of mechauoburg pa writes t was- afflicted with lung fever abscess on i lungs and reduced to ualbtu skddqn got a free trial bottle ol dr rungs sew diecotery for consumption which did me so much good that i bought a dollar bottle actor using three bottles found myselfonce- more a man completely rwtored to uesitli with a hearty appetite sud a gain in flesh of 48 lbs call at j e klcgjrrins drug store and get a free trial bottle of ibis certain cure for all lune dueascs large bottles h00 if a few graiss of common tense could be infused into the thick noddles of thoe who perpetually and altsmately irritate and weaken thtir stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited sud healthful laxative and tonic northrop lymans vegetable pis- covery and dyspepticoure which causes good digestion to wait an appetite sud health oh bothl s3 a blnatag ik dtagwue ko one would suppose that iho iutrodac- tioa into a family of a bottle of putoams painless com extractor would be the means of restoring peace and prosperity corns are painful and the constant con sciousness of this upon even the best natur- ed produces nervoos depression illleajper recklessness leading to a desire to spend their time awav from the bosom of their family- in order to avoid the evils above mentioned always keep a bottle of put nams corn extractor on band sold every where s c p0l60x t co kingston proprietors j pectoria pectoris pectoris the great remedy forcoughs colds bronchitis sore throat inffuensa horseuesa sud all sflec- tions of the lungs sud throat or chest pectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give up until yoa have tried pectoria all druggists and general slorefceepensell it 23 t advice tsxatken are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying withj pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of jfrr rtin- jtaev sootliing sympor cliildrtx talking its value is incalculable ic will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there is no mistake aboat it ii cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates toe stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces in flammation and gives lone and energy to the whole system if rr if uafoej soothing bjpapor qhildrai tetihing is pleasant to the taste add is the prescription of one of the oldest abd best female nurses and pby- enormous clearing sale at the right house purchasers of cry goods carpets etc should not failto cell i the right honse to tee the wonderfully bwprioe at which goo is are selling oft many lines of the follow ing newiroods havrbeon dropped lo half their toraricct t mullnery mantlet drew 0 il prtnta parasols laces laoe ties fancy handkeroblefs alas baodrtda of other lott offering at nearly half their real value this attractive display la drawing hundreds of easterners ia thepiiot department prints formerly sold for joo tare amonatua down to 10a english fsstcolored prlnu at tie worth ufa- flowered bateent at isc worth 80s 8ootoh dress ginghams at 1 worth lie cretonnes reduced tromlso tolmo satin cretonnes reduced from 30c to we porehaaeri o black goods attention ia called to the allwool summer herges at 20c worth mo costume clotbi atle worth 900 grenadines reduced lo 8o per yard black lustres at lfjo worth 20a a lot of fancy pattern nuns veiling redboed from 88a and 40c toist black and colored cashmere at famous low prices in the cotton department see t lie fancy shirtings at 121 o formerly 18c shirtings at sc formerly 12ic at loo formerly loo white cotton from 6j0 white cotton at 7 9 10 llf and loo mnoh under general rnees tickings reduced ram 10 to 15o tickings at ljc tuuallr ifa feather proof m at joojrortb 25c specfal line of ticking at 5c formerly soo table ltocns trom lto oer yard table linens at 25c worth 83c table linu m 40c formerly 50c fat bed table olotbing at sejc formerly 60c table covers reduced to 85o each pure linen towelling reduced tosc nice linen crash reduced to so fine linen towelling at popular prices towels in an immanse variety at reduced prices boys jersey suits marked down from 1175 to 1135 lersey 20o a large assortment of little girls and ladies terseya cretonne fringes selling off very choap a special fringe at 18c u v io ik worthsoc lace curtains at 135 worth u5 lace curtains st 27fl worth 360 lace cartaini at 12 worth 8 lace certains from 70o us ihj a pair toilet 8eu pi pieces from 8o toilet sets at 12ic worth 25o a large aasortoioni of toilet sets swiss and french antemaoaesers take the elevator to the carpet department b ero you will find a urge assortment of brussels tapestry wool aud union carpetlnga also ouolotbs and linoleums wilcox celebrated carpel sweepers window blinds hartanorn boilers brass and walnut cornices and poles stair rods and other house furnishings ttemember the place nos 80 and 88 king 8treet east and tbename is by all druggists tbroaghaut the world price 25 cents s bottle uckistg piles rmptems sud core the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense iwhing increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if jpinworms wereczaxlioginand about the rectum the private parte are sometimes affected if allowed to continue very serious results may follow swasgs 0ixtke5t is a pleasant sure cure for tetter itch salt bheum allvcaiy crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents s boxes 125 in stamps ad dress dr pwayrfeti son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 bmoaaffs ointment go where you may in every country and in all climes persons will be found who have a ready word of praisefornusojhtment forchaps chafes scalds braises and sprains it is an invalt able remedy for bad legs caused by acci dent or cold it may be confidently relied upoo for effecting a aonnd and permanent cure in ease of puffed ankles erysipelas and rheumatism hollowayi ointment gives tbe greatest comfort by reducing the inflammation cooling the blood soothing die nerves adjusting tbe circulation and expelling the impurities this ointment should have a place in every nursery it will cure all those manifold skin affections which originating in childhood gain strength with the childs growth citajtbb is a ranmn inflammation and ulceration of the mucous lining bones and oartflagept the nose and air passages end can only be treated by direct application to the diseased parts dr starrs catarrh conqueror reaches all put ss nothing else can and gives relief at once bold by j e mcqarvfe druggist 50c sraab reduced to 00 fine moot i trousers for bot reduced to 18ff jersey ojm worth 85c another cretonne fringe at hxt hamilton july 17 188 thomas c watkins 11amilt01i warren leund wham verybody knows as the suooessfa naaagroltfea largest hotel entintrlses at xmeriea says that while a p rrosa jiswlorkcs board a ship solig around caps hora la the early days of emigration to oh- uornla he learesd hat one of the offleen ol the vessel had cured himself during tne voy age of an obstinate disease vj the ass at ayers samparilla sines then mr loass has reoomaumdsd atxsi sixsataxma to many itallar cases an4a ilias nrrer yet heard of its fail- are to effset a radical cure some years sgoooe of mrlujjtns farm laborers braised his leg owing to the bad state of bis wood an ugly scrofulous swelling or temp appeared on the injured limb eer- rmo itching f tbe aun with burning and darting pains through the lump made life almost intolerable tta lag deoema enor mously enlarged and running ulcers tanned discharging great quanbttss of extremely osenslre matter no treatment was of any avail until the man by mr lamms dlree uon was tuppued with attat aataara- rilu which aoayed the pain and irritation healed the sore removed the swelling and mnpletetf restored he limb lo aae mr ltllto has personally used ayef s sai8aparilla for bhewmktlsm with entire sueeett i sad after careful observation declares that in his belief there is no medieine in the world equal to it for the cure of liver disorder goat the effects of ugh living salt bhewm sons eruptions and all lie vartowa forms of blood diseases te have mr laxjurns permission to invite all who may desire further evidence in regard to he extraordinary curative powers of anas autturaanxa to tee him person ally either at his mammoth oeeaa- hotel long branch or at the popular f hotel broadway sta and ais streets kew tort mr lilaxsa extensive knowledge of the good done by this unequalled endleator of blood polsona enables him to give inquirers wmii lwm fwtlrtw nzfases bt prjcayerotcolowellmtm loldbyalldruggists 11 ate bottles far is speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything id tlteir line from the be8t casket to the plain e8t coffin- on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms 11 calls eitler night or day promptly attended to satis- faciion guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire atwesreins positioulosstlsfsctorily bll orjers or wagipns carriages ac of every description in reasonable lime good workmehahipoodf rtolass material always used we have also a splendid lot or furniture both common flfnd extra quality cheap stif yon will pay us ca8h we will sell yon anything in odr line cheap j a v 3pei0ht managtr co to the old reliable clothing store fof your spring clothing you will fiud a still increased stock of goods u all lines adapted for the coining season at prices euitabte to the iiard times do not fail to see my 811 812 and 13 made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting suits t aai fortheworkingclass send 10 uulucenta for postage and we will mail you free a royal valuable box of sample goods that will pot you in the way i of making more money in a few days than i t you ever thought possible at any business- j capital not required we will start you you cab work all the time or in your spare time only the work is universally adapt ed to both sexes young and old you can easily earn from 50 cents to is every even ing that all who want work may test the business we make this unparalleled offer to all who arenot well satisfied we will send i to pay for the trouble of writing us full particulvrs directions etc sent free fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work great suc cess sbsolutely sure doatdelsy startnow address strssox co portland maine the fittest stock of hats scarfs collars andjall things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east end- clothing store j fyfe firatvffis 32 acres 35 acres fonthill nurseries the largest la tie boalnioa sale8menwanted to begin work at once on fallseles steady employment at fired salaries to all willing to work j1ek and wouen can have pleasant work the year round i good ageuts are earning- from v40 to 575 j per month and expense terms and oat- i fit free addres j stone ft tlllcto j toronto oat i underclothing i 03 si an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for pre8ent8 photographs the latest style taken by the new process no long bittingls brim yotu pictures of deceased friends aad hafre them sail enlarged in firstclass style cw hill acton fb a tvtes- 4 iamam who is unacquainteo with th1 otoohaphy ol thwoouhtky wtu n by xamumho thm hap thj t7hi mrs r creech has a rail assortment of ladies sicisns in tse united states and is for saifl and childrens underwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and vicinity sacashniere net now in underclothing made to order mrs r orekch- acton may 7th 18m mat fbeepeess power printing house executes job workof alldeacriptionstnavery aariafactory manner at moderate rates witk de- spatcb in the time promised bc8ikess ctficf lim letter hzads bill heads rettek cibcclaes sote cjrculabs btjsutess cakes visitiso caedg pamphlets haxdbills postej etc etc particular attention given to fine wobk and extra eare bestowed with a view to securing conoetness oxdsts from the country attended to with de spatch end wmxiorwardmimmediately bymail ozexprees sry the pmre pbs job onto for printing i kpt moose v 5r psotbrttoju- chicago rock island seine the oret owitral una aftorte to tnretara by n aaest ha jnrtnled sreo- araphkmlposluonthaanonest ami beet route between the laat hortlwut and outtieast and ttte west northwest and souttfwert it is ntarally and etrtettr true that its oonneenon i re all of the prtnejpeu line of kmki bitweeo the atlantkj and the pacrtna jtoiiet peerbs ottawa einnport muscarine ioinee wert ubaor iowa oitjr attantto asooa audubon inutm outhrt i lenter and oeunou bluffa in lows i oattatla trenton oamaren and kartaaa ottj r mlaabud and leaven worth and atsmaon in kansas and the hundreds of elttea miaee and towna intermediate the y it nuun tine and branoms it resjohes ohleaci jollet lalabe moona and roc laund in udnot i dave waahlncton keokuk knoiville oe palrfmd i lea noli iowa oitjr attantlo asooa audubon ttartan outhrta i lenter a in iowa i oauatln trenton oamemn and kama otj r mini worth and atsmaon in kansas and the hundreds of eitjas intermediate the i great rock island route aa it w fa oabod ofasea to l aaf the adsa and anmfcwta acific ry incident to a anwotn traoa safe brtdmevtlnk fast ma ost that are froaowtha timicw nt of thru tiu twotraum ma the tamouar a iftoh idvuitvajm afrrtl ootiifurts ottpot i 9m dofnmowts pmtiwt ik nx birnyttbwiu and bjwaiff cja rfloaow s una of tha kwnwo aenrbam j fmtuuir ttmmmummmm oars and wniifo cam i and papala to- be the phst bum upon amy in wrikwi aaprloe meaia araaernd to travahwa at ancmoajw arid jtha iwmomm wvah andoounoll and mil mtarous and st paul aimi arakaajl wfiowmri 7n through pa oarrladont p wlutleajrtalpruiesaaltlciatofrv ad of miaftvju iajfv a jkfeajftwantdfortheliveiofau atitn 1 ouypreeidebuof thetfb thelgeethmidaomeatleatcevriaol for leas ttan twioe our price the uetja seilum book in america immense profltt to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a snooeaafnlment terms free ttuirrr booa co portland maine the bennett chum thi nrtmt artteu tiu lluktt onuraliiiaapliiiwiaitaa of urjrnamunnttuk ramshawsonactom have secured the sole oontml of tbe sale of the famous bennett chnrn this cburn is manufactured upon the most practical and commonsense principle ex tsnt and only requires to be seen at wont to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of the above firm 01 call upon you with a sample churn bakssav ft sou aclon jan is carriage paintin c c speight parties desiring thei b buggies waggons cutters etc repainted or revarnisbed and made equal to new on shortest possible ootice and at low est prices should leave tbeir orders st once with mr 3 a 8peight undertaker ana carriage builder or with c c sfbicrht acton march soth 1884 cca week at borne tjoooutfitfree pay vuvabsolotelysure no risk capital not required beader if you want business at which persons of either sex young orold can make great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to h halett a co portland maine american a6r1gulturist lea cliau aad lmcacnvtas la eeek bsae at teas sjij a tear sendthree se stamps tar sample copy englim or oennanl of the aides aad besl larleal- fatal j earaa la tat werid orangijusaoo batldwjuiapm th ftreadway lew fork tape mm an eminent german scientist has recent ly discovered from a root extract an oi- mlutf- peeijce for tape wornu it is pleasant to take aud is not distress ing to the patient but ia peculiarly sicken ing aud stupcfyuig to the tape worm which loosens its hold of its victim and passes away in a natural and easy maimer entirely who le with axan and while still alive one physician has ussd this specific in over 400 casee withont a single fail ire to void worm entire success guaranteed no pay reqnired until removed with head sena stamp tor circular and terms an wosb 4i est 19 perk hlaee new tors hills tin stove depot good as80rtment on stoves cheap for cash tiware of all k1ind8 at bottom prices and ptjt up on shortest noticr first glass material yvsbr mhi ad iallsotpolted n l 1 bas urn lancet and moat complete factory m fat elamt beisri sisr inrfsd tt lay kain la the tirlt meual sad dtploras at catasalal uk ueeal and dlplomi at brdoer amsntta 1s7t stow j tf a ans sow karcracruazsa quare amd upright pianos bear a maiknr rrmponeeiiee btmoui ja alofie mailed free doxcnox oboas asd ruyo comtaxt bowaaxvots oxr e craine agent acton forrntusfatedcat aiunes worth tbeir welfiht in cold asbae nam pp b- exoe as eaenl iv ibn i j jl bs t- u li ncs r fbel oomd k tbej one j n haiti aajfl 4r lm j si haul a v- iar t a4m i tnl i i- yan vv jr iri flsel fpv k v i- 3s1 t mz housmm pills 0iftment s this iscomparabli uedwixe hot kewcdfor itoelf in imperialowe fame throughout ac worldfotthc alkriation ami atrt of nosf fiseases to tcaica aunoairv u ieir purify regulate snd improve the qnality of the blood they assistthedigeative oicans cleanse the 8tobacu aud bowels increase the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation tbe purest elements for sustaining and repairing tbe frame thousands of persons bite testified that by their use alone they have twen restored to health and strength after every other meaus had proved unsuccessfni the ointment will be found invaluable in every household in the cure of open sores hard tamora b4 logs 014 wounds ooueha colds sore throats branch tis and all disorders of the throat and chest as alto goat rheumalim scrofula undcvery kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor hollo wly s establishment 533 oxfohd street lokdon and sold at is ljd 2s 0d4s 6d 22 snd 33s each box and pot and in canada at 36 centsdo cents and jim and tbe larger sizes iu proportion 3cactios i have no agent in the united stales nor are my medicines sold there purchasers snould therefore loot to the label on the pots and boxes if tbu address is not 583 oxford street london tbey are sporious the trade mark of niv said medicine is registered at ottawa add also ht vash- insiin sipied tholia hollowa s3s oiford street tndnn i- m wm apsitc bend ix cents for post rniattske f receive bee a costly box of goods which will help yon to more money right awav than anything else in this world all of either eex succeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before tbe workers absolutely sure at once address tmre 4 co augusta maine too place a danafa worts of ke advertts- sac get our prices the exact eoat efaqr paper orbst of papen ttheerfaily frrnlihnn bmspea apauostvm bt send for sew catalogue j c houch aoeruslnrl booth sioci detrart web thelawark fatths for sale freai tie telle rrraxre el d heudrlcfctcbeal estate asat houston delaware these farina are improved with buildings f enoes fruit trees and berries of ail kinds good water plenty of timber land good roads schools and churches jjoodmarkete only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of fish oystera and game very productive land climate mild and pleasant oome and see for yourself and be convinced i anr nrepared with team and- carriage to take visitors to see the farms tree ofoharge j d hxotmcmrboirstou delaware ol v manhood how lopr bow kestvket jffimffissipsmlm resultlnirromexoesses i f tjieealebratedmthorfsibls admlrabl iaay efatiy deraoaitrates ft jtteirn euatout omple oedajrkiii l3r4e 9bs83f ps jaiiihibt yt rawaitf jj oat anode of tetfteiraltlijr trisjojaatter tsar- awrtsajl prsk f m- v iswiw ui tisb 1 saf lssja