us itetp t 11 bill litis cton gm ress tsrbd iv morsg aw 7 l884 bcott act repeat th ottawa fnx prtu o monday con tained the following interntuig article re- epecjongtherepeil petition against the scott act in halton recently laid before tlie govecnment at ottawa the battle avec the repeal petition in connection with the enfovcement of the scott act m halton has not been closed yet and second petition canadian press association at the annual meeting of the canadian press association at toronto laat friday the president mr c blackett robuuon delivered the following address which will be foand interesting to oar reftdera it seems to me that at this oat annual meeting there are several topics which may fairly claim consideration to a few of these i shall now briefly refer a hopeful sign for the canadian press and the welfare of the country is the growing importance of provincial journalism in making this reference i will not be understood as un derrating the vast importance and useful ness of the great metropolitan dailies their facilities and resources enable hem front the kxecutive committee of the scott act association on behalf of the scott act j to attain th enviable goeitioa they have attained and as the- population of the supporters of the county affecting the repeal movement in haltou have already been ex- plaiiiod at length in our columns and need no repetition at present representatives foe and against repeal are in the city sen- ator mckindsey and 1 ifcgibbon barris- terirf stilton are here for repeal and mr w g fee asfhe secretary of the halton scott act associationiigainst mr jamieson it p- for korth lanark was here on satur day and used his influence with the govern ment against the repeal petition the documents which mr fee presents today contain a number of new points against the repeal petition and in this connection it may- be added that the first petition he presented against repeal was duly received and referred to the minister of justice and two weeks time allowed to prepareevidence a principal contention in the new petition is that the repeal petition was mutilated andladdedto after it left the sheriffs office in halton and that the scott act supporters refuse to recognize it as the petition which was exhibited in the sheriffs office for ten days in compliance with the law f the voters list whiih accompanied the petition when filed is riot the last re vised list as required by the act clause five of the second petition against repeal sets forth that out of 21 signatures to the repeal petition over 1500 were secured during the year 1862 and that the anti- scott act advocates admit that more than 1800 signatures were so cbtalned sov the present petitioners maintain as every one is aware that one of the great objec tions to the dnnkin act was that as soon as it p a repeal motement could be commenced without waiting to allow the new law time for operation the framers of the scott act avowedly eought to obviate tbatdinicnlty in clause 97 of the canada temperance act by providing that no re peal j petition should be circulated within the first three years after tie act was en- j forced in any locality kow the balk of the signatures to the repeal petition were obtained in the summer ofi 1832 within three months instead of three years of the enforcement of the scott act in that local ity the government is standing upon dangerous ground and if it accepts the peti tion jfor repeal it will set the dangerous precedent of ignoring a principal feature of the scott act and declaring that immedi- ately after the scott act is enforced the ino4ment for repeal can commence- if this be so then the superiority of this act overithe dnnkin act which lies in its per- inanency will be destroyed another ob- tection to the repeal petition lies in thefact thatif the signatures were obtained in 1682 it coold not- contain the names of those who were certain in 168i tktti to be qualified and j competent to vote as the scott act provides and that therefore taking signa tures three years before they were required wascontrary to tne spirit of the act- a number of affidavits supporting these points will be presented and it is to be hoped that the government in aetennining the matter today or tomorrow will hot set any danger- oos precedent likely to minimize the use fulness of the act- senator g c- mckindsey of this county rogardsitas very doubtful if the question of repeal will be submitted to a vote at all or ai least until a new petition with the necejsary number of signatures is laid be- fore the minister of justice notes and commute more than one thoasand signatures over the ireqaired number have been sectiredor the submisbion of the scott act n simcoe county the petition- against the return of the hool g w boss as m p p for west middlesex wastried on tuesday and dis- mished with costs against the petitioner there are at the present time 305 inmates ia the oentral prison against 247 at the same period lasyear 112 in the mercer reformatory 40 in the refuge and 704 in the lunatic asylum all at toronto the farmers wihbe interested in know ing i that they need fear ho competition from india in the wheat markets of europe 1 for twelve month at least the drongh that has prevailed in india is likely to make this one of the famine years when food m ust be imported rather than exported mr john k appelbe clerk of trf algar wai in town tuesday in conversation with a world reporter he said the contest over he repeal of the scott act in halton waxes warm and both parties are intent oft -winning- in view of the fact that since he a came into force the county hae re turned twd parliamentary repreeenutives bofh of whom are strong scott act men but of different stripe mr a thinks that victory will once mbre perch upon the ban ner of the temperance party toronto wlrld l theoeave i la aoton dnjbe 6th inst adam oiekaon esq agsa 65 years 9 months icddaya the funeral will leave tie residence mill sb eet on pridav afternoon at two oclock 1 proceed vp wtti cbbbcfp great centres iucreases with proper enter prise ability and adaptation they will continue to a large extent to mould and guide public opiuiou the provincial press lias uo less an important ehzjx to fill and a public mission to accomplish it has to supply the news of the day advocate local interests protect and defend the popular rights and advance the social and moral wellbeing of the community however humble the sphere of our individual activ ity we are engaged in a good and patriotic work after dealing at length with the ques tion of the competition between the city and provincial weeklies and the low rates of advertising especially with reference to patent advertisements mr robinson con cluded with the following sensible remarks the question might also hof airly asked could there not be in the newspaper press of the country a general elevation in tone this does not mean that we are to adopt a rigid uniformity of soulless rcspectabil- ity there ia ample room for the play of wit and humor and the varied flights of fancy butwjiy should there be pander ing to dullwitted coarseness and no special care devoted to the elevation and the refine ment of readers the aim of the- news paper ought to be to instruct amuse benefit its readers is it not time that the bitterness of personality and the nnedifying diatribes born of local jealousies should be sought for in vain in the- columns of cana dian journals is it not high time that the unscrupulous warfare begotten of party exigency should git place to a healthier more chivalrous and manlier style of polit ical discussion the great sinners in this respect may be readily recognized without more specific ahosidn a pleasing mdlcationdeserving notice is the growing spint of independence mani fested by the provincial press the free and fair dicussijftjdf all public questions tends to raise the ilocal newspaper in the esteem and coafidence of the people and increases its usefulness making it a power for good in the community among whom it circulates it is not absolutely necessary that half the journals shout in chorus in answer to the socg sung by the other half ijoyalty to conviction will inspire every journalist worthy of the name with thede- sire to advance the best interests of the people to champion tht cause of truth and vindicate the claim of the press to be one of the mightiest in in the cause of civilization and freedom by exercising an outspoken and manly independence in conclusion let- it be oar aim as cana dian journalists to endeavor to serve oar country by giving it of our best- may our labors tend to procure for this canada of ours gentler manners purer taws it affords a share of usefulness of which any journalist may be justly proud may we so disguise oar duties that our fair and free country may be proud of its press 5r g r- pattullo of the woodstock satluul reritte was elected president mr j a davidson gaetph mercury vice-presi- dentandmrwrcnimie5jtrminw75 sectrtreas for the present vear q temperance pacts and principles to ov editor of uie fret ptc deie sis will yon kindly give the fol lowing facts and principlesjvhich i have selected from here and there to your read ers they are in place at this time in the history- of onr county drunkenness and its consequent evils constitute the darkest stain upon our christian civilization the use of alcoholic intoxicants is the ally of ever- other vice a deadly foe to religion education good government hence a serious hindranix to all true progress it thrusts its poisoned darts through both body and soul drunk enness is a crime enticing others to drink is criminal so the bible teaches and so human statutes should declare the business of manufacturing and vend ing intoxicating beverages produces no wealth but ia an utter waste of labor capital and material a most prolific source of poverty crime and misery to the na tion everywhere scattering moral and physical diseases among the people if alcoholic drinks doiio good but mnch positive harm why should tbetatfe legal ize the manufacture and sale of them why even attempt to regulate a bufiness that is wholly bad surely no citizen can claim e right to do wrong and if the moral position of the better classes of citizens be right on this subject then on deniably the statutes are wrong should not the magistrate and the law be more of a terror to evil doers than they now are no civil rights will be invaded by completely mterdicting the traffic in liquors for drinking purposes then and only then will government cease to oppose the law of god and the moral intentions of the people and may not temperance people speedily accomplish this by praying pledging work ing and voting all to tat end is there a more desirable object to be accomplished in this country than the entire overthrow of the legalized traffic in intoxicating drinfrii do you as a voter so cast your ballot as to wisely aid that result remember god holds both nations and individuals for their conduct in this world is there not therefore occasion to tremble for our country when we remember that god is just in one day death deputes intemperance to do the work nf ages and hanging up the quiver nature gave him as blow of execution lor dhficb bends forth his licensed butchers bids them slay their sheep tbe tally sheep they fleeced before and toss him twice ten thoasand at a meal ohlwhat heaps of slain v cry out for vengeance on w will the voters in halton become part ners- with whiskey in thiidreadfal workof ruin death and hell vote no han to sell the drunkard makers drink vote that no man can say u i have your permission to make men drunkards give no man a right to say 1 pay yoor municipality a price to allow me to do this work yours dtc d l bbtuocb milton adg 2nd 1881 board of health the board of helth met in the council clumber on tnesdty evening member all dresent tjie sanitary inspector gave a synopsis of liia inspections made to date he was instructed by the board to enforce the pro visions of the actin every case moved by h p koore seconded by dr xowry that he secretary of this board be and is hereby instructed to procure from the government printers fifty copies of the act respecting public health for distribu tion in the municipality with a viev to giving general information respecting the provisions of said act carried moved by dr lowty seoonded by g wells that blank forms giving notice to residents of recommendations made by the sanitary inspector be procured cr- ried upon motion the board adjourned to meet on monday evening i8th inst business brevities some facta about our business ken and hetuea ef beaefhto our xaaortl readers hats from 75 cents to 250 at j fyfvs if you want a nobby durableandcheap suit j fyfes is the place to go the largest and cheapest stock of boots k shoes to aelecl from ia at kelson mcraes scotch kaehjh and canadian suiting n nfett variety at the east end cloth in store j fvfe acton suits aud overcoats at extremely low rates and nude ia latest styles be sure to call and see them j fvfe acton fusts jcaxobake rtllsdo not prodace sicknet at the stomach insea or giipiag- they set directly on tfic lirer sold in acton by j e- mcgama irjggist price 25 cents- to be permanently esteemed any article must have virtues so marked as to he plain ly appareat tbe good name of the tri angle dyes is cridencc of merit they prove tkemsilyes always reliable iu at j k mcgsrvlaa drug store 45 there are iocs of people going around grumbling and half sick at the stomach all the lime who might be well and happy if they cnly used dr canons stomach bitters occasionally it is a splendid blood puriser all druggists 50 cent 45 the triangle dyes have attained a popu larity unprecedented in the history of dye stuffs xo wonder for they are perfect in all their shades 10c at j e mcgar- vins drug storv 45 the best tooth pownsn is flints sapon aceous tooth powder the peerless denti- frice forcleansingandwhilening the teeth it has no equal gold by j e mcgarria druggist iarge size 25 eta j if a few grains of common seae could be infused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually and alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives ihey would nfle the highly accredited and heal thfullaiativo and tome northrop fc lymans vegetable dis co very and dyspeptic cure which cause good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 23 laid lfffclaiac there are bat few that have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache kearalgia or like acute pains to them finch an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgufitiog offensive medicine to be taken for days one application of fiald lltjhu ning cures sold at j e mcgarrins drug store 29 the watch clock house oe gttiei iy k havikg leased better rooms for my repairing department i oast give yot7- better satisfaction than ever wm s smith gtjelph cattle astray strayed from lot u con 5 erin bii head cattle twa steer 8yearoldt red white spot on face and on right ihoojder four veatlinzs one roan steerone white belfer one roan heifer and one red heifer with white laces anrwrwn girintfinfonnatlou thiclmill lead to the r8cjtervof the same will be suitably rctarded hugh mciltllan brisbane po fa uli fob sale a good stoce graix farm ifor sale east 1ia1 of iot s3 con i erin 100 acres td cleared 30 acres good bub uocoijed there is a good frame hoase and frame barn on stone foundation 2 irells and 2 orchards a oerer failing spring creek croseea it well fcuctjaadjn good condition j of m0e from llimosd where there are chorcfiea schools stores post oaiw e 3 miles from gmnrax station on c v 1 r good uiskat for all farm produce arily ou th 1 trm to jessk axdebsox or address hiiikw 1 or poundkeepers notice auction sale iherebt q1ve notice that unless previomut claimed and charges paid i trill offer for tale at the pound on my premises ej lot 24 coo 2 eaqnesinc on friday 8th aujrust 188 s white pig bciig i hogs sort 1 sow supposed to be inpigl jakes gebb0xs esqaesfng jalv 2k tl ponndjujeper coal and wood the cxdebsigxed has just got in a larpe quantity of firstclass store akd chestxct coal which he i prepared to dispose of by the car load pa rties asin coal ttju profit by laving in their winters stock now i havealso on hand a large stock p dry hard wood in store and cord wood lengths c s smith acton jul- 22nd itst board of health the succesa with which the triangle dvea hare met prorea them the moat re markable dyes of the past or present they are attracting atteatioa from all clasaei of ociety 10c at j e mcoanrint 49 baeldeai araleasalre the best salre in the world for cats braises soros ulcers hilt rheam fever soret tetter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and posi tively cores piles or no pay repaired it is guaranteed to pre perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 centa per box for sale by j e itcgarvin 11 at this season of the year there should be a bottle of pectoris in every hoase it is unequalled for coughs colds and hoarseness is pleasant equally safe for children price 25 cent at all druggist 80 faaa at last an article that will giro satisfaction howards pore concentrated alkali for cleaning and scrubbing purposes printers tuesjieep washing before ahearingsjid also fornuking hard and toft soap a single trial ii bat necessary to convince the most skeptical of its great value itwol make the flooring as bright as new does not crack tbe hands everybody who has nsed it like it it is pat up in tin boxes with fall dubctions sad sold by onr special agents only through the dominion stand ail chemical co sole proprietors toronto ont i 3 mcqarvin sole agent for acton ssi viaaity 45 public health notice vtotice is hebebt giyex that j3 alltnrnexi or occurreiiti of pnmises in ibis municipality are itricur reqnestod to examine into the aanitary condition thereof and to take immediate steps to remove ear and all fub- atancefi and cnisancea deleterious to pnblic health persons having complaints to prefer will direct tbem to the sanitary inapeotor or the chairman of the board of eeltb w h 8toeet acton joly 88th las chairman 1884 voters list 1884 nnbk mcnicipalny of the village of acton ix thk county of halton totice is hereby given that jjl i have transmitted or delivered to the per sons mentioned in the third and fourth lections of the voters list act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act of til persons appearing by the last revised assessment eon of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in said municipality at elections for members of the legislative assembly and at municipal elec tions and that the said ust was first posted np at my office at acton on the 9stta day of july 1864 and remains there foe inspection electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other error are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have toe said errors corrected according to law j e mcg abyin clerk of the said municjpejity dated at acton the 29th day of july 188 i guelph cloth hall our 8pring8tock is now fully assorted comprising all the newest shades in plain and fancy worsteds west of england trouser ings and scotch and canadian 8uitings s9we can assure oar custovers and the general public that ve bare this season the choicest selection of goods we have ever been able to place before them and in oon seanence of the low prices prevailing in the wholesale markets we are able to sell clouune at very low figures 8haw crundy maechisi tatioas guelph testimony ages or wellington marble work qtjbbbo st otjblph john h hamilton proprietor formerly mcqmllanbamil ton dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work beeewed first prise st provincial ex hibition gnelph the western fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship yonr ordeisaresolicitad ivv- confirmation of the scriptures modern science and reoent discoveries ancient records and monument the ruins of cities and belies of tombs the greek and latin classics assyrian in seriptions sod egyptian hieroglyphics antiqntv sculptures coins gems and medal the ordinance survey of sinai the late exploration of palestine the lit eral fulfilment of prophecies as attested by the writings of heathen natiqns c bi v 1 labttcees which the plain reader can andqrstaiid which the scholar will appreciate and which the skeptic cannot refute herbert w morris dd author of science and the bible or the work days of god ac this work contains over 1000 pages lias 112 illustrations a number of which are excellently executed steel plates has 6000 scriptural quotations and also from 436 authors it is printed on first class paper and is bound in the best style mr wm gripps agent for the county of halton will call npon yon with a copy of this valuable work tn the coarse of a week or two below will be found testimonials from resident clergymen the piesosxgk acton thnreday june 27 84 i hare cursorily looked at the work testimony of the ages by rev w horns dj and find it all that it recom mends itself to be both aa a claasioal and historical compendium of very useful in- formation and take pleasure in commend ing the same to the patronage of the pnblic generally w- j- pigott ba incumbent st ajbans church ths haxse acton june 18th 1884 mr wm gripps an agent of messrs bradley garretson a co publishers bragtford called today with a specimen of the testimony of the ages in con firmation of the soriptures and it seems from wumerons testimonials by minister of various ctavmrinstion that tbe work it ery valuable and well deserve th pat ronage of the public i dbcambbon knox ohnreh acton nelson mcrae acton bp piles of white and grey cottons dundas shirtings cottonades brown ducks etc at less than manufacturers prices job lines of tweeds and suitings suits made to order from 10 perfect fit every time holiday beach job lines of boots and shoes 1000 pairs to be rushed os at any price job lines of hats caps from 15c up we are bashing off balance of onr wiilfiiery stock at 15 per coat less than cost i v v splendid value in sugars a mfce ibright raw sugar 15 lbs for 100 a 3 1 ijomro openings mrjat the supi the1 ba b zm cas we intend taking stock in about fifteen days we are deter mined to reduce our stock and in tend offering big bargains in all lines do not fail to secure soi of our big bargains remember our famous 50 0ent 1ea a2 ii j