Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 7, 1884, p. 4

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the followiin reply to burns popular poem i ukeu from a melbourne paper u a mans a man sayg kobert burns for a that and a that but though the song be clear and strong it lacks a note for a that- the lost whod ahirk his daily work yet claim hie wage and a that or beg when he can earn his bread la not a man for a that if all who dine on homely fare were true and brave and a that ana none whose garb is hodden grey wb fool or knave and a that the vice and crime that shame our time woold fade and fail and a that and ploughmen be aa good as kings and churls aa earls for a that ton see yon brawny blustering sot who swaggers swears and a that and thinks because his strong right arm might fell an ox and a that and hes as noble man for man aa duke or lord and a that hes bat a brute beyond dispute and anf a man or a that a man mar own a large estate have palace park and a that and not for birth but honest worth be thrice a man for a that and donald herding on the muir who beats his wile and a that be nothing but a rascal boor nor half a man for a that it comes to this dear robert burns the truth is old and a that tbe rank is but the guineas stamp the mans the gold for a that and though you put the minted mark on copper brass and a that- the lie is gross the cheat is plain and will not pass for a that for athat and a that tis soul and heart and a that that makes the king a gentleman and not his crown and a that and man with man u tich or poor the best is he for a that hio stands erect iirtelrespeet and acts the man foe a that tom a great wish the story ot a lad who at a christmas dinner whenthenlnmppddingwhroaght ou cried because he had eaten so much tnrker that he had no more room for the dessert is equalled by the remark of a bright t oarvearold at a dinner in acton yesterday the little oue wis a guest of its grandmother and had been feasted with the usual prodigality of grandparent to grandchild- when the second dish of pad ding was placed before the child the first haring been despatched with some difficulty she looked first at the steamingdish and then at the grandmother and with a sigh said say grandma i wish e was twins jlta x s- toe star dyes are unexcelled for cheap neas aad brilliant fait colors 10 ilother graves worm exterminator is pleasant to take sure snd effectual n de- troying worms why go limping snd whiningaboat your corns when a 23 cent bottle of hollowars corn cure will remo re them doctor my brother limps one o his legs is shorter than the other what would you do in snea a case doctor td liinptoo there axe suxr rtorie who tmnk be cause they have suffered frofa2a corn for years they must suffer on to tbe end of time dr starrs corn solvent will surely bare it sold by j e mxqtrrin druggist for 45 cents the curative bower of ayers sarsapa- rilla is too well known to require the speci ous aid of any exggrafed or fictitious cer fiiicate witnesses of its marvellous cares are today irving in every city and hamlet of the land write for names if you want home evidence salt bkeaai cared are you troubled with salt- eheum eoagh skinpimpies or cankersores if so go at once to e jicgarrias drug btore and get a package of calverts carbolic cente price twentyfive cents it wss never known to fail 7 g a- dixon brookville oat says i was cured of chronic bronchitis that troubled me for seventeen years by the use of dr thomas eclectric oil feee that the signature of northrop k lyman is on the back of the wrapper and you will get the genuine dc thomas eclectnc oil the triangle dyes are such as one friend can take pleasure in recommending to another mark well that you get a three cornered package for they are the only re liable dyesnn the market 10c at j e stcgarvins 49 agreatbtteererr j mr wm thomas of newton la says iy wife has been seriouiye8ected with a rough for twentyfive years and this spring more severely than ever before she had need many remedies without relief and being urged to try dr kings xex discov ery did so with most gratifying results the first bottle relieved her very mnch and the second bottle has absolutely cured her she has not had so good health for thirty years trial bottles free at j e mcgarvins drag store large size f loo yfsatmd if troubled with an unhealthy slow healing sore use ixcgregor parkes car bolie cerate ton will find it- invaluable for healing cleansing sad completely re- movingyour trouble if the blood is out of order tsksvilh it a few doses of mc- gregors speedy cnre from e uegax vins drugstore 29 the most deadly foe to all iwi dis eases is ayers ague cure a combination of vegetable ingredients only of which the most valuable is used in no other known preparation this remedy is an absolute snd certain specific and succeeds when all other medicines fail a cure is warranted ife whatathe matter now john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me itifetvtiy dont you go to j e me- garflns drag store and get a bottle of fluid lightning t son know it cures til such things u toothache neuralgia head- ache- cemibago earache sore throat etc it gjres instant relief 33 ik finn clan of catarrh relief will be speedy and cures quiokly follow the use of dr ritarrs catarrh conqueror in long standing chronic cases a cnre can always he relied ou by perseverance in its use a few weekv sold by j e mcgarvio druggist price 50 cts oh how tired aad weak i feel i don believe i will ever get through the spring houmclcauingl oh yes you will if you take a bottle or two oulr canons 8om sch bitters to purify your blood and tone up the system in large bottles 60 cents a b ueskochert arthabaakatlllc p q writes thirteen years ago i waa seized with a severe atuok of rhenmatisra iu the head from which i nearly constantly suffered until after having used dr thomas eclectric oil for mn days bath ing tht head c when i waa completely cured and have only used half a bottle weril rntii dollar upon dollar it frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless sot so with mc gregors speedy cure you are not asked to purchase it until its merits aie proven call at j k mcgarvins drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forma of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it coats you nothing sold in 50c and 1 1 bottles see testimon- aia from persons in your own town 29 tierer sire cp if you are suffering with low and depress ed spirits loss of appetite general debility disordered blood weak constitution head ache or any disease of a bilious nature by all means procure a bottle of electric bit ters- you win be surprised to see the tepid improvement that will follow 1 you will be inspired with new life strength and activity will return pain and misery will cease and henceforth you will rejoice iu the praise of eleclne bitters sold at fifty senta a bottle by jie mcgaxviu are you troubled with salt kheura rough sands or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed 1 even though it be of years standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will cure it beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the best healing compound ever known boils festerings frost bites burns or ant skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e ile garvin druggist 33 baser ce wish baker la dae honor the name of dr scott putnam in ventor of putnams painless corn extract or many lesa deserving men have their names enrolled among those coasidered benefactors of their rare why not his 1 ask those who have used putnams pain less corn extractor what they think of it their thankful hearts cannot sound his praise too high safe sore and painless beware of cheap substitutes sold every where by druggists c x c polsok t co kingston proprietors pectoria pectoris pectoria the great remedy forcoughs colds bronchitis sore throat iufiuenra horseneaa and all affec tions of the lungs and throat pr chest pectoris loosens tbe phlegm and breaks up the cough 23 cents per bottle dont give op until you have tried pectoria all druggists and general storekeepers sell it 23 wda -nsjri- vshhj- iisri skaw enormous clearing sale at the right house purchasers of dry goods carpeu etc ahould pot fail to ball alike bjgbt house to see the wonderfully lew pricea at which goods art aellbji off maar lines of the follow ing new goods hare been dropped to half their former prices millinery maatisacdreu goods prints parasols laces lace ties faooy handkerchiefs also hondreda of other lota offering at naarly half their real value this attractive display is drawing hohdrc of customers in the print dspartnaot prlnli formerly sold for kc hare been narked down to 10c english fastcolored prints at 7io worth ibo flowered sateenl at 18c worth 80c 8outoh dresa olnghana it lsic worth lte cretonne reduced from 18c tout- satin cretonnes reduced from 80e to 80c purahaaers o blaok goods attention is called to tbe ajlwoolbrunmu 8ei gas at 2 worth s5c costume cloths at lxje worth 90o grenadines reduced to 80 per yard black lustres at ujc worth 20c a lot of fancy pattern nnna veiling redooed from 65c and 40o to tie- black aad colored cashmere awamoua low prices in the cotton department see the fancy 8birtings at 12jc formerly ljc shirtings at 8c formerly luo at 10c lomisrlv 16c wtac cotton from 60 white cotton at 7 9 10 13 and 15c much under general prices tickings reduced from 30 to 15c tickings at 12ft usually lfa feather proof fancy tiekiag at 20o worthfflsc special una of ticking at 25c formerly 80e table linens irom lc per yard table linens ah5c worth 83c table linens at soc formerly 30c fast bed table clothing at stye formerly 60c table covers redooed to sou each pure linen towelling reduced to 8c vice linen crash reduced to 5c fine linen towelling at popular prioea towels in an immense variety at redooed prioes boys jersey gpitsmarkod down from 1175 to 1125 jersey troiaen for boya reduced to ii if jersey cape 20o a large aaaortiiiekit of little girls and ladies jerseys cretonne fringes selling off very cheap a special friogs at 18c worth 85c another cretoeae fringe at 20c worth 30c lace curtains at 1115 worth 1175 lace curtains at 278 worth 1350 lace curtains at 12 worth 1 laos curtains from 70c to 120 a pair toilet sets of 8 plecea from 80 toilet seta at ujo worth 25c a larkeaaaortmonl of bollel bets 8wia and french anlemacaesers take the eletator to the carpet department here yon will and a large assortment of brussels tapestry wool andjhion carpetings also oilelotha and linoleums wiloox celebrated carpet bweepers wiodow blitids hartaborn boilers brnsi and walnut cornices and poles stair bods and other house furnishings kemember the plaoe jjos b0 and 83 king street east and the name is hamilton july 17 1684 thomas c watkins hamilton bcalashlceawfcrltetsielaflerlat browns household panacea has no equal for relieving para both internal and external it cures pain in the side baok or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever snd of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should oe in every family handy for use when wanted as it really it the beat remedy in the world for cramps iu the stomach and paine and aches of all kinds and is for sals by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle xo time like the present for seeking mifinal aid when what are foolishly called miaor ailments manifest themselves there are no minor ailments every symptom u the herald of a disease every ispsc from a state of health should be rem- edied at once or disastrous consequences are likely to follow incipient dyspepsia slight costiveness s tendency to biliousness should be promptly counteracted with xor- throp lymans vegetable discovery snd great blood purifier snd the system thus shielded from worse consequences advtce to kers are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth 1 if so send at once and get a bottle of jfr ifin- thms soolldv syrvpfcr cltildrtn ttethuig its vslue is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immodiately de- peifd upon it mothers there is uo mistake about it- it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces in flammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs jmiokssooomi gyrvpfor chudrai teething is pleasant to the usle and is the prescription of oue of the oldest and best female nurses and phy sicians in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price 25 cents a bottle u xot another pill shall go down my throat again said a citizen when i can get such a prompt and pleasant cure for my bilious attacks as dr carsons stomach bitters it renders the blood pure and cool sod makes a splendid spring medi cine lsrge bottles 50 cents 45 itekiafcflie fivsaplams aad care the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pinwornis were crawling in and about the rectum pe private parts are sometimes affected if allowed to continue very serious results may follow swatjtes oektmest is a pleasant sure core also for tetter itch silt rheum all scaly crusty skin disesses sent by mail for 50 cents 3 boxes 1 dress dr sways pa sold by drug houacaftpilu- beat to cold or from to oppressive ment of msnifold in stamps ad it- sok philadelphia sts 50 sudden iranationsfrom lw inclement weather fayonr the develop- may in most instances be checked and rendered abortive by an early resort to these purify ing regulating and strengthening pills this wellknown ind highly esteemed medicine affords a a fe and easy remedy for almost every const tnlional wrong which unhealthy climates rapid changes or diet etic errors can enj coder and effectually removes any weakn as selfindulgent habits may have induced in all conditions of the system borderin on disease such as are indicated by apathy llstlessoew and rest lessness hoilowsyi pills willprove especi ally serviceable in h getting fhe vivacity of inind and body sppr eiated by both sound and aide ayers cherry peotoral ko otter eomplalnti an n tuldioot in their fttuck u uum tffecug tbe throat and inngi none to trifled tith by the majority of mffcr- en the ordinary oongh or eold resulting ptuir front k trifling or taoonkioni ex- pft are if often but the beginning of a fatal ekkvus avtai chxsbt pxctosjx uu vth roven ita erueatjy in a forty yean flgut itk uvoat and long diaeaaea and ihoold be taken in all eaiea vltboot delay a terrible coflgfc curns in 1j7 r took a mtere oold which affected my ion night s gatflme up toiu1- thich relited my lanes induced ilp ud afforded me the ran ueceaaary for liie reeotery ot my atwngth by the codtluqed mve of the pxctoexl a perma- neut core ru effected i am dot years old hale and hearty and am aatiased your caxbav pecioxiit aared me kobaci fxixb1umixb eociieguim vu jntj 15 1s82 croap a mother tritrata wtan in lie eouuln- last winter ray uttle boy three ycaroidaa4lakimniwlthcroiip it teemed u ff be would die from itimngn- uuon one of the family raggefted the osa of a tee a cbciuv ffxtobai a bottle of which waa alwayi kept in the home- thii tu tried in email and frequent doses and to oar delight in leaf than half an hoar the mile patient waa brmohlnj easily the doe- tor nod that the cnmbt pectoexc had aated my darlingf life can you wonder at ourgrattttide sincerelyyonra mrs e3cll gesttet 153 wot 12sth st new york may 16 u82 i hare naed atesi cesst pktobal fat my family for aereral years anddo not heaitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for eoughr and coldf we hare ever triedt ajcaaurx lake cryrtal minn alarch li i mffered for eight yean boo brooehwa and after trying many remediee wtth norao- e- i waa cured by the nae of atzba chek- k- ifrrokll joacthvaldzs ujhilia mtm apr 5 182 i in praiaa of aytri speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c from are prepared to furnish everything in their line the best casket to the plainest coffin- on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms satis- au calk either night or day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire a3wcareina position to satisfactorily fill orders for tvagnona carriagea 4c of every description iu reasonable time good vnrkmanahip ood firstclass material always used we hare also a splecdid lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheap 3if you will pay us cash we will sell you anything in our line cheap a speioht manasor co to the old reliable clothing store for your spring clothing yon will find a still increased stock of goods in all lines adapted for the coming season at prices suitable to- the hard times do not fall to see my 811 s12 and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting the finest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way guaranteed at the east exd clothing store j fyfe fba tvtes- tving u i do that dsuneebate died 1 cannot sar enoosli in pi cuerev pecroaaj beuevii bat far iu use i should iocs- from long truublos k bxxanw palestine teas april isffl ko ease of sn affection of the throat or fangs exists winch cannot be jtestlyreuered by the use o arms cueaar pktobxi sad it im abcofl acre when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine raztabzd st dr4cayer4coloweuma sold by au drogsta 325 acres 385 acres fonthill nurseries tia lrj it 1 tht soalaioa salesmeftwanteo to begin work st once ou fallssles steady i employment at salaries to all willing to work uex ad woitek can have pleasant 1 work tbe year round good agents are earning from 40 to its per month and expenses terms and oht- fit free address i stone ft wouiajton toronto 0at tjnderclotliirig mr8 r creech has a lull assortment of ladies and childrens underwear and solicits a call from the ladies of acton and ricinity aarcashmere net now in underclothing hade to order mbs e ceeech acton may 7th 18m an endless variety of plush and other picture frames j suitable for pre8ent8 photocraph8 the latest style taken by the new process no long sittingrs- brinsr your pictures of deoeasedjriends and have them enlarged in firstclass style c w hill acton fra lyrros ih mam who is unaoquamttd with the osuxutaphy of this oouhtbt will an by swaiwwmo thw mim that rta rjthe free pre8s power printiug house executes job workot all descriptions in a very satlataetory manjier at moderate rates vith de spatch in tbe time promised buske88 cibcntaaa detteb heads bill heads ietiir cibcclabs sote cibculabs business cards visirihg cabds paxphlets ha1tdbills postebs etc etc particular attention civen to fke work snd extra oare bestowed with a view to securing corssetness orders from the country attended to with de spatch and work forwarded immediately by mail orexprasa try the fasia fbess job oficelorprinting h pi moore pbofbietob chicago rock island pacific r tatnat thai cratt owttraj una aftoraa to tm by raaton of m dnnnkd o- rapwoal position tha ashonaat and bwt rout between ttm last nortnsaut and southeast and th wast morthwaat aad soutlnmat it la literally and stnottr true that its connsotlona ana allot tha pnnolpal una of road b tha atlantic and tha paonks by ita rnaln tin and bnmohea it raaohaa ohloajo jolwt peoria ottawa la sana oanasao mooaa and rook island in iibnola daren port muscatine washlncton xaokuk knexrtha oakalooaa falrham da molnaa waat ubarty iowa cttj atlantic arooa audubon harlan outftrta oantar and oounoll svutts in iowa oauatttttranton oamaran and kansas otty ht mlaaourt and laatan- worth and atohlson in kansas and tha hundreds of ottsas sflourea and teams intarntadlata tha great rock island route as n u faunlbarts oaosd offers to travatarai ai tha a and oomtotts inotdsnt to a smooth fcaosi safe isrldajas union dapc at aioonnoun points fast bpreaa trains aosaposad of oomsmmotm wtll vostilatss wnz iwatd fmilv imrrautcrio arid sttxclajsriuroxaxhnkanmoftlia skhstssajllbinxtlirrmoirtoilmouibw latest deshjnsd and tiandsomsat palaoc subvoio ous and omho oam trattaraaoknemrtaacad by press and paojria to baths futtst jhin upon amy boao in ths ooomtwy and in wntoh supsrlor m to travslsts at tha low rata of sivsorrvfivst okhts caoti thmatmihs each waybstwaan owoaoo and tha mtasotnu ajrvtm two tiall each way bsfwssn ohioaoo and aumataafous and tt paul hatha famous i r alert lea route a hawandwraot una via tanaoa and tosltajtas rass baan opsnad bstwssn maw p haws kwtmono ctnolnlism1nillsiiunj and xa faystts and oounoll luffs t paul annnaapoossinal lalasi fsarfiiorchstallsflfbnyiwauoasi0ajipastndf aatlesatsatall prinoipsdtvaowaoaalathalliiliail tsalasaml oaliaila orof km cable fii 1 8tohn i-a- t v tvriwistlirlg chicago sap sja0ran ted tor the lives ofalr alitn i othepreaidentsotthetjs tbe largest handsomest bast book ever sold for lata than twit our price the fastest selllngjpok in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a suoceaeful agent terms free haiirnbooi co portland maine 4 the bennett churn xl4 stwt aztuu in tis ibrfctt obuzslas ifad ftpltuut iattd of u vapliutat tisk ram8haw son acton have secured the sole control of the sale of the famous bennett churn this churn la manufactured upon the moat practical and commonsense principle ek- taut and only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of tbe above firm sill call upon you with a sample churn aakshaw ft s0h aclon jan 15 84 carriage painting c c speight t arties desiftlg theik buggies waggons cutters etc hepainted or revamiahed and made equal to new on shortest possible ootloe and at low est prices should leave their orders at onoe with mr j a speight undertaker snd carriage builder or with c c sfeiqht acton march 20th 1884 fcca week at home 1500 outfit free pay sjuuabaolutelysure so risk capital not required header if you want buainesa at which persons of either sex young or old canmake great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to h hiiinr co portland maine american agriculturist iso calasaas aa is aunrravlacs la each tasae ura tea m a tear send three 9c stamps for sample copr enellah or germanl of the oldest aad bed aerteml laral jearaal la tbe wsrid 0rmijda0os7i4 tal braadwar sew tark aai itfor the working class 8end 10 lluliicents for postage and we will mail you fru a royal valuable box of sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few daya than yon ever thought possible at soy business capital not requiredy we will start you you can work all the time or in your spare time only the work is universally adapt ed to both sexes young and old lou can easily earn from 50 cents to 5 every even ing that all who want work may test the business we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send ii to pay for the trouble of writing us full particulars directions etc sent free fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work groat sue- oessabeolutelysure dontdslay startnow address 8nwios dt co portland maine hills tin stove depot good a8sobtment on 8tovj58 cheap for oash tinware op all ktnds bottom pricrs at i and put up on 8horie8t notice r first class material only v used a call solicited vtvhil eve free laths desalnkiihlooiibs bfasa leans mi attim u aay hate a lis wass itavnvn ws aaa sow auattacmrss square and upright pian08 bnr or m hajsxxt rrmpoodeow sohdted seadfor mrtedct ftlofoe mota tnt addm oomdflojt obt3at asi fu50 txmpaxt bowvavttxu oxr a oraine agent aoton worth fi r thi pills ointment tbli 1xcoupabable metilclsk hat warn or iltlf tai iutpcrithaiu fymr throughout the world for the autrialiou aad run of most dltetuet to tratca humattity is heir hj he pills purify regulate and improve the quality of the blood they misuiedigestite oieaos cieaiue the stomach and bowtils iocrcue the secretory powers of tbe litar brace the oervooa aystem aad throw into the circuit lion the purest elements fur sastaioing atid repairing the frame thousands of persons hvc testified that ly their useldiie tbey have beeu restored lo health and treogth after every other meaua had proved unaucceaafal the ointment toil will be found invaluable in every llousebeld in the cure of open sores hard tnmors ba lg 0u voimli oought colds bore throau bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and cbest as also gout biieumatim scrofula and every kind of skdn disease manufactured only at professor hollo- way s establishment 533 oxford bf beet london and sold at is 1 jd 2s 9d 4s 6d 32s and 33s each box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cents andll50 and thelargersires in proportion eaci tnos i have no assent in the united states nor are my medicihes sold there purchasers should therefore qok to tbe label on tbe pots snd boxes if tbe addresses not 533 oxford streel london v they are spurious the trsde mark of my said medicines is registered at ottaws and aio t wah- inson signed thomas hollo way b33 oifonl slrwet tondno ft iv aqqivf send six cents for post 1 fllattat and receive free a costly box of koods whiah will help yop to more money right awaythan acythingelse in this world au of eriber sex sbeceed from first hour the bread road to fortune opens before tbe workers absolutely sire at onoe address trce v co augusta maine misers 1 jsa ptaea a donxfs worot of neisspapar acrfsti iar t oar prkes ttia exact east at any paper or list at papers tlniuioilly fornuhed ivea bpoa appuestlob astsend sot new catnlosrae j c houch adrertisiflr jtajent bodn 1ucx detroit ulek relaharu fakms for snle frssallstatsarrirrlerr j 0 hehdbick3 estate aetnt bcmsion delasrara these farms are improved wrth jraildingu fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber land good roads schools and churches rood markets only to mile from philadelphia plenty of fiah oysters and gape very productive land climate mild aad pleasant come and aee for yourself and be convinced i am prepared with testa and carriage to take visitors to see the farms free ofcharge j d hrannicka houston delaware sf- it 1 manhooi how lost bow bes1 ie wenave recently edition of br car bratel easay on permanent en alneofhsrvohs debility allmapajsttyimpedlme resnltintfromexeeasei prlejnai ortwopoatege ttuealabrai baaay el atslqpeobl flet a yeswsu asonancet the j in this admtrabu 0natrata frrtn sirl ijthjitslanstnieon- llf enred wlthoni eait 1 polnttuoat a mcoe of 5st efleelealjbi r wpraoittiti 2yse8trt thoaatb it tbe hskdaol e w4anlothtianij iiitfii tar- psw- wim m

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