trw g lira r i a i vis h v vr sbes fawfv v is r firm thrasnix moextxu a jl 1884 the editor the editor sita in bia easy chair he doesnt look easy thoaghhes there hie forehead is high he has scanty hair and hi brow ia deeply farrowed by care and oft there 4ot opon the air a wry subdued editorial swear foe few can tell or indeed few cars what the editorial mind moat bear the editor aharpens his pencil tip and he writes his copy slip after alip then he bends bia devil on on a trip to composingroom and says now nip hisftuers he then commences to clip and the broah in pastepot goes dip dip and hell write an electoral whip for oil yon most know the editors flip tbe editorswork is never done he works from rise till set of son hes there at ah which meaneth one and the ontside public thinks ita fan his mind is ever on the ran and kii brain mast almost weigh a ton i yet witiul hes a- jovial son of a gun tho the editors lots not a happy one umotl ctsib vfm v r pioreace nightingale oa cholera plain views on the prevention of- the disease in reply to an inquiry hiss florence 5cightingile the crimean heroine senojs the following from paris to the xac tori fferaidr 6nt i beg in reply to your notes asking for practical advice in view of the rapid spread otcholcra that oar whole cxperieucc iu india where cholera is never wholly absent tends to prove nay actually does prove that cholerais not conim linkable from persoii to perron itfaat the disease cannot beascribed46 somebody else that is that the sick do not manufacture a special poison which causes the disease that cholera is a local disease an epidemic affecting localities and there de pending on pollution of- earth air and water and buildings that the isolation of the tick cannot stop the disease nor quarantine nor cordons nor the like these indeed may tend fatally to aggravate the disease directly or indirectly by taming away our atten tion from the only measures which can stop it that the only preventive is to put the earth air and water and buildings into a healthy state by scavenging iimewashing and every kind of sanitary work and if cholera does come to move the people from the places where the disease has broken out and then to cleanse persons about cholera patients do not catch the disease from the sick any mare than caisesai poisoning infect others if a number of persons have been poisoned say by arsenic put by mistake into food it is because they have each swallowed the arsenic it is not because they have taken it the mysterious influence of one another in looking sadly at egypt egypt where cholera did not begnuanywhere along the route from llndia to europe but at dami etta where no ship and no- passenger ever stops and where the dreadful insanitary condition of the place fully accounts for any outbreak of cholera in sorrowfully looking at egypt and at europe pbw one might also say that it is this doctrine of- a special poison emanating from the sick and which it is thought can be carried in a package that has mentally poisoned t people will soon believe that yon can take cholera by- taking a railway ticket they speak- as ff the only reasons against enfortnnguarantine were not that it is an rmpossibility and an absurdity to stop i in this way but that it is impos sible to enforce- quarantine if only we coaldv they say all would be well vigorously enforce sanitary measures but with judgmente y- scavenge scav enge scavenge wash cleanse and lime- wash remove all putrid human refuse from privies and cesspits and cesspools and dastins look to stables and cowsheds and pigsties look to common lodging- houses and crowded places dirty houses and yards set your house in order all ways sanitary and hygienic according to the conditions of tbe place and all will be well the real danger to be feared is in blam ing somebody else and not our own selves for such an epidemic yisitatisn asa mat ter of fact if the disease attacks our neigh bors we ourselves axe already liable to it to trust for protection to stopping inter- i course would be just as rational as to try to sweep back an incoming flood instead of getting out of its way a great wag a dogs tail uteuiestardvestf you want brilliant and fast colors 8 holloways corn cme istbtrmedicine to remote all kinds of corns and warts bang up a bomb exploding in midair there is nothing equal to mother graves worm exterminator fpr destroying worms da etjlrrs cjtarrk coyq reaps instant ly relieves sneezing cold in the head and stops ringing noise in the head ask for it i sold by j e ucgamn price 50 cents the agricultural fairthe fanners daughter 0 e comstock caledonia mian writes i was suffering the most ucrociatiag pains from inflammatory rheumatism one ap- licatioo of dr thomas eclectric oil afford ed almost initio t relief and two bottles ejected a permanent core young old and middledaged allei perieace the wonderful beneficial effects of ayera borsaparilia- youog children suffer- ing from sore eyes sore earrscaldhoad or with any scrofulous or syphilitic taint may be made healthy and strong by its use hot roblstobsing around in a bed on a sdtry summer night 11 sbeehan of oscoda mich writes i hare used dr thomsv eclectric oil op borsea to different diseases and found it to be jbffcaaythi recommended it has done jomtinia ma wr tot and it ss tbe beat ofl for horse i yer joaed obserye that tie name dr thocsa eclectric oil ia oh fraotoftbewimppfirvaa there are imita- uoosof ri j 8ong of the united states navy oak um oakum with me i if toc wish u every intelligent ixnou dou fee white teclh and sweet breath use fuuti tooth powderi the peerleaa denti- frice sold ia acloa by j e mcgarrin idroggist love is blind that is why so many young people like best to court iitthe dark dont fill lha system with quinine la the eltott to prevent or cure ftvcr and ague ayeriague care ua far mow potent pre ventive and remedy with the advantag of leaving in the body no poisons to toduca dirziaeas deafness headache and other dis orders the proprietors warrant it saukheuhcvred are you troubled with salt rhtsum rough skiupimplea or canker sores if to jo at oace to j e mcgarvins drag store and get a package of calverti carbolic cerate trice twentyfive centa it was ttqcer known to fail although your doctor may say you owe your life to him be willmot take it in set tlement of his bill vrfcatwecl the proprietors of howards pare con centrated alkali claim that one bor of their preparation will convince the most skeptical that it is immeaaurabir ahead of anything ever before introduced for sale by j e mcgarvin sole agent for actoa 7 terr kevarkable mewvery xtr geo v willing of manchester mack writes jly wife has been almost hclpleascor five years so helpless that she oald not turn oyer in bed alone she used two bottles of electric bitters and is so much improved that une iiable now to do her own work electric bitters will do all that is claimed tor thein hundreds of testimonials attest their great carative powers only fifty cents a bottle t s emcgarvin wkitud if troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sore to mcgregor parkes car bolic cerxte you will find it invaluable for healing cleansing and completely re moving your trouble if the blood is cut of order take with it a few dotes of mc gregors speedy cure from j h mcgar- vins drug store 29 u it wortfc the juaer- thats the question will it pay to suffer day after day when a twentyfive cent bot tle ot patuams painless corn ertncitfr will give prompt and permanent ease and comfort thousands testify that it is a good iareatmentand if you are a sufferer from corns try it sare safe and painless sold by druggists everywhere k c pol- sox k co kjflwton proprietors i wife whatsthe matter now john husband oh that neuralgia and tooth ache near kills me wifeivhy dont you go to j e mc- garvins drug store and eel a bottle of fluid lightning j you know it cures all such things is toothache xeuralgia head- tche lumbago- earachei sore throat etc it gives instant relief 33 h a mclanuhlin norland writes i am bold oat of northrop k lymaas vege table discovery and dyspeptic care it sells well mi i find in every instance it has proren satisfactory i have reason to be lieve itthe best preparation of the kind in the market it cures dvspepsla bilious- ntis and torpidity of the liver constipa tion and all diseases arising from impare blood female complaints etc for brilliancy durability economy and simplicity of use the tnanpilar dyes fitand preeminent equally reoahle in dark and lhjht shades try one package and be con vinced 10c by j e mcgarvin 7 lb e4itatkbce therun p keator editor of ft wayne inh garette writes for the past five years have always used dr kimji new discovery for coughs of most severe char acter as well as for those of a milder trpe it never fails to effect a speedy care my friends to whom i have recommended it speak of it in same nigh terms having been cured byit of every coagh i have had for five years i consider itthe only reliable and sare care forcoughs colds etc call at j e ilcgarvinvdmg store and get a free trial bottle large size 8100 oh how tired and weak i feel i dont believe i will ever get through tue spring uoaseclcaaing oh yes you will it you take a bottle or two of dr csrsons sloru ach bitters to purify your blood and tone apthe system iu large bottles 50 cents io are you troubled with salt itueuin hough- hands or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed even though it be of years standing mcgregor parkes car uohc cerate will care it beyond the shadow of a doubt h is the beet healing compound ever known boils festerings frost bites barns or any skin trouble are alike cored by it sold at 25 cents by j e mc garvin draggist 33 pectori pectoria pectoris the great remedy forjoughs colds bronchitis sore throat fnflaenxa horseness and ah affec tions of the langraad throat or chest pectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont give up aatilyoahave tried pectoria all druggists and general storekeepers sell it new fall dry goods at the right house xaw oreign dry goodiaud hon furnishings are arriving at tho eight house atmot jaily the following ut embrace a few lines reqnirad for ihe earlf aatfttiu irade a tarje assortment of kid goes shown in claap corset and button make in the new colors also ia black the latest novelty in taffeta iloe known as changeable shadee shown in jerseys 6 and 8 bottoo length ew black and brilliant lulo sewy qlores xcw black and colored kihbon velvets in all the prlnoipal widthstse jet aod fancy metal buttons a superb aasortment o swiss mnalin embroideries marked at very low prieca oaahmere hosiery in childrens and ladies siies sew frencli twill flannels soiublelormaking morning droates jew black cashmeres moreen crape and other black dreatqooda new colored dree goode a lot of new embroidered damaik imported apeclslly for church pew covering the cleahino sale of summer dry goods has been attended by tbonaaoda of pnrchaaera the casta aalea for the last two weeks lave been very lr ccjtotnera ate surprised at the low prices which goods havebeen marked down to the celebrated health preaervlnsicoiled vvir bection corsets are seuini very tut hundreds of pairs have been disposed of ask to sec them crcmptons famous corsets in various makes are sold at this establishment everjpair of croonton s corsets are guaranteed to wear well be sure and call t noa 30 and 32 king street east to see the new goods also the bargains offered in every de partment the name li hamiltcu aug 21 186t thomas c watkins hamilton 23 ikot another pill shall go downmythroat agniu said a citizen when i can get such a prompt and pleasant care for my bilious attacks as dr carsons stomach bitten i it renders the blood pure and cool and makes a splendid spring medi cine large bottles 80 cents 45 hooowayi puu and omlmail bilious affections with ill their concomitant annoy ances induced by atmospheric changes or too liberal diet should 1m checd at once or serious consequences may ensne wnen any one finds his ideas leas clear than usual his eyesight dimmed andhia bead diziyi accompanied by a disinclination for til ex ertion physical ormentol he slay beaiiite sure that he is in immediate need of some alterative medicine let him at once send for a box of houowayss pills a mild course of which will remove tbe irmptotns and speedily renew hi anal beaunfol feellon if the bowels be irritable houoways oint ment should be diligently rubbed over the stomach and liyer every nigutajid morning iyers cherry pectoral ko other complaintf are so lasidloui in their atuek ai hom afleetia the throat and ionji none o trifled with by the majority of raitet- r tlie otulaarf cooghor cold resolucj pcriirru from a trifling ornnconscloos et- a often hat the begiaakrg of a fatal 0es avxjts cazbkt pfcctohal lai veil jroteaiu efflcaey in a forty yean fiv miui iluxt and long diseases and abould be ulci iu all cai et viihoat delay a terrible coach cared in ii7 1 took aterere cold xhich affected my mi lltadatsarribleooagaaiidpaaed ulght miw night without sleep rhedoewn plkt we up 1 tried ayuhi ceerrv pec- toral oltidi relietod my lungs induced lee and afforded ma hie rest leceaiary for tbe recotory of my itrength by the coiuiuned use of the pzcrcxh a perma- ceutcurc 7m effeckd i am cow oiycari om bxle and hearty and am aatissed year ciijv pectoeil wyfid tsc hoeace faiansothtjt eocuasliam yu daly 15 us2 craiip a motheri ttlhate uhilein the coantry latt winter my utu faoy uir year old ras uken ul itu croop it wemed as f he ooald die from btrangu- uuon one of the family suggested the use of avers caoutv pctroaat a bottle of irhjcfa na sitsyi kept la the boose hiis tns tried in email and frequent- doeet and to oar delight in less thau half an hour the htiie patient cts breathincarily the doc tor said luat the ceukbcct0ail had kti my darhngs life cn you wonder at oar gratitude sincerely yoart mas esiiu gedsct 159 west lislii st ker rork may 15 1882 lute used atebs cncaftv pectoral in my family for sereral years and do not hesitata to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for ooghs and colds ve have ever tried a j cautt lake crystal minil alareh 13 1882 i suffered for eight yean from bronchitis and aftertryiiig many remedies with no suc- ce i a ccred by the use of avers ctter- rv is ctorill josniil wxtdey uylnlia ilisf- april 5 issi i caimnt wr cnonrfi in praise of avhrs cnitnv rcctaruuierintj as t do that but fr w um i floal ioaj since bare died from icttg troulfes f bbjanoi palktiiie er arcllli iv kaawof ii n cf tlie throat or tuegs exists xrhihi rtuyrtlieted by tbe use of atk tv fixtwtut and it tih aimt nrnr whn the disease is cot already beyond the control of taedicile pttepaked bt dpjcayerco sold by all drcgsitts speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the be8t casket to the plaine8t coffin n on the shortest xotiee and at lowest terms 11 eulls either night or day proruytly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case i a firstclass hearse for hire aive arc in ixiiitim lo jutisfaetorily fill orjers for flarcoas carriages tc of every description iu reaunablc time good workmanship oodfirstdoss material always used we ijtve also a splecdidlot or furniture both common and extra quality cheap stic ypu will pay us ca8h we will sell yon anything in oar line cheap j a 3pei0ht manager rurdt blood will cure or relieve b1u0jshe88 dizzines8 golden cream la orejme dor the beat preparation kboro to adence for beanufylagtho complexion oxe 3rkgl appucatiok la warranted to beautify the face and glre to the faded or sallow com plexion a perfectly healthy katoral and youthful wriiiklea freckl iceof smooth and white apoearance it conceal trade marfc ueacrovi feet and the evidence of ase leaving the skin soft ooh and white price50 centa sent to any address pottage tampstaken addreaa all lettera to creme d or drawer 2678 toronto po afikyour draggist loril wbolcsalo by all wboto- aaje droyglblg fjratvrtps dy8pep8ia thoigestm jaundice ery8weu8 salt rheum heartburn headache and ery ipeclei staordd uee drops r flutteriha l the heart acidity of the 8t0kaw dryness of the skin w diseam ahsins rrom k10xeys srromaoh i ft ft bowels or blood tftlkborhteo an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for presents photographs the latest style taken by the new process no long sittings- briag your pictures of deceased friends and have them edit enlarged in firstclass style c w hill acton 4 03 peroheron horses j laro est importing and breeding establishment frames dc thx world 171 mam who is unacquainted with thi qtoorapmv of this country wiu su by examining this map that tkt m w ddnham vtayne da page coaniy nilnoiau s a- 35 miles vest of chicago j dnhna tliepait 17 monfht 360 btair lioss ufd mares have ban imported sim france to this atabtithment being ore thantlie combined importatiuiu of i all other itnporun of draft bone from all parts oeiavpe for any one jfear onefifth of the entire uanixc of ttnport- i of fmteh none in america can bo sean oa bia farm hla importatiooa har tncinded toe priia wlnnara of tbe unt vermst brpotitlaiu i jarim i7s mid oaarfy all tbe prize honoa cf tbfl qroat sbowi of france ainoe ma impor- uttioug bogaa- they aibooatrtedall the boooti i tu tne cantepntej is7b aod at tbe great j clilcam fair 1381 mr dunhamm herd i of pehcheronsy in competition with tbe largest and finest ooqecttaa at glydtt- dale eror shown eonaigunitot tbe tclae win- 1 nera at tbe qroat bbcnr at bootiand and en- j gtimd vaa awarded tbe grand stceepetake vrlv of 91flq0 and grand gold medal 100 page catalogue eirt free on rpphsation contain over 40 ulae rat ohm and the historv qffhe perchtrom ruci order caxalogvex ettsh y lafigb bebedeb sz evert neighbokhood- tkds x febcheboh btajxhw shqc qaxty veers trial has derocn- if j3e ttzauecltbatwben bred to tbe io i 3arra ol tba country tbe produce la s aaljna are etuler keeper better work- ir cd iecu for more money on the market wan tvy otber cloaj of eoret aai forthe workiiigclass send 10 tlulu for postage and we will mail you v a royal valuable box of sample goods that will pot yon in the way of making more money in a few days than i you ever thought possible at any business i capital not required we will start yoa toa can work all the time or in your spare j time only the work is universally adapt- i ed to both sexes young and old xoa can easily earn from 50 cents to 5 every even- ing that all who want work may test the business we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send 1 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us full particulars directions etc sent free fortunes will be made by those who give f their whole thbje to the work qret sue- oeaaajjvlu1yi dontdelay startnow address botbow ft co portland maine chicago rock island pacific ry blna ttta oraat oeritral line affords to trsivetora by resason of its jnrlvatod so- crapliloal tioaltlonftfto shoneat suitf bast rout batwejsjn tha last northaat and outhamat and tha wt nbrtmreat and outlrst it is irmrally and atrkrtlr tma that its gonnaot ant all of tha prlnoipal una of road bstwswi tha atlantic and tho paclflo b k main nn and bran it reaoheovlhloasot jo p6rla ottawa la sana qanaaao molina and ataek island in illinois oayanport sluaeatlna waahlnajton kaokuk knonule oakalooaa falrfmdi das stomas wast ubartr iowa oity atiantlo avooa audmbpn harlan outhrla oantar and oounoll bluffa in lowai qallatln trafiton cameron and kansas cltj in sliaaourl and laoran- worth and atohlaon in kanaah and tha hundrada of ottsas tlhaajas and towns intar tha great rock island route as it n faminarrf oaflad oflstm to ua all tha a and oonifort irwldam to a amooth traab saiamdaaa unkw dapots at ah oonnaetlng polnta fasttopraaa trains oorapoaaif o0alayoio4js wlilrvairnlatio well heated finely tlphoutwa and elcoaist day ooaohet a una of tha ott maonificent horton reounino chair cars uut built pullfmnt latast dasfcnad and handsomaat palace leeptskl oar and oinrno cam thnaraaoknsjwlads1smwmlnd psopla to b tha finest run upon any roao in the oountry andln whloh sursrlor maala araaarrad to traialara at tha low rata of seventyfive cents each three trains aaoh war batman ohiqaqo and ttta fatbsmmisi river two trains aaoh waj batwasm ohk3aqo and sslsahaupoljs and st paul via tha famous albert lea route a haw and mntot unfa saetoa anb wtkatapm rsiarittbaan bstwaan sjawpb rmimond wn and oourwn luffs st paul tsl i ailtnrous for moradatallad hi saa 1a ssamtlasunaniaulprlnoladtloliatobioaalata r r cab1b wfssrisamlstastja isakhifjaraiy a a s al0wntsdfor the lives of all aubr i othepresidentsoftbeus tba largest handsomest best book ever sold for leas than twice oar price the fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any ooe can beoome a soooessfnl agent terms free halixtt boos co portland haiue the bennett churn ti tfrtmt artiels in ths usrkh tfturalas lod s plsuwslastsad of sn ttnputhtit tufc i ramshaw son acton have securetlthe iole control of the sale of the tatnous bennett churn jthis churn is manufactured npoo the most practical and coarmonsensepriociple ex tant and only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of tbe above firm ill call upon yoa with a sample churn aticsstw at sow iclon jan 15 m c c speicht tihtl5 desjjuxc theiu buggies waggons cutters etc repainted or revaruisbed and made equal to uew no shortest possible notice aod at low est price bbonld their orders at onoe with itr j a speight undertaker and carriage builder or with o c sfeight acton march 20th ism t free press power printing house executes job woke ol all descriptions in a very satisfactory manner at modermt rates with de spatch in tne time promised business ciecflaks letter heads bill heads letter c1bcllaks note cihcclabs bisivesd cabds visit1kg cabds pamphlets haxdbills p06tebs etc etc pttrticolax atwutiun given to klse ivolui and extra care bestoved with a view to securing correctness orders from the coantry attended to with de spatch and work forwarded immediately by mail or erprsas try the tacc pittas job office for printing h p moore paopbletob hills im k stove depot good assortment on stovij8 cheap for oash tinware of all kinds at bottom prices has tbe larceet and moat complete factory in thr domlntonhoxlm tr dfkattassers mr artriti k tsy kile la tis vajt medal and diploma at centennial ins medal aad diploma it sydney anstrsln iftt sold messl st ptothmui exhibition tonnto s blawxwaii stlndmlrhl exliibltlun torontc tssww vft ixx sow jlaxmctcawo square and upright pianos din ix rax jijuueit rretpondonre solicited send for illnslrata cst sjosne mailed free address domkiox onqax asd piab oovtpaxt botxaxttlla oxt r cxaine agent acton worth thelr eight in gold h0uq pills ointment this- ixcompafcablk medicine has secured for i7aa imperishable fame throughout the worldor the aluriation and cure of most disease to icfoch humanity is heir i the pills purity renal a to and inimove the quality of the blood the assist the digestive means cleanse the stomach dud bowels increase tbe secretory power ui the liver brace tbe ucrvoua astteiii lliiuw juto the circolalioa lite puivtt kiemtoln it sustain log sud rcparnojt the frame tboauods ff persons have- testified tltt hy their ase nuiue they hitvebcmi restored to lieallh and slreatli after even other meaus had proved oofueccaaful the ointment will be found invaluable in every hyuwululd in tie care of open sores hard tumors bal leffs old bounds oouffaoj colds sore throats bronchtis aod u disorden of the throat and cheat as also goat haeumatiai scrofula unj every kind of skin iiaeaae uaooiactared oaiy at protestor uofio- way eaubliahment 633 oxfokj street london and sold at is ljdt 28 9d 4 6d 22 and 53s each boi and pot and la canada at 36 sun is 90 cents and 150 and the larger sizes in proportion aac4rn0x i have no agent lo the united states nor are my medicines sold then purchasers shoold therefore look to the label on the pots and boxes if the address is not 533 oxford street london they are spurionf tbe trade mark of iuy nii medicines is registrered at ottawa and aieo lit wash- inirton signed thomas hollowa u3 oxford street lonhon chicago 1 and put up on 8hqrtest jjoticr fibst cla88 hatkeial only used a call solicttkll j ohiltmllltt a prize send aiicets for post- ace and receive free a costly box of roods which will help yoa to more money right jiway than anvthinuelaa in this world au of either sex succeed from first hour the broad roadto fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure m once address titrx co august haiue rn plao a doqafs rnrapaper adtertls- ins fat oar price tha exact cost of any paper or hat of papers cheerfcllr famished tree nptm appucauoo 1780011 tor kaw catalojne j c houch attrstlialas arent tuitis sucl detroit met eye in tha 1 theialil wj bar of i j tj d tellwart fakhs for snle froditlaiossorcr acre ht 0- hehdrick5 retu eltftt aesat boaatos oalaarare theaefarmsareimprotedwitti buildingr fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timberland godd roads sohools and churches good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of ftsqoybters and game very produetrrei land climate mild and pleasant oome and see for yourself and be conviuccil i am prepared with team and carriage to take visitors to sea the farms free of charge j d hkxdiicik houston delaware wfmkimm ilsisswsf manhood how l08t how bfestobeli we havrrcreiitlj pnbilshedautw edition of dr ralxerwells cele- ferated eaaar on hc radical aid permanent eule ctihoill medl- olu of nervoo dtbnity utto jaailmrt ir allocs pacltjjmpeillnienu ornnrfffec reanttlnrosaexoesaa sjsaprlcetn asealed eutelopeoai vei t ortw4posuo sumps t tbeeotebratedaathor in tnu admtrabl kaasj lrtt demonatrates firm thin taaiasnccvriulprbeucebatalarmlaiean- ieqimnces ntby be radically cured without tha use f interne madlciprs or tbanaeotthr kalliiblntintoat a mede of eartataneolmpie otrulnaotleflfeinalbt nteans of whlnu every aufferer no scatter vhatbueondluoninaynemaysirrbjbisei ifiaptjriprltataljr aadradleaiiy this totum should oe icthe hktha ol everyjoatli atidbrerv manliithetavt j address v the ciilterweu edtfnl h t pmtjs