ciangntffre8s tiirr1h tslttl iwl j1rli i illt mart akk silly 3ary auu fkk is in tw kitchen working like a man f paw is hi the ciuminhousc toiling hard turiiiotfey you aro iu the parlor lkil vou think it fmim siui ouf smc uonwjusc saiuetiuie tsry un voau be in the kitchen working lik- a uikii itusbaud iu the count iuhousc earning little mouey daughter in the parlnr theu it wont he fuuur humorous teter itdxeuaes advice is good arttarkahle kftipr i mrs mary a patlcv of tuukhauuock ij wa afflicted for sir years with asthma jftud bronchitis dariar which time the best i physicians could give no relief her life j wx dp red of until ia last october she procured a kettle of or kings vcw dis- oovcrv who imtncdutc relief wis felt aad by ooutiuuiuit iu use for a short time she was ouraplclrly cured gaining in flesh 50 iu ia a few mouths frve trial bottles of this certain cuffiof all turuat and luog diseases at j e mc- tiarvius drug stow- large sottles l00 new fall dry goods at the right house andpianoco few arc the remedies whose beneficial i qualities and real merits have nude tuein u populir with the tvablic audincnmied i tram year tj year uieir consumption which whilst possessing the most valuable ro- 1 medicil properties afc yet so simple iu i their compound and so easy to take as the illumine wine prepared by xortbrop ilymaa cf toronto this article is pre pared from lie pure sulphite of quinine hamiltin aug 21 iss4- thomas c watkiffs hamilton if ywl have a greedy disposition aud the devil cvtues to you wheu you are in the act of giving and tells you you caut afford it saylouini if jtou douy keep quiet i will doable it tmd hell soon give it up r if a manwaiit lo become a man of grit ba should eat lots of spinach t tejlmerenoe between love aad law is this iu lore the attachment precedes the declaxcioa in lav the declaration pre- cedes the attachment la me v feigued the old lady times do change they now wear kids oa their hands when i tw a child they wore otrv their hands oa the kid- what is a lake t asked thteacher x bright little irish boy raised his hud weuvdickey whit it t sure its a hole in the kittle tuuin for tae boys the followms story is all the better for being true- t twomenftoolt the same table iu a largt f acton iu vhiladelphia working at the same trade htving an hour for noou- wg evry day each undertook to use it in accompuvding a definite purpose each persevered tor about the same number of months aud each won success at last- one of these two mechanics used his daily leisure hour in working out the invention ot a machine tor sawiu a block of wkd into almost any desired sdiane when this combined with fine sherry- wioe aad choice aromatics which relieves the quia- j ine of its bitter ustc acd does not impair in the lemt decree the efficacy of itt action upon the patient while small dosea fre quently repeated strengthen the pulse ia creases muscular farce and invigorate the tone of the nerroas system and thus by the general rigor which it imparts creates in appetite which gives to the stomach tone and energy and fortifies the aytem against all- infections diseases ask foe korthrop t lymans quiuiue wine sold by all druggists 10 pectorihl pectoris pretoria the great remedy furuoukhs culdi brrtuchitia sore throat ttitlucnra koruem aud alljiffoc lion of the luugs and throat r chest pectoris loosens the phlegm iind breaks up the cough 23 cents per bottle dont gire up aotil you hare tried iecloria all drucdstsand general storckcpcn sell it speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c icnmatttvercr ttetraetf uaeqaalled by any remedy iu the world tntuams paiatea cora- ertriclor tae ucw rirraedy for coru xevcr fails to cure never prodares piiu uever nukes deep cavil tea ia the fiesb a sate prompt and ijaiuless remedy for corns solovby dnir- gista everywhere dont fail to try it x c p0ls0k k co kiastoo proprielors- us ibc stir u ves if you want brilliant and fst culur s ac this ecasoq of tbe year tlicrb rhoutd beifrbollle of pectoria in everj- house it is uuequslled for coughs colds and hoarseness is pleasant equally safe for children price 2 cents at afl druggist 30 mlthiiflintcsrtd arc yna troubled with salt kheum i uch skiapiraplcsor cankei sores ift at lace u j k ucflarvius drue stire ayers derry pectoral ko otlier compuinlz in so imidioua in their attack as thc affecting tha uuoat aad loni none so trifled irith by the majority ot suffer era the ordinary cough or eold resulting lupi from a trifling- or uncons cious ex- puinre is often but the beghudngof a fatal fictctis avs citeejtr pectcrxl lias veil proven its effleaey fa a forty t filit vith uirott and lung dueaiea and aoould be tatea in all cases wltboat delay are prepared to furnish everything iu their hue from the best casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest xotiee and at lowest term a terrible cough cured u iu i w itook a severe cold tthtea affected my iciot i bad a terrible eooghjaad nasaed lijht alter ulfht without sleep the doetc gate tue zp m into aimyi ou t invention vis complete he sold the patent h t e id get a package ot calvefs carhnlic for a fortane changed his workman scpron uc r i i i 3 ucrate rnce twontyfive cents it was for a brofficloth suit and tuived out of a j 5 ll wss t ntvcr known to fail i tenement houac mto a brown stout frunt j the other man what did he do 1 well he spent each day during most of a the very difiicalt uudertakiii of teaching a kt little do to stand ou his hind feet and dance a ji while he played the tune it last accounts faetras workiaten hours a day at the same trade aud at his old wages auid nding fault with his fellow- workman rich while leaving him poor leisure minutes miy bring golden grain to mind as well as purse if one hsjrvcst wheat instead of chan r ix your children are troubled with worms giye them mother graves worm exter minator safe eure and effectual try it and make the improvement in your child it is by far more important for the wel fare of the future man that he should find the right school thai the right college dm stiers cons asd wiet solvevi rc- mo res hard and sjf t corns clean safe and harmless each bottle has a brush attach ed to cork for appplymg t7se no other sold by x e ucfiarrio druggist price soctt it is the crashed grape that gives oat thft bloodred wine it is the suffering soul that breathes the sweetest melodies perelt veeriele i superior cathar tic for family use a specific for headache a a safe and effectual remedy for all bilious diaordereplint itandrake pills sold by e ilcgaram druggist price 25 cents indeed i almost doubt whether the head of the family does not do more mischief if he is unsympathetic than even if he were unjust- eukts tooth rowden the peerless dentifrice contains nothingthatcan injure thesamel in the elightest degree by its constsirt use tbe teeth retain their efficiency audbeaaty even tolbe ertretne daratioai life sold by j e iloganin druggist price 25 cents qiivalrj- is not confined to the relation of thesexes it is sentiment which should rightly inspire all who are highly favored ia any respect towards those who are lass fortunate catarrh is a pxisfut inflammatieu and ulceration of the mucous hoim banes and cartilage of the noses and sir passages and can only be treated hy direct application to the diseased parts dr starrs catarrh coupueror reaches all parte s nothing else can abd gives relief at once sold by j mcgarvin druggist 50ctc i- r- r -s- xfm mwm mm sir- t c wells chemist and drngjist port glbome out writes xortnrop lymans vegetable disco rery and dyspep tic cure mils well ind gives the beat of aatiafaction for all diseaes of the blood it never fails to root out all diseases from tho system cures dyspepsia liver cora- raaint etc puriiiea the blood and will make you look the pictnre of health and happiness rriiat te claim i the proprietors af howards inre cog- most of a year m j r jccatrited alkali cuim that one iwr of their preparation will convince the raajt skeptical that it is irucaeaturably ahead of anything ever btforc introduced for sale by j e jicgarrin sole ageat for acton 7 vnuit t if if troubled with an uuiiealthy slow- healing sore cse mcgrecor i parkes car bolic cente you will find it invaluable for healing cleansing and completely re moving your trouble if the blood is cut of order take with it a few doses of mc gregors speedy cure from e mcgar- vins drug store 29 for briltfancy durability economy and simplicity of use the triangular dyes sund preeminent equally reliable 10 dark and light shades try one package and be con vinced 10c by j emcgarvid 7 are yon traauled witu salt itheum kocgh sands or old sores of any kind that cannot be healed even though it be of years standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will care it beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the beat healing compound ever known boils festerings froat bites bums oranv skin trouble are alike cored by it sold at 25 cents by j e mc garvin druggist 33 wife whatsthe matter now john husband oh that nearalgia and tooth ache near kills me wife wby dont you go to j e hc- garvins drug store and gel a bottle uf fluid lightning vou know it cures all such things as toothache keuralgia head ache lumbago earache sore xhroat ate ft gives instant relief 33 oh i how tired and weak i feel i dont believe i will ever get through the spring hosecleaning oh yes yon will if you take a bottle or two of dr carsons sionf ach bitlers to purify toor blood and tone up the system in large bottles 50 cents xot another pill shall go down my throat sgain aaid a citizen when ican get such- a prompt and pleasant cure for ray bdious attacks as dr carsons stomach bitters it renders the blood pure and caol and makes a splendid spriog ueoj- cine large bottles 50 cents 45 an article that will give eatisfaction howards pure concentrated alkali for cleaning and scrubbiag purposes priuters uflesheep washing before shea ring and also for making bard and soft soap a aingte trial is but necessary to convince the most skeptical of its great value it will make the flooring as bright aa new does not crack the hands everybody who has usd it likes it it is put up in tin boxes with full directions and gold by our special agents only through the dominion 8tao4- ardxhenucalco6ole proprietors toronto oct 1 e mcgarvia sole agent for acton and vicinity 45 gate ma nn i tried arms caxaav prc- toaxt which relieved my lungs indncedt sleep and afforded me lis rest ueceasary for the rteotery of my strengtli- by tot eoatinaed cs of tb pecrobjit a penna- niit care was effaeted i am no fc yean old kale aud hearty and am satisfied you coxaxr ttcrojtal nnd me rocklnguam vt july 15 im cronp- a mothers tribute vcllfl in he country last winter my httll boythree years ord was tsken lliwiui croup t kemed as if he vould die trora strangu lation one of the family suggested the um of areas camutv pectoral a boule of thich wis alnys kept in the bouse tws wxs tried in small and frequent doses and 10 atir dejighc fn less than litif an hour tin liitle patient ras hreauiing easily tnfl doc- tor si4 that uic cncaav pccromxl had stod my dxrlinps life can you wonder at oirgratiiadfl fiaieerelyyoun 1m west tath st new vorfc may w 15- i have used arms cntsry prctonil la my caralh for sevenil rr sad do not oestuie to ironouccc it the most effeetaal remedy for eooglts aud ctldw hare crer tried a j caau lake crystal minn ifareli ii 12 iah calls either night or davpromptly attended to satis faction guaranteed hi every case a firstclass hearse for hire a we arc in a tioitieut satisfactorily till orders for waggrns carriages 4c of every description io rvtjinsuc lime good wnrktnanihip ond nrstclass materiahlwavs used c bvc lo splendid lot dr kuixiturc both cnminnn acd extra qukuty chest j itlfyou will pay us ca8h wa will sell you anything in oar line cheap j a 3peioht maaaeer mutn rwhflpresidentaoftheus tbe largest handaomast best book ever sold for leas than twica our price the fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people wan it any one can become a bucceasfnl agent terms free hallerrbooa co portland maine the bennett churn tit hmtt article la vh mukrt oinrnlai k4l fltwom insttii of u vsleuaat tnkl ramshaw son acton have secured the sole control of tbe sale of the famous bennett churn this churn is m en ufac tared upon the most practical and common sense principle ex tant and only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of the above firm mill call upon yoa with a sample cuaru actoc jan 15 84 akssw ft sor 1 suffered for elfiht yean from bndiitfc and after trvuig numy remedies with tw uc- s i sesa by is nee of ateh cnra- li alia miss april 5 lfcsi- i cannot- ray cnoajh in praise of af chluev pectoealbelifine as i do that bat pir its osel should ion km uu p jnce hare did froin ikig troubles- e bkjopos pxjcsiine teras april 22 isi ko ease cf an zfiki j of the throat or rungs exists shicii i he frduyrtbeved by flic use of avrnv cnnucv pixtohxl aad tt will attract ctce when the dieeue n not already beyced the control of medicine pactiaxd ar dr j cayerctpo lowell mass sold by all drcgslsta golden cream la cheme dor tbebest piparatlon biemuto science for heamtifyiiittthe complexion oke sikgle application 1b warranted to beautify the face and give lo the faded or sallow com plexion a perfectly healthy katural and youthful appearance it conceals wrtaklea freckles crows feet and the evidence of age loavitlg the skin soft smooth and white lrickiocenta sent to any address postage stamps taken address all letters to cre1e 0 or dmtr 2678 torcnio po aak your druggist for 1l wholesale by all whole sale druggists if-r-a-lkles- an endless variety of plush and other picture frames suitable for pre8ents photographs the latest atyletajcten by the new process no loner sittings brinsr your pictures of deceased friends acd have them enlarged in firstclass style cwhill acton feambs it jfououtatfs piiuxotkiag preierrea the beakh aowell as imest altctitirc pilli in changeable weather or when oar nerroas jiystema are irritable thev act admirably on the liomacb lirer and kidneys and so thototgwy porif y the blood that they are the moat efficieat remedy for wardine off derangenietita oi the stoouch ferer diar rhoea dysentery acd other maladies and giving tone and energy to enervated valetu dinarians auwho hare the natural aad laudable desire ot maintaining their own nnd their familys health oannot do better than traat to houomra pilla which cool regulate- and fetrengtben these purify- ing pills are aiiuble for all age seaaeoa dimatee and ommtitntkms when all other means fail aad art tbe females beat friend prominent among the greatest- medica discoveries by tbe many earea it haraflect- ed ifcjrparor spud cure leads the tan subjected to the minutest chemical mialysis it has been fouod to contain one of thoae injarious ingredients charactetixiofz the worthless specifics daily offered to the pablic every ingredient possesses a pecnl- iar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received yve are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a rdkf but an auolulc curt for dyipepaii tavcr com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood foe trial bottles at i x mcgarvins drug store 38 jteui oileuni ipetuaj dtcemfaer ttas4 ctotiaglfzt st185i ckdcr thxalsnctsofteie united states government 1300000 appropriated fay lie geaerxl gotsraaict 500000 conlribatrd by the ciuxeiu of new orieaas 200000 appropctxted by moics 100000 apjxopriilrd by the sute of ljrjtzsz 100000 arprepnxted u the citr of xew ornaia from 5000 to 25000 aprmpriiied bv inczmcnhle states cities aad rcrua ctkintria ertijsjtt irj twrrxaeyin ijt union tprwasid sfld raulrht cmdc wiiajrj irj cha bfeeetf extibtl th best bamfsj xad ta bigfiest laiastdsj ertat la tfci wortds history injcxtroxs ro sxnartsxlbridttntm3 sirzzwxitttic itn igzzlrs visistt or csxktts this tkcj or jhz txrosrnak rm htta the chespeittitcs cf uxvel ercr cnown ir hc uuuli of truuponztiott teccrcd for li v pconle ttterywhcre for iafarmatiaa tddres e a- buttke director gtaaxi hv l ft c c e kv ohlxivs ah who 8 unacquainted with the geography of this country wilu see by examining this hap that the ii a i flfo tb porting class bend 10 ulucet8 for postage and we will mail yon fru a royal valuable box of sample gooda that will put yoa in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business capital not required we will start yon ton can work all the time or in your spare time only the- work is universally adapt ed to both sexes young and old you can easily eirn from 50 cente to 1 5 every even ing that all who want work may test the business we make this unparalleled offer j to all who are not well satisfied we will bend f 1 to pay for the trouble of writing as i full particulars directiona etc sent free fprtune will brmade by those who give their whole time to the work great sat oees absolutely sure dont delay btartnow addreu stxxbos co portland uaine 89bllm clilcaqo vvo has the largegtahd inost complete factory in the dominion lioilm gffettt zasrt mi awrded ta say liiin i ti tah umai sod wpltrau tt ceatonul 1978 bold meul at protloful extdbtttoo lorvntn ltt gbt avnl t inrlnnria i exlbuoo toronto we abc tov mixrnnrmxo square and upright pfahca bltt ik th jusset tonrspoodence solicited iod fcr niiwtrj tlofue milled ine addrui doifrviov oiqak axtj vlkiio couiiyi bowkaitrixi oft it craiae agent acton wortli their weisut in gold carriage painting c c speicht partles desikikg thkik buggies waggons cutters etc hollowayi pills ointment this iscomparable medicixe ha tcutid jr ijwlf an impcruhabte fame throughout the world for he alienation and cure of most distasti to traid hurhdnityiaheir the pills purify rtxaule and impure tlit quality ui thebiood the assist the ilgcsiis oultr cleanse tbt stollach and koxvtls increase ibe stttctcry pfwvr oi tba liver brace thtvtus fcjtuit id thtow iuu- the cirtuhiii the jiirwtt ekutcls fir sustaiuidg aiul repairing the frame thousuuds f perscus havi- tcstiiied tbut by their uie nluue they bave ttctu restored 10 health aod streorlh tiftcr cvciy other means had proved unsticcetstul icpainted or re varnished and made equal to new oa shortest possible notice and at low est prices should leave their orders at once with ifr j a speight undertaker and carriage builder or with g o sfbight acton march 20th 1sw t he fee pres the ointment rower printing house executes job woekoiiildescripuoiibiiiivary satisfactory rasnner st moderate me with de- patch in the time promised bcsives3 cibcltaas letteb heads bill heads lettek cibculabti xote circtlar3 blgkess cards visiting cards pamphlets hakdbills fosters etc etc 1axucuiar atiuiiou given to fixe work arid extra care betoed ith view to securing correctness order from the country atmnded to iritli de- siiatchaad work f onruded immedia tely by mail or citinss try the fnet pbess job office for rnntiog hvp moorb proprietor mill be found invaluable 1n every household in the cure of opeo sores hard tumors sai lffsi old wouaia couglib colds sore throats bronchitis and all disorders of the threat and chest a also gout rheumatism scrofala- and every kind of skin disease manufsclnred only t prnfestor hollo- ways fsublishment 533 oxford street london and sold at is ld 2s 9d is ga 22 aud 33s ejich box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 14 cents andl50 and the larger sizjsln proportion 5c action i have no atnt in the united states ucr are iny meriicines sold there purchasers sbonld tlerefove look to the label ou the pots and boi4a if the address is not t33 oxford street london they are spunoas the trade ilark of my said medicines is registrered at ottawa aik ahm ht wash inlrton signed thomas holiaoway kb oxford stwt iindon aq d i 7 c send eix cents for post- i ii i aud receive free a costly box of goods which will help you to more money richt away than anythingelse in this world ah of either sex succeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before tho workers absolutely sure at once address tint a co angnsta maine chicago rock island pacific ry ming ttia oraat oentral llna aiforda to tmvalera by reason of its jnrtoalad cao- raphfoal position tns shortest and best routs bstwssn ttis csst northssst and outhaast and tfts wsst northwsst and southwest it is nterailr and strictly trus that its oonneetlons are all of the prfnotpal lines of road between the attantio and the paolflo br its main una and branohes it reaches ohlcago jollet peoria ottawa la tails oe moiine and rook tetand in illinois i davenport muscatine washington keokuk knonflle oskaloosa fairfield dea moines wsst liberty iowa ottj atlantic aooa audubon harlan duthrls oentar and oounoll bluffs in iowa oauatln trenton oauneronand kansas olty in missouri and leayen worth and atohleon in kansas and the hundreds of dues yluaajaa and towns intermediate the great rock island route aa it la familiarly oalled oflers to t all the adyantasss and oomtorts incldsnt to a smooth track safs bridssspnlon ospotsat an oonneetins points fast taprsss trains com of c3stjifodious wtu vdftilato wnx htatxo f1kily upholstaanrj ansbioairr dat ooaohtsl lluoltu most maoninoint hortoh rlousjflfo ohaift oam syer built pullman latsst deslsnsd and handsomest palaqi biopwo oam aad oiwho oam that are aokiw by press and people to be the fiittt huh upon any roaofnthi oouhtiiy and in wh6 superior meats ar senred to trsyslers at the low rateof tvwtynvl ouftt caoh thru train each way between oh10aoo and the missouri rrvot two trains sach way between ohioaoo and minnsapous and st paul ma the famous u albert lea route a new and direct una eta seneca and tankaksayhas l been opened betwesn nswport news rtohmond oloolnnatj t and la fayette and oounoll bluffs st paul minneapolis and intermediate points ajithrouapasssnsrs carried on fast apres trains for mote dstaflstl information see map and omars wmojt mabqbtaiimdaa was astloksts at all prlnolpaltloketofnoes in thsonrrsdstiassamroaniklaorof lliabma jrff iaia- swrrestrossrl rhtriacer hills tin stove depot good assobtment on stovjj8 cheap for cash tinwabe of all kinds at bottom prices eavetrouehlng a spsciilty and pttt up on 8horte8t notice fibbt class material onlt j used before yen place a dollars worth or newieper adrertls ins set oar prices toe exact cost of any paper or list at papers cheerfully famished i q svseaovfor new catalocim j chough advertisluc acent s990b kucl detroit mich delaware fakms for sale fnsk lit to 40 per arrr ht- 0 hendricks rel esttvto aeoat somieol delawsve these farms are improved with buildings fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds goodwater plenty of timber land flood roads schools and churches rood markets only 96 miles from philadelphia plenty of fish oysters and game very pnductivt land climate mild and pleasant come and see for yourself and be convinced 1 am prepared with team and carriage to take visitors to see trhwarms iree of charge jdd hrxnaickb honston delaware a call soltotted manhood uowl lost how rbstoeed wetaatrreoeutljpnbllataeaanw edition of dr celrcrwclra celf sralcd eaaay on to radical and cftuabf jmrmanent oare iwllliout medl- cln of nervow dbllu j menulsdiipbyalc sllncspaclty impediments ormarrlat tir rsaltloff romexeeast tbsprlcoln u icalsd euylopc jinlj tsi s orlwopostsfc sumps tueealebrateduthor is ibis admlrabl bessy clrnrlyjemoostrats irrm tolrtj yearstsec inlpracttnuiaialannliitonn- ssqooams mujf be radically cored wltbool ue dantroumse of latsrns m edlcloh or fh ussoftbekhlft loldtmsoats afefjeof ertasukdeaeifialb mssns of whlcb ftvery iobrejno matter what bla cormtttlop may bemavea ce hlmseli cheaply pdvatuapdrdcalfj tbla led re afionld be this led re aboqld be if tb baeds oi rreryyfmuaddatenrraibldtlielaiir address i the i0awell sffedlcal is 4 0 hill mil tt rxiom boxes y 1 mm iui wsfejigg-