sv r li xu il 1- 1 p do y0ttrbe8t f do vourteat your very beet and da it every day little bojt and little rirltr that is ihe widest way whatever work comes to your hand at home or at your school do your best with right good will it is a roldcu rule foe ho wlo always does his best his beat will better grow bat hfcwho shirks or dightahis task lets all the better go woatif yoor levins should be hard you need not yield to sorrow foe he who bravely works today his tasks grow bright lomorrow luid ligkimuct there ire bat few that have never i offered i almost u talc ruble paia from toothache j neuralgia- or like acute pains to them j each an instant relief u fluid lightning is i an uiilold blessing in time of trouble no disguting offensive tncdioinea to be taken or days one application of fluid luhl- nine cures sold at j k megarvias urur store 29 j humorous has an optician an ea to business a dee plaid scheme an ocean cable a coachman is the saddest of all men for his life is full of whoa latin is a dead language when an inexperienced drug clerk fools with it sometimes when a man falls down he is said to have slipped up such are the in consistencies of our language holdup is the name ol a new arizona port office it is scarcely necessary to add that road agents look after ttie males out there someone says the most direct way to nuns pocketbook is through his stomach the doctors evidently discovered this eome timeago reasoning on debility under this title a great deal has been written and yet the substance of the entire subject mas in a nutshell or rather in four words impurity of the bcood this is the source of debility or weakness what ever may the proximate or immediate cause of the misfortune and they are numerous when hollo way directed his at tention to this important and notrunlre- quent state of ailment he found numerous theories existing bat instead of being led away by vain disquisitronsv he restricted liimyif to the consideration of what nature requires for the maintenance of health and strength in the human system is he said the stomach must reduce food into a whole- same pulp which in due coarse is coavert- edhy admixture with the bile secreted by the liver into a milky substance from which the nutritious partioa is taken up by the absorbents of the bowels and conveyed through its appropriate vessel the thoracic duct to the heart through which it passes to the longs and becomes blood circulating through every part ol the system whose wear anil tear it requires renews and in vigorate if it l pur if this be not the case then the botiy wastes every part of it sh for want of nutriment the vital etamin fail and there is general debility or weaknesg it was this accurate and simple view otthe subject which led to the composition of those pills which the world has gladly accepted from holloway and found to be sucha perfect restorative of i broken and dilapidated constif utions from whatever cause proceeding whether the result of unbridled lcntiousness and vice t or the canseqaance of t runshug and poisonous- mineral medicines fortanite for humanity was the day when thomas holloway inaugurated his new mode of treatment how many loving parents have sines then blessed trim for the preparation of a rn which arrested the grip of death when it was fixing its inexorable talons in the hearts of their sons and daoghtefcs which restored pristine health and strength to worn organs and as it were gave a new lease of life to bodies apparently doomed irrevocably to engeriug decay and piecemeal dissolution for if there be one class of im more than others in which hofloways pills have been most successful it is general debility every man his eirn doctor advice to louen are you disturbed at night and broken of yoar rest by sick child suffering and crying with pain of catting teeth if so seud at once and get a bottle of mrg win- tfotcs soothing syrup for children tthing its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de pend upon it mothers there isind mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the etcmach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces in flammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs wlmloieusootkinf syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and phy sicians iu the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price 25 cents a bottle 4t st vr m display of ne foods at the foght house i just lewivcd at the right hoiueao eoonnons lock of linen good purchased for oah down price mach wow their cost of making ah tbe good are now ready tabm 37c bieacbed tablemen at r them splendid i qualities al th 25c per yard money jw u uu l u wo ai wnoiesaic price a uk4jd di3play the numerous departments are now larzely i 5k m of well a the united stale and canada the muknerfthe mantle and dree making depart- s n rshs7 ths- rand tbeirininea a there will be no regular opening day at the bight honae th noreltieaof th iltt ti difficnlties in making their wtlonau the tock ia alwayl kept nriihelwtwth hea good be been cheap a the preet one and householder requiring flratclaa reliable good al the rery cheapit pnee should come direct to the bight houac a fine assortment of ladiea bialn and braided jcraey in black and colored blanket comforter and quilt alao ladiea gent and boj s underclothing at an immenc redaction informer price come and lec the new pood at no 80 and 83 king itreet east near hughaon treet hamilton sept m 18s thomas c watkin8 peotorinl pcctoria tectorial the great remedy forooughs cold bronchili sore throat infiacau horseoesa and all affec tion of the luog and throat or chest pectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks up the cough 25 cents per bottle dont gle up until you have tried pectoria all druggisteand general storekeeper sell it 23 btuwdcamfortla ikesineruc browns houeheld panacea has no equal for relierine pain both internal and external it cure pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago sad any kind of a pain or ache it will most iuly quick en the blood and heal a its acting power is wonderful browns household pan- aces being acknowledged as the great pain relietcr ind of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wsnted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps iu the stomach and pains and 4ches of all kinds and is tor sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle a flnl dan article this is nn mtut coaiihae to be the ex clamation of everyone who has used put nams painlear corn extractor for it is without exception the only remedy in the market that will remove corns without pain ah we ais for the com extractor is a fair trial for it will give to you what it has already given to thousands of others suffer ing from corns unbounded satisfaction putnams painless com extractor if sold everywhere beware of cheap counterfeits x c polsoki co eingitott proprie tors ilattplmjoaorulereilloall j ataney esq a lending attorney of wmono hinn write after using it for more this three ears i take great pleasore in stating that i regard dr kings xew di3cavery for consumption as the best remedy in the world for coughs and colds it has never failed to cure the most severe colds i have hadf and invariably re aves thepaln in the chest i an auwer wualed can anyone bring us a case of kidney of liyer complaint that electric bitters will not speedily cure ueeay they can not as fhouaaada of cases already permanently cured and who are daily recommending electric bitters will prove bright disease diabetes weak back or any urinary- complaint quicky cured they purify the blood regulate the bowels and act directly on the diseased parts every bottle guaranteed for aale at 50c a bottle by 3 e hcgarrin sim iteuax pi lebraptena amd core the symptoms are moisture likepenpir- ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- worms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affected if alloweduo continae very serious results may follow swatites ootjcest i a pleasant sure cure also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crurty skin disease sent by mail for 50 cent s boxe 125 in stamps ad- dramdb swayneeoxphiladelpiria pa gold by drugguts 50 stop paring and hacking away at your corns try the sensible remedy dr starr cora 8oirot the wouderfnl con bemorw tnd be happy sold by j e mcgarvin drnggist price sjots trial bottles of this sure cure for all throat and luog diseases may be hid free at j e mcgirvins drug store large site 8100 use the safe pleasant and effectual worm killer jlother graves worm exterminator nothing equals it procure i bottle and take it home haveyoa tried holloways corn core it hasoo equal for removing these trouble some excresccnsss as many hzve testified who lave tried it flints tooth powder the peerless denli firice renders the teeth pesriy white the hreath sweet removes tartar from the teeth without injuring the enimeh sotd by e ilcgirvm drugjist acton price 25 cts scel coehc eillee dr starrs com solvent the wonderful com recover it is easily applied causes uo pain and will positively remove the most obstinate corns in 3 to g days sold in acton by j e itcgarvin druggist price 25 cents p ii jlirtell west jeddore ns writes i wish to inform you of the wonder ful qualities of dr thomas edectric oil l had a horse so lame that he couldscarcely walk the trooble was in the knee and two or three applications completely cured him habitual constipation is one of the most unpleasant and injurioas conditions of the heroin system flints mandrake pills re lieve the bowels act as a tonic so as to re store the organs to a healthy condition sold by 1 e hcgarrin druggist act6n price 25 cents an object of loathing add disgust the fetid odors of a catarrhal breath which renders the unfortunate too disgusting for companionship dr starr catrrh con queror will remove the cause and give you a sweet breath sold by j e ucgamn druggist price 50 cts amos hudgin toronto wntes i have been sufferer from dyspepsia for the past six years all the remedies i tried proved useless until xorthrop k lymans vege table discovery and dyspeptic cure was brought under my notice i have used two bottles with the best results and can with confidence recommend it to those afflicted in like manner ifr h kccaw cuatom house toronto writes ky wife was troubled with dys pepsia and rheumatism for a ioog time she tried many different medicinesj but did not get any relief until she used xorthrop lymans vegetable disco very and dyspep tic cure- she ha taken two bottles of it and now finds herself in better health than she has been for years houquraysoittfmailandpilu whenever the weather is variable and the tempera ture constantly changing the weak and delicate mast be very careful to neglect no symptom of disordered action or ei health weakchested and strumous subject will find in these noble remedies the means of casting ont the bad humors which originate and prolong their sufferings the ointment should be well rubbed twice a day over the chest and the pills taken in alterative doses it will penetrate and act most wholesomly and energetically on the diseased structures these remedies manifest a wonderful power in removing all taints from the blood and consequently iu curing a multitude of chrome ailments which seemed to be almost irremediable few are the remedies whose benericial qualities and real merita have made ihem to popular with the public and increased from year to year their consumption which srhilat possessing the most valuable re medies properties are yet so simple in their compound and so easy to take as the quinine wine prepared by xorthrop lyman of toronto this article is pre pared from the pure sulphate of quinine combined with fine sherry wine and choice aromatic which relieves the quin ine of its bitter taste and does not impair in the least degree the efficacy of it action upon jhe patient while smalldoie fre quently repeated etrengthen the pulse in crease moknlar farce mad invigorate the tone of the nervous system and thus by the general vigor which it impartj create an appetite which give to the stomach tone and energy and fortifies the system against all infection dueaaetaak for northrop t lymans quiirhlewne rsold byanarnggista 10j warren leund thorn flterybody knors u the iwceuful nianxgerol uu urgbst hotel enterprises hi america ji that thue a passenger fron kw yark on board a hip plng around cap hois in the early dayi of emigration to cal- tforott he learned hat one of the officers o the vessel had cured himself daring the toy age of au outiaau disease by the use of ayers sarsaparilla since then ur lelasd has reccmoended arias sabiirijinla in maoy similar eases and he bu uerer jet heard of its fail ure to effect a radical curt soiafe yearr io one of mr leuxds farm laborers braised his leg ortug to the bad ttita of iiia blood aa uglycrofiitoai nreluni or lump appeared on the injured limb hot- tibia itching f the akiti tttb buralng and darting palm through the lump made life almost intolerable the leg became eaot- mouily enlarged and nmnlng uleeri formed ducbarglng great quantltiet of extremely offenilre matter ko treatment w at any anil until the man by mr ixlixds direa- ticn vu luppued roh arzxi sxaaipi- hxxul vbich allayed the pain and irritation healed the fares remoted the ireflliig and commetelj- restored the limb to ue hr ltlixd has personally osed ayers sarsaparilla spejcht son acton undertakers carriage makers sec for rfcmaialum vith entire nceea and after careful obaervalioa declarea that tn bia belief there fa do medicine la the world aualto it forthecarcofutttduordarft goat ou effecu of hlgb urine salt rheum sore eruption and all ha rariotu forma of blood dlaeaaea tte hare sir leukxst permission to miiee all vha may desire farther erfdeaoe in regard to the extraordinary curatire poren of arzai saiaipuuxla to sea him penon- j3y either li us maaiaota ocean hotel long branch or at the popular leuad hotel broadtay jtui and 3sth streets ber tort mr leia5da extenaite knowledge of the good dona by this unequalled indicator of blood poison enables him to gire inquirer mntjiuai information fstpaezd bt dr jc aye r t co lowed miss old by all druggists idx bottles for 15 iftwlsf ieui 0rleim4 ulribtctaiitr f cfciinjcaysi13c5 ltcdek tatalsrlfctsorttce unitbli states gdvemmbnt 1300000 appropriated bj the gcoerii 9ornianm 500000 cczulhalcd hj the cilitenj o new orloa 200000 aprroftjxlcd by tltxico 100000 irixttd by the sjlte el loil 100000 ji 7pvoiitd fay the cuy of xtrv orlcexas from s5000 to 25000 ajirrnpriijl tv in sutrt cilia enfzw vi tfniorr n tim urwn it td ra ltijj hijiorl urj caurtrufi oi tm warkf ria bgsst ezhibxie bleul boltdlnf and ho qoatt fndustfm ettnt ia be worwi hlstcry l roa rxkarrsilbttdtiijirxm tjvkjkorixrici ivo i oitira titixn cf sczhctb tzx th ot ast rmumoir ctes htlo the cheipertnttei o tratcl ercr knows a sjk taajii of trsnaportauoa nxared for ihj people eti where fcr ejjjrrraijjm tddreu kaburkb xhfcdar general wlacce kxir oauaxa are prepared to filrmali everything in their line from the best ca8ket to the plainest coffin on the shortest 5totiee and at lowest terms all calls either uight or da- promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a flrstciass hearse fthtf 3ueareia positioqloastiieactoruy till orders i for wagons carriages te of every description ia reasonable lime goort workmanship ond firstclass raatcrialalwavs used we have also afplecdidlotpr furniture both common and extra quality cheis fttt yon will pay us cash we will sell you anything in our line cheap j a speioht mantgor trade farfc golden cream lua creldlel dor the beat prsparadou known to actence for beautifyinsthe complexion oss single application la warranted to beautify the face and give to the faded or sallow com plexion a perfectly healthy natural and youthful appearance it conceal wrinkles freckles crows feet and the evidence of age leaving the skin soft smooth and white price50 cents sent to any address postago stampstaken address all letters to crehe d or drawer 2678 toronto po aafc your dragsist for it wholesale by all whole- aaje druggist q h s fb a tvtes an endless varetr0f plu8h and other picture frames suitable for presents photographs the latest style takeabythe new process no long sittings- briiur your pictures of deceased friends and nave them enlarked in firstclass style cwhill acton 4 feames ia mam who 18 unacquainted with the otooramr of this country will see by examining th1 map that the for the working class bend 10 cents for postage and we will mail you vise a royal valuable box of sample goods that will put you in tbe way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business capital not required we will start you you can work all the time or in yout spare time only the work is universally adapt ed to bath sexes young and old toucan eadly sun from so oento to b every even ing that all who want work may teat the iuameee- we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will end h to pay jorjhe trouble of writing us full particular directions etc aent fiee fortune will be made by those who give their whole time to the work great ppndetty chicago rock island pacific ry seine the great oenttal una effort to tmreler by rauon of tt unrivaled ec- araphloal position the shortett and beat routa between the eaat northeat and outheas and ths watt notttiwaat and bouthwaet it la llterallr and etnettr true that ita oonneooona are all of the principal llnea of road batmen the attantto and the paolflo br ita main line and branahaa it raaohaa ohloago lollet peoria ottawa la sane oeneaao mollm and rook island in iihnoai davenport mueoatihe washington kaokuky knoavule oskalooaa fairfield oss moines wast liberty iowa cttri attain afooa audisboa kenan outnrte osntar and oouneilbiuffi in iowa oallatln trenton oamaron and kansas orty in missouri and leaven worth and atohlson in kansas and the hundreds of omes vutaces and town lntsnndlatatha t great rock islaivd route as rt is tajnltlartj oallsd oflsrs to travelers all th advantaaa and oomforts incident to a smooth tnuk safe brmiss union p atnh oonheottni points fast eipreas trains ooraposad of oomiioomu well vbntilatbo well heatio finely upholstikeo utdblcoant dayooaohes a line of the host btaonifieent hokton i tatast daalcnad and handsomaat falaok i thataniaetaowttfrvviarata paople to i road inlthe oountryand in whlbhnprt the low rats of hventyivk oentf eaoh three twatfta saotj way tweenowwao two tratnaaohaanr tmtwaan ohkmooa ia th famous albert lea jsl lbuutlfvllmanb afawsatwwemi m padjaaawantedforthellvetofall allclv i othefresidenteoftheub the largest handsomest best book ever sold for less than twice our price the fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a suooeasful agent terms free huzrn boor co portland maine the bennett churn the hswit artiolt in vxt llukit oiumiaf km a fuuut tniuu of in kspliuut tuk i ram8haw son acton have secured the ioie eoatrol of the aale of the famous bennett churn this cham is manufactured upon the moat practical and commoubeoae principle ex tant aud only require to be seen at work to be anderstood appreciated sod pur chsed a member of the abate firm nill csll apcu yoa with a sample cbcrtj acton jan 15 84 carriage painting c c speight prties desuong their buggies waggons cutters etc repainted or reraroiahed sod made eaual to new ou shortest possible notice and at low- est prices should leave tbeir order a once with mr j a speight cadertaker and carriage builder or with co speight actco jrrclr20th 1881 t he free press power prtatiott house eiecuwi job work of all descriptions iarery satisfactory maanet at moderate ratoa with de spatch in the time promiied bcslvess circtlari lcttee heads bill heads letter ciicclars kote circclars bcs1sess cards visitikg cards pakphlets hasfobills posters etc etc partieular attentioii jivn to fixe wore and extra care bestoired vith a viavr to wcuriag eorrectness orders from the eocntry attended to with de spatch aad work fonrardedinunediately by mail orexprwe try the fbzx pbxss job osce for printing jh p sioore proprietor hills tin stove depot good assortment oh stoves cheap for ca8h tinware of all kinds at bottom prices atfdj- ftjt up on i shortest ohosi- and ootiatjll at rcabla oii j iwr iihtcii agfwfs has the largest aud moat complete ractorr m the dominion 150x155 ejawtseagn mr imiti to aa kakt ia til tori lfcdau tad pfplonu t ceotaatial lfx metsijid wplonutt prtdft aotrilla167 gold medal at protlnctij ertoftlonjtornnio 15s fctlfbo awanli at lodojtrti ezmbulcm toronto w7w11 w axm iow mlxttacttrklxq v square and upright pianos ban ix tub uaxxt ot bouelted bead for bloctratrd cat tloftie tdavlied free addnw domcaok oboax akd pl4s0 c0upa5t bonxurnilm orr e grains agent acton o worth their weight gold holloway pills ointment- this incomparable medicixe has ucurtd for umij an imperiehablt fame throughout he world for lie aflcvmlion ajid cure of most dfyeatf to vhich humanity u heir ihf pills purify regulate and improve the qoality of the blood they axsut the digestive oreaus cleanse the 8tohach and bokkis iocreaae lhe secretorypowm of the liter brace the nervous 6utem and throw iuo lhe circalaiion the purttt elements for sustaining aud repairing the frame thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone tbev have deen restored to heakh and etreotli after every other meaustiad proved uasuccesful the ointment will befoand invaluable in every honseloid ia the cure of open sores hard tumors sd lccfl old woun4s coughi coids sore throats brnchtis and all disorders of the threat ald chest as also gout rhecmatim scrofula and every kind of akin disease manufactured only at professor hoik way s establishment 533 oxfok d street lomxjx and sold at la ld 2s 9d 4s- 6d22s and33seach box and pot and in canada nt 36 cents 90 cents and5150 and thelarficrsizes in proportion tacacnox i have no acent in the united stales ncr are my medicines sold there purchasers shouldtherefore look to the label on the pots and boxes if the address is not 533 oxford street london they are spurious the trade mark of my wid itedicines is regiatrered at ottawa and aho at wash tntrton stgnid thomas h0ll0wa7 533 oxford street london b add 1 7 1 end six centa for p illkde and receive free a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world all of either sex succeed from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure at once address tun co augusta maine before yoa plsot av dollars worth df kevsdbper adtertu- laa tret our pri tfce bmmat cost ox any paper ar list of paper- ceerfitllj fwarnlahatd frwbttpon appuuation iv send for strw catalosra9 j c houch adrcttiatus agent sovsbblca detroit mich v 1elawasc fabhs for sale froaitlsuhspcracn j d henobick btiletteto anat hobatoa delaware these farms are imprared with bnildinga iettoea indt trees and berries erf alt kiaja good water plantj oi timber laud rood roads sohools and churches good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty 6f flsjioyteis sad game rery prodnctite land climate mild and pleasant eome and see for yonrself and be eonvinced i am prepared with team and carriage to take tisitors to beethetsnns free of oha rge jd hzjmaicss hgijptond euwaxs manhood bow lost hw hebtobblt wlk if rjiwroisc5s5 m eveb 1 wfllbel lnjlr inafln iattu i tbejwljlb thi8i texttstahe wi her of d office i h t l u tovella 1 c hs allc edto t ah 5 slacfe gctteb gsvicei square 5 lingtoat ausj joaxl wn he aey st i fftia boadd1 iat the i order 1 or at i ulsoj ahtota terest worka1 thne i mill or i 4 hjn