Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1884, p. 1

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ttiaaacawm- j the i piano co ise tscyy teuit la i 33 it pi amos sc oovtcct t acton in geld afrcvr je tie quality of jsgwfcls rjcithe liver itid throw into elements for t frame ieetfsfd ihat e oetc restored iter everr other isfnl ci fcblxkexx- every thursday tfornikg free press power- printing house hill btuekt ictoit ostabw tkhxs the fue pnxss will be sent to aabachbera postage paid for 1100 per mi nora in advaooe 1160 if not so paid no paper discontinued till all arrears aw paid except at the option of he publisher aiwransik rirts- casual advertise ment 8 cents per una or the first inser tion and 2 cents per line for each subse quent insertion oan prof eesional cards 10 lines or less w00 per annum lsquare 12 lines 500 per winnm payable in kit months from date of intertioa any special notioe the object of which it to promote the pecuniary benefit of any indmdaal or company to be ooosiderea an advertise- menu the nnmber of lines reckoned by the crjace occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil cotnuctatm one column one year 91 00 half eolumn one year ooq quarter column one year 33 qq one cqlamn six month 35 00 half column six months 3 00 quirter column tix month ix 00 one column three mouth w 03 half column three moc th u 00 quarter column three month t 00 adrertiiemeatk without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord ingly transitory idtrrtiwmenu must be paid laidtuce chugecforeoqtraetadvertfaeaenu must be in the office by 0 am on honda otharwise the7vill be loft oxer till the following week i hp uoore editor proprietor tqiq dadcq i nip pr tun rowdl t col kcviptper ad- tenlmtburubspnistl whre tdttruxlcg maoforu ik kkw vohlt contract du be i business- directory wh lowex ie b ii c p s graduate of trinitx college mem ber of college of fiysicians and surgeons office end residence at the head of fredericks street acton termg9100 in adtaice the nawspaper- a map ofbiisy life its fluotuationu and its vast oonoemb 9159 if not iopj0d volume z no 17 aoton ont thursday oot 30 1884 whole no 487 acton banking coy storey ohristie k oo baxkeks actob ontario he webster xtj oit member of the college of- physicians and surgeons of ontario pbytieisa surgeon accoucheur office mill st renekcz cutrneu hotfx acton xbrpecial attention given to the dis- eases of women and children th graham ls surgeon dextist bbxxptox oxt- will visit professionally acton on kon- dayof each week booxs agnews hotel all work guaranteed to pre satisfaction l bexxett dektist i georgetown ontario i eveiw- haieiold i hard tcmcrs nchiv and ail chest as ifo fsja anuercry trofesior hoilo- i sold at la ltd each bex and cents 90 cents s in proportion o affent in the medicines sg3 lerefore lock to eoia u the i stfee london iid iltdtciccs is also zi wtash- dtloway lix cents forpost- receive free a isie help yoti to anrtfalggelse eex succeed la road u fortmie i absolntely suitl co auiasu ers 4o1ai sr mdrertls- the exact or hit of z class send 10 and we will j talcake box of it yon in the way- a few days than i at any business will start yon vtorin yonrspare v l mvershr adpt- id old jpml can j tofs em-en- work may test the inparabeled offer i satisfied we wiuw bnble of writing ns is etc sejt free those whoite tjrt great sne- k delay 6tart now prtlantt maine paikless dektix operattoks vitalized air orfitrons oxide gas for painless dental operations at the- office of c b hayes lds j torells block xxnelph ont upper wyndhim street ch biggs l d 8 of the arm of regs ivget tocoxto will be at campbells hotel on the first hdaday of erery month in the practice of his profession- all vraxfc executed in the latest and most improved style of the dental art no charge for consultation a general banking busi ness transa cted x0x2y loixes ok appu0yed notes notse discounted and interest allowed on deposits j acton fruit depot i j m fernley has constantly on hano in season a fall line of chpioe confectionery fruit canned goods choice cigars c and everything kept in a firstclass estab- lishment of this kind fruit a specialty oysters in bulk or can aiwayh freeh served in any style kindly soliciting a continuance of the patronage heretofore given the acton fruit depot i am respectfully j h fernley pose office bonding- acton will 0leae out stock of fancy 6000s at any price to make room for new gooda on the way from en land france germany and jfew york vases toilet sets ollabs goods ladies satchels and sou of other goods at days bookstore sublph 4ay sells cheap coal and wood the uxdebsigsed hafc jdst got iu a large qacutiy of firela hvg htove akd chestxut coal which he is prepared to dirpoie of by th car loaa partiec oitng coal irifl pre in their wintert itock now profit by laying i have also on hand a large tock of dry hard wood in store ind ooxdwood leofjthi c 8 smith acton jolt 82nd 18m xohk lavsok graduate of ok- j v limn yrrrrrtjpy college toeosto veterinary sargeonr acton ont omcr insehny bros boot and shoe store res- idence in the rear horses examined as to kjondness and certificates given all calls night or day p attend ed to terms easy m owat iifcleak barristers solicitors jcotariea convey ancers c tmoney to loan oojcg town kail acton j a jiovit w a sfclpis ri s goodwillie barrister solicitor notary pcalic c grougeiotk jfc actok 3actoa ofice in mrs secords bloci tohk day akchitecx gcrxtii ostxjuo orncn qaeens hotel block market square oaik laidlaw ico blbeeijas 6 soiiotoss orncis over imperial bank 2t ffel- lingtori street east entrance eichange alley toronto josx bin q c c a mosiex wniui lmiliw gtotce jlnmr patekts6ecueed foe rsyesnohs hekbt gbist onawitisiia 20 tears practice so patent ko pay tflbakcis sunaii successor to t f charman booebindek st georgetbanare gnelph ontario atxoontitooks of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bonncl 3oling neatly and prom ptly done w x hejf street- od bestoeelt jtlrjnrtliaheda new auwwelij cele po tie radical and e wilfaout medj- ucnlalabdfbytlc- omarrlatfeif telopeonij6eti t n thii dmf raie uliabhijejn eirred wiihobt ini mediefiiaor ruicoat i df wudtveeulbj- ao matter trehunaeu licj3sei accnoxieii for tile counties of wellington ealton orders jeft atthe feee peebs office acton or at my residence in actoa will be promptly attended to terms reasonable moxet to lois also money to ban on the most favor able lerms and at the lowest rates of in- teveat in sums of tsoo and upwards time for sale lime can be bad at the canada time works in small or large qoshitities at any tame apply at- at tbe kiln near toiton mill or to c s smth box 172 actor aselaad k h ajtliak barber shop 1v wobdbk has opened a barber shop in the premises lately occupied bydr forster as a medical office and solicits- the patronage of this vicinity every departmenf of the basmeas will be conduct in firstc3ia atylft give j jplwobdeh established 848 savages watch clock jewelry spectacle house large stock prices right special attention to fine watch repairing b savace sear petries xew dmit store gcelph 0r0wded orowded i come and see the f cextstore cekt i f i v and cheap bazar 1 1 crowded ith new goods useful and ornamental from germanyy england and new york selling cheap for cask toc store cheap cashibaiar ja8 f k1dner ouelph underclothiag mrs r creech has a tall assortment of ladies and childrens underwear and solicits a call froth the ladies of acton and vicinity aacashmere net sow in underclothing hade to order mbs h oreech- acfon may 7th 1s84 guelph cloth hall guelph business college guelph ont offers yodkgmea am womeh the best facilities for acquiring acok- flete tnixxrao roa bcetkzss prssntrs bookkeeping commercial arithmetic banking actual business practice busi nesscorrespondence penmanship comr- merciallaw telegraphy shorthand cali- graphy or type- wrng french physi ology and hygeine are taught by the most practical ana interesting methods six experienced teachers and lecturers are per manently on the teaching staff the various departments are elegaatly fitted up with the latest and most approved appara tus for business college work thai insur ing the eomfort as well as the rapid ad vancement of students students may enter at any timet for a copy of the an nual college circular wmrj fate ad- hccormlck boele timmin 2000 cords hemlock ml f wahted h the subscribetj will pay 500 per cord for all prime quality hemlock bark de livered at their tannery in acton before november lit 1884 bark mast be bright on flesh flat and full four feet long curled or damaged bars only received at a proportionate to ductfon we wish it distinctly nnderv stood no bark trill be neeelvef after the first ft hotemtar trltaf- ontipeelal contract any other information will be gbittlir farnuned npon at the tannerjc toot c b lflieps j j beardmore 4 col acton april 1884 our 8prlng8tock is now fully- assorted comprising all the newest shades in plain and fancy worsteds west of enjrlandtrouser- ings and scotch and canadian 8uitlngs aawe can assure onrcnatovers and the general public that we have this 6eason the choicest selection of goods we have ever been able to place before them and in con sequence of cue low prices prevailing in tbe wholesale markets we are able to sell clothing at very low figures i 8haw crundy mranuxt tailors gnelph wellington marble work quebec st gdelph john h hamilton pbopbietor formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work beceived first prixes at provincial ex hibition guelph the western fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship your orders are solicited american ho colunat a4 it kafrarrbn la eack lnae umitiua suoarear send time 8c stamps tor sample copy eatuati tw w haw tt the key note sounded w p brown has now on hand the largest best as sorted and cheapest slock of glassware mcton tt ms tnuasctt mohtokj oct so 188a china and crockery ever tlioirn at ooo time in actoa com- c rising colored tea sets in great variety white and color d dinner sets square dishs grand display of tea sets china beautiful colored and white toilet sets china motto and mous tache cups ix all the latest sttles fine choice in mugs vases and jugs glassware all lines complete in the latest designs white stoneware in any quantity feoil one piece to a thousand is vas10cs patterxs lamps lamp goods glass and fancy lamps lamp shades and rings plain and fancy chimneys wick and burners croceries my stock of groceries is complete fresh stock arriving every few days teas specialty fine flavor and good drawing qualities poetry wet weather taxak it aint no ne to grumble and complain iti j ait u cheap and eiy to rejoice when god sorte oat tbe weather and sends rain wy raius my choice men generly to all intents althooh theyre ap to grumble some fata most their trust in providence and take things as they come that is the commonality of men thats lived as long as me has watched the world enough to learn theyre not the boss of this concern with some of coarse its different ive seed young men tiiat knowed it all and didnt ufce the way things went on this terrestrial ball bat all the same the rain tome way rained jnet as hard on picoic day or when they really wanted it it maybe wouldnt rain a bit in this existenoe dry and wet will overtake the best of men some little sbifto cloadsll sheet the son off now and then bat maybe as youre wonderin who youre foollike lent your umbrella to and want it outll pop the sun and yoall be glad yon aint got none it aggervixes the farmers too theres too much wet or too much sun or work or waitin round to do before the plowns done and maybe like as uot the wheat test as its lookin hard to beat will ketch the storm and jest about the time the corn is jintin out these here cyclones a foolin round and backard crops and wind and rain and yi- the corn thats wallered down hay elbow op again they aint no sense as i can see for mortals sich as yon and me a faoltin katres wise intent and lodrti horns with providence it aint no ase to grumble and complain its jest as cheap and easy to rejoice when god sorts oat vie weather and sends rain wy rains my choice y sugars 12 pounds granulated to 18 pounds good brown provisions feesabuscuitsaix kinds butter cheee apples and potatoes on hand woodeaware good stock of wooden- ware well assorted coal oil good quality en small lakge quantitimr we do not intend to b undersold byiayone in the trade come and see for yourselves highest price paid for good batter w actobootlrt um bbown farmer aordolts bcon- omy stephen gordon was a rich fanner broad acres fertile lands and money at interest were his but with all this he was always talking economy we must economize in this or that or the other was always his theme his family con sisted of a wife and three boys and an uncle of his an old man of more than 70 years one morning he entered the kitchen where his wife had just been working over butter and had the great balls all ready for market hy hannal what butter it makes a fellows mouth water to look at it and ive got forty cents a pound all winter its so much bettern most folks batter they are willing to pay a good price fott how much have you made this month this makes forty pounds this month well that aint bad this time of the year no bat its hard to work over so much butter by hand this cold weather if i i only had a butter worker itwould be so much easier it makes me so tired every time i work over ten or fifteen ponnda i dont get over it in two or three days my arms and back are so lame cant i have a butter worker stephen nonsense wife i suppose you want me to pay 15 for a batter worker dont yon wbymy mother had a large diary and she never wanted a batter workei she preferred to do it with her hands and save the money rather than spend it on every new thing that oame along well your father had more grass to mow thanver yon had and he never had a mowing machine or a raking maehine and yon have both well dont yon see how much time and labor they save 1 why i should have to hire twice the men i diwrew if it wasnt for them and dont yon suppose it would save me time and strength too i well perhaps you can have one some time but i have got so many things to bny next spring ive got to have a new horse and wagon and several sew fences and j dont know what i tell you wife we must economize all we can saidstenlen as he left the room tea that was always the way when she wanted anything perhaps she might have it some time hot sowshe must economise this her husband said ave yean ago and she was using the old cracked store yet it was jnet so about everything in tbe boose her home was bare and comfort less didnt she ernnnmiwi in everything wamt ber own wardrobe threadbare and also that of her boys j didnt she patch their loties until it was time waeteito patch them more didnfshe eoopomize in etatttjrfngbotte tabtof oh yeelaad the liwe woman rattled bet dishes if watlia4attbiirttjncl awaajn the oomer shesrosildeaoikasiae so as to matalsfcfletscamwn c baiaiyihavia bwwkyv no uncle i will have one hot yon shant give it to me stephen can afford it or i would not have asked him i have taken too much from yon already bat now i am going to economize so that loan have all i need husband is always talking economy to his family bat i cant see any way that he practices it himself but be is going to tbe next day at dinner mr gordon said i guess yon forgot to to put cream on this boiled ham hannah no i didnt forget but i am saving my cream for batter i mast make all i can for we must economize and a little later im ready for pie now wife perhaps youve got one of these nice puddings that are just what i like ko stephen i have neither it cost a great deal to make pastry and paddings and it takes time too we must econo mize you know papa cant i have a slcl you said last winter perhaps i mi vdter said little willie the 6year old and cant i have a pair of skates said fred a boy of 10 it is such good skating please buy them for me papa no indeed boys we must economize i never had a sled or skates and i guess yoa can do without them tou most have lost lots of fun then im really sorry for you said willie with tears in his eyes i shant let my boys go without them when im a man a week passed by in that time the gordon family had no pastry cakes or puddings now mr gordon liked all kinds of sweetmeats and it was hard for him to do without them- he craved them o much that when he went to the store he bought half a ponnd of block sugar and filled his pockets he had never econo mized on his living and he prided himself on setting as good a table as any one in own on going home one night he found the minister and his wife fcg a eall he was glad to tee them of course and now he thought to himself ttanwh wql have a decent supper once more but what waa his consternation to see se he seated him self at the table nothing bat bread and butter cold boiled ham and apple sauce well raid mr gordon to bis wife rm afraid the pastor will think your supper a scant one im sorry stephen but tbe fact is we have been economizing lately and they come so late that i had no time to prepare anything different this delioioos bread and butter needs no apology to say nothing of the other good things said the clergyman poor stephen his pride waa deeply hart as he contrasted his table with others that had been spread in honor of his pastors visit have you met with losses recently t asked the pastors wife with concern oh no said mrs gordon bat in the spring on a farm there are a great many things wanted and we are economizing in order to meet expenses the next warning mr gordon called on a neighbor mr jones to pay him for a pair of yotmg cattle here is the money for tbe steers said mr gordon handing him a roll of bills mrs jones was working over her batter in the kitchen she had a batter worker and it was astonishing how fast she made the batter into oakes and stamped them draining ont every drop of buttermilk with hardly any exertion while mr gordon watched her got a hotter worker i see tee and 1 dont know how i sver lived without one it is so easy working butter now compared with what it used to be why it need to make me so tired to work over so much batter that 1 wasnt good for anything for two days after wards here wife is twenty dollars you wanted for a cloak give mr gordon a receipt for fifty dollars mr gordon stared twenty dollars for a cloak i when had he given his wife that sum for anything he looked around the kitchen here was a model range a sink and everything con venient and handy with which the far mers wife oould do her work what a contrast to hannahs kitchen he well knew he was better able to afford such an outfit than his neighbor was on returning mr gordon first stopped at the barn here everything was in order and everything convenient to work with was it possible he had made hannah do all the economising 7 in one corner of the had was something that looked like aatod his little bov had been trying to meteoric and the word of the child rang in his ears i shant let my boys go without them when i am a man he went into the house where tr hannah r he inquired of uncle moees bhes gone pgr to see btfles aiok ohilev the farmer eat down and took his paper bst his git wen too busy to read he had never looked ao mean in nil own ejee before he was sail angry with iris win for humbling urn so the night before by giving the minister and ids wife such a sappw yet now as be thooght it overhe wondered how heoonld naveblamedhat stingy with anyotieu yon have iteen with ber bhes too good for ye and if time yefonnditout there yvr got enough te keep her like a lady but instead ol that she cent even hare things to work with tellnevergetaosnt of my forton ill settle it on hannah and the boysi thats all right why did youipt tell me how selfish i was before t tut havent i been atellin ye all the fame and what good did it do if yer stomach hadnt been pinched- a little yer never would hare found out how good it was to follow what yer alien apreaehin to bar we must economise we must econo mize s well i did miss the goodies bat that wasnt all the reason and it never too late to mend after dinner mrs gordon went back to tbe dying child and her husband htrntei ed np and went to town in about two boors he returned with a tinsmith a new stove a new churn and a batter worker a new skl for willie and two now pain of skates far the other boys when mrs gordon came home she found the children rejoicing over their present and uncle moees and mr gordon busy getting tea why where did that stove come from 1 said the astonished woman and a her eye fell upon the new churn and batter worker she exclaimed why what does it jean v it means that we lave done econo mizing for the present and that yoa are to hare tbe money for yourself for all the batter yoa make this it your capital to begin on said her hatband a be handed ber f 25 after this mr cordon never told his family again we most economise and hannah gave him no cause todo so fate or a fast young man warrrzx vt thi nxrson btaxb rasox its enrioos isnt it bflrr the changes that twelve months may bring last year i was at saratoga at happy and rich as a king 1 wu raking in pools on ths races and feeing the waiters with ten and tipping mint juleps by twilight and today i am ben in the pen whet led me to do it f whsi always leads men to destruction and crime 7 the prodigal ton whom youve read of has altered somewhat in his time he spends his substance as freely as the biblioal fellow of old but whan it is gone he f the bosks will torn into gold champagne a box atthe opera high step while fortune is flash theptnionate usees of women wbote cheeks have forgotten to blath 1110 014011101x81117 1 of pleasures that end in teari the froth that foam for an boar the dregs thai are tatted for years last night as i tat here and pondered on the end of my evil way there arose like a phantom before me the vision of boyhood day i thooght of my old hone bidy of the aoboolbouse that stood onthe hill of that brook that flowed tbrooghlhe mea dow- i can een hear it music till again i thought of my mother of the mother who taught me to pray whose love was a precious treasure that heedlessly cast away i saw again in my visions the freshlipped carel boy to wnom the future wai boundles and the past bufra mighty toy i thought of all this as i sat here of my rained and watted lite and the pings of reman wen bitter they pierced my life like a knife it takes some oo billy to laugh in the face of fate when the yearning ambition of manhood are blasted at twentyeight dividinc the expenses look here yoong man said an aeton parent to his daughters lover when the latter entered the parlor to make hi first call of the indoor season the other night look here yoa burned op a good deal of coal and ir last winter 00m ing round here and staying tfll 10 and 10 oekick two or three nighto week hew ive no objections to yoor visit a yoa are a respectable yooug man bat yoa have got ioforniah your owa foe and light thi coming winter i canzjot afford to keep fire lronning and a lamp borning in this parlor all winter all right sir responded the young man i am willing to share the expenses but you should hardly ask me to bear the whole of it suppose yoa famish the coal and 111 furnish the light how would that dot ah right said tbe parent as be turned to leave the room i am willing to bear my share of the expense if yon bear jonra lets see said the clearheaded youth as be sat down by bis lady love how much oil did we barn last winter sadie f why john she reptjedl wtth a wash we didnt barn a lampftl daring the whole winter t7no1lbmhowmnoh4o tbioriit j dunplat- shoald muiurd planter be classed among drawing material save me from my friends- is the plaintive cry of she oyster why is the letter b like the face of htm lets father because its more in sorrow than in anger dont lie mnoh on the left aide says the writer no if yon must he do it on the winning side callow eoibtbefmloounesetrok int chin sit i think i tout get ma a razor susswiobsabtsimr pavl want to go whaling aursfht my son and fa a l mant ho we boay inthawooottedwufakto otbinbbtr atuisiofbssntitaaybsiswsnter bat no man tunk so whtnltjn wits- nth the ph wa ki actress not ofhhtsaids pstsssk bmalcctotf yotati inan fc goodi aeotyamant inmontlrltoir my j wiofc tsjtiki hand ctbtohavttf she it would- cost tritilothe a wiman ftr-tr- l lvrtoetianeli to cloth j 5ijifi tsi i wcswtd 1si5y

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