Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1884, p. 2

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ctmt tu mr ess l i y is i fifv i a rib v- hm -i- 1 r- st -rs-r- tenisuiy mousisc oct 50 18i selling grain and paying debts tiie following timely and sensible re marks from the linifajf pott bcihg appli cable to aeloa andsarroaniiogcoaatry we recommend iem ho the carefal and thoughtful coiisideratioa c all oonceroed wo f eel ratise if the eugxestioris below axe carried oat the oommuuilj- will ho benefitted inmany ways fi two imporuat points are juft uqw uo- ticfiablc tnjthe general baeiqess situation farmers ire not selliii their rain aud they are not faying their debt or to use a milder term their accounts these two factors lurehavuiga depressing influence ou efcosmess prioes for barley and wheat are low but the crops in this district re larger than usual in view of the large harvest the world over it isvcry doubtful if prices will get any higher the tendency is ratlicr in the other direction the facx is production of foodstuffs has got far ah6chethc regu lar demand for consumption and low prices comparatively are likely to prevail for some years to come unless something unusual happens or there is crop failure nearly the jrhole world over american and english agricultural papers are gravely discussing the value g wheat as feed for animal- and arealvisinrr its use at present low prices this is a significant indication that they do not lojak for any marked -d- vifcce from present figures farmers therefore who are holding for a raise will find that in the general opinion of the best judges the prjpects of higher rates are gloomy in he eitremc those who have debts or accounts to pay should certainly soil with them there elkhildnot be two points to consider bui- ness men in towns and ullages need money to cany on their aftairs and this is the time when they shouid get the funds in abundance the practice of rendering ac- csunts oftener than ouce a year should be come a general rule it is s good plan to send oat accounts sav on the 1st of october penditure of money in keeping up fences caretaking aud improving nineteen acroi of land much of it of the roughest kind and s considerable portion utterly useless it would bo far better to pay tiia full amount asked for half or even one third the quan tity of land all of wluch could be used th4i have useless and expensive tract of unoccupied wilderness land the greater portion of which would not be used for generations to come if somewhere about an acre has answered the purpose for the past forty five or fifty years and not half filled yet notwithstanding freeholder sii or eight acres of proper ground would ic sufficient until tbe uaraes of the present generation were forgotten and it could be kept neatly on a fraction of the cost of keeping that uncouth uncultivated and expensive place on which some members of the council uufcrtanately sacm to have eet their hearts the reasons publicly rumored for the choice will not here be mentioned it could not be on account of either utility or beauty onoe more let tbe people be very cautious and look well before them and scan closely every proposal to increase the indebtedness of the village specially let the owners ot medium aud small properties beware for we have it on good authority that the mat ter of building an additional school room which it is said will cost well up to if not over two thousand dullars has been defer red for one year only to give the cemetery bylaw a better chance of being carried remember also than yon cannot by a few strokes of tbe pen exempt yourselves from the payment of the debt as your wealthy neighbors can but you will pay the utter most farthing much more might and ought to be said on the question but as this article is already too long for one issue we will close scescamna acton oct 22nd lfc4 majority for whiskey the scott act defeated in peel by aboa two hundred it is with not a little regret that we have to announce the defeat of the scott act in peel last thursday by a majority of 19 tve had hoped for the sake of those adictod to drink in the south eastern portion of our own county as well asjf or the benefit mor ally aud financially of the people of peel kself that the act would carry there but for tome cause cr other matters have turn- iothit pivtsti msybennde dcrlng octo- iii otherwise however there is no room for discouragement this is the ber from the uqw grain crop whentheo account srelfcft tilljanuary they are not paid till february or jlsxch and perhaps longer a far better plan is to render- arid collect accounts in october and to iniet upon payment what right have people to let their accounts of three six or eight pantos standing go unpaid now when they have big crops in their barns and in many cases money in the bank said an old and experienced business man to us the other day he was determined for one on gn- eralbusmess principles to press collections now and not let the accounts remain out until midwinter merchants generally should adopt this plan and it would be more satisfactory all round it woald be better for tbe purchaser in the loa run we comtrend these suggestions which have been gathered from conversation with several of our principal business men to the attention of merchants farmers and all others interested notes and comments the local legislature will it is under stood be called together for tbe transaction of business on january 27th ac association composed of leading citizens hs been formed in toronto for the abolition of tar exemptions senator vidal informs the ottawa ce respondent of the ifontreal dally wumu that the scett act will certainly be adopted in lambton county at the election next febry he also expresses his firm convic tion that he dominion will be fully prepar- ed for prohibition bylhe next general elec tion communications while xre tra trihiii at tk times to ojsen our columns for ihepsulicatiou of communications on all subjects of interest to the gen ertl public we wish it io be distinctly tmdsrstood that sre xrill not hsts ourselves responsible for aay opinions which may be expressed by oar cor respondents the cemetery again to fit editor of lit free pr dnie sib kpiwithstanding the repeat- ed rejection by the freeholders of our village of the councils chosen plot for a cemetery at public meetings and at the polls yet a bare majority of the council seem determined io have it their own way they appear to think that by continual corning to the people with their scheme they will weary them into submission to and adoption of the bylaw to put one thousand five hundred of their money into the councils hand for the purpose of por- chagjggand paying for the same plot of ground which a short time ago they by a majority rejected at the polls sow such a coarse on the part of the council is both unwise and expensive when the council submitted the question to the decision o the people they shoald according to common law of procedure in such cases have accept ed the award especially as the scheme was rejected on accoonnfc of the utterly unsuit able character of the ground in its present state and the enormous cost that most necessarily be incurred fh improving and fencing ground twicecr three times the size required and a large portion of which is and erer will be utterly useless for burying ground it was clearly the duty of the council to sabmit to tb decision tfien given and iootoui for anotherpuce which at that time could be easily obtained as grounds were offered which were and no doubt would be acceptable but as the council have determined otherwise it ia well for the people io consider the case in ail its bearings before committing them selves to a scheme which owing to the extent and character of the grbond must and will certainly be a scarce cf urge ex- first defeat the scott acts supporters have met in three and a half years and many victories are yet in store for them before the present year closes a remarkable feature in connection with the vote in peel was that bramptnn the only town of any importance in the county gave a majority of 23 in favor of the act four municipalities went in favor of the act and the same number against it there have now been forty seven scott act contests forty oi which have been victoriesfor the vet there have been no repeals this should afford a remarkable index of the prohibition sentiment of the people of canada rockvrood news the fall wheat looks well there is considerable demand for dwell ing houses in eockwood the shipment of turnips has commenced and the farmervare busy harvesting them mr w mc3inrry has purchased the resi dence and shop of mr kelson who pur poses to rebuild in his old stand near the station which was destroyed by fire some time ago rev mr strachan preached a temper ance sermon last sabbath in thia tillage many of the friends from ether denomina tions were present and all expressed them selves as pleased at the earnest and trathf al presentation ofjie question in those as pects as more particularly affect the com munity at present rev mr strachan also pr ched temperance sermons to hi congreg jon back tens xrnlca salve the best salve in the world for cats cruises soros ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter chapped hands chilblains corns end all skin eruptions and posi tively cures piles or no pay required it isuaranteed to giro perfect satisfaction or moneytcfuuded price 25 cents per box for sale bv j e mcgarvin 31 heru praven dollar upon dollar is f requentli spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure you are cot asked to purchis it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarrina dreg store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure yonof the worst forms of dys pepsia liver comphint etc no iratter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and v bottlee sec testimon- als from persons in your own town 29 m see feel and believe truth cooquerors and putnams pain less corn extractor is the embodiment of truth actions speakloaderthan words and its action on corns of every description has been the meaui of erteodiag rta reputa tion far and wide the explanation of ita success is that it preforms all that it claims to do viz to remore the worst corns in few days without pain beware of imita tions and substitutes sold by druggists everywhere x c polsox co king ston proprietors promiient among the greatest medica discoveries by the many cures it has effect ed mcgregors speedy curt leads tbetan subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has beeu found o contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to jthe various complaints for which it has been conrpounded and its efficacy is beicg established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have preparation which we can offer to the pablic with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief butr an absolute- cure for dyspepsia liver com- plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free j trial bottles a j e megarnns drag store 33 to let the corner rrocary sad dwenice very best stand in acton possession 1st ajirll also in offlco or small shop possession now b a eecokd acton oct otli 1894 carrots fob sale rnhe uuderucnod lias far salt a lixga quautity i ot whlta carrots which be wul deliver in town for is cnts per bushel acton october 22nd ibm joseph fyfe purse lost lost ok euxdav last a silxll purse bronte leather contilninc a twodollar bill and a iaanuty of silver licder will be taiuhjj- rewarded ti luarlcg t the free press office card of tiiaxks the dndertimied hereby lender hi sincere thanks to ihoso who to noblr worked and assisted in gettinc under control the fire in his hop kiln lt friday let c form a hookjlod derconirtiny at once jjlkt5 mattuxtb acton oct sthlfef comfortable dftellixg waxteii re unacrsifxod desire to rcnt a medium- biti duelling in good oc4cr fcsitusxed convenient to post office preferred apply at onoe to j ehowfiok grocer acton oct 22th v4 animals at large xosiplaikt has bees made that cer- v tiin parties in acton are in the habit of al- loirtng their horses acd cattle to ran at lure on tbe streets dnrinc a portion of each day i here by notify all concerned that lor all infractions of tnc bylaw infuturc the rniltr parties irijj bs prosecuted according to law w hemstreet comtabie shlagles axd wood the trndertiued has for sale a fplendid itock of firstclass shinglct so l codar sl75 per sq tiara so 1 pine 4153 per sssre ko cedar 1 per square also a large qnantitv of wood of all kinds from l25a load nn to cud a cord prime short stares and heading to the trado at bottom prices thqsc ifooee factoet kiin st tccst acton wanted ttfasteo a resident agent ix every village town and city in the dominion also s few truvcilern tol cm new air gas ha- chincs for ma air gag 53 percent cheaper than coal oqaally as pood no re or power re quired hade in ail sites from 15bjrnrstoiox tor private hnaf tares hotels fsctoric mills streets mine etc sddres cistcus am gts juceikt if tc co 115 st francois xavicr st 13-ly- uontreal vq grain market ttk ark kow prepaited to ii piy cash for ail kinds of iftrchantable grain delivercd at our warehouse at the g t r acton we will tj3 baiork ia soa e nickltn 4 son i s fannerii ncili dj sell to fct that they have tljeirniii well cirid hatd llcliintn- thereto but fewtlml iiave ueicr suffered almost intolerable pain frna tootbscbe xeurslfiti or lilc acute pains to tbcm acb in instiot relief as fluid ligblniug is aa untold bltsfiog in tturfc of trouble xo diegusttng offensive medicines to b laken forday on- application of fluid licht- muz cures sold at 1 c mcflarvins urur store 29 patronize eanae herchants gentlemen if you are in vant of per fect fitting suit or 0 yercpit call aud inspect our kid we bave an immense stock to select from und we gninnue perfect 6ts stylish cut ami nrstclas worktuaaehip every timi- we know it will l to your interests t- give ns our patronage as vre aresatistivd w can give you better value by at lest ten- per cent tbau firms fiom other tliru- oiii offer you nelson 6z mcuae holloirayt ulntidtiu and piluthust who have given these recydfes a fair trial freely admit that they inherently possess fvery property ecitable for healing and re moving eruptiods ulcerstioce fistula abscesses sort bsdles gathered breaets and all disorders of the glandular system when carefully rubbed ia the ointment relaxes the swollen muscle diminiibes imflammatipn nsuaes psin snd even al leviates dancfaus maladies which may have lasted for months or even years holloways excellent preparations are effective singly reiiatles ia combination and hare been rccoaimeaded by grateful patients to be reported to as alteratives when all other melius of regaining health have failed their action is temperate not violent or reducing boots shoes eublsore overshoes and pelt soots cheapest in toyn we are the only firm in tovn handling kings fine button aad lace boots every pair qnarantesd who sells c compare ourprices witfa guelph or anrother town or city prices we make no empty boast tut cm proyfl mr word ve ur the cheapest all- wool flarxels you can buv in guelph or toronto are coarse and ouly 25 inches vide for i5c while we lell a better all- wool fknne3 26j inches wide for 24c snd 25c we eel the best fine english flanuel for 11 cents we fcii the best chambly funoel for 35c and 40c the same flannel u sold in guelph forx we sell shirts and drawen it 35c the game goods old at their boasted cheap etores in guelph sl 37e wo sell all- wool blankets for 45c alb guelph pnecs for same goods 05c good linens at 9c a yard cintoa flannel for 9c and upward ladies fine shetland gurnsev and pants foru we keep a full line of ladies underwear in fine scotch goods boys and mens undarwear in every quality and sire and speciamirte lize for fat men ladies and childrens ulster mantles and walking coat in great variety el prics that defy competition ladies fine ifantles made to order overcasts and read r made clothiaff for every man and boy in halton we have nn pempkics clocks watches donkey csrt sad cheap or cans o enable- as to sell our clothing our clolhing is all made by experienced tailors and fits every time we aeli no shoddy but firstclass goods cheap when a man can get a rood tine tweed overcoat for 57 and we can nve it you he shonld ay nothing abcat the low price of wheat 3farmers if some kinds of prodece ia low others ire a fair price and almost everything you have to buy is equally low xobodj is making aoy tnooev these daji bo let us join hands and keep cur spirits cp for th it better times cominc- qsimit sells the best 40c and 50c tea try it nd te couvincd we csn furnish over 300 names who will testify to this fact ladi55 vn need not co to other totk to find dress goods we have as fine s ran of costnme cloths at 20c and 25c a yd ctlahmrcs scrpea reps otttnn cords lustres c si you can find in any one store of the lirgi towns or small cilies orrrces aralopereent lower than city prices that ve tcoir for a fact for ire have taken paina to inquire we elaim to lave the bct sice ot french lilt in the marie from tj cents a vard npirardc veret9ns ajl cohort and ahades cheaji hati cat furs and ajl kindi of wool goods ti fix loin old ard yong titatronire home merchants ani let zi tsilj up orr own town we kaep urge scd well- aioilal iloett an 1 fell cheap why not encour age ue to maintain the cuae eltou dry cooia sorso actcc c bgeiffin the new kings eil was the nrm j rriy i to scrorali becsuo o a pzi cii thit it could b 3 cured by a kfrrs ijzh tha world is wiser now aad knowa thzt scrofula can only be rurid by a tbiroajib rnrfflc- tion of b- tf iii is mfdectcd the di- i i taut through rver i ur iiiri ainon ls earlier l t- m loyinrnts rra keri- itaifs vvtlcnr ta- tuotc t arbv- kryipelas puiiiit 11 leers jus and phy sical iip i ihowcd to con tinue kueuiiiiiin scrofiilcus ca tarrh kidney and liver diseases tubeieiiiar coilsiircptioa uid viri ons other deneroui or ulal maladies are produced by a ayers sarsaparilla is the only powerful aid ahtsyi rdlabfa bloodv rvilng iijicine li iso cfiect- ual aa iiiitic ii e that if eradknles from the srrcra heieditarj scrocala and the kindred polom of contamous difeases and mercery at the same time ft en riches and vitalizes the bood restorinz heaitbiu sclion io the vital onrans and rqatfnfifitigthecrjfre system this great regenerative medicine tt composed of the eennfae eondunu sartapariuai wilh teucu dock stu- unguti the indices cf fatasnum and iron and othit irictedients of jreat po- teccy ccrciujty nd fcirntiscrily com pounded ru formuia i eiocraiy known to the medical jirofessiou and the best fcians coastintly prescribe ayefi5 ipajulla as an absolute cure for 1i ilteaes caosed by the vflicjonof the blood it u ccrccnti ukd to ifcc high- eft practicable decree far bcrond aaj other preranlion for which lite cfiecu arc claimed and is therefore the cheapest u well u the best blood parirjina medl- clne in the wocid ayers sarsaparilla pnepasm bt or j c ayer si co lovnll matt analytical chemist fioldbr all druggists pricafl six bottles for k the w01tdbrpttl man progress i progress great change in prices startling reductions the discount plan discounted ieal cl ordsrej look at this price list and note the change we have made in the price of our entire stock of new goods imported direct from tlie manu facturers in europe for this seasons trade peioe list feekc hj erageij wl weathef i i a f e nt i3 j st pr 6 p gas i for sale by w s s m i t h the watch and clock house of guelph extra facilities for repairing the finest and best wm s smith guelph the lion- guelph dissolution of partnership -axd- qreat clearing sale of stock the impohtaxt anxouxceiiekt is made to the readers of the feie peess that the eristine partnership will be dissolved and the business of the present firm of j d williamson co discontinned at the end of the present season in order to facilitate lijij the premises of the lion will be closed on feidav sept 26th to enable ns t mark the prices down and on saturday sept 27th i wr cojotekce ore great dissolution clearing sale we will offer at a tee11exd0u5 sacrifice the most varied and comprehenbre slock of allks dress goods mantties mjlltnery fancy goods cloths ulothing cottons blankets flannels t woolens carpets lace curtain8 fur goods and hats caps ia western ontario t3cnatome can relyon this being a genuine clearing balers dissolution o firm most lake place all goods marked in plain figures and salei for caah only j d williamson 6 co all wool grey flannels canton flannels former price fo 30 0 35 0 40 0 5 0 12 0 15 0 is present price 0 25 0 30 35 38 10 12 15 t allwool canadian blankets best canadian cutton shirtings mens shirts and drawers kens eelt hats newest styles ladies ulster cloths 20 25 60 20 0 17 0 20 i 80 0 00 20 is 50 00 25 00 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 25 00 60 75 85 00 25 00 50 00 50 00 00 h 37j 0 75 0 80 0 80 1 00 1 30 1 60 1 90 2 40 pittyi in the r 1 co osr advertising space will not allow ns to pre a complete list ol the sweeping re ductions we have made in erery department throoghont oar establishment but we assure our friends and patrons that neter at the commeooemeot of a seasons business in guelph bare the prices o new roods been cut as close as we are now doing p velveteens silks cashmeres maatle cloths dress goods hosiery carpets laoe curtains astraoaa jaokets far capes ladies rubber gossamers and ulsters silk velvets silk plusheso have all been marked at the keenest possible prioes and are sure to meet with ready sale -it- x15 our millmery department this season promuea to surpass any formerattempt we have ever made torender it the most attractive featarc of our large business due notice vrill be given of onr opening and every lady is cordially invited to attend j john hog s6n s ijgfar fr- jtf w i jj ft terror i v 1tang yfjm tivi

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