Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 6, 1884, p. 2

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tk r i nil m a- mm s mla toctsdajt mtouuxi nov 6 i84j v- i 1 toy xnlhobewd m tnc annual thanksgiving by thogpont the lotitu- ion jta people ve lire reason to thank the ritlr of the nuiyajfpjf tfe bounties of natur- and for the anft prosperity whichl have attendedus i let all unite in thanksgiving and praise t y j it i toxe cemetery byliaw the jsubject which has so thoroughly exorcised the tuiuds of our citifeeris-res- pecially those who oppose the bylaw will 04 brought to a cliras next monday npen wnich day tho voting will tttke plafce the ijylar names t6 particular proper y butisj astiie preamble plainly sets jtf4ti toiprovidefor tlve purohase of a suitjxue i j sitefqra ijubub cemetery jndrwe improvement oi the same i is jan lestab- fished fact disputed by none tea inevf jselmetery for acton and vicinity f an abso- j lute necessity this being if ease every property owner who desires to show that he has an interest in- the prosperity and i v good reputation of the municipality and a v proper regard nd respect foe the appear- noe of the graves of his deceased friends rji scott a6tattotiottbauopo stolen i sh dluring sun lay night the tboott aot pj ople brolt6 nfr returns ofthe yotooiajth ft otjta jiere was gat excitfiment injwn noli the inews leaked out the stblea fepte ent 158 1 majority fortjaot witihi them iwretutoshow 80c muy whep it is known that the autis tfa jed sir leopard tieys namej to a doouri ant which they ussi- the townships os polling day in or4er to deter cohservativ 1 voters from re ordiugheii- totes in fa vol of the apt toere is no wonder that to fbrg sry they should add robbery the theft 0 the ballotboxes will no affect the eleoupn as the law pro vides for suck base antl cr miual aits gopkbujhjsov 8 meut wsb caused here toly by ttiewscov- ery that the courthouse bjad been orokefi into on sunday night and ihree ballot boxes awaiting tho official co aut ptcjeu j th4 boxes bad been placed t the gp i room onthe first floor md the ehtranoe was made tlirough the viindqwijtttbj felaas of whioh was broken tiie majority ib so ilarge that the theft oanm it affect the result ottiieppu toronto 2eu y aind- neighbors 3vilil below4 hot b ji ifor the bylaw ainst the bylaw i li i-st- 11 we hope the election of next monday will show a large majority in faypr of te byl 4 thasjprove to the world that our citizens are progreisive aud that they do not allow their finer feelings to be quenched by misre mercenary- consider atecaw j- i 1 thexe arti a couple of communications in this issne wbaqh treat the subject wtha spirit of fairness worthy of eve honest voters cpnsiaerat ion appealing as they del to a common sense and logical tiew of thei i question j i referring totlid oppositipnto the act itj smigbt be asked svhatj has those who axe opposing this matter ever done for the ad vancement of acton very little if any thing and if it is left foi these people to provide a place to burythe dead we fear the present generation will never see them move in any such direetion their only object tobppbaug seems to be for ojlpogi- hons siie itseu aafl sarely no reasonaijle deetorjwil allow- himself or herself j to he influenced by this faction it is to be hoped that the ladieff of the who have not 1 lour 2om jailor of tie fret httt j i deab fim permit me to bayja few words through the medi ira of the fmub i ljsj to the citizens of acton on the question of the come ery bylaw in doing this i am actuated jlby no her desire than to place before aljthe simple facts connected with this matter and theii leave the resulte of next mom ays yofcingj to the intelligence of this ooiimuuity i regret that tbre arelouttdam mgst up those who arehose w this as well ak all other projects in which the be 3t interests of our oitiibens art involved an it is unfortunately too true that many who have no particular hostility to the necessiti s and progress of municipality who are qualified to vote will j not fail to cast thedr ballots on this occasion foritislcertainly a- fact that no woman possessing a jwamans htart and sympathy woulja vote j against a bylaw nving for its object that which appeals to the tenderest ties of common humanity we sincerely hope see the bylaw camejd and if it does there is one tiling positiveit can never be a financial bnuen to onr ratepayers if however the by law is voted down we will bi obliged to admit that we have misinterpreted the iutelli- gence qt this community and there s no doribtonr citizens wili live to regret uob action j v i i 1 i notes and comments i k 4 votes underthe scott act take place in benfrew county an i yovtj inkorfxlk countynpvli and in compton county qaeonxovmi j v i uptothe jtime of gojiigto pressithe xewlt of the tj 8 rresidintal election is j j doujbtful but it is currently reported in lafrjst despatches that cleaveland is elected it l tl i j who kvjouldhave said twenty five years ago that inless tian aqnarterofa centnry the atlantic would be connected with the pacific by a canadian railroad and that asia would be joined toibritish america by a canadian line of steamers j orvfour hundred tyears the of 4 yengljind have tried by tbevticepse- system embracing four hundred and fifty acts of f parliiiqn evils flowing from the 1 use if inttcatingdrink and they have failed miserably fafledia ithvprowdd prisons and poor houses intiraatel when prohibition bliad a trial for four htindred i years an failed as complettely it willin i common fairness and logic betimefor us to j j pronpunce the verdicjtwbicb ibali consign ijt to the limbo of administrative jvictobiss mujjtipiiy f i nhr huron br ice pufieym and york n b want nowhiskey j trince edward defeats tiie the electioniin euron broceand tbf teriit last thursday resulted in 1stifl j victories for the tt act huron gajve 1615 majority brue lltk t hdjdufferin i3h taefcwasideatediii idheesa f vii ijtinenl repeal pf aejaflfcas ksm5tu ard n mir k wiunbt vbonl h mtt communications while wo are wulinc at ail times to open tyxr colamnstorjthepnbuctto i of communcoauoni on all sutjeitsotintetestto the general pubuo vb wish it to be distinctly understood jtbst we i will not hold- ourselves espbnsible jori any j opinions which may be expressed by nurcor- i respnarlftaur ttteoemeterj jbjwaw ist isjgrowthimore biatked jthan iniydur uthul utueyiuage busing occasiin- y requires ne to viiitjta andeaobjlti nej aospl note improvements dnd recall iie lime whensbme th rtjjflvi years jag jl sreotedi in the theii little lone bury rig iuna a mpnidment for- the bey e sra iaanjb well known to the older resitteiitja ofyotr vloinityttrjisibeing abont 901 of iheflrstiereoteaj l f j 4- pnlmy return iron jk husiness trip uc rth r gently i visited acton and hearing tiat- itwaa in contemplation to purchase a p ece of ground tor a hew cemetery thovxght 1 hat i could not better employ the leisure titne while waiting for a train than by yisi ing the proposodj location ij having done it 0 i oonoludedthatl might venture to vo uu- teer a few remarks on the matter x can assuro your readeirs thatjinall j my perience of oempteries both injganacta d the united statw have never been a ieoe of land more fitted for the pi k ive neods of year tillage inter s nor the interests of the village i factor in this or any otiier matter thi 1 oouib6f jprooedj ore is by no means npv jl in ttu commun ity aseveryimprovemaijt for the jjast jeenf years has met with ithfe same bpnositionj and been fought against witjl a persistanoj of effort which had it ben thrnedjin the right direction might 1 ive proved a blessj ing instead- of a wrse but it is neverl theless true that while this village are likely at this time to be swayed from their bette judgment jby the i unwtiifpl utterances ol some few persons v to conpluswu 1 wonld beg jleave tb feay that werelairatepyferjof your munijoipi ity iwontdfntst iiertainly vote to tlie pu chase ol tjili piecoof ground at once anl urge othersj toldo the aims irospectlullyyburs j h hhurd hdmilton n6iid 1 me class oe citizens have been trying to bo id 0 and assist itha materiai interests of th is villagb and at the same time make it attiictiife to strangers j anotherelasihas by 8stefliac effpetenj deavored to teair dowt and t jjjvhi tho others attempt to liiild up and if our citizens ever hope the railage of acton to irise to the distinction of anythinjj inori than a coutitry haink 6 they must rise in jtheir manhood jel ormine to oppose all opposjfion to her interests personally i eik snitljam surprised fetfiid on talking with the opponents ofthe scott act on this question diatthey art invariably opposed to the bylaw can you give your readers any idea why this antipathy is it because certain jcitizeus whoiri theanti soottjjbtrty ihave renounced are supporting it ijetiour citizens who wish the bylaw to carry repeat the transaction of 9th sep- tember otherwise there will be an antii haveflo interest in thi question save what is common to every cit izen who desires to provide a decent place pf sepulchfe for the- dead and 1 viewjit as a mattqr of extreme regret that there fihou id be found in any respectable communit a any citizen so deadj to the common instil cts of humanity as to vote to deprive him self of a place of in terment j it seems to me tl e lowest siandpoint from which to discuss sucha quesoni is its tm4rntwriti in these columns juicier the sobrjqitef f subscribe hints kt the idea thitaajn acre of grpnnd hr- iroved sufficiint f m for so many fears- itrnighi prove suftbient for yearst come thte person whoevej he mayl 1 thinks rooie of hia do liars than he does f hisdeaci when a m an g ts down to what k mari or a communi y cai barely subsist fan he places hiinseu n a 1 jvel witfe a woo 1- shmsk wliptnanages to geta barif subsiet- ance at anyrate ithis phase pf jthe ques- tionistoo lowforau to ubtipe except ith pity that jtjier writer cinnqtrise above his tree 1 for jlojilars i nowi wish one hinjtobe iarstmotlyl placeid before our citi ens and it is this t the council have not simmitted themselves to the selection or adjtion oliany particju- larsite thfequestiinlis do you whin te provide aplace to bo m your dead or not if jboaii th4 council itsk yon to do is to sanclaon tbef bylv if afterj doing icj ypu have poll faith i h siose who are con- duotiiigtliie affairs oi your village as to taie seloci6n otlsite y u will be atliber to call a meeting of property owners to select a prfipertyi andfahyr propfefty whih has ithe approval o am ijority thereof i giyfe you fmyi worq shtll be tbe council is this hpt hojgtfable i jts it nit fair toeyerypne t ocrewht in th name of coinmon sense o you require 14 put hanas j i 1 tbjeueitioriofttissoweuuhdjrstoo that u is almost nnj qrthyjof conside ration frpmithe ct tiia v jkperience of every village ami town 6anada tsthat suoh property is not on y sustaining but invariably w source m revenue thuslemen- ingthe ieiratepyera ibsjtead of mbreasmg theip idsnpppping if you prefer not a reverse is deriy- ed jfrpm the prppert 5 ow does the 4atter wc one m ncl jmbwm oft on b pay eac hjfednjjhsfliil reet of e debjent dtheiwose5 suyent jana flse j fca wtui bcriber would 1ea you to tmye lu p higher aimsr or 11 nf ts n his jownl ili j thirty hin boots shoes pelt boots j d in it present condition it ib admirkbly suitod for immedjate use there bei ng a suffipieijt quantity level ground a1 te front sis yoaenr while the uollch r or valley might at a slight expense e ther now or ip the future be turned into a 1 eau- jtifil minature lake lor ornamental pie x of wltir the rising ground on either side is adapted for the c matruction of vaul tsor miiisoleumb and it the rear of tnis 4giin is biillwglier gtom id which obveredjasit nbw isritk shrnbb ry arid rsmall treesjmn greatly to the beaui y of the whole 0 ne of the wost important features which si ould nqtbe overlooked sttie nature of the soil thisbeing dry and jasiltf excavated is just wh4t has always tx enoonsicfeipd advi jabj forpemeterypurpoiesl then as to its pr sximity to the villi ge it appears to m that it is jubt a couye lient distance and i sheddjiidgo will nev ir be fotind too hear foi from some unex ilain- edfeaspu tho tend edpyi of towns anil vil lages is to grow to vard the west 1 mjess prevented by natnrai clauses which ib this ease do apt exist v cemetery bylaw totkc editor vftty free prea lslj scott victory thisj time a l acton nov 3rd 18w ibusliness breviti byilfw somefacts abeut our baalieis j and houaei of benexluoi enr general readri f s button j qnaraateed bnyi ojhettr alum skiufkttiiiiiul- fot246tantrjfsrhjj j -j- we sell the bebti b ne icdr 27 centii j4 ll- i welhelbatchambj j jj k i i- the ptieapest ahwoi flmplbyduxsan u ly in quelph or toronto areiparse vknd ily 2 lhehewide foi awfc e eell 35c and 40c thesttfe fla i ttelphforhfo f l- wej sellisiiirta ifdldra- the same goods sold m their btbres in quelph at 37c jii wev4uwobteketifcr 41 uelpvpriceaiw silgqedli5 j r sh flannel nhrik s oj44n ijbet cheap 44ca-lvf- ij ootid linenwtjyyr xsuton flannel tor 96 andmiwird ladies hue smlindgurnsfevs ind wekeepafulliiuctrliidi vifinesouta ojocds n bovs ftaii cnvtjtfde uality ani s re and ipeoialj idwtlsiogcoateingreit vaderwe f-bt- akknrv rr tk wm 4i v j ftsff ww fe i iici r slfst -ri- s- kt 111 t nipjettion ladies fine manminwrpiower i ovtrcoats and utrraade ulpthjog for-j- j erj inahaidboyiu shatdi we have aju ya donke v kbibustbibeb i everv no pumpkinivglockk sfi carts and cheiporgftis tp pntclothipg iptfr ci rthiiigjb al made by experienced tailo aw fits ei 6iytttne we set no shoddy lt art tclass goods eheap l whiai i orereoat ttr 91 and vb oini ityejitiyoui ho v vj should sayino hibg about toe lpw price of wheat 3 i- m i la lfatmbrsuonjekin4s tit prodbjceis low others are a fair pri ej and almost every thing you 4iae to buy s eqnally hor nobody is making any tntrm jr these idaya 6 let us join hands aula keep op spirltb uj fpy th is b tima uom ng qr1ffin bels the b 40c and 50c t ajfrtty ft andibe taixvinied wei enn f urhtia ovef 8cio iamev who will testify to bzss tu need not p to other towns- jfindbrssgoolds ivyento as fine a dngfvof fttomq ololhsak i ttemfca5ea yd 3ashmere3j serfeew 1 1 ts ottoman ji cordi lustres ac as you 1 ah find in any ioue slire of belnrgle towns irjsraall cities buijrices are 10 per wntlffiri than city nrioe thfitwe tabw for iffact or we h ivp tavdh pam tolwquirsir pmf irvtfttol rijt we olaim to have the mstlim tof french tjuks ifil the market from 5 c entsa 5 ad towards v v ilyeteens all colon and shat atcheap hattl caps frirs iand i u kadi pf w06x ctoodb i ftolfnltbotholdanayqthb s n jtr id borne u at own towh we atronuehomeu srohjuitpflia lef us build own towh welftep stocks and u chbap ijp urge and well- why not encoar- fh renmihi er bot are not only a lor all forms of sick hi isla wver inc bad tatte in themool sftbls bulgess 11 d of only locenta a positive ci illouanessy iu ntfliaryipetl boslde doing men cents t u 12 so at j at the hats from j fyles- i caes pf all descriptions freshi ixcelsiorlakery j- v r if yon waian6bby jlimjableandcheap oiitf fyfes istibe placeto o j 1 howsonlwan ts ny qnai tity of good fieshbuttsandggs and green app1es orders fop cakek o fill dj on shortest notice athe excelsior bakery igoovojl claloil the place itp buy ijitbe cheapest in acton isiat howsins j the j largest ariiv jcheapeet suck of boots shoes tjijsetfctfrdm is ntlblsondi meraes jr 4 4 scotch entrlish aniiounadian j suiting igreit variety j atthelsast end clothing ore j fyf6aoton 1 l- j bemember pttowson will pay 20c per pound for no 1 jbntter and 20c pet dozen or any qnajitityj of fresh eggs suits and cjyercoats at extreiaely low rates and made in latest styles bt sure ng iqjpall and seeiiliem 3 fyfe a in jhundieds otj letters from those usin ayefs hair vigr attest itsyalue as a re storer of grey hf ir to its natural color as a i stimulant at d tonici preventinsp and often curing hi id less and cleansing irad jsoothing the 5 ilp its use canndt be top st bngly rece minended patrpnizhomemerobantf gentlemen il yoii are inwantj jf per- fetfitting snit orovercoat call at d inspect 1 01 ir goods wt hivej i stock to v lect from anc w guarantee pei feet fits stylish cut aid firetolass worlmanship every timei vpeilnpw ii will biito yonr ir toriato to giy ns yonrpatronige as we ai e satisfied w era giivv you bpt ter value b fj least tep ptafi peni than firms from iolhertovnscsiibffeyon wha havegiveij hese remedies silt li0m tl af ii-i- ey ery proper tnbvfii lwi pills by cluning the bystem tot all impurities at as one oi the wost beoehclajirueans of pu i- fylng tbs bfood abef removing the pimples tro m the face salt bheum acne ana all uiibtly blotches and boils whioh are so distressing tbosewhoareuufortuuntily ifflittea in ad i- uon to this burgees liver y- have often tteen fotnd usejtti jto breventhig jevjer by removing eicreiences from the body am setting up healthy action in both liver and neva andrhen vott can bnv themlfor w urn neys and whfan you can buy themfor so smal cost from anvdrukgist at j surely no oiebhoiiia bo without them be- sure and obtain jthe cenuiso j taikei no others repre- sented asheing fjnitis ojibn see that yqu get ejthweompuuntearesoihduiwd mtkoseaffcwutuethflat4ndhwii trifle i wtthjty the niajovity ofstuter i an j the on ttnwjy eptfgti br boiil rcsultg perhaps froin alfriflliigoi usttttilitcionve jotare ip often but tboibcsitiihiijg or ti fital lekkem avebs cnrhitr 1wtuiial bai weu proven its ettlcriey fit afortjrycan fight witi thrpat and inig iisc- auduuould be taken in all cases wiflioat delay j a terrible cough nrdv ft- v itiok n cilcj wliitii nftcctea th jujig 1 liniliirriiriiuihitl passed fighfafternlchtxiniviit sac- jjc vctori aavdnjo up 1 um vjuii c ikiii v iiec- roiv4 joiulclii- rl a av 1ui gd iildced mt ftlftt htfvrjk j jnie tiienniicofsmr for lie wcrvf v of ijiy jtriii h n- ih 4oiliiiiil me tjo i i jcrjia aeiit euro was rtifttiiv lntk ci ycari- jolit kisv ifil sifrileijliitii fsucu your cutuuilxiifh4 i i j lijjirvlfiu0t2u 5 bocklnghamj yt fuiy ieiht u i li vii i i upatowtrlbtite jim wfo fvn jnyihao i i jratftiwt liiiiiliaiiaijilni it wlhilm im if 1 rii litili pi irun3nt imfaii iof sthiity feev4lthenst- pf avitos ciifiiuv- vailmxh a tttlf st wlicu totut mf jjjftn uie limsfe r wastrla in axi rfrrticilf-dokes- to onrmttliylii- iiv mi lailf nu lbttr llttlu ijirviv fti jv-nuv- tho torisiini tlim 1 t i ijr i troriaii wdiivirii lii jiu30a vdndcitat pnegtaiiiuov 1 r vtte have redi ced the price of jroad t 10 cts jf tprl6aftrctly cafi parties most nbt to oteudbd ifjroirdfttsie to give themcredit for bre id as at ttftpres ent low price it doe 1 not ay to i eofl accounts j c slcklik i acton kjbvwhisw undi hod kllnlmtl 4erpompanyat comfortab rfle nuderel i j piled dwi convenient to incoto actpto oct car of thanks the undertie jed he eby tenders bis sincere thanks to those wtyo iso nobly worked and e fixe ii hook jtbews assisted in gottlig undeivdontrolluie fire in his frnay actin oct isth igonde control the fire day i gtasfffinttauook once t i- s tomltiaint 9 madi that ceb j tain parties hi act m- are in the habit of al lowing their hortee ant ct iftle to hm at large oni the streets diirihfi a po amofeathday lhtre- by notify all ooicernec tl at forallinfraetionbo tner bylaw ih future tie guilty pkrtlei will he proseouaocojrdingt fi j r wflesm8j3a8btvoomstible 1 i t the ondereii nod vofffirgtcluis per square bl me atbptton ilealbp faotonxain st 4u e dwelling to rent ja medium i ood order situated prefene4ji- appy at eh6ljqrooer vnvivfn irlaree aj 8uinslgs anlrood wayifi per square no 2 a liree quantity of veswieaftriwthe th0bifimqpbbi ii i ltifcw- chines for making airigas 50 pe cent ofii than coal equa ily as bow no ore or power re quired uafeinan sueiffrom15burner9tojooo for private hou iesstoreg hotels factories mills streets mines ste admass 1 t cjosjmuw amchic mifcco i lmj frateols xavietiatii i grain prominent ed alcgrtgoi subjected to 1 he i weititpa maj6m tayfiuiiyjj-r-vyfcq-jcfltitiii-coa- vlj- tt akreh hesttato toiifpieitfhj liofttttccftja abli4 ji jj-iclalimnnjaw- lm m i t k k ndsof jjercl antable jatgiesti son ual they ij jiv lij among the greatest thedjt dtscoveties i ythe inany carei jit ha latfect- y6iweitoiattreil ermcafaaalysis con l vfhsaj qitifoent p thoae imtabjjeipr beaiingj toxl 11 tokjmsvwvfruitiiiil bnifrtihpifts lasbskjsgiss u wij iii-ii-wti-rii- ni r rj i ai i jwdarationjw hi ij p0x sfciw fia eanfler io v andftioltaic tie tie van jrtd nonr v 1 1 4 r ml olil out 1v iiijoii- c-oo-i- iw0 est canadian cjflpon shlkemgsi v 0 sv vohii mlwrirmmnilltoaer5 vm1 0 jb 4i 4j ill tljftv iv v o at rjisjivwh vl v -i-w- if tapfci 1i30 u hki l6qh v vhllvir io nfk felslil eiatiirt liiipip si beri taafkw afctue keeaeat pcai ii w rifvf iz4mm ii st r iy f t jf f- i6emb r afm sii i civv rtiesfc p8f 41pm -1- rjipssi i f- wltokmia nliwnelry sriis

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