ffwmwn ommh n j u ii i ft is ii 1 i j x m j- it til f t i i- v 4- r j ih t ii l k i j tncnsfiit mornino feb 12 us85 1 how how can a man ou a dollar a day charter a seat at a popular plaifc and piirdhaso cigars and tobacco jay he cant how can he sprt au ujegant tile ask his dear f ricndst to step sonjt for smile i- and stable a 240 animilo ho cant how can he frolic with ibetterfed f ricnds wlieu in cold perspiration ho at liis wits nd if his washwoman- after her haf dollar scuds he cant how buy perfiuuefv haudkerchiel s too the edkesjtil stamped with a red kangaroo and changiliuen cuffs every sujuday or two j k he cant his dear m how can he claim hang i aiid circle her finger witli a utter ayherihis chequebooks so weak it cah scarcely stand he cant how can he marry and furnish a wife hyith the many small cpmfortjs which sweeten this life we must state the cold truth though it cuts like a knife- he cant slender rig band interesting items remarkable restoration mrs adelaide obrien of buffsls j- was givenup to die ty her physi ians as incurable with consumption i proved liver complaint and was cured ritbbur 32 remedies cures all- medicines 35 dock blood bitters a wise conclusion if yon have vainly tried many for rheumatism it will be a wise conclusion to try hsjgyarcts yellow oil it pariuf nl diseases avhen other fail horsemen attention when your horse is galled scratched or cut or has au ugly sore bathe dsilyj and apply mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate it is undoubtedly the finest hemirig and cleansing application for it be get mcgregor parkes sold per bos at jemcgarvinsdnnj store 31 cholera preventative in order to withstand cholera likejepidemics a perfect purity wairnlng and comtojrt give hollontays corn cure a trial ii irflmoved ten corns from once ii will do again pleasant as syrup nothing oqiiols it as a worm- mettioino tho name i mother graves worm exterminator ifhe groat est worm dissiroyer of the ago i i if youvjish as every intelligent person does for white teetlrand a sweet breath use flints tooth powder tnei peerless dentifrice i sold in acton by j e mogarj vin druggist price 25 cts if you suffer witli sick headache consti pation sour stomach or bilious attacks flints miuidrake pills will relieve you sure thefy have no superior soldby j e wjcgarvin druggist price25cts i j dj starrs catarrh conqueror instantly relieves sneezing cold in the head and stops ringiug noise in the head ask for it sold by j e mcgarvin j druggist price 50 cents j tfolloicais pills nervousness and want of energy whon first the nerves feel un strung and listlessness supplatts energy the time lias come to take some 4uch-alter- ative as holloways pills to restrain a disorder from developing itsely into a dis ease these excellent pills correct all irregularities and weaknesses they act so kindly yet so energetically on j the func tions of digestion aud assimilation that the whole jbody is revived the blood render ed richer and purer while he muscles became firmer and stronger aqd the nwvpjus and absorbent systems are invigorated these pills are suitable for all classes and all ages they have a most marvellotib effect ou persons who are out 6f condition they soon rectify whatever is in fault restore strength to the body aftd con fidence to the mind comraoncintt febi 2nd to subscribers throughout c i daily qlobbmorrrfl daily olobeh oolocl daily olobb18 daily olobisntur lay morn the following odjtlons of tnb daily globe will be nnilka iur tho united butes and great brtuta ng edutoltt 8 mos l75 0 moi fs60 12 mos 1700 kk i iioo t500 400 ii- lioo m m0 100 edition- ii 85 65 l2o wl special trij ekly globe l triptwo months 15 r large list of tobeohwrs by tn the so days and for thlstiurposo make the above liberal and unprecedented m wo want to lnerease our present lane list of subscribers by ten nil id within the next ir in addition u tke akore liberal olrer we make tke fmlawuf r anyone seksiko us 75 oeata and 5 subacribere will reoblve an ejtra copy ifortwoirioiitba free irm and 10 eubaorlbers will receive an extra copy for live months free l and 15 subscribers will receive a copy of biography of thejate ctwrgo brown 300 and subrlberb wlu reoelvo a copy of trie weekly globe for oneyear free 4j0 and 30iubecrlberwlu receive a copy of satui oayadaily globe oneyear free i 750 and 90 bubaoriberjiwul receive a copy of the djly olobe four months free 1500 and 100 rabacrimn wih receive a copy of th i daily qlobi one year free hoik ra ttaateftu far aaly 15 centiu reparuorl samchm maw aad lj hi- i i tuc jfll adc hassrri8rrangemeat8bylrhkshltpobbgtbesolerlkhtincan int valudci da of publication of jnew novels by most of the leading writers of flouon such as wuue caulai miss braddaa jaitla mccarthy b l farjeaa sarah boaekey iruilana blaei mrollpkant stack camway aad athen a story of enthralling interest entitled wyulabbv wub by miw braddaa is no running inthb daily and weekly globe and will be continued till completed it will be succooded by a story fromthepowerful pen of jiiuti5 mecabtmy ana after tho last named story is completed there will follow one from b l fabjmn the famous novelist i j if in addition to tho regular continued story there are always running in the 12 and 3jpclock editions of daily and in the weekly globkono or more additional novels by authors of worldwide repute in tbumanner readers get ave or six complete novels each year as an agbicrltima newspafeai the wekkiy btobe 18 insirpasskik spcirqeons sefmllon revised by spurgeons own hand givon every week in saturdays daily globe and in the weekly ulobei under special and oxclnslte arrangement for tho dominion of canada the rev c h spurgeon is beyond question the most widelyread preacher in the world a is always racy practical andinstrucuve address the globe printing co sure yon for 25ci iud such of blood and the proper action of the stoi nach are reqaired to insure that end in the cheapest most available and complete inannkr use mcgregors speedy cure for dyspepsia aniimpure blood tiere is no purer safer or more reliable ptnedy in existence for indigestion dyspejsia cos- tiveness etc ask your neighbor or any person who has used it sold by j e mcgafvip trial bottle given fr e 31 fluid lightning ill sufferers from thafterrible neuralgia can be mde haprl yioment by a single application lightning briskly rubbed on paii and without using any disgusting day after day with little or fluid lightning also cures as tooihaclie lumbago rheumatiskn head- acht indl3 only 25 cents per boti fe at 3e mcgarvins drug store i 31 torment y in one of fluid fill parts medicine io result- ffectuallv mlinl to ilo withl an uuiiealtpiy if truublcd healing sore jise mcirejor i pa bolic feite you will timl it for healing cleaoiiiig aud cuuij ihuviug your trouble iftlie bl of onkri take with it a few dos creijnrs speedy cure from j 1 viiivdrin store i lejtoriii pretoria pecloria tlie grea itis sore throit influenza horsenessan all affec tions of the lungs and throat or chest yeetorialoosens the phlegm and reiks up the cough 25 puts per botte dont gije up until you have tried pe torik al druggists ind general soreueep rssell it 32 best anil comrort to tlir smflcrlim browns household panacea hab no edual for relieving pain botfasiternal arid external it cures paiu in the side batik or bowels sore throiit rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of pain orachej- iltfill most surely quick en the blood and ileal as its acting power is wonderful browns ihousehold pan acea being acknowledgeld as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or llhfment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the- world for cramps in the stomach land painfe and ache3 of all kinds and is for sale by 011 druggists at 25 cedta j speiojht son acton xjildertakrs carriage makers 8zc ygl jwwiim ilf are prepared to furnish everything in i from the- best casket to the plainest coffin i i i on the shortest ndtiee and m lowesdterms a bottle 44 itching rilf i symptoms and cnre ing iry distressing particularly at night seems as if pin worms wereciawlingin and j aboiit the rectum the private parts are soirietimesnuected ii allowed to continne very seripuvs results may follow swayses oistmfciii is a pleasant sure core also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty pkin diseases sent by mail for 50 centsi slboxes 1j25 in stamps ad dress dr sya1ne sok philadelphia pa sold by druggist 00 health is wealth sloy- kes car- nyaluable lelely ru- od is cut rs of ic- mcgar kall calls eit faction guaranteed i er night or dayi promptly attended to satis- n every case jfitwe a iir5tclass hearse for h thc sypptomsare mowture like perspir f description in reasonable time good womanshipond ation intense itching increased by scratph- their line e are in a positron oastisfactorily fill orders for v gons carriages ic of ratesntdutpr60pga for sale by wi smith the watch and clock etouse of guelphi i extra facilities for repairing the finest and best wm 8 smith 7 gtje1lph the east end clotmng store lias a complete assortment of f all tweed sxjpinis f also a large variety of wxrst jo agings in plaiu arid ifancy ire beautiful pantipgs in all shades firstclnss material always and extra quality cheap losed we have alsoa sp ecdid lot or furniturebnlii common jwif you will pay us ash we will sefttyoii anything in 01 j a speight manager cheap huld llgbtuiu there are but few that have nevjr suffered almost intolerable pain from oothschej xeuralia or like acute pains tc them such au instant relief as iluidl ghtiing is an untold jslessing in tiuie of trc jbie xo disgusting offensive medicines tc be jtaken or days oneapplication of fl idlightr ing cures sold at j k 1 cgarvins drug store 09 bicliles anticonsumptive s3 up is combination of several medicinali herbs which exe4 a most wonderful it luence in curing pulmonary cottsupiptic- and all other diseases of the lungs chest iihdthroat it promotes a free and easy exp otoration- and gives ease even to the greats tsufferer coughs colds shortness of breath aui affections of the chest attended with weat nessof the digestive organs or vv tb general debility seem o vanish under iti use no other remedy a so readily ii allaying inflammation 0 bveakingup a s vere cold leven thermost oistihate cough is overcome by its penetrating and healing irbperties when children ire aflected w tji colds coughs inflammation on the lun bronp qninsey and sore throat this j sjrip is of vast importance the number of deaths among children from these diseai es is truly j alarming- it is so ralatable tht t a child will not refuse it and is put at s ich p price that will not exclude the poor fro n its bene- i i dxi e c wests serve axd bnais tbeat- j iiest a guaranteed specific for hysteria lrazi- uess convulsions fits nervous nennilflia heajaohe nervpus prostration caused by ihe use of alcohol or tobacco wakefulness menial depression softeninsof the brain resultinsin insanity and leading to miborv decay and death premature old age harrenbess ijoss of power iti eitbersdx involuntarj- losses and sperma torrhoea caused by over exertion of the brain selfabuse or overindulgence each box con tains one months treatment one uollar a box or six boxes tor five dolldrs sent by mail pre paid on receipt of price we guarantee six boxes to cure any case with each ordei- received by ns for six boxes accompanied with fiv dollars we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatmentlloes not effect a cure guarantees issued only by john c west co sole proprietors jfll j83 west madisonsu chicago iu soldjtytfiicgnrvin fits f 8 1 promitfent among the greatei t medical discoverjes bytbejinany cures it has affect ed mcgregors speedy cure lead9thejanj subjected to the ri jmtest chemic il ansiygisj it has been foud tio contain ops of those injuriaus ingredients characteihih- the worthless species daily offeied tothei public jejvery ingredient possea es a peculj arudaptghility 0 the various jomplainti for which it has ben compoundi id and its efficacy is beng established by ti stimoiiials hourly received wo tire there fore confi dent that we havela preparation which we can offer to the public with the assnranc4 that it will be found ot only a relief hiii apmolute cure for dyjjpepma liver com plaint indigeistipn cdjnstirrttio 1 and imi para blood fred trial bottlej af j ej mcgajwsprogsfoteji 93 a i 1 vegetable sicilian mir eenewee was the first preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases of tho scalp and the first suc- cessfiil restorer of faded or gray hair to ils natural color growth and youthful beauty it hi a had many imitators but none hare so fullj inct all the requirements needful for the roper treatment of the hiir and tfip haiils iltltt itexewcn has steadily rivi in favor and spread iu fame and iiii u i to every quarterof the globe its iinjatiil- leled success can bo attributed to but 0110 causp the entire fulfilment of itspromuisl hie proprietors have often been surprised at tho receipt of orders from remote coun tries where they had never made an effort for its 1 itroduction tl e use for a short time of halls haib rejewer jwondorfully improves the per sonal appearance it cleanses the scalp from all impurities cures all bunion fever aud dryness and thus preventballnes it stimulates the weakened glandsand enables them to push forward a new aud vigorous growth tho effects of this article are not transient like those of alcoholic preparv tions but remain a long time which makes its use a matter of economy buoelnahams dte fohjtfb fhjsze1rs will change the beard toa natural brown orblackj asdeslred it produces a permanent color that will not wash away consisting of a single preparation it is applied without trouble r pbepaked by lpmlconasinanh f lid by all dealers in jledlctnes sarsaparllla bold br au drngghrt fl iu bottlm 10 l i0e1llthe forms 1 j sttofnlous mercurial and jbloqd disorders the best remedy because the most searching and thorough i bloodpurifier is chicago being the creat central line- affords to travelers by reason of its inrlvaled geo- graphical posltlorsthej shortest and best routs between the east northeast and southeast acid the w st northwest and south west it is literally and strictly true that its connections are all of thd principal lines of road between the a lantio and the pacific by iti main line aid branches it reaches chicago doliet peoria ottawa la salle ceneseo millne and rock island in illinois davenport muscatine washington keokuk knoxvllfe oskaloosa fairfield dea moines west liberty iowa city atlantic avsca audubon harlan cuthrla center and council bluffs in iowa callatln tr nton cameron and kansas city in missouri and leaven worth and atchison in kansas and the hundreds of cities villages and towns intermediate the creat rock island route ock island pacific ry and paterris hats caps and gents furnishings in this department the stock is well assorted j before purchasing your fall outfit call and examine thejbtoek fit and workmanship guaranteed a chaslayqpid manijfactur3 gutlfh i jofitario e opaitiq agfe apton aud h ome btockj fiarfri crcsas lie wjayne co mich 5wavihi fasnpjt pbokbietoes tiibiisthapji sobsenbers ppatai nam in advance papedisontiniey sjtatoltio 4nferwcsa iftiiii ments8cbntseirj tioii andsceritapta neutinitebn 10linportessfij 12 lines gpoo per months from date of i npuicer tjirpbjejt the peenhhiry benefil coinnany i to be or irieht the nnrnbej the space accujjicdj j solid noharefli o110 coluhifc oijeyoaj halccblnma one year quajtercolumnpnej jjhejcoluuiji suflir hout column ca quarto columnistitnd one coluiilh three mod half column three nioa juartcr coluut three i advernseineojts- uill be inserted till tol ifily transitoer ndt in advaucci chauaesj fbidjitriifj in too office byfp a ii they will beleftoterij ft them t4 address 63hattoa sardea lonaoa atfd 248 st jameis st koiftreal ground scientifically from clear and pure pebble or optical rflm especially manufactured for the purpose they are without exception best adapted tpresr tore the j of age aud to retain perfect vision they are especially recommended by th- most eminent faculty 1 every pair of spectacles and eyeglasses is marked bl j e mcgaryin drubgist sole agent for acton ont bargains extra ordp ary clearing sale at the- as it la familiarly calfed offers to travelers al the advantages arid comforts incident f fast exp f heated finely upholstered and elegant day 0oa0he8 a una of the most maqnificent 4qrton reclinino chair car8eer built 5 pullman8 latest designed and hindsomest palace 8leepino cars and dininou3ar8 that are acknowledgec by press and people to be the finest run upon any road in the count ry and in which superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of 8evektyfive cents eaoh j three trains each way between chicaco and the mi88ouri river two train8 eaoh way between chicaqo arid minneapolis and 8t paul via tho famooa aleiert lea route a new and direct ilne vlaseneca and kankakee has recently been opened between newport news richmond cincinnati indianapolis and la fayette and council bluffs st paul minneapolis and intenrriedlate pplnts all through passengers carried on fast express trains for more detailed i formation see maps and folders which may be obtained as wall as tickets at all f rlhclpal ticket offices in the united states arid canada or of r r cable est john vlcprest cjenl manager cenf i tkt passr agfc chicaco mammoth houci 1 georgetown mcleod anderson we shall clear out furs dress goods dress silks mantles jjautle cloths ll chequed winceys plain and checked riatinels checked shirting i prints tweqds ilfeady- made clothing overcoats gents under slothing in fact all kinds 0 heavy goods au ininiense drive in grev cottons and blaukfts we call especial atte ltion to hemp union all wool and tapestry carpets to be cleared out at unheard of bargains onr ordered clothing millinery and dressmaking department shall be isondncted as before popular prices to meetithe mourning and wedding orders a specialty in our businessidlthe goods suitable for such purposes kept n stock we appeal to the people if they ant noney saved to patronize this genuine clearing sale i j melieop anderson co mamom house 1 the ghelpest dry goods malndesi millinery and carpets ever sold at the hamilton feb 2nd souse are selling off there at j present vv atjf ins has esnnarkinj down hia enermoas stock for over a month new and fashionabls dress goods marked down very low piles of dress jroods marked idown in many instarjciis to less than half prioej knitted wool clouds and shaww are marked down to half the aetual value gossamer mantles marked do wn very low heavy jersey jackets celling off at an immense reduction from late prices knitted wool shawls put- dowa fromfs to 1 and from l02j to87ic dre s trimmings marked down to one tliird their value beautiful colored pilk fringesput down from 65c to 10c these fringes range from 2j tb about 3 j inches wide and tl lere is a great variety of the newest lades amongst them jgst see the big stock of white and eyu lace cartaius selling off at less than half their value 1 bp sure- to seeithe great variety of broohe nd brocade silks marked down from si 50 to 60 oulyjone third their real value hundreds of ladiei imantle and dolmanja are sellina off at mlf their real value they ar well asiorled from 2 to 20 in all sizes addpcices millinery immensely reduced in prices and consists of the newest and most fashionab e designs and styles jersey gloves down to half their late prices jleniurints of dress goods prints arid winoeys are selling offjat half the late prics there are bo it 100 ends of colored silks and jbj lk broche ranging from two to forty yards which are put down to about onethird their late prices gala plaid and queensland shawls with checked and plain centres and in the various new colorsmarked dow vpry low j the blankets xjullts and quilted comforters are selling off at fully onefourth 1 iss thanllate prices tb4se- blanks are made by the best nmkers in ontario an are warranted free from jute mantle trimmings greatly reduced in prices winceys marked jowh very low ij t ji floor oil- reatly reduced prices the stock of itlipse goods is enormous ard the styles and prices in great variety tobogganing blankets greatly reduced in prices remember the ight house is on king street east clos to hugbson street and mind the name is 1886 i- ii 1 o vyaejit 0 how lost pitroetoko 2830 1167 imported per chero n h orses all stock selected fro n the fret of sires and dams of established repu tat on and registered in the french and american aud books- island home ii heantifully rffiiated at the beadqf gbcsse ilk ithe detroit is accessible b not familbr with ihclojationmay tall atritylorece jj campau buildins a idan escort will auonipany tj eniliorcalalcpie heebymait v whlbwin gradatol geriof collejid of pbl office uudreside fredbricki tftreetm h iavage f rvuh detroit mich ham hood fflut restored 163cfi uts we i are recently published a new i edition of dr cnlverwells cele- orate i essay on the radical and permajoenj cure without medicine qt nervous debilijy mental and physical incapae- ity impediment i of marriage efc resultma from excesses l- l aprice ind sealed envelope only6 or two postage sti mps j i the celebrated antl or in dhis adrbirable es say clearly vden onsi rates from thirty years fcuccessf ul practlc e tb it alarming consequences may be radically cor id without the dangerous use of internal in tdicmes or the use of the knife pointing ont a mcdecfcuie atones simple cer tain and esectiial iy means of which eyeiy sufieqer no mattsr- is hathis condition may be may cure hiniselfihealyprlvatelyandraclieally this ijecture sljoulc be in the hands ot every jonth and every man in the land address the culverwrell medical o 41 ann st jievr vork post qffic box 4150 ewkbstej of tliell surgeons of ontario accoucheur omteimiilstji hotel acton 5vb special atj eases 0f vbmfen ais hgkaihaiiij dextistj j will vuit ptofefcs day of each weefc j all workgnarant bbenne m cternkf dentist pew system qf j mibnty called ivu v telth withoatpaii over a th6osaadt any e vilresatti or and bracliical of dental nrge depend upon reci operations jrfor south of baptist jr jfainlbsdl i beaotiftil wort ions with i of 159 ptges colored plate anuloog ii- b desalptioni of j the best flowers ami rtgctablea prices of seeds and plants and how to prow bem printed in english and german price only 10 snt which may be deaubtea from first order it tells what yon want for the garden and bow to get i instead of running to the groctry at the last moment to wy whatever seeds happen to be left overmectinjvlin utppolntment after weun of wolfing bcy ikiv b seeds at hesoqtjartees james vicbu rochester n y worthtkeir vm ghtincoid vitalized air for painless den office 6f rl 1 t cai tovellsb10ck jypjb qneeii st wideiistflriitoi teeth 5 1 raites peayklihi iugcan have thei have becna4niini air tor 1twjpaiplv iug the asoyear iuaysaj s v we are holding a genuine clearing sale and goods will be slaughtered regardless of cost we- bliall jjuote to prices nor advertise ahy discounts but come and bee the goqjdsat the prices they are laid out at and we are satisfied will the most scept pal tims r hqwdway u 2ws ingotfthltalibm medlcim as sectored for itkclf an impcriejiabh fame hroughbntvie worli for the alleviation ami cure ofriiostjuiease tto which h uman ily u heitf fh tfyr tapotfeteri veteri nary arge invkeiiiiy bivw deuce hi the rjeajrl soundness and cer all calls nujlii- ed to itekuiseasj tlowat barristers- sblidif 1 aiicers c tiarsf bnice a moflat barristei solici l xa6toirbffic4 giiicu queen- square inlarbt ijakiirsriif oraicwi over ii licgton sreetbai t alley sotonio john bkrhi- witxuh laipm v 1 ateniftse patep right purify regulate ardmprofe tljequaliiyf the blood they assist the digestive orivus cleansefthe stomach au uovftts increase jthe secrel ory powers 0 e the liver brace the nervous system and throw into he circulation tie purest hemenls foj sustaining aud repairinl thefnme thonsahds of p arsons have t jsttfred thai by their us alone they have tn enrestortdi to health and stringth after every otherj meati9hrid proved unsuccessful caaflmmi esrkifai 20 years practl i will bef dundinva uable ii ever household in the cure of op nsoreb har 1 tumors colds pre thrnats bronchitis and all disorder of thevl hroat and c lest as also qoutirheumatii m scpxfbla and every kind of kin diseise- manufaotureid only at profeisor hollo- waya ejtiiblisl met 533 oxjokd stiteer ilononi and sold at is ljd 2s 9dls 6d sis and33sech box and pot ailiti cans da at 36 ceu s 90 cents 1 and81iw and the larger sizes it proportion i i slcactipk have no aten in the united litotesyik iv are my midicincs sold there purchasers should itbferefore look to the lnhl on the pots and bo ses if the oddrtt- is not 53i oxford strcpt london they an spurious the 1 rade miiik ofiuy saidiedicines is registrei ed at ot tawp and al 6 at vyash assoifardstrietnnn i adoo tj1hanaisi bticefissor b4 st georgels- sqoja 1 account boobj periodicals of ek boond kiiling hi llceny 1 l tortheoountiefj orderstteftatthfe or at my rested promptly attendiel movl also money tdl able terrns andal terest in spms qt i il r ijiefojft lime can vto in small mi otto ht 1 j has ppeued arjaj 1 uearfiy oppoajteia mill ktreetv actm i i ageithepnbc t ddpartmeat pfl