t a i ptt btw5bt sstok osujll x- tux ikhe fkkpress will eogcribeta postage pid t fenniaavahc 130 il n jpeildisdjoutinned till all arrears pvteioption 6f tho ptfui itteatsi cents per line for tho tioui anil 2 bents per ifhe for eacl int insertion caah jroiesaipa 10 jwaj or lefe 4w pfci fctmsdttb ij 12 lliiies 5ij per annunij- payabl months frontdate of insertion aajjpectal njticetliokbjeotrf wlikpi is- ttf prorppte the pocunhjry benefit of auy individual or compauv sbbe considered an adverrise- inept the number of jines reckoned by the space peeupiiecf measured byasbalo of solid nonpareil contluol ilvfksi omuolnutn oue year- k halt roliuiin one voir e7 quarter cohuun outyear ij ouo column d aiautlis j half column mkaituithe u quortacrotumii six moutlis one column three months half column three mouths quarter coiiihiu thrto moutl s i advertisements wuilunu vill lo inserted tin torbld rimrf oharved iiigh traiisitory ndvertisuijieutsihhis ifi niivoiuv1 iiau jes for contract svlvilrtiaeiumsiit if uieoftiei by s lii ou mhiirtsvs ti tluj will bejieft over until tile foliowiui wk j kdjirdr tiumi cmrieio ci00 volume x number 34j i ijju wfcpjle nutyer 04 joiifc jdaley ijisncoeswr to tlvouttiku jt jackson moniy to loan oiffarni property at 0 per qejit mortgagos purchased sonoif loaned pop parties in mortgages and other security coiivoyalioing in all its brandies properfv aijd lieatjly douo charges low farms and city property for sale list with myitis for sale sent to nil parts of the 3im jrdbmuripn tointending purchasers and cir- oplated in europe ejurppcan capitalist 8 wanting favfns in ofntario will hoant d rections through our european ageneieu farms waiped for our lfets correspoi 13 00 100 13 00 7 00 all the j3ctiol books rsisirin tin- pecifle olreioiisr rt charges accord- bo ijf id imitttjuv jtlierwise deuce invited guelph out office lioattiw irtoffl cix and jtountr led pts vi business dirfectpry i si vllrhlliowry b m hp t t rufnit offijrinjj- eg mem ber yfoohegu of plrs5ciajis and 8 irgeons i oftice and resjijenve jrat the teti of frederic street acton nrr evkbsielmiktm member jjli of the college of lliysicius and surgeons of untartib lhysiciai accoucheur oirnceijiiust rjsioknce cairiittls hoter actbus k b special atteutiou given to eases of women and children tsician iurgeeu thftdis- h graham l d s suljeon fp dentist bpaukton ost itill visit professionally acton ob mon day of each week nrooms agnew s hotel ah wiorlr guaranteed tb give satisfa tion ll bennett dentist georgetown ntar io lud ol ac- inc- its i us- ta- es bus l tir- illy err ac 3ickinlay l d s- burgeon llentist georgetown ont ises the new system jf nitrous pxide ga com- momycalled vitalized air for ex racting peeth without paia jsave adrainii tered it bver a thousand timee in jtorottto nitfaont any vu results haicigeeaxeiniinstrat- or and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toro itopatrc ns may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed officerbi e door south of baptist churci j f ainles dental opijpa cion j t i vitalized air or nitrons osicfej gas- for- painless dental operations at the office of- 1 i t i- c hayes lds tbvellllblock igaelph out j upper wyndhaai street r1gg3 4- nory queen st west 4 t i jatep vj tarjo teteriuary college tokmtb yeterinarv surgebif aotoft out xiicyr- in kenny bios oobt auitfehoe svn rejl- deiice in the rear horsed exaniin id as to suiindness andeertificates given ah callus nlgin or day promptlyfattend- cjto tenusceasv c 1 rj r aueinstot y k at 3d ju bookstore f vtsblls loilpiotlljres poet fy a blessed assurance i cannot tell qlsrlci tliiughiwildand dark may be the night ouhouib j with naught of moon br star to light oer ocealis pathless plain aright the storm teleaguered bark yet steadfast at the pilots side j thl faithful lieedleis o guide i hif band and lielm through waters wide and teiiipestsfierce and dark j how long i remained iiuhj wlieijii recovered cpnoioustess the mur- derous hand had fallen off b it my assailant still lay beneath me breathi ig heavily sinjjultaneonsly we sei concioksness and iu unio 0he4p watch repairing h f aving reengaled davidson a former atehrepairer to a careful workman j can consciehtiotis ly ask the public to brilig in their watches and knowing him where th i ptreei wideasi toronto finest and est set tjeh 5to gold jihiugs o lethird raias leave order for fc etffibiltic mbfii ing can have them the same da- we have been administering hurds vitalized air for the painless extr rfing of te jtti dqr iug the past year rejjardl s of wha t bers may say vjuen 1 wub in enjflaud a few weeks ugo i purchased- some veryohiice pictures of oldjcjonutry scenesuud gitlesin england j scotland ireland and males they are pictiuresof wellremenibersd noted places hyold dountry peoplg now living iu cana- j dav the pictures ete all by eminent artiifets framed in rich handsome gilt frames 16x28 inches at a very low cost it will be seen that the frai lesajre worth the prices asked for the pictures j and so among hfs uojubled waves i it liiddeii reefs and gaping graves j the heart with faith for compass braves j the perils that arhe and beyond tho ills that crowd and with their loum the way enshroud hope sptildug sweiitly through the cloud from uuilihidowud skien tiihii faint not ihiiugh the tempestsioai courage oil heart and work the more by faith lielinld the pleasant shore fts treasuies and its rest for soon its light shill pierce the dark and tlou shalt fromjthytiattered ark upon its golden quays debark midst welcoines of the blessed i j bt8t0keikjet i f i u ad cheap bazar i u ias f kidner ouelph puf stofy my foreign antagonist gloeliph cloth hall owat mcleanl m barrister aiicers c wmoney u omtfe j a mwat ponvey- soticitors notaries loan town hill ac ton wo a icleax ml u t ire l abs tr 1 aioodwtllie barrister solicitor no ary public itc gtobotrov x altos a office in mrjsecoid john day vrchiljkci irku oitke irqueen square a1n laidlavv pj b -lt- bvkuisleks it oihces over impe lingtoi street eflste ivlley xorontb johx bus q c c johx bain q c wlllum laidlav atents securer for inventionjs hknry grist ottawa cvaha 5 hotl block ilicitoks 1 bank ranee i crrefnllyrepairedby a jewellierfrom r england b savage t i r kv i if i aen f0trics cw drugj store -7r-ikellf- i new orleans strong durable tweed iuits to order from i 1400 upwardr id to recover e arose to our whatisittoyoiiv t like you i want to jknw ybn are hafe before you lenvo nip j twisted myself away patiently no liiaii has ever balled me a- drubk srd i suid j feet i i was trembling in ivj ry nerve my no certainly not and i want to make aching eyeballs seemed staring from my auve no mini ever will j head j my parched throajtrel used to utter i huiiitiited looking at him doubtfuhyi asounq and surely it is iii the hour of our greatest better case triumph that we should iraost readily bring for4n iilatjant we stopd apart our 8acriice the alter ateachjother all riglit i scijl i flushijig 1 pro- as though a mise with each pfiiiitil avliat 1 to abstain from ail intoxicating drinks more thought beverages forever laughing uiiconv tlian i had of my assaibt fortably he stretched uul his big haudaudj ed ia given bignil we closed otlier agajin instinctively neither jknowfng why i believe he had nb of takiig myj mbuey theti defendiiiig it jphere seemed nothing awiile iti usiwlt mer animal furjfi peemed in no glaring through the darkness then rasp- j brute iorce opposed brjite forte demanding mine victory atauy cost i am satistied about you now young i again we wrestled aiidstrdve white face one i iieyer yas before heaven leas close tojwhitjj face in the glwm and agttiu youj and then we sauntered into thewa- the contest was so equal that o spectator looij ogetljer and drank a glass ot ginger- 1 would liavej knpwu pu which side to niter amicably chattyig in a desultry way j promise victjiry i for many minutes we groups of two or rtliree wero scattered j wrestled silejitly and then we fell again hreand there aboutj the bar chatting nois- f aiidfcid time i was undermost and then ily for the most part though a few drank i ensued i strjiggle such as ij had no iofia men were capable of e rolled over each a cheerful word to banish carol a gentler touch i silent prayerf a tender hug a oodnignt imparting peacejand hallowed t m she rnleth not bj gun or spear her chosen wecr on is a tear she conquers oft by tenderness andsympathyf ifsorebjiatrebs she many cuiuiu gays can fit d to make submis live vain man and fomanvcraft i ppearing free acleveractress ine canibe lion canbe or ilse a lamb a hvrricane or e sea jalm a furious hawk c repqingdove usb foil of ire or full sf love now thjs is won ans little plai i tp fule thi prprl 1 by ruling ni i and he who don its that she die should try the n atrimoniar giexrilit tduigii a little kindness goes a god pities where mortals- only it isfoojishto b di feiwjtliings are impossible to audskih faith is the rnedtam between d presumption it is not so difficult toknow onbseelf as toconfesb the knowledge each departed friend is a majjnet that attracts us to the njext world til rules ml- t iys blame finate over trifles diligence spair and on hand a large quantity r e ad ym ape o no doubt ail the citizens if acton vicinity woiildienjoy ajvisit to bid the worlds exposition j nowbeingheldat new orleans la but very flwcau afford the luxiuy-r- however j mfernley manufactured by ourselves which we can thbrouphly recommend shaw a grundy i i i i is doiugall in bis porter to iiiae it leiujanjb i block for those ivhd caiiiiot visit- the i and istpreptirod to stipjily ei-ery- jbody with u6yt jj market stantli tlic deiicauieof that oouiin und hascju- oiihiiuditfuirf u wei kehange a mfit s grouse kaljpeui 2tt years practice- no f irancis nunan successor to t f bookbinder st georges square ail also jery jllloj jrd id land lents itioj itxttt old to ion ens h- 4 account books ofall kijids mi periodicals pf every dei cripti bound rulmig ueaflyjai ctpbthrttf fc mi hemstrei for the counties of w3li igtoi ani orders left at the fkiefptebs ofnjrxbton i m or at my residence promptly attended to mosey to ilioax patent if o pay chapman guelpi ontafio e fo order qarefully acton iferms re a iwiu be ponable j favor- also noney to loan on the mosj able terms and at the lorest rate of in terest ipsnms of 500jd upwards t ime for s4le lime can fc had at t lie canada lime wofci j sm br large loautitiea at any tin r apply at the eijii near jteltons miorto c ssmitth 1 i h anlan barbe t j p worsen p04ehed a barber sbdpjn the i dyopposite storeys djdxrlovs i dtoryi i5k mill street acton and solicits tte ageythe public in thin sdbmftmt of bar ilnrsticlssfe- m wtr m- it nssirtmwif of j i fine oranges lemons figs and ates y niitgigfiall kinds fruits cariiled goods urdi conft4drtery in ehdress variety jio tuavthosieiat honiu rnay enjoy tlie simb luxuries asthose who spend so muclf intravelling to procure them oyster in bulkier can always prejsh served in any style j m fernley post office btiildihs acton c t erchant tailors oiittf ph aqjtqn frijit depot storey christie t co box 1721 acton shop wellington marble works i quebec st guelf h i- i4 pbjoprieljori r formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer iii marble granite and- everything 1 j pertaiuiiig to cemetery work received firsj prizes at provincial ex hibition guelph the western fair aud all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmanship your orders aresolicited i j i r-z- acton bankinc coy 1 -banker8-i- actoii ontario burcess tjce saife and efiea in the suffereij price 25 cents per b the usual byujjitoms of wornift iu childrai iddietiod irregular apietito looaning restfetnness during sleej grindiug of the tk swelling and hardness of the abdomen pic at this nose offenbivebreatli 1 ow spirt tirritab and feverish frightful dreams headache pain ij the rtomaphurine turbid convulsive- fliti a gradual wasting away of flcsli etc wlera of these hyttiptnnib are noticed douot del getting relierfor tbe sufferer t in saniuiebteringmeiliouie toebfldre portaat tbine is to get soinetbilib that v pleasant to the taste add at the same tilt e ef- feetaal in accomplishing tbu end dei4ed ifl burce33 worm powder tjiese two desirable qualiflcatioiisare to be fi idi these powders do not require tbettelpoj al purgative insticliies to complete the cure chdy jwg nffemoneytihan at any thing else jf 111 by feny thing else by tavingiu sg ineyi bimdr book- otifc jbegiti dij m nbne fail p teim inie ppx co portland mcjfne i 1 tlenejial banking business rfansaqtw- v and are you i going home yes i am going home the happiness within me that found ut terance ill a laugh was reflected bub dis- i mally from thebrowiibeurded face opposite me but then gurney was down on his lupk and what was hardly to be wondered at when a young neer-do- well like me could realize in two brief years the wealth that he had toiled for patiently during half a score iu vain i and youll settle dowp iu tho old coun- trr and be a steady practical man for the future he said looking at me wistfully yes and ill uiarry lanie and make her happy and proud of me and youll visit us gurney wont you to see how i have taken all your good counsel and ray opi good luck to heart maybet mayb- i dont promise smil iilg tlipuibtfully and stroking his silken bardasiie spoke i but you have had rare fortune young one and yon do well to sit down now and consider how to do the very best with y lureelf it isnot every one who tiuds himself at twontyiive with university ducati m aiid a realized for tune and a sweet f lithf ill girl waiting for him at home but that is thoway of things chance give i you that because you were a bad boy to bogin with while i who was steady always i s rhadanianthus and the remaining judgis have a handful of nuggets for my whole capital and it grave under the wattle trees to mark the end of my love story hardly- fair is it young one j horribly unfuiri i ausweled avjtnnly but your turn will come it always doba to the deserving and patent and as to roe why my end is not seen yet callno man happy till he is dead you imow j j a faint smile broke over his face i do you ihiuk i envy you or grudge you anything oh no lam not such a bad fellow as that t would not take ffoni you one gleam of your contentment if i could i am satisfied both for you apd myself prosperity ik the pubulum you will thrive on while i should be under any fortune we are on our way together down the main street at itarrangower he coming from the store where he had been disposing of some golddust to ail agent who paid threepence an ounce more for it than the bank price ji from thenew south wales bank whence 1 had beeu drawing my for tune in the form of abulky roll of duehun- dred poundjbritish notes it is scarcely safe to darry all that around here an acquaintance ventured warningly asl was buttoning the money into the pocket of my inolesin trousers i shall take the numbers of the notes byandby i answered carelessly know i sail fbr eijgland next weekl and why not havii that money transfer red to the bjnk therte for safety and your own comfort iu travelling and a hundred deeply and in silencpbut except the loun- 1 ger by the flopr whb stood with iub hands plunged deeply in his pockets and his slouched hat drawn over his restless eyes each man had some mate- to reflect his humor or contradict it that is the itpliau fellow i whisper ed nodding towards ifim yes cleaned out or thereabouts gur ney answered iua low tone aud then we turned to leave together other wb strained every inerve each to kill the other we dealt each oiher desperate blows at random and thjeu when exhaus tion forbade another moment mechani cally we desisted and as mechanically we rose and drswafj w laboredgasping breaths and rushed to the contest again whether c r notj my bppodent was armed i know not at aiiy rate he made no at tempt todftyv any weapon j asforme- 1 ed me to turn towards the stranger and extending a sovereign on my open palni i said curtly have it mate i did not oeg he atiswered coldly speakiug with a distinct foreign accent ab we passed but sonie impulse prompt- carried my useless pistol but even had it been loaqed i question whether i would have used it after the first five minute the contest was so terribly close and equal that a thought of any oxtranpons- aiddid ho occur tlme j onr action was wonderfully concerted of courto nbt but it will bring you although igqvorneidby a double niechau luck money from the pocket of a success fnl digger always floes i said lightly thank youi he took the coin from me but held it doubtfully in his jiaud while he followed me with hib eye tho fellow is desperate i should have a talent jiaperia actor in jthe stream ted in solitudi of the wbrjdl 16 is easy to look down ou otheis to look douoii ourselves is the diffjcnlt y the seirenoreiien i beauty of hie ly life is tue most jwwerlul influence in th 3 world i 1 itis in vam fbt aj man to i be bo m fortu nate if he bp uqfortunato in his mar riage when wprkmen jdtfike to do icbltst 0j2tsb on ippk0ved noibsi r notes discounted and interest aljowed on pepositib j said nothing to him on the principle of letting sleeping dogs liegarney remark- ed it is always well to do a kind action when one has the obance i said carelessly that may stave off suicide another week and then gurney and i shook hands aud parted with some vague hope of meet- ing somewhere sometime if we could it was a dark nijht and when once i had left the lights dftarrarigowei behind me the blackness seemed to close around me with a sence of discomfort after alii had i been wise tccarry all that nioney on my person and to take my way alone and un armed for an unloaded pistol was a mere top through a district so familiar in jihpse adventprous dkys with deeds of violence several men s iw the money at the ipank and others kn w that i meant to draw out my iuvestmen is that day why had i not told gurney c nd let him come home with ine whyhadrnot but pshaw f what was tle good of shrinking like a child before a dark night there was no lauger noiiei in the world tbejmen who had seen the money were as honest as i was and once i had reached my hut i would load my revolver and be ready fpr attack j to keep up my heart i fell to humming one of janas old songs while i strove to concentrate all my attention on te path before me iihad proceeded thus half way home nudmy flrstiterrors were fading away when just where the uncertain roacf way dipped into a thicket of eucalyptus a hand was laid on my shoulder and a vi brantvoice said tremulously vyur pbiiey or yburlffe lt ha is it yion scoundrel whom i help ed i said wheeling around buddenly ion my iiuseeil assault dog of an italian would you dare v it was a furious indignation and scorn of such a base return of my kindness that ani- niateime at ilie moment ibattlingfor existence orior my treasure had not occur red to me yet j j- yes i would dare beoahse i am mad 1- you the man panted forth yoji mnstlgiyei me the gold ybu are young jou can gain more you have hope i have nothings give it tome v yes i shall give you that 1 said ism we straggled fell rose- and resumed the fight land thatafter each had grown so weak that a child could have vanquished i i i liii t- either and through all my terrible cravings fa his life there crept by and by a slow oon sciousnesb df respect for him howas tough as leather and he fought well talcing his punishment with an endurance that hitherto i had deemed exclusively i- i british i i j when i look back on that incident now a char- iter than lin coyet- 0 glielljllci j business college gtelpjl ontario offjblbs y0ungme and w the best facilities fori aoiuiriijg a com plei e training for business pursuits bfx stperiencfid teicltejrs ladfl lecturers fermtmlon tfete tho gvir iiie rtjwnteareejejpmf btted np rlm4i wac j btqdijts may aforma aress pn m siagjflipk ipjfiucipallj nee is altogether a- j ji reasons the niau asked in surprise 1 like ittljuswaj i like the fel of it alwut rhe anc oonvauieni matter of ppii lion i then i wei t ou w histliug not through dearth but tl irough abundance of thought the bulkiy roll repiesented love and tri umph and reconcili ition with th family at home who had ft igned jtp despair of me on t- jff i jaftie janii hdw aid faithi lifibuhayebeeq 1 i thonght tumultuous jj eteaveif fielpiiig me mytfujure will worthier pi yput lan mypsfhas bfeenv psfcnthevit had ei icountprtptignrney and jinking my arm in i is whad walked down thfrstfogetlieri wlilel dilated to him rainy- prospects y- v jv you i go to europe tiext week and i start up the country tomonbw and it may bpwb bhall never meet again he said re gretfully fhltbeiilot us drirk a stirrupcup at part ing i said dra wit g him towards the open aoorpthekangariib f i 1 a8trfupcupo wafer if you will prieanhing agaiii i said pettishly vnt ltot preachi qjj dy njiigyou by pur friendship io n lake ta6nappyj striking iu the direction of the voice and then we closed iwitli each other after that neither of us spoke but we wrestled like giants while- eaoh clutched the other by tlie throat my money vas still safe secured bylaii flap and buttoij oyer the pocket acbotding to a fashion prevailing in the colony at thja time and my chanoe for life lay in the en- idurabcebf my thews and siuewa fori i knew i was confronted by a desperate man ten seconds more and 1 shall be chok ed i thought and then i loosened one band from its hold on him and strucjc out with my clencled fist towardstheregipnof his heart i have npknowledge of time no memory of anything bnt pair and effort and blindr iug blows i cannot tellihow long the strug gle lasted- or hbw it terminated i only know that at last the end came somehow and that after a period of oblivion i re turned tp consciousness and found myself alone how i reached home i caimbt tell i walked the distance douutlesb as pomnain- bulist dp for next day when a neighbor came to lookl me up- i was itossing o i my bed in a raging fever and tile monej that hadso nearly been the price bf a life was safely buttoned in my pocketi of opursetiie giei9t britain sailed with out me and of course the friends awaiting- meat home grew sick of the jsijenoe which no explanation came to break for what message could anyone kend i who expected hourly to see tne- die j but the turn in my longillness eama at last andthen i ttunedslowlyiaw reluct- entljjtbwarda improvement i bad fotrght a bard battle for life beneath the shadow of the eucaiyptust that which disease waged against my youth later was as dead ly and more prolonged btb youth tri umphed at lai t and i rose a shadow of my former self likely to he debarred from ex istence on the old glad free triumphant terms for many a day 1c was years before the last memento of my piicounter with that desperate ruffian hadpassed out of mysysteni but now af ter half a lifetime i can look from fair happy ibnglish home on that incident of my colonial experiences p asto my eneniy hisboaiiad benfontfd in the beek while i lay at the point of death but wh ether fallen there by accident or flung m th oughdspairl never knew gurneys affairs brightened after- 1- left him and the last time i looked on his honebt lace as i lie sat beside myjanies sister with ny youngest boy on hisksee decided jconcusiyely that life was nofrso nearly ovbr for him by a long way asrfaa had imagined when good luck and he stpbd on opposite sides well tihey do confound their skii ousness on of tho best rules in cdnve sation is never to say ajiytiri ag that any ci le present can v isi uusaij- no faiilo can be las bad as tt e feeling whicliisl quick to ee and speak jof the faults o others fui lyjiaunderstanra grand id- beau- ttf ut i hbgljti reqsifi s perhaps as t luch time jas to bbnceive itir r i eyi sry oneof yeu r actions is ra varded or punislied- we ma not discern it or if we do aieioolproudto admitit a ride rich- jnea peq bangs al kive you bnt it ban high twide rough world is arourid jon arid iilies very low i j we should never wed an opinion for bettei orfor worse what we tike upon good grpu id wo should lay d wri lipon betted j a cheerful way o f talking will i oon chase laway gloomy feelings in our ov h niinds and we all know in w inspiring i a us are such wprdbfrpm ai lother the crowning foi tuneof a ntai fa to bo born tp some pursi it whichrica him in employment and hi ippiness whether it be to make baskets oi broadswords or canals or statutesj or song i i i i iontforgetthr3 little words- if yoli please lifeismtdeupnot of reat sac- rifices of dutiesi but of little things of which smiles audi kindness a ad small obligations given habitually are what win and preserve the toejarfc and seer clpmfort a prclse poem in ery light and the feathers but good fht stars goose and of young let j us flee us mbsqiaito f rpm young woman in the blow toldyhe fell like apparently paralyzed for the moment but ahv tbb lovely for rea of course be a log beiug jshbulder bis tour meals we have pur meals j day at bur house ejxultautiysaid one sdld city boy to another oh what a you been givln us asked the other lad who had just been bragging about how he went home to dinner and had three mbats every- day i say we have four meals a day at our house oatmbal in the morning rye meal and cornj meal at dinner and mealy potatoes at njght i- t i john hays credit jsq says his ibulder iwaa so lame for nine months that gpftly the inopn shed its sill npon the evening a r the difference be ween a goos moon is thait the gpose sheds th nt islets rpnia a1ic probably goose featheraaire worth cents a pound more or ies j thejj stood bereath the sill arthnr aid evang ilipe uot the the mpdn she inall her glory womanhood and he in a fifty clollar suit of clothes itjia aiippishing what trust teilorisjjnt in manhood ohahurl blib sighed from thisplac f rom the wrath o i n angry father and the torturing taunts i f a mer cehary mother- at this seasbp phe should have said let i this pteee eu but a ove cant tell a flea from aimpsquito and s re must npt ce isiire her tpp severely i ahy evangel ine would tia x it wet pjjssiblelv j but jit ibposajble arthur r ban fly- ijeyondijhe 6ea tie deep blue sea which lies between us and 1 appiness and b neatb he stuinyskiespf italy in the dolec fan niente of that lotus land we may build about us a beautiful palace- whose founda ioti shall he love and whose superatructur i shall bo thp perfctionofearthly bliss the girl had sbent all her ohewiug gum mney antenceat novels and all paying pauline in an arnateur club i m the picture iybji paint is jlizatipil he walled knew she pahjted any close to a fellowckn tell that when herfet gwl- e why love gh arthur wbi bijckuse jei rest he agijnfzed dowii td the knt esof kis pants money enough t j buy tickets iross thef briny and the y ulking on that fprguin snpes vhichlam also pjut up coliatera s totr dbring tl ie present depressedcoudi ion of trade- be trade she sihrieke parted forever her tune dramatic 4u i clear i i havent jijoad calls unable to iand they il r at becould iotraie his handjto his headbut in falling he dragged me witbj jbiin and hib jiby he lis a of drl thoniasliiclectrio oil jhe grasp on riiy tliroatneyer relaxed spain anc jaweiiess disappeared and al- i am dying i thonghtj sjrivjjg with aioork t ircie irionths hjis elapsed he has iall my remaihgf srength tp liiosep bviioihailma irtmer e itoiletj oyers hair ed ipwar4 jaiedihhiint nep ijpresfees vm sojarf ahct fbrmy darlipgiftbajtn more iliad bitiierfaittpitbeen sufficetti str fa ieiplr iraylhilr tbi origin dark color anjpintesitfegrqvtth v l 1 1r 4 fc i ri ed into littborisibility -tssi- lie ti imb manarahe rill is sne n edj fwldjty 3 3 mciarviuj tne disllgqriikg sruptipns 1 7 mr geo tdek druggist grkibnhurst out writes my oustomers who haver used northrop lymans veg table diaj cbvery and jys leptic cure say that itliag at- certain sfia sons most every meappe- titerequilesa ktjilecpaxing ttomach 18 ou qforder ar a bilipus food vpnt digest flutfff mandral e pill isthemec icineneed- dluggist25c qriig 1 oi abe face- the sinkenpye he palfldcbhip bpn ia dicate that there ife something w ong gbing on exj b thelurlifngfc k to health rflla iyasdkvise i for tliat ayejfs pupperid dobfit l- l m 1 1 m im w m jif