Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1885, p. 4

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two schoolfs ovev the- hill and valley 1 draw by the steam horses- lxwxr the railroad king is speeding fifty miles an hour- he counts his wealth by millions bvjihonsands counts his men oer ten thousand hnileol gleaming rils t ho waves his sceptre pen ihe jdiamouds of the coalmines where toil the lhihers grim andithecalaof the waving corniiems pgy tribute ftnto him but pale and vjoru is the monarch unheeding u tlic ejfe before which die smiling country goes flitting aud whirling by- and he sees but does npt notice the farnier rein old gray at the crossing to let the special pasaj speedingipoii its way stalwart euid strong is farmer john and bronzed with the sun avid weather h wife jie laughs youd never he tad 1 were boys together mnk tliev c interesting items v j djsue them more good than anything hare everused itisiildeeda wonderful influence in purifying the blood and quring- diseases of tlwdigestive organs the liver kidreyinnd nil disorders of the system insist on the genuine flinty tooth powder the peerless dentifrice an inde scribable sweetness surrounds the lady who ht that shadow silent and sly so bigger than my arm he owns a hundred millions and i i have only you and the farm 1 but lordwh6 ever would change wjth iv fellow he never sees djur upland meadow of clover red cjmblossomiugapple trees he iiily hears the clungingfwheels r aiurthe engines whistle shrill j qtitv are the humjninjj of the bees 4 and tliewiki birds summer trill and while in thedusly town he toij when in earth- his hones shall lie howjong do these meadow the sound j ohiisswift train roaring by j nlpudoiice jinjjttitude ignorance and cwajirdiee make tip the kroed ov inflid slity ift yon ever hear ov a man renouncing cli ri itiuhity ow4iiiideth bed and turning iniidil j- i f i ji mbknil nor f feethinkers haventjlfath en if in their professions to teach it to tin til children l i athet witlji all hk listed bravery ha j i ver yejuhived advertise his uiiiehef on h s tumestvtnj y j t iz a sjatratiknl fakt ahat thej vick cd vork harder i to reach liell than the rijheous dp to enter heaven notjss tine thing when a man giti mto a htospoi ho dont never send for his frfeiid the devil to get hirn out i had rather be an idiot than ahihjfidcl iff am anintideluihaylmade injjselione if uvidiot i vaz made so i neyer have met a freethinker yet who didnt bolieve a hundred times more se lse than ho kan find in the bible enny- wliere it is alwus safe to follow tlie religious be leaf that our mothers taught usjthere ndviir was- a mother yet who taught her cliildtobean infidel i ifan infidel could only komprehend tha li kan prove more by his faith than le can bi his reason hiz impudence would be nraoh less offensive j litnbeliovont ar alwus so reddv and anx- iausito prove their imbeleaf that i hev thought uiey mite be just a little doubtful ilfku it themselves- ifhe inmlolinjiiz impudence will k jyo to prove thafthei flood did occur when jthe riior idiot himself- kaut even prove to kav his life what makes one apple sweet and another sour cr tell wlii a hens egg i white and ajducks egg blue avheni hear a noizy- infidel proclajimiug his unbeleaf i yonder if he will send for si m brother intidel to cum and se him die i guess not he will be more likelytp send fc r the orthodox man who engineers the little brick church just aroujidthe tyirner iivuh- luiia daily gmde win be- miimvi tiitiiiiimii uniuln tho united states and great britain uiloiikmornhiir edition i 3nios 1175 0ui6s3s0 hrrreb 2ih 1885 tho fouowinn editions of the i uniuln tho united s hiloiikijlo iioi12o liaiiv iioiir i ii ii iativ utouesiiturdny morning edition 100 100 12 nios 700 i 100 400 i t 125 the weekly eorrtai tdiai tdid- tuur special trial triptwo m 15 wo wait tcincrenso onr present lario list of snbscrlbora by ton thousand witliinllio next toys and for this nurnoso mako thd above liberal and unprecedented offer in iildiiloi to i he above liberal otfer wc make the followiug j anyovk sendiko us 75 rcntsland 5 subscribers vml rocclro nn cktiu copy or two nvonthsifroo 140 ana 10 hubscrlbers will rccoivo anctra cojpy for flvo months free 225 nrill 15 subscribers will receive a cops of biography of tho late goorg 300 anil 20 s b cabers wiurccelve a copy of the wkkklv 0lobb for ono year free loorgo brown irdaysoatii tocolvoacopylofthe daily globe four months free ill recclvo a copy of the daily globe ono yonrf rcc subscribe now and sccice report of mthiparluuncat for only 15 cfnls 50 antt 30 subscribers will rocolvoa copy of saturdays datliy globh ono yenr free rf 50 and 60 subscribers witrecolvo a copy lofthe daily globe four months free 1500 ami 100 subscribers jvill recclvo a copy of the daily globe onoyonrfrcc tu4c fi arp hapeclalarrangemontb7whiohitposotheolcrjghtinciii inc uulot ada of publication of new novels by moat of thelftading writers of flotion such as nrukle culnt mlm brartuob janus mcorlby t rnrjeen 8arn ttj wltuma buek hrs ouphant hfk 0way b qtireri a honr loftothralllng interest entitled wy1aakiv8 wkib by hu rorti obibc in tbc daily and weekly qlqbe and 1u be continued till completed mmzm by a story from the powerful pen of jihn mecakthv and after the broddon is now ronbibc ia tbc daily and weekly qlqbe and will be continued tni completed it wul be gaoosedbr a story from the powerful pen of jlmtts mecakthir and after the last named story to completed there will follow ono from i xjubil the famous novelist la addition to tho regular continued story there are e ssattoasof daily and in the wkiklt globs one or more additlonatnovfclsby authors of woemw repute liohumannor readers gat fle or six cornplote novels each in the 12 and 3 oclock tyaut year uses it lenti- tii- -i- we specially commendthis irrice- sotdbyj e mcgarrav drijggist irke25c t horscmfb attsttbn i wheuybur horse is gallid scratch 3d or cat or has an uglysdre bathe dauy apply mcgregor parkes carbolic c erate it is undoubtedly the ndest healing and cleansing application for a be sure you get mcgregor i parke sold for 25c per bos at je mcgarvinsidrug storei 31 cholera preventative i in order to withstand cholera- aud such like epidemics a perfect purity of blood and the proper action of the stomach are required to insare that end- h i the cheapest v most available and conplete uiauher use mcgregors speedy ctue for dyspepsia and impure blood then is no purer safer or moro reliable remeiy in existence for indigestion dyspepsia cos- tieness etc isk your neighbor or any person who has used it sold by j e mcgarvin trial bottle given free i c fluljl jgbtblsk r ay stffferera frdoi that terrible toimenti neuralgia can be made ihappy iu i moment by a single application of lightding briskly rob ed onpainful ajod without using ani disgusting mejdicine day after day with little or no tesult fluid lightning also cures as effectually toothache lumbago rheumatism i head ache and rs only 25 cents per bottle ajt j j2 v mcgarviifs drug store 31 i folorini pioirirta pectoris tlie grea ab as auukvvtvral new8pape the wjbekiy jlobe ib vn8vbpa8b spurgelbns sermon bavisedbr spurgoons own band gwen evory wook in saturdays daily olposamla weekly globe under special ana cxduslre arrangement for the jk mtfttotot canada llie rsrj c h sporgobn id beyond question tho most widelyread pre tcher in the wort d is alwaya nwy prao an tostrucato i address the globe printlmco speicht son acton ttjnd4rtakexrf oapriag mai 31 f ijluid parts flollomiifs ointment and pill these r uiedies are unequalled thrughout the world for bad legs wounds foul soresaud u cers used according to directions given with them there is no wound bad lej or u cerons sore however obstinate ojf long si anding but will yield to their hieaiing aid curative properties many poor suffer- eijvho have been patients in the large h jspitails under eminent surgeons and hive derived little or no benefitfrom their ti eatmetijt liave been thoroughly cured by iolloways ointment andpilfi forfiran- ddsx swellings tumors scurvey and dis- e ises of the skin there is nothing that can b used with so much benefit in fact in the worst forms of dteease dependent np- oh the condition ofthj blood tliese medi cines used conjointly are irresistible itching piles symptoms and cure the symptoms are moisture likeperspir- atibu intense itching increased by scratch- i ag very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- worms were crawling in aud about itlie rectum the private parts are swfctimesaftpcted j 11 allowed to continue vcrv serious results may follow swayses qistjiest is a pleasant sure enre auo for itetter itch salt- rheum all scaly crustyskin diseases sent by inail for 50 cents 3 boxes sl 25 in strimps- ad- drem dr swayne sox philadelphia it sold byldniggists ors c i vw iare prepared to liiriiish everything iu tlieir- uiq from the best casket to the plainest coffin i oh the shortest notice and at lowest terms promptly atteirdfcd to siatis- allalls eititr niglitlor lav faction iudiaiiteeil in every ease a firstclass hearse for if you will pay us cash wo nv ke l- the w fkliwt dust prop 3as vy a im ith watch ani clock hotise ok galph facilities fbrjiepairingj the fitiost apd best s smith extra hire tbt we are inji positiuhtoastisfactnrily ill orders for waggons carriages c of every description in reasonable time giiiiil wiirknianslip oiid lirstclass inateriil always used we biive also a splendid lot or kurintnrt belli omnuiiiin and extra quality cheap our line cheap pejght manager i health is wealth 1 h h4 renqdy for uoughs colds bronchitis sore turoit hdaenza horseness and all afifec- tfons of the langs adfthroat or chest vpepjoria loosens the piegnrnnd breaks up mie cough 25 cent per bottle j dont lwtuii until voil luve tried pebtoria ap haugists and genera storekeepers ell it hald llibluine i thircare imtfewthat have never suffered hlimijf mt ilrri0ili ijiin from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such ati iriktantrelief ja fluid lighthbgis time of troubli f no utljcines to be fakeu light- an tintlid plesiog in disgusting rtlluusive m or diysi ouc applieamon of fluid ing cures trug store sold at jj mcgarvins 29 j i bicfele3 auticousurhptive syrup is a ctmibinatiori of seveial medicinal herbs v which exert arnost wonderful inflneuce in curing pnlmdnary cjr a ad all other diseases of the lungs chest and throat t tc promotes a free and easy expecti ation i and gives ease even to the greatest si fferer coughs colds shortiiess ofbreatl and afiections of the chest attended with we4k- ne33 of the digestive orgausor with general debilitv seem to vanish under its usfe o 1 j other remedy acts so i readily in- allaying inflammation jqr breaking- up aseyere cold even the most obstinate cough is overcome by its penetrating atidl healing properties tt whep ichildren are ajfleoted with colds oodghs- inflammation on the ldtjgs croup y and sore throatj this syiinpl is of yit importance the nunnber- of deaths among children from t jise diseases i truly i alarming it s so ru4ble that ap- chm will hot ref useit and feput it such a price that will not exclude tbjepoor frcm ite bene- -fits- j 32 jroimucnt among the greatest niedica dwebveriesbyubemanyuresithaspirect- ed mereijorslspit cure leads thic vanv subjectedtotheminutestchcmicalanalysis it has been found to contain one ofi those injurious ingredients characterizing the tvorthjess specifics daily offered dp thel public every ingredient possesses a pecnl- laradaptabifity to- the various complaints for which ithas been compounded and its f etecacy is beiag eblshed by testimonials hourly received vy arejthejefofeconfi j sat that we have ireparation which we can offer to tho pdblie- with the assurance 1 thaitrilf be fonnd not only rmml an ahtolue cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im- pjsrfllood free trial bottles at j e fegmn8 drugstore 33 db e c wests nehw avd baintjgkeat iustt a guaranteed specific for hysteria dizzi- iess convulsions fits nervous neuralgia 3eadache nervous prostration caused by the ise of alcohol or tobacuo wakefulnesb mental jonression sof teninp of the brain rifltiihg j jiianity and leading tomisevydecayiija death rematnru old age harrenuess loss of pqw neither sex involuntary losses and 8pfma rhaa caused by overexertion- of the brain leifabuse 6r overindulgence sjoach hoi con- ains one months treatment que dollar a box rsix boxes iornve dollars sent by mail pre- jflid on receipt of price we guarantee six boxes o cure any case with each order received by is for six boxes accompanied with five dollars so wiu sendthe purchaser oarlwrittengttarautco a refund the money if the- treatment does not fleet a cure guarantees issued only bv john west co sole proprietors 181 fc ibswest madison st chicago 111 sold by j e jmcgarvin gpggagcac tiwi lijli ln warren leland whom everybody knows as the successful manager of tho largest hotel of america says that while a passenger frost new york on board a ship going arouuaci hon in the early days of emigration to cal ifornia helcarncd that one of the offlcers of the vessel had cured himself daring tlie voy age of au obstinate disease by the osejojf ayers sarsaparilla since then mr lelasd has recommended avpks sansarauilla in many similar cases and lie has never yet heard of its fail nre to effect a radical cure i soihe years ago one of sir lelasds farm laborers bruised his leg owing to ttie bad state of his bioodf an ugly scrofulous swelljiig or lump appeared on the injured limb j lor- rible itching ef the skin with burning and darting pains through the lump made life almost intolerable the leg became enor mously enlarged and running ulcers formed discharging great quantities of extremely oitenslve matter ko treatment was of any atailtnitiltueman by mr eelakds direc tion was supplied with avens 8aebapjir billa which allayed the pain and irritation- healed tus sores rerdoved the swelling and completely restored the limb to use j jfrrlerlufd has personally used ayer s ssama for bhenmailsm with entire success s arjij after careful observation declares that in liis belief there isno medicine in thekorjd equal to it for thecureiof liver bjfsbrhers gout the effects of high llvlngalt eheum sores eruptlons and all the various fortns of blood dlseabei i if j ws lmve j lielasps pennissionto invito all who may desire further evidence in rpgard to tho extraordinary curative pottera of ayeus saksapabilla to see him person- ally either at bu mammoth loccan hotel long brancborat the popqlarilland hotel broadway 27m and 29fb streeta new ijork jar lelamds extensive knoifledgo of he good done by this unequalled jradicafof of mo6apolsms enables bin ibglro iiirpihara much valuablj information ibepabed nv chicago rock island pac r belnz the creat central line affords to traveler ty reason of its jnrlvhled geo- graphical position tho shortest and best routo between the east northeast and southeast aid the west northwest and southwest j j it is literally and strictly true that its connections are all of tho principal lines of road between the atlantic and tho pacific 1 by its main llhe and branches it reaches chicago joiict peoria ottawa la sails qeneseo molina and rock island in illinois davenpprt muscatine washington keokuk knoxvllle oskaloosa fairfield des moines west liberty iowa city atlantic avpca audubon harlan quthrlo center and council bluffs in iowa callatlri trenton camqron end kansas city i worth and atchison in kansas and the hundreds of c intermediate the n missouri- and leaven- rock island pie last snd iilptiiing store has a oomplktk assortmekir of fjjh twekd stjitjscis afso a largo variety of worsted in plain autl fancy loawngts beautiful pantings in all shafe and patterns halts oafs and gents ffflnishings in this department the stock is woil assorted before purchasing your fall outfit call and 6xamiiie the stock fit l and workmanship guaranjtdecl j fyfe w t -r- 19 1 i all the baymo id 1 4b fitted- vil nllllllmlllllhtipimlljlll chas r villi thetfltoit tt liflier i ljlllhlllliiill aymorep facturrr manu guelph ontvtrj land stock simttle llacl ihes ctim 4 w rji oivie farrn wwvn casiss- i crosse lie wayne co m savage jfjrtjm peofbietobs ichr ysv v v suxsteit v f ikhmsthe subscnbwrs posti aura in advance i paper discontinue 3 i- pxcept attheojti anyeimsixo ba ments8 cents- tioniid 2 cents uent nsrtixny 101ih9orles8t4i 12mne5c6pe months from dajtejoj noriceyiheobseei c the pecunfary beae company u jbp ment tlien the spaoe ocripi solid nonpareil tosij one column ope y half eolomtt one narter colamn ope ne columni iilx tnop half cdlumn six mi quarter coliimu mx i one column three utelf column tlrree r i quarter cblmnn tu 1 advertisemeuts j wiu be inserted til i inglvtitransttory r in advance change for- co in yifficelarv i thev will lileft da i ia hi -i- j pitrocifjk3jli impoirted percjter oiji korjses au stock selected- from the pet ofhres ef established repu tation and rcgistet french and- american stud books island home is beaudrully filuatcd af the heid cf c ia lire detroit river ten unites bco lb and dams id in the isiccessible bv faihoadrd ficarr irii nbt familiar with the location 6ia- crll t camdad buildirrt and on ctot vill a ftem ta the farm send lorcatolcfr- iij ddress savage fakiuii deuoit ji rr it p city and wtlrrs it rfiee- otrpanv e ly thail cby fore hi reciii j 63hattoa garden loudon and 246 st jaimes st montreal ground sakntrficidl ij from clear and pure bubble or optical glassl especially hiaiiuiichirciljor ihe purpos they are without rxiicpiwh best adaptetv to re- flieij are especially r mttooi hoh lost iijiw resiukl we jtnve recently publisbi d a uew edition of flr cdftrerwcl is cele brated essay oh the vpj seal and rciiunnent cpre vwitlujut uif iicine dft nervous deoiytj jieiita1 and physica ity impediments of marriage etc from exesses 8priceiu a scaled envelope onlj or two postage stamps j the celebrated author in this admt sayclearly domonstrates from thiity years successful practice that alarming con equences may be radically enrcrj without tlie lijuserous use of intcrualinediciui is or the uso of beknife pointing out a moile of ure at once sitiple cer- taaif and effectual- b ineans of wbjich every sufferer no iuntter whtthis onditid inaycure himself clieapl privfttely imd this lecture should le in the hands youth and every man iu the land address mfedicali llnn st x poster ravage of aye and to retain perfect virion icndtil by tit plant eminent faculty iejvery pair of spcctucus and eyeglasses is uiarked jbl jmarjvin i solealtpntfora ct0ngn smwwwmbmmswwmm3wstvthnt 1jrtl0ist vs oloaring sale at the- mammoth house georgetown mcleod and as it iffaitilllarty called offerfe to travelers a ithe ad lantagd fnemetikto srriboth track safe bridges union depots at all cd ri liffresa trjiiho coiposed 1 commodidu8 wei lvenkltatajwell iroff finely upholstered and elegant oaflfoacwatr atlmkof the 8t magnificent horton reclining chair car8jver built ppllmans isrmteajnecl and handsomest palace sleeping cars ancr din1ncfcar8 junf tarefoeknowladted by press and people to be the finest run upon any road in the country and in which superior meals ave served to travelers at ttejow rataof seventyfive cent8 eaoh v i h thretrain8 each way between chicago and tha mi8souri river two trains each way between ohicaoo and minneapolis arid 8t paul via- the famous t j a new ana djrect line via eneca and kankakee hab recently been opened between newport news richmond cincinnati indianapolis and la fayette and council bluffs 8t paul minneapolis and intermedial points ir au through passengers carried on fast exr rasa trains for more detailed information see maps and folders hloh may beobtalnedas wall as tickets at all principal ticket offices in the united states and canada or of rr cable est john vlcefpwt4tcehl manager i onl tkt pasar agtv chicago i dr jc ayerco lowell mass folibyaidniggist 61slxbottlestor5 we f busira gradual ber of gollege of office and- rail frederick street rteybll surgeons of otitii accoucheur qskvat mill st hotel acton bspecm eases of women jle idestiste wili visit prcift day of each w4et all work guaran nl l bekjhs incapac rcsultiuc iojceuts ablces- i ruiiy bt ildicah- oi co v york south of bap oainlesg vitalizedlajil for piunfess flfel w toveus block uppferf office of r iggslj queen i tbeanufhl work of 150 pa ws cnlored plate nstratlonsj trtth descriptions oftlse ust i ftgetables pticea of seeds alrfd plants and hem printed in english ind gtrman pi antsvhlch niay bodeuueted from fut orde iltells wliat yon want foa he gardeo am llnstfead ofmnning to the oibcetvatllfo lat mdiego-ll- oivcrs and unui iwto prow nd carman p ce only 10 i from fir ordef how to get mximent to jnywbateterfeedsharpen1dbe left over iri elinswith intixubt after wee s seeds at hea1 james vici of wiitini trjarter rochester oxj e3d33 bfjy oslyi n y worththeir we are holding a cenuine clearing sale goods will be slaughtered regardless of coatj ave sliall quote juo pricesiibr ac vertibe any discounts but come arid see the roods at the prices they are laid out at and we are satisfied will oonvincfe the most sceptical shall gls ae 0ut fu s dress goode dress silks mautlep mantle cloths jhecked winceys plain andchecked flannels checked shirtingsc prints tweeds eeadyinadeolothinf overcoats geiis tjiidferclotliiiif 1 i intact all kinds of heavy goods ah imnenae drive in grey cottons and blankets we call especial attention to hemp uniinah wool ind tapestry carpets to be clearedout at unheard ofbargaihs onr ordered clothing millinery ivndpressmakiug departments shall bv conducted as before mc urnin and redding orders a specialty in 6inib usine ssall the goods suitable for suci purposes keptin stock we appeal to the peopleaf thley want money saved to patronize thisrgenuine clearing sale mcleodan a majkmqth hdtjsjs theoheipest bry goodsjlrmtle watk1ns has beuti iiiirkiiisj down his enorniiui stolk for overa niontll new and fa fhiohabia tjif ss goods inirked downvery low piles of drqssgoods marked down inmanyitistanccstolebs than hglf price- ifuittira- wscil clouds and shawls are tria down to half tlie actual value gossamer manlleejniarked down veriow heavy jersey jncketsnellingoff ataii immerjse reduction f rrinr lute prices- ijcnhtedwpo shawls puf downfrom 2tiil and from i6ij to 87 p dress trimmings marker do ivh to one third their value beautiful colored silkfrirgfh put down jiomijbocvtb- 0e r these fringes fauge frpin ty tortbtiut 3j iuehes wide and- there is fcgreat variety of the newest sliades amongst them just see the bigaftick of whiteandecru laoeci rtaius sellingoff at less than half their value bpsiire o sev the great variety of brochc cud brocade silks marked down from 1 fio tofjpmiljoucthtfdttieil real value hundreds of ladies mantle and dolmans ate selliuayoff at half their real vavub they are well ussorled from 4 to 2fj in nil sizes and priccb m iliinery iramensel v ret lined in prices- and cotislstd of the newest and most i sshionable designs and gtylei i jersey gloves down- to half their latij prices remnnnts of dress goodg printft audj winceys are selline off atlmlfllie late price are about 100 ewsajf oolbreti silks and silk brocjio riitiging frnin two to forty yards which are put down tp ahot t methiril their late prices gain plaid and qnepnslaw shawls with oheoltecl and plain centres and iuthe various new colobrnflrkl iown veryrlow theblankets quilts inttqhiltetigptnforers are sellhvgoff at- fu oneoiirih less than jafe prices these blankets are made by the- best niakersin ontario andiire warranted free frt n jtite mantle trimiriinits greatly reduced in iprtees winceys markfed down very low uuderclothng of all kinds for lafliesjgentleinfiil misses atidovs at greatly rednt at prices gloves marked down to half prices i ibe suit to see the ffiarpets elooroiiclolbhmattints mats rugs carpet sweeper iwindow cjhadeajtfticoratea blinds wiriitlpwpblec greatly reduced pnoes the stock of thope goods is enoinrnus ard tftervfes nfid prices in grei a variety 1 oboggannlng blankets greatly reduced in prices remember the right house is on king street east closeto hughson strcetand mind the name is i i thomas o 77atlkilsrs hamiltod feb 2n 185 i r i 4 c pillsiointm as wciired for hroiiajtout tlie it ipavable me oku xl xf m imperulca ilc fovu jrldfvr the allevic twuciiid citrof mdstiliixfyutsh khichfaimaniiiijliijv t i 1 fti cold n a 1n3i- widens tornji teeth- 85 to raesi leajvej oh iugrcfnhayeliii have been adarii air fof the palihpj iug the past fr iuayuy j qhrlawrj cavio veturl veteritiary suref in keiuiy bros 1l dehptji the yerj soundness aiitliij allcausjnigiftl ed to terms qal i f watfsc i birrlstersisi a i saucers jx 13 i ofrtcfi i- jaqwai1 1 vktioodh r i h fiarristter o 111 j hgsp k fj ohic ij joedky l orcw q slidarel bin bafipii i omcisf g liugton street j alley tjorontf johsatk tatentfi 2q 1 yeajrsprjti purity reuulate and ittipioveiliit imlny the blood tfiey assist thcdigisir e ceunse the i- i j j stomach aadboyilsv iucrease the secretoijipsers if tucjlivei bailee the nervous sy item- sndvtli toy jiulo he circulation- the purest elen eifta for ustaiuing and repaij ibg the f ram thrni8iinds rif persuushavo lestifiedltliat by their use alone thiy have tieeii xesfwred tphealh and string i afler evtr pthfr neausliatl proved uuucce8sfut j i d us i tlsllcc st greojges abcbupf bi pteriodicals jjfl ibuf the ointment i will bjefodndiuyalualde in every household in tfie cure oftopenfe ores hard 1 uniors j bad legs oldw ounds coui hi golds sore throats ljrouchtis and all disorders of the th re at aud chest as also jiput rhehniatjifm scorfula itti 4j every kind of skin disease manufactured gorily at piofesm r ihoilo- way v 583 cxjlord jjiu bpx ami 9 cents iipottioii street- london hivd sold at 9di 4s 6d 2 itirl 33s each pot otd iiicanada ut 8g tits rdsl5t il the lnrfersizesin pi united stales ii a there purcliasfisbhi uld therefor thexabcl on the posiind boxes oddrws is not 533 pfftirdstreci tliovan mrjops l de mrtik agautloni livfe nd aentjjn the e tuy nieriicme8siild of my saidmi registrtred at oltnjwh and 50 ipgton signal thom1a s fiollcwy 538 oxford street london fotthp cour orders left afc or at my promptljrtittfei also ihone ableterins terest injulii lime ca ij works in sji timsii ippl milliortto ilanr lotlb to if the eiondoii licincsis t wash w hajs nearly opppj milj street- j age pt tpj 1 departroentr ed5ilitcl wiigfesha

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