w v vj jfe- v- 3- t ft i- v u h m 1 ii w v si cheese factories the fui passs am always endeavored ti v4 thtaaipas mddritoi fs 85 188j and pfst and to led its inflaenoe to any and every q iter- y teoutated to fcdvanoo juo inurt enhance tbbuty or beiwflt the niaircos of actoa or vicinity regarding some i nat- e w have bean mistaken but then are ot irs in the advocacy of which it wauld j h impossible that vro should errj aiijon rprisehas been before ohr fanners re detents fov consideration daring the fe wtekai which lif taken in hand oo niple ted fill we believe bring consider- aue pr jflt to those who ejvgage in it fre re ter w the proposed scheme of bnildihg a cleesa factory in acton on the joint stock oc mpany principle and this is one jof those ei terpriaes wo advocated believing jth re is ii tie chance of losing noney- invested anp gi eat prospect of success we hai e t akn nsidrable tronhle to ascertain boi nothing- oi the estahushmeiit and vforkinjs of a factory of this kind and oonsidei inj the iwitlay and expenditure we advaicevoar o anion that for capital invested feres- ublishriieats wpuld bring in larger ret yns xil conversation with a gentleman wh ijor a nnxnber of years has resided- in the cl ieeee unties of middlesex and oxforil b s ex pensed his opinion that the fanners ol tbis c mmuiiity could not do better than estab- li ib och a factory here fronrthis w urce have learned thai the average cow with ge pasture will bring to the o frner oat 3150 per season when the mi k is pt to the factory and this we believe wjil fee more than the average cowl will briag in- by home batter making then see the amount of laborour ladies ive had taken off their hands bat it is figures besides factsthe f ariners wut presented those who were ores- vot at the recent meetings held in the iqwn v iirt i v sofee of oortalagert are working op it smiths kiln an engagement ha been lade with pfursee in toronto to supply quite uumber of carloads of stone for the city and for cribbing on toronto mind bpeoiarmeetjiags are still oonduoteqto the methodist oharobj here and aw to eiou tiuue for thisrweek at least mr geo kennedy assisted by another gentleman from ueorgefowu conducted the servioes last evouiug bo v mrshiltouureaohed in the afternoon j limehottsewb8885 j rocki duriug latfcoauroa loae leave id4o aotonim- iuh sunl ls oil kllnsrtubjtjikoa oau to olok it up hn elliott lofclysjdnakrln 5 hillwill remember the figures submitted to them a factory such as would beet ti e reqmrementsf this commanity oauld b bailt and furnished with the litest machinery for 93500 at most which c onld jx divided into shares and easily met rom h e profit jof thftnsiness we clip rom tl elngerspll chrtmieu the following re port m ibttsiness ihthe dereham and weft os- 4o cd factor for the year 1881 total amount of milk received54t94ot bs total amoant of cheese made 306461 i average jo 55100 i trerage pace reeiveovnearly 11 8100 total number oteovrs at factory lit sold cheese asjifa lbs for s22869 86 j this factory is one on theglan wewnnld at ggest for our farmers and the year s re nt rt above quoted wjlt substantiate what w have said respecting the same ajh ther cl eese factory in the same vincinity iniits thual report has following iem dividend on paidup stock 18 perjc t- we urge oar farmers to do more than talk oyer the matter bat to form a com ny and bring thelscheme into operation but it is not only the farmers such an estat lish- ment wouli benefit the merchants and i vsllage people would surely be benefit ed if il wer s20w0 were distributed anionj our fa rmers cheese money comes in moi ithly and consequently bills would oftene be psid by all means let us all strive ttuse otr influence to the building of aclieese u our municipal govern ment a short session very little business 1 itransaoted the regular semimonthly meeting of the couiicil jof this muuicipajity met last tues day eveuing j members all i present reeve storey in- the chair minutes of last meeting read and con finned a communioation from the secretary o the provincial board of health respecting the organization of local boards of health was presented read and laid over until next meeting theaunnal report of the auditors was asked for it will no doabt be forthcoming at next meeting moved bj d henderson seconded by j b pearson that the reeve bo paid the sum of ten dollars for charitable purposes carried following up the frequent suggestions of the free passs respecting the matter of arranging that municipal work of some suitable character be supplied tramps so that remuneration might be received from them for favors granted was suggested by several members of the council no action was taken however prompt attention should be given this important question the cow bylaw was referred to and a new pound keeper is being looked np moved by x henderson seconded by w ismohd that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw at next meeting of this council to appoint a chief constable and one or more cousubles for the village of acton carried i jcoancit then adjourned ht pyf m wssam m hot aid dry skin i soaldiij seusatioua 8welliifgof tbeanklosr vague feelings of uurejti frothj or brickdust iluids aoid s oinach aohiog loins j crumi s growing uervoiianens strange soreness of she bowels unacc mutable lauguid fooliua short breath aud pteuritio pains due tide headaohe biokaolie attacks of the blues fflattoiiug and distress of the heart album 9n and tube casts in the water v j fitful rheumatic paius and uaitralia 5 loss qf appetite flesh utid ptronmh constipation alternating with lobseutss of the bowels abund tut pale or scanty flow of durk water chills and fover burning putohes cf akin theh- brljrhk disease of t lie kidneys the above symptoms are not dovcloped in iany order but appear disappearaud re- apear nrtil the disease gradually gets a firm gras on the constitution the kidney- poisoned blood breaks down the ueivoub system 8 nd finally pneumonia ttiarrhqsa bloodless less heart disease appoplexy- saralysis or cbuvulaions eusue and thou eath is inevitable this fearful disease is not a i aro ones it is an or vday dis- order aid claims more victims tliun any other con iplamt it must be treatod in time or it will eain the masiery dont neglect it wa nebs safe cube has cured thousands of oases of the worst type and it wui cme you if yot mil use it promptly and as di rected it is the only specific for the uui versal bri0hts disease intone itlng itema from flj ceut to if yob want i houlw dufjliblo andcbi j fyfos is thbpiaif torgo suits ami oeroont ot extremely iqw rate and innue in latest styles be sure tonsil and see tl em to the ladles mcgregor parkes carbolio cerate will cure any base of pimples on the taco or iff 1 1 to esquebing township sfiov on saturday of this week the lheeti ig of fb e directors of theesquesing agricul ural siciety will be held in the iown hall ste al ton for the purpose of st lecting a jace aiwhieh ip hold the anniial vs5 i actons feiaims to the exhibition this aie just our position is jmt as fayo able a suecessfnl show as georgetown th e direcfers already know whenever we hi ive had the opportunity of showing vhat wj could do in this matier actoi has f blown i the society that fii ancial sn ess v at tdids the show here every ime two years ago when the exhibitonlwas held in acton it proved the greatest sue bs the society ever experienced and what was done then can ard will be lone gain should jte have our rights we tint the exhibiiionr alternately rith etowa not as a favor but as just heal estate office hough skin on either hands nr- face arid leave then soft as silk it will also heal any sore vhen all other preparations fail thousands hae tested it akyuur drug gist for mcgregor parkes carbolic cer ate and do not be pursuadud to take auy- thing eue claimed to be as iood it is bnt 25 cents per box at j e mouarvius drug store exbibitio i for it has been said that we have not v itiesgeorgetown has v 7e have 4 bet jrhofue- and cattle ring r vailed b few ge excelled by none and evferpne 4owstha1j tiie success of the town ship w depends in a great treasure 01 the ibits in live istock give eb areason able tee tbat acton wifl have the show other year andwewil soon hin e an tural hall equal to any in the coc nty certainly ahead of georgetown in that the directors from this vicinity at sert iir rigfitei and let be aigood rep qtation from acton and y cinlty pre sent to press our claims ano 3 feel assured thkt acton wilphavfi justpe k one heif the limehouse sparks ffim mr own correspondent quitfan agreeable change in the weat ber ifr f james scott wtendi boildirii in a itonpext snmmer j 1 it wonld be quite a treat u a spark f rom tb83 convention in aotim this meek w mid catch us on fire i something should be doie to prkjreqt sd afle thoughtless boys from he nging 00 ntii tfa sir sleighs behind trains leaving the sta- ti m ajstitehin time saves a workjng tra nlaijd qjtp m m were employed last thursday tajring ii i snow oat tf the station unttinffhe cs t ni filled right np to the nine tk numbed of leftojbe between thejbfm ed mow ootting7 the brim enough train to mr- john j daley successor to thompt son jak3on h3 opened a real estate office in brownlows block formerly oc cupied by his predecessors mr- daley is an energetic business man he conies to thisoitv well recommended and it is certain that he will build up a goobosi- uess in a short time mr daley has had a long experience in real esute matters the following recommendations taken from a large number speak for themselves the toronto world john j daley of this city is in guelph arrangingtostarta business there being a young man well known to possess good ability and all the qualities essential tjra gentleman be may predict a pfosperous fntnre- durham chronicle dec 11th 884 john j daleyesi of toronto who is popularly known in this town and vicinity is about to open a real estate office on ad extensive scale in guelph he is a gentleman of considerable legal ex perience is wellj versed in conveyancing und thoroqghly acquaintea with the idtricacieb of tile real estate business his business abilities are first class and his habits and refutation irreproachable r mr daley is well upiin law and a practieal conveyancer knowing from experience the expediency of inducing capitalists to invest in ontario properties he has established an agency in- europe for the purpose of facilitating advantageous sales of property entrusted to him for dis posah mr daley is thoroughly reliabl itnd trustworthyand we recommend those- having propertiei forsale to communicate ith him having had the pleasure of his acquaintance for a nnmber of years and knowing him to be a gentleman of more than ordinary ability we have the fullest confidence in recommending him to the public durham chronicle jan 1 1885 the arpcle we published previously wasentirely without mr daleys cognizance and we haye since discovered that we had omitted stating that the loaning business would be rah in i conpectio wiljri the real estate agency and also hat it would require but a very small potion of mr daleys capital u foand an eitensivp business we are gfad io hear thattilr daley speaks highly of guelph fttid feel assured that he will be an acquisition to society there guelph herald 1 j s mtsgellakeousi the largest and cheapest stock- of bodtb 8hoes to seleclfroraia at nelson moraes scotuh kliv isli and canadian suiting rit varitty u the east eudclotliinu tnii j fyfe iiaiitou good digestion dilth un both ui 31 advice to mother are yot disturbed at niut and bjroken o your ivst by a- sick- child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth if so end atonce and et a bottle oi mre win- tloxcts soothing syrup for cittfdrcu teething its value is incalculable ii will relieve tho poor little sufferer immedintely de pend upoi it mothers there is uu riiistakv about it il cures dysentery and dianlioei regulates the stomiieh slid boivejg curet ivind colic softens tho gums reihices in daminatioii adie ionj and energy tn the wjiolesyslein jyi wiwiloiotsoothittfi syrup for children tetthhty is pleasifht o the tste and is the prescription of one of the oldest ami best femah nurses nnd-pby- siciadb in the united states and is for side by all druggists thriujhnut the worhl price 25 cents a bottle dollar upon dt thefailh of recc euiiirely worihh vireporsspiieily to purchase it ill caljat j v v get a free trial bot it will cure yon ipepkia liver uliij liow long standi 1 tow 1 mir from persons mmmm f mmmm band olilt 7jfli ttirirti jstsi spsiia9ji iexfrq g4hi oiui ef ill jsl bn1ih mllcl 4 j irkatfo ii troubled vith iin unhealthy slow- hua ing wire use mouieifor parkes car boli 3 oerto i yuu will find it iuviiluuble for healing cleanbing aud completely re- iiiiving your trpiihle if the blood is cut forder take w ui it a few doses of mo gregors speedy cure from j e mcgar vitia drug store 1 29 tferohants patronize some gentleineu if 0u are in wautlof a per- fecthtting suit i oyercoatuallaud inspect nurjgoud we liave auinimuufe stook to select from and we guarantee perfect fits stylish cut- and firstclass workmanship every time wii kuow it will be to your iutere8tsti give is yout patronage as wo nr jsalulied weiugiye jyou better value iiy at least ten er oetit than firms from iituer towusqalcfloryoj nblsonmcrae medal nd dlplom at centennial ibis hedslnd diploma at sydney australl gold mcdl it protldcul exhibition 1 oronto 18tc ibjglinl lawtns st inoaurialexlilbfuon lorontaf r ibivwn j- wb abe how manukactcriso if a tew graim t cnuition sense could be mfused into the t liok noldlesof thoe who perpetually ami ulterndtcly irritate and veakeu their slip luachs nl bowels with drastic purgntivts they would use the uigljly accreililieii ilid liialthful laxative and tonio northrop i lyniatis vesetabio dis ivory auu dyspeptic iure which causes 1 3 wait an appetite snd 23 af mejijitprovio i ar is f njquently spent on mendatiods for articles not so with mc- square and upr cht pianos 1 best ik tub mbkzt 70rcbpondcnce sottottod send for illustrated cat j aloie mailed free addreso domikiok onoan and p1ako 00jpat ikwmasvillh ost j mhe fkeepke88 so with are ypu ardnot asked 1 its merits are proven jarvinjj drug store and le and if nort convinced the worst forins of dya- laint utcno matter of it costs you uothing dold in 50c and il bottles sec testimon- i in ycur owutbwn best nnl cf n ifor i to ibe surfcrlne 29 offowler5 lextraowii cures choler cholera infantum dlflrrhe a all5ummer complaints 5oldbylldelrs aters jbrowus mtt isehold panacea has no equjxl for relieviuu pain both internal and rfxtsriiiil it cilfta pnin in thf side back or bowcn isoiethnmt hheumalista rootllache jjiuiibagii and any kind of a paiu or achei n the uloinlnii is wonderful icea lfcing au pain reliiiveri it will mjisttiurelv quick 1 i lial as ituj acting ppwei tlroairjllousehild pali- kidwledgcid as the great of double the streniith of any other elixir ior inimeat j in the world should iq ill every family bandy for 4j useiwhfcii wanted as it really is tpe best ivriitdi i fbo hotiii firacrnmpf in the stitnach undpi ins and auliet of allkinds hid is for saleb all drugjjjstb at 25 cents x bottle l 1 44 tattrlttl akwtte4tkt f a stump orator wanted the wings of a bird to fly t every village and hamlert in the broad land r bnt hie jcollapsedji when a man in the crowd sang bnt xou6 get shotfor a goose before you flew a imile 1 danger in iiexir in the chulmgind8 the damp atmos pheraandsuddenly checked perspiratioa colds are larking hagyards pectoral balsam cores colds asthma and bronchitis and all complaints tending towards con sumption 1 j the wit deservedly won his bet who in a comnany where every one was bragging of his tall relations wagered that he him self had a brother twelve feet high he had he said two halfbrothers each measuring eix feet all excellent bepert i pn jos 3 goodridge of brooklyn n ywntesilan express myself in sufficiently praiseworthy terms of burdock shod bitters which i have need ior the pait tyo years withgreat benefii podvjrsation of wo young ladies over heirdjatadinnertable well flea aud ho ro yon like your false teeth 7 0b tetjymikh they are a great improver sli b- nent jtheylhelp so much to domestioate 1 ijj 1 restores with tiio gloss aud ireshncs of youth faded o gray ualr to a unturnl ricli browii color or deep black a luay be ties tred by its uieitgut orred hair inaj bo ilarkcncd tliin hair tliickeueil and balduos often tbongh uqt always cured it eheclis falling of the hair aud stimu- lateaaweak and sickly growtfi to vigor it prevents nnd cures scurf aud daiidrnif and licals nearly every disease peculiar to uie scalp as a ladles hair dressing the 1 vioor is ooequalled it contains ueither oil i nor dyo renders the hair 10ft glossy and t liken hi appearance and imparts a delicate agreeablej and luting jrfume mr p f briicneb writes from kitty o juii 3 4il uut fall lily hair conmieieed faluirg but and in a shqrt time i became 1 nearly bau i uicl dart of a bottie of avons iliaik vioon which stopped the fall- ing of tuehalr and started anew growth i hare now a full lead of hnlr growing vigor- 1 ously and am convinced that lmt for his tue of your preparation 1 should have been entirely bild j w bowsy proprietor of the mcarthitr ohio enquirer aysravins irarbvioon is a most excellent preparation for tho linir 1 1 speak of it from my own experience its uie promotes the growth of now hair and makesit glossy ami soft tho viooit l also a sure cure for dandruff not within ni knowledge lias the preparation ever fail to give entire satisfaction jitt i4ois fuhnunv lender of the celebrited falrlnim family of scottisli i vooalijuwritea from bas011 mitt tt 6 1830 ker stnoo- nty linir began to giro sli ver evidence of tus chango which lleetiug time procureili 1 bare used a rtis haiu violia nijd so hare boeji able to maintain au appearance of youthf illness a matter of eunslilomlo consequence to miuisicrs ora tors ictor nnd in fiat every ono who lives 1 iu the ojesof the public i ierlmps the 11 lost bxtraidiuary success tlmc lias been uitved in modem iiiwliciiie iiisbeeii attiiiiiel bv tlie lixon treitnionl ior ifjatnrrli joi it 1 if ii000patientsj treated lqriu tho pact si months fulfyl ninety percent havebt iii cured- of thiik sjubboru malwly this isnojue this less startling when it is remembered that not five per ent of patients presenting themselves to the regular pr ctitioner are benefitted while thcjpatei it medicines and other tdvertised cures jiever record cure at all startii s with tlie claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to thfe presence otiiying pamsiti in the tiskue mr dix on atouce adapted his cureito their exter- ruiimtiquthis accomplished he claims the catarrh is iratically cured and the permanency lis u iquesrtoncdj as wires effect ed by him fopr years ago are cures smll xoone else jhas ever attempted to care catarrh in this 1 launer and no other treat ment has ever ct red catarrh the apjli- cation of tho remedy is simple and can be done at home and thepresentseasonof the year ib the most favorable for a speedy jandpermanent c ure the majority of cases being cured at cne treatment sufferers should corretpor d with jdesars a h dix on son j305 king street webt toronto canada and e stamp for their treat- ie ori3iiurrh tnrealstavov a782 power printlug horise executes job wobkof alldescriptionblna vory satisfactory manner at modprnterates with do- spatcbln tbetimepromlsod v bubise8s cikculars i ietteb hkad8 bilrj heads lettek cibculars note circulars bu8ikes8 cakd8 visiting cardg pamphlets handbills posters etc etc 1 p particular otteiitiou given to fin wobk and extra caro bestowed rwith a view to soctuiog correctness orders from the country attended to with de spatch aud work forwardediulmediaiely by mail oeipresb i s try thetriee pbebs jobofflci jfor printing h ip moolte pnomietor ucrp for working people send 10 cents v jpostage and we will mail youre a royal valuable sample box of igoods that will put you in the way of making more money ilia few diysthan you ever tlionght possible at any business capital no re quired you caii livi at homo aud work in spare time only- or ajl the time all of both sexes of all ages grapdlv successful 60fotstioj85ea8ily earned every evenini that all ho want work may testthe busi ness we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied wetwill send x to pay for the trouble of writing us full particulars directions etc sent free immense pay absolutelj start 1 at once dont stinson a co portland sure for nil who delay address maine dress q01 id in iii t jhfieiil vijj special iiiue mitts glovpj ifce and capu and gen allwool grey fi chambly flannels e owing spocia v eed sri price tc in knitted shawls g oud hood milts k tiitled skirts clearing out at 15 rjc discount miiffs ifi ladies fur capes a t jesr than cost pr jce fnu lines of gents wool shirts aiii drowef s foiis le mens furnishing goq 1 l rioels 25- 28 30 35c olieeked piiioiil jfijantiels 20 25 8qc o nntz l2ji 14 15c best line hite cotton yard vvi 7 9 bit line c rrey lc ayy yiird wide 7 sim colors 8 10 12 best line vinceysj tui art intjerchange 1881885 l an illustratcdiiouschold jouruol of paint ing embroidery home art work liter- uture and art ftrttt colored and desifju supplement sheets ptiblishcjd fortnightly price per year r3q0 six months 165f trial three months 9100 w cents per single copy i aj sample copy with fullpage colored plate nnd a catalogue of other art wprk handbooks sent oh recoiptof loceutsiu stamps address wm avllltlock publisher 110 nassau street new york 33 special new ad vsrtisemonts 4 stray 1ame to tbfljire juises of thenudelrsigned lpt blp of erin sometime last fall an aged kaitj tiio owner w requested to w my led mns o a pttmcott writ inp from 1r flm st chir soich jam tprd ii iri- nis lwoyea earns off fast grow vio in tlif ooimnenoe was couip 11 lx u in ago about twolhlnls ef im lmir it th lined vfry riiitdh iid i r s nz tnld on uiiik am- r s it mi a filling stopped mid a nen growth ail nnd in afmnt a inmitli un lierd jifit lycnvircd tilili short liair it bos coitliifirtl to grow ami in iti ns good us baf re 1 1- f tl 1 1 rjtilirl ul lnt one bit e 61 fie it r but now use itoccasloiuiilj us a dftsslug we hay hundrdds of stmllnr tattmnuins to the efficacy of ans iiaiii irmi jit neeils bnt itriil to couviuce the most skepti cal of ltsijnlne pitrpanm nv di olasrcoloeirlviasi l by all druggists cents for 8 merchants ejnd others rei for changtf oan be supplli tityatthe p r 1fbe prove property piy expenses and take it away uhlebaclafmeu within three weeks from date will be sold m ertn feb 10 188 hughmolaughin 2 lv gold rffeeed appize8forthe best pour let- lan- tars ou fluedbhip usinc the floxalli guae in oompositi n see the oinabiakplos 1st and cottage oabdneb istpnblished by francis mason feterbero igl ont at 25 cents per year jiotice persons who a e indebted by note or account with the unde signed will please call and settle within tho next thiet v days or their accounts will be put in other lands for collec tion as i am leaving acton w h howell acton jan 10 181 wa l- i a 5fcamalaaaijisiitkj be xk ig coppers with any quan office- a pftlze scud six cents fbrpostaie hs audreceive free acostlybox of goods which will helpyou to more money right away thananythiiig else in this world all of cither sex bucceed from lirst hour the broad road to fortune opens befor tli workers absolutely snre at once address tnup s co augusta maine ltf paokets of oholoe plcwer seeds rr5irwenlyilve ccnu 10 paohets ojolioioeteffetaule soeas 1 1- jftwcjilywveei so beautlftil window or seddiag plants t- i for one dollar s bendforcataldgnetofrancrsmasoir petfrborough qnt 200 qqq attytjifiend v t thbj5 cents postagevand by mail you will gnifiee a package of goods of large value that will start yon in work that i will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in america all about the 9200000 in present with each box agents wanteldeverywhemj of either box of all ages for all- tratirhejor spare time only to work foms at their own homes for- tunea for all wbrkeri absolutevy amured pont delay h hallext coijportland maine overcoats 2 clearing out of re idy- made jlemfiiilief ctiai for 5 arid a a special quot in ordered clothing v f 20 suit reduced to is 16 k 9 nd readymac e we qaiifsiipplypiihvrli i rqofi solid och solid ready- iimdk i nit for 15 rtion in ori at ceokgel school itestamehtf utenirr 4isorib slates penti id i vbnew a lailgo stocklrt i isttver plated if d clockjsellefi wwdfeg andl vljf ix sdat mpej f- fcvi aps le ik fv t itneilal ereningit skaters mi suits m j vei t it aud evelr jthiii in departiheiit c ordi jigly sb shingles and wood the undersigned has for sale a spleifdtd stocl ofpirslclasb jhingles n 1 cedar sl7l 8 bt square no 1 edar41perbqub wood of all kinds ftom ties a ipad np to mo6 a cord prime short 8taves an i heading to tho trade at bottom pr ces thc 8 c moobe pactont mab 8 west acto i no llne9190pet squjiref no 8 uarje also a ti rge quantity of vtantiio j bucklcns arnlcn salve the best salve intiie world for cuts bruises soros ulcers salt liiieum fever soresitetter obapped hands chilblains corns and all skin- eruptions and posi tively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give pprfent satisfaction or money refunded pjtcd 35ceats per box foraalebv j e marvrh ai i b urdock m lood t will cure ok relieve f yiliagejroi n and city hi the jdominfon jcood biies jquired hto ajtslies from fibnrners toll tor phvate bouae toreshotej ffsotqries mills btreots minestise address oanadux ait gas iuomt s mijg co llfru j rancou kavi n 8k 3jl srfssi3ss btuoushess dizziness dyspepsia dr0py indigestion fluttc81nq jaundice i j of the heart ehywjeia8 acidity of talf rheum the stomach hcaktgums dryhess hadch of the skin and every specie uf diioass arhlnr frow 4 e r special bear i n miii that alt au- go de ire pought iciieap oods are quoted tu oyey es leas we are somng the oontetsf boots and shsesjin all ttte lalestslty this deartm bi itj we i claim to j five i it 2oenti tha a any othe house in ihe f rae the enorjmousl we sell is bufflmehc guarantee oj i u- i t 15 kbs bimireit3eb sciabi fqr and h best value in 23 50 and 75 in unpant blaek and i as we cai ptber toviis i remember dontobirrthi i layer raisins a 1 40 en 18 20oyercjat reucd to i- 18 16 14 v0 ttl gksfsof in bxcellilce oent teii 5 tar tor giitild wliich eiiable i aato puce bfetc re jmir valuer rxoai ieed not r toif5aplpli tojcoatxj alijd yqu witti g bods 6t lees price j our famous nd -ix- 1 j jatrous fecial ttlier pkcibtor thau firm si skursiiitv m t- m v 3o -si-tfc- mm jborjttftm ai v ffte ledtrithtriefitttl dent barn bvtattle i wereomit pointed branch weelfs isijie 3 v the sidyaou 1 their batpicks last congregmihn iaa j baildingi itfa ials intentiobjivof tjnf jnbilee 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