Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1885, p. 2

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gjr fir iiife 1p m 1 i if i ii- t r the annual convhtlon vreq al tfce trogpwfaluiftiuy otarliw out che coijvcution of haltou lijaoui itl i school aocttkwoii held in the wvb s al i lastlureiay and friday wattjjidqid b delectus from all parts of tbocpaufy wcluas visitors from other eouutieiil l the programme prepared waspue pf very iulerestiug aud practical ehjirae outline of which was given in thesooolumi ooipb of weeks rro a matter bf cot dgrakle satisfaction to tiio officers uul deljftes jvas this fact thai djterjf pertw 11 jabainccd to fake part iuufe spro waspreeritto perform the deities hquestod 6f htm and announced in th prcwraui i s the vork of the business qomfaitto iviia coin eq uep tfv very lights the first session opened with devotk ui a exercises at icfcso ou thursday rnoru ji revdlbrethour owing to oikabue ofrthe resident in the bhairj this sej- fflou wa principally devoted to routine b us t nees appointment of the necessary iii mittce aud hearing of verbal reports tl e- reports from thai schools wefreofia rfiopt ekajuriiug- character spiritual lieini particularly referred td h in the afternoon bev w g walltck georgetown gave an excellent address a on the subject what est bo jdom i x gatherl all the children iutp the ban la y school the paper was one of parjtic lhr interest to 4s workers tpd illjistr it d eryclearly how to increase attendance jtc i the discussion which ensued brought o it a diversity of opinions and would ten 1 o call attention to points generally overloc to d in si work rev john hceweh general sjcre i of the provincial s s association was then introduced to the convent m up led iu fan institute exercise byvhici he illustrated with the assistance of the b k board some of the mistakes iu lab 4h schpotwork his remarks wei f sound aud practical character ai id- teitg so plainly expressed and thoroughly x- i plained every persou present nit st lisvo understood hjs leading points at 1 a it tfjere was prabt in thjs address vhie ibeat means of cultivatiufc a hi- siobary spirit among tie children of tne bchoolv was very ably discussed byjlir f ix w bates of burlington hispiper was caret nlly written and sfas the ontebjnie of pergonal observation constant su8y of a subject evidently possessing peculiar interest toftbe doctor the evening session was opened tiyhn appropriate hymn by the choir b f thirty voices composed jti members of al the churches- in town ably led by mr ijc hili with mr a e matthews at he organ hall was completel i lld the president having arrived by tl e s fter- nbda train now occupied the char the first speaker introduced was w h st rey esg reeve his address of we coi la to the association was nftatly worded aa 1 de livered in his usual happy style ind toft the delegates no reason to-doubt- i iat they were heartily welcomed to acto i b our citizens mr storey wished the ass oci ition every success and trusted that th jlnbors putforth in this great work woulc be emi- nestly successful the president ma ie a suitable reply after which he revif weil the work of the association at some length jhe istatistical epprt pf the s sen itary was than psesented it included rie ts fromjoftyt wo schools olvarioos ew m in atibus injhe county and showed tbat pro- was being made it also- rev jaled the fact that a larger number of salbltb school children inthe county ba u lited with various churches than was ref ort idj in any previous year the sum of till waeraised forts slpurposes ils3 for 43ii8sion and i550 for benovolentj pur- the address of rev r h abrihaiiil of bnrlington entitled the er courage meats of the work was mbst in ere sting andwas eutbusiastically received bjl thet audiemoe the clear oratorical stymie of rev- sir abraham is very pleasinj ito nis hearers his subject was well tre itied after some necessary business hadjbeefi dispitched on fridky morning riv rock of 4he baptist church here adtiress- ed the convention onthe subject the relation that should exist betveen the church and sabhath school itiisjis a i i- w u i rr- 1 views wferd tersely presented and hadjthe effect of bringing out a good dqal of dis enssion jbnt wc cannot say thattbe con vention was v unit with she wrii o the papet wjiendiscussion was concjmt ed rev 1ti mcewen again super nt iuded ail institute exercise on the tehrs text book this he asserted wis tee bible and he was sorry to see it a h rgely djplacejl in the use of s s helps nany varieties of which are now in us this exercise will undoubted reputy in a more careful and njtohigent atndyof tlie jible by those who vere present l on friday afternoon a masun tetlngof sunday school chudron was faell they were addressed by rev mr m4e ive 1 and mr johnson harrison milton bi th these gentlemen have the tact of mterc tti g an audience of children nd ai tie same tune inculcating some prectoog trt thi 1 into the youthful binds the chiljrb si mder thebapi rision of mr a e mattl b t 1 and mias jennie steel sang number 0 c oajjel hyrans very aweetly the ofo jet ma h03 me by htttefhiseie campbell deserving special reference the children were dismissed at a 30j after which rev d l brethonr pres snt ed a paperp- the pupil at home and 1 t 1 chool aided by the feacber- this papjj lllus trated how mncha teacher can frirth sr b s work afhe will undertake a on itant kindly supervision oyer his pupils here were many joints u this paper lypljich our 80 teaahersj could profit th commit je 3 on llesolutkus here presenied tbetr re irfipt among otliri the following rtnportwifr rewdotumsfe ijg offerl ed na psesw a j tj j wp bytfohaaoihattison byd- hartley resolved that wh- w4tis umemnglv dlesirable that b nr tad otfaj 8 8 worftets abhuld 1h veil akftdiji mw tot tppedfftr their labor and whiereasiu- tjiuteaafevery helpful to s8i workers in ait us tboin for b 8 nervioe w t there- fcmhtejsjkmomi fops iebolved oit iustuvrtes bfiftolfi l jifffswi cm ttiibbluille aoton oiorwnl 110 bi rlirkidty and ctkville th scwons in each iplaoctto commeucewhon alidr vti sre lthe exeoiitivo committemy de- f torntye j tesolvedi that this association expresses iifi gratincatiou at thojyay in wnich this ay notes and comments 1 j i hastings which is probably the greatei t b wleygro wing county in theprovince will vote ion the scott act in april information comes from ottawa thattl e vote on the scott act will be taken jn wellington comity on thursday the 2nd of april est name for the association alio ttjtftw the fall court ap thought ion the part of i rok his j the scott act will come into operation ontho 1st of may in the following countielh yarmouth k s oxford onti arthiii basea que dundaa stormont and qleu- gjarry bnt rrne qnt renfrew on ajnikorfolk outj i temperauce mnre in the asoendanc f indeed always have been the grai d lodge of orangemen of ontario havepassi d a retolntion urging that every member e i gagejdin the liquor traffic be prohibiti from holding any office iithe organi2atio 1 i tfie liquor excursion party before th iy eft ottawa formed themselves invollib ontario association for the protection pf trade and commerce this is the ne licensed ictualie s the trades benevi- ent associatibu ain the liquor selle ijeague somany aliaseshas anunsavo cy odor which perhaps is hot inappropriate an important case ou wednesday lait en motion being made by counsel for tie bell telephone company for a writ of ci tiomri to bring up into a snperioitjourt t lie proceedings taken before the minister pf agriculture at ottawa to void the bsil patent jndge galtdirected tbatthia inoti n should be enlarged nntu nest terinsp tbit stated that shedidthisinview of the mag tudo of the interests involved and tie genetal importance pf thei case whicjh lie characterized as one of the most imports lit that had come before the cohrts victory atee victory andnir- 1che uniteocdunties of dur thumberland lead the yaiiitb 3000 majority again with thankful hearts we record t he addition of two more counties to the glo n- ous honor roll of territory in which 1 he accursed liquor traffic has beetfoutlawed by the votes of electors determined to snbr fit no longer to the cruel tyranny of dm k this makes the seventh contest for 18 5 and so far there has been no reverse t be majority is so large as to practjcally set jo the question of whether or not as ktterr pt will be made to repeal the act and are heartily congratulate our friendsjn dnrhi m and northumberland on their magnifies nt success they had to contend with nnus lal difficulty with opponents desperate enot h to resort to airy method of warfare a ad mean enough to actually steal the petitic hs from the sheriffs office homgg thereby to checkmate the scott act workers i at their stratagems have been defeated 1 be cointv so emphatically sustained the caij adk temneranoo act which remoyp thai tenptatioiv of the legalized liquor traffic fro m ho youug further that reaibing tlie im jortaiico of tllo subjept of temperance in sabbath sohoblshvoreaffirm our ctiok of former years deciariua the liquor traffip to be onti of tho greatest foes tothepoaoe an 1 purityvof our iiomeb and thejirosperity ofthe church and would ain respectfully ra upon hi churches and s8 committees of mauagdinent to make the question of total abstinence froiuj all intoxicating dr nit8 a prominent tpic of instruction in all sunday schools under their control resolved that this association having enjoyed the preseijoeof rev john mcewen gtjueralsecretary of the sabbath school as sociatjiou of canada place on record its hi h sense of his tituesa for the position tli s jsouiiduess of his principles ana the ac curacy of his methods that we believing that his visit can only be attended with great profit to all iuteifcsted in sabbath 80018 express to hini our hearty thanks for his earnest pointed and instruotiv aaaresses aud his admhbleand suggestive bible institute lessons and also that w respectfu ly request the executive commit tee to endeavor to secui 0 his services fpi furtlier institute work in the county tlie following officers wereoleotedfo the ensuing yoar- president g jf euuedy istvico preswm s hau 2nd dot 0 henderson j statistical secretary b pjmipre corresponding sec aud treasiirerf grw lpio executive committee r coatea 11 haftjey jr barclay j as menzies w hmp3hire johuson harrison and arthuf norrish the evening session vyas given up ex olusiyely lo re mcewen for hi 1 subject some of thd accessary qualifies tions for successful sabnath school work fud wasprobably the most profitable ineet in g the convention had mr mcewen ii an educator in s s wrk and his thoroug 1 fanner and interesting way of forcin home points brought out causes even thosb w ao have paid littleoir no attention to th 3 si bject to follow him with marked atter ti m mr mewens presence a tbevcor vjmtion has been tlie causeqf genertf sitisfaetiolu knd all present expresse i themselves both profited and edifiel throughhis addresses after the usual votca of thanks ic thja meeting was brought to a close with a hym 1 and the benediction hofanordrjr skin- soaldiiig seusktions swolliugottlioanklca i viiguo ieeliiigs of uurost frothy or brickdust fluids aold stoniffch aching loins 1 cramps growing iiorvpuhuess straugo soreness of tho bowelti uuaccouutablo lailguid feoliujjs 1 short breath and pleuritic pajns oue side headuolio b acaabhe frequent attacks of the blues flutteringand distress of tlio heart albumen aud tub oasts in the wator fitfdl rheumatic jiains aiid neuralgia loss of appetite fflesh and btroiuth constipation alternating with iooseuts i of thei bowels o abundant pale or scanty flaw of dur i water r i chills aud fover buniiiig piitchesiot skin thou i brlshts disease ohuc klrtiicys the above symptoms duo riot devoloped a any order but appear wappear aud re- apear until the disease gfediully gots a firm grasp on the constitution the kiduey- poisoned blood breaks down jtno nervous system and anally- pneumonia diarrhoea bloodlesauessf iheart disease j apppplexy paralysis orconvulsioif3 eusae ami then death is inevitable this fearful disease is not a rare ones it ib n overy day dis order and claims moro victims than any other complaint it must be treated in time or it will gain the mastery dont neglect it war ners safe gore has cured thousands of cases of the worst type and it will cure you if you will use it promptly aud as di rected it is the only specific j for tho uni versal brights disease interesting itemb as good as uew if you are bilious appetite is pooi stomach needs cleasninga few doses of flints j mandrake pillls will make yon feel as good a9 new sold by j ej mcgarvin druggistr 25 cents t tbc lndlen mcgregqr arkvs cirlxilic cerate will cure any case of pint pies 011 tho face r rough skin ou either iinmh or face and leave them soft as silk it will also heal any sore wlienall other iieptratious fail thousands have tested it ask ynur drug gist for mcgfcgor pirkes carlmlic ccr ate and do not he pursuadud totau6 any thjng cl8r claiinedto ueai good it is hut 25 cents per box at 3 e vlciiirvini fru store j 31 cure your coriis by using tlie wouderful corn romover dr starrv coin solvent no pain no trouble brush attached to cork for applying sold by e mcgarvin druggist 2octs danger in the air in tho chilling winds the damp atinos phere and snddenly checked perspiration colds are jlurkiug hagyards pectiofa balsam cures colds asthma and bronchitis and all complaints tending towards con sumption j an ex cell en i beporl hon jos g goodridge of brooklyn n y writes 4- i cannot oxpreps myself iii sufficiently praiseworthy terms of burdocl blood bitters which i have used for thj past two years with great benefit eople of thej counties were disgusted by he paltry tricks and cpntemptihvdqvi es if the whiskey ring and tho glorious red rd ecorded ftbpve brings our dominion jntf itep nearer tot ards total prohibition 4ssrwrbersf tot and try is to like flifats to th pwdrithepflerless dentifrice anove ty tfieauty attractive style conjpact frf n laperwiqualitjyqu want wjiite w t ind f eet breath use it soli in ao pn y j b mcgarvin druggist r restores with tho gloss nud iresluc63 of youth fadt br fefay hair toa natural rich brown color irdeep black asiuny 1 desired by its use light orrcd hair may be darkened thin hair tliickeaed alid baldness of tqi jthougli iiotalwaya clired r j it checks falling of the ualr aud stimu lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor it prevents and cures scurf anil daudrulf and heals uearly every disease peculiar to tho ecal a a ladles hair pressing tha vidor is iuietiualled it cemtaius neither oil nor dye- reuders tho hair soft gsy aud silken in appearaucej and imparts a delicate agreeable and lasting perfume mil c p bhicheb writes from kmij julu 3 1ss uist fall my hair cqmineiicea foluug oat and in la short time i becuute nearly baid 1 usm art of a bottle of ay elis hairviaim wlitch atpppud the fall ing of the hair and startpl a liuwgrpivll i have now a full head ofoitiir growhig vigor ously qnd am convinced hint bnt for the use of your preparation 1 should have been entirely bald j w7 bowek prokriefor of the mc arthur ohio tcitguinr says avelts ii alu viooi is a- mosrexcellent reparatlon for the hair i speak of it from my own experience its use promotes the kiowtli of new hair and makes it glossy nniisort tho vioou is also sure cure for lunlruir kot within my knowledge has the preparatlou ever ailed to give entire satisfaction v jfb asdrs fuitdairk loader of the celebrated fairbhiru finuily bf scottish voeallsts writes from b niorr man fab ff 1830 ever since my hal r began to gljre sil very evidence of the change which fleeting time procureth 1 have iucilavubs llin viaobyand so have been able te maintain m appearance of youthfubieesa matter of conslderablecousequeiice to ministers orai tosjctoi fnntntclfonettholies in tuo eyes of the public mas o a pbescottv writing from ib rim 8t lirlcetown mail aiiru 4 1wz says two ears ago about twothirds of in halrl bpots 81lj0s muraas hats fyfvsi ws3ellane0 tlio rgest and cipeit stjieic ritncisnu suits ratos luoall i on 1 75 cents to m rixyifjrwcrtjif j s5 select from is 0 seiet 8200 rlfvouiauk a nobhyduliiblo unit ehe suit j kjhs istho iiiuoaj to go iv oviiooius nt extrotrielyljiw aud liiatjo in lattst styleb besute lamiioo tlietn lfvfc acton scotch k iiiish atni cittiadinn suiting u var ifcty at tlioliast end cothiur friirtf litfyftiact patrbnite home merohants gontluinii if you arti in want of a per- feottittlug su tor oyurcoatcall andlnspecv migoudt- vohiivuiiu iintiieupe stookto select oir hud we guftrautoe perfect tils stylish ictn hid flratjcluss workmanship every tf me wekuow it will be to yoiii iuterestistig ve usyoir patrohayo as we are sal isrielwc can give you better value by at least lun per cett than firms from uthektiwi scan oftor you i j j nelson mcrae- lurlt piovtu 1 dollar irnii dollar is frequently spent on tlie faith it f recuiniiieidatipns for articles eutirelyjvprtliless jxpt so with mc grogorssjpcely ciiro to piirobaveit call at e- get a frcoi ria 1 bottle ahdif not convinced t will iiuriytuof the worst forms of dys pepsia iii er how long it soldin60iaijd- as fiomij urs eilth on you uro not asked until its merits are proven mcgarwjijib drug store and cmiplait etc bo matter of aqdingi itj enstsj you nothing bottles see tostimdn- insiu yiinr uwii town 29 if a tew grains ot ciftumoii sense coihrtba infused in i the thiok noddles of thoe whu oorpctiially and alteruatclv irritate and weaken t itit somaq irastic pirgitives i highly ndced ted and tonic northrop ly overy and dyspeptic good di estiou to w has tho largest and most complete fa tory in the doininlmi 150x155 sigbctt bciott evflr awjrdel to uy uaker 1 ttc ttoila modal arid diploma at coutecutaj 1878 mcdaiisnd diploma at pydncy amstralia 1877 bold modal at provincial kxlillittloni torfnin 18tb ugliest awards at industrial exhibition toronto lstjwsl i we are liow minltatrtrfhik square and upright pianos best i- the cprrcspifndcnce solicited send forlluistrstcd cut logue moiled free addrena domik105t okgak axd piako ocjmpaut 1 bowmakvillh ost fphe free press iowcr printing hoii se executes job wokkof all descriptions iu a very satiislactory manner at moderate rate with de spatch in the tiuioinomificd iith lis- unci bowels with hey would u6e the tcaltlifnl laxakiveand- naus acffctable dis cure which causes ait an appetite and 23 ileslai iltjairnr lo the suffering 1 biqwis llodsehild punjacca has do equal for leliivinir pain both iutermil aim uxtarniil itciirebpiiinib the side- back sure throat rhuiimaustii uminig mid atty kind of a or bowcl toothache pirin or acic lmi the bloi is wunilerful 1 icci pain uplie of uuyptl world slurt 11 lie use when remedy iii stiiunaoh t a i and is fiir sil a bottle browrfs household pan acknowledged as the great iiudiof double the streuath ktixiij or liniment in the very family hauiiyifoi intcl hs it really i the best wiirld for craiihp in- tin- 1 paiiib sjiuil clips of 4ll kinds 2 ceirtv 44 e bv till drngi5ts tit i i wm it wtllmpst surely quick ami riell as its acting powei business omculaits lettebheabs bilu uliadsj letter cihcullikij ixote ci 1cular8 business cahi i vislflvg cards j 1 pamphlets uasdbills postlljrst etc etc i t particular attention given lo fine woltk aud extra euro bestowed with a view to securing coitectuess orders from the country itteuded to with de spatch and work forwardedimmcmatielyby nihif or express try the fjive pnkssjpb oflicc for printing htjip moore propbietob rices jin eyry case j r note tho following s i r i dresi goods iii cashmeres t al cliililrul in tliisjepan ment glcariiiirl jersey tataujjiia 1ew treatmpt perhaps ie most lextraordinar supcesv that litis tie okchiovm iii modern hibdiciut has betju at ritied byjthel disou treatraeut or catarrh out of 2 000 patients treateo duriuithp iiast six months fully ninetj per cent ha re been cjured of this stubborn maladk lliisisinotie the less startling when it is r uieniberid that not five pet cent o pat ut3 presjenting themselves to the riigulai practitioner are benefitted while i the patent rjiediciues and other advertised cures bpver record a cure at all s irtingwith the claim now lienerally bt ieved ey the most scientific men that tl j diseaaeis due to thepreseitnse of li viiig pa asiteb iuithe tissue mr dix on at pncelidapted hs cute to their exter- niinatijon itiis accomplished he claims the catarri is pratically cured and the permaueiicjf is unquestoued- as cureseff ect- ed by him lour years ago are ctifos smll no one else has ever attempted to cure catarrji in luis uiauner and no other treat tnent bias e er cured catarrh the appll cation of tl e remedy is simple and can be done at home and jthe present season o the yekr is the most f avoruble for a speedy audipeirmaiieut cure the majority of cases being puree tit one treatment suffererv diouldlcorrspoiid with messrs a h dix on son 305 king streetrwest toronto canada aid enblose stansp for their treat- ic ongjatatrli m mirealstar ov 1782 r i rri j u c i d f 6rwofkin jicoplu send loi cents p t8 postage and we wjll majl you free j royal valuable sample boxof floods that will put you iu tie way of maiding more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business capital not id juired you cai live at henieautd work in spare time only or all the time au of both sexos of all jige3 randlv successful uts to 5 easily earned every evening that ill who- want work may test thebusi- uess we maike this unparalleled offer to ill vh are not well satisfied wo will send 51 to piiy for the trouble of waiting us fiill particulars directions etc tmnieute pay absolute sure for itiirt at once dpnt delay srissbn a- co portland mainfr sent free all who address ue mitts gloves c ott iiiicin cdrtl jiep gstuieltths iji iii sjhawls joiids wn otf hqoljs mitts we are clearing ou t al jiij fadijesj fuici es muflfe at leas than cost piie m full lines of gents jvtool siiiris ou and caps aiul gentlemens ftiiinshinroors f mwf6 grey fliiihiils 25 28 30 5c gliamblyiflaiinelaj 30 38 40l i pheckeil ttiiion flannels 20 25 30c f best hnfc gheckxlliin 1 jmj 15c best riiiewliite cttoii 1 yard wide 9 10c 1 j j line winceys aljiolrs 8 10 1 lc v wssfet vtef j4f i i e ever ttom knitted skirjts 15 p c di icoiirit i i drawer thh art inteehmge 18y8- 1885 j an illustrated household journal of paint- ug embroidery hoine art work liter- xture and art with colored and design jupplement sheets published fpi tnightly price per year 300 six nioutjlis 165 trial three mouths s10q 15 i bents per single copy r a sample copy with fullpage colored plate and a catalogue of other art work handbooks sent on receiptof 15 cents in tamps addrefes w3i whitlogk publisher ho njissan street newyofk prj7c six cents for postage flrflft and receive free a costly ibpx of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world all of either sex succeel from first hour the broati road to fprtni ie opens before mjo ivorkeraabsolutelyi sure at price addiess riiueco aitgttstamjaine advertisements ast kay etnlaes pf tho uudei 5sigi c1amb to the jreiulbe8bf tho uudessifened lot 1 con 1 township of eriu sonieiime last fujli an aged kam tnq owner is requested to prove itrope ty pay expensijb aid take uaway unless puuiued within three weeks froildate avulbesoldi i ji erjnfeba5il88j hughmclaughln came on it ithumed vry rapidly and 1 vzt liald ou using al jig stopped and a comrtienced and in about a month iri liend- fast growlnfe trnld ou using a rns haiii vlo b the falling stopped and a new growth i about a month in hesov was completely covered willi short hair it has continued to gray ami r now as good as before it fell i rrctuarlv uwl bnt one bnttlo of tlio loos but now use it occasionally as a dressing we hare hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of avfrs hair vioor it needs but a trial to convince the most skepti cal of its value ruepared by drj cayepicolowellma sold by all druggists rr lands in minnesota jlarth dakota mon- jtans idaho wnhlnyton and oregon pf vmm lake fitaerior lo paget bound at prices ranging chiefly from j2 tg 6 per acr ohbta to yew time thhj is the fiel countiy lr tattirf ng good hoqas now open lor tttuemen f free uwti o 2 i6oiid pfcfflibed islwzes for the best four let- j tors oii femindship using the florallau- gue in eotnuositiou 8oe the canadian flor ist anp cdttageigaiibneb i3tpublibhod by fbanqis matso peterborough oit at 85 cents per yetuf p tersons v 10 flrei indebted by note oraccoubt ith the undersigned will rloasa call and blttlo vnthin thenet thirty dayb or their accouuta will be put lu other bauds for colloc tiou ab i am it aviug acton acton jan ii im w h howhil shingles al wood t1heuuaoi6iiaell has for bale a splendid stock i oftirntcrasslbhinflcs no 1 ceubr si 75 pel square no 1 fine 1 u0 per square no 2 cedar 1 per suate uo a largo quantity of wood of all kin is from lka load up to 4 u0 a cord prime uport rtaes and heading to the tiodo at bottoui pneos t thofa t mooke factouy ma n st west acton 10 packets ofohoioe flowor soads for twcnlytlve cents 10 pacisats of ohoioe vegetable see3s i for twciilyflvf teiils 20 beautiful window br bedding plaatai i for one dollar sendforcateloguetofrancismason ipeterhorotigh oiit special clearing out of rddymi3de overcoats and readyma de suits s v t jrenifiinher we can supply yoti wii hi gqoil sol i i over- cuat fpr5 anh a ioodkolid twa ie suit fo v ci siwl qu0tat0hs 1 ii llftdtreb b j s200 qqfii send r r us 5 cents- postake and by mail you will grttrec a package of goods of larae valuej that will ijtart ypu in work that will at pnce bring you m money faster than anything else in america ialuabout the 2000u0 iii presehjts jivith eacii bcjsjlb agpiits wantpd every wherej pf either sex of all ages for all the tlhiolor spajre1jimeoqljt to work for ns at pheir own homes for tunes for all wofkere absolutely assured dont dolay h halieit co itortlaud maine is 16 j tsuot fit sutoanteed f s 20 suit reduced to li 20 overcoat sreducdib 18 18 going vpebti 91 cfdinjjjj5att icaslmihiallcli at teorfi school ftestame thfa ifews v pactibhli blatcsjpinsiinl iki- xtjrbfti jraxmgfetoclik i- silyet plat clocksiewelteh wepag- tv- pte hisresiflnc llnemjbetl jleofitciiiri thegbdnibilr caps hats v iii- will bepp season ihlejumheftj yaid 3py ejaingtwasl esthnjprk rttfeldheee teiup tbsmbj i eoreeilithfe bersoi r1 c anj i r 4 cattleisjp y- 1 wtoj jjr y hemsithq lvki iri stree lamp pf usthatidiaihiig1 i ktedjwatifcrtf v t airanj i houseifp 4la ing aniepeientj pared and ip v 5 1 i aiift every thiu iitlii department ituckltns irjulon inivl hip ixst sih in tlie woild foi cuk bruises soros iflcui bait itiietim levor sores tettti chipped hands chilblains coins uid all skialeiuutiom and posi tively cures piles or uu pay recjuned it is gnnrairiued titiv6 perfect satlisfacltou or monejc irfiiuded price sououts per bpi fofsalebvj 13 monivin si w mli tatbd1 besident aast1n t elty milage rojvu and city in the spininipn also a few trai ellers to sell our new air gas ma chines for laokin air gas so per cent cheaper than coaloqui lly as good no tiro or power re in jl blzebfromlsburuirstolocw 0r dma fntsfcl t fanfivkinh lml1a made streets mificb ns 15lj quired for prirate liodsed btores hotels fbctqrleslnlu8 etc can vdia a h g in macmst mt a co farm ffest boll oflot s8 con 4 esqi offerolior sal 1 he property is situs tflti frptiathb fabm est 1 tali of ot s8 oou 4 aotftu merit or to address st ptnuifois xavlor st m01tnfiij 1q illore- for sale- half of the g is now idireet- uesii ly opiiobit two rcbidoapeof alex h bipwb and ib only bilf p niie f torn jho g x bjbtjatipn will core qr relieve qiliqusntss dizzmm ve are yhowing the contents of o rer 40 pases of b6otskn4 shoes in all tiatyle this jckpartment laiin to g e at least yjopr cent tjiottejr value thaii any ojblier souse jin the ifatim 3us quantity we sell is a sufficient guaraniee fft lerfsxcelieiice w remember we tqu- 15 lbsi granul ate skjoaii fob 1 and the best value i in japani c spec al line of in 25 50 and btapk and ore raisths at dyspepsia indigestion jaundice enyslpclh8 8alt rhevhi heartburn headache tbobrojiertyisajbrstiaabs i merits rowepkflowni apply to a i e it brown james bbown in i zt skvl dh0p8y flutterinq of the heart acidity of the stomach dryuls8 qp the 8mn arvi evcty eiocles of chssasaarttsik irwmt goods are itutj yutrotia fill t o tjjier jji vises iof t1es8piice8 tbitfi bear in minhataliourt tor jatm whicli euuulodtotifece beture value you ueed not go o guelph toroutt cheap goods as we can supply ycjii witligoo da a aio quoted ifi otlier jtowiu t remember our famous 60c tea f i r v dont forget the placb lmsm itbl wim re a 16 14 aceor4irtglyj cent tea m per bolt it- tf- tlwiltbc wiltiniel a fjq ajin xstul rj eiforyrjoeyl isbefpre thp interesled vimstssj vffe8jahbiii lijrsnriugj8j6p r itfechotjaflfj ments m tbeif l urlittij cellehtf dumber i magazine wnicl t puhliahedvm br ry- 4e sabaacjhpplj varfr merwasjtfie sc eht ddlegaf doubt i trtfewt sjcncijim j fishingiube ira itothpybntol yet ptiiniyl rods and tcitle a m the puttier ihejpepplp oj a- they jtv fiohebinartictq i to the cure of j lieyesther f tiops r ekj js i piles dhe 1 c mmtnjjj tfinox bhurch y mibcw l p ritiachafl bunds yltev l joilei ibrpj j v xreheiial i bestdiscotl iparagtapafl dttf sea cqlle isiej frients fhjs 1 syeeks busine hveektvithilil bkyan3 j were guestsfi daj mkiauv f bpent jrieh 4 v vvcj bmhiusitingl ef i yjesteraj j mipsjjits iiasijeeajthe j jb r itir iittrdyjs ya ik jlhteisubiiti m wp etfvfta- i j tr t wsi yifiuihr -i-

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