able way rrjilt 1111 hm2 tun ifsimn v the i ctonsnerm every free i wvcnoitay ailway i oiii c is 3 icpiiiv mouuay j indbostor soinivkltiv 17 a is pv thursday moving xt thr press ower printing hou81e lx sti1eet actosi ontario subscribers postage pud for 00 pec an num in advance 150 if uot so paid no mehc th for thetfrat inser- meuw rf u i for eikch bubse- twu bi professic rial cards w lines 5t0 per annum payjbuviu sis monthrwateof insertion any special sefthe object of vfaieb is t promote tlsuniarvbeneftt of any momduai stfv considered an adyertil s thenhmber of lines nokonedby thasvcooccuviod measured by a scale of solid nonpareil y 1 nif- ivi s0al- luhciioti iotpn- 0voihoiiid irttji jnvuiis f r- line liiitnu v i contract tks ouo column ouo year j hahcdtumnbiiieycar oiretcr column ouc year ouo column six mouths half column 6lx months quarter column six months 4 onecohimu three months half column threo mouths qairtor column three mouths advertisements without bpec il till torbid and chaijed accorf l- iimlp 00 85 00 30 00 r 35 00 20 00 12 00 20 00 12 00 7 00 iflc directions rd- iu tulvaiico will be inserted iugly trausuory advertisements niust be paid tiseuiouta roust bo otherwise ing week changes fori contract advertiseuiou i the office by 0 a in on mondays jiiv vrill bo loft over until the follorfu in thev h p moobe editorwid proprietor businesa directoi y w lowry m bi mjc ps j graduate trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton 2323233 use inish l tpurasfe itiomchiues in latent 1 winder o illillltlllhll iond n in j tariol i i i fctj0ii he webster md cm member of thb college of physicians and surgeons of jontario physician surgeeu accoucheur i v i omue millstlresltkscktpampbklls hotel acton j j rj nl b special attotftion giveu to the dis eases of women ftnd children l bennett dentistf georgetoivi ontario l ac mckinlay ld su surgeon dentist georgetown oi t uses the new svstemj of nitrous oxide 3as com monly called vitalized air for extracting teethwithout pain have administered it over a thousand times in toronto without any evil resiilurhaving been ddmonstrat- or and practical teacher in rdjal college 1 ofidental surgeons toronto patrons may depend upcrn receiving satisf ai tion in any operations j performed officefoue door south of baptist church ainlilss dental ope rations mtalized air or nitrous oxide gas for piinless office oi terms 100 iu advaiicc volume xv number 49 8 acton orey dental operations at die g b hayes lds toveus block iuelph out upper wyndliam str jet- iklz hon- idofsnpr kittie besi ciunlrj renter jeitlement jfr government rjvrlhehvii rhnis note 9lor tbax jiposefin issi itrv books uid it ibe northern llljiiiis ijr ae tui fividrwflusb llstpdmin t iggs rory dent ists south xv t cdruerkingaud vonge streets toronto ontario finest i ud best set teethato w gold fillii gs i onethird rates leae order for teeth n the morn ins cap have them the same day we have been administering hurls vitalized as- for the jpainless extracting of teeth dur ing the past year regardless c f what others may say john law son graduate of on tario jveterinary college toronto yeteriiaryi surgeon acton q itorfice iii kenny bros boot add shoe store resi dence iu tlterear horses eximined as to soundness and certificates glran all dalls night or d4y proijaptly attend ed to terms easy myrqwat mclean barristers solicitors notalks comey uucers c 3money to lonii otncn tovu hull cton a mclean b1h v k 3i t tii-hou- jro ri price only jj5 oiaer tl cnl bo v 7i he lat tdrjnr lo sn 1lv ojtlt jsirteiysrt ujia movat hr3g00pwillie i barrister solicitor notarjf public etc geokoktolvsjis aotos acton office in mrs spcdrds block tohnday i ob- ofiiue jqueeus hotel square j architect gcfllh ont block markei b ainlaldlawtco bauiusteks it sou offices i over imperial bamv wei lingtou street east entraifce exchange alley toronto johx box q c c a william luwuv geoi ge kappele tistoriid iibliahed a uev erwiells cele- iiiu niuiciil and out ietliciiipi of hysituj fncjv ajnirillfts- m thirty years the dauirtnis ae of thekuifc c siiiije ptc cf v liicii evirc uiiltio jiiny lit lydudraiiitaliyt- baudol cvfcjy ieal to rtil4di latentssecured for inventions henry grist otijwa jcasiaia 20 years eractioe a no p itent no ome v fit mich itopeietobs tjirangis nunan- successor to t f chapman i liookbindlk st georges square nelph ontario account books of au kini s nmde to ordej periodicals of every descjiptiqn caref nil v bound rnlins neatly and promptly donf w m hemstreet licensed apcriinkn for thefccwties of wellinjstoniandhaltoi orders jeftat thefrek piinss office aqtoi i or at iny residence iii actbn will le proiuptiyi attended to i t rms reasonably moset to loas also money to loan on 1 he abjfe terms and at the low isx inssumsof 500 ant upyvards yi- john j daley fsticeessor to thompson isf jackson mooy to loan on fai dj property at per cent mortgages pc roljased mom y loaned for parties im mort ages and- oth ir sepurity conveyancing i 1 au itsliranch is properly i and neatly tdo le charges lo farms and city propfertj loi aale list with farms for sale sentt allparts of tl je dominiob to intendingpm chasers and ci r- oalated in europe eurjpencapitajists vvanting farms in ontarii wdlbe sent t i- rectioiis through our ecroptjan agencits jlarms ranted for our 1 sts correspo i deuce intibed office net r the post offipe guelphonl pm i lorses- rsires tnritjbs led in the j v 1 rf gbossb ite x nr the city and ihett visiters all t city office witt accotdptinr fteebymaui l m- tjrranlan bbpjr cip j p5j0rien ha opened a hfarber sho in the bnildi ig nearly opposite storeys 61 d g ove factoi y mill strebt acton and sol icitf the patrc a age of tble pablicjh jhis vici aity eve rj departm int of the bnsinet s wi 11 be condu it- d ia firstplass style giye mvkten mst favp rates of ii- j f evejry a call wobd egsstesaisotobriw actoli banking coy christie itco -bankers- v utiymia e lellto lowest l bankj2w tfiaasacrjid business 1 02727 li laitffid on approved kdias notes discounted aud interest alio red on deposits marvins pemal acency jbctoa oat ephone company messages r ceived and transmitted at lower t ites than telegraphiiig idlan iliine steamships ticktits iss led to all jwiuts of great britauxsnd the continent at very pttes buy the tickets here if lending for friends cianadimi paoifio r ey the ichea est and best route to all ejast and west see time tables money savdl t7 doaliap wita smcgarvin alcton ontario 00 co stqck brokers toronto i jfemljbrs toronto stock excaanfire have inde indent direct wire by which york ccutinuous stock quotations are rkseivedmor rapidly than by- any other source r buyraiid a 11 on commission for cash or oi margiuj all securities dealt in on the oroiito i lontreai new tdrk st jck bxchanpres alsojexecute orders in grainaud provis ions oil the ihicago board of trade dailv cabl 3 quotations of hudsons bay 8jridotier st jck 2tt0ronto street wcllimtdn marble works 5 lubl jec st guelfh our motto- hornb firstfth worli afterwards l k ajqtoni ont ttjpsd at june 4 tkcb revised bible prico 100 135 160 20c 230 335 only a supply day sells cheap goods bltkcelets bjracelets brace jiets nw stock beautiful patterns witches watches watches valtham and elgin in gold and silver ases g6ldjemncs lockets etc etc just opened bsavace nearfetries isew drag store tilelpll oety im hurriefi child oriiother look iyejloiuid a butjte hanging upon a leaf i o tell me wh y there wasnobutterl oh do see its i never never saw suahjprotty thingb allbtreaked and striped with blue brown and gold f where ib its bouse whtoall the days are cold- j yes yes she said in absent accenti j im my led child iy quite forgo i 9u had gone fly y ingsj and mild her down last night prayes and when she thonj stairs then dolly was afraid an so i said i just donft you mind but say en imtlie bed because i think that god is just as near when dolls are fraid do you spose he can hear j i the mother spoke from out the rufflesiled im hurried child i i 1 oh come ard see the flowers in the ibky the stm hab left and wont you j aid by dear mother take me in your arms aijid tell me all about the pussy iu the well i then tell me of the babies in the wpod and then pdrhaps abcnt red i riding hood j too much to do hush hush you drive me wild t j im hurried child the little one grew very quiet now i and grieved and puzzled was the childish brow j i and then itqueried mother do ytjui know the reason cause you must be hurried so i guess the hours are littleer than i so i will take my pennies and will buy a big clock oh big as it can be for you me tho mother now has leisure infinite she sits witli folded hands and face as white- j as winter in her iieart is winters chill j she sits at leisure questioning godi will my child has ceased to breathe and all is night l li is heaven so dark that thou dostgrudge mo light t olife ogod i must discover why i the tide drags by i i o mothers svreet if cares must ever tall pray do net make them stones to build a wall j between thee and thine own and mgs thy right t j- j to blessedness so swift to take its flight while answering baby questionings youare but entertaining angels unaware the richest gifts are gathered by the way for darkest day emma burt do yoij believe it 5 yes why should you becaute i know it 1 do yov wink were for a lit the fire ta dered why least liasc 1885 sfjugle cojpies three snts whlenumte51 to be true think there isdanger nigh yes 1 1 im sure there is the last time i heard it vastbree years ago- arid there was troubl i in our camp afore morning what 1 apeiied j redskins came down upon our john early as good a friend as killed and scalped right the camp and i ever t had was there the you lgest of the two cast a quick look about him asi though he lialf expected to see some i earful danger stalking in upon hem then jlou think thlere is danger here inevei knewthe varning to fail but then it ma r this time we mi st keep our eyes ofien tonight yes oi e of us had better will you try to get nap first or shall i tt you h id better 1 1 could not sleep a i to try lever so hard now le while longer they sat about king of the strange sound and listening f r it to be rieated but alth 3ugh the wind sighed mournfully in the tree tops theyheard no more of the strauge vd ce at last t lie old trapper wrapped himself in his blai ket jind layj down his companion watched him and won- it was that he could sleep or at danger tin eatened them slowly he minutes john h hamilton proprietor porrierl3f mcquillan haniilton dealer nrmlirble granite and everything liertaliiiiig to cemetery work received irst prizes at provincial ex hibition gudph the western fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of your orders i are ilicited coal wood hoviugpnrliased the coal business of mr c s smith i a i prepared to supply ftll kiuda of stove coal have also a good stock of wood- hardwood ai h cedar and mill wood at reason ihle prices wood and coal delivered james bkowk lumber shingles j vndlath i phe nudersi xne desires to inform the riublic 1 thath tockafull other lands cf lumber also first and second ilasstine sh ngles liath -ttljelpu- bu si ii ess coll ec g u elph ontario o ffer vojungmen and wjomen the b istfacilities foracquiriug a com plete traini ig for business pursuitsj bookkee iug- commercial ariihmetic banking a ctual business practice- busi ness corre ipondence penmanship com mercial la v telegraphy shorthand cal- igraphy or type writing french hygiene and physiology areltaught by the most practical and interesting methods the staff comj rises six experienced teachers and lectur xs the various departfaients are elegant y fitted uj with the latest and best apparf tus for bi siness college work students n ay enter at any time 1 jgpfor copy of the annual college circular a ldress mmaccormick principal 1 r cairiage s hills tin stove depot oooi assortment of stoves j cheap for cash tinvvae of all ktnds at j bottom prices eavetroughing a specialty hours am at last midnight came the wh d died away and a perfect silence reigned al out the sk was block with gathering clouds and all sij ns went to i show that rain would soon be fa ling it was t lie time he had promised to wake his compi nion the winds warning iy c c speight btxlt of the their and put up on shortest notice first class material only used a call solicited- j c hill mill st gttelph i cloth hall i painting c4spicht parti 5sj desiring their busies vagqons cutteesl repaint id or revarnished and made equal to n w or shortest possible- notice and at lowest pri es should leave their- orders at oncevith mr j ai speight under taker and damage builder ot with i c c speighf i i irish tweed siiitlngsv beautiful designs 12 different shades shawcrundy merchant tailors ouelph this bftdcd may he found on file at geo p rhrcn powell ft co g kempapcr ad ocmtrrtcuraaybsenia 1 vert hlnkburcnailo spruce 8u whore a f v feorlt f hbw whorejulvertlsliik two men sat smoking their pipes away up under- the shadows of the great psaksof wyoming a night without moon or star hung above them but their tanipfire glowed brightly out throwing a yellow glow about tin the great tres thatskirted the fobt mountains ldcked tliair arms togetl er- far above their ljeads the night wind moaned through branches as though bewailing some i they might have witnessed the men were silent thir pipes i eeming to engage their whole attention not a word had pissed between them for the past fifteen minutes one of them was old and grizzletj while the other must have been nearly a score of years his junior their garb and surroundings showed them to be hunters or trappers and that they made this place their headquarters for some few days at least suddenly the youngerof the two gave a stirt as though of surprise taking the pipe from his mouth he held it for a moment a little apart from his ups then lie gave utterance to some low warning word histj j fov the space of a minute his companion fstaredat him without speaking but he listened intently for any sound that might be brought to his ear but he heard nothing save the of the wind through the treetops above their heads then he ppeiied his lips whatwftsitjsim hush there it is agafn still his companion heard only the sigh ing of he wind and 60 he told him a minute later but lam sure i heard sometjimg know that i cannot ibe mistaken vwhatvjasitliii it sounded like amans voice coiildyou catctthe words no but it struck nieas though itwas trying to warn tisof danger iimiglitpe that the old trappe tm a shade paler but whether that was so or pot the hand that iield thepipe irembled just a little i bntitcbuldliardly be withfeat he had faced danger too many fames both men were silent now ancj as mo tionless as though turned to stone once more the strange sound came to their ears on the wings of the laggi rd wind both heard it now it did sound like a human voice yet the old trapper knew that it was not its the winds warning he a ud what li that ai ked hi com amo did ydi never hei r it before never warning j that the wind gives when there lsdffnger ufgb sometimes toj m pkwiwsswsjwstjsisis still if lie truly believed that told themselves into toiler pur feet among the louisiana planters im over- ished by the waij- wae one whp lived i l the teche countryi hi bad silsrgi fimil of small childrei and a tract of poor land whtchavithout- fertilizers yieldeidlittjle be sides weeds apdj wildpepperi one neighbors went ltd california cf hib another to but yet he was in no hurry to do it for he did no feel in the least like sleeping the str tnge sound he had heard and the interprets tion his companion had put upon it comple ely drove all thoughts of sleep from his nind at thii moment another sound broke upon his ar this tijne it was riot a voice but a foott step it seerejed close by them he str ined his ears to listen stealthily footsteps were surely approach ing the a mp fire whether it was a man or beast be could riot tell but it bust be an enemy rather than a friend he too t a step toward his companion to wake bin and warn him of danger but at that moment the old trapper sat up arid i eaching out took his rifle from the earth wl tere it had been lying close to him the langer is coming he said yes but how did you know it l thought cotj were asleep 0 i am top old a bird to be caught nan ping ii jways sleep with my eyes bpenv i b6l ieve you but what is this coming toward r b lool yonder and see if you do riot knbw the ttjapper gave a start and looked away in the direction iiilicated at fin t he could distinguish nothing then he beheld a pair of blazing eyes gazing o it from the darkness a pa ither he exclaimed as be hastily brought his rifle toi liis shoulder takin a hasty aim at one of the shining eyes he fired there was afearful yell a icrashing of bushes i flying leap through the air and the enra gedbeastlighted upon theshoulders of the old trapper the s lot had not touched a vital spot but hod ctaly slightly wounded the beast and enr iged it the f rce of ae blow was such that it sent the old trapper to the earth where a despera e struggle ensued but 1 title chance had he for his life in the struggu hnaidhe must surely have lallen a tictirii i 31ubl mg his rifle hjs companion sprang to iia a isistanoev it wa ljliard getcinga blow upon the head bfthe baast without running great risk of injuring jiis friend but bt last he got the chance and the blow de scended the i anther was stunned by it and re- the northwest still another to seaj to seek their fortunes whatrdo yoij mean to cloij they asked i have always believed that good l ick is close at hand 1l1i first try jwhatj- ii u be done at home be replied j- tv the ground was useless lie htd no money to fertilize it or to pay f or f labor but the wilovpepper after long trial he made of it mqtiid seasoning which won a ready sale among his neighbors wife and children m sisted him the family unaided gathered thii pep v per tireased the juice bottled libeled and shipped it to otiier markets thiy are now iu receipt of a comfortable it come fromiihe weed which so long grew pnder their feet unnoticed an english farmer nearbexley in kent about 50 yeaisgo raised sheep on th bar ren tract whioh he owned and saved a few pounds a year which his wife hid avayin an old stocking jvibitirig the scat h of ireland on business he examined th s soil in which goobeberries grow why not try them on his own sunny heath 7 je se cretly took the money from his wifes closet bought fertilizers plantedhia gar- den and listened silently to her ian ienta tjons over her lost store for alyear or two then he led hejf oui to the bushes fpll of costly fruit there is where your stocking was spilled he said the berry farm kent is still 1 nowt ing apd f rui arid flowerrafsing come the chief i a man iho gathers the news my boy and doe lit all to amuse my boy e j a man of wit and tact and gritr- a man t hey all abuse iny soy the ma lltbe printers deridey boy whqs t oubled on every side my boy a load of care j thats sara to beai weiijhs jdhigmind beside my boy his ur i4is ajuays light my m nevfr a coin in sigh my boy early and hfte driven by fate heworl 4 forjhe cause of ritiy8iy in s site of all thats said my boy in- 1 le 6 ofl hell beiahead my boy for ub aboer wheriallislaite hejl gcj when he is dead my boy rjsxdtangt one of the richest in as betseya i tock- haj be- ndustry of that fhore tens of tiious inds of men and women owe their comfort and livelihood to this mans persistence in looking for luck cljose at hand too many of ns are too apt tci suppose that success ies always in the dis tanee and that we must carry our energy ilafk and iudustry across the coritinerit we catfconqusritj hawthornes wai derer found the tre usure which he had se rchjed for in vain allover the world- trader own threshold the paces of audiences talinajge in iieslies jtfaassine an eminent lecturer deo ares tl at all audiences are about alike to him le en ters at 8 oclo jk the public hall ami indsa circle of hum inity coiled ardiind him just like the one h saw in some other hall on the previous i ight our experience s dif ferent we indno two audiences alike each one is as different from all the others as one man face varies fom j anothers physiognomy some audiences am dull every thingis profoundly silent savo as a cough or a irieeze interrupts one thtj stolidity of the assembly reactrupntiie lecturer while you are jspeakin yon- look at your watch you begin to m easure off your lecture with less interest th tn the merchant meaflufesa yard of cas liniere you say to j yourself half thiough threefourthb through five minutes more and i knav quitl and yon close your manuscript shake hands with the treasurer and- go out at another place the audienoe beam upon you as you enter everybody seetris tosayr welcoma toour town 1 we are all waittngr you ow dp your best n you have any wisdom or wit fling it over- this way yoi ir small sstjoke goes off like aipac k of fourtri july fin i-crack- ers youarejariazed toboe how people take things yc ur poorest lecture atclies enthusiasmfromthegoodnaturedaidience you feel as if you were in your owi parlor talking with a group of collejjechunn the hour arid a half seeins to yotfbily like twenty minutesjwnd after shaking hands with men women and children yo 1 are so pleased that the commercial part i yonr engagement seems most ins gnifioai tj you got your pay before you carne to thii peror ation letaudiepce know that cfttimes they are responsible for the stupidity of a speaker tie attempt ipbuilc a fire wood makes ai smoke but rio taxed it i hold upon its intended victim the i ext moment the old trapper had drawn his- knife wl plunged it into his heart then was only ja short struggle and then the beai frlay dead between them the t anger was over the id teapper was so sorely wounded by the daws of the lwast that it was a week before 1 e moved fro n the camp but 1 e always persists iu saying that it was ow pg to the w irriing that their lives were saved had t not been fc r it the panther wpld have a ilen in upon them and both might have p nslied whei her they heaivl the voice or not they fa icied they did and which we nl leave tl e reader todecide it mi jht have been a presentiment of evil and no hing more lfte i tweatptline venn mtlteif ng rev wm stopt of wiarton was enred of scrol jilouaabecosft that seventeen doc tors co id not pure burdock blood bit ters we i the only sneoeesful reme ly pures 4l inrguttttas of theytem among green blaze farmers and their wives j h c blake of gonth bartpb vti s movediy miss putneys essay hi say twelve years aigo i stood up before the parson withia blooming far ners diughter and promising to love cheiish and protect her jihad an idea also it meanb that if ahe put her shoulder to the wheel yith me if we won any of this world s goods she w certainly entitled to her f bare ieepin this idea always in view i improd d tosa that my wife has never yet knqwbj thi on x more i say it humiliation of begging for money t nd that suoh of this worlds gobdsa s i have bes towr ed uponher that were not needed for thef family ha v so improved rnder b ir tarej- that the ass asor oalls on her for almost as many dollars as myself and ysn who have alread travelled nar y leagm s in the journey of li fe just try my plan foi a while and see if tl e bright miles- and qm sk steps of your wife do not pay yoq k hundi edfojd many a fanner who lookihjwith ride at his broad ac res and bis flooks and herds forgets thatl he ovtfes a grea i deal ol all this to the prud nee and hard 1 ibor ef us wife thewbyiot give her sme sulistantial token that t he nlay truly feel you appre ciate her ial or and an v oiling t reward mm m r push if there was moreinsh in the world there won id t e fewer hurigey half clotlied home- less suffering ohildreij fewer brokendown dissipated njen and women lees- need of almshohses booses of correction and homes fpr the friendless 1 pnsh means a lift for a neighbor in trouble push means a lift for yourself out of tip slough of despjandency and shif k lessnesa out of trouble real or fancied push sever hurts anybody the harder thje pus i the better if it is given in the right dsectipnl jalwysphsh np hillfew people i lead a pdsh don hill jdont bo afdaidcf your muscles arid sinews they were gi en yon to nse dont bo afraid of ypurhaods they were meantjfor seryice doit be afraid pfr what your j companion may say dontairaidofybutnciejice it vf iii i ever reproach you for a good ded but p ish with all your heart might and v soul w ienever yonjspieanytbing or anybody that wi 1 be better for a good jong strong deterrni aed push f push 1 it is just thi i word for the grand r clear m jimngof life it is just the word for stro ig arms and young hearts it is just the wpr 3 for a worm that is full of work as this is if anybody is in trouble and you see it c ont stand back push 1 if thi sre is anything good being done in any place where you happen tobe push why- barbers alwayp talk yon hear a great deal of talk about our being top talkative said apittsburg bar ber bat let me tellv you that the barber who doesnt talk isnt any good he isnt popular ijwith the trade and- he doesnt jmako a good workman tpu see a man comes in and he gets into the chair and the barber commences shaving him without saying sj word the man who is being shaveo has nothing to think about except j himself arid he immediately begins tip kick v about jthjs razor it pulls and hurts his face and nothing suits him and he goes away dissatisfied with the shop and the v barber now one of these goodnatared talkative barbers would take the same man and commence talking politics iuid the the police and the skatingrink and there would never be the kick no- sir the barber could 7 use the oldest dullest and rustiest razor and the man would never think of com- plaining and when the barber would finish combing his hair by telling him he had hair just like abe lincoln ori charles sumnerr hed get up and give him a cigar and go off feeling goodnatured rarid swear that was jthp bfest barber in he oity pittsburg dispdtiki iweather to hdm lightest mortality in wa time i from official records of the watdepartr ment based on the losses given and the total number of men furnished by the states and territories during the war it appears that ou of every sixtyfive men one man was killed in action oui of every fifty six men one mandied of wiurids received m option s oui of essry thirteen men jme man died of disease oui of every nine men one man died while 1 seiyiqe out of every fifteen men one man was captured or reported missing ont of every ten men one man was wourided in action out of every seven meii captured one died while in captivity the j country editor ioes to i churcli the editor of the dead wood roarer at- m rritfrtiaawiw try it tended church for the firsttime last sunday in about an hour he rushed into the ofncp an d shouted to the telegraph editor r whit in blazes lire yon fellows doings how about thenewifromtheseat of war whlitners v svly ail this aiout the egjpsan army being di owned in the red sea why the t gospel sharp np at the church was telling about if just now and not a word of it in j this mprmrigh paper bustle rbttnd you fellows and get the facts tor- thetjfoop shot will get a beat on us look sprey there and irur an extra edition if necessary while i put on the bulletin board great english victory in tiie soudan eb b erl westsheffprdpqm3te8 rfaiavo been troubled withiiver complaint for several years arid have pied different mediciies- with little or no benefit nntill tried x r thoirias- eclectxic ofly whion gave mi immediate relief and i would say thatll la ve used it since with the best ef fect i fo one should be without it4 ihavs tried it on my horsein caseof cuts wounds and i think it equally as good for hdrse as fprtian hj a molaugblin noriaud writes j am solo out of northrdp lymans vege tabli iiibveryand dyspoptiocure i it sellsjwcll and i find in every instance it has proven satisfactory i have reason to believe it the best preparation of thjb kind in the market it cures dyijpepsia bil lousness and torpidity of the liver con stipation and all diseases arising frem im pureblood female complaints efc v 1 matamcmy made easyjis the tithi of a new book but it does not sllpw how to buy 50worthf dty p uffdelpluadau ai coatemporai never isayp uutter alwayi tells theifru1anctlst ed names tm budget i4- gbpds with f2 bili rvi ta