Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1885, p. 4

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gr vi if i- vm ibiij w m 1 i r i i tinjrskwmotono jtok4188o vraen the baby 0 alfle always in tile house there was trouble aud oooteuttou v i little pm ot feeling flashing iutoflnie 8ltl otirritmiou 80 onre to takeoccasiou i for strife and tribulation till the baby came all tlie evil sounds full of cruel hate and rancor all the angry tnmolt nobody to blame j ail were hashed so sweetly i 1 disappearing fleetly i or quieted completely when the baby came faces that had worn a gloomy veil of sad- i i w88 hearts iutend oil seeking for fortune or for tame s oiiceaffaiu were lirhtened onoe again were brightened j and their rapture heightened when the babyoame h a all affections iwiudows opened to receive it pureatd fresh i from heaven nd give 1 it earthly name j clasping and caressing in arms of love confessing that life had missed a blessing till the baby came homes that were in shadow mt the gentle sunshine smiling as if anxious their secret to pro claim oratffulsougs were swelling of muth and gladness telling and love ruled all the dwelling when the baby came a 1 hearts that had been sundered by a tie of passion were again united iii purpose aud iii aini in the hauut secluded j peace- divinely brooded where discord intruded tll the baby came little clouddispeller little cdxnfortbringer babygirl orbabyboy welcome all the same eyen oer the embers j of bleak and dark decembers some fond heart remembers when the bby came joakpltine potlafd i ei micfaxvin druggist a st ncxlett neglebtiug k qoui tipated condition of tho bowels i s sure to bt ug ill health and great anfferin j b lrdool blood sitters regulate the bow els in a mat ural manuer purifying the bloc d and proa ote a healthy action of tho stoiiachiliver ddnoys and bowels liie tvvs wwingjmd contort fluid light ling t oes not itaku a day or an hour to rt move neiiralgia headache toothac 10 lumbaj 0 or rheumatism but will do i iriatiutly and without carrying your he d iii 1 poul ice for a day or usihg greasy 1 niinei its iiy a 25c bottle from 46 golden 3 m x my interesting items boils blotches pimples and all skin diseases are quickest cured by claensing the blood with ayers sarsaparilla i rpedlpob you can depend upon haggards jyellow- oil tea pain reliever in rheumatism neuralgia and all painful arid inflam- matory complaints it not only relieves but cores theiopmioh of the general public in -rq- gard to ayers cherry pectoral ig confirmed by clergymen lawyers public speakers and actors all say it is the best remedy that canoe procnied for allaffectibnof itheto- d organs throat and jungs r- aseertt j- the secret of bejuty llies in pure blood and good health burdock blood bitters is the grand key that unlocks all the secre tions it cores- ab scrofulous piseases acteon 4b blood livej kidneys skin and bowels and brings the bloom of health to the palid cheek thu b brliublr b k wheeler iltferchant of jevetpn wasjeured of a severe attack 01 idflam mation of the lungs by hagyardsj pectoral babjam this great throat and long heal er cfurpsweak lungs coughs hoarseness bronchitis andll pectoral complaints -ml- badaehe headache ia one ofhose distressing com plaints tjiat depends upon nervous jirritai tion had cirdntation or a disordered state of the stomicli liver bowels etc thei editor and proprietor 61 the vaiuula preby- teriak was cured after years of suffering with headache and now testifies to the vjrtue of burdock blood bitters i jlf a tew grains 6r common sense could be infused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually and ialternatelv irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the he ciustv st ii diseases cents 8 dress dti pa t- jiiud theri 1 areb n t f e that have never suffered almost iutohrublc pain from toothache neural ia o tilt 6 aote paius to them such ai iusto it rot ief as fluid lightning is an uut id bt tssiug in time of trouble no disgust ingolfensive medioiuebto be taken j or day oi 0 app licatiou of fluid liuht- inn 01 ires sold at j e mogarvins drugi 29 mrilt proven dollkr uptjn dollar is fisequcutly spent on the faith ojf rccoi lmendations for articles entiteiy worthlcis not so 1 with mq- gregoisspnedy jure yu aro not asked to pur ihase it nnl il its merits are proven call a j migarvins drug store and getafreetr ftl botle and if nbt convinced it will cure rou 0 the worstforms of dye- ppepsit liv rcon plaiut etc no matter of howling bt audit g it costs you nothing sold ip aocjand 1 1 bottleb see testimon- our now 8tom of doing bubincssjs already rpluqingl its cileot on tho mulutudd tho lion has never in j the pasttijad e inuoli reason to itiibw that if efforts a a jpreblatod bv the puulto as at tho present ttmo ave have taken as our inotto sojjojrt ooob onb firlos mid omii 0al77anll are determined to follow it out to the very loiter although our friends have said wje could not dq au entirely oash trade we have commit ted ourselves to it and our success fr exceeds our moat sanguine expectations tho only way such is to bedond successfully is to strictly adhere to the onljj true system of doing busibess haying the very loweit prices for goods and giving no sredit and by having that price far bcloj aoy store ai an inspection of our pncer wim conjvinco any one i we quote 6uch astonishingly low prices for our goods us to make ow opponents say that we can not do as we advertise f i j now whatwedosay youhftvoiupuradyertibeutaiit ve qiioto the price of some of our goods uome and see aud jlidgeavhuther ur stalomeuts iiro reliuble or not as all our goodi marked in plain marks that a ch id if hd knows letters can rend at a glance and know all our priced wc are hot responsible for tlb hagiiu felt hi those iio cannot competo with us ip prices for we aro bbund to keep prljjesfdown lotlthoni say or feel as jthoy may just to show what we are doing at the lron the alsfrtm pejrsbn8iu your own town 29 it ehlnp puci sjmptonisandturc tin 8jmtomare moisture like perspir ation inten se he ling increased by scratch ing v ery d stresi ing particularly at night seeitfi as if piuvorms were crawling in and about th ectuiii the private parts are somel ime tffect d ii allowed to continue vety i eri u 1 rtsu te may follow swaykks ont ien is a leasantj sure cure also tetter itch salt rheum all scaly sent by mail for 50 oxesj125 in stamps ad- swavne son philadelphia sol iy drfiggists 50 a frie isend six cent for postage t abd receive free a costly box of goods vnich will help yon to more money right aw y than anything else in this world all 1 if ei ner sex succeed from first hour the tjtoe dj road no fortune opens before the workers kbsolutely sure at once address tnu4 jc augusta maiue i i 1 m m highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonibi lyman siveaetabledis overyand dyspeptic oure which causes good digestion to wait an appetite and health on both 1 l 32 the virtneof carbolic acid fer j healing cleansing and purifying is well known but fromjthe many modes of applying i the public is uncertain how best to usej it to meet i that want mcgregor aarkes carbolic cerate is prepared and may be used yrith confidence do not be misled take only- mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate sola at j e mcgarvins drug store acton 46 ativice to mother are you disturbed at night and broken 0 your rest by a sick child suffering and crying iwith pain of cutting teeth if- so send at once and cret a bottle of mrs win- tlovf i toothing syrup for children teeoung its value is incalculable if will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately de- pendttpon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gams reduces inj flamraation and gives tone and energy to the wljole system mrs winsloufssoothmg syrup for children teetiiing is pleasant jo the taste and is the prescription of onp of theoidestand best female purses andphy- aicjansin the united states and is for sale by ailj druggists throughout the iworld price 5 cents a bottle 44 holicnoaif piut jhe geatneathe blood a the jifeahd on its i purity depends our health if pot our existence these pills thoroughly cleanse this vital fluid from all contarninations abd by that power strengthen and invigorate the wholesystemv h stimtdaite slnggis 1 organs repress orerejecited actum and et tablish lorder of oircnlataon and secretion t lrooghoat every part o tte body the bal saitic nature of holtoways pills commends ihem to the favor of debilitated and nervous coaatit tntions which they seobsuscitate theyr dislage all obstructions both in the bowels jlkrjdiare on fliat iocjt iatssilecmglrt ajfer lot ptonoripg refemrity of action in yonng females and delicate per oam aye naturally w cir who from lh33jteriijr4lfi p lit wor dug people send 10 centb ppstagt and we will mail youwe a roali raluabl 5 sample box of goods that will out you in the way of making more mon iy in a few days than you ever thought poss ble kt any usiness capital not re- quiri id 1 ou ca n live at home and work in spar tir k only or all this time a11 of both sxe 01 all ages grandly successful 50 c nu to 5 eitsily earned every evening tha i all v ho w int work may test the busi ness we njiake his unparalleled offer to all v hiw ire not well satisfied we will send 81ti par for he trouble of writing us fnll par nulars directions etc sent free imnens bay absolutely sure for all who stsjrl at once dont delay address srapox w co portland maine atbbha new tke4tmet pirha the nost extraosdinary success that had teen a thieved in modern medicine lias een t ttain id by the dixiin treatment for cata nh c ut of 2000 patients treated duri at 11 1 past six months fully ninety per cent have teen cured of this stubborn i mal kdy this is none the less startling whe 1 it s reme inhered that not five per dent of 3 itieut i presenting themelves to the regilar practitioner are benefitted while ti patent medicines and other advcrtiskl cures never record cure at ill starting with the claim iiow- gen rally belief ed by the most scientific meu thajt the d sease is due to the presence of tiring jarasisesin the tissue mr dix- 611 f t drii ada te5 his cure to their exter- minitiop this accomplished he claims the catarrh is pratically cured and tlie peri bane icy is iinqnestoned-ascureseffet- ed i y hii a foui years ago are cures s 11 no me i lse hi s ever attempted to cure cat irrh u this manner and no other treat- meithaf ever i ured catarrh the appli- cati n of the re medy is simple and can be don at ihome and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure thetnajority of cases beii g cti red at one- treatment sufferers sho lid 4 irrespt aid with messrs a h dix on son 30 king street west toronto cai ada and e iclose stamp for their treat- ize n cftarrhj montrealslar nov 17 82 vsgelable sicilian wisthf first pi eparatlon perfectly adapted to ci ire dj seases 1 f the scalp and the tot suo fal feston r of tided or gray baiif to iu c itura color growth and youtuul bcatity i hasi lad ma xj imitators hut none hare so i illy i let all he requirements needtul for t le pn per tre itment of the hair and scalp i alli hjbitoibhassteadllygroini in fare r and e read its fame and usefulness t etta y quart r of the globe its unparal leled f access 1 an be attributed to but cue tmsetttcenli e fulfilment cfitt promues the propriej 01s have often been surprised at tbj receipt of orders from remote conn- ties rheretlsy had never made an elfort for is int odnetioi the ise for i short time of halls haib iese reft w nderfnlly improves the per- onal ppearaice it cleanses the scalp from 1 11 in purities cures all humors fever and ryne 1 and thus prevents baldness it 1 tirau lies the weakened glands add enables tlieni o push fonrrd a new iand vigorous i rowt t the sffects of this article are not trans iff liki thosp of alcoholic prepara- t ions mt rem tin a long time which makes lis u3fl a matt r of economy bfcklilghams dye fob the whiskers 1 nil bange t be beard to a natural brown irbli kasde red itproducesapermanent lolor lutwill not wash away conslstlngdf 1 sin le prep iratlon it is applied without troutfle pbepabedby ltiigo isoldwl dealers miledieuwit t sa roe all the roeia ji scrofuloas mercurial and jrt blood disorders iloliurifter7 sareaparlllar mm king of ve give you 75c black and coljorcd orbs graiu silk at 45c j ii00 cros gram sijk for 75c 325 gros grain silk ftr 95c 8150 rich leayy jlehlienux- tor 1 7oc cash- ineije for 50c a lovely lot of all woe 1 cashmeres worth 35o we are rushing off at 20jj the ducks and demins that cost oiseivuero 18c wo goreets for 75c 75c for 50d 50o c 85o 12ji 19 cents such are a few of the lines but our stock iajall equally cheap so come along and flud out that at all times our word is fjor good chfejap goods for the public the dry goods having decided o giveup his business in aoton will offer his entire stock at cost and under parties desirous of securing bargains will find it to theif own advantage stb call earl and selectbofore the htook becomes reduoed sellatl2c corsets asfollwos 1 print foir 9c 80c cotlouade oily eto3h dn hand jpwilliamson aco he al tk hollgwals p for lls and aliji th1 purify the blooij cbrfect all disorder kmneysj and mveb stomach kmneysj and bowels they inngorale aud restore to henltli debilitated ponstitutic us and are invuluable iu all complaints incidental to femiales of all ages por children and the aged they are pricejess the oint1 isan infullablo remedy for bad lugs bad bieastsl old wothids sors- autl ulceis is famdus forgout nud rheumat am for disorders olthechestcit has iioequal for sorb thh0ats se0n0hiti5 coughs fcolds glunduar5welling and all skin diseases it has no rival and for contracted and stiff 1 it acts hken charm k e and aio sold at is ljd 2s 9d me nt ointment s of thq new iaemssmin rgp f l- 11 fcartlfltriink rarhfc4y vdooexi8t mljjealiw express jj710ffui pass umill 1102 ati through ezrivpva ooisawkgrr bxijm5al7 am expiissvlwa am mao 65 jn special lopmj elph ohlcakqjexpiiessdqcs notstdi between i and toronto thfk ov closixo ma08 golug wosifctloiio bin and 530 p jo cioiug east ku0 amand520pm kuftfisjl mi il closes at 10 am on wednesday 1- lij free canad h pacific railway t i 1 jro mil roisth feastia2itd 2 st t sabscht nam m i have a putl stock op all of wliichf will be offered at priccsjwhich astonish evcjry chstourer it manufactured only otthomas hojtovaysestablisiuneut maw oxford street lato 533 oxford street tsndoa sue 0d 22s and 33s each box or pot thoukhout the world- be liad 6f all mejdiejiuc vcudors purchasers should litnk to the jlaljiel on the pojts and boxes if ihe address is 533 oxford trtjet loudour jm tho deminioii booi shoe ste at spurious kibisrjere2 h ave now their spring fetock joiiilete in all lj value in the following bbos iues and are offering the public eixtra not kauties indebted to ijiie will please call audbettlo tlieir accounts aind thereby sa expeiise h vanity at thl mammoth house j oeorgefown mcleoo anderson oi hnn condensed tl5tbtajslb oi toronto to- detroit chicogt ind manitoba htiloutsix smoms localex 1 toronto j v 810 ajn 1 35pin 410pm stretsvil ejuh9ilo 13 5 20 stthoinak il2t05 pm 5 25 65 detroit i s 8 301 0 30am chicago i 7i3laui 7s5- 545pin- winnipeg 7 of j paily except monday toronto tcj montreal quebec and boston limited exl sfontjeolex- toronto 8 25ain 7 sspjn ottawa ff07pnj 517ami montreal k 0i12 8 jo quebec 6 30 am 0 50pinr boston 830airf brampton to streetsville junction brampton i 7 23ojb i qvpnl streetsviuo jct 715 t5 brampton iojoraingeviile and owen sound brampton u3taui jv- 5 iopnis orangeviue 05 i g57 v owen bound io 30 pm 10 20 ipurcthase your tickets by this new- alid j popctlae linbi i rkoisi l v jjf b mcgaeyin ticket agent acton ontario onecot halfc qoar one half the m ajmmoth is selling goods cleap their millinery the cents boots and shoes ladies shoes land slippers boys shoes in great varietv boysjshoes in great variety j chhdrens shoes of every kind rubbers slipper tninkb etc always instock good assprtmehf onr ordered work gives the best of satisfaction repairing neatly and carefully performed j we call suit yonj call our ordered clothing plete state gentlemen aud we will suit them in an immense stock from readyjnade clothing wej kenney bros speicht undertakers son acton carriage makers c are prepared tofarnieh everything in their line from the best casket to the plainest coffin ou the shortest notibe and at lowest terms t all calls either night or day rproraptly uttenited to satis- factipn guaranteed in every case a first- class hearse for hire flstwjeare in a position to satis actorily till orders for waggons carriages c o every description in reasonable time good workmanship oud firstclass materialalways used we have also a splendid ot or furniture hntli common and extra quality cheap aarif you will pay us cash we will sell yon anything in our liae cheap j a speight manager ni 63hatton gaxiealondon and246 st james st moatreal ground scientifically from clear and pure pebble or optical iglass especially manufactured for the purposi they are without exception best adapted to res tore tli- ravages of age ailfl to retain perfect vision they are especially recommmdedby the most eininenf facility kvery pair of spectacles and eyeglasses is marked bl j el mcgabtiln x sole agent for acton ont druggist kinds including checked bound this season to eclipse all its former efforts iii the wayl in showing a large variety in the get- op ft yle and cheapness correct thing in the styiemake and pricein dressjrjakinr v have a neiv large and varied stock in allllie latest novelties in a illijery our dress ni ii jv i including silks batins ottomans etdniagnijsciht goods stock is dow very silk lor 27icj wotth 75c iu the millinery and dressmaking department i weddine au il aourpingoifder 3 a specialty the manageis of the miiliuery dressmaking und ma atle departments tre changed but jhave secure 1 the best talent extant ladies tan come vitji confidence aai- leave their orders j j brints aiid ginchnmi in all the latest styles extraordinary che 1 p staples of shirtings cottonadea grey and white cotw iugs cqttonades and all canadian goods we buy direct from- the mills andsell them whojesne- prices i j j 4 an gepts furnishing department w more fcoinr uiay bomp with the utmost confidencea nd leave their drdi irs price tyle fit workmanship and variet ctftijets weh4ve all ns cottons ishrri afl l2ic upwards bootsflnd shoes n large have a large stock and we are holding a 0 of we tarietyrprices right hearing sale until reduce the stock grckt bargains we will give ia good suit for a we have the took confidence in joking the patronace of the public we will se 11 you goods atjawjay down bottom prices r mgleqd aljloqersoistigo summer silks 1nseleotid7ariett -the- fashionable west end if guelph the busiest house in the trade int thexl raaaa the favorite aaaa jaaaaaaaaaaab3aaaaaqaaij iofamiitjjse w hij3h 4rm high viwish u vscujit ufdsfe leimachines on atent u hjhkpiaiwiiils iiiiliiiuiiiiiliiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiif chas raymond i manufacturer 1 uelphv ontario g i- ho k for officj e rine gent ciob to to riati mi tal m hstratiniifl iflil rcgetnvrs iriccj ofrej nit i ti ein prhitnl yirfsnliichjp lttilsnt y 1iv vhrvi rjs lklmtlimrtr hi- 1 rii5i sks tasite buchamco f farmers for reaping anp mowing machines ijrse laliirsje r ko atua no aad will wear longer tian anytber cil 1 l sole makufactinters mcooll bros 00 toronto j fok saleal l mccrvins drug store and ct hiirs thousands of ladies visiting tho thk new and beautiful styles of french british and american millinery manuia dresses id black gocjds of all kinds tdp underwear nightweai and neckweai hosiery gloves shirtings gray colons sletiugs fancy goods ladies bags fortmonus sjebsomubicdbu embroidered underwear of all kiuds tabloamasks napkins doyles table w pjmo covers jn saw sik en- seredwc printed p bl and house dturnishing good in almost endless variety armfn qurlts yarns etc amairnincent stock of parasols direol from the eunpead markets in great variety ofjinces and qualities 1 1 plain an44 rn3 satin psrax aud tilled lavalineparasois cheaper than ever nice ginsham dr ss foods only 12jc nice wide prints 5c better wide i ut oolpred pn is myxri prints only 8ic au immense vanety of the newest styles e f prints gngbtos dress goods silks satins jfervele es and mound rlkhikdirtalar at about half their real value a large assormenfcof white shirtings from 5je up to the finbst and t fest kept hea y fj t 10- p- jnat see the 10c shrtm it would be cheap at 1 2 awi ul assortment pf cretons creton fringe efdltapt je athe drem buttonfthey are new apd beautiful and very cheap immense bargains iv n in black cashmeres colored cashmeres mernioes ijhd dress goods w ss s43dsime and biatrial hand bagsand portmotfies ia lejttheri sdk apdvelvein varions colors hamjtttota jlay jftst 185 lltrl a skwvdi piterns of carbetsin wool icders tnpesliy brussels velvets and wiltops at exciedinly low prices aub in the best makej charming fcatternsinmx s trfwinaow mindb crunilvcloth iii damask felt kidder and tapestry fcundsf l nienms floor oiloloths etc do not go awav without seeing the hi w shsnksskvs curtains quipureiyartbtamle preichejurtainsj the charming fetyles of silk embrotdeted toilet talle warbserstfrbirlefezw weak iq not forget tosee the new fwnch laob from rjsj nnws wtll be taken back that are damaged 1 1 any way afer s thenameis tjp y tjtqjs house to purchase ijws 5 m an immense oe sortment of n w w aev- wflcwlswswhps a 1081m33 uaif of ivtte in tfa maps sjeii lahboltx tif liarcsjcrirri fh rlffitii tin of i nniftitf il- liv iii jjairj rivf- s m7lfi ionesbt nr-v- i- idaiojweiiirtos anri orfjon ibcmaticiiur ioiliikct sound ears good la olli per i acre t country ettlemertr evmnent liiitmbcrciiltiritjiwsl xotk avaih qr loue thai ill the public lnnds aii ikohliprn pacific coo sj icouiii nuiut ociit fkkik describlnit facibdciuntrylhcksilroad osed oi in 1 y books and sortbern a for sale and ind ftjovcriimeiit jxinds addrcsstchas b landcorn pltkiuimhin j x how iiost how restoeed iwehavereceritlvpublishecl a new j ejlitipn of drcnlverweus cele brated essay ou the radical aud i permanent cure twithoutmedkine of nervous iteliiuty mental nd ehysical incapao ity impadimente of marriage etc resultu from excesses aprfp in ft sealed envelope only 0 cent or two postage stamps tho celebrated author in this admirable eb- say cleajlyi demonstrates from thirty gears successful practice that alarming consequences may be radically cured without the dangerous psaof internal medicinesor the use of theknife pointingaiit of cure atrfnce siinple cer- toiu and effectual by nieanof which every sufferer no ntatter what his condition mav be may cure himself cheaplyprivately and radically this lectur shojuld be in the hands bi every youth and overymajxintheland address th fculverwell medical oo- i 41aritt stnew york post offlcb box 450 l t slaud hbmi crosse lie wayne co mich savagfj p- fatoilfm pboeffianbs tow3heron horses orisshvlers p th tret pfrfres and rfuns- is beaul id the dei is access ntfirmih 5jqmpa address merican stud boots i island home r slhiafed at tae bead of guosss iq rirer ten miles beta lbe ciiyi red 7 raqroad and sietaibott vwuoes th tbe location jny csll city office ullcfing and an escort will accooipan ndfbrcatldeuc- free by wsk5ssmnpmww irm bend for catalogue- frbj f fakwh broa tufa

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