Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1885, p. 2

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mr va mmt ffe xm tmmsdat sfcflkiw atriort 1811885 qen midtuotoii and we ijvo t t tin m- ii i t the senajteor ferohlwuont- i i wmohp v twsoaforilfiiepofw ttx up-tlnx- isting affairs follows the time jim iiow ftjrived wlieo- teiiapor- i aiioo people mns decide wlvether they dhec to their tawporaucci ptiuoiplos ejud uuite in iusistiiig ou the abolition or rocoa- btraotiou ot thoj senate or abandon temper- auoe aud havei thb seuato as it is jthe issue is now uriy sad iquarely drawul the action of fholsenato during the last session on the bottt act has done this 4ve may here explain rtllat wo mean by temperance people those who favor the total prohibition of the liquor traffic there can not possibly bo any half way course iu this matter the senate must 1 either reformed or removed or all hope of securing prohibition must be abandoned the senate has declared itself bitterly hostile to prohibitory legislation it bag the power to effectually block all j shell legislation no inatljer although every memr ber of the house of commons and every elector in the dominion where in favor of prohibition and art entiy desited it from- this out it will simply be waste of time for the commons to attempt to further restrict the liquor traffic until the senate is abolished or its members in some way made amenable to the people the senate as at present constituted hase power entirely in its own hands and itjns shown thapeople that it is determined to usejit to the uttermost in the very face of the declared wishes of the peoples representa tives twice tver declared and in the face also of the people themjselves senators i i declared ija effect that they wfll not permit prohibitory legislation in tni country they haye been given this power by the people we haye often pointed out that it is a dangerous power the action of the senate unmistakably proves the correctness of our statement and since they have seenjfit to abuse this power by frustrating the will of the people and placing them at defiance they should be deprived of it tit is time the question who is to rule tins country the people who own i ot the few decrepid worn out fossils who have been appointed to the senate becanse they are not fit for any other public position which carries with it a salary was finally settled unless- the senate is removed lor remodeled all this excitement and turmoil and expense and labor over the scott act will have gone for nothing it is nonsense trying to carry or even enforce the scott act execpt as a preliminary to prohibition in fact it would not have been carried in but few if any constituencies bat to show the desire for prohibition but it is now clear we can not get prohibition so long as the senate occupies its present position and l there is no hope of a change in that posi tion because the members are not in any wajy responsible to the people or amenable to public opinion under these circum- btances therefore there are but two courses open to temperance people they must either abondon their temperance principles and give up agitating for prohibition in any form or else they must go earnestly toj work b to place the senate in such a position that its members will be responsible to those for whomjhey are supposed fir legislate we believe that if the temperanae people of all shades of politics unite they can easily accomplish this every temperance re former be he grit or tory in politics must positively refuse to vote for anypareamen- i tary candidate no matter what his other qualifications may be who will not pledge himself to use both his vote and influence in parliament to secure at once such a change in the senate as will make it sensi tive to- public sentiment and responsibility to the people interestedpoliticians may ay what they will but this must be the issue fbrlhe future if any effective measure of prohibition is to be gained and those who are not prepared to face the issue in this way may just as well abandon their prohibitory professions as they are de- cidedly of too superficial a nature to be of any practical jvalue this is a question upon which temperance people should con sider if- any person can see any other wayout of thedifficulty than that we have suggested we shall be glad to hear from them kegina in which there is a 1 account of the mm mm wmibiffiiibsjisetasiai the votan ieixilfilter h or oft before us tlfl lfahjf ltadir reception of ben middletoi i after au ad dress bad be tn presbutod 1 1 him and a few compliment try remarks m ideby governor uoy tho cfiueral pat 1 the following or jt i tribute to the volunteers s to w iat tho govern rhas expressed about the in ilunteers and t s auold regular icaugivo as good au c pinion as most pooplo 1 1 1 link the peopl how aro per hapsbotter awuro of tho hardsliips they undorweut no praise cot id be tod great for the way the volunteers have behaved thoy wero taken a way f xmi stores and private callings but neither at food nor at fatigue duty was amurmui heard as sol- diew we wo well fedbutas oivilianathey perhaps thought thoy might have had something better than tinn d meat when i have been serving with wgukra i have heardgrumbling ne er heard grtom- bliiig from luy of the volunteers they bore the werk cheerfully they laughed and sang add whistled ott be pjarch tre- mendous marches of so ml las through some of your oharming slouglis but never a grutnblb always cheerful fatigue work wtuiihis very tryiug to volunteers what- evettheywtere oalhid ou to do they did cheerfully cheers and w iat woujd nftvar have happenedin the oase i f regular troops there wereno court martii lsj one reason for this is fpund in that tocejllent law you haye here prohibiting strong drinkj this total absttce ot crime i believe was due to the total absence of stimulating liquors cheers they lave proved that it is better 16 do without it there were cases of old boldiers who 1 ad been acous- tomed todrink and they fjuud they could do better vithout it ttie general than referred to he desire on mie part of the volunteers to get to the front and said that those who watched store i etc were- if anything in a more trying position because without excitement than if they wore h the front of the battle cheers the advcates of the c anada temper ance act will find in tho generals speech a powerful ugujnent in faror of total pro- mm i hibition horace london notes and coisiments yigan i the appe d in kiels casi will bo heard at winnipeg on september 3rd the marquis of hamiltdu has inaugu rated an ogiuuization knovi u as the loyal irish legion mr gladstone sailed f opi greeuhithe for norway saturday- afternoon many friends saw him off the porls of j the arg jtiiie eepublic have been c losed against a 1 arrivals from spain and marseilles j lord iha if ax a distinguished english politician iud at one time secretary of state for india is dead aged 84 is dead at to tho editor of tho fhk piutss vdkait sib la orderto gratify a oaptfoua spirit or an overweening variety a person quite well known but c mcoaling hiniself uujlortlieipsoudoynm of ilex under takes presidentlike to send forth his annual message to the roivoaiid council of the corporation of actonl his striotaros ou this oooasion are just too broad to be tolerated and as he is so bold as to givo utterauoo to iiidisoriniiiiu a oliargos against every hjombor of this oqrporatiou roovo included oiopo whou usxt ho nddrossos the reeve and council le wiil havo the oouragcof his oonyiotious and appond his sigaaturei the prevaleut yet pontemptible practice of resovting to n iwspaper attacks uuder oover of a uom deptumt is an unfair one add it is about timi ihe respectable nowspapers ol this country should cease to tolerate the oowardico wliioh prompts suoh communications public men ire quite well understood tobo nmiuftbletiprfiisoor censure according to the meritsor deraorits of their acts bat give up a fair sliov aud leave out the favors uiia is all wo abk yours truly w h 8torey acten aug- 10th 1885 general grant laid torest at 880 ou tho 8th inst ool hodges pro ceeded to the flth avenue hotel andisumj monedthe palibearerfl to tlteir carriages the presidents carriage drawn by six horses was called up to the nert door but had fully an hour to wait in anticipation of the presidents coming out an enormous crowd winch the police fiuudt it difficult to managegathered opposite the hotel entrance on ifflrd street gen hancock and statf trooped slowly iilto the piazza from brpadway at this time hundreds of membeto of the lieder- kradz society filed up the steps of the city hall and sang with impressive effect the chorus of the spirits from over tho water from schubert and the chorus of the pilgrims from taunhiusser at 985 the imposing funeral car drawn by 24 jet black horses in black troppingb halted uihe piazza in front of the cityhall steps commander johnson then gave the order lift the remains which was obeyed by twelve men- who bore the re mains out upon the portico down the steps to the funeral car at the tomb there was no oration made but a simple burial service was gone through at which tho rfev dr newman and bishop harris officiated- the services were preceded by the ritual of the g a 11 conduoted by a detail ot fifteen comrades from tho geo g meade post no 1 of philadelphia i r- hot and dry skin 8oldiiig sensations swelling of the aukleu vague feelings of unrost frothy or brlokdust fluids add stomach aohing lotus cramps growing- nervousness btrango baroness of the bowqls uuiicoomitublo lunguid feelings short bwutli aud pleuritic pains ouo side headdohfl- baokaoho frequent attacks of the blues fluttering and distress of the heart albumen and tubeoasts in the water r rhoumatio pains and neuralgia loss of appetitejilosh aud strength constipation alternating withllooseubss of the bowels abundant pale or scanty flow of dark water- chills and fovor burning patohes of skin thou krlshfs disease of the kiilncys tho above symptoms are not developed in any order but appear disappear and re- apear until tho disease gradually gets a firm grasp6n the constitution the kidney poisonod blood breaks down the norvoub system aud finally pueumonia diarrhoea bloodlebauobs heart disease appoploxy paialysis or convulsions ensue and then death is inevitable this fearful disease is not a rare ones it is an every day dis order and olaims more viotimb than any other complaint it must he treated iu time or it will gain the mastery diout neglect it war ners safe cure has oured thousands of oases of the worst type aftd it will oure you if you will use it promptly and as di rected it is the onlyspeoiflo for themni- versa brights disease 01ihonsbnm fcatsient catarrh and consumpiioh if air oharged jfith dlseose- resting clomonts foui air vfiu kill when tresthea continuously air mraed ivith runedial olemeuts wllliourc wiikiu breathed oontinu- onbly i j t the lff i 111 h ha tor is au elegahti nud iliuir pillow jhsrged with romedia elomenis the vapor o which tho patient inhales all nigh t long whilst sleeping as usual jt cunni t ot out of order and is perfectly safe to ton most delioate it will laitj for years ami serve any number of persiuk in a family in sue- ccssiod it batters dawn the tronjholdof catarrh bronoliniu asthma and oonfbptlon aud makes s permanent cure ly a c mtinu- oun application of haljing andcuralive air directly to the diseased parti 8t ilercre from any of the abovementicned c iseases are urgently requested to send us th sir ad- dvess and n 50pg pompl let till be mailed to them fjiel which will giyc a omplete history of tl is wonderful sir henry drumaiond envoy to the sultan left laudon saturday for brussels en route to cbi how get trade summer in a lesson that cost an albany merchant 6000 before he learned it entering thfl store of a prosperous city merchant yesterday a gentleman a stranger ip town expressed surprise attlre busy scene that greetedhim he inquired of the proprietor how it was that he wasj getting more than his share of business in these dull midsummer days the mer- chantteplied -j- i attribute the excellent business i do every summer to just two things first i advertise bargains and keep my store before the public second when the public calls i satisfy nt by keep ing my advertised promiss it cost me 6000 to learn this lesson aud it has paid me at least 5000 danhg three succes sive summers4uring the hard years that followed 1873 1 xn behind in thjb store on an average 02000 every year i made up my mind that there was business to doand that i would do it in the middle of the worst and dullest year that we had when clerks wjere absent op lieir vaca tions and half of the force in the store was idle i started in and spent 91200 in adv vertising midsummer bargains remnants old stck and so on withfn a eek my store was so full of business that t had to aend for every clerk who was- away and i added two extra clerks that year in stead of a loss ot 2000 in the summer i scott ajct is made s2600 bejsides what ij paid for ad- vertising i have kept it np ever since that was the most expensive lesson i ever learned but it was the most instructive and the inost remunerative h i jhailo start in business again as poor as when i started i would inaken arule to spend at least onehalf of what my rent cost in ad- iingin home papers hi would not eitin cheap methods but i would spend it jndwiqu4iy in tjhe bsst and high pricpartmbnt andiin jie best local papersajsa journal m- qlki and her queen- victoria will go the end of this month princess beatrice husband accompai y her majesty a reward the capture absconding nanagerof the wolff special stantinople to balmoral at of 5000 has eeu offered for of robert firquharson the dublin branch of the suspended jmunsterl lank r the earl of carnrvpn jjord lieutenant of ireland is suffering from acute rheuma tism and consequently bit proposed tour to ireland has been postponed t the chimsse minister of paris says he bas heard rothing from iekin confirma tory of the reported offensi e aud defensive alliance between england i nd china and discredits the report overtures are being made for the betroth al of prinss louise of wales to the duchess of corinaughts br ther successor of prince charles of pnssia thelred prince thjb duchess brother has an im mense fortune herbert gladstone son c f the ex fro ntier in his issertion that n alliice had been made between the coi servatives and parnellities hinted that ba on st oswbld of nostell bfir rowland winn was pro moted to the house of lord s4n returui for his services i u arranging th scontract be tween the tw o parties while in toronto- yeste dayl mr van home received the following telegram from isr egan c p r superintendent at winnipeg from crop rnports received today the n ost favorable results can be expected karley now bihg harvested haying abot t finished rost crops good out finely and will be harvested in about ten days not injuied by wet weather but longer straw catjsfd which vill n ake cutting eaiier t only sell anc t made i the doipi lion government have made act to please distillers could another rift in the scott distillers i nderj that act xtdw advertisemonts dolt kstray i stltayed on tho premises of tho undersigned lot 30 pon 3 eflquesiiifc a twoyearold bay fllly with white bpot in forchoad owner may havo tlio caino by proviug property paying ox- peuscs aud taklug it away john johnston for sale on2eriniualiikh8tatoofcuitivii t ot j j tloiij well watered 12 mile from guelph ilrbtclass stouo houno bank born ooxio easy ternib to a good purchaser i jameh mattjiews acton aug 12th 1880 acton p o ow estray stltayed from tho vlllsgo of ecliu on tho 24th ult a cow color bright rod piece sawn oil both horus any person returning the same or giving such information as will lead to her re covery will bo suitably rewarded hhjii hille8 edett village- hoisk lot for sale- the undersigned offers for ealo his fioubo laud lot on main stxeot it is a large house con tains nine rooms also kitchen and woodshed is well adapted for a tenement or boarding house jood etublo on thu premises libera terms i apply to i dwcampbell a triple trjagedy a lady her child and brother instantly t kllleo run into by an express train st thomas aug 7 a terrible accident took place this afternoon which o a gloom over the whole community mrs sanders wife of mr fred sanders of th- firm of ellison sandersj with her little boy and her brother mr j c dempsey of hamilton went out driving about 5 oclock this afternoon when crossing the lon don port stanley railway track near the fair grounds au expjress train ran iu- to the carriage rilling all three and thp horse mrs sanders was thrown twenty yards from the crossing and her head com pletely severed frbm her body the- child was not noticed by those en the train or by the engineer and he was carried through the city on the pilot horrifying people who happened to be at the various crossings and caught sight of the mangled remains mr dempsey was struck pn the head and his body is not mutilated mrs sanders and her little boy arrived ihome last night from hamilton where tl4y had been visit ing friends mi sanders brother accom panying them she was married about six years ago aud has resided in this city ever since she was highly respected by all classes her only child he little boy was five years old the deceased lady and gentleman were well known in this county and were niece and nephew ai mrs s a secord of acton a rare chance valuable farm -and- village property j p0b sale one ol ofh of the finest fakms in tho tountv ltou situato withiu onehalf mile of thr thrift y and enterprising village of acton contaiuiu honaestea lomei cedar timber i property comprises comfortahl dwelling liouso ani for full particulars apply to wp brown acton ma gnetic oil i cures rheumatics neuralgia lame cures shipinto eounties where the in force spirits not less than forty gallons ent rose the dominion government have iblic the fact that tl ey have passed anordep in c ouncil permittii ig distillers to sell apd ship into scott act in quarjt ities of ten gallons jthusmaking it so rnncili easi sr lot those des ring it to ob tain a suppl of spirits in these counties tve aspthoje oflour reacers who have fought and riven for the s sott act what thoy think of jthia nice litth dodge of the government hiniaiiiiiil wm in quantities since parlia- promident among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it has affect ed mcgreydri speedy cure leads the van subjected to the mihutest chemical analysis it has heen found to contain one of those injurious iurredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi- dent that wc have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but an absolute cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial liottles at j e mcgatvins drue store j 38 merit proven dollar upon dollar is frequently spenton the faith of recominendatous for articles entirely worthless notj so with mc gregors speedy cure you aro not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven all at j k mcgarvin8 drug store and get a free trial bottle aud if not convinced it will oure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it cos ts yon nothing bold in 50c and 1 bottles see tostimon- alsfrom persons in your o vn town 29 sextain cotjifort to the sufftrluc browns household panacea has no equal for relieviijir pain both jiiternal and externa it cures pain in tlif side back or bowels sore throaty- rheumatism toothache lurapago and any kind of a painor ache jit will most surely quick en the blond amljfleal as its acting power is wonderful brownij household pan acea being acknowledged as ithe great pain reliever arid of danple the strength of any other elixir or lilnimeot in the world should be in every famjlyliandy for use when wanted as itreally is tho best remedy in the world fur cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale ijy all druggists at 25 cents a bottle lii 44 100 aeres known ns the brown also 2j acres well timbered with llscov- opl ejry and tile principled iipon which itkvbrks together with a robe list of testii lonials from those whohaviised it and who now rejoioe in perfect health do not delay for itkelouger a die ease is allowed to tun unobjecked th slower and harder it is to effect jojuure there is nd medicine tken into th i stom- aclr no douching orjst uffing ior at y thing disagreeable about tht treatment it has never bejeju known to fail send your name j and nddiess plainly writen to the piilow inhaler ajreacjy this space pelongs jo 8tatham excelsior lale d mann i4ndo i lteid new advertise 0 bak ery mcht necl we jk w comme ace today the greatest slaughtering of ods ever before r bad stiff joints aud chilblains magnetic oil chapped hands frost bites buns and scalds sciatica etc magnetic oil is m 1st useful remedy for both man and beast magisteic oil is splendid for coughs and colds sore throat and croep magnetic oil is sold by all druggists at 25 cei its a pottle and is actually the best linim mt known insist on yonr druggist giying yc u the genujue magnetic oil the canada citizen axd tempebluie hebaid canadas 5beat prbhiblttn pa eb tlicchrnpestaud hs btst eaitcd hy iff k spence i sixteen pages weekly on fine toped pi par tcmis s1o0 in advance oitizev ribushi lio -j- toriit waktud wanted a keibient agelt in 1 iveby village town arid city in tho doi linion also a few travellers to sejliour now air c as ma chines for making air gas 50 per cent cheaper than coal oquallyas good no are or po ver re quired mode in all sucs from 5 burners to 1000 for private houses stores hotels factories mills jtroetsj mines etc addro ss canadian am gas 5 iachine mbg c 115 t franco sxayiert 15lv house fmntwcf the undersgined ijeosj to inform the people of aoton and vicinity that he is prepared to give first class satisfaction in th i lines of roof paint ing house painting alcimining at d also paper hanging in orderp promptly atten led to yyarning and comfort ihuid llgninliig j theredre but few that have never suffered almoiit intolerable pain from toothache neurilgii or like i acute pains to them stioh auiistaut relief as fluid lighfniug it an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offetisive medicines to be taken oriujfs oiip application of fluid liulit- im iurif sold ut j k mcgarvius brugfsttjre 29 ltchlnrlllcs syiiiplduihaiidtiire th symptom8are moisture ukeperspir- ation intense itching increaseby scratch ing ery distressing particulagy at night seeinn as if pin- worms wereciawljngin and aboul thu rectum the private parts are some im s affected if allqwedjtp continue very i lerii ius resultsmay f olloy f swavnes ointiienris a pleasant sure cure also for tettiir itch salt rheum allscaly crusty si in diseases- sent by inail for 5q cents 8 boxes 135 in stamps ad- dress di s wayne son pi ilkdelphia pa sold by druggists m 50 aution iaii plie of tile iviiyrtle nvy ayjrs hairirisxiir montbea j pq t ie latest styles p dynes all r iujs aud wcshueki of restores with the youth faded or grav hair to a lidturalj rich brown color or deep ji by its use light or red lairinnyhi dnrk thin hair thickened niid baldneiw cjfleu though not always cind it checks falling of luo hair ami stiuiu lates a weak and sicklj growth to vlgo prevents and cures icxrt and damlrulf heals nearly every disiaso peculiar tc scalp at a ladies hair dreksliis vloob is uueipinllcit j 1 1 contains jiicith r oil- nor dyo renders the3ndr soft glossy xind silken iu npiiearance and imparts a delicto agreeable and lasting ijieffume jin c p buicneul i july 3 lstsz list fit falling out aiid in n nearly bald i used avrus llviit vluhuj if iijgof tho hair mid rfi have now a full lioal ously and ain coiv oliip enqu1 rites from airii iuv hair coiimu iccil ihbrt tiuiej betiuo uartof a lmlh liicli rtoppetl the vtal a new growl if liar growing v n eil that iml im use of your preparaltulii t shnuid iliare entirely baldv jiav b0wkx proprietor of the lrfijfanr rcr milt 1st- iis and also my i ii ut iij pwrsasswrasswrasostwisjwra is harked t- sc s iu jbrouz letters none other cenuine 1 iyst ayhiis hah is a most excellent n paratiou fur tin- 1 speak of it fromn y own cxiiciieucr use promotes tlui griuth at niw litir makes it glossy and iki t the vliu is a sure cure for iluauuff nt avlhln knowledgo has tho llriaration over f died to give entire sausfacikin i mb akous fainpiijtx leader of the celebrated fairbniru family of sco tlsh vocalists writes from jsnstou mist ft b c 1880 ever since my 1 ialr began to gi v i sil very evidence b the hange wuleu tlei ung time procnretli i havii used avees iaiu vicoit and so have wen able to mail tain an appearance of yontl i uhicss o matt ir of i considerable couseqnei ce to nilutsters ora- tors actors aud in fact every one who ires lii the eyes of the publ c i al pbescop writing fijjm 1 p6i i 5y chartettom atasi april u 882i s lys two years ago about twothirds or my liair amonv it thiunedivjry rapidly andl was fast growing haldi on using avkas i ah yiqob the falling stop ed and ii new an wthi oomnienced and in ah mt a month my leadi i was completely cojverbd with short halt it has continued to grow indjs nowis goc j as before it fell i regulpi lynsed but one b ttle of the vioob but now use it occasional y as a dressing j we have hmidreasjf similar testlmot hill t the efflcacy ot avi ks haib yioob it needs but a trial tocofiiwaheniist sk ipu- cal of its valaej pbep dr j ciayibrktmkmiiau seldoy it and tho the of fall- i i ignr- llie reen i- imm 5nse ranaes of hosiery tlan cost price the 1 cle9ring no the bar of h bargains bargains at glasgow house l heard of iii acton pill is and pl4es of beautiful dress joodsat 15 cents regular prices 25 and 30 cents stacks of tub choicest and most ijeaut1ful prints from6 cfilnts up gloves parasols at less no old stock finest rancre of white cents upi thesareth als ollearing out gents fne straw hats at 20 pbr lr cent less than cost 9ut 4 and gray cottons from 5 i cheapest goods ever before offered etacton th- balance of millinery and millin ery goods at half price t over 1000 pairs lof boots bound to cle air out at a d shoes which we are lessttfan half price value in sugars the forsuglars cbeapest place in town ars tttese bargains while they re gbin k we commence pur annual stocktaking on first of uust wt cat j only pffer you these afains till tnat time dp riot fail to secure isome 1 t ii 1 i i- j remembep our fanjious 50o tea nelson v mcraeco fashionable guetl finest stockof lovely sat eens prints land i muslins in hecity il spots checks and strif es n endless variety always tusy ii buchamco important announcement you any profits can buy goods oheajie r at the star grocery than at any other plaic q an the county i of halton aind vt0b ilnrdwar be ots and shoes v 3 can sell yon for leas ah you car buy them at any jth pr placewet of toronto ol her scyt rak all all bi8 s iaitli3 forks rakeg 8 sz ever forks alo garden ispades hobs c barb wite far fetacibg a fulljiine of glass iij fes a ways in stock machii ey oils for reapers nipwersj and da6i nfocljiheryi iu peerles i li bricating iwid lardine and ithingj else ii hardware boo 8 n i shoes or groceries cheaper than you evertjoi ght heni in lyour kii are llace in sma icj i ontario we are hound tend to llanille jome and buy yorfi t andlave intend to liaii i come and b to do the trade our lle lajge quantities of eoods i bef d e pure paris grreei ljoc iap 3emember that tjm 50dteaw j k i fprpi65c howson next door to post officer 1- not jtecf visy l l m lit ft if m 1 r 5m my h w- ft heasrd pros civio 1 the br 4bt1 readinet fra i f loo- will lkel meetul ithat pi isook il with wiucfij mrbj boyai is the j m ilss

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