ermg cents hunts tt less at geoiiynds actott ladies wanting an extra quality- of note lart and envelopes should oafl at geo hynds acton ttusiness men wanting cheap envelopes paper reus bk pencils mucilage blot ting paper ledgers dak beoka blstnk notes heceipteicall at geo hyndsv we kesp the largest bud beatsttock of stationery in town i wedding and birthday i presents spec tacles from 25 fcaj3 the cheapest store in acton for the ojbovolin of goods geo hynw dealer in jewelry stationerv school books i 1 and fancy good 8fetjm3ttfrjkbi tllcrsdw morsiso crumbs aoret 131886 or bre akpast provided by the ever thoughtful free press rojiorters colt estray see advt what about oivio holiday i this week from 5 ier jllrfn- 20 per ujh-reaa- stared in reopened tvf o weeks e are fce town lg on these some 3 o delightful weather the hum of the thresher will soon bo hoard- i fann for sale in eniri towushii advt a necktie factory bias been torouto stravcdcow- rcwwrjd for her recover v i t seeadvt i no council ineetihg ast tuesday cause no quorum the schools will from monday next the farmers are stowiug away lots of plump wheat this year the farmers are delighted with the prospects of a beuntifu harvest the season of colic sunstroke and civic holidays has now f ally set in the recent rain stc rms it is said has darkened the barley in this vicinity i mr jas moore expects to be aale to ship cordovan leather parly next week our local machine agents are busy getting the reapers in order for farmers- in this vicimjjfy the 4cton junior the erin jnrjiers here good game is anticipated j wish tliat new cemetery- had been k readiness for iutermeiits last week frankiej e mcg j the udmner of officers and men to be drilled in camp this year throughout the dominion is placed at 18070 the second annual grand gathering of the scotchman of perth will be held at stratford on friday august 21st 4 lefs see has acton g9t a b ass band we have not been favored with many of the usual outdoor concerts this summer imr thos cook lajinpligliter who has been laid up during the past week or two with erysipelas in the face is able to be out again oys do yourlcteltest with your prdsses today d more ion team play than on individual skill and you will meet with success i thursday 20th inst is georgetowns cine- holiday the independent order of foresters will hae an excursion to water- loo the engine and boiler has arrived for mr- jas moores tannery and is being placed in position by mr r w king of georgetown the brant benew says the fare from paris to waterloo on their civic holiday will be 105 wonder how many will go at that price which ajro principally local and all interestm 1 lacrosse club play this afternoon a poor ohangeofhmo jafchaugt has jlately helm made in tho c p r tit ae table bee changes in next weeks fnsis pasa cricket hi the an nual intematioi tal orioket match held in tot onto inst week the canadiaus defeated the americans byj seven wickets themamnoth attpntioti isdijreoted to the new adver tisement p messrs molwd anderson co of the manimoth hoi ise georgetown great wgi niis are promis jd and intending purchasers will do well to jive them a ball amarkofijespeot on thuriday afternoon last the mem bers of actou lodge no i ioof pro oeedecl to churchill cemet ry and paid re speot to tin menjory of a i leceased j brother by trimmit g andfotherwis i decorating the grave of thi i late kjemuel 1 iasalas ontario tei oheti associa lok j the twer tyfifth annua meeting of the ontario tew5he4 assooia ion is now being held in toronto a large and representa tive numbe r of teachers ai present the treasurers report shows u balance to the credit of thb association oi 514 telephone extensions jihe following new subso ribers have lately been added to the list o subscribers in acton janes brown re ridence j w d beardraore tannery jas moore tannery dr lowry residence the telephone business in acton is assuining very large proportione i matting winteal now thai the season for concerts ac is approaching the town hall committee should proxide sufficient matting for the aisles aud stairways iu the hall the annoyance caused by the v diking over bare floors and stairways was very much felt at enterta nments j last rinter and the committee mould try and prevent a recur rence of thi i same i in the future the bigamy case mr ijhai non who was committed a few weeks ago us a bigamist t leoted to be tried before the jounty judge without a jury the court 1 eld a sitting or thursday last and the pri soner was arrai med and pleaded not guilty the first mar iage was proven and admitted by shannon buj the second m arriage w th thle widow atson of nassa gaweya he deniisd the crown failed to prove the siscond marriage and the prisoner wasaoquitted a suit against the village mr ij e mcjgarviu illaije clerk has been ordere 1 to furnish copies of all mo tions resolutiensbyliawii et relative to the purchase of the stale property for cemetery piirposes and ali o irt lating to the exemption of messrs w i s orey ions glove worls the requis tioi i comes from mr j b burns and wih be equired in a sui t against he cbrporatio l en tered by mr burns and others to preven the steele pre perty frc mbeing used furo smetery pur pos es and b test the validity of the by lajvvs relating to the samej explanation mr ismoud commissiot erou streets and aid e walks i lesires us to ista te in answer to thi i enquiry in lexsdetiter in nr last issue thi it with two n- three ecejtious where a lew loads were given jaw ty to deserving on s all thi old sidewalk t nfii for further i us s on the streets was si ld for firewood reilizing titereforthe jsun jof 88 the se erar amc uns received s nd ihe names of th parties to whom itas sold can be as attained oh applicatioi i t the village chrk boil mr istnond a id t ae relative obtained wcod intliis manner and paid for it james there seems to be n it k of amusement for the young people of this village just now every evening thu base jjall aud lacrosse grouuds are well patronlned probibluon oamp j the second annual can p meeting iu the intereals of the great tbm terance moyernen tvill bilheld at miltonau 27 s8 2980 8l and sept 1st a large dn j extremely inter- eating progranftne has becu arringed the attractions are unusual y large and an excellent time may bo ex seoted the pro gramme oame too late thi a week for a better notice we will refer n ore fully in next woeks issue h itr rocey vprkmen are- busily engaged in re- shingung theschoolhquscatyd in plastering and otherwise fitting up the schoolroom in- the town hall the membecs of ajctqn lodge iojo karefequesjted to be present at the rega or meeting tomorrow evening business of importance willbe brobght up a game of base ball was played ai evcrtonlast saturday octwecn thefitareof thavplace and the eramosa ploughboys score stars 29 ploughboys 4 the daddy of a bouncing baby has just arrived at the conclusion that clubs ought to have no trouble to fill up their ranks when every baby is a base bawler a wiarton minister has placed on re cord his opinion that there are two justifi able occasions for profanity viz driving oxeaand travelling wiartons sidewalks lord lansdowne passed through acton last saturday on the 11 am train en route for guelph where he visited the agricul- tural college and other places of interest o up- base bajll players are putting ip good practice these eyenings a good team i isiexpectel to be plactjd in the field before long to have a try forjthe championship of halton county e r bollert o gn aelph a comes out tid our bodj leg l lass in n arid and 1 beaper il with a- new advertisement this weeki to which we direit our readers attention mr b is doing it good live business in the royal gity and pas many acton friends a gameof blkwais played on saturday on the milton grphndsbetweethe clubs of milton and campbellyillefortbechampion- ship of hal ton sjrhich resulted in an easy victory for cambbellville the following is the score by inbinga milton 10 1 lp 1 0 3 3lq campbellville2 7 2 2 1 3 joj30 1 i a few weeks sirico a paragraph was published in the t ntlcnrohiclinga remark able accident to i coyr near harwich the cow catcher of hejihgine carrying the bovine a- distance of j tieveral roda without injuring her or mchday the animal gaye p of mind to ptombt his father birth o a calf wl icb insteld of adopting il mr allan who had tun rom a neigh ihe mother tbngusnjw tools like loco- boi ring fiald what pari o the attaok- incivwbistlejtrhorai time meat to lose sathat he nigtt be relieved 4at the centn 1 prison nvestigafion in frp h c position 04 examination that ffiee rv r- r iivi l 1 mm fcwsiv ites 3k tpnonto on mond ay the hisaring of com plaints made by prisoners direct y the con rnissioners w asv taken j upj several prisoners were ex imined a ho complained of getting bad food sour br sad soup with worbs iu it- jseoral complained also thai tbey were punished uni cessariiy and- witlout peinaffortsd an oppojrtunity of expfunipg t side c f the ise j aooldent- a terrible acoideut oocurred on monday afternoon on the grand trunk express train at merritton whereby engineer cox and expressman jennings lost their lives and several others injured the accident was oausedby the air brakes refusing to work and the train rushed past the depot the two engines and formost cars pluuged into the canal the swing bridge being partly open cox was found pinned by the legs between the express car and the tender of his engine and it was not until his legs were out off at the kuees that his body could bo extracted look at the dates 8ubsoribera who remit us money to pay their subscriptions often ask us to mail them receipts the date appearing after each subscribers name on the address label willjshow that the remittance has been received for instance a subscriber has paid tip fo aug 1 1885 his address slip shews the date aug 85 after his name he sends us 1 for 188o and the date is chauged to aug 86 showing that he has paid up to that time if the date is hot changed within two j weeks after the money is mailed send a postal card at once and the matter will be looked into subscribers by looking at the date on their address labels can see j just when their subsciption expires in remittiug never neglect to register your letter lexs 7 letter in another column will be found a letter from mr storey in reply to lexs letter which appeared in our list issue while not in sympathy with the system of rushing into print and attacking public men over a mm de plume yet there are undoubtedly oc casions where the parties svbo honestly be lieve that these in public office are not active for the welfare of the community would hot attach their names to their communi- 17 cations fearful lest the might be wielded by the against the writer would resultas much in personal loss as their letter would in public gap we would advise in his next communication if possible to append his signature influence which parties censured purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted miss eliza cameron left on saturday to visit friends in toronto mr d pearcy of bolton village was in town oue day last week miss maria easton left yesterday morn ing to visit friends in forest mr e phcenix speciil agent for the mail was in town last week mr and mrs s atkins of hamilton are the guests of acton friends interesting itemi lows sulphur soap should be found vlth every toilet it is olnaniingand heal- g dr lows pleasant worm fjyriip is a iafe and reliable worm remedy for all ivorms affliotiug children er adults ii fulls dr fowlers extrapt of wild strawberry will never fail youi wheti taken to cure dysentery colic siok stot iaoh c r any form f bummer complaint belief is almost nstantaneous a few disea dure when ther remedies fail granada is in a tnostdeiperate condition is a result of the ravages of cholera the itate of affairs there is fully worse than hv ivas in naples last year there are no lootors now iu granada and the dead lodies of cholera victim lie unburied in the streets known by tliesc sign j dyspepsia may be known by heartburn sour emotions of food wind belohibg weight at the stomach variable appetite costive bowels eto burdook blood bit ters will positively cure dyspepsia although in its worst chronio jfirm germany is to start four expeditions to ward the north pole within a few months in spite of all the stories of suffering aud death in the arctic regions the sending out o expormg expeditious continues anctit is not likely that man will rest content un til he shall have reached the object of cen turies of daring search if a lew grains ot common sense could be nfused into the thick noddles of those who perpetually aud alternately irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxative and tonio northrop lymans vegetable dis pvery and dyspeptic ourc which causes good digestion to wait ah appetite and health on both i 32 hitttilltoii happening s there is now being manufactured here an article for instantly removing pain of any acute external nature and it is der- tainly the most perfect cure for neuralgia headache toothache and the like that has ever been tried it is called fluid light ning from the rapid manner in which- it actstand is manufactured by mcgregor parke sold in acton by j e mcgarvin druggist the virtue of carbolic acid fer healing cleansing aud purifying is well known but from the many modes of applying it the public is uncertain how best to use it to meet that want mogregor parkes carbolin cerate is prepared and may be used with confidence do not be misled take only mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate sold at j e mcgarvins drug store acton 46 the cholera has made its appearance in england a seaman who arrived oyer land from marseilles became ill in bristol on the 8th inst wasbeizedwithvomitingand the medical officer of the board of health declared the man was suffering from chofera an inquest was held and the jury rendered a verdict to jtbe effect that the symptoms were very much like thosej of asiatic cholera precautionary measures are be- ing taken to prevent the spread of the dis ease lower f v 7 jrndham gkfepij ont j to doabusine mast be righ7 do no pretend to m fkrtjavi august 7ti lteq to what ciule do i ascribe the great success ol rajy business well to nothing but irefy simple and i om- mon sense recsoos such as must be very palpable t o overy one who s iops n moment to think in the first f lace goods ind pri 3e8 now at no 2 we do not pretend to do anything mira culous yet wi d know that y bile lor freshness 1 arietyand oerieral ex cellence our goocla ure not exce led our prices stan vt le test of the keen est compejtlrion tbentmy store is centrally locatedj is brijfhli st o itario deaf and dumb ii stit ate there ard manydeaf an 1 dumb children wiose pare its are not a wire of the liberal piovision nade by the pipvince for such alsicted ones every deal an 1 dumb child in ontario of suitable agj aid capacity may have instruction and jtrt ihing in in tellectnatc tlture and in some useful occu pation by intending fhe ii istil ution for the deaf and dumb at belleville there were 240 pupils ill attendance ast session but as a number completed thi ir i ducation and left in june there will be room ior all for whom adm ssion is desirei i wjhen the in stiitute reojiens in septem er sobecomuig we are i if ormed oh r liable authority that the ncxtpicnic will nosbe held in camerons grove agreal deal of cold was contracted at the last one 1 leld there by one or two of tl e party who re nained to enjoy the boatric e home this accpuntsfbr the frigidity displayed by a cet tain young lady wlienever sny allusions are nade to the pi cnic in ier presence we might state jest here tl at if this youni lalys face and filire judged from a fair irort view were as handsome and graceful as the outlines ai seen from a rear view nhe is justly en ti iled to be styled as thejinlygoodjiooking girl in town serious accident on thursday afternoon a yturig lad son ol mr james aikens erin mhile driving a reaper narrowly escaied a shocking diath in turning acotiei the horses w lich wen i unaccustomed to- reaping be es me start ed at the desce it c f one of th ra kes thee uick jerk broki i ith s doubletree oi e of the vhiffletrees ani i ne skyoke caus- in young vikens to fall fori rards and in so me unac countable way to become fixed be tween the timber suppo tin the seat and th a driving wheel the spekes striking the sii ie of his head with each rei olution mr iakens wiowas binding r in expecting tint his sou had dropped off the machine hshowevsr was horrified to ind the young f el low bei ng dragged o fer stubbles and ana sheave s and in dange of jeing crushed to leath e ery moment wl en the horses we re brought to a stop tl e 1 d had suffici mrs dr freeman of milion visited friends here friday and saturday of last week i mrs james morton left yesterday mom- ing on a visit to friends in sarnia miss zoe firstbrook of jtoronto spent a few daysthis week with friends in acton- miss anna knowles ofj bofckwood spent several days with acton friends this week f hile thepatent medicines and other advertised cures never record a pure at all starting with the claim now tatakkna sew tkeatment perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrh out of 2000 patients treated during the past six months fully ninety per cent have been cured of tliis stubborn malady this is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted attractive and convenient but among the ohif reasons is the fact that we strive for and receive the jon- fidence and go idwill of the publi we do hot dsgud people by uidue pressure to buy the public know th plcnsiure of doing bublncsi in a store where heyi are not bore 1 to buy from the moirent they enter until they make their eecape we make people feel at hone and comfortable whether we can s ill to them i or not if we do liot sell them one day we make it a pleasure to come lack auother thenagain we strictly ntnd our own business land nobody elses all our time and talent is devoted to our business heuce we never find time to disparage our neighbors note if you hear one business man run down ahother makelyour miad he is both- jealous and afriid of him again wfl aim tp do business straight and honorable tcj sell goods exactly for what they ire ou to look a cus tomer straight aud square in the face every time we meet we are not in fallible but if we make mistakes they are not intentional npiv these are some of the r iasqus why no 27 is generally crouded with customers we have nc exclusive patent for them and everybody that knows hpjw i8welcometo the use of them they have done us much good diiy 21 lower street paiti baims of qtbre juyour mjali juy your au uan pripei et goobs clothing millinery dkesbsiakisg wyndham guelph ontario e r bdllelitt w now or never ibegtoiufoim that i amabou ly and those desiring a f tl te residents of halton jo leave acton short- phot hislhead v as found to be seyi irely put and crushed i nd as a result o the dragg ing on the stubble the ski i w is almost en ter ly tort off his side si oul lers and back foituuate y the horses dil nt go off the wajk had they done so the result surely wot id have been fatal pr lowry was sun moue and under his care- the lad is doing as ell as could pos aibly be expected mr aud mrs donald warreu of hamil ton were guests at cedar creek farm last week misses nellie barry ind ray drydeu of bockwbdd visited acton friends this week i mr li g matthews is spending the week withhis brother mr a e matthews in syracuse n y messrs mack secord and s atkins left on monday to visit friends iu the vicinity of palmerston mr john l storey of hamilton general agent for the ontario mutual life insur ance co is in town kr w storey and mrs w e smith are spending a few days this week with friends in aucaster dr and mrs mcgarvin went to listo- i welon saturday to spnd a few days with their daughter berta i mr fred h smyth who has been spend ing a couple of weeks witi friends in mus- koka and peuetang returned to acton on saturday mr w j nicklin returned to montreal on monday last to resumo his duties after spending a few weeks pleasantly with friends here mr and mrs geo h niebel and daughter of bathurst ar the guests of mr j e mcgaryiuv george looks as though easjernairiugreesiw him mr h p mooreeditor of the fjiee press is attending meeting of tlie grind lodge ioof which js being iield in hanailton he represents acton lpthj e no 204 the many friends of m r lewis r fox of toronto late acoounta it in w- h storey sonb glove works wil regret to learn that he is lying in toron a hospital serious ly ill with typhoid fever mr john b cameron who a couple of trips to the o d cou itry for the benefit of hisliealth wat in town oh son day john looks very n uch i nproved aid hopes in a short time to regain his former generally believed by the- most scientific men that the disease is due to thepresence of living parasites in the tissue mr dix on at once adapted his cure totheir exter- minatdoh this accomplished he claims the catarrh is pratically cured and the permanenoy is unquestoned as cures effect ed by him four years ago are cures bjiili no one else has ever attempted to care catarrh in this manner and no other treat ment has ever cured catarrh s the appli cation pf the remedy is simple and can be done at home and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure themajority of cases beiing cured at one treatment sufferers should correspond with messrs ah dix- on son 305 king street west toronto canada and- enclose stamp for their treat- ize on catarrh montreal star nov 1782 should not fail to delay but come rst class jr ll at ohce dont now and avoid iheilhsh m cabinet 250 life size crayon made fro m bra spec vigor he intends making another trip this season if troubled wunt to with an healiug sore use mcgrocor jparkes- car bolio cerate you will find it invaluable for healing cleansing a id completely re moving your trouble ithe blood is cut of order take with it a few doses of mc gregors speiedy cura i rom j e mcgar vin drug store j 29 mlfegellaneous try t h harding grocer for flonr and feed hats from 75 cents to 5250 at j fyfes if you want a nobby durable and cheap suit j fyfes is the place to go scotch jentrlish and canadian suiting greit variety at the east end clothin g tore j fyfie acton suits and overcoats at extremely lbw rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and sse them j fyfe acton j3sec my and easel atteiifa 250 photos from 8250 i ib dozen up i mmfpmimimmmmi l r cils vainish f urpeatine readymixed all shaded kept in fitppk at mcparirins drug coal oil at mcatvins drug store hi mcgrarvin drug land stationery store 6t your pancjy gtyods i- flrugs at mcgrrvinsi pru stores where them pure ani reliable at realonable ii sschodl bpols stationerfcschool bequisites of au kinds kepi at magarvins drii s nd stationery store do not forget the place 1 qftflt bakgins nj s eljl bef or4 iv ja ju ij werfi goods offered ai srel p4lif pr bftsf tops a0tjb jair so ill i caeap as we kre jffering them this springs shirtingu that vere fojrracrly worth 20c we ate selliug for 12ic cottons a yard wid splend id quality a j and be embroiderys at 3 iuifl 5c worth 10c prints ati5c anil upwards of j four hundred patteins tp select fronj dress goods at 8c arid npjardr musics and rwujbeautifulpatteriis in color cream and wute at 7c and ubwardi wi e have find pa l -i- i t v as choice aistpek as can be fonndin any city rind we are doing the trade w itpaystoalwajskeep the best and mok stylish goods and we sincerely he lad es of actpn and vicinity for their liberal pdtronage this ring by such we are greatly ieneonraged in our efforts in ntro lucmg a finer class than heretofore kept in acton of dry goods ana millinery back tlie lad sp c3ijisrtrs ii gallon white rjfegatta hirts qjeltutoib cpllabs and scuffs isticlish hats anej caps good that ym cajf rely on the bestahrdckeapest stock vr mi goods jth boots shoes and grdceries poitraits old pictures al sitting imbineu musip back c w hill wb bija j a crd to all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early decay loss of manhood o i will send a recipe that will cure you free pf charge this great remedy was discovered by a missionary in south america send a self addressed envelope to the bbv joseph t injvk station di new york city i lately took ocean hall ibish jtweip suliljlmsi beautifu l designs 12 differs nt shades io unhealthy slow iiei b for working people sendlocens ilfcfcr postage and we will mail ypurej a royal valuable sample box df goodslthatl will put you in the way of makinginorei money in a few days than you ever thought j possible at any business capital noc rej quired you can live at home and worjk in spare timp only br all the time al of both sexes of all ages grandly successful 50 oents to 5 easily earned every evening that allvho want work may test the busi ness we make this unparalleled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send 1 to paj for the trouble of writing ns fnllpartioulars directions ete sent free immense pay absolutely sure for all whoj start at once dont delay addreps stihbon co portland maine shaw 61 r -lo- c3s fof i r thjsm alli r try us jajnd be convinced if grundy merchant li lions ouejph c 6 maim woth house georgetown ft i thb cradle b3sel in aoton on the 11th inst the wife of mr geo rossel of a son jensku on the 3rd inst at gloversvillej n y the wife of harry aa jenner of a daughter atillborn yellow 0l cure5 r h e ij mat i s m is wokbv anpleanatito t ka contain rwrgatlve is uts is and amtraf t vikn i is fljdmwttw mmmsm was qniti fqti nest millinery oi x 4 l likewiio itlcts 970 at bisqottlit a sxiccess add- vvill ceai on sattjeday ni0ht the jenth da i 03 attqitst as jaavertiped but there fjre somesummef and other goo y ttich we wish to dispose oltp so that for tie tree viyks the i ssiall be startliag bargains given to effect a clearance mktleb and jprinte will be sold away down at unheard- s a liuej of silks and ends of bilks to be sold at cents per yard worth tour tiiwes the money save xdpie arrival of fall asd wiattsr importations- remerpber onr miluqery dresb making and ordered clotmng departments v wicleod 1 r house georgetown t 4ls- if rsrui