rj itford lade jufactur- lu to be rlandles inh per- liv bmd- inprovsr lb iron- r in use neces- and i stonier pity and tuuders or correct evating liged by as the m fann- pinders com- from k mall needs j there is iht iron 1 used at land age in or bakery to gne tiers who 1 will promptly i will one tr flour iryday its scones st notice ialty kinds mixed ciange im jl ed s y les idy iph il aftie il 3ites il- i man i i sore sts at je best l racist v- kotmj intins an nd actou at ceo ladies wanting ati extra quality tf note paper and envipopis should csu kb geo hynde aotou business men wanting cheap envelopes plover pens ink prions mftoilage blot ting paper ledgerjs day books blank notes receipts call at geo hynds we keep the largest and boats took of stationery iuiei welding and birthday presents spec- tides from 25c to 3 the cheapest btore acton for tho aboyofino of gooab geq lujids oalciin jewelry st itionen school books and fancy goods lb jutoa tllclvuht morocco 32 nt hss skrrkmbkn 10 1885 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press liepbrtere the yteeks rakingb which 8jii b principally ideal and all interesting the county claol the gaol has oreilly ant eoiuphmeutc l which the provincial inspbotor found it on the date pi lunatics and in 3ao su banuni in guelph tomorrow rshake the pepper out of your furs xow tho thistledown floats in the lazy an i the beech nut crop is unusually heavy tins season see j e how boils advertisement m another coluqfa a special train will ran to toronto next week leaviug acton at 846 a m autumnal tints are appearing pir the forest foliage there f als a touch of old sold the sky scenery softens mto dreamt ness and hazj horizons bng over quiet scenes tire belief tkat a general revival of trade is near at hand growswider and stronger mr j halstead formerly of sockwood has opened a harness shop in the montreal t house block i every family in acton and vicinity should take the feee press only 25 cents to january 1st 18s6 the volunteers are putting m consider able time m drilling now they leave for the front next tuesday the tops of maples tapped with autum nal red indicate as well as the calender that this is september once more the goldenjods their jewelled panicles to midafternoon of summer milton council offers 100 reward for the apprehension of thfe vandals who smash ed the merchant s windows last week the famih jar has long been held by writers prose and verse as something awful but just now the pickle jar is worse e moak widdows well known in acton announces his intention to return to canada next summer he is now m scot land j drrbeillps rate of taxation is twenty mills a member of the council says twenty two mills are really necessary to meet all cblegations the ingersoll chronicle entered upon its thirty third year of publication last n impeded by dr jr vsluallen has been highly on the exoell rat condition in inscription there wero five vo prii oners confined there- business ohiige mr g w e ill ph jtoart at has disposed of his business to mr a a buby of otta wa who has for som time leld a position in a leading bt idio to that c ty mr ruby cornea well re y immei ded ive hope he will fjilly rtisfactpry here mr of a week or so find business hill wil leave in thejoourse to take a bumesselibwherof whioh we tall give parti ulars ater a new journal the siku nation is new journal printed in to mi to in the- ii teres ts of the deaf and dumb of cakiada it is a recog nized fact tho tithe deaf and dumb can im prove themse ves in language best by inter course with hearing kind speaking people and this paper lis calculated o help in that direction we wish it every sneoess the address is 147 sydenham st toronto f purely personal hang out announce the a punishable offence a number sf boy j residing on bowor avenue who ere well snownjhavo a practice of ringing doo r bells laid otherwise annoy ing the reside its of tho vicinity at night this is a jnea il foolish and oowardly busi ness in wind no geitlemasly boys would engage wej ire requested t adk the boys to discontinu their pranks tor if repeated the law will bs allowed totake its course concerning th sm i ati experienced operator i mi3sceliastafford is intending lon don exhibition as lady operator on singer sewing maohihes on exhibitu n there miss staffords lengthened experimce with ma chine work renders har emin ehtly qualified for the special work in wiiich se is at present engaged she has executed some wonderful specimens of what the singer will do during thepasl week miss stafford will go to toronto exliibition next week severe accident avm mcpbjiil a yoang man who is em ployed by mr alex burns near rockwood met with rathsr a sevsre accident on mon day afternoon when coming j down from a mow one of the rourds of the ladder broke and he fell to the gionnd a i distance of some twenty f set fortunately he alighted on his feet bul not without sustaining in juries he received a sevens shaking up and had one of his legs broken at the ankle mercury the recent bibbery at the gt r the case ot the prisoners clark and henry who were sent down for trial for robbing mr robinson ce of toronto of his pocket book and contfntsj at the gtr here a couple of weeks ago was tried before judge millar at milton last friday a number of wit aesses from acton were ex amined and enry was convicted and sent enced to six months in the central prison owing to the fact than mr robinson could paragraphs respecting people with whom our readera are individually or oolleotively acquainted mrs hunter of oraugevillo is a guest at the methodist parsonage miss minnie ballentyne of arthur is visiting rov r phillips and family rev a russell of hawksville was tho guest of mrs s a sooord this week mr 4 wriggleswerth of asbgrove spent a diy dr so this week with friends here mrs and miss scott of stratford are the gueats of mrs j ii howson this week missjenme storey returned toderaills young ladies college oshawa laut week mr r malouey returned to his studies at st mioliaels college toronto on mon day rev t a moore of drumbo spent a couple of days this week with his friends here rev r phillips and mr isaac snyder attended the district meeting and s s convention at fergus last week mrs c dempsey and ohildren of walk- erton and miss bella mcgibbon of sarnia are guebts of mr d heudeibon banker mr w a mclean barrister has jubt returned from a fortnights visit with his nucde roger mclean esq senior member of the firm of government printers at ottawa mr james e cobban has returned from gloversville ny jimmie found business very satisfactory over there but hes come homo to stay nevertheless thereb no place like home 27 er bollert lower wyridham street guelpt ontario novelty is whatj the world is after the chronicle is a live local paper not swear to the ident ity of clark whoavas and is ranked among the first class weekhes many of our citizens are laying in their wnter supply of coal it is selling just now it thejrery reasonable figure of 8623 and mr james brown is busily engaged filling his numerous orders i the enn alcocate lias been purchased bv messrs roomson dewar of the haxnsion tribune the ailcocate business has been neglected the enh people will no doubt appreciate the change the gtdnd trunk railway intends to run a cheap excursion about the 25th or 26th of this month to port huron detroitand n other points in the states at reduced fares tickets will be good until the 5th of octo ber i the georgetown herald has just enter ed upon its twentieth year under friend bastedad supervision of the past yearor so the jfiald h3 ery materially improved its job work too is for superior to that previously executed unusually heavy yields of wheat seem to be the rule this year and reports are coming in from all quarters to this effect we learn that mr robert bessey of the oth hie esquesing threshed recently 1100 bushels of fail wheat from 22 acres of ground a guelph paper says the mostelated man in guelph on monday wab one james merhhau he started off three young sons triplets to mihool for the first time he hasnt begun to realize what it will cost to keep them m copy books slate pencils and baseballs by recent regulations it is required that esery public school shall be openejl with the lords prayer and closed with reading a portion of scripture- without comment or explanation and the lords prayer or the prajer sanctioned by the department of education the london fve press says it is said that fred sturdy of guelph and miss carr whom he abducted and for which he served eight years in kingston penitentiary are to be married the ins and outs and peculiarities of lovers quarrels are wonder ful indeed supposed to be an accomplice was acqtuttedj eckersoakvllle vs acton a correspondent of he oakville indepen dent presumably one of the players referring to the recent bise ball match here says the acton club includes a number of professionals professional k ickers not ball of henry he players wesu that beats cur time the professional kicking was on the oakville side and that two against the decisions of their own umpire a decent fellbw who they brought with them talking of pro fessionals the acton boys would like to know what about the two professionals from dnudas ham lton players included in the team from oakville j entrance examinations result of the recent high sohoorentranoe examinations at milton and oakville the milton catio will please accept our best thanks for a proof sheet of the following the followiug are the names oj the successful candidates m order of merit maximum 750 marks 375 marks beidg necessary to pass it uilt0x 1 william dewar i 531 2 myrrha murray 523 3 samuel bews 502 4 janet duncan l 486 5 donald s moore 472 6 ephraimibuck 471 7 litia thornton 1 469 8 emma moore 446 9frank hagyard 422 10 anna pettigrew 412 11 alexander elliott i 411 lizzie appelbe 496 henry henderson 479 eva smith 479 david logie 406 the last four candidates did not pass their examination having failed to obtain the requisite number of mjurks in certain branches but are recommended by the lo cal examiners m consideration of the high aggregate made on all tho subjects there were 25 candidates for examination at oakvjlle 1 melviu a secord 536 2 maude m b6iinsel 503 3 mary h anderson 487 4 thomas emerson 481 5 william w dale 478 6 frank g mccraney j445 7 alma g lucas 415 8 mary moore 407 9 samuel f joyce 406 10 emma l giles 406 11 fred w sutton 399 12 fred j alexander 396 13 isabella j ganton r 379 14 boss c lush 378 15 alfred wilkes 374 ahcembegan 493 columbus carnque 428 uice m garneau 422 katehmccay 404 martha j dowler 396 adae shaw 388 the last six failed to obtain the requisite number of marks in certain branches but recommended by the examiners what took tho fanoy and pleased the popular rami of yesterday has lost its oharms today the demand is ever for something new particularly is this the cise in wearing appaiel and tl e eucoessfifj oatecer in the f reat cause af dry goods is he who antici pates he wants of the public and hen juppli b them antiquated styles are worse than useless new textures ljjew colori ag8 now combinations i of shades are produced with a rapidity characteristic of the age and the mer- obant who does not keep np with these ohangub hod better try some other busi ness car loads of last years styles will nnyer do the publje want the newest the freshest the prettiest this is what we aim at at no 27 large quantities of the fall goods have been opened during the past week and are daily arriving and my stock tor the fall of 1885 will be found very at- 1 i i tractive i place no value in double- leaded advertisements readera are snrleitjed i am sure with that kind of thing i believe in always doing better than i advertise i will therefore sim ply extend a cordial invitation to call at no 27 whether you want to buy or not and we will buow you yotj 33 a v 3d hot arid dry skin scalding bensatlors swelling of the anjkles vague feelings of unrest frothy or briokddst stride aoid stomach aching loins cramps r growing nervousness strange sorenesb of the bowels unaccountable linguid feelings short breath and pleuritio pains one bide headacie backache frequent attacks of the blues 1 fluttering and dis ress of the heart albumep and tube casta in the water 7 fitful rheutnatio pains and neuralgia loss of appetite flesh and strength constipation alternating with looseness of the bowels abundant pale o scanty flow of dark water i chills and fever j burning patches of skin than top biavei brights disease of the kidneys the above symptoms are not developed in any order but appear disappear and re- apear until the disease gradually gets a firm grasp on the constitution the kidney- poisoned blood breaks down the nervous system and finally pneumonia diarrhoea bioodlessness heart disease appoplexy saralysis or convulsions ensue and then eath is inevitable this fearful disease is not a rare ones i ib an every day dis order and claims more victims than any other complaint t i it must be treated in time or it will gain the mastery j dont neglect it war ners safe cure has oured thousands of cases of the worstjtype and it will you if you will use jt promptly and al reoted it is the only specific for the uni veraal j brigtslblsease business change -i- the right place turpentine readymixed ef all shades kept in stock atjmcgamns drug at mpjxarvins drug store and stationery store for pa itts oils varfiishes paints store bjiv your coal oi cull t mcgarins drug your fancy goods buy your drugs ti mcrvins drug store where you en get thenrpjrc ait reliable at reasonable prices 3 school books stationery school requisites lof all kinds kept at mcgarvtns dru and stationery store j do lot forget the place j vins oruaiid stationery store fliiaains act ti n barntos take this imeani people of acton have disponed of myj of intimating to the and vicinity that i photo business and have much pleasure in introducing mr a novelties in silks and satins novelties in dress goods novelties in velvets and plushes novelties in mantle cloths j i novelties in cloths and tweeds novelties in millinery novelties in mantles novelties in fancy goods novelties in every department at dmy 3tew stoie no 27 i lower wyndham st a ruby of ottkwa ruby comes frbpi on iea of ottawa ahd his work will bear the closest scrutiny and give satisfaction to a tain the high re jutatjion which the gallery has for years en w oyed a my successor mr of the leggung galler- feel satisfied h6 will customers and bus thanks 300 i fal grater thai circttss please mark the place terms cash and no credit e r bollert i cannot leavel action without tendering my most cordial jthanks to my numerous customers in aotpn aid vicinity who have for the past ten years 10 liberally patronized me in saying goodf ye i heartily wish all success and will alwp ys be happy to hear of the prosperity of 4 ton and her citizens c w hill acton sept 8th i 185 condi on sis loft catarrh and s u treatment 2 g oh edes soo of njew winter dress goods now qpfn for inspection htondet at hhe consumption the golden lion guelph if air charged iwith diseasecreating elements foul air wdl kill when breathed continuously air charged with remedial elements will cure wihen breathed continu ously the pi is au elegantly niade iair pillow charged with remedial elements the vapor of which low inhaler cis 5 the patient inhales sleeping as usual are there were 28 candidates for examination 1 r 1 it is funny that when a man is invited to advertise jfis business in a newspaperhe ilw ays says nobody will ever see it but if some little caper of his is pnntectin the most obscure column of the journal he gets indignant and declares with emphasis that everybody will see and read it c7ii cagoaun fairview cemetery has already become quite a resort andjs daily visited by citi zens end others sunday is the kg day for visitois the view over acton and surrounding country rom the summit of monument hill is most- interesting and attractive and well repays the exertion necessary to gain it a themonnt forest represerudtive says we are sorry to state that there is con siderable sickness in town just now miss m jelley is down with typhoid fever but fortuattely ndt a very malignant kind and is progressing1fttvorabiy the lady above another sure jure for smallpox the folio win paragraph was clipped from a british pape r printed about twenty years ago an effectual remedy for smallpox is said to have b len recently found by a sur geon of the b itish army in china the mode of treati aent is as follows when the preceding ever is at its height and just before the ern ption appears the chest is rubbed with ci otoni od and tartaric oint ment this c mseff the while of the ernp tion to appear on that part of the body to the relief of th a rest it also secures a full aud complete ruption and ihus prevents the disease fiom attacking 1 the internal organs this is now the established mode of treatment 11 the english army in china and is regard i as a perfect cure a project of i terestto our citizens the ladies aid society of the methodist church here a e making arrangements for a course of lectures to be delivered during the fall the jourse will comprise six lec tures fey emine nt gentlemen and only those which will be lopular and interesting to the general public will be arranged for the desire and inte ation of the ladies aid is to provide an nnnsual literary treat which all can enjoy anc appreciate the expense will be a men ly nominal matter for the arrangements ire being so fajvorably made that a ticket cc vering the whole course of lectures will co 3t only one dollar the lec tures will emh ace a period of about three months and will be held in tlie town hall further partic liars will be given in due course riel will hang 1 his case considered in the cabmet ottawa sept 8 there is every proba bility that riel will hang on the 18th not withstanding the report sent from here to day that sheriff chapleau hadjbeen wired by the government not to make ready for the execution riels case was considered by the cabinet council last week not more than five ministers were present sir john among the number sir hector langevin and mr pope are also known to have been there sir john said the law must take its course the only ground on which a reprieve could be based would be evidence that riel had become insane since his condemnation lord lansdowne has not been consulted m the matter rev m came ronsltesignat ion a delegation from the guelph presbytery composed of r svs dr torrance dr ward- rope guelph rev j a r dickson ba jaltand mesirs chas davidson and s hodgsmn guelph met the congregation of knox church aoton last friday afternoon to confer with them respecting the resigna tion of rev mr cameron recently tendered the presbytery for some cause presum ably that man of the members were in the midst of their harvest the attendance was small in consequence of this the delega tion was oblig dto report that sufficient in formation hex not been received by them upon whioh to base a recommendation and the matter wa i referred by ihem back to fibe presbytery the result will be that the congregation will be asked to appoint commissioners to meethe presbytery when catabkiia ntheatment perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved ih modern medioine has been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrh out of 2000 patients teeated during the past six months fully ninety per cent have been cured of this stubborn malady this is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent of patients presentmg themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted while the patent medicine and other advertised cures never record a cure at all starting with the claim now generally believed by the nfost scientifie men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissjie mr dix on at once adapted his cure to their exter minationthis accomplished he claims the catarrh is pratically cuted and the perbanency is unqnestoned is cures effect ed by him four years ago are cures 8 ill no one else has ever attempted to eure catarrh in this manner and no other treat ment has ever cured catarrh the appli cation of the remedy is simp e and oan be done at home and the pre sent seabon of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure the ma onty of cases being cured at one treatme it sufferers should correspond with messrs a eldix- on son s05 king street west toronto canada and enolose stamp for their treat- ize on catarrh montreal star nov 1782 returns thanks to the public of acton and surrounding country for the very large and increasing volume of trade which they are extending to us larger this sea- sou than it ever was in the his tory of the lion and while we think that we are not undeserving of your most liberal patronage inasmuch as we are selling goods at less prices than were ever be fore known to the trade and not only that but we are selling gobds at a margin of profit which it was always considered a man cpuld not do business on and live but we have an idea that it can if business is conducted on busi- nees principles at any rate we are trying the experiment in the interest of the public 1 every mail from our european buyer brings news of some lines picked up at slaughter prides ill night long whilst t- cannot get out of order and is perfectly safe to the most delicate it will last for years and serve any number of persons in a family m suc cession it bait ts diiwn the stronghold of catarrh broiobliis arthma and consumption and mnkeb 0 per nsnept cure by a continu ous application of healing and curative air directly to the diseased parts sufferers from any of the abovementioned diseases are urgently requested to send ub their ad dress and a 50page pamphlet will be mailed to them free which will give a complete history of this wonderful discov- 0 goods house sies of ladies cases o 2 caf jackets f ladies mantles es of ladies ulsters s 6f ladiesm dolmans ases of ail- wool flannels 1 go straight to the cases of ulster mantle clotks rlaltof dry goods house for ery apd the pi inc pies upon which it works together with a long libt of testimonials from those who h ive used it and who now rejoioe in perfect jhealth do not delay for the longer disease is allowed to run unchecked the slower and harder it is to effect a leure there is no medicine taken into the stom ach no douching orbcjuffidg nor anything disagreeable about- jhie treatment it has never epn known to fail send ybur name and address plainly writen to the pillow inhaler agenoy losdon out caution my eacll p vrtl yot can rely on you xvi i of the referreavto is sister of miw hattie jellejc will bh finally seijtledi we are teacher of the second department of the informed thaf eeeresignatipn will probably public schoel here be accepted is e marked it iu brcii ize 1 non other h navy are away nice good cgeaf qoqps and goods f- will find our prices 10 cakses wool shirts and mea and below any other house c rav7rs oys for ladies b riff1n acton what do letters genuine ii ci d for working people send 10 cents littr postageand we will mail you free e s this mean which we wiljl he able to give at figures undreamed of in the past do not fail to visit the lion this pall and we will make it pay your expenses again postage and a royal valuable sample box of goods that willfpuji you in the my of making more money iu a few days than you ever thought possible at any business capital not re quired you can livie at home and work in spare time only r all the time all of both sexes of all ages grandlv successful 50 cents to 85 easily learned every evening that all who want work may test the busi ness we majje this unparalleled offer to all who artnot well bajtisfied we will send 81 to pay for tl e trcjuble of writing ub fullpattioulars dirictiona eto sent free immense pay absolutely sure for ahwho start at once dont delay address stinsos co p rtlanjd maine remember over and over the gravis whiteside at ballinafad on the 1st sept mrs catherine whiteside wife of the late robert whitesid l thecbadlie cafty iu esquesing on the 7th sept the wife of mr david carty of a son habwko in esquesing on the 7th sqifc the wife of mr john harding of a son j d williamson you cari not onlj til co yellow oil cures rhumat5m t 22 ibii of raw sugar for 20 lbs blxtra bright sugar fj 16 lbs pearl tapiocc for 25 lbs choice rice for 8 lbs japan teadistfor j l 2 cans salmon horse sho4 brand for 100 100 100 100 100 25 get morej of any of bed articles ihe above men- for 1 than any other place u halton but you car get better- value in anything else in our line than you can elsewhere namely t fiwt- classfresl groceries hariware boots and shoes paints oil8 glass and putty prepared paints tliat je guarantee to give entire satisfaction k fr worm xi mans ax1id szkqej we have in stock all f- wders areplettmbttitie contain their qwn pnrgativo is a sa a suro ind ettectuml oatnrer otwo u th children or adult e kinds wanted heavy or light and at the latest the finef t of the season w e nave in high and low fine and course wide or narrow boots and i shoes made onthe latest improved lasts prices which will continue tp pleased quality s our leading foature rejnemb6rthat 50c tea wef tp 65c teraaals oan howso n y s llext door to po9t office