hi j lit ctott rce srtsa tihtsiav moiixtso skitembkh 10 1883 j jj why shb was salted thcsuuday school wns hushed aud still and the parson led in prayer then the speech would iww be made by a stranger who was there the lesson told that day the fate of the city raed by fire i and of the rrcat reward of thoso j who did the lords desire and then the stranger spoke of those yhodisbeyodigod8ltv said they the en jot such as sinnotv in the death of tlbts wife sawr 1 to impress tho fact he asked a class smalt eightyear urchins they why god had turned lots wife to salt on that illfated flay- one little rascal majde response v with grimy hand upheld his shrill voice sounded loud and clear she was too fresh he yelled prof lows sulrjliur aoap is a cheap and mi i an pagts that should be known i an opinion and its basis dr maloun a freuchiphysician is said to have been so fond ofdruggiug the eick that when one of his patients had swallow ed a dozen or two of his prescriptions with out wincing he seized the poor victims hand in an ecstacy of admiration exclaiming my dear sir it rally affords me pleasure to attend you you deserve to be ill the remedial system of holloway with whose fame all the world is ringing is in beautiful contrast with this wholesale indiscrimin- ating nse of the materia medica it com- prehends only two preparations but they would seem to include the antidotes for nearly ail maladies as- a case in point for ire cannot discuss so vast a subject iu a- couple of paragraphs we- may instauce ithe extraordinary success of holloways plls in disorders of the liver and stomach these complaints we are informed by medical men have greatly extended their ravages of late years and assumed a more malignant form be that as it may there c3m be no doubt that- such disorders pro- vail in every sectibn of the country at this seasonand that they baffle the skill of our most eminent medical men one of their wewt features isthat they paralyze industry at the busiest seasons of the year and if not fatavm themselves lay the foundation of msjny dangerous disorders a remedy therefore that will at once break the chills and restore the energy of the patient and oorreetthe liver and stomach must be of inappreciable value in our agricultural districts friends upon whom we can rely and who have had full opportunities to form a correct judgment inform us that hollo ways pills are a positive specific for such complaints they hae been tried in the rice fields and cotton plantations of the south in the valleys of the ohio and the mississippi on the unhealthy banks of the red riyeiii on the western prairies i and among the canebrakes and swamps of lou isiana and texas witlr the same happy results and multitudes who have hereto fore irusted to dangerous curatives and found them of little or no use now rely entirely upon this powerful yet harmless vegetable remedy we state these facts derived from com petent sources as matters of general inter est atlas handy fotm of obtaining the hoalijng virtues of a nulphur bath there in nti kmr there is no cxciiso for tho mauy pale sallow weary looking females taroughout our land when bordook blood i itters will regulate their troubles and rouow their health strength mid vigor at so small a oosttc i i a store tltlun a suro cure for summer complaints procure from ycur druggist one btjoont bottle of dr fcwlors extradt of wild strawberry aud use according to directions it is infallible for diarrhoea cholera mor bus cauker of tie stomach arid bowels arid cholera infantum ionouoil j scarcely a family exists buti that spine member is suffeiing with biidj blood and poisoned secretions from constipation giv ing rise to rheumatism scrofula erup tions citarrli and other complaints indi cating lurking ibiood poison whch a few bottles of burdock blood bitters would eradicate from tlio system j i the itcsrinj when all ther remedies fail for bowel complair t colic ctanips dysen tery etc thei dr fowlers extract of wild strawbery comes to the rescue thus writes v h crockfcr druggist wftterdown an 1 adds that jts salesare large aud increasing j a dauwrons toiidtliou one of the mist dangerous couditions ia a neglected kidney complaint when you suffer from weary aching borik weakness and other uriiiary troubles j apply to tho back a burdock porous plaster aud take burdock blood bitters the best system regulator knowb for the livjer kidneys stomach aud bjowels ortant announcement you can buy goods cheaper at the stx groovy than at any other place in the county of halton and tour tlnrdwarp hoots and slioe8 wo can soil youilor less ivmoijelr giving ill b mccarthy than you can buy vliem at any other place west oi toronto or i- j any other place in ontario wc are hound to do the trade ur profits hrefinuillj and we inteiul to handle large qua itities of floods come and buy your scythes snaiths forks kakes barlem forks also kakes hoes c barb wire for fencing a full 1 all sizes always in stock machinery oils- for reapejiv mowers and lardine and afiraltfiitseiixoni the fruitful season of the- year is proline if with many forms of bowel complaints such as diarrhoea dyieiftery colic cholera morbus choleral infantum ac as a safeguard aud positive cure for those distressing aud of tell suddeu and dangerous attacks nothing can- surpass that old and reliable mediciie dr fowlers extract of wild strawber y mcgregor a- parkes carbolic cerate ia- iuvaluable for wounds sores salt rheum cuts burns scalds and festlers as a heal- all kinds of machinery in peerless lvbricatiug ant everything else inilardware boots shoes or groceries cheaper er bought f life than you ever bought them in your e before pure paris green cjheap reniembbr that 50c tea woiith 65c j e h aaulj garden spades n of glass in he a lth fo i ollo wats pills the purify the blood livbk stomach they invigorate and restore k health dchihtnted complaints inciilintiil to femalos of n kidnkv they nre pric owson next door to post office a hi and dlntmmt plls conect ill disorders of tjlie 1 and bowelb constitutions nnk aes kor childrenl mess the ointmen t ing and purifying dressing pdsed on with other useless do not be im- preparations z8 kvtp- l x fejpitswrl js aj5s i- f mm i warning and comfort national pills will cure constipated bowels and ifcgulate the liver a lady writes i was enabled to re- 7 move the corns root and branch by the use of holloways corn cure others who have tried it havethe same experience if your children are stubborn or hard to administer medicine to dr lowstleasant worm syrup will be appreciated worms cause feverishness moaniug and restlessness during sleep mother graves worm exterminator is pleasant sure and effectual if your druggist has none in stock get him to procure it for you ayers ague cure acts directly on the liver and biliary apparatus and drives out the malarial poison which induces liver complaints and bilious disorders war- ranted to cure or money refunded by taking ayers sarsaparilla many a poor sufferer who subjnitls to the surgeons knife because of malignant sores aud scrofulous swellings might be saved sound and whole this will purge out the cor ruptions which pollute the blood and by which such complaints are originated dudj fed i mr peter vermett hpchelaga p q writes dr thomas eclectric oil cured me of rheumatism after i tried many medicines to no purpose it is a good medicine just think of it yoi can re lieve tie twinges of rheumatism or the painful attack of neuralgia yon pan check a cougli and heal bruised or broken skin with a bottle of drthomaseolectric oil costing only 25 cants if attacked with choleru or summer com plaint of any kind send at once for a bottle of dr jd kelloggs dysentery cordial and use it according to directions- it act3 with wonderful rapidity in subdiiinb that dreadful disease that weakens the strong est man and that destroys the young and delicate those who have used this chol era medicine say- it acts promptly and never fails to effect a thorough cure tire great results which have attended the regular use of quinine wine by people of delicate constitution andthose affeoted with a general prostration of the system bpep k more than all the words that we can say fii its behalf this article is a true medicine and a lifegiving principle a perfect renovator of the whole system invigorating at the same time both body and mind its medical properties are a febrifuge tonic and antiperiodic small doses frequently repeated strengthen the pulse create an appetite enable youto obtain refreshing eleep and to feel ajid know that every fibre and tissue of your system i being braced and renovated in the fine quinine wine prepared by nor- throp lyman toronto we have the exi act tonic required and to persons of weak and nervotjs constitutions we would say r never be without a bottle in the house- it ia sold by all droggists r j recommended i to be as good use only mcgregor parkes carboliccerate sold by dr mcgarvin druggist the discovery of the instantaneous pro cess of taking photographs hasbeen quickly followed in the medical world by a perfect and instantaneous remedy for all acute aches aud pains as neuralgia toothache rheumatism etc this valuable remedy is called fluid lightning and is sold at 25 cents a bottle by dr mcgarvin druggist rev j g fallis dutton certifies for some years my wife has been troubled with dpspepsia and bas tried one thing after another -ecommended- with but little or no effect til advised to gsye mcgregors speedy cure a trial since taking the first bottle i lave noticed a decided im provement a id can with confidence re commend it to be one of if not the best medicine estut for dyspepsia this in valuable mleoucine for livjr complaint indigestion kidney complaint is purely vegetable sold atmcgarvinsdrug store trial bottles giien free i houowayi ointment and pill rheu matism and gout these purifying and soothing remedies demaud the earnest at tention of all ersons liable to gout sciatica or other painful affections or the muscles nerves or joints tlie ointment should be applied after the affected parts have been patiently fomented with warm water when the unguent should bj diligently rubbed upon the adjacent skin unless the friction should cause pain hollowavs pills should bp siniidtaneously taken to re duce inflammation and toporify the blood this- treatment abates the violence- aud lessens the frequency of gout rheumatism iand all spasmodic liseases which spring from hereditary predisposition or from any accidental weakness of constitution this ointment checks the local mischief the pills restoro the vital ppwers is an iiifallnble leiiudyfor bad les had hitasll is famous fjiitinut and rheumatism foi p0 aors throats glandular swellings and tll kin diseases it b i joints it acts like -up- having decided tog ve uphib boo j3st3iy feso bi siiess in acton will offer his entire j- i at cost and under iness parties desirous of seenri lg bargains will find it to their owij advantage to call select before the stock becomes reduced fresh on hand all of whii j oxpouse have a full stock oij fch will be offered at prices which asl artiks indebted to me will please call and settle flieii 48 e in vuhiablo iu all and the aged orea and ulceth uai mnnufaeturtd ouliit thomas llj 7s now oxford street ilato ss3 auu uie sold at lt ld 2s pl 4s id 1 u be had of d medicine vemlm 51urchasers should look to the label on tl 533 oxforip stfccl irnidrm the last snd 01otmni stor tailoring fashionable low av s- estiiblislimeut i osford street london bag and siis each hox r po apd may ddiefis is not i tliouklioiit he world ots and hoxes if the thvy- art- spiiri us spring tveeds worsted cdatings and sereeat the bast eadj olcping storp our garments are hale perfect fitting nd in th latest artistic desibjs a fine assojrtment of spring hats klso on hand speight sjon atitonj tjadertkers carriage lkers are prepared to furnish i ayers pectoral no other complaints are so insidious in thoir p attack as those affecting the tliroat mid lungs none so trifleil with by tlie majority of nulter- ers the ordinary cough or i cold resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex posure is bffen but the beginning of n fatal sickness aveus cheiuiv jprcrouu has well proven its efficacy in a forty years light with throat andlungdiseasef and should- bo tattn in all dase9 without delay a terrible cough cured in 1857 1 took a severe cold which affected my lungs ilhad a terrible cqugli ami passed night lifter u iglit witliout sloop the mxtliny gave me up i trled ayeiii cmeiuiv iic- toeal whloli relieved my lungs indriced sleep and effordod mo the rest necessary for the recovery 6f my strength by the continued u le of the pectibn a i a perma nent cure wis effected i am now 6u years old hala an i hearty and am satislicd your cherky pe tobai saved iic horace fanilnnotueit eocklnghatn vtjuly 15 fc82 croup a mothcr tribute while in ihe country last winter my little boy three ye irs old was taken ill with croup it seemed as if he would die from strangu lation one 5f the family suggesttd the use of ayers c herry pectoijvi a bottle of which was always kept in tie house this was tried in small and fretnient doses and to our delight in less than liklf an hour ute little patient was breathing easily tlie doc tor said that the cueiihy ipfctokal had saved my darlings life caii you wonder at our gratitude sincerely yonrs bins kjiita gedkey j 1b9 west l sth st new york way 10 1682 xhave nied ayers cniairy pecronal ill my famll f for several years and do not hesitate to pronounce ft the most effectual remedy for iouglis and cohfewe have ever tried 7 a j crane lake cryst il minn llarch 13 1882 i suffered for eight years from bronchitis and after try ng many remedies with no suc cess i was ctreil by the use of ayerb cher- ey pectoral josebii waldekv byualla miss april 6 188a i cannot i lay cnougli in praise of ayers prekity petoiiai beliov as 1 do that but for its use i should longjfelnco have died from lung troubles h bbaodox palestine texas april 22 j882 no case oi an affectioif o the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved ty the use f ayter8 cherry pectoral and it vqlxlwayi cure whejithe disease a not already leyond the contrc lof mediclu pbeparkdb dr jcyerco lowell mass 8 oia by all drbggfstt irvi rylrvr jlv from the best casket lo thei plainest coffin on t4ie- shortest notice jjcuct at lowest 53 ah eiills either n iglit or diippnnnptij faction gua fan teed in every ease a firstclass hoarse very thing in t it old wounds sotilersof the clujst it has no ctjiia eh0n03iitlb ootths colds s no rival and for contracted and stiff u clianli fine biitskulcaqeti fiuctapustrv carij fin wool caije ft iftfl fine cocoa miiiiinjjs begteifulisloi best tiiiol i fine la fino i- hbm1 leading- yiiblfesald and retail carpet dealers iing street eat hainilton make a specialty of i irl iie fclotus4 yds wide us 4 yards wide curtains idras curtains tapestry curtains best quawbest patternsllowest prices r j mckay i i 48 king streejt east hamlltcfn mcgarvin also fiiib rurcoinan jltray time tablj ah lt iiliiciigorxpress does nut pt laiid toronto rimeolojohlsfc giing v4t 104h am aiii oiilh kuft- early crajntf trunk ooisopasta ft iti r- i xid resi mail through ii aecimvcoiih ilitjiii acijcni oaeji hi canad tjorouto to goods touish oyejry custome r accounia and thereby save garths cur taiijs ijine tapestilf coveringrj i fiiie furnilure coverings fine curtain poles i fine cpain bands best quality carpet sweepers bist quality spriijr rogers fine stair rods fine shade pojes toronto stretsvillej itthonms tetroit ihicajjo winnipeg i toronto toronto ttiawa montreal kailway rcisii west olt n r- 7jham llaiii 47 jitli re k m0 am niitl erjklisli njail closes atim aiii on wcdii ian pacifi to am 101 st a nd doshknheh jmk detroit chicaj x ml so quebec bo jt louis h 10 nrib 10 12 05 ivmi 2 45 7 0 aui j- of daily j to montreal quebec and bo ijirmted kx montrt h5aln i 117- 11111 i ij 0 30 am 1 ilil nil 5j iitvn mxllim jisll ill pm aui dni p in kii pm i in lieljili jdar jc railway 77est taiiij- io ohcl manitoba fit ex loc pm hi i h r i xceptmoiiilai ilex 1 1 ipmj 2 tton brampton to streets brampton streetbville bpamptoul ii brampton orangevilld owen sounfl r health i i am jct 7 15 to orangeville and owen s 9 37 aiu 11 05 b 0 30pm rti purchase your tic iets by this i1w nd poejjiiar ltnb rnom- jli mcgarvinr ticketasjent actii ontari6 farmers you ijteping and mowing machines use lardine maohwe gil l ho gumi xto grit andviu wear longer tha any otiior oil sole junltfatrntlleitw mcoolll bros cfe co tobontq roh ealk at-r- s drug store and c t hill by dil schultz rockwood andblta tllfalv dlt e- 10 wkkts xervi- ment a miarbnteedspecinq ueas coiirulsions tits headache nervous prost ubc of aliohol or tobacco depression softening of tl insanity apd lealiug to mihoty decay and preinatire old age harreiaiubs loss of inoither sex involuntary f tobhosa caubcd by over e belfabuebr ovcrindulgi tains onjs liiontlis trentinet one dollar or fix bejxes lor five dollar paid on receipt pf price v to cure njny caso witli eat re pjnv caso witli eath order rocei uijfor sti foxes accompanied with five ij wi will fiend the purchaser to refuul tlie money if th lllojunctior 4 m lajn pui ton ilexi vpni 7nmj 8 30 0 4 lv oam it pm r pund 5 pm 7 10 t j dizzi- for hysteviah kcitous jteufalgial rrttion caustd iiiliefulnesi- e brain rejultl by the lentol iug ii death powejr sienno- ie brairi ercblbojsicorj- 4cn liuosj ul loises ana s telticn of tile a bo 1 pr e guarantee biboxtjs yed- ollari r uhttexi gu rititae keatment do 2 nit effect a jnre guarantees ssued only liv c wesl it co sole lroi ietonsi 181 ilii wefet 3iadiboiijstchicago 111 ioldbyliemefarvn terms ttoiikl dtrwt are ii poitinn to satisfactorily til very ilesciiptiiiii in leasonnlik- time ttoncl usefli wr have hn a spier dirt lot or liivnii slf you will pity its cash we will sell for h for wajrcti re iijti- voikina in e both com moii t you iinjimting i i j a speight manager ieir line mis cairiijges lship anil uvstclnsr material ntl extra qunlit 1- line che a s3hattoa garden london and 246 st james t montreal ground nehntijicalli from clear and me pebble or optical gifts fpekialhj maiiufacturcd far tlie purpose they are without exception jwst adapted to rc j e mcgarvin perfect vision- torelthe ravages of aye and to retain recopimetided by the most eminent facutiijl j every pair oi spectacles and jeiycglnsses is inarltcd bl druggist sole agent ftjlt acton on 53 r n g al t are all made by the beslmantle mauufaetujgers in the world pleecyllded jeraeyb a tremendous stoekofnew mantle atia ulstercfodhs gloves new faucy flannel new white scarlet and grej flannels lew lace nw cretonnes and prints also an immepse stock of new carpets in woo tate8try carpet sweepers arid other flousef urnishihgs call and see the new carrjets early and see tbe new goods at nos 30 niiil 32 king street enlst and the name ib ihamiltoniseptember 3rd 1 theij arc especially wtats to spend one hlailar unds in itjthe formation liejeguircsjl suit bo he ispert enocd pr oth rw se papers andpst imi tcs ffthealteitlsr4ho while forhimwbojrill invest one hundred tl ousahd dollar in ad- 9 vertlsingascliemeis indicated whiili fill meet his every requl cmoiit or con tevade ty do sti by slight changa easily arrived a by pr- jjjon7ec 149 editions have been issi ed spnkpostteaid to aii- address for liceits 10 geo p 10 spruce st printing pouiesq ketf yirk millinery rimtljes and prints will he soldairay down at uivlieard- a line of bilks and ends of s5itks to lie sohvajt e ts per yard worth tour timesi tlie money ao large arrivals of pall anjd winter importations of ncf cen likewise 25 wo immonse shipments of vw goods at extraordinarily choap prices tfor thelast three weeks watkus of helright house hkbeeiireeeivinghu imnense fall 4 hen dlaoed in stock cnstomets will find an immense assortment of gonde to make their selections fjpmabd the pnqes are lower than ever auiiy w ny gblored ben ct much under theiraetual value and will be sold at extremely low prices callearly and4p th graud disphy of new qooda an immense atocfc oi poreu dssszw a nauificent display of blwkcw istuffal ahown in 4oliel cloths bautteclotha canvas olo otbe f es s mack rblimeres in soft velvety finish an immense stack of new cowred cashmeres 8ee the kew colored cashmeres 5octney e exwa w c y kit bfi a w new velveteens including thesfilk finished plush makes an elegant assortment ptnay sdk plus show in ehoioe aw every lady hould see them before the assortment is broken iiadies jdrseys bwaeii p an elegant assortment jf ne about package detoi0 mrbzrm eemember our millinery dress l alsins and ordered clothing depitrtnie its oiirl fl at iseduit sale wiis quite astieiessand will cense 611 satpkd ay night the fifteenth day of august a av vertieedibit tmre arejeonie summer and other goods yet which we wish to dispose ofro tlilat i 01 trje west time coks f liere mill be stalling bargains givo3i to bffeot a learinoe uuioul 10 uiuivou v- j and plwn also the ivoriejitalyakand uanby laces new colored and blaqfe kid intrrtl rowell bag os itarr cin- in- mackin themcj 1st peughtful summer tour ploe8toaiiirb ixiw atei 5pour trips r week btwe detroit and 4lackitlac and svery wealcdsy betwet i detroit and cleveland wri plot ureeque oonuina fall pft fprour ickinac jlluifrafed loulani luilod fmb etroit cleve c 0 whitcolub dtn pa8i dctrpit mich mahlhqol how lust llsii mceessful practice fflj and steam npv aqt oiy restored led p new dif al and klitjiue of wb have receutlv inibhsb edition of dr culvurwcllsi ccle- illipi grated issay oni the rn a iiermnuen elite iwitlcoutm bfervoiibdcoilitt meatnl aud lliysienjl iricapac ty iniiieilimeiifs of jlarrinae etc rciultmu from excesses 1 i isii p envelope ou y 0 cent lrtwoiiostagestainin the celebrated autjior in tliis ailnilrttlile- es say clearly deuionsjtmtes from tiijityj years atalaniiiiir iiiaytie radibally cuijed without he lsettf internal liicclicfiies or the u iiointinkout a mode if cure at onee si tain and effectual jby means of w 1uff over jio inntter illiat his condition may bo tnayouieliimselfcheciiilyipiivately and radically i this iocturo shouldbe in the haudf oi every youth aud the land 1 address i the gulverwcll sicdical cit- 41 ann st wyrk iost ofllce box 430 06 eorjsejieiices llaiigerons coithiiiknife npte cer litli every lands in minnesota north dakota won- tana 0ahoa3hington and dragon- tfoiu iink sipciiorto pogct sound jrices ranhinu cjilefiy from f 2 1646 tier adre la 10 years tlliib this is- the bestcountry icurlng good hemes now open for settlement 5ep 1io acres ofgovemnxent b b land eree muter the homestead ou i and timber cultute laws note 1818433 acres ob hobe ithaic iilf nt si the pablleljinds disposed 1 in 1883 ttvre iii the northern- pfldfic country bbaks and maps sent fltee debctiblnfc the norttaera purine country the kalsroad lands forlsale and thcrfree government lands addrelchas b lamborn land comr n p su st pakl luab lrgfctrmyrd t n m i- i- m r 1 free ove it 1251 adv willi ingly iri ad oha infihl theyf a uew for ofiic tord teeta rate hav 1 air i ing jnaj aucl issri sqj llllj alii su