Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1885, p. 1

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tf m 02jll iipjn tfadph nosiuy ay j f s juttnt jfm f ress k ikry litoba 13 p ju is 55 5s km 41 pm iton d kx o0pni ain is tovi isaui il pm i 5 i ouud i o5pja 1 10 s ine frtsel tis fuili8hkd thursday morning at thk j i press power printing h0u8e acton ontario 50 cts subscription rates vxe taft100 six months thref m0xths ctr invwriahly in advance if not paid iu inumico 15ljcrivear trill bo blunged o paper discon tinue till all arrears arc paid except at the optioiofi f lo publisher advertising rates 1 i 7t ciiuiun ts6000 column xj s5p0 1 0 mo j 3 mo oiie holfl qnartf coluuiu ono iqctu s0o0 600 3500 82000 2000 1s00 liw 700 850 sj00 i mo 77oo 350 iso 100 casual advertisements a cents per line for tho first insertion and3 centsper line for each sub sequent insertion cash mtho nnniber of lines reckoned by the space occupied tueasurtnl by a scale at solid nonpareil l- rtiseinents without specific directions a4- will be inserted till forbid nud charged accord ingly transitory iidvertisoinjehts must be paid fn adyuice h charges for coutract advertisements must be iu the office by 9 aimon mondays otherwise they will bd left over until the following week act0n banking stort acio a oenebal banking business tiiansacteq notes j i y christie co m bankers 0ntnrl m0nbt loahbd 02t appr07bd notes i discounted and interest flowed on deposits special ace cy acton 0n h r moore editor and proprietor 1 1eat- jini- na by the lentil ing itr 1 death if powjar ifcipenha- ci brain ox con- a box jail pre- tboxet jetved br idonara iaianlee itoesnot it john ilsiwest pcgarrin business directory vttfh lowry m b m g p s v t praduata of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office iaud residence at the head cei frederick street acton ip webster md cm member uf- the college of physicians and oifaoi physician surgeon surgeons of ontario acconctteur otnct mill street residence aosews hotel acton x bspecial attention riven to the dis eases of fvomen and children i ii t l ennett dentist jj i georgetown ontario t i w- a c mckinlay l d s surgeon jfa dientist georgetown ont nsesthe new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator ad practical teacher in royal college a deutal surgeons toronto pat- rousmayepend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed will visit acton the second and fourth wednesday of eafch month office agnews hotelr aincess dentaloperations ed aifor nitious oxide gas dental i operations i iu vitali for painless office of at the bell telephone company messa ea received and tra nsmitted at to ver rates than telegi aphiug allan line steimships ti cket i issued to all poi its of great brit ijn and the contine it at very lo vest rates iuy thefttckets neroif seuding for friends canlpian pagflflc r r the cheapest alidbest route to all points agtonj east and west j3ee time tables 2ose7 save lay dealing with j b mcgarvn ington marble school books t new beatty copy book ezeroise books slates penoils school bags full stook sohool sup plies at ontario works quebec st gub3lifh john ti hamilton proprietor forme rly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work receiv d first prizes at provincial ex hibition luelph the western fair and all local exh bitions for excellence of material and supt riority of workmanship ybnr orders 4tr5 solicited tpages foran con- erl- erwbo sin- kbowlll iinarl- wfll btvade bgeor lissned 3 cents co fbxav rort hayes l ds to veils block guelph out upper wyndham street piggsi ivory dentists sonth jlaj east corner king and songe streets toronto ontario finest and lest set teetk s5 to 3 gold fillings onethird rates leave order forteeth in the morn ing can have them the same day we have been administering hards vitalised air for thepainlessextracting of teeth dur ing the past year regardless of what others may say j oha graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon actonpont office in kenny biros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness 4nd certificates given all calls hight or day promptly attend ed to terms easy myt clean mcmhianv barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers c esprivate funcjs to loan orkce town hall acton w a mcleo hugh mcmillax r tecl mi 1 i ked a neir s cele- llcal and bicibe o incapac- csultmli c cen lbje eb- ity yeara tquenws vagerous he knife fe cer- i every iay be iicaljy cvary fi s goodwillie barrister solicitor notary pablic ac geouoetojvx a acton 1 ts acton office- in mrs secords block ftohn day lumber shingles and lath r i iho until reigned desires to infurm the public jl that 1 e has now on hanil and will keep in stock a f nl i line of pine and hemlock as well as other kind of lumber also first and second class pine phingles 4- lath day sells cheap coal wood hairing j smith i s stove coal hardwood able riricei urcnased the coal business of mr c am prepared to supply all kinds of i have also a good stock of wood- ash cedar and mill wpdd at reason- wood and coal delivered jailes brown planing mill architect 4 guelph ont ofvioc queenj hotel block market square ainj latdlaw a co i bmistens a solicitobs ovns over imperial bank 21 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto joifn bain q c c a mastkn wruiur laiduuv geoige kaipeie b having made arrangements with m ssrs w h storey son for the continnar ceof the planing mill in the build ing form srly occupied by the acton plow company we would inform the public that we are pr ipared to take contracts for building -also- dhessi1tg fl00hi1tg sheeting m0tjld1n c witi neatness and dispatch k kindly bus oysters fruit and confectionery cheat for everybody j m fernley y sues through ihe fhee pbess to invite all to his attractive corner for the n goods they may require in i his hue oysters fresh constantly on hftnd friiit ah the qifferetit fruits in sea son fresh and cheap confectionery direct from the best manufacturers every week i leadin this line of goods and give customers pure confectionery for less money than any other dealer j l i j call any- time and youll be welcomed- j m fernley in postofflce buifdiug jeptllitl hills ti n stove d e thto8dav mobkino ociifisit 8 1885 poetiiy changes- of like one who hears with feujiden throb sadness the lightning cadence of an old rofifain whioh wakes the echoes o iome vanished gladness ji with tenijee pain i so stand i now with lnyvjed pain and pleasure- after long absence at the wellknown door hi which gardedonce my darliug rny heaits i treasure 1 lu days of 3 ore still bloom the roses with fheir oldtime 1 sweetness round this dear cottage in my native lai id trimmed is the hedge with all its wonted neatnesjs the old elms stand still slopes the lawn in beautiful gradation like a soft carpet of the richest green still leaps the fountain with its light pul sation l brightning the scene 1 years have not cbjanged itjuow bb then the river winds in thedistance like a silver stream through the old orchard still the sunbeams quiver e and brightly gleam all i but no voice of sweetest modulation nor ripple laughter greets my listening ear i all the bright scene but breathes in desola- tion 1 she is not here not here uet here the murmuring el trees sigh itj i the rustling grass repeats it neath my feet her cherished rosea inornfulljj reply it i iu odors syeet the shades westwatd oer tho soft lawn creeping darkly enfold me at the ros girt door in deeper shadows lies my dei r love sleo ig i to wake no lor e his to buj stances business our storg an unrecognized s right omans port hpr under ordinary cirounv and so i say that you have no to marry unless you know your self oompeteut to do this a wpmaii shouldnt marry unless- she is able to support her husband miss glendower exclaimed scornfully i should say that jwks ra ileal ni outrageous too if you fiavii money enpugh cousin carl beganjagaiii calmly and the busi ness education that shall teach you to properly invest and carefully administer it then that wil do instead of a trade or a professipri i oh i knbwjbjig you would receive thifi th speaker went smilingly ou as his compenio 11 seemed about to in- terrupt him ut hear me out please you brought it a 11 on yourself you know take a glance at the example in our im mediate sieighbrhodd look at that smart yoiimg arc aitect full of courage and ability whose lil eworkwas ended by oob cruel blow yet hose life must go on in intolerable suffei ing god knows how long that accident h ippened six months ago and todayj they are in the most abject poverty and the e is no child to complicate matters either that girl was educated to be supported she could sew a little cook a little play a few sonates upon the piaio andlook t ery pretty indeed under these cirohmstau ces of inanity and help lessness doiyou 1 hink the ballot would be of any use ind i so what another conun drum which miss glen- dower was not et ual to the fact tha men are jliable to- sick- ness and jrapro u accidents than women never seems to b taken ink consideration in these unions or life he gentleman proceeded ajs no answer wai forthcoming take a brightei example in our neighbor hood anna that of mr cole the real es- ree tate dealeri t iree months of typhoid fever- an three 3 ears getting over it his ife had jtpartia i experience iu bookkeep ing before she ma med and so was prepared in an emergency to tate her seat at her husbahdsdsk and administer their mutual affairs thatedw ation was worth more than a fortune iwmy vay of thinking now you talk of love as a foundation of marriage if this is bo then accordiug to law of af fection thehusbiind should be just asmuoh an object of praci ical consideration as the wife andjiiv wopan can afford to leave thej3gj also large butane i five million dozen eggfe are ahnnallyirn- jorted from the dominion the greater i ortion from quebeo and6ntari inportfrom europe is h ens of the canadas are by far jthe larg si t f ictors in this trade audthetradeincrea a s erery year eggs pay no duty f nl v hen we reflect that this product come s from millions of lmmble sourceshha poultry yards of small farmeis and t it is only the surplus that goes to mark we may well wonder where and li6w b llions it eggs consumed in the unii s tates are produced it isah interest tl rr ay be rated at many tens of million is rs there are egg trains onj the rsjit reads of the northern frontier land jtih 3 j citfes and villages of new england draw n ost of their eggs from the border to whip i ill ey arebrought by the railroads of caiiaas i ae import of eggsyat ogdensbuttg alone w is valued at one hundred and fifty thou sand dollars for the last fiscal year as m any are entered in several other collectia 1 di itriots at buffalo aud in two district in maine nearly three times this traffic i 1 imported eggs is done thesd eggs ars takemfrom the original packages carefull examined by candle or lamp light an 1 than repacked the defective eggs lai j as ide if transportation is not immediat s til a eggs are placed iu cold storage waro- henses where the temperature is a fev degrees above freezing and there kept until shipped the world must be fed and while ths imperial west feeds famishing-europe- wi th grain and the south sends cotton and to acco the f avored people of the united stites heed not begrudge the hard- working fa triers of canada the contribution they arable to make to our needs from their fa ms 0 p dqwey in tuiitftor ort you never have anything to say about womans rights cousin carl 1 and i wislj you would said little miss glendower with a pretty pout now say and i dont care who hears me thft taxation i without representation- i tyranny so i have heard said the gentleman with a deepening smile vcu have a de sire to be represented by thellallot then he added withan earnest scr tiny of his companions face certainly i have was the prompt i reply and why not j you will have at your maiirity quite a fortune i believe the gentleroari resum ed evidently determined to get at the pros and cons of this case yes i shall have a good ms ny thousand douars t that plank put of hef platform soliciting a share of public pat- ronagewfeire respectfully youis thos ebbagfi manager jguelph ontariol da tents secured- for inventions henry grist ottawa caxada 2ft years practice no patent no pay trancijs nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square gneljih ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done -gvlpll- n ess college and youjthink if the bjillot is yours property to this 1 why cousin carl such ideas take every bit of roma iceout of marriage but they put somettiiligelse in thats worth more than romance- did romance ever fill a etp of 1 ailk or provide a loaf of bread will n mance stand guard by typhoid fever an 1 give a man a chance to get well by carrying on his business and saving hismouey well it l mentin thee mstters pouted avierican agici r inspirations first sentence clio openirig sentence of tho bible th beginning god created the heaven 1 th i earth contains five great unive these are the days when the farmer boy culls the taters from oat of the m and washes them upin a basket cleai to take to the annual township she v these are the dayw when the sorrel col b is combed and brushed and taught to bo when thebuggys washed the harness tied to make a shi le at the township sb vr these arel thedays when the f annerf girl works till her face is all aglow and churns her butter and works it a to takej a prize at the township sho r these areithe days when the lured ma 1 looks for a holiday i trow and gets a ten from the larmer boc s to whobp hepupat the township sh tw these are the days when the fakirs thi k out in tlie country travelling go and make their pile at tent and etarid and bless the annual township showj m js awful not to have some senti- mfes glendower good assortment of stoves i i cheap for cash tx w id hemstreet llcknsed acctioneeu for the counties of wellington and haltfn orders left t the fbee pbess office acton er at my residence in acton will be promptlyttended to jtermsreasonable j mosey to loan also money to loan oil the most favor able terms sjnd at the lowest rates pf in terest in sunis of 5500 and upwards ft1he sec0nd scholastic year jl commenced september l3t each de partment is in charge of a specialist to impart a practical training for the efficient conduct of business affairs is the sphere aud wotk of the institution its graduates are alreac y holding responsible positions in the cornr lercial centres in the dominion energetic young men and women are thor oughly pr spared for positions as book-keep- era shoi thand writers correspondents or telegri ph operators students received at any time fear- circular and catalogue giving full information address mmaccormick 14gm i principal tinware of all kinds bottom prices at eavetroughing a specialty and put up on notice shortekt excelsior bakery i acton first class material on used i acallsolicitedi j chill mill st john fcialey successor to thsiiipson jackson money to loan on farm property at g per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages aud other security conveyancing in all its branches properly aufl neatly done charges lets farms and city property for- salev list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion tojihtendingpurchasers and-cir- calated in europe european capitalists wanting fariris in ontario will be sent di rections through pur european agenoies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office hear the post office guelph ont -t- h anlan has opened a riearlyjpposif mill street a age of the pul department pi ed in firstc bakbeb shop pworden barber shop in the jbbildiag storeys old glove factory in and solicits the patron- lie in this vioinity every the business wiljfceconduct- havijg purcliaseii the above bakery fr m mn d mask i hope togive satisfacti m to the numerous customers who patronize it thanking them for past favors i will endeavor ta attend to enstofners promptly and oblig ngly and trust that they will one and all e tjend to us tlieir patronage i use n ihing but the bebt roller flour and keep it in stock f ifreshl reatlbunsc everyday alsofeteain bread jakes of ajl kinds niw york teabiscuits sod 1 and oatmeal scones on hand r made to order at shortest notice j rwerfqinjf cakes a specialty i style 0iveus j pi a call iwobden gfuelph cloth if- hall mrs biscuit and confectionery of all ifmds icing sugir singer snaps boston maed cakeawholsaleflopr sutter a ad sfia take in szolumso tbwad at market rrloe t statham boys shirts and all sizes drawees mcraes n underocothrn0- mens shirts and draweijs all sizes that you can administer better advantage certainly i can manaie it as men manage theirs and you feel that the ballot is all that is necessary to success in thai line perhaps not all but it wjll do for me precisely what it does for you what is that j this was certainly a poserj miss srlendower had listened but hid not tfiought or read very deeply and though an exrieedingly bright and intellectual girl was mt prepared with reasons for the faith that was in her she flushed rosy red looked away for a moment over the green sloping lawn toyed nervously with her feather fan and then with a somewhatdis- comfitted laugh replied why cousin carl i caut specify of course but i should jnake the same use of my advantages that you mak 3 let us suppose that t morrow the franchise is extended to the woman and you deposit your vote for a presidential or gubernatorial candidate and the day after you come into possession of yttir property what influence will your vote be likely to exert upon your estate the question ib anna as the girl looked dnbious again will you know any more about business principles than you did befor j going to the polls i i donft suppose the men fact of my voting will add to my knowle ige but it will give to me the same protection and the samepower that it gives to men granted the power anna wouldnt it be the part of wisdom to acquire the know ledgefirst with no knowledge of politi- cal or domestic economy nol education in business matters 1 can not see what par ticnlar protection there will be in the fran chise when it comes to the question of the right to vote i am free t state that i donot see why you have notjjust as valid a right as i have but i am looking at it now in the light of expediency and common sense i mean to say there fib no ednca- will you v that my argument lacks logic anna i dont i know anything about logic this with cinsid rable showof irritation tread wheat y said coiisiu carl with a ourious smile but i believe there are sinapler authoritii is now a woman witli- iout logic may lesrery prfetty and very iamusiugi bnt she ban hardlji expect to ne successful in business br a good steward of her own i n het husbandt iffairs and then cousin carl picked up the fishingrod ie had been cleat ing and iis companiorl valked slowly aw py a frow n on her pretty brow dimly awiute that tlure was- some liing else to he considered besides f taxa tjion and jtyrai nv ph etio journal carly asfa schoolmaster mr jouatiah indlay a civil engineer resident in lilont real canida was more than sixty years igo a pupil of carlyles mr findlay was born and brought up at kirkcaldy a smtlltown oi the frith of forth eight miles f rom ed hbutgh in his eawy bo hood the rev edward irving keptj a sciool there which young time mr lrv- jwitti thomas tel ms and epeaks of- as many boundless totalities god heaven earth j creation anl thejjwginning it is perhaps the m st weignty sen tenceever uttered having thu most gigantic members in its com prdhemsive sweep it takes in air past time all conceivable space all known things all pover and intelligence and the nipst jcom- prfhensive act of that intelligence and pover it gives a theory of the origin of thi ags names the originator state 3 the tin e of their origin and makes all stancf together in one system this sentence is a declaration on nearly all the great prob lems now exercising scientistsand piiloso- phiirs god creation the whole etjrnity cat se time space infinity force ilesign int illigence will destiny j and in g meral nni versolity there is wit the gjrm of the whole bible as of the whole of r hiloso ph r and the sciences a umn bteropwer in th independent- ur township pair qne of the best exhibitions ever hel in the township very iiarge attendance the annual exhibition of the townsh p of esquesing held at georgetown last fri lay was one of the best ever held nndei the auspices of the society the entries vers as large probably a little larger than at any pre viois show some of the classes jar- twnlarli those of horses cattle vegetables and fruitiand ladies work were unnst ally frill a better show of hprses waa never made in the township and we dpnut trery much if it will be excelled at the county show there being considerably over two hundred entries the exhibit of cattle too was most creditable and considerably put- mimbered that of former years the hall was exceedingly well filled and- presented many attractions the day was most favorable and tha at tendance much larger than usual the fact however that coupon member tact eter each allowing four persons to enwr the grounds were issued considerably lessened when the admissioniee the gate receipts is plaoed at theihsignificant rate of cents we fail to se the necessity of coupon tickets and hope for the snecess of the stand by 4 your home pater 2 district exchange pertly remark yoi ma y tie able to get a large city wee ly filled wit li murders scandal cases cockfig its etc for the same money you pay for y ur local pa ers dut these city weeklies neve r adver- tis your county aud make your iroperty val table they do not help along your sell sols and churches they dp not publish yot r county news they say nbthii lg of ybu ane your town and have no xutere t in yen a f oed newspaper is as much of an advau- tsg rtoa town as are good schools if-one- of ur farmer friends should step into one of t hose city offices he would fine put in twe minute that he had no cor lial wel come there such as he would rebisve in a pri iting office at home stand il iy home paj ers they stand by you and are eyer oh fhe look out for ypur interests it is childrens combination sets 1 all sizes shawcrundy mtrchant tailors ouclph simply what cousin womans m tion in the ballot pertf you bring to it i i i was under the impression carlthat yon didnt believe rights miss glendojiver reniarked after a pause in which she had done considerable thinking but im jnot sure that i noto any more about it than i did j before i have no doubt that my views on this subject woold be even too raftjtbal for you the young gehtlemanreplie4 you in tend to get married one of yiese days i suppose anna naturauy j ijvhat will be the basis of tile marriage love i hopo well now i believe in ode right that i dont think you liavb over ti longht of it seems to me just as niuch a omans right to take care of her husbaiidi if siokness ivi j i findlay attended after a ijig formed a p irtnershij carlyle and am re extend 3d plan of in struction was undertaken the sohool being renamed arj 2 acideniy i mr fiudlity d scribes cirlyle when a schoolmaste as resembliu a laborer in t lie roughness an 1 uncouth less of his ap- jearauce he di 1 not have the power to i iterest his schol irs in the r lessohs and 1 e punished thein without ity or mercy carlyle us 3d of ben to pec ipy himself in writing at hs deik and v of til was that boys fate nho lared to interrupt him the tawse jyouid be thrown at the culprits 1 ead and hi wot id be reqi ired to present b imself for so ind thrai hfng with the rieang thersof lumbly arried to hib tiacheri j no precepaon if carlyles great merits as a writer ave been suff cient to efface fom mr fi idlaj smemorthe impression of his tyranny and cruelty the illnature a nd arbitrar y dis position w hich mark the author equally listinguis led him as a young achojlmaiter ruli lg class of trembling little bys but m j j ldgii g carlylej at this time much allotojance must be balky horses tiiauners an cuitoms of s verity in s shobl disciplind el the only 1 rope made for the theday whenj was consider- way of educating youth wliat lt would cost it is fearful to hink wha an enormous e cpenss it jw inld e for patti to bring up a c lild- she youli i have to s ing it to sleep e- ery 1 light 1 or al 6nt three yekri and at tie re pilar rates nis would amount to 1- h 0000 tl en if she shoul 1 have to sing o ie or two e ctra rerses to it each night tl e amount- vouli i rise to 1500000 tpro- v ding that 1 he cl lild was always in good hi lalth aju wini the usual third for biok- m ss site wo ild h we to sin to it all night for 365 dayij sa five hotra ata 00 for a fejw m nates sing ng is her usual tlntd lightning 1 hereare but few that have nevei suffered almost intolerable pain from tcothache neuralgiaj prlike acute pains to thein sue 1 au instant relief- as fluid lig itning is an untold blessrag in timepf trouble no disj usting offensive medicines to e taken ays oup application offluii laakl cures sold at 3 e mcsarvins g store yjt ingl pri see m vith a horse i have ftdtijjounlry gentlemen i often qui ies and answers relating to balk y horses i will give you my receipt which never fail j one that 1 have used altyqys sucsess and very simple wheii bal cs in a wagon cart or carriage him taken out- the harness takenp f oxcept the bridle a boy or man put on the nimals back with instiuctions to make hi n move 1 uvely for ten minutes up and dwn the roa 1 at the expiratipnof that ti ne i put on the harness and hitch up- and the aninal goes all right i it may hare to be dor e once br twice more whenever the hitihnp after meals takes place- country gentleman society they will be discarded not a little grumbling was made at apparent dilatoriness of the judges in hall who wereuutil half past three in pleting tlieir labors the doors were 11 until that hour either the judges commence earlier j and complete awards by one oclock- at latest or society will have to consider the advisa bility pt holding the show for two days in stead of oiiej thersoth battalion band georgetown discoursed excellent music during the after noon and showed clearly that they haive made much progress during the past year the free pbess representative desires to extend his best thanks to the enterpris ing and obliging secretary col murray and the officers in general for courtesies extended in the performance of the gener ally thankless task of obtamaig the priziilst hqbses diniiutons chas brown j stewart judges johnson richard henistreet j conlson e harrison i 219 entries heavy dhaft pair heavy drafthonses j sprpat j li mckenzie two yearhold gelding or filly w fisher oneyearjold gelding or filly j saunders a sinclair spring colt j saunders 3ks early brood mare j clark chas brown 1 geneiul pcbposerrjpair general purpose horses j wright w moore n turner brood mare w- moore j conlsonj c brown twoyearold gelding or filly j early j dobbie oneyearold gelding or filly j marshall thos aitken spiring colt john arthurs chas brown 1 camuaqe pair carriage horses j s bessey j wrigglesworth single carriage horse in 1 larnesb smason j s beskey w e smth brood mare m howsbn a devere iux g joyce twoyearold en tire colt w a bescoby thos howdea oneyearold entire colt j j hainer twoyearold gelding of filly 3 f brown- ridge protested t j fisher oneyear old gelding or filly thofa early g joyce spring colt a devereaux j campbell toaiirii pair roadsters in harness j u harrison t mullen e w gojlop single roadster in harness hewson fijot d a jsrooks ai w green saddle hprse jas hume e thornton h ailpul i cattle dinectons jas l warrei w fialier jcdoesm kirby j duff b tuck 149 entries thokotjghbbed tcnhajis 1 a romantic seribe thus describbi thefirst kisi of a newly- wedded couple j up the per rumeswegt avenue of love aid under the roseate archway of hymen j t hey had pas sed into the joylit realms of th it higher and holier existence where soul mc ets soul on 1 impidjwaves of ecitatto3eei igs and hearts touch hearts through the blendeci chahnel of lips in rapture linked gosh j prioe one mi fojre cost 40000 of sibknesp jvonld tliejre- if a tew grains ot common sense could be nfused into the thiok noddles of t tose who perpetuahy anw alternately- ir i ate and weaken their aiomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they yoiill use the highly aoci edited and healthful lilxi itive and iwnio wor ihrop lymans vwjtuble ijia overy and dysneptiqiuro wkjcu causea jgpd tlg jsuouko wait au auijet ito and beajthiottlbbtbil qi- gov giving milk-t- ohisholm j g hardy j mill er twoyearold heifer j miller w fishei t aitken oneyearold heifer s mason j g har4y t chisholin heifer calfr stewart t chisholm s makon bull j j hairier twoyearmd bull j brpwnridge a stark oneyearold pull t chisholm wi wilson t jaiaien bull calf j wilson c p preston ball any age j browriridge3 ant oxhen bkfkd or thobouchbbed cattle cow j clark h l ross wo- yearold heifer h l ross j clark ne- yearold heifer h l ros j c ark spring calf hl ross bujl any ag h li ross 1 gkadbsgow giving milk w mooi j mcmillan t aitken two year old he ifer j g hardy wjcampbell one- ear old heifer j miller j g hardy h nfer calf j gi iiardy jt chisholm yo te of working pxen jg hardy a sark j fat beatft steer brheifer j g hsrdy a start 1 l sheep l 3mectob fkuddell jtakhmff watersj m buelseiin nobuih sentries i- leicesteb bain alex wiklie snear- irain w wmdie a yflpie am lratiarwaldie iwpiewes fqontmuea next pgw jajwrijjtt mm

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