Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1885, p. 2

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vw- e xtpx i 1llr tkommxho 8188c vaoqi ion vooaunueqrroip flntpaf k ii x f hy taeclnfctofnotthtiiihb4netioo i or tobue fcamjkfom tsilnoawnl lanert ai wring iritoitedm them rtml to m ito tiny ptnt 4 m w rad thedmhootmuiythoaauulrirtttaon that lish ii totjtte ftfitowmttton thevaoclnatort sir utfon the rounds j 1 i the etmupcwlepiclettuo has set thepub- lht thinking upon the bubjtot ot vaooinatjon st and many private oitinfys are baring thteir anus to the physicians lancet ancl ivory point but while individual oituseiib are taking this precaution itj oannct be said thatany general move is being made in thib direction ineomeothermuicipalitiesthe local board health are taking up the question with a view k a systematic vaoaination4i the entire population witjiin their limits and we thank oar own bokrd of health should raawian effort in the same direction and also to satisfy them selves that tle place is in a perfect sanitary condition j it is probably cot kncm to ttie public generally that children n a vaccinated are lawfully prohibited from t ttending our p ub- lie schools jhow many would be lefin our schoolif this law were carried out at this time when smallpox is raging so fie ce- ly in many parts of canada it is the d uty of every parent to have his children va aci- nated the question is frequently asked what is the benefit arising from vaccination an 1 eminent j physician answers as follows vaccination consists in jan operation by which the system is so impressed by j the introduction of a foreign substance and the blood so altered by changes which this matter the cow pox produces therein that evtn though the successfully vaccinated person thereafter be exposed to the in fluence of the smallpox poison it will not find in his system the conditions necessary for the development the disease worth alex wajdle awauuew1 fibjeynowi rain tohearllnr ram 8 lamb john hefferjiau hearlingewes bl taoh a stark john he ferijau cowyolm ra liugiami wwilstn son a stark l o stafki two aheai lip wilsoiii two ewq bam any w wilson fat fwaiaie at start vi aid e twjiwmbe a ft mason a stak ifasjjn a 8t irkv rkm wibom two two iwe lambs w wilson bhear- ram lanib w wttr efes w jwilson a ewes a stark w lanlbs wr wilson 4 age r breed a waldie sheip ony breed wi boar 8w le lie spa lish tiylor biowrj our tax makers the host important meeting of the tear itiiajices considered in detail rate struck poii the year the municipal councilimet on tuesdays evening to prepare the estimates and ar range the rate of taxation for the year mem bere present messrs p hienderson w ismond j b pearson and a stephen- son upon motion mr stephenson took the chair the finance committee presented their report as follows i to the sieve axd- council of the village of acton tour standing commit tee on finance beg to submit the following es imateof expendi ture and revenue of the vllage of acton tor the current year and recommend approval of same by the board vi2 estimatel hxpe kittrke building new sidewalks grading and gravelling streets and re pairing streets and sidewalks 1200 00 officers salaries i clerk and treasurer 80 00 assessor and collector 58 00 caretaker j 105 00 lamplighter 140 w returning officer ac 10 00 auditors 10 00 i constables 40 00 443 00 85 00 25 00 50 00 40 00 21 64 10 00 178 36 69 00 pigs dnusciobira dons hlfcoss 75 entries lahok nueen r 3t snider kensie j i shatv j it t bdl jiid bitiut bekd j audtmokftnie mckeniie jfe t mckenzie a t mckenzie pairidorkiui d little fair a waldie jjph aid a waldie brown pairi leghorn chiokens r cochins w leslie pair chickens c p rock r hauna whorej f bradley ghasi thornton d littjle e thornton h duoks c m ethornton d brahmas oraik drbecrob a msutton j 103 entries seneca wheat a stark egyptfai d mckenzie h winter wheat 6 jtelliott kenzie large peas e thorn tot j g snider w ji f mofherson bradley potatoes matthews d j anthony j carrots b carrots j w turnips j s turnips w waldie w leslie raid mangold ruddeu a poultry ivaldie jodoks j al- r brownridge ioar j t mckenzie tl885j t mo- mjokeiizie sow r aw moeeniiie sow 1885 t mokenzi lloar j a ixmokeiizie boar 1885 j d mckenzie i sow j 1885 thos bell j lstbepslir chiokens bjrahuash sjmodouald chiokenb h8 mcdon- pair hamblrgs p ohiiken 1 h sherman pair hainer tbeli pair pair chiokens w cppreston pair preston pair plymouth d little pair chickens pair geese fas pair turkeys e pair rowan hacks lerni an pair aylesbu ry mcnair pen of light recomiijiended h mcdonald and roots- p dtark jcdoeb r noble william 1 j ross other variety of w black j g hardy wheat j ad mo- h aileid small ruddeu i white iats 1 ewton barley 6 rowed sprin jieas f ross carrots long red har p t in be ssey par mips vurtzel m vegetables ce leryj caulifldwe pump fall printing charities town halu repairs oil ac interest on borrowed money interest on cemetery debenture uncouectable taxes ccruhtyrate contingencies total estimated expenditure f 2122 00 4 zstniatep kecexpts rents town hall statute- labor tax dpgtax license refund for extra rwidth sidewalk old sidewalks sold arrears of taxes ten and onethird dollar on asst of 1 9180 00 20 00 40 00 2 00 17 00 8 00 98 37 on the i 886- 1806 63 2122 00 town hall pur- will require a rate to be levied on dibectob campbell mr 174 entries six heads town send devereaux harrop devereaux campbell ewgollop a devereaux hartwell a keilson jas bradley g w black h sherman louise bon de preston pears preston a h fruit r mixed pickles hainer jsarapl newton miss mary yeast bread a elliodt d cross i and fruit moore jrnoes- dayis and f dawson wti 5rs iliss i total estimated revi to meet debenture foi poses maturing this yi of two and twothird all the rateable property in the village and to meet the estimate of the school board for the current year viz 156445 a still fur ther rate of nine mills will be required makfng the total assessment twenty two millsbeing three millsfaf excess of 1683 and five mills in excess ojf 1884 your committee in sobmitting the esti- motels feel that whilst the expenditure has beealarger the amount qf good substantial work that has been accomplished and which wasfdeemetl absolutely niecessary has also beeo proportionately large the extra 1 school accommodation and extra teacher required has also contributed to the increase of the rate your committee howew would remind the councihhat the rateable property on the roll this year is over twelve thousand dollars less than last yeai which is equiva lent to adifference of several mills in the rate and had the roll fj 1885 beeh as4srge as 1884 arateof nineteeat mills would have been ample 1 all of which is respectfully submitted drfijbkdebsojf 3 b feabsox a bj law providing for the expense of theyiuageof acton and actonpublic school was passed the rate for the whole being fixed af 22 mills council then adjourned the mercantile failures in the dominion of canada for the quarter ending septenr- 1 ber 30 as reported by r g dun a co were 254 compared witl 257 for the cor responding quarter of 1834 the liabilities 1911000 while the lial ilities for the cor responding quarter of 18f 4 were 4112000 for the first nine months of 1885 the total jfaflures number 944 as ompared with 979 for the first nine monthf of 1884 the lut- buibes amount for the fi t nine months df 1885 to a trine over 7jq000 j oomparek same period lost ei ibroide air apj liqufe witfih4fi500 in the spz dmecrob josj mrs snider storey 123 entries trifted quilt knitted quilt s patchwork quilt fancy wool worjk on r a reed reed d b mctf reed j hainer ter r a reed 8 mason miss barber jackson toile reed toilet reed i combined reed miss jackson a reed miss coll f hunter miss gant mccoll w table mat d woollen stockinia son pair wool en mason sam pi creelman bros mcflarr e n adams miss tl earl y jcs dimxtoe d russell mrs 97 entries five ponnds w leslie g butter not less newton j domesti0 dibectob- mcdonald 39 entries 1 set carnage single hi riiess pair mens mens womens boots pair factory- a sons pair nejlson a n l standish zie lumber market wagon pjough si a t a grieve 1 sewed male spn wl 801 f a son j roller t bell a at mckenzie m ftfzr ilwffi 1 john sells 16 lbs peirl tapioea 2 cans salmon horseshoe braud for 22 arkl pair pekiu ducks morrison n wheat d w h l ross cross j a ftv7 8oa j a ti mokehuiei shod horse a j grieve bbni gulp a mokmmib ppw biiggy agrieve a son gulp a mokeuk cutter a grieve a bon v pihb arts and jplowblrs dinkctoabt p moorfl uudoes a a ruby mrs stewart mb8 morse 87 entries pefl and inkketoh mibs l reld paint ing water colors miss a c freeman miss bradley fenoil drawing miss jackson miss gopdenow crayon drawing miss bradley iiiss reid paintiug on ohinaj miss jaokson laudsoape in oil a mokin lay misifroemau oil painting any othe subjeot a mokinlay misstficeman colt leotion of photographs w h kahrs pbotogiiaph hkahrs paatile mis bradley collection of roses dr roe w hawes collection of greenhouse plants twelve specimens in flower dr roe w hawes six single geraniums in pots w hawoi dr roe six double gerajniums in pots w hawes dr roe six dahlias drj roe w hawesi boeiuet table dr roe miss freeman boquet hand dr roe miss barber floral design for table dr roe collection of paneies dr roc special frizes best pair horses in harness presi dents prize john wright best driving team r agnews prizi j b black best j twoyear old roadster colt w mccrariey mp prize wf a boscoby best spring colt from welshman w a j halls prize a j campbell best yearold bull n lindsay prize t ohibholm best two dairy cows i waldies priz jas clark best thoroughbrcd cow w mocraney mp prize j a g jlardy best pen sheep w mocraney mp prize a waldiej best loatjhreadj williams prize- miss mary graham rest collection of cakesr a w laws prize ir graliam blest tub botterw mccraney mp prize rgraham best five pounds butter campbell a pautous prize w leslie the oheapest teas oases of mens shirts anc also dress goods velveteens all shades gljey winceys hosiery and a general dry goods full lines of- fisker jny other mcgeoch h a reid w kewion beans jas variety h short horn field swede fruidell other beets w law f hunter h a caubage a devereaux h red cabbage h cownsenda h tcwusend b rers h tjwnsend a ikins z anthony r a onidns white r a campbell qriiolns red h townseud tomatoes cross l coliejction of apples j bradley apples jl f mcpherson wintir ifeples j t elliot i lack gripes 3 a reid liite giapes et sherman j rsey p iars jl clark c p an vol her variety cp owei sa nple bottled grahajm jas bralley bottle t wnser d mrs j liomi made wine w tread homemade griham salt- tfteildouj bad hops j t hop- east gra bam ladieswork bjarler jr judges dj henier80n mis ho aitoil reat ii 1 kennedy f a at the lowest ca8h the cradle hynds in acton on the 2nd- instj the wife of mr geo hynds of a son i the g3ave giihis died at the resideuceof his cousin pearsall texas u 8 on monday 21st nit- george gibbs jr late of georgetown aged 26 years 0 months wonsnop in actou ou the 7th october the wife of mr t bomas worsnop iaged 51 years new advertisements n ass ag a we y a exhibition the awtwftl fair on tuesaay sustains its reputation of former years a largeattendanoe nassagaweya agricultural fair hall always been the attraction of the year fo the residents of the townsbjp and its boi ders and on this day almost the entir 3 population turns out to view tuid cxamiuj the products of the township this yea r was no exception and although the weather was bitterly c61d and dreary the attend ance was as larg or larger than usuai the gate receipts amounted to more than any preyious year but this is duo tosom extent to more perfect arrangements thai 1 formerly the show itself was quite a success th field was well filled with stock the exhib of horses and cattle being exceptional good while that of sheep and pigs was full up to previous years a number of waggons carriages aui farming implements were shown but in this class we think a little effort would much improve the exteut of the exhibit the hall was well filled ingrain thequau tity shown wasless than usual but w never sawa better show of roots in tins township the dairy products were very largo the multiplicity of special prizes making an unusually large number of entries the show of f ruiti was good in the ladies department some classes were wellfilled but generally speaking there was less com j petition than usual v j the success of iassagawaya show is dui 1 j to the indefatigable efforts of its officers among whom the hardworking president mr j a watson and secretary mr a c mcmillan derservc special mention owing to apres8 of other matter the priz list isbeld ovsr until next week grain market emcklln son ore prepared to pay tuo highest market prices for wiicat pen and oau delivered at their storehouse acton btatlpu o tit fanners will mo well to see that thchj grain is well cleaned i e nicklin 4 son actouoetohcr 8th 1883 take notice that the law partnership heretofore carried ou iu the village of actoo by mowat mc lean has this day been dissolved by mutual consent j j a mowt w a mclean witness a h mucdouald mr mcloau will still remain ill actofi aud conduct tho business in portnership with mr hugh mcmillan of guelph at the town hall authors and writers gran assjrtf lelfe of pr10e6 new fall isiieiijsq b asi biti ki ll street of id exhibitlqn and win ergo ids at the- creat commercial mar w ha- re 100 misses sai or velvet ccviered hats i for 30 cents eaoh relar value for these g30dsare45ceats gtrellps never iu our trad 5 lias amateur ok otherwise desirous of having their iiterory productioub criti cised revised or disposed of ou the most advantageous tenns should address for full information tlbuoe bamu of literature 231 broadway now york private boardinu persons desiriiir private boartl caw be ac commodated upon application to i mrs k creech jlicatiouto cre mill street botvie 0 p preston masoi d p mcnair miss i ldame s mason caivass ii a reid y on muslin b a c rqtclut work b a ffen y knitting f hun- brai ing miss barber wark siiss bradley ijurued let s mason miss cushion s mason ba at m ss barber r a wool arid beads r a c razy patchwork r fpreernau tauinga- me- lce workilt al reed h ce miss mason a antui sn leave j hainer mdne ir j hainer pair 4imclair a nil- ls ib mcnair 8 mac hme knit goods pair voollen mitts d b ltxon iofa cushion miss ompson atry a henderson jcdoks mis tpckandmrs campbell r the goqtt act oxford grand jury quite satisfied with thf operations 7 the act woodstock oct 1 the grand jurl fo j the county of oxford at preserit in session here has given an iiuanknous deliverano expressing gratification tit the decrease 0 drunkenness aud crime iu the county nnde i the scott act as shown by the fact thai since may 1st when the act came into i force there have been only seven person 1 committed as drunk and disorderly whil during the corresponding period of 1884 1 under license there were 30 committed foj this offence scotch kntrlish and canadian suitinj i uroat variety- at the eist end clotjnnii tore j fyfe acton 1 frealr butter h a reid eiiroett firkin homemade ihan501bsa sprowl w manufactures marshall judges j h arness e w gallop get e w gallop nixon boots w austin pair toots w austin pair hand made w austin blankets jno newton home made blankets a rag carpet hreid phaeton culp mcken- fagon thos bell son thoe bell 8on iron mcken ae other plough bar row cultivator t mckenzie land bon irjn 7nrmp 8cufflerj harrow t bell gr knowies j a muriuyi i i licensed auctioneers for the counties of and wellington orders left with james matthews acton will receive stuojt attention terms 1 e isonablc s hilton allan a bairi barnsteis sohcitois c tokos to ai gioltohovn farmers and others having crippled horses will do well to call on h geo stoddard jjpho is prepared to remove ringbdnes spavins curbs arid splints without injuring the hcrse satisfiiction guiirauteed or no clrarge geo st0ddaed pieces 0 english natty made oh 1 a suit re suit 4 tha history ot sac ii a display ie- of new grooc 8 ibi en madi evpry dollar swortli being imported stmigl t from the manufacturers thousand8pf dollars jvprth of new thousautjis fj 4o iars worth of new dress g oods man tles fcittrersriowei8 ihd fancy goods two thcusand madian scotch and tweed nade aul wejlkrimtned fiill suit ohlj creechs old stand aetou iv t go to- waters bjrqs tiie- picture gallery guelph forartitfe materials oil and wafer colors crayons canvas drawing papers plaques cards dc oil paintings steel engravings onromes c frames of ajl kinds mouldings room andicluie cornices aud cornice pules spring rollers audi window sliikles i fancy goods snitnhle for vedding and birthday presents v visitotb cau have their pictures framed white in the city so bring them with you to waters bros near tho post office guelphi out omu srcreelmans block georgetown and 86 king 8treet east toronto i ht ujvi 3 rhiitos bl j blibi b shingles am wooik nbe undersigued has for sale a splendid sto l of firstclass shingles- no 1 cedar 81 75 no lpine 10jer square no a er square alsoa large quantity of iug to the per square no lpne wb0 per square cedar 81 per square also a large qui wood of all kinds from 81 25 a load uu a cord prime short staves irlresau trade at bottom prices factody i thos c moore i main st wobt acton i house lot fob sale rrihe ouderblgned offers for sole his housejond i lot on main street it is a larco house coq- tolus nine rooms also kitchen and woodshed is well adaptedfor a tenement or boarding house istawoon the premises liberal terms apply to d w wanted i wanted abesident agcntin dveb f village towf and city iu thb poniinioi also a few travellers to sell our new air gas mi chines for making air gas- 60 per cent cheaper than coal ai good no flro or power r rfuired hade in all alxetlrom lsbiuners tolool for private houses si oreshotele factories milli btareets mines etc i ddress 15jv otnadiah am i jas machucb mpo co 115 t francois xavier fit kptbeal l q first cotmse of popular lecturfes ludci the auspices of the ladies aid society of thl- little troys 1 j our pkinises vlen i r 7i ii te hi e 60 black ostribl pfuines for 75 cents qaoh 1 dcnilar value for these goods are 250 place your orders early ws we are already crowded with work everybody teesms to be anxious to sebure the choice novelties which be- jqome scarce as the season advances twe suits only jd and ubstiiptially v5 750 9 11 and 14150 suitable for any geivtlemja and a perfect fit guaranteed as luenave the leading cutter in ontario this clc thing department ib well ifi thy the attention of any mart vy e ai e how doing the largsst trads ill ontario west of toronto qui flat ahd dap depart ment is ilull pfjail this latest upveltief anjd at prices that will make them now buy who n ver uoogl t bofoi o and thosi wlioahvi ye bought now hi y the mote j d williamson r isc rcicx methodist church acton will commence ou thursday evening 15th oct in the toytn hall whej rev joseph wild did the welljcnotrn pastor of bond street goncre rational church toronto will delive his celebrated lecture ou men with iron 8hoe8 di ild will be lollowed as below bbv t w jefsluur toronto tuesda jtth october anbjoct how to bise iu the world bbv d boqebs ailsa craig tliuredav 12th november bubjobt dr talmages celet rated lecture on ingernllism bbv w c hkndebson uji st mar a ex president of the london conference tnsday 3ith november subject ten days iu l tdon with fetes by the way bbv john shaw toronto expresident i if the toronto conference tuesday 8th decen iber subject characteristics of the age mb jab l hoohes toronto iubpeotor uhlic schools monday 81st december btfbjeot school r wm humor p s si duld it become necessary to olnngo any of the above dates due notice will be given through the ptesa add otherwise proce ds in aid of the church debt tichettrfdr course 1 8wgle lectufy26c doors ojeu at 7 p w chair token t coctds braolelfs- bracelets bhace1lets new stk beautiful paiterna watches watches i waltham tmd elpn n gold find silver cases i gold rwtls lockllts ejrc rc just opined b near et ies ntl a ue h savacie n ir iri t htore all ar respectfully invited c b griffin cuelph -oo- fiucham gol we hai ipleasure in statiug that bur 5toek for the seasons trade surp isses iu extensive varle- ty aud choice selection anything we haye ever iormerly laid before i ii our custodiers pucrham co v- silks s tins and velvets iii this department no hougej here can successfully compete v4th us in point of variety real sterling value and downright cheapness ladies who are iul the habit f buying elsewhere are not aware of the inducements wo offer in this department to pur chaser inspection invited bucham co dress goods this department is a laige one with us and always presents a choice of really desirable goods to select from seldom met with even in the largest titles i ladies wil do well before buy- ing to visit our establishment and look through compare prices c c bucham co r paahionaile west end dress msntieil and millinery b9ajli6linientr mm ij dealer in i w bam sdeci the brichl philips j4r3 bho vees leafy bow tbct todaia tionj isanl lmt the guelp for his the ahofii prioegi 4thec vert iieatl i ail prated i fai bldjsla busheli o marejrt mrj stuajmlf lnkno the lith i raire new yrppi 53toot andol 3 into 1 a counties eev town ajid madethd of nu 4dq k adagja- halljactl insti jiq week act little tov fotis til which if to make i the i edanenl matter j typogral supenorf out act uext je will havl their ho more no at the p pat fender 1 wje ne rye l leaves flusoelj men tol rather i therot ing fori merchs j xi evenii t mows mow be 3 and withl f 1 then

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