km it fr in hey aing t- 4 at k kyi acta liidk wnunii an externality of note paper and envelop should cifi fclj cteo hyna acton business men wanting cheap envelopes paper pens ink pencils mucuagv blot- bug paper ledgers day books blank notes feceipte call at geo hvndsw we keep th largest and best stock of stationery wedding and birthday presents spec tacles from 25cj to t8 the cheapest store in acton tor the above line of goods k geo mynds i dealer injewryjsutioury school books andfanc goods i tfee free press has a word for tour consideration f liy refcrri to the printed nihil labelnll j subscriber except those whose papers are de livered by our carrier will see at a glance tho datchipou hkh their subscriptions have expired or ar about to ex w oil our wibgoribcra kindly remit the amount due at their earliest con tho amoif at la small to each bat uiousftujs ot rtmall account aeffeg a very la ihu d to lis state ot accounts yflrshortly bo i handed to our toivn subsc trho twill to trust i th call and pa us the amount due s el pmoore wt stttmfxtt tos xribnsnvt morning novxmbks 5 1885 m crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters -rise- in prico very k a pfed fe- his ting tier the der ice cpm- rs in tbis i best of ritpre sm itrtjo r plf pair petdoz i worth 20c k y- tjoal is 650 per ton at gnelph qakville is getting street lamps this is the stove dealers harvest christ mas seven weeks from tomorrow now for mitts mufflers aud overcoats caucuses ore now of nightly occurrence ibis is anniversary of guy fawkes day r wheat doesnt rapidly milton cornet hand is making rapid progress an opeu winter of unusual geniality is predicted a roller rink has been opened in georgetown five sundays and as many mondays this month xucknows rate of taxation is 20 mills on the doljar oh dear novembers here and echo answers sere potatoes are likely to be agood price beforenext spring wood and coal are in- demand aud the stove dealers are busy a local sjhdicateis we understand arranging to open a roller rink here the time to advervise is all the time so say merchants bf life long experieupe mr george hemstreet photographer milton has moved into his fine new brick block a very neat and tasty wedding cake adonis the window of lg matthews bakery a new story is called the editors wallet yve have seen it there is noth ing in it j engage your best girl for thelectiire in the town hall on the evening ob thanks giving day i- mr wm liaidlaw barrister toronto well known to many of onr readers has been gazttted a queens council the salvation armyhave secured mr a w greens store on main street for a t barracks- it was opened on saturday mis alex a secqrd sr kindly sent us a number of very fine heads of celery the other day she will please accept our thanks tlie lamplighter requires a little advice from those in authority over him the street lamps have been unlit several dark nights lately tommy eailway men are considerably excited over the rumor that- a reduction in the wages af all employees vill shortly be made by the grand trunk authoritiesi mr l green near milton picked23 barrels- of apples off two trees in his orchard this season 13 barrels of winter ked and 10 barrels ofgreemhgsic7ijipion the silver cup offered for competition in the usual rifle match of the j 20th batt by w mccraney m p was won- by georgetown company the cupls valued at 60 i i i one of the finest photographs e have seen for come time is a large portrait of the father of councillor j b pearson ex- i hlbited in the wfiidow of the metropolitan studio j an exchange says this is i the glorious seasonolthe year when an overcoat tedesir- ableoneday a tbincoatthe second aporous plaster the third and a doctors bill the fourth i rev kenneth mclennan formerly of charlottetown p e j occupied the pulpit of knox church last buuday jvery accep- tably he wiir also preach there next sunday there are weddingsigu of weddings and rumors of weddings in out enterprising little town for further particulars sub scribe for the fbke pbkss and keep yonr eye its columns j mr geo mackey for the past six years husiness manager of the vbtb review died very suddenly the other day bf apoplexy he was highly thought of anli wrote the local for that paper the lecture on the battles h fish creek and batoche in the town hall last evening by bev c e wbitcombe was atteiwud by 4 good audience we will refer to it more particularly nesi week i i the anniversary seivioeb at the metho dist chnroh georgetown wil taki place on sunday nov jfflndtbevjs i bkdgley bd llcof victoria uvetsit iwih preach morning and evenm 4uhnuwioia wlliewigjiorkuoo iiblita the oou mnnion jorvloes ill the metjho dut church i ist sundav were will attendoth a full ni eetmg of the board ot trustees is desired for this evening imnortantbui uoss prosruyocaaoijates foi ipuulolpkl honors aroaiixious ah jut the lealtli o the missus a id all the family about nov the grai u buyers liave beei i busy thta week the foimers bringing ins large quaiu tityof grain thepriuesaidtfday arep- wheat to 88 peas 6tp wdijdatt 28 rthboy i who rniiplaew uiftmhoolbjll aud hid the clapper on batu day night were rather inrmllatea wheub llgd to et matters to ri jhts again 8uoh jranksdoilit pay boy messrs speight i sou carriage aud waggcy majufacturers completed this week a sphudid grtiu wagjou with a- capacity of 100 bushels for ths bpeedvale mills guelpi mr j e howspu has lemoved his stock to tue store next door to mcgarvina drug store although oonbidenbly crowded with his hu e stookoi goods tilings geuerr ally look- cosy and businesslike rthe tea shers of the second third aud fourth depai tments attended tlie teachers convention at milton last tl ursday and friday- the pupils kl these lepartmets cosequentl enjoyed a couple of holidays when n boy starts out ii the vyoirld and determiues to mske a mat of ljurhself he is bound to succeed if lip lives but if he stops by the way to be a sport a hoodlum a dude or a politician he becomes a miser able failure i j a gang of horso thieves are evidently infesting lialton and peel perhaps all the constat les have been vac cinated and cant catch anything erin a inocaic we presume it i s sawhoiises our 1 rin friend is dreaming o i the alise aiid satche factory is rushed witii orders j the stiff has been reenforced during the week by two experi enced work nen one from new ark n j the other from toronto j this is n continually growing ha iness j oar sy npathies arej exteiided to mr- w ireland puhlishel of tthe ivorth star parry sour d whose only son a promising lit uo fellow ef eight years of ae died last week from he effects of that dreaded dis ease- diphtheria noways improve the kiig evenings many a yo ith has risen from the low vales of human life to the summit of human affairs by j atient endeavor during the long winter eve lings a course at the night school would be beneficial i i i the tc wnship council are arranging with the pi operty owners along the road from nickl nstnill tio the first line for the erection of wire fences to endeavor if pos- aible to overcome the difficuity caused by drifting snow duringjthe winter season we arc very pleased to le able to say that hallo f en was observed with quiet ness and g od order lastj sat irday night we hope il was an earnest oi what future anniversar es will be it was a contrast to past yean creditable to our funloving ypnths i j the man who prefers a city weekly to a home pa xr reminds us of the country man who picked out the laigest pair of boots in the box because they cost no more than the snuller pair that fitted him sub scribe for the iliee pijess and afterwards the cityjwiekly if you can afirard it the we r which ire principally ijojcal and all i interesting violated the scott act 3 b kiig of oakyille wasfined50 and 913q0 costs for violation of ipe scott act is the first cted outside bfj iirl satisfaction guaranteed at the mptro politan photo studio atctoui will j always be courteously received at oakville last week tint case of contravention cohvi the hotels in oakville iniumkrit telephone extensions the nev telephone lines betjween london st maryi stratford mitchell beaforth clinton ai d goderidh apd the line from j stratford o berlin and guelph via new hamburg and baden are finished aud will be open fo business this wee prepare t pay your taxes i the ta collector has ocimmenced his rounds ve hope our citizens will be pre pared to pay the amounts du s if not upon first call i i reasonable time thereafter all should remember that mr smith is no way respc nsible f or the rat a of taxation his duty s to collect the amount dtte from rajte yer i five hun ired sore arms an d big heads while iu conversation witi dr lowrys few days ago our reporter aiiked him how many persons he had vaic cinated lately he replie 1 that since the sm tirpox epidem ic had been brought prop linen tly before public no ice he hod vaccinated upwards of 500 persons wonder how many came to thecohclision never no never to be vac cinated again j r talmage 3 lecture be soliism by bev david kogers lilsa craig tho olobe saj s of its delivery ill toronto by mr sogers i short time ago4 it was avow edly are production of dr tajmages popu lar lectt re his style and phraseology were faithfully portrayed and the audience manifested their appreciation be frequent applause i about tc hemqvejhence we uc derstad that dr h e webster is shortl r to remove from acton and that be will i icate in collingwbod j in the latter town he will have a much wider field for the prac ice of his profession and many more opportui ities for extendiug his usefulness during i he year and a half he has been a resident of actonj the dr has by bis affable manuer and geniality won for himself a large cir sle of friends we hope that the success vhich has attended his labors in acton will be fully realized iucblllngwood and we lave no doubt it will 4 mel ropolitan studio acton turns out first olai a work ai moderate prices yot can secure just aa gopd a photo- graghathe metropolitan studio actou on a du 1 day as orra origl t one as we use the uew lightning process which requires only a fraction of a secouij for exposure respecting talrii ages lecture on inger- lism to be reproduced in the town hall k bntevuiament by tiw orpheus society t4 reeentlyorgi aiaed orphta boo ety will jive an enterti inment of knew mii at trao ive oharacter n the town ballon t teg- day fyeuing 17th itist tljoentertainji ent will consist ot vocai ail inbtmuiental nu- sio oliofusea selejitioim from the 6 lera nofitt and other attractions i oe- tumfes representative ot the various oha rao- ten presented willjbe worn by the periorm- ers the affair will bo quite u departure fron i the usual concerts and entertainmi nts full particulars will be given to the pi blic during the week mot erh exhibitions t 10 farmer advocate which by tho way j is opposed to introducing horse rabiug and oircus performances into the fall f iirs conl ained an illustration entitled mb lorn agr cultural exhibition which show a oirois riug with the usual acoompaniu euta ai robats clowns trapezo performances ao with a balloon ascension feniale il rass ban i and other attractions of tho tamo son going on outride your after year these exhibitions are drifting mto eluws in v hioh amusement constitutes a if rger clement than tho improvement of stocl indian relics found in nelson the other day mr george twiss tame uio i a curious find on lot 14 2nd onv nel ion near kilbride he had just di awn a huge pino stump and was astbuishel to see imong the roots three skeletons of ndi- ans a further search revealed a cotij lo of hniipae and curiously mounted pipes i arv- cd irooks and other relics of the deads tori- gin6s it is quite clear that these in liahs must have been buried there for a long time and that the pine treo had grown over hem since the f uueral oration if there war one rwas pronounced over their ashes fllilton sh j creditably executed i we have received from tho office b the milton sun a full sheet poster setting forth the excellencies of the hun it is very neatly and creditably engraved aud pi in ted and reflects credit upon the office it is printed in colore jind represents the pi pcrs newsboy holding up a copy of the sun with the refulgent rays of the orb of the scrlar system cast over the scene we 11 put cither of oir carrier boys against tli one exhibited by the sun for general good looks however and back theni up with our last picayune that theyll take the johnny cake in the competition the night school opfened i the inaugural session of the night shobl referred to in last issne of the fuer 3 was held in the school room in the town hall on tuesday evening the attendance was very satisfactory and a large- cl iss of young men has been formed eaclijierson seems anxioae to improve his mental facul ties and fully realizes the benefits to i ecru u frcm a pirsistent course of study under the su ervision of a sound and practical each- er mr moore the teacher will take spicial paips in imparting all possille in struction to thoso attending the class we lo kfof results satisfactory to all cone rned a fortune made by advertising one of philadelphias men of hark is frank siddall he has attained conspici- ou s and magnificent success hes udied th s art of advertising and advertised 1 oldly juihciodsly and liberally four yeas ago he began the business which has led to bis present ample fortune in that time he has put nearly half a milhou dollar s into- advertisiug frank siddall attributes his supcess to jtlic fact that he has stuck to the o 1 4v ntiwspaperb rejecting theater prograhimes hand bills aud citculars aud all tbiii class of illegitimate advertising which in con siders throwing away money nor las he spent his money tii feuccsmleariiig or rock- defacing which he regards as equally wasteful th jiiurnaunt the art interchange the art iuteijchange of noveniler uth contains as an extra supplement a be lutiful colored piste 13xl0of auautlimulatdscape entitled l anovpiiikit srcnv lua lditiou there are a bold and excellent de sign of gijapes for idecojrating poitiere in dining room f a good study of a mouutec horse- man by detaillej an embroidery de ligu for outlining on window shades a bh ikeerry design for painting on mirror f rait e and a japanesque design for oyster sou plate a pretty bketchj called yes siows a rdaideii and her lover discussing he old old story the text includes an ar iclo on artistic house furnishing instraclion in painting and embroidering booki eviews literary chat art notes and news irake up am attractive paper price 20 cents pub lished by william whitlock 37 j west 22nd street new york death of one of actons pioneers on saturday morning last ateleg am was received by friends here announdrng the death of mr miller hemstreet at his resi dence in cleveland ohio at the extreme age of 85 years the old residents f acton will well remenber mr hemstr iet he was a man of sterling qualities itlways a kind and obliging neighbor and friend and he died a consistent christian in ft ll assur ance of a blessed immortality mr hem street was one of the first residents if acton in fact was a resident before acton received its name forty rfive years ago ho opened the first grocery inthis place an d set up tl e first signpost oh which was nscribed jdanville grocery by miller hemstreet four years afterwards the place vas given- a postoffice and on moticn of the late robert swan the name wis changed to acton mr fiemstreet is the firs brother in a large family whose death is accredited two brothers of the family went 1 o the far west many years agobut whethei living or hot the family are now unaware deceased was brother of messrs william emstreet of acton bicnard hemstreet f trafal gar philiphemstreet of peck i tich well known to our citizens and was grandmicle jof the editor of this journal h leaves a wifeand two sons all residing in cleveland jto mourn the loss of a kind and a fectionate ihusband anql father r english and oanadiin suiting clothing scotch- gea5 varielty at the east end tore j fyfiacton for tlie best grades of stone and roller flour of all kinds leave your orders at l g matthewis bakery the metropolitan studio acton is c w hills old bland under new m magement he made it a point to turn on t first class work only tho present propri stor is pre i pared to sustain hie reputat on of the studio nmcjabvlks nmjlal viks kncabvlla nmaarvlk ft kmoal vinb hlf nihgarvin8 n moavims wm nmqarvins nvmoa abvis is is 18 ib 18 ko jalht8 olh aitd varnishes prepared palnta turpentine uk coal oil coal oil wb fine fan oy goods staltwnory 1- for 8choolbcok8 reliable ru9 ac mogaf yins dmimarid stalioheny stor acton ofst n huarvinb nmuakvln8 nmoarvjas xmgahv jns nmoal ivins nsfgarvh 8 nmgarv1ns nmcaltvins nrmgabvillft smoarfjnsnmgatvins nhgaviirs t e r bollert i importer of dry goods 27 lower wyridliam st it it it it it it it- new l -ii- i wv j jc our mill1ite21y opening this wbe f st 2n and 3rd october the otiobkit uth 1s85 always please look formy advertise ment in this space you will ee no boastful bombast but candid statement of valuable and interestingfacts my miiuneuv dkputtmhstis won derfully attractive just now it is- at its best as nil the novelties are in and tho stock is very large lady readers are cordially iuviied to see our display j t e r bollert jus english gold gem rings klegaut mastles and utsters in ladies and childrens sizes in cloth siik and velvet from alowpriced garmentl to the most cosily goods lt dies asthuean mantles in splen did value p e r bollert iwe are doing a big trade in dress ciions and show a really attractive stick the ditesssiakisq depabt- ment jnderthe management of miss jctknstou is increasing in popularity e r bollert goods opened fine gold brooch earrings fine coljid brooche8 ilc reljy selected personally while in england b savage meus overcoats all ourown make boys overcoat all bur own make the ordered clothikg dkpartmkkt offers jreat attractions our stock of fine bumses overcoatikos tuou- sbriktisetc is well worthyof your oppection e r bollert youslionld 8ecthe splendid goods offer in ladies seamless merino aid lambswool ukdeftctotiline t ie sale of this special superior make is confined u me they are the best gfods offered to the public- e r bollert mens aud boys rnueiiclotinsaai all prices and value that can be had ill the trade e r bollert also just received a full line of lvdies iml okts nin- fiqons in peiisiak iamb seal and astltachan see tliembefore you buy j come and sec nie my sjore is at- tractive my stock large py prices low ufy- clerks atteutivevnd every t sature of the dry gpcdsjtraiilo receives s lecial attenttoii eg i sell cheap for cishouly e r bollert importer c 2t lower wsrndharrj street guelph ontario first cotjkse of uuderthe ausinces of the lkdies aid society of the meth dist church c0elph vanttd wanted a br8ident agent invery village tot n and city in the dominion also a few travelle rs to sell our new air uas ma- chlnes for making air gas so per cent ipheaper than coal equallyls booi so are or power re- from 15 burners to 1000 or private homes jstqreshotels factories mills uired mao lnfl streets mines to oasiniaji an 15lv jjpnt fail is choicest stocks of millinery fang bryg i lo- to see one of the mdm mm v h and cds special lin1s wo have 100 misses sailw velvet for 30 cents eaoh regular value for these gdods are 45 cents we have 6b blaok ostrioh plumes fori 75 cents eaoh k reulp value lor these goods are 250 place our orders early ias e are already crowded ith wcrk everybody anxious to sduress gas machine mo co 115 t francois xayier st all covered hati secure seems to bi ithe choice noveltiies come scarce as the season advances areriespectfully invited mont bealp q the rashioxale west end cuelph rjey david rogers allea oraljg will reproduce tannages celebrated lecture on ilsf0ees6llism is ths- townj hall acton j tliursday evening i2th nov thanksgiying pay he avhi be followed as bplpw ilevwc hendebsox ha st marys lex- p resident ot tbe london conference tuest ay a th november bubject ton days in itoni on with notes by the way bev john shaw toronto exfresident of the toronto conference tuesday 8th deceinlx r lbibjewcharac6eri6tlciof theage i mb james l hdghestoronto inspector pab- lio schoolsmonday 2lt december subj ct soptrbom humor p8 should it become necessary to obabgo i flates dhe notice wll be given is and otherwise proceeab in sjd of the ehflrch debt fyckhiifortatih lecture 2ceit poors open at 7 pm chair taken at8 riw d mmna ft ecop won -00- bucham cd -00- t 3 sicbi m ctb 7 abtbm we have pleasure in stati ug that our stock for the seasons trade surpasses in extensive vai iej- ty and choice selection anyth ug we have ever formerly laid bef ire our customers bucham co silks satins mid velve in this department no house here can successfully corny ete with us in point of variety real sterling value and downri ght cheapnesjj ladies who an in the habit of buying elsewhere are not aware of the inducements wo offer in this department to pur chasers inspection invited blfcham cq s l dress goods tbis department is a large one with us and always preseriis a choice of really desirable goods to select froni seldom met with ven in the largest cities ladies will do well before uy ing to visit our i i establishn ent and look through compare pi ices bucham pecks stjm milwaukee wis ojb o- vt e qbe editorarjd proprietor the funniest paper in americi what vacctnation is to smallpoxi pechb wnis to theblues pecxs sun- hone af- die moat widely read aid popuvxr- imperii in the country todayrajd ttandf tpitliout a j j wer in us specialty the onginait or the celebrated l bad bo y papeitl i specimen icopib free ti any address bear in mind that by sending a pos al card to this office a sample wipy of peck 8 sunwill be maiiledyon ipree dont negleot to send at once and t all your neighbors to 1 worth of fun for c address george l iorjv buiriuesb manager ilwaukee wjiii exgelsiqr having purchased tlie abofje bak iry froinmbd maki bjoe to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it thanhahg- them for past favors i rill- endeavor ta attend to cobtomere prpmjtly and obligingly and trust that they irili me and all extend to us their patronage i use nothing but the best roller fh nr and keep jinstook f reshbreadj bunsc every djiy also steam bread l jjakes df ajliib new t6rfc tea biscuits soda and oatmeal scones i on hand or made iorfer at shortest notice i pasbionable weet end pfreaf x wedding qes a sp0ojaff biscuits and oonfeotiohery of all k icing sugar ginger snaps boston cakefi wholesale flour surtr ftadbg takoa ta sl row at mukrt ertott t stathairl tb t am ekic4n xf08iti and california with 8torwyer atasldwratesag byan and winter eseurrfoii bolder rates and a hfory ooakblete tjviiphleiattll points ftdm aseribafc jpio5bnl ginrtlw a jk tten kisii vv mta l 5j sh3 i 1 1v j h m ii im i m u im cm i-