gimfiifii v s- lra ley w- vuipm kso tm jsm m j gtlflpl 3ncslj 8 voyre xino 21 s fcblhhkd- kyeuy thursday morning t thi f5he press power printing h0u8e acton ontario aiitoua tjpui viui 43 pm mw j- postorii rtl kit w plh tti s-k- i 50 pni i- 40au1 ion 1 r 54 pjiv 15 isoild 53plsi 0 line subscription rates txk viak f10a six m0xt11s 50 its tmtkk months sbcts 1 nvaruibly iimlvanco h not jinvu in mlvaucu s 125 p year will ixs oihuviki no paper lineon- tiiimd till nil arrears are paid except at tho optlou of the publisher advertising rates slalk oue column half column quarter coluinu olio tuch 1 vn 10 mo i sg000 1 3500 i ofl l sssa ii00 600 350 l mo 1 1 mo s20uo 1200 700 800 700 s50 250 100 tarual advertisements 8 esnts per hue foi the tirstjnsertiou audi ceutsptr hue for each sub- sqlpveut insertion cash the number of lines wckovjofl by the space occupied measured bv a kalo df solid kotijarcil advertisements- without specific directions will be inserted till lorbid and charged nccord- iuiily transitory advertisements must bo paid iu- advance chausesfor couiract advertisements must bo iu the office by ofaui on mondays otherwise thev will be left ovpr until the following week h p moobel kditor and proprietor lelfh water ues alices and ami wctiiiiiijj pictures t- iduc ttuni ilth business directory 7 h lowry m b m cp s tv graduate of trinity collejej mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton i e stagey md cm fellow of vi trinity medical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons okikt milljstreet late dr websters office acton storey acton actcm ontario thursday banking 00 christie co ibanjies- i ontario a qtixmal hanking business txansagjied honey i0a1tsd on approved notes notes diejooimjted and interest allowed on deposits j e special agency aotoa qui sell telephone company messages received and transmitted at lower allan m rates than telegraphing line steamships tickets issued to all joints of great britain e lowesi and tlie contiieut at very ratesi buy the tickets here if sending for friends t l bennett lds dentist jlft georgetown ontario ac mckinlay l d s surgeon dehtistgeorgetown ont uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without paim having been demoi strator and practical teacher in royal cortege of dental surgeons toronto pat- roils may depend upon receiving satisfaction iu aivy operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each iiouth office agnews hotel lux tbeat- f eria dizfi- by the itentel feenltins in sua death of power ul spenna- the brain u box con- llar a boi mail pre- fee six bases received by five dollars ofuaraatee ct does not bv iohs 1 imprest kmcgartin to tainiess dental operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for piiiujess dental operations at the office of j cb hayes l d s tweus block guelpliont upper wyncihamstreet biggs ivory dentists south east corner king awl yonge streets toronto ontario fiuest and best set teeth so to 8 gold filljugs onethird rates leave order for teethj iu the morn- injj can have them the same day we haveieen administering kurds vitalized air for the painless extracting of teeth dur ing the past yar regardless of what others may say t h ohn lawson graduate opon- tario veferinary college toronbo vemriuary sorgeou actohont ornce in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls nijjht or dayromptly attend ed to terms easv r ttttleailis- mcmiui- barristers solicitors notaries couvey- aucersdc ibprivate funds to lioau okiicei town hall acton wm a mcliiax hrrii mcmillak c1hllton allan abajrd barristers solicitors ac toimbcto vxi geohgetowx oiris creelmans block georgetown and 80 king street eastrtoronto j w t viiax j skiltos nix j caij1i ua ainlajldiaaw ico baiiistiis it solicitous omck oyer imperial baxik 24 wel lington street east entrance excliange alley toronto joiix baixj q c c a mastex williaji lmduuv geoiuje ikaipulk canadian pacific r r i the cheapest uud best route to ajl poiuts- east and west see time tables h01107i saved toy dealing with j e mcgaevin acton j j ontario qubbecsst gublfh john h hamilton profribto 1 formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer 111 marblej granite pertaining received first hibition guelph i prizes at and superiority orders are solicited and evervthiug i885b0unij v0lumesi88i british workman band of hope cottager and artizan childs own magazine friendly visitor little wide aake kew pioture books bright and new i to cemeierv work provincial ex- the western fair and all local exhibitions lor excellence of material of workmanship your lumber the undoriisned that he btocb a full other kinds class piiie s coal and lath shingles jdesires to has now on ham ine of pino and of lumber alsoi lingiesl lath inform the public and wfll keep in hemlock as well as firstaudi second wood having pi rchasqd tho coal s smith i i im prepared to b stove coal i have also a gq hardwood ashcodar and m ablo prices wood and coal plan business of mr c lpply all finds of oci stock ofjwood wood at reason- delivered i jamesbrown b ii mill ing r cronw d patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa cisxiu i- jo years practice no patetit no pay vtm hemstreet fxiicexsen accrioxeki for the counties of wellington audhaltou orders left at the fuek piess qfrice acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable i money to loan j also money to loan on the most favor able terms ahtl at the lowest rates of in terest iu sums of 9500 and upward itobfcu ished anew cells eele ratjicaland 1 medicine of jical incajiac- c resoltiiu onijftceiit jioiiratiieek- ituirty years fousequejicei irdaageroui rtf theknjfer i mhiple cer- iwjiich every ition inay be lid radically l pt every ai ge knowles j a murray i licensed auctioneers for the counties of halton and wellington orders left with james matthews acton will receive strict attention terms reasonable having made arrangements with me isra v h st ey scnj for the continnau eof tlieplauiiiijjcillin tile build ing formaly occupied ly the actjm plow company we would iufoim the public that we are prepared to take contiiacts for building i also i dressing flooring shfetiitq m0uldiwc c j weth neatness akd dispatch pumffs fump incont ectioi with the above wejare also prepared o reds lve order for pumpp from long expe ience in the business we feel con fident thf t we can supply an article second to none ordcn bymail ill receive prompt attention i kindly soliciting a share lof public pat ronage vi earej espectful ly yours tliok ebbatie manaser tiuelpil business college tario the con guepii on olastic year tber 1st each de partment is in jqhargeo a specialist to iecojsd sci mencsd septen john day architect gtiiiji ost ofhi queens hotel block market sfjuare john j daley successor to thompson jackson money to loan on farnv property at 0 per cent 1 mortgages purchased money loaned for jparties iu mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low faimbaud city property for sale list with farms for salejjent to all parts of tho dominion jto inteudnig purchasers and cir culated ial europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario illbejsent di rections tprough our european agencies farms wauted for our lists correapon- dence invited office liear ithe post office gnelph opt y ii impart e practical graining for theefficient conduct of briainess affairs is the sphere and wot of the institution ltsgraduates are alrei dy holding responsible positions in the commercial centres in the dominion energet c young men and women are thor oughly jrepan dfor positions as bookkeep ers shirtharil writer correspondents or teleg raph c perators students received at any lime for circ liar and- catalogue giving full information address m ilyccorjmck 146m principal huviiig autre farmers ind others cripiiled horses will do well to j call on ceo stoddard who is prepared to remove rinppones spavins i curb and splints without injuring tbe horse j siilie faction guaranteed or no clijirge i geo stoddaed h anlan barber shop es rjuhltft j p wordein has optagc d a barber shop in the building nearly op osite storeys bid jglevc factory mill street acton and solicits the patron age of the public in thi wcinity every departmei t of the business vill be conduct ed in first cjass styje give us apaju jpwbden cree tmbancis successor to t si georges acct uiit b xm of al kiuds made to order boniid hs oil stand actco nunan bookbinder periodicals fvery p chapman at- days cuelph day sells cheap ecelsior bakery actoni having purchased the above bakery from mr d mass i hope to giv satisfaction to the numerous customers whp patronize it thanking them for past favors 1 jvill eudeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one anfl all extend to us their patronage i use nothing jiut the best roller floti and keep it in stpek fresh bread buns c every da also steam bread 1 cakes of ajl kinds new york tea biscuits soda and oatpieal scones on hand or made to okder at shortest notite tiiunsbayimonnino novemuknlo 1885 poetry when jaok ib itall and twenty when jackis tall and twenty we know what- jack will do with girls so awpet and plenty hell find liimjoue to woo and soon the overs twilight will hear a story told and jack will die or fly sky high for sake of hoar and gold i harkeu jack and heod ime ponder what t say 1 tis fools arc sold for looks of gold for gold will turn to jgvey j but jack if truth be spokeu is simple ijackuo more if gold his heart has broken tip scarcb tliogqld of yore- ho wots of dower for daughters not all in- ringlets rolld to beauty steeledhis heartwill yield to stamped and minted gold harketi jack and heed me ponder what i say 1 t if gold hath wings as poets sihg 1 then gold may fleet away when jack gets forth a- wooing if jack has heart or head and would not soon be rueiug the hoorsthat saw him wed ho will uqtjpino for graces nor crihgje for health to hold but btrivo and fare by service jf air to win a heart of gold f haiket jack and heed ine i ponder what i say 1 the gear will fly tho bloom will die but lovo will last for aye que story wedding cakfes a speciality f p biscuits and confectionery of all kiuls icing sugar giiiger snaps boston mied cakes wholesale flour j batter a eggs taoa iu exchaago for bread at market prices mrs t statham hills tin stove depot good assortment of stoves cheap for cash tinware of all ktnds jvt bottom prices eavelroughing a specialty anl put up on notice shortest first class material ony 1 used a call solicited pereverafslck stranger to canada i think you said first visit to ontario welly you are heartily welcome to indian creek take a chair on the piazza till dinner is ready we dine early in these new world parts i j fine farm well yes indian creek is a nice place if i do own it all as far as you can see grass lands com fields woods and creeks all belong to it stock too they call it the best stock farin in ontario i belieye and ijdare say theyre right all mine and yet i came to canada twelve- years ago without theadditionalhalfcrown in my trousers pocket yon look surprised would you like to hear the story theres a good half hour to dinner tiine yet and its a story i never tire telling someow i i beganlife as the son of ayillage carpen ter in the south of england you know that class ipretty well i ddrel say and what n gulf was fixed between me and the vicar of the parish and yet and yet from the time she was seven years old and i eleven and she foil down in the dus ty road ontside the carpenters shop and cri j1 audi picked her up and smoothed the ittle crumpled pinafore and kissed tbe dt at out of hei golden curls i iotcci bnt one girl in the k isrovemper 19 1885 that was all finished i took the fin it ship far liverpool ten years build a city over here it oesnt make much chance in a devonshire illage the very gates were still talf off i heir hinges as i left them only thf people uere a littio older and a trifle more stupid i nd there was a new vicar oldmri brars- ome had been dead six months did very eor they told me there was nothing left or miss winni 5 my jheart gave onu great eap when i heard that and miss v inhie h she had gone governessing with some eoplo who were just off to canada and the i hip sailed tomorrow from liverpool the liverpool express never seemed to irawl so slowly before i got there to find ivery berth taken on board the antarctic ihd the captain raging t the non-appear- mce of twoofliibcrety without a seconds muse i offered for one of the vacant places was as strong as a horse and active enough md though the captain eyed me rather ask- tnce i had been to a west end tailor on ny way through london he was too glad o get me to ask any questions so i sailed mi the ship with my girl little as shle knew t i saw her the first day or so loojung so mle and thin that she was like the ghost of lier old self and yet sweeter to niyeyes than ever before the children she had charge of were troublesome little creatures who worried and badgered jher till l longed to cuff them well but there was a gentle- we hold out w her i were vye 7 how loup would the ship be iefore she broke up would it b 3 by drowning or by freezing we asked ourselves iheses questions again and again jbut there was no answer death stared us iftthe iact wil beferaedt live ages of agolny in evey rnihute antjuyetj will yonbelieve me hat pll seemedl little in comparison to the thought that after all the struggles and soi rows after all those ten long weary yean i i held my girl jinm arms at last price tf jare e cekts she hod around my pulled cm corner of the nefck i stood oil a level ju tt be- cloak low her aad her ha id laythera with it it was the hand that warmed me riiorp than the cloak- and her cheektested against my own oftn i i thought its coldness wasthe coldness of death and almost exnlted in the thought that ye would die together and then i would i tch the murmur of the prayers bhe was uttering for us both and knew tlfatj life was s ill hers and hope lived jjtoo i i 1 well ye why ihould i dwell oil such horrors except to thank the mercy that brought uk throrigh 1 hem all day dawned at last aijd there was the shore near by aud soon rackets werefii ed and ropes secured and one by one the halfdead living were drawn from their a vful suspension between the sky and sen au handed safely on shore they had to takewiuherand me together just as w were ani even then they had 10 cun tnem wen uui tuere was agenue- i t ness and patience about her quite new to hard work to undo he clasp of my stiffened t j o hillmhi j guelph loth hall square ltol rig eath and promptly dphe guelph ontario description carefully mcraes ukderclothtn mens shlrta and drawers all sires boys shirts and drawers all sizes childrens combination ets i all sizes g shawcrundy mrehant tailor out iph world and that was the vicars daughter winnie branscome madness youll say well perhaps so and yet a man i3 but a man and a womai a woman and love conies whatever om may do theres no class d stinction rccog nized by childhood and we were playmate i and friends till she wenttoloardicgschool if miss winnie had had a mother no doub things wonld have been very different bu we were alike in never hnving known i mothers care and the old vicar was blind to everything but his theological treatise but when she came back fromher londo i boardingschool a beautiful young lady al i smiles and laces apd little lovely ways the i i knew- i had tried my best to study aii 1 work land make myself- more like the me i shewould meet bnt what can a lad in a l english village do i had lust enough edi catioii to make every other ladin the place hate tno aiid beside the men of her world i cut rather an astonishing figurel yet tl e love of her was so far beyo id alllelse in m that mad7 hopeless aslfdt it i had io power over myself and 1 he firt time i caught her alone in the woods ihe avoidi d me i saw and i had to wktch iiy chan le l tcld her tho whole story audtwaitedf r her answer she grew scarleta rush f color that dyed her fair sweet jiacc th n deathly pale dick alie said and slie was trembli lg from head to foot you k lowljb can uev r never be you know you are wrong eyeii to dream of 8ucha thing some girls wot id think it an insult but i know yjou bette r but if my father heard of tliis lid would s ty you had abused his kiudiiese toj you lie would never forgive you forget your madness and she ran away from me i let her go i had seen the blush aad tremor and i guessed that if i had been jlr loftus the young stjuire inbtead of dick hawtry thje carpenter son her answer might havt been different a gr at resolve spiang up in my soul and i tool a solemn vow in- those june woods thai very inght i sold the old sliop my fatlier was dead aud i had taken to tlie busine is and with the monpy itwughtaii outfit i hd started straight forcauadai iiwas pretty tough at firstj bul i worked lijte a gal ley b starved and pinched and saved i aid never spent a penjiy onjthybelf except for the books i sat up naif tlie night to rjad arid study wefl in this country tlie man who wc rks and doesnt drinkl is sure to get on ar i i- had a mighty purpose in my head by id by i bought sbme land dirt- ohejip and wld it for three times what i gave for it t aen i began to make nonoy last 1 should call my luck wonder ill if i beiieyeairiluck find diant pref er to think that i was held 1 y a power greater than my bwn jat last ten years to the yy day after i setfooion creek firm se all the my idea of miss winnieand i only loved her the more for it after the second day out the wind freshened and i saw l o more of her we had an awful passage it was late in november an i early winter and the cold was intense it blew one continuous gale and some of our machinery was broken the screw damaged and we could i not keep our course as we drew near the other side of the atlantic we got more and moro out of our bearings and at last the fogs told us vfe were somewhere off the banks of newfoundland but where no one was quite sure it seemed to me it had all happened before or i had read itor dreamed it at all events it was hardly- a surprise to me when on the ninth mghtafter mid night he awful ctash and shock took place a sensation which no one who has not felt it can imagine in the least and we knew that the antarctic had struck itb a fearful thing if you come tp think of it a great steamer filled with living souls in tlie full flow of life and health and in one moment the call coming to eachone of them to die before you could have struck a match the whole shipwasinapanicj cries terror confusion agony oh it was awful i trust never to see such a scene again i made my way through it all as if t had neither eyes nor ears and got to the state room i had long ago found out was tlie one which belonged to my girl i knocked at the door with a heavy hand even at that awful moment a thrill ran through toe at the thought of standing face to facewith her ogain winnie i cried come out i make haste there is not a moment to lose the door opened as i spoke and she stood just within ready dressed even to her little black cap the cabin light had arms about her i knew nothing then nor for a long timeafte and it was wonderful thatwiuiiie was tlie first to recovpr and that it was she wh fiursed me hack to life and how did i abk her to marry ine upon my word nov you askiti cant re member that i e er did that jseemed utterly niuiecessar somehow caste dis tinctions look small enough wheu ypu have jbialousypen the choir silveryr rated liiythbated starrjeyed arid gi ldenhaired charmi lg anna thesopaho all the singers hei rts ensnared lpngthe tenor i sought to win her sought tolwinherpor his bride and the basso loved tlie lass so day and night for her he sighed thede of the to the basso frigii i aiidth as he mashed of coursej grew frigid too 1 anna smiled on both whch piled on to their mutual hatred fuel so win her 1 bais aad tenor i swore theyd fighi a vocal duel shriektjd the tenor xike a vennor cytlone howling ofer the plain sang so high to outvie i the bass he split his head in twain growled the basso tillhe wasso bw to hear him was a treat lower still he wentuntilhe split the soles of both his feet charniihg anna the sobrauo mourned a week for both her fehows then she wed the man who fed the wind into the organ bellows 3 been staring death in the face for a few been left burning by the doctors orders aud it fell full onj me as i stood there in my sailors jersey and cap i woidered if she wouldknow me i forgot the danger we were iu forgot that death was waiting close at hand forgot that the world held anyone but just her and me j tickshecriedoh dick dick and she fell forward in a dead faint on my shoulder i ah my senses- came back tlien and i threw her over my arm and ran for the deck a great furlined cloak had been dropped by the door of the ladies cabin there was no light but i stunabled over it as i ran t hastily snatched it up and car- ried it with me up above all was hr the wildest choas the boats overfilled and pushing off the ship settling rapidly people shouting cry ing swearing i one bears tales of calmness and courage often enough at such times which makes one heart glow as one roads them but there was riot much heroism shown in the wreck of the avtaixtic tho captain behaved splendidly and so did some of the passengers but tho majority of thorn and the crew were mad with terror and lost their heads altogether i saw there was not a chance for the over crowded boats in that sea and 1 sprang for the rigging i was not a second too soon a score of others followed my example and with my precious burden i should riot have had a chance two minutes later 1 as it was i scrambled to the topmast- and a firm hold there winnie was just coming to herself i had wrapped her round like a baby in the fur cloak andwithmy teeth i opened iny knife to cut a rope vfnich hung loose within reach iwith this i lashed her to me and fastened i s both to the opmast the ship sank gradt ally she did not keel hoursi and words were not much needed when we had been together in the rigging that uight some low i was glad it was so glad my girl had taken me iutny cap and jersey for a ommou sailor and yet loved the bid dick through it all glad she never dreamed i was owner of indiancreok farm aui the richest mail in that j part of ontario and had wealth and position higher than mr ljftus the young squire at home the people she was with had all gone down on that awful night she had no one iu the w rid bat me we yyere married at montreal the captain of the lier away and then i to indian creek to see saw the rocking chair and the thimble antarctic gave brought her home lier facewhen she and the work bisket heaven bless lier- there she come i with her baby on her shoulders corns into dinner friend and you shall see the uweetest wife in the new country or the old the girl i won amid the oceans surges kct and coin art to 1 he siitfcrluc browns houiehbldl panacea- has no equal for relievin i pain both internal and external itcun s pain in tbe side back or bowels sor throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind- of a pain or ache it will niost surely quick en the blond and heal ah its acting power i8 browifs household pan- acea being acknowledged as tlie great pain reliever aid of double the strencth of iauy other elixir 1 or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted 1 as it really is the best remedy in the rv orld for cramps in the stomach aud pn ins and aches of all kinds and isfor sale by all druggists at 25 cents boitie h over or i should lot be telling you the canadian soil i pxiught indian and began to build tvishpilw neighbors thought iny ood fortune had turned my brain for i fitted it up and fur nished it for ahdy dow tx ahttleroc ting chair by my stuly table an i a work basket with a wriy gold thiuibie ijj aud v hcu n itl stoty now she settled down jusi her deck above water but thf great beas washed over it every second anji swept it clean the boats hod gone one or twoof thejerow ifloati ig on spars were picked vipaflerwards jnamore the rigging yea pretty ful at least ill the upper part down below ithe iiea was too strong f he captain was near glad to think he had been savad not a coward like some of the ohe how long was the longest night knew multiply that by f000- will have some idea of that trig t v if mti i felt he was rs youyer and you length the cold was awful the bpray froze on the sheets where it fell the yajrds were blippery with ice i stamped 3nwinnies feet to keep them from freezing did yon notice thai i limp a little i el all walk lame as long as i live som tir les there was a splash in the black watiir selow as some poor fellows btfeneaiiollrdaxed and he fejl from his place in thu rigging there wasnot a breath jof wi udnotliiiig bat the bitter bitter fog how long could hollowaifi ointment and pills- diseases and casualties incidental to youth- may be safely treated b the ise of these excellent medicaments ace ording to the priuted direc tions folded rour d each pot and box nor is this ointment alone applioable to exter nal ailments conjointly with the pillsit exercises the most salutary influence in checking subtle diseases situated in tlie in terior of the bodjy whenrubbed npon the back and chest it gives the most sensible relief in asthma bronchitis pleurisy and threatening consumption holloways reme dies are especially serviceable in liver and stomach complaints for the euro of bad legs all sorts of i wounds sores scrofulous ulcerations ana scorbutic affections this ointment produces a cooling and soothing effect inexpressibly grateful to the feelings the people of this country have spoken under the gallows frightful condemnation of a mother by her sonwhat does it mean not long ago a weeping mother called f o bid good bye toiler only son who was sooa to be executed woman he exclaimed in amomentaik frenzy woman i would never have bee n here had you done four duty by me whe n i was yourig j this was a tejrribli partiug it horrifu d the spectators it n arly crazed the oo i- sciencestrickenfmotlier v one can scarcely overestimate t ub f mothers influence in the moulding of t ie i character other offspring but how of ten oh how often do mothers seem to ignore this responsibility during a recent trip on the rail the writ er made the acquaintance of dr a j bei e- diet of sacketts htlrbor n y a persm who has made a study of human devele p- menti bef erring to the murderous teriden sy of the times we asketlthat eminent mar if the outlook was not discouraging j ltl0okssoiiesaid butj i fanqy ive have k cause and the remedy for such ev is in my professional career i have found by hard j study that we have emerged 6 m savagery by development of the nervras system and the intellectual life arid we return tosavagery as we ignore the fict that without the so id trustworthy nerv ua sybtem we cannot hope to save the rice boys stuff dimelnorels and the pistol if to theni the only respectably glorious insl ruv meutj to secure f am e women read tra ihy literature and straightway try tomuider tlieirj husbands- aad frilpda by poiion busiiuess men yie d to the- temper md forge and steal aid default ministers charmed by beauty forgot the behest 3 of cousciencer on every side we see the w ak- nessof personal integrity 1 do you regardjitas a disease more especially as the result of dis lose whioli however miay be prevented 1 please define jiow i i cannot now j enter into details our people can see tlieir bodies their bl xd their bones tltey never see itteu nene and lo not suppose tltey have s wife rejoices in a big and yet shoddies pr ma- e cannot stand the st rain the minister falls leud thoy declare jy their patronage of dr thomas eclectric oil that they believe it to be an article the of genuine merit adapted to the cure of rheumatism as well as re lieves the pains of fractures and disloca- tioffls externa injuries corns buttons piles and other maladies holloways c oni cure is the medicine to remove all kinqs of corns and warts and amall sum of twentyfive consequently many aiu the fartriei physical frame turely tjienen of ctiutiriuai work j only costs contst t atauuila s kt tkeatment perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been i chieved in modern medicine has been attaii ed by the dixon treatment for catarrh i utof 2000patients treated during the pa6 six months ully ninety per cent have been cared of this stubborn malady- tliif isuonejtho less startling when it isrerinmbeied- tliat not- five per cent of patien s presenting tjriiemselves to tlie regular- raotitioner are benefitted- while the pa nt medicines and other advertised ctres liever recorxl a cure at all starting with the- claim now generally belie ved by the most soietftifie men that the i liseose is due to ihe presence of living parat ites in the tissue mr dix on at once ad ip ted- his cure to their exter mination thij accomplished he claims the catarrh 1 1 pratically cored and the permanency ii uuquestouedras cureeffejjst- edby him fo r years ago are cures stall no one elseias ever attempted to cure catarrh iii thj s manner and no other treat merit has evei cured blatarrh 1 the itppu- oation of the remedy ib simple and can be done at hon e and ihe present season of the year is th i rriosf fivorable for a speedy and permanei it curej the majority of qases being oured as one ti eatment sufferers shbnld oorres udi wit i mesarsa h dix- os son 05 king stretet west toronto canada aud entjlose itarrip for tlieir treat- izeiougataei jton rcdlslarvv 17s2 in his pulpit but he never did a i ays physical work inhishfe the lawyer fi ints in the presence of the court and is si on a wreck or a corpse and yet the work is iierve works themariof affairs is over ame with apoplexy the politioiaii aud publ least with brights disease the mindtolthe untutored niau is fired b the explo ts of crime and he longs for such fame 1 hese peraous overwork ior overexoiteuhe uei vous system aqd this fact kills ordemori lias thein if all this be bo how would you r otity it then v- iletme tell yoa a few yenre igoi hada lady patient who wasn utter vi rk she was tie mother ot several chil jreri i she lost her mind aud imagined she was curped pf god she was a tarnaers wiffej and worked early and late i never saw a finer i specimen of physical wbmjii iioocl than she but she was a nervous w tclc 1 felia became bloodless had the very worst of female disorders and was in tha last stages of albtuninuria or brights di lejse this lajtter disease works particular taoio with the nervous system and pn fines insanity arid jdebpair sire was insar 6nd desperate and ifear tainted the blood of her offspring with these terrible tendehci bb x treated her for several years one i iy one the btarielard remedies of the schools failed but i finally cured her with warner i safe cure and she is today strong anc well yet thousands e f women like her every ye ir bring uworned and criminally- nohn- ed children into the world isitanj won- der that nervus diseases prevail and that the whole n loral sense is domov lized sbl ujv4 t x if j that remedj cure were generally oiedwe m itiii aid huvej stronger mothers ronger ildreh stronipsr men and wome a arid with perfect pu yslca1 and mental aealtii me woulddeifeftse aud society 1 e more ibuch candid opinions are arirew worth coneidering 1lforois hijudin innewxoritijj which ao0f persons tl nd oibco rewiri m rvti 3 h m