maglpt 4v fra joommemps hates for municipal honors ripen tbrot this period they will bo p lucked on tiie first monday in january the scott act wis sustained on tli b 12th in fredericton in tho vote on the repeal this is the third time fredericton has vot ed in favor of the act kkoisa nav tl the half brood 1 lador mado no speoc t oh without a struilo beat facjbd oal mxy ijovr leirllbuis kiel v8 hanged at twenty three minuteti ast lei bttliia morning he ho scaffold and died if uj thwais deficit this year in tho public acoouts of the town of mitobell of 326091 that is countiug the rate at 20 mills on the dollar it would require 26 mills to ineet expenditures f hotel keepers in bruce thiukf thajlthejr lines jare not cast iii pleasant places we heard one of them remark the other day that an hotel keeper in a scott aotrcouuty deserves to go to heaven port elgin times there is at present in fergus a journey man shoemaker who has been working iu halton of late he is looking for a job in an anti- soott act county s ho says he wout stay in halton where a man cannot get either beer or whiskey he says if any fellow believes the scott act does not pro- hibit he had better try haltou a while his opiniou is thavauy ouo who wants to drink whiskey ought to go dead ogaiuat the scott act fergm adnkale the senteuces to life imprisonment de creed by the canadian judge in ottawa against the eight well connected scoundrels for infamous assault upon two young women is pleasant reading especially where he assures them that had it not been for the jurors plea for mercy he would have sentenced them all to be hanged if the unitedstates and canada could be annex ed with a good supply of canadian law thrown in the united countries might have a model government detroit advertiser- 1 board ofr education a big batch of applies yoii3 for the vacant teachersb48 t three fortuhate in seyenty- three the board of educatidn met on monday eveningr j members alltiresent the applications of seventy- tpifee teachers applying for the vacaut situations in the three departments were placed upon the table there were twentythree forsecond thirtyseven for third and fourteen- for fourth moved by george hynds seconded by w h storey that miss hattie i jolley be reengaged teacher of the second depart ment at the same salary 9300 for the en suing year carried moved by w hr storey seconded by george hynds that miss annie mahaffy be for the third department of acton public school for the ensuing year at tho salary of 25d duties to begin after vifatian carried moved by j emcgfarvin seconded by f p brown that miejs lena dorlahd be engageehpr the fourth ttepartment for the year 1886 at the salary of 225 carried moved by georg hynds seconded by thos c moore- tnat the property coni- rnittee advertize for tenders for sawing 30 cords of four feet wdod carried board then adjourned vf u leberal temperance an antiscott tjnioti organized in milton byananuscottliecturer v an antiscott membership done the deed is ho died like u her walked caltnly to the midst of a uttered in the louis kiel is doad martyr brave to the last the scaffold aud in prayek breathed rather than intensity of its earfuestness tlie bolt was s ruugj and louis riel was precipitated ii toeternity during his lapt s behivior excited the pity and admiration of all he made no speech but occupied himself with spiritual matters was pale but selfpossessed his eyes rolled occasionally but his hands were not clenched like a person strongly excited that the uihappy man riohly merited the fate that lias overtaken him is not open to debate toe only reasonable palliative that could be offered by his friends for his conduct was his alleged insanity which i they never discovered until after he had 1 outraged ever law binding upon a good citizen louis riel man oct 23 al so much assurance itsnotbeconij with all jue dtenoe jat 4 ion sr i state ixmtftiy firmly heliov i that prooeodiugs against th corpora tioao cemetery dommitte i think tte latter will be instituted assoon as it is made a cemetery by aotual burial and i furthermore belioye that accounts for tho ttctioibof the cemetery committee but whetter tliero is or is not to be litigation i will h we iiothing toido with it until it is finally settled i ain not now responsible for tli 3 action of tho convmittou i am not going at this stage i the gumo to put my self ii a position of ljesponsihility by endbrs- ingtl eir atjtioiis uohseiiueiitly tun obligod for s if protcctioii to vote nay on all questions relative to the cemetery that arguujient in reference to the poor man etc is simply bosh and v ii p knows it 0 i am told that some of tho council lors object to tho council- acquiring the 1 acres j donated by dr mcgarvin on the ground that the ratepayers did not want it correct this time p b p i plead puiltv to that charge and i do not know any more valid reason that i could give for my objection it has been voted on and defeat ed twice i attended several meetings in tho town hall since and itt every meeting the majority was decidedly against securing the 10 acres 7 his douundrum suppose i offer to any jiersonvsuy 11 on the condition that as soon us he makes 1 and gives it to me he can have the other twelve ac is a poser that bangs banniger i must ajlniit the solemn and uncontrovertable fact i am hot djual to the occasion bond iu another at once 8 after acquiring tjiislaud the council went to work permit me to suggest it was the committee v to clear tip the landdx forwhich a bill of 910 was presented now sir does he mean to say there was only 510 spent onthe back portion i think he is concealing the facts i am possibly not so well posted as p b p but i us- sert on good authority that there was more and all accounts not in 9 he further says two of tho coun cillors objected to- that the 10 notwith standing they obtained the committee at lealst 880 worth of gravel therefore hav ing a clear gain of 70 now sir that is not a bad investment for a fact i only m i vij was born at st boniface 1844 he was president of theprpvisional government and leader of the insurrection at red river 1809 re turned to parliament for proveucher 1873 expelled in tie following year leader in the northwes revolt 188485 taken- pris oner near bat che may 15 1885 indicted for treasonf ilony july g found i guilty aug- 1st and entenced to be hanged sept 18th repred- three times until nov 16th 1885 wl enthe scuteiicc of death was carried out iu accordar cc with a codicil to lliel will pere am re within a few days will take the remains to st boniface cemetery where they w irbe deposited by the side of his-iather- his executor was a man named jack henderson w lo was a captive of riels iu 1 the rebelhon v tip was i of 1870 4 trus- a branch of the liberal temperance union- was organizeiliu milton last week after an address byj j gordon mowat tor- nv one of the gentlemen who is stumping the country for the purpose of opposing the passage of the scott act the following officers were elected hon president rev w j mackenzie president isaac cart- mer vicepresidentfe geo smith chas kneas and henry watson secretary a g nedhami treasurer d w campbell executive committee john duncanw j watson v chiaholin w panton j h beemer j a fraser and geo apdrews a special committee consisting of hon g c mckinsay w j watson w- panton 1 w- gabipbell j and d mcgibbon was appointed to draft a constitutiou ind by laws the platfdrm ofjhe union rsads as ing as if the jlouncil follows the object of this union shall be the practice by themembers of strict sobriety audits encouragement iu the com- inanity the discouragement of the use of distilled liquors as beverages the advocacy rnd support of legislation permitting the sale of fermented liquors and duly dis criminating against distilled spirits the securing of an effective system of inspection to prevent the adulteration of all alcoholic liquors and the j mutual improvement of its members the whole thinjg is in iteelf rather amus- ing and the pabio will look upon the organization as tlie consummation of a huge joke and the membersjhareof no doubt- consider it such it will bqbwved hat the membership is composed fetirely of gentlemen who are all open and pro nounced enemies of the scott act and many of them have exerted themselves to defeat its ends and again the platform laid down is nearly exactly the same as that of the ii rat temperance societies organized about century ago and which have ad vanced ovef- successive stages until the scott act just a step removed from pro hibition itself has been reached we fail to see the propriety if these men are as stated oxioos forj strict sobrietydf com mencing their mutual benefit temperanoe society away behind those of the by them considered worriout temperance societies existing why npt advance and take the plank of total prohibition at oncej there wonw really te some hope for the prac tice of strict aobripty and the mutial im- provemeat of its members you capsfic graghatth on adnifeyas newtightmng only a fraction of just w good a ipolitarj studio a bright one as which i photo inton we use a second for exposure iuires wish 1 p bp was our fiuaucc minister and rould run iir imtnicipal machine on that i lasis we would not have 22 mills on the d illar to pay 10 the g avel to put on the roads in the sur veyed for clearing the laud the small sum of 810 i did hot object to the gravel for the simple 1 now sir they did not- object to get portion but did strongly object to pay the ce xxetery muddle to the editor 1 1 the fnke fuess sffi in yo lr issue of the 12th inst ap pears a comm unicatioh from one of those evertobedre ided anonymous corresjxra dents who m ike accusations and insinua i f tions mthout any regard whatever for the truth now sir 1 did not at first intend to reply to pre bono publicos letter but the statements so far as they refer to mo are so false aid misleading that i thought it best to corr jet theim and with your per mission i wil endeayor so to do in my feeble way as regards the legal letter mentioned by l pv i avill justbaylthat ithinkitis something liketlie entrance to the cemetery it cost a lot of money for its size and weight and does not appear to have estab lished the confidence of even the cemetery committeei i agreti with p b phhat hat the cemetery commit eegone on as the reeve suggest ed and as agi eed at the coon cil see reeve s first letter that i for one would have g ven them cr dit for at least showing hat they had the courage of then- con victiohs ai id doing wha they have a 1 ways isserteil was j right it is the first instance on r cord that i hi veuoticedwhen the minority ruled the ms jority i fancy that few acts are passed in our legislative chambers th it do not me t with more br less opposition three mjmhers rule the council th sir actions ar as legally bihd were unanimous 1 pb pi states tjhose councillors who oppose mdhaye opposed this ceme- ve i halve up doubt an objecfcjii view novsir itdpes not- re quire much a aility or disc rnment to arrive at that conch sion jit may or may not be news to you ut 1 slate ny st emphaticallyj and i defy contradiction that i have ever opposed the cemetery of six acres by vote or otherwise i plead guilty to opposing the many supposid sohemes toj foist tho whole 19 acres upon the corporation 2 he says one obj set which they openlyidejlar is they hav no interest per- sonaliyin aiieinetery fori acton as they have hnryinf plots elsewhere this is partially corri ci he should have added if themajtrityoi the iproparty owners will decide up on apjot of land i will go hand and glove wit i them in assisting to procure it that sir was and isjmy whole oppo sitiontoacenetery 3 the seco id object he jmentions iu ire ference to the 1st of jtanuaayi is not applica ble to me but payers will ta ie his advic musse and he ir a full and ip epdibe a s l m i j f j v i- i reasoki i knew nothing about it but i did know of the 810 when presented for pay ment and the maiiy additibnal dollars use- lessh spent on the grounds 11 he goes on 1 have lxiujiiiicd that gravtl pit and find thut it is more valuable than the whole lit acres well now mr p b p you will please accept my than 3 for that assurance i am glad of it i believe you are correct it is more valii- han the whole 13 acres and i firmly believe it is the only redeeming feature in this whole 13acre presentation humbug and is not much of a gravel pit after all 12 in conclusion he says mr editor i would say that the ratepayers should be carefnl who they put in the council very good advice they will doubtless act upon it and they should give those obstuntte obstructionists u very wide berth ms they have neither the willingness nor the ability to manage municipal business i plead guilty to the last clause i liavoiiot tlie ability but what astonishes mc the most is the fact that there is so mnch real ability required and so very little used more hon esty with less ability would probable bait the ljaajority best listen p b p and i will tell you what i am willing to do honest injun if you will come out manfully on your own signature and i am satisfied you are responsible and have ability and honesty j in ust confess from your let ter i have some doubts and can satisfy the majority thatyou will be an improre- ment i will cheerfully step down and out now mr editor i shall not again ask permission tj trespass upon your valuable space to reply to any anonymous scribbler to ventilate3his matter of the cemetery thoroughly you would require to issue a sheet equal to the exhibition number of the globe if any party feels aggrieved at the bosition i have taken or wants any informa tion or explanation within mypower to give and will manfully come ont tver his own signature i will give thematier all due re spect and consideration i have no respect for a man who will stab one iu the dark and like a coward conceal himself under a npm deplume come qut openly and above board all ia8kisfaiffieldandnofavor thanking yon for the space andyonr ex hibition of fair play in publishing my reply i remain until 1st january and perhaps afterwards j b pkahson councillor acton nov 17th 1885 kctfl ul u of bi nelson mcrae the fjrm of nolsori mcllae co k about to ii iiinmoth cjeariogisale of votjer 14000 worth is j millinery mantles readymacle glothin knitted goods hats and caps furs boots ordered clothing our stock isjall hew and lias been purchasec for cash and we haye de6ided to clear der rehiernbej this is a genuine bale as the dersigned ceases on the 21st november ve y all accounts boforcthc above date aud werecj is to presenjithem before the time named pa t ailou 0tober 20th 1885 nelson ml riissllpplisiiiiik wm iw ikh sv h j- s rj x sffl r 1 s 1 l ilm y- noi be dissolved of general tweeds wool and shoes and i in the best hiar- t out at cost and uership of the- ebtiire settlement ail having due uest ivicrae co s i hops the intelligent rate- and appear en truthful exposi tion of this whole unfortunate business you khow eir and every citizen knows that did not seek tne poe ition nor do i seek it again but while jl k coupy the posi tion i shall vc te on all qnee taohs as i think proper and ti ke the oonsi quences that is all i have ever ariked ol the cemetery committee 4 his statelment ill reference to the 20 cents an hon busiiiess for explanation please look at tmnnti s of 0 luhoil 5 i notice bat qn 3 or i ctounoilloriiaw persistently ci ronlati lg a n port thai roceedings hi ve been instil atedagaingifhi i ijorporatibn to mash j he by- laws cjwhicl they certain knpwi s unt fijmj little mi dont the altar 1 irlxz habtinok in st andrewschurch guelph on wednesday 11th november by rev mr smith tapt dl schultz merchant rockwpod to miss annie hastings sister of mr thomas blastings of the guelph uemtrg job rooms the gpave b tfwjr at niagara falls on the 12th inst mary e beloved wife of james brown esq of h m customs aged 35 years the metropolitan studio acton is c w hills old stand under new management h i made it a point to turn out fiwt class w rk only the present proprietor is pre ej ared to sustain lho reputation of th st idio w the street commissioner to the editor of the fiiee pkekb sra in looking over tho accounts passed bytlie council i notice an account of the road commissioner- in which he has charged the c6rpohtion for 41g hours or 4135 days at 20 1 cents per hour which according to my calculation would amount to 8320 but instead of that amount i see that he drew from the treasurer s25 atone time and 6820 at another time these two amounts make 89820 how is it the council paid him 10 more than he was ontitled to it may be that he requires something more for keeping a couple of men steadily at work so that no time is lost i think it must be a profifablo position to be made a road commissioner ia acton i never knew prior to this thatthe chairman of streets and sidewalks got pay for over seeing the work it is no wonder he aspires to that honorable position i do hot think it will pay this corporatiop to use its funds in thkt way as plenty of men can be ob- taiued to do work and oversee at the same time at far less money besides it is a vio lation of the law in spirit if not in fact our honorable councillor wanted the job but wonld pot accept it unless he got paid for it which he buccoeded in doing i k ok- forward to alively time onnomina- tion lay as well as the annual election i remaini ypmlr armwavjw actbonot 17th 1885 r- m the fahhioxajsle west end 9uelph auction sales kinksiiv 25th nov sale of stoqfc and implements by jucoh masalas on 2 con 3 erin sale at 12 oclock j a murray auctioneer honpax 23rd nov sal4 df stock and im plements by david nixon on lot 19 con esquesing bale at one oclock wm hemstreet auctioneer metropolitan studio acton turns out til t class work at moderate prices get your pumps repaired before winter sels in tlie acton pump co can do it fofyou i r a eardl to all who are suffering from the errors ai d indiscretions oftyouth nervous weak- mess early decay 1ohs of manhood ac i wi 11 send you a recipe that will cure you f 1ee of charge this great renledy wis discovered by a misaibniry in south america send a selfaddressea envelope to the rev joseph t inmax station d new york- city bucham co we have pleasure in stating tl fit our stock for the seasons tride surpasses iu extensive varie ty and choice selection anything we have ever formerly laid before oijir customers ii buoham coj s new advertisements private uoakdimi bbkspssdesmiifjiiiivnte board can- be ac commodated upon apiiltcatibu to mbs k ckeech jh qtreet i ujfci grain marrkt bmbklik sos aio iircpdred to nay tlie highest market niices for wncnt feas nno oal delivorid at their storehouse acton station g tll fjarmeis will do vell to see tlmtj their grain is rell cleaned i e nickl1k box ctoii october 8th 185 wi entrance examinaticns of mi too hell bxaillkatiqns for outronce tohjsh sc lools w 11 be hold in tho school bnildujgs at oak- vil o end milton oil moxpxy xvttvkt and wi sm bpav doe 81st iind and slrdtli8l egta nifc et cb day at ff am ond oiidtngnt no a on eidftff j draw ing books with months work cer ifled teacher must be handed in hj- the day oandidates should iiotiiy n jwcaiwcotlfea oa tvuj eyor the inspector milton lx toe d 1st intention to be present n i s on to first n0vwth18pj cbijaty pon 15c psr pr -00- iood grey flannel ked flannels 12jc fingering yarn 5c bovs top shi rls 50c mens top shirts toe childrens combiuati ladies grey vesta ii good heavy tweed good allwool tweed navy blue nap clotl heavy quality nap black aud brown ottjou dress goods 10c w lks satins and velvets i11 this department nohouse hsre can successfully compete w ith us in point of variety rehl stirling value and downright el eapness ladies who are in tl c habit of buying elsewhere avje not aware of the inducements we i offer iu this department to piijl- clasci inspection invited bucham co up this vith clioice select 111 the ing to a id lot ktkc dress goods department is a large one and always presents of realjy desirable goods io roin seldom met with even argest cities ladjes will do well before buy- vibit tmr establishment k through compare price 3 mckay ilros mckay bros cor king ane lldweji fbioss- reduciugthepirceataw of profits thrtuglioat tlie ston conse meace of tie large increase of oar snsl less altwool dress g001 best value plain wj p cornell 1 i johsts c01 ki inl joh stjj per yard yard skein worth boc cm suits 80c c per yard 45c per yard j 75c per yard i llotli 1124 per yard an cord 125 ovtb20c j 15ci worlh30i- jhjey 10c mail orders receive prompt and fauhful ladies all wool hose ladies cashmere hose ladies cashmere tilov furcipi very chep fur trimming spbeia black velvelens 25c icoliired velveteens j taucy bordered haini job lot ladies collars comforters only 75c e blankets rooo value luce curtains ooc pe curtain poles ooc ea hemp carpets 10c pe 2oc perpairi 25c pcrlpair es 20c per pair valtie per pair jrreat variety llferchieb25c perdoz 5c eacb worth 20c ilich f325 pair eacli yard j atentioni l eaftbeos of king and john streets hamilton new for go 3d reliable boots williams to having purchased business lately mjciitthvin thev having replenished class assortment of a no 1 boot and pared to guarantee who may favor me w a good supply of valises will always bt 1 as the ordered all under niy own may rely upon its attention the boot and shoe carried on by mr h b illage oif- actonj and stock with a first- lines usually kiapt in store i am pre ei tire satisfaction to all ui theu patronage olass truuks and kept on hand tie al she f rsti work and eepairing is sc pervision the public receiving the best of 7 ol bucham co tidaafcle wea end jlr mantle nd millinery testiisfixrteijt nb having shoebusinesslately hereby to notify all to call at once and se suinciles rllhe undersigned has x oifirstclasshin per square no 1 pine also cedar si per square wood of all kinds from a cord prime sbort stjaves nd hoadin trade at bottom prices- shoes the front popular lectures i under tlie- an pices of the lwiies aid socieiy of the metho list church fjev wc heijdenscjn ma st marjg expresideut ot the conference wil deliver intoresliui f thozaevitaue j 5 i 5 i i london his echiroxn teii daysik lonldon wth n otet vbsrfchvvayf ix ti ik methodist chlirch ewninj mm jsive me a trial auclseeloryourselves wm willheims ditpo posed of the boot aud c irriedon by me f jvish p irties indebted to me lletlreirlwoouuts h bimccathy wm wood i tor sale a splendid stook lies no 1 cedar 8175 jlqoper square j no 8 iso a large quantity of y23 a loaofnp tq 4ux ljtotue thos c jioqjie fiptobt main st welst a4ton j i he will bu followed itevtjobic shaw toroi to toronto conferencet jsda siibjeot cliarocteristicsf mb jamk8 l hcghe8 he sehools monday schoolroom humor fsshould it become any ofj the above datsi t throurh the press luft aid of the church debt asbel expresident of tj jsaay 8tli december- of the accf toronto inspectbrpub decembpr subject 2jst necessary- to jlaaiigi notice will lie civet otherwise proceeds d te tickets for each twofue wj boors open at njn i eali 1lii j of thjb e 1siu4hkrd ikbiconz 2cetitg chahtaken at 8 i if- of rm- i m vpi- t m if ui mri iin 1 ir in 1 k i c ilea a h 4- rrl v tl i i- t v c sl f pro v j vt y v f x v 5 w aaii mi than agaii signs officcl alceal last bemd quest eleeti pa aii fhe pasti has of sermq day vinciij energ tlie sij ofthj and the j cban thefaj did ill have i jjonl he jurie be prlat theli and i tlie fbur livtsj bindl moil ban audi sited j ever jo liris laocicl joilinl jooat i vplvq torul farr yiole vfpolid iiaisvd k irifesssl