tmwm mm -uwsge0b3- y t ladic wanting nil extra quality vapor and envelopes should oafl hyndt actou p8 of note rt geo 1 notes ucccipu tlut geo hynds we koeithcje8tajubwk8tobkof8tktlontev i in town wwtdingatrf birthday ivonti sric- lacles from 2tr3 tjie cheapest star in acton for the nbove line of kood i uko hynds lenlor iuiwvelry stationery school books and fancy goods tutbsivvvmoiattso novkmdsmj pbt crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters a iincepio and nightmare the farmers are throsliing yet i sunday was a wry blustery day snow shovels tame into general use agaiu last saturdav there werent many unused shot gnus in town on thanksgiving day s mr c y hill artist buffalo has our thauks for copies of buffalo papexji streetsville woolen mills are tobe again put in operation by mr win barber wedding cards of the very latest de- sigiiscanbe- procured at the fnrkpnkss olliee tiiigersoll jinunicipal candidates have already published thejr cards for the forth coming elections the salmoudville grist mills were sold hist week mr ljtyid plewes of bmntford being the pnrcliiser 10 cow is to be a live forthcoming municipal election in mitch 11 mr john mat hews lias just completed convenient stable ou bis new street cow or question at the a neat and property on willov tjiere was no ou tuesday eveni ng the next meeting will be held on the fajmersbeiare 1 he uewes scheme forswindling farmers ha lately bem successfully worked by a mnn whogoe through the country purchas- itwiij it i ins farms lis scheme is to make a con- bttftccn guelph end lramosa townships j tract iu writing fdr the purchase of the farm the pu chaseij to have the right to the salvation- army iliad another jubilee ou monday evening a number of guelph soldiers were present matthews hol el situated on the line was complettlydes troyed by fire last friday night there is euoii supply municipal audidates withpelting until the elections take material froninou place mlvtl changed to- meet the cold weathe chauge there is cousitlerable sty able lir perdoz urthaoc business meeting of the council 3jstinst t the rabksbakinqs which are piin imm 4 au intonating their fntat owe the first ol largo df violation of u10 boott actpreferrot by tie doniiiiiou inspector for the count f was eard before tho mayor f milton sod magistrates white and smith last rceok george wilcox was charged by i ispoctdr r somerville with soiling intox oatiug liqudr evidence was adduced proving tjio charge and wilcox was auoa3 land posts mr somorviuo can do good rork if he applies himself in his oftioial ca iiacity the pubuo ihool eaohers for 1886 jhe tcaohersof aoton publio school for 1880 are all engaged as follows first department mr thomas i moore salary 550 and free residoijce second departmont miss bjattie g jolley salary j300 third department miss annie mahaffy salary 5225 fourth department jmisa lena dor lau 1 salary 325 miss reid of eriu will tak 3 charge f lorjie sohool at thb ndw yetir salary w50 i the trustees of lome schbol received 110 applications far the position j thiinkagivinf day j j last thuriday was a lnodekfall day warm bright and pjeasant tho churches weie fairly veil attended for a week day but really it is surprisiugthat so compara- tivdy few tale an interest in services of so inu h import luce it must be concluded that the wor d abounds with thankless be ing as us 1 al spoi ting parties were num- ero is but thiy toot with iudiffereit recess aulateiu th saften oon seeruod desirous to rea h home v ith as little auestiouing- as to am aunt of game bagged as possible tagieeablechange in trains j trho gj it havja just issued their wili er timo tatle and there are a couple of changes in 1 he train service whioli will afte ct our citi sens very satisfactorily the mixed train much formerly went east at 610 in the iiiorning will uow leave acton at 8q5 jind 0 regular mixed train for the east iu tht evening will call here at 10 oclock t is will be a convenience of otjsiderabl momellt to travellers from aeton both j 1st and west the other eight passenger tra ins ar due jat same time as befpre h mud in our streets to e at hegate love has been me at the grate love has necessitated the talk about high uvses and the rat nicipal authorities may expect to bejisked to answer some knotty questions on nomriation day mr rodger- eelley is buyingowl otall kinds dressed ior market at bollmans butclier shop fin intends to do a large if the fowls cau be slnppin secured the subicriptlon list and goodwill of the dviiibuun oddelloxr which for the past two years be ju the property of the ccrpnbllsl ling company belleville mr iblackett robinson hddlhji- has been sold to of toiouto now boys in prove the jong feveniugs by docg scmeyiirjnofpracticleise dont spend too much time iri sport books are cheap and ftudy is more pleasant thau loafing round the street corners or even attending the club go to the night school if you cau rev r phillibs deliveredtwo excellent sermons in the methodist chureh last son mr phillips is an earnest and con v esi etho- ma 1 notes but of the jctinber ttoriub rjbubjeet vi iliauge l given loeeeds id- 1 cettit itfc vy day vincing pieueher knd no more active and energetic pastor whose constant anxiety is the salvation of soitils and the building up of the cause of go i could be desired last weeieight- tramps received bed and board from tie acjon town council the puei phess sdnsibly remarks that such characters should be made to cut wood for thefavorconfeftec and then if the nuisance rijd not become les s the town would at least have an equivalent guelph mercury an orphans society has recently been organized in racton fergus adrate well well is th it so will you kindly send us a copy of its institution we like to say avord or two respecting local organ izatious in the meantime we extend an invjlation to yoiir society editor to be present at o13 next entertainment of our orph111 society for the best grades of stone and roller flourof all kincbvleave your orders at l g mattiiews bakery rockwood news frsiu our otru correspondent mr thomas black has returned home he is recovering very slowly from the in juries received during the summer rev mr straclkn preached an appro- priate sermou on thanksgiving day 4 after the service the annual meeting was held and it was decided tobuild new sheds for the accommodation of those driving to church on saturday while wm mcnab who lives about a couple of miles from here was binding a load of hay the boom broke and mcnab was tbrownbead foremost on the bam floor he was stunned by thefalh and remained in a daaed state for some time afterwards heis now about as ell sis ever john v farribh sou of mr wm faf- ris miller hockwood met witli a painful accident ou saturday he was engaged in oiling a portion of the machinery when his coat wascaughtbya shaftjaud be was re volved aironbd it several times with great rapidity finally the coat gaveway being torn from the bottom to the neck aud mr fairish vas thrown to the floor withgreat vviolence he is recovering pay the mousy and take possession within a rionth when the month is just about exjiiring the rarcbaser loomb up and de mauds immeiiato possession j and of course the farmer is not oiily unprepared to give im liediate pc ssessioii but is very frequently sick of his jargairj the wouldbe pur chaser becomes inflamed threatens suit or is willing o compromise for a few huu dreddollai and the farmer gives it up its a deep scheme and looks asiiiuoceut on the face 0 it as the oldfashioned hay fork swindle mrj rogers tendition of ingersollism the town hall was well rilled on the evening of t liahsj iviugday by u audi ence assembhd to hear the reproduction by kev d i ogers of ailsa craig of dr talmages lebrated lecture on ingersol lism tht lecturer was introduced by rev it phil ips and after a short intro duction in his natural tone of voice he proceeded in ja close imitatiou of talmages well known rasping intonation we- have heard dr talmageou the platform and we must say that in phraseology gesture and style in general mr rogers succeeded admirably in portraying the original lec turers persoiial peculiarities the lecture itself is certainly grand defence of the bible and christianity and shows clearly to the most feeble mind the utter worth- lessness falsity and blasph imous charac ter of the platform laid down by ingersoll and the predecessors in the doctrine which he so carefully copies and parades mr rogers was well received aud all pre sent expressed themselves as more than pleased and edified any future appear ance of mr rogers will conmaud a full hall rev w c henderson of st marys will deliver the fourth lectule inthe course materially to the excellence of the pro- firatjinie tha proceedings were conoluded with the cotnio lopporetta sold again aud got tho money and proved an auius- lugjind pxoeediugl ereditable conclusion to the eveuings entertainment tliore was every evldenso that the audience wa highly pleased with the programme as carried out arid wo are of opinion that its repltitioii at au early date would bo reeoiv- ed with jfavor and a full house curse that pump dont swear bro but get a new one from the acton pump co- purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or oollebtlvely aotiuainted dr webster left for collingwood last thursday miss kitty kirkwood of brampton is a guest at cedar creek farm miss anna matthews is taking lessons in musio and painting iu hamilton i i miss carrie weaver of the free library berlin visited friends hero this week miss minnie secord returned homo ou friday after speudiug a week with friends in hamilton rejv and mrs d rogers of ailsa craig were guests atfthe methodist parsonage last thursday mr r bolkuau butcher celebrated thanksgiving pay by taking one of erins fair maids far a life long helpmeet avie had a call from mr w d brothers of the milton siformer on monday mr b reports prospects very satisfactory misses aggie curtis and lena dorland of the milton model school were guests of mr rjk nelson- on thanksgiving day wo rogrot to learn that mrs cameronr wife of rev m c cahiefon of milton is ill with typhoid fever altitun htfurmer miss clara watson of new york who has been visiting friends in berlin for some time made acton fneuds a short visit on thanksgiving day mr joseph bingomau manufacturers agent berlin made the fiiek piitssa short call last week he is a genial sensible gentleman and has been successful in busi ness mr john ruby of the fashionable west end guelph and clias ruby of the ontario life association waterloo were guests of mr a a ruby on thanksgiving day dr robertson exm p milton spent half au hour iu the fuke press sanctum last friday evening the dr always brings a pleasaut smile and a cheery word with him mr wm crtwson who has been preach ing at baysville muskoka during the summer has just removed his family to that place mr crewson is doing well iu his new field of labor the acton pump works arc now in full blast orders- solicited limehouse sparks from our oini curnpotihnl mr parsons is home from toronto the new inspector called to visit our school today miss annie mahaffy of brampton visit ed friends here last week miss n lindsay has been engaged as teacher of limehouse schbol for 1886t we are sorry to note that mr marshall is dead he died last friday evening after suffering a great deal on thursday aud friday he has been sick for two or three months and though at times he was in great danger at others he gavo hopes of re covery however he who knows what is best for all of us has taken him to eternal rest he was buried today at the sixth lindcetnetery many fneuds followed the remaiub to the grave nov icth 1885 rock with ten days evening 24th entitled notes of travel in london next tuesday iust it promises to be a lecture of great iuterest giving to the fact that mr henderson jis auj expresident of the conference ajnd still occupies ahigh position in the churchit has been decided to hold the lecture in the jmethodist church in stead of the jtowu hall i the orpheub societys entertainment the entertainment given in the town hall ou tuesday evening by the above society was very worthy hi character and deserved a larger attendance than thit which greet ed it the evening was tint and the uum- club rooms vs public houses id thee ditor of the fkuk fliess dear sin permit mo through your col umns to give an opinipn pori a subject tha would seem to prey upon the minds of cer tain publichouse keepersand which ha 1 been perverted and dibtendetl to work int their hands i it appears some tiini ago prior to th i building- of the town hall in this village much was written and spoken upon th 3 many advantages that mould accrue frori having such a commodious building in our midst and among the many uses it wa 1 most ostentatiously set forth that theie would be a room set apart where young mei 1 might assemble to theirmutual benefit ir stead of frequenting hotels or street cornern ber present was however vlery fair thej the town hall being a public building t programme i was well jirnuged and its was naturally expected the room in questiojn various numbers were suficieiitly varied m satisfaction guaranteed at the metro- politan photo stiidjo actou you will always be courteously received to relieve it from the monotony which f re- quentry chatacteriiesentertfinments of- tliis class the several performers sustaiued their parts exceedingly well they had evidently submitted tbenise ves to careful practice and frequent rehersal the sing ing of miss mceachrenof 8k thomas was exceedingly sweet find well rendered but her voice is1iardly6trqngeno igh she would inaka an excellent parlor vocalist mr han yteui er in his tenor solo and accom paniments pleased the auciience mr w starks ref53itiou of med cine jack in character was most creditable and took the audiei ce by storm the fiuartette come whore the lilies bl by misses mceachern and allan and messrs jenner and faulkcner and thea atiua ihasten yedruids by mr w stark chief priest and messrs jenner smytl smith faul- kenerand jeans druids wee well rendered and broughu down heaityapi lause themili taryntree iu fulljunifotm with the chorus the soldi of clur quee i was i new departure for local enter lainuients and was very h voirably receivec the soldiers were right loyally receiva the reading of lord dundrearys lett ir by mr john stradian rcjckwjwd- was rendered with mr stracbjans m iual abil ty the piano solos of miss carter strttford were in imitable she plays with the skill and dciiihceonly attainable by long and con- stab t training fhe accotnpanimeuts of mi s swan and mr j c a t p 1 i i j 14 moarvinv nmgxji mn khoabvi nmgaryinjb nmoabvhib woaryims nhoabyils n mgab vins nmgarvjns nmgarvjins niigarvin8 kmoarvins the place ii wu paints ohs and varnishes ron prepare kon turpentine w comoii fflne fanfcy ron stationery school boloks tun reliable coal drug and stat acton ml v xmgauvins iimuj s flganvin8 nmoark smtiarvins nmcath sm garvin 8 smqa your pwotc th place 18 at 18 at paints isat wat oil isa goods is 18 at isiat orus c s at mogarjvinfs onery stope ont jnh nmgarvikh ins xmgakvikh ins mgarvins iuiks ymgarvt8 ill cm v to negatives pi itres wishing duplicates of gati es made by mr c w hill gcu them at the metropolitan s udioj as the negatives he took e all there for first class pho- graplis of any size or style call at metrdpolrran studio e r bollert impoptenof dpyqbods 27 ijower wyndhin st otroiijiu mrii 1883 a in ays please look for my advertise- nient in this space yon will see no boastful bembast but candid statement of valuable and interesting facts i my muukery dkiartmest la won derfully attractive just now it is at its best as all the novelties are in- and ibc stock is very large liuly readers arc cordially invited tosec our display e r bollert eletjant mastles and ulsters in ladiesi and childrens sizes in cloth bilk and velvet from a lowpriced garment to the most costl goods ladies astrachax mantles in splen did value j e r bdllert wo are doing a big trade iu dress goods and show a really attractive stock i the dressmakin depart ment ijuder the management of miss johnston is increasing in popularity j e r bollert mcuis overcoats all our own make boys overcoats nil our jowh make the ordered clotiunc deiautjient offers great attractions qw stuck of ft sb stltiklis overcoatjinlis tuol berixas etc is well worthy of your inspection i e r bollert fine gold brooch earrings fine cold broochesj english gold gem rings i silver scotcli pebble jewelry yon should sec the splendid goodb we offer in ladies seamless mkiuko anil lamjjswool ukderclotuiko tlie eae of this special superior make is confined to me they aro the best goods rjffercd to the public e r bollert mesis aud llovs tndeljlxotjiixg at all prices and the best value that can beiliad iu the trade e r bollert also ladies peksls see an just received a full line of and cents rat tioods in lamb seal and astrakhan before youjunyi hill added yery would be free for such purpose but such not or has not been the case now m editor i notice the young men have rentt d a building and some 40 or 50 in the village have subscribed a nominal amount as a fe for the expense of lights fires ac where they can play a friendly game of chess checkers or euchre and r understand it is proposed to put in a bagatelle table for amusement the daily weekly sporting and high cultured papers such as the weth century palladium of labor globe if ail news canadian sportmian fecks sun and others cigars and soft drinks but no into li- cants can be had at this club and this constitutes what they call the club but tins is objectionable if you please to a cer tain few and a certain partyinterested in a publichouse i understand hasinterview- edsome of tlie dignataries of the town in order to stamp out this nuisance tho cl lb because forsooth it stops the gristcomflg to oub mill iei hotel these parties bi ive maliciously set m circulation reports to ihe following effect that the ladies of aoion are about to get up a petition as they lid some time ago to prevent these young rien assembling awfty from vice will di ive them again into the otieshes of- the pnblichouse keepers i for one trust the young men will receive the hearty support of every rightminded citizen in the manly way they have scorned to be dependent t pon 1 a people that would malign them so voxporcii acton nov 17th 1885 them comfcondsee me 3iy stoic is at- tmctive my stock large -my- prices low ujy clerks uttcntiverand every feature of the lry gocds trade receives special attention g i sell cheap fov cashonlv r bphert 27 importer c lower wyndham street gukh i ontario new goods just opened t -00- pcjri selected personally wbilo in eu iugland b s guelph v christmas coming i 1 ferhley waiits the public to understand that he is purchasing confectionery by the ton for the happy anuual occasion of joy and merriment and by so doing he secures the purest candies of the best design and assortment andean sell them cheaper than any other honse in town j oome to tffea kkt eind grjoceiy v tdry ghdqds for the 3heapes grdflbbis 2 cans salmon 25c25irjs bice 1 iblbs iapiico ii all kinds i v w termscash to drtiooods of flannels winceysj and thramingfi fancy druss goods glover and hosiery a fin0st6o of ladies and geutsloyes al matertis iuhofjfery or coal oil ater white lmerieait tnd oauadiali produce only j 1 ss l1ad our millinery op1ening is his wem the i st 2nd and 3rd october don -o- t pall to see 6ie ov the 1 tl trr v sizes and ibs x choicest stocks of millinery and- fancy dry goods speciail lines weliave 100 misses sailor velvet covered sats for 30 cents each regular value for these goods are 45 cents we have 60 black ostrich plumes for regular value for these goods are all a full stock of wads of oonfeotibaexyi huti traits oftnnel goods oto will be kept and patrons can depend upon se uriug the freshest and newest goods o oystbbsj jly oyster parlor is open and tlie public will always be supplied satisfactorily oysters etc served in any style and sold by ibulk in any quantity j with place crowded anxious to come scarce your are orders- early as we work everybody sems to bb 3ecurethe choice novelties which be as theseason advances all ch0lceclcars -o- j m fernley -the- new advertisements tenders for cutting oort the uuilersigaed will receive tendcretor sav- ingtliirty isortls of hordfvoocl once at the publio ohool and town hall teudoibteceivod up to the30thiist 1 i cliainnau pi operty com actoii nov ltth 1s85 i i n card of t11an1s thejuuderbigned desireb toheiet f express liis most sinoero and cordial j th ipks to the memuarb ol acton lodge ioof hobm for their land constant and most frateii al attention ta moj a member outside their jurii lictiou dur ing an extended attack of typholdffaver from which i have just recovered oddn lowahip as exemplified hytue brethren of am m lodge is indeed a debirable aid and coinfol t in time of illness and trouble ij quilph novj 6th 1885 elifl snydek fowl wanted itsn tons of tnrkeys geese ducks aud chickens fleufy jointer pltiw wm hemstreet agjflnt acton th e uudcrsigucd will pay cash forany juautity j of fowl delivered ft bolluiaitv butcher shop oink site tho old glove womb afttoi j j pcrues offering fowl wil ploaboihavo thorn nice iy plucked and in the best possible condition foruarket i u podges kellv alton nov hth 1885 jthis plow is one of the very best in the market and has taken more prizes tliis sea son than any other plow sold in this section at the whitby plowing match a couple ofj weeks ago four of the lieury plowk were awarded first prizes and the ploughmen endling them each received prizes one these plows baa won six prizes in suc tion at the annual matches of the asso ciation ifirst prizes were also awarded at toronto barrie collingwood walkerton milton andnassagaweya fall exhibitions the fleury is the favorite glowv abtock always oa hand j- j wishes to iufoiim hnainess gaiviu the fleury selfbinder keoeived first prize at allihoexhihtions i hown i will have these maohinesor hand tor examination by farmers early next sea son their excellent qualities will tit medi- tely demonstrate themselves call m wm hbmstmeep aipjent actou npv 4th 188 til itttttiakiuj patronjage of mefi6g bosi st 75 cents eacfr s250 i i already are respectfully invited cv b oftoit face llir i v e oo te star grocery remojed i in os0 n bijs nuniejrouaeustoioiers thaj bo bas removed ifom histoid stand to tte store next door to mci s brtig store wbere all will be served witb ood aiid reliable goods- as cheap as ever -oo- a the imipuncemeut of my removal l ray old customers in the new staii s to ajl who favored m with their uess uipct6a i appreciate highiy directiu aiid in rot jir ri mil undertake to serve mynieavors th j bis and soliciting tlie ji beg to tend jr chstqmsiuce eoi ii ijheir favors iittbjib ih to the best liext doo r to 0ragj8tofb jgi tii4 frtbiijisftlfefekffi fete i n if i a ym j t5g ii j i jjjacsa3