i i i j the boott act will likely be voted upon iu the county o waterloo next juke blue ribbon beer hai gone through miio oonrta aad lost iti tepectability avw doruiutott parliament roasseinblca jan uary 21st tho general election will iikoly be held in 188 i sir john maodohald left on saturday for euglaud on business connected with the fishery and reiiprocityquestions i ail associittujnfor tho enforcement of the soott aot and to further the election of temperance city officials liaa been organized in guolph twelve thousandofriels syjngatnizers j met on the champ de mars montreal on sunday iand denounced the government for his execution at a meetingjof theprovinciol board ot health at toronto last week it was decid ed to ask the ontario government toebtab- lish a vaccine farm in the province thescott act was defeated in st cath- arines last thursday by a majority of be tween 500 and 600 votes the whiskey ele- meat is evidently in n vdry healthy con dition in that citjv philadelphia demands that- her saloon keepers shall pay a very high license and be responsible for the acts of drunken men this is well virtue has been taxed long enough it is time to make vice pay dome of ho public expenses resulting f rcjni crime r avc orleans picaynn ch the county court today iu the case of okeefevs jaffrato recover 90 part of 300 subscription promised by defendant to the brewers and ine merchants as- sociation it came otfin the evidence that the association had spent nearly 330000 in opposing the scott act in ontario world still more liquor is sold under the scott act than under license i ih canadian pacific railway the last steamer of the canadian pocifio steamship line will leave owen sound weather permitting for port arthur on thel7th november for the final trip of the season the all rail bouto however is open and travellers can take advantage of a through canadian route thus saving them selves the annoyance of customs scrutiny and charges and frequent changing of cars the company runs daily trains by the canadian all rail route th 0 emetery mattfir tothokaijwbfthobiusbrngbh kin a syndtctte with jj pearson aa president has endeavoured to answer my letter the ljth net by styliug me as an anonymous scribbler such lnjmarej i wouuionl respect from the penofaosef- important and conceited obstructionists and it need no assertion of miuo to convince anyone ta kiug the trouble to read it that tho chiof ibject 80iigut uf tor by them is to to abuaiv apid impertinent rather than to be honest arid state the facts we will see 1 how they have suoceeded in evading the truth m their attomptto mislead tho public i have no desire in this letter to justify the postpouci tent of tho eaje of cometery lots by tho ce metery committee as i stuted in my last 1 itter i think they made a mis take mm t soiling tho lots notwithstanding tko tactic us opposition of messrs pearson andlsmmd this however is partly explained by thehiiu their letter to the citizeus and i whether their position is right or wrong thoy have at least given their reason for jso doing and appeal to the elect rs to either defeat or sustain them at t lecoiniiig elections and if sustain ed whid they certainly will be then x predict tl at thqoppoueuts- of the cemetery 8chcmeul bo giypn a wido borthj and wo wrlf then seewhejhetthis important j b p co vill life permitted toobstruotthe public bu iuessanttlie peoples will iu 1866 now as to soma facts t they 6tato first that ho j bjuover opposed the cemetery of sixacrs will mr j b p please tell the peopl j of acton how it came ii boat that he and hi 3 col eague mr ismond insulted mr well wh d that geutlemau presented the petition of 82 j ratepayers asking for the submission of a bylaw to purchase six acres pid he tell him to take the petition back and get more signatures to it and was he not alo told by messrs pearson and esmond to go out into tho couutry to ge them this is a very nice way to treat a gent ion an who had spent several days honestly endeavoring to get an expression of the people ou a question of public im portance i messrs pearson and ismond again oppos ed the pe litiou wjien brought a second time saying it did not show the expression of the people of acton that was a nice fc- n rockwood doings the monotony usually prevalent in rockwood was inliarmouiously varied on wednesday and thursday evenings the two daystfellowing the return of one of the prominent citizens with his newly- wedded bride by a real old tune charivari the instruments of the orchestra consisted of circular saws cowbells horse fiddles kettle drums horns with which noah could have called the animals in one by ono and muskets using up nearly as much powder as cannons would and fired in such quick succession as to almost make a gat- ling jealous the manipulators of the machinery suddenly stopped the music at a latehour on thesecond night by the persecuted groom handing over to the wild youths who acted like a snmscme- what summarily which- was consumed somewhere though not so sumptuously as some forty or fifty thousand dollar ban quets we wot of sometimes tbuihiti w juld not give the cowi jil auy infdrntlq a w ten asked it he know f prcwlings wei oi were not to buinsitutw against tl o 6 nlioilto quwji llie bytawaud therchbou iu sigucd for such priioeediugs all tl e si tisfaction they could get from him wjb that he know mid tl at was sufflolent v not have bein more manly c g vethoui possession of the facts and if ai nistakehod been mme they oould hate r unodied it no sir li would not do tho t thinkiug byjvitlhlrawiiig it he wouldouli it tue j support of theso disitffeoted parties vhibh i am pleased toi behovo are in tin miubrity further on ho says if i wera iiimnoa men i bur and run tile muuicipnl machine on th tl basis- we would not have 22 mills oh tie dollar to pay i agrso with mr p would have endeavoured to cut off boiuo oi theiiselesb cxpeudituro lbt i would not ljave consented to pay one of the oouncillo 20 cents per hour for coking after a fc men and having the work so badly don nls evidenced by the rot dsl i would ad vii i ijlrp to drive up main sjjreet as farasm r halps 2nd norwoimi have permittc i the commissioner to purohaso nails itrcj from another conncillcr for the use of tliel corporation but i stipiose the oldadajja- vrill hold goodin this case you scratci riy back and i will scratch yours in no 10 mr p states that ho did nc t object to the gravel for the birople reaso i lie knew nothing about it i would ask ml j b i is that a fact or is his brain s diseased that he canncjt remember does li e not remember when tho cemetery con mittee brought in their 2nd report did the v not tell the council tha they haddi8coverel a valuable giavel pit and pointed it out as of great advantage to jho oeutetery and alsp for the roads and streets in tho village ljp you not remember at that same nieetinc for work and mr w s rockwood news from our oicn correspondent the parentage of the waif found near the mill hasuot yet been discovered 3ir john stracharj has now recovered from his recent illness and has resumed his teaching dutie the votes for and against for the in troduction of an organ in the presbyterian church here will soon be asked for from the members dr dry den medical health officer of the township of eramosa will visit all the schools of th township during jthe the present month and vaccinate all un- vaccinated children mr d l scbultz and his bride have re turned from their wedding tour to new york and buffalo and now occupy his flue brick house near st jolinb church mr j l scbultz has been one of our most es teemed onct enterprising citizens since he has resided here in addition to his priv ate business he holds the office of clerk of the division court i 1 t m m 1 m limenonse sparks from our own correspondent the lime business is very slack- just now a brother of rev j rapp died during the past week mr james warren pwd our town a visit over sunday the salvation army held a meeting here last week at mr beattys j our sportsmen are out occasionally frightening the black squirrels j mr dallas has accepted the situation as mason for the companys kilns at a nice little salary the social at mr james scotts last tlurslay evening was well attended and qaitejt success v mr isaac newton has left here and ac cepted a position as foreman at a woollen factory at woodbridge mrs joseph snider is away visiting friendiatbt icatharines where she ex- pecte to stay niost of the winter the woollen factory having been shut down some time for repairs commenced operations again today we hear they expect to rnn most of tbe winter aaoeial is to be eveningjn the jiiethocum canrflb to raise rnoney f otxleaiiingiaiid renovating the in- ii r- inrct the ohufch good turn out y um b insult to the petitioners and one which they will find resented in the long run if they have a chance that this petition did express the of the ratepayers was evident by the bylaw being carried by ahandsomo majority the re eronce to the acceptance of the thirteen i teres presented by dr mcgarvin sneeringl y called the presentation hum bug do s not conic trith a good grace 1 have in commou with every intelligent ratepayei- to sayithat had the council not accepted the gift they would have shown themselvs guilty of an outiage against the interest c f the people and unlit to transact public bosihess am why here was six acres of land surveyed or about to bo sur veyed in mediately inrfront of said thirteen acres anc on which the council was about to expend money to beautify now the conditions of the purchase of tho said six acres waii that the owner of the thirteen acres immediately behind sbouldhavo right of way tl rough tbjo cemetery for all time to come reeling that the constant travel through he cemetery- grounds to it from time to time wonfd be a disagreeable fea ture dt mcgarvin very magnanimously saw fit tc present the broperty to the coun cil on the condition that when any lots were soli out of j the said- thirteen acres the corporat on should ref nnd out of the pro ceeds of said sales the sum of 390 this created no lien on the property a deed in fee si nple free from all incumbrances was hanled to the corporation and accept- jed bythese members of thecouncil forming a majority and who liadthecommon sense jtoaccepiit it would have been an un- business like transaction if they like messrs parsoh and ismond had refused to accep j beeauise if there are ho lots sold in tho thirteen acres then dr mcgarvin gets nothing and cannot enforce one cent pray new mrpearson where does the presentation htimbug dome in i think the rate layers can easily understand thib in regard taj the second paragraph mr pearson sayshewould go iiand and glove with the majority of the property owners to assis iu procuriug t did he do so a11t have to say on thati poiut is that his votes jo not bet r out his statements how did he at when the bylaw wasubmitted to the pe ople whether he voted for it or not is or ly known to himself but this is known lie took a lively interest in endeav oring to defeat the ihird and fourth paragraphs i haveno doubt but they pll be thoroughly ventilate d at tb e coming hustings there fore i will not reply to t iem in their fifth they try to make a point by saying if not iu so many words that the legal opinion as published is not worth the paper it is written on but the legal advice tf any jthey obtained was beyond doubt tb e correct one and they further goon tc say jl state positively that i firmly b ilievo tiat proceedings will be in n account of 810 was presented ii the thirteen acres and you ismond voted nay and immediate afterwards as a member of tho fiuancje committee you voted to pay the some 81 consistancyis a jewel on another occasion whon the committee brought in their report messrs j b pearson and ismond voted nay and immediately after voted yea tb pay 8150 for the saiiio work in the ceme tery 1 he says he is astonished that there isso much ability required and sor little used that i admit is very applicable in some of the transactions of the councillors lately he asked me to come out for municipcl honors if i am responsible have ability and honesty of whioh he has some daub i may say he is a little too previous in thin i have no desire to eiiter the council for i like himself do not possess the abovv qualification but if i did possess them an 1 was elected 1 would endeavor to carry ou the wishes of tire peoplo withoutlallowin 4 special nelson mcrae co t we lrvve niade arr my private feelings loiiitvifttj j i rudiiiin yiuih ekobono pcismco acton nov 2ilrd 1885 mr ismonds reply to ratepayer to the lu k jitor of tin kitkk riun tasi i was surprised to see i in alinounciiment w ajstnouweiimehr pegiaj anlsrouneemekt poj- ugeineiits to continue the burtincea of we respectfully ask jdl indebted f the f rin to call and settle first of jjmuary as they must be provided their accounts before the for in some way by that tlrae lcton november 24tii- 1 nelson jslcrae co u ider the same firm jnmiary 1886 our clearing salio continues and we are giving rare values for 85 a- name until the first ot nelson mcrtae qs cva uvjj tn t vtl j- vi il i stituted iseoon new cemetery are expecting rock t as a burial is made in the which goes to show that mr p in in concert with the nialcouteuts and assstiag ihem in their opposition whether he subscribed to their fundlanr not prep ired tcj say bu evidently mr p is in pos session lof their secrets how does this acct rd with his prof jssion i would ask mr p was the bylaw for raising tuo funds necessary for the purchase of a cemetery carried by the ratepayers was the selection of the p operty submitted earriedly the jpeople if so why as a represen native of tho peop e ho so persistent ly opposis theirrwishes just hear mr ps reason he sa s that in spnsequehce of the rumored legal proceediigs he wjill vote protect himsjel and free himself from res wnsibil ity poor fellow t ikel sorry for you i i your tmbarras sed condition but cheer up my go d fellow md read up a little more on m unioi al matte rs yon will then see exactly how you stend i a rate payer fa 1 satisf ed that i legal proceedings aro insti utedth else instituting them will haveolli sostslto pay and those subscribing to the fend wil be male a party to the suit i liave caef ally looked up this roa teriand c innot c ime to an j other conclusion from the wonjit g of the statute which is very pkuoi twaoityjiltcitqasmr j b p why he mm letter sighed ratepayer last week yqurapy charging me with doing th ditizens ofacton an injustice by chargin them twenty cejitssu hour for work i ditt not perform now perhaps if ratepayer knew all aboutit ho would not bo bo fas and so eagerwrmakc a poiut against mc the factjs of this matter aro as follows i servcdfhe corporation last year i thin faithfully aud well but got no pay for i though i spent a good deal of my tinio i serving the public aud my tune 1 cousider just as valuable to uie as that of rati payer or any other grumbler this sei son when the council struck the commit tees for some reason i was not put on tl e street and sidewalk committee perhaj s because some members of the council thought i had dojie my work too well tl e year previous and titis gained the people s favor after the deiath of mr c s smit i i was then whon jthe council could nit help themselves uud when two of its mer i- bers had refused to serve the corporatij n at any price asked to accept the positio 1 1 positively refused and cjuly after much persuasion aud the influence of the ree e did 1 accept it i think the reeve s straitforward and honest aud will riot o back on his word that it was he who per suaded me to accept the commissioners ip of streets and sidewalks so it will le seen i did not seek theposition neither c id i vote myself 20 ceuts an hour- every other member of the council voted 20 cei ts an hour to the commissioner rather tli serve the public themselves some of th saying that they would not leave their bt s ness at any price as to the lawfulness their appointing a commissioner i sappoi e3 the council knew whether they acted legally or not and possibly they knew what tley were doing about as well as ratepayer the reeve can point out the legality clause if asked i am charged with taking 810 more tliiii earned the matter took placo tlis vay i brought in my bill for hg hot 18 ud presented it to the chairman of i nee committee in making it up hen ide mistake of ho giving lne tlnit amo mt oo much after it hud bceii paid uie si ays the clerk drew my attention to it hen went down to mr hendersons w kew advertisemants apfkkstii5e wanttejl i7 anted a health v intelligcutlxiv nbout v iifteiin years of hri to lcarntheartof printing apply ut thk kkmklbejjs office tlthoks 1m wltlceks matkuu ok otheuwi8k desirous of liaviiik- their literary iroductlons criti cised revieed or disposed of on tho moot advantageous terms should nddress for full information tiibuno butoan of literatare 231 broadway new york the fashioxabi weste1sd cuelph house lot for sale rf uudersikiiod offers for sale his houso and lot oh maiu street it is a large house con tains nine rooms also kitchen and woodbhed is well adapted for atenement or boarding house gooitbtnblo on tho premise liberal terms apply to dwcaslpbeiilj -oo- bug ham co e ii tn and the error was made right i ratepayer calls on the clerk he batisfy him as to the truth of this i as to the two men i urn chained me i ith if ill bverseeiiig at 20 cents an hoiif it in unttjiie i never charged the corporation one c nt for doing so i hope when ratopay indertakes to say anything in future ho ivill at least confine himself to the trflth md sigtj his name thanking you kindly for the space in our valuable paper i remain yours truly acton nov wrt issioxi 23rd 1885 33 for the best grades of stone and roi lour of alt kinds leave your orders at 3 iuatttjews bakery rwante j any quantity of dresfefed i owl for which the highest market pi i e i rill be paid fi either cash or trade j powsonl rarj vale es in wool hoods wool oa f sliawls clones scarfs o beantijfl ss neuoiicraeaoo m th graik arret nicklin irson aro -prepared- tu pay tho lushest market prices for wheat pen nmloam delivered at their storehouse acton station g tlt fanners will do wellto see that tlieix grain is well cloanod j nickmn son aeton october kth lsbj collectors notice r rphe collector of taxes for this t x will be in tbo council chaiiiber thisiiuunicipality on tuesday 1st december to receive taxes from ratepayers ip tho day uametf without fail acton nov 2fra 1685 j- all whose tax es remain unpaid will please call and settle on h j smithicoukcton entrance examinations examinations for entraiico to high schools will be held in the school bulmiugs a oak- ville and milton on monday tuesday and wednesday dec luist bind aniv23rd 1885 begin uini w each day at 9 1 incsday im andcjidingat uoou on guj by the teacher must ho haudcit iu ou theflfst day candidates should notify nli wollwoodvb a oak villo or thoinspoctor mil ton before dec 1st if their intention to bo present i j s dracon i r 8 county hnlton tkiitoiinovicth ieav g a ut i on each vtvii oi the myrtle jnavy 1shakuew j in bko 5e 1 lttbks i -oo- we have pleasure in s rating our stock for the seisons varie ty and choice selection anything we have ever formerly laid before our customers bucham co je olii face the j e ho wis wishes to in form his u luifrpus customeisjthatlie ijius removed husiness fromhis old stand to the store next door to mc- giirjviirs prug store where all will be served with good and reliable goods jas- cheap a ever in makr patronage of my best than silks satins ano velvets in this department no house here can successfully compete with us iii poiht of variety real sterling value and downright cheapness ladies who are in the habit of buying elsewhere are riot aware of the- inducements wo j offer in this department to pur chasers inspection invited bucham 8c go star gr0oery ri1m0veb -oo- dm oo aedfth rig the annouhcerheiit otmyremoaf aektks the allmy old customers in the niewstnd i begto tei dei custom siuce com this ksto all who favored me with their meuciug business in acton direction and in retmrn will my endeavoi i appreciate highly their favors iu undertake to serve hem to the bet of j e dress coops this department is a large one with us and always presents a choice of really desirable goods to seleetfrom strldom met witli eveu in thclaigest cities ladies will do well before buy ing to visit our establisl rnent and look through compare prices cc j bucham fc co fashionable west bdd ijress aaadjertt e8tabli8hmedi ir y jtstkssi bootsi and shoes williams to the front having purchased the boot ana shoe business lately mccahinvin te village of acton and having replenisl class assortrneni to call at once aid settle their -o- oarried on by me h b ed the stock with a first of all hues tisually kept in a no 1 boot an ibhoo store 1 am pre pared to gaaran ee entire satisfaction to all who may favor ue with their patronage of firstclass trunks and valises will alwalys bo kept on hand as the orden d work aud repairing is all undor my ov n supervision the public may rely upon its receiving the best- oj attention i jive me atri land see for yourselves wmafvilliims i land soliciting howson nqjxf door to drug store common srvse tltlmhek op r catarrh and cohsuhpt oh if nir cliarg elements foul air eoiitkiuoilsly ttii elements oostyv the psi ah i con bra meets ei loop e howj 1 thl cert nctl thel from uol thel giveai eevl services papers trongjj lool tellycm your pan 0 the dthl somethij th and eon flemstra m his its lati patiaj tlio vilib ha4 acton v th of con foik wd l stock of 1 thepostj tww yearsu train f rmaj basest jejiferjl wel fpe vj council payers mrl lias jits etambsj i400jfcj f tl with diseasecre itiuft wil rkill whef brei ithed e iafied with reiredial will oiir wlieu breathed con tinu njbhavinjg disposed o the boot aud shoe business la ely carried on by me i wisli hereby tc notify hi parties indebted to me oonts iiottayi v ow inhalor is au elegantly inidd jijir pillow chirged with remedial eleiiiencs vhich the patient inhales sill night long hilst sleepiug tie usual it cannot et out of prkler aud is perfectly afe to the uiest ddllcatc it will last for years and icrve any number of persons in a family in suc cession itliatte s dowu the stroujli id of catarrh brps ciitisastljma aid ooniunptip and makes o pern laileut cure by aeon tinn- ou application of healing anduiirativb air directly- to the discjasectpflftesuflbrers from auy of the abovementioned diseases- are urgently requested to send us thei ad dress aud a 60- pate pamphlet wil 1 be inailed to them ree which will giire a complete history if this wonderful diicov ery and the prinei iilds uponvhlch it w irks together with a liiglist of testimonials frorri those who ht veiliaed it andwiiq now rejoice iriperfect 1 ieauh do not delay ft r t he longer a disease is- albwed to run uu ibicked the slowerf aud harder it ia to effe t a cure there is uotriedi cii e tken into the ss6m aoh no douchfng r snuffing nor ahythtn tlisapreeable alwul this treatment it ijas never i leein known tdftil send jour uanie hid address 1 written to tiopnioliiaocragoncv lokdos iit deeob muton i were tr j bchoo 1 tteeiin tbie uth couueil down oj tioiis oi it too vwe leani one of day sq evening tll cilsnel end of i in fact is wore m4 made 1 ness ur januaij tinues i catiletj til haveej bule comfoj thedrj pleteljl every ithl cians vgentle a car i stalls ofboi linly s i and6 aud a as ai rcalizi infiuil ment net pi k ip doubt mi qniei orcal king fc j jands sfft ward