Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1886, p. 4

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ipwbsk tmosrojkcat x 1886 fljix3 of bx qotsyion n hbboos and laoce rve uertay cdottatr bay to smooth and tie over veor ai times in aday to be niended and dressed sibleaome ringlets to carl her have ten little boys ntme titua girl ml and romping and racket froatoud tny mother say i btueaarjdbrui8eandlumbler sunday suite soiled m a dayr trumpet and whistle and druni 8bow of distress or of joy rdirattnr have ten little girts tljan one little boy both a girl with her feathers and frills 4 boy with his noise and ado wichit oor mothers is right which would you choose of tho two bridewwte 3 tho rjv w freemai a bp fct minister relatee an anmsingjrtory illijs- tratiyo of the wy that v man heart can awety andpr some extraordinary conditions qued redbeaded young farmer entered mb parlor one day accompanied by a shy ut comely jtfri and desired him to perform the marriage ceremony he did so ind wheu the final j word wore spoken tl at made the conple man and wife the youn husband drew jrbin his pocket four brig it silyjar quarter dollar pieces aid extendin theojs toward the minister on his open pal u ejujlaimcd there brother ifroemah just help yourself until yon are satisfied tjwmmirtcr tooli one viutmi jjiiiuji thriuul iu iminnih stouk f ir tlw itwt two months murltygjiwvluh uoiuuiti very maiiy cairn os and misses mio f uutflw olid mantle and ulnor cloths down toiipf uulf piibu mhe inhelliiiifof lijiit jj rk d continued from first pigel was constant from that time and in less than three months i had gained 26 poands in fleslr became entirely free from pain and x believe i owe my life and present coudj- tion wholly to warners sato cure the remedy which i used sinoo my recovery i have thoroughly re- iuvesated tho subject of kidney difficul ties and plights disease and the truths developed arc astounding i therefore state deliberately and as a physician tukt i behjec mtirr than onehalf the deaths tchuh occur in amerkii art caiutdby hi ighfe dia- rase o me kidntyt this may sound like a rasitisutement but 1 am prepared to verify it fully brihts disease has no distitic tive features of- its own iudeed it often develops without any pain whateverin the kidneys or their vicinity but as tliesymp- toins of nearly every other common coui- phopt huudred of people die daily whohe burials are authorized by a pbvai- elans certificate as occuriug from heart disease apoplexy parity sik spiual complaint rheuwatisni pneumonia and the other common complaxnts when in reality it is irpiu blights disease of the ttidneys 1ow ptysjeians and fewer people realize the extent of this disease or iudanorous and insidious nature it steals into the system like a thief manifests its presence if at all by the commonest symptoms and iasteus itself in the constitution before the victim is aware of it it is nearly as hereditary as consumption quite as common and f nlly us fatal entire families inheriting it from their ancestors have died and yet noneof the number knew or realized the mysterious power which- was removing them instead of common symptoms it often shows none whatever but brings death suddenly from convulsions apoplexy or heart disease aa one who has suffered and knows by bitter experience what he isays i implore every one who reads thesjei words not to neglect the- slightest symptoms of kidney difficulty no one can afford to hazard such chances i make the foregoing statements based uponfacta which 1 can substantiate to the letter the welfare of those who may possibly be sufferers such as i was is an ample inducement for me to take the btep 1 have and if i can successfully warn others from the dangerous path in which 1 once walked i am willing to endure all the professional and personal consequences j b hesios md kochester n y he remembered well and you pretend to say remarked a lawyer to a witness v that you remember the exact words this man said to yon ten years agot ida i well if my memory serves pie i met you at saratogaabout five years ago and i should like to know if you can swear to me any expression which i then made i can f kow mr j i wantryouto xeinember that yon arc under oath kow ander oath you swear that you can qudte with great accuracy a remark i made to you at saratoga fire years ago lean well wbatwaa it ten met me in the hotel corridor yea quite correct and you shook haniln with me naturally i did vaad you said to me lcta gi aud take something v t the crier of the court hadlto call jrilenee for ten minutes aud the lawyer jcoufessed that the witness had a remarkable mem ory boston journal hungry enougbrfor anything waitr bring me chop please rathei well dou 3 look sharp im in a hurry very sorry sir but wo hvont tt chop in the ouse today well theft ill have a steak just as bad as before sir j for we haven asteakm oh well what joints haw you nona sir wuatt no chops no steaks no joints what hvc you got tjion j got tholailiffs in uuforhmately bailiffs eh y sharpening his knife ou his fork well bring in a bailiff i watkius ima many of his ladi t millinery is murked down tu hulf p silks satin atirvolleintx bmqiiu uttonuitis kc nuntr iu franeh nd untll droakg i tl belliiikiffjt ubnut half ilitn tins nilordt ii i jiru mmkediliiwn fn m 481 1 823 wseh ami ladies vur oiipnh in rrorit varictv sellln j oft to 8 60 clisr niuu 8x10 table coi down f nun 760 1 060 ery llmniiiful hxl vi down from 17 to ol novv an i bkliininlil drins quoiih down from 60 id 2sn i ile4 123 t 75o good kil ativet iii itntu divvu fiiim87jto aie a lovi very fiifel blnuk silk vdilvst iilstihrlilotimilliu it hilf prio jursev flurinel down from 87 also yard wide uud two yards wide 1 1 ivy twilled sluemnk klnniieli i in white an i x ul in all kindsaiid colors from liusliirl int irv sullilig off very choap ladies corsets aim luliwa oeutjs ilissts nml41oy iiiderelothiniriif nil kmflmelllngufl very aliori tev cantiii flannels cottiuitidiri canadian twoecls pic nro felliiitiotfja extiviriely low pr ecs sols velvet aa fine henvv wiltou the rugs mits poles coruieseto allexceudingr hughson street the name is i hamilton jniiiiry mth lb aft nut jowu in mnuv casus ti iihicu i tnntlioih to clothe- djiejir liitui dauulitrs cheaply itiliiut tlilf price uiulily iniiiiroilureil 8x4 tililo coveiji rujl liojovers down from it4 50 irother intnlflointr lot of f jjryss uooils dosvn fnm 16 to kills in 8lultttui lntlls in h 6 ty it itovn frmi 1 75 in 1 to 70o lost noe tlm fumiiilb ii iviiitu red 1iolt orango ji lienyy navy and cheeked plain uls fnrovei aud umlerbiiirrsi boot a shoe rump uiun ures drugstore fluid liojhlwlg lcr tarehut few that have never sullertl almost iiatolurable pain fniui rootlmclie xouralia or like acuto piiins to tlntin such au instant relief as fluid liglniiitij is iu untold blessing- iu time of trouble no diigiistiiig offousivo medicines to he inlet i 6cliys on adpheatimi of fluid linyr j sld at j k mefiarvii j merit rtotii dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles- entiiely worthless ot so with ale gregors speedy curo you are not artj to purchase it until its merits arc provm callarj k migarvinsdrug stiirc md get a free trial bottle and if not conviuvto it will cure you of the worsliorms of 1 ys- pepsia liver complaint etc ho irutler of o longstanding it cots you otliiiii sold in 50c and i bottles see testinon ats f roni persons in yiur oju town 2h ltehlarpiles symptoms and cnrr the symptoms are motsture hkeperspir- tioiiintense0ching increased by scraitcli- j e howsoi the lleapiist place in aotou to imv boots k shoes is at howsnna and still lie s going to give a further reduction of 10 par cent ten pel cenjt off 11 kind of boots and shoes hubbcra anil overslioes for the next 80 day fr vvvvv v howson ingoing to makutliotirnrcry business lively for we d not merely say we can give you latter orolieaper dealer in townliut wn cjuote ypii prircs in plain tiuris which is asseitions thai aimtunt to nothing note the f lliwut tliel chiictmas wacon tmiils than iinv other pry different umiiero 20 lbs 14 20 2s bviulit suirar granulated clibi i currants it ice 1 0 1 00 1 00 1 00 18 pearl tapuu 5 valinciii r 2 cutis salmon h 1 id mixed cam yo 121 vy istlus in crumptiiiin and otliar cu itkiindciiepxedsliiruiiiibsgrav i just sou tlie carpets in hemp i wo ply union and auwoo heiip bemomber rlio big storejt are on kiug street bast fur lens liitii obt pricos ijoiikiu at an iuiniitso iriesstlim tfalf pri a lalrge lot of bern f i bail way i bugs luceit frin 50 jtium 8xltt put bo maitlo and ultor clith dowri from 1 very ii lid some invybw pilef ofil v if blue f shirts enraiod inaki s selling iff atierv cheap price coi tone sheetings dicks eiiiin9jtikiiigsy he has iiirkl ireiuotibirj the wi one door vfestsof cjfteat jnwary laj tilel oldil brus b ug very distressiug particularly at uibht seems as if pin- worms erociailiugidanil ibout the rectum the private porta are sometimes affected 11 allowed to continue ery serious results may follow sway ses oiktmest is a pleasant sure cure also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly drustyskin diseases sent by mail for 60 ccuts 3 boxes 1 25 in stamps ad ires dr s wayne son philadelphia pa i floqr feed 4 full line of flonr and fwl kept constantly on hand bet rollei flout wcon a tononcinaetonf2loperloo bran oocnts per 100 i grwe guarantee satisfaction to every customer as quality isour leading feature j e howson next doojr to drug 8tore j fyfe xcton j fyfe acton j fyfe 4cton fyfe fyfts fyfe acton acton acton keep this in mind when you go to purchase your fall clothing that easw end clothinq stork 50 sold by druggists uohoxcayspiusi impurities of the blood to ensure health it is absolutely neces sary tha t the fluids and sol ds of tho hi man body should be kept free from those purities which are continually getting a d mission into the system by imprudent hv- iing unwholesome surroundings or disor dered stomach thdjmrest way to expel all such irapuritie is totake holloways pills- which have the power of cleansing the blood from all noxious matters aad at the same timeremoving any morbid changea which their presence may have already produced in any organ hblleways pill expel all humours which taint or iinpover- ta unsurpassed for extent of stock mod nrtiutio design atid durable woikiua aiblegaat tweedsuit for black dlno or brown 14x0 1600 or 1700 it beiivers teds a large stock o underclothing good aii- cheap worsted suits lso oveec0atings in all shades meltou naps tweeds and wore j j j fyfe hormairbatteallon when your horse is galled scratched or torn or haaan ugly isore bathe twice daily and apply mcgregci parkes carbolic cerate it is nndoubtedly the finest heal ing andoleansing apphcatipu for at be sure you get mcgregor parkes soli for 26c per box at dr mcgarvins drug store severe colds arc- easily cured by the ne e of bickles anticonsumptive sypp a medicine of extraordinary penetrating and healing properties it is acknowledged by those who fiave used it as being the best medicine sold for coughs colds infiamma tion of the lungs and all affections of the throat and chest its agreeablenessto the taste makes it a favorite with ladies and xhiidten j hald ltsblalbk all sufferers from that terrible torment neuralgia can be made happy in oae moj ment by a single application of fluid lightning briskly rubbed on painful parts and without using auy disgastirg medicine day alter day with- little or no result fluid lightning alw cures as effectually toothache lambago bjheqmatisntrhead achej and is only 25o per bottle atdr hc- ganins drug store h ckalerapretfhtamte in order to withstand cholera und such like epidemics a perfect purity of blood and the proper action of the stomach are required to- iusurt that end in the cheapest most available and complete manner nse mcgregors speedy ctne for dvflyei arid impme 31ood there ia no purer safet or more reliable roj in- they old no iah thejblood which they purify and vigorate giving tone to the nerves are applicable to all alike young o robust or delicate j 1 i 1 1 seil aad centfort to the suffcrlns browus household panacea bias brjual for relieving pain both internal audi external it cures paiii in the side back or buwels sore thbtit khuumatsm toothwhc ljibhago oud any kind of a paiu or ache it will mosfcsurely quick- eu the blood and heat aslitsactiog power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as tlie great pain reliever and of douole the strength of any other elixir or lluiment in the world should be in every funihy handy for use when wanted asit really is the best jn the kinds rtmedy in the world for cramps strtmacb and pains and acljie of all ind is for sale by all druggists nt21j cents 44 liicdica aifect- boltle pr- uincut nmoai ih j great est discoveries by the inaiiy cures it has ed ilcgrcyors sjjerdy cure leads the van subjected to the miuutcst dicrnical ki lalysis it has been tound to contain one o those injurious ingredients olaracterizit g the aorthleng specikcs daily offered to the jiiliii k very ingrediont possesses ipecul ar adaptability to the various coir plaints for which it has been compounded and its dtficacy is being established by testimonials njssrly received wcjurp therefor conh leiit that we have a preparation wl ich wo m offer to the public withtlie asiurance it will be found not only a reicf hut an absolute cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion conslipation and im pure blourl freo trial bottles alj 4 e 31 ai viu8 drug store catak kh- a hew tkeatwevt perhaps the most extraordinary that has been achieved in modem iodicine nas been attained by the dixon treatment for catarrh out of 2000 patients treated daring the past six months fully ninety par cent havo been cured of this stubborn milady this is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner benefitted while the patent tdedicines and other advertised cures saver record a core at all starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific meu that the disease is duo to the presence of liywg parasites in the tissue mr dix on at pnee adapted his cure to thejrexter minatibnhib uj-i- the catarrh is prat permanency is unqn ed by him four yeai no one else has evi caurrh in thisnian meat ias ever enred cation of the romedy aomlwhpiiw ebb8t atid permneht enre heingnartdjatone slisbed y oured labci ago are ci attempted rapdnootlerti ttiw simple an 1 iwiiremntr ivorablefdr mfi fyfe acton fyfe action iacton j kelly bros npxt door to hynd3 jewelry 8tore ooti ig than ever pensesbeing fwi having ijjonght tlie stpre we y w ocenpy it pi to sell goods at very low les- than anyone else in enable us to sell all kinds grotlerifesi trpvisionf voiyvlow to taks all kindl john an kelly 4everyon rate price nship grand irunkrallvvay oowofeast- hxeii-ani- xpress 7luam ni inilnwam hrough kxw7prii ccom i0 ctp wtwconcsiielpi chicago kxprdm does uo aiiiltoroutiij j otr cfcosljfo jiailb oolnfj wdt lt0 arnknd 580 pm going bat7h40amin4620pjii i knglfsh mail closes at lp4 am on wednesday x m fcxpres9 a i xbjeiini bji iiiiif 5abira ijicclbl 8i0pn ieiom coaeh bm air m canadiari pacific railway toalieoijitb i safmvtbst 1 codesezo tfmb table toronto todetfoit cljicago and manitohil stlouls ex jpaclfle kx- tfenalett toronto 8 10arui i 0stn i i i5pt gtretsviriejuuj 38 1 2 os i s25t chicago h rtl am 8 05 401 j op winnipeg j00 dkily esjcpt mondayt toronto to montreal quebec and boston limited ex montreal ex torouto- 9 jaaijo 8nopni ottawa 525pni 38 am montreal 7 8 38 quebec 0 30am 9b0pm boston 8 15 pm 8 45ajin brampton to strietsvillo junction j bramujon 947ahv streetsviltejct 3030 brampton to draiige brampton orangeviilo owen sound 8 55 7 55 6111 5 45 ps l- 6 54 pm 7 35f lille and owen 85und 5 5opni 7 10 3020 31 0 3a0pni purchase your tickets by this new and popular line a rrnoii j e mcgabvin ticket ivgent jicton ontario- yolirm l i every thl if h ibi f3s p3e3 pdv acton j v one ykab ll v tbkeeio4 invariibly ioajv 615 per year till be tiuaed till all aerea optiou oftbepubluh advr acton planing m ii is in tkesodavsnf ch an sde liwnlit salfi sneciu liiiea saji hcnlt tomake a ret swain eui with chep gnnds it is rpeial nccnr such as a hip tri jcrjelby some hardpressed ilebtorj lis i time ve ng rick oonils sh labnnl tjo mict komeimperative dem bajwe struck it grfaud drives rhilwe3 3sto 1 ricb witlh tw j furs c 1 j fyfe j fyfe j fyfe acton acton acton i kelly bros fcohe astray wrong address arrived jjrt last wllllimsok ijamsh aw j dboibpiion jbxiiiaepaaaairiitractor sash door 1 ftod biiadt factory rl and gijntlemenjte a manufacturers whole stjoclf of hosiery ladiesl j- underwear wool shpwls clouds and mufflers bouglitat 66 23 cents on the dollar and to be bolg at less i ijhan repfulai cost 13 fu tl is prepared toj put dows weather on storm doors win strips etc on short notice winter porches erected rieatly and at reaisonable prices wehave oneypf fleuiys celebrated chbp- ping mills anld will chop all kinds lof grain on taesdaysi thursdays and saturdays t t bamshaw j managers rhjtrvtyi tu health ber 8 queen now on tha wa er cent off compro lear at half price folmans cap value n sterling oceans on a better rices our ev the trade it of the farmers vv we are prepared to i of produce in osclif agefor goods ji pay tlve highest market pjice kelty i brothers rodger kelly ask for kelly bros nev store from thle cradle j to the crave j furniture dealers having erected a fineiiew slmwrooip have just received a nfcw and well assorted stock i3ht on and undertkere acton of fariitlurpof ail kiujds of the laesi designs i and everything else that from the crndlf to jiny family the grave 4oforwii parlor fmrnliure bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges fables chairs itockors bedsteads and cradles requires in the furniture 1 andwe can prepare hiive oh hand a laigo stocli of all kirjtlsanilsiz ijl-py- m- m tbklssv estc lucludihg line daring their jnnrny themfor the grave of- v thertuneral f t rnishlrigg toasopabip terms a flrst cla4 from glasgow fade claim of 50 lised at 57 12 per lis lot consists of beautiful s muffs caps cent off fur 475 currency 2375 ridded s3 1 60 5o01ocik pm closing movjepaen duriny the next two months ployegs an extra hour ticojniien ment was vt ori ft tn huye itl count of the oppomtinn ofjpno of two pari tip lead and will aceonlinfilv el oirwytnlhani sin et fiillnwi 4l it oclock nh siturdiiy niglit r so rs to jj ihe linn will rinse at 3 oclock ate for tlieir lon hoiirh oil saturday uigiht the starea closii at tins hnur liis houevcr the lion li night satuidavh excepted s will boas duty ive llieirem- a mbve- ijt it fell through 6itc- has n i yer been a ffajd unlocks allthelogged avennes of the bowels kidneys and idver carry ing off gradually jwitliout weakening the sjslemj butbelirnpurities and fonj- humors of the sdcjrebhs at the saime time eottqclirig aoijity of tin stomach curing biliousness esr- pspsiai headaches tjizeineas heartburn coinstipation drynesb of ciesmn dpopsy rinmesajxtf visibn jaundice salt phetafi erysipelas scroftila plutterind or the heait itervousness arct gen eral uebility su thhe and miny other similar coeplfjritavipll to the happy in t- bujxck blood bitteb8 v- e botbtjj jq tivshic- prcitfc mi biale ojie coinmn hauqaiumu j qu uter oolainn oue xuh it casual adverts fir6t mbertien fieqaeut insertlod cai reckoned by tha spar scale of solid fipifpa advertlsementta wl lbeinserteittilj t inglyv transitory ai inadeane ghanges tot ponir iu tliie otfice vf 9 it the will be left over thspalfehi krtteids bieiu to i tntractsujufbei 3asiri 1x7 h lowi wqrahuah ber lf college of office and- resid trederick street cj5 trinuiy jjn itjr lsedicaijschool of physicia is and i oiriceffiilstf office xlvbenne m ickinl dentist ue w aystenl 6 jnf niorityicalie teeth without 1 stritor ana- pra tjollbge of jjdenta rons myd6pendu in oioy flpetationb acton evefyoti jmonth qfficej ilesb itidiied airj for painless jeif ohiekot- tovellsbjkkki wj j1 ijppery p john jtario veterjnat la jfjsenny denee in t soundnessj v afl calls ved tp ivfsoj veteii isur ros rpar kndee night i eas tbei teftos ionl t se everv umhi aluiclavh exccpttrl if n6 another jttrm istinly jiiijt to 8alpsiueii and ladies who vork to loand j liien other trades have a half liolilay illiamson mckay bro fc con kino and johvsts mckay cor klftqand lower riojsis eluizg the forcsitaeo of profits throaehbattheatorerhe oonseciaence of tie large ir crease of 0r justness -o- ird laidies all wool oiiodorcy flannel 15c per yard itedflannelsle pdryard fiugeriiig yam rfc per skein- j bovs top shirts 50c wofili aoe menntp shirt loc i childrens cnmhiiiiitinii suits 80c ladies gicy vests mc j quoiirhoivv tweed 35c per yirl onod allcwonltwoid aho perlyanl navy ttltiirsjjip cloth 75c pi rjyard heavy qiialitv nap ci th ljl2a jiur y hlnck and bnwnqltnrihn coriil25 drebrgrols10c woh20e i allwool drfes cjoods 16c- wjirth 30e best value plain wincey l0 mail orders receive prompt and faithpljf lise 25o or pair per pail ladies casluiierehosoioc lnlie- cashmere thiives 20c per pairt- pur oapia very el cap i fur trimming special value biajck wlvelens 25c per jijair cofrrd velveteii s treiit variety fancy bordered h audkerchefsu5c pejdijiz jolt let cadres gjllars5e cnriifortere only jrie each- blankets gomivajiiei 33o luce curtains 60c curtain poles 50 1 a stt mte t corner of king and john streets h nlltb roli altw hollo way pills and ros john st- i inevltaie per puirj each neb wortli 20c hemp carpets 10 per yard l attention har t t mluon ah ptjlfi of tllk rtle nafy is limcrtn i b ko z llitte us none oiuer- genjiiiijie tcleafr barriite f solij aucersj ic 1 fsti j l0rihzi wx a mpjjeax e soiicrrouj cjfficbifirst office maistreef at 6 per ce jit jss acs aboolcocliipfts jf hit best book wrtm ailvirii user t loon- ilt bwte esporii joneetrof otlicrvrlse hcontiiliwlibisotiiewspapereaikleatiniutcj wkr i- toaosrol ocesqr and 86 knig str w i miit t ajni iiahl bilbbisij otffices qve lingtoh stieet e4 uey torjmtq r johjfsm q- wiiitiaqliini invest one hunrfrteil thrmsawl ilolnr veruslng a scheme is indiciiw wliicli will meet bta every reqninhipnt or canbeaadt todclbftligllangaauilyarriredat up cor rpotok- itoeditttumbuvo been iifued sent postpairt tojiuiv udilrefp lorlueents write to ueot prowkll co sfiwspapeit anvelttislnu bubfad 108iruoe8tpriiiunghou8osi kew lortc i 4patesjrssi henltysi 20 years practj makhop iioh li st how rkstofiu v wo liaye recently pnblisliet a new- edition of djcnlvuweiri tele- v bratcd essay on the radical and isa perfflanentcure vitliout med icine of nervoub ijebiuty mental and physical l ncapacii ityimpo marriage etc rrultmn fromekcefecs jilrife in a sealed eiivejore only c cent or two postaeerstanjib u the celebrated aotbor in this admin ble eb- aay clearly demonstrates from thirt y years successful practice thfttaloiminr const quenoes may be radically cured without the di ngeroub useofinterootmodiciuos or the use jft le knife pointing out a mode of cure at 6uce4im iler cer- tain and effectual by moans jrf iii h every bufferer no matter wliat bis i3tnlitjon may be may curebiuiself cheaplyprlvalely and r idically this lecture bbojaldli in the bands cit every youthanfleverymaniuthelandj address tlielitycrwei sfcifiral do a j 4tawier lost olhrfl bps 450 ji-f- purify liveb they inrigoratp and restore tjhe blood correct nil disorders of the- stomach kidneys and bowels to health fjeiiiiitatedcohstltatiorj conjplaiutsincidepal to fomnles of afl ages fur chijdreii and tey are priceless tg qintmbijit ointment s aiu ard invauialileinaltr the aged it is an infallablo tenierly for bail lens rati bi easts old wouii ds sores and ulcere is famous for gout and ubenmatisin fcirdisokieisofthicliest it liarnoequal foe s0eltib3at3 bsohiii 03u5h2 colds glandular siil ings andal 8uii diseases itjkas no rival und for cofitrabted a4fltiff fc ioliitsitautsjikon clmrpi manufacture o ily as hollowaxsj establisl 75 hev cjtford lireet oxford st eet toidoa anti nieiojd at ifclii idi4sii4 3j2i each bii or p6 iricnt- w 4inay for the orders left promptly 3moijey jaisoh able terms terest in spms i gi e ino 4epip lice- 6onnti at tfal resi oittend si- jjioeneed yj haltonaik we james 5ialthew attentior xohnbfay 0fnce square m areplaatnntj itptaescctet6lrins twativo li k kfp tpbwv w wntiial dmtnajtn t wpnna in cjlxi y or dolu 5 to all who are suffering f ion tl ie errors andihdisokiitiong of youth oectoiib weak nes ewlydew lose ojtiupoo l acx i will senrjypn recipe ffiavsrfflccuriryon fbbbwfohabv hiareji t remed iwaibooereaterafwsici fesonur b iv rwpj jn mondy per cent loaned for seounty pmierly farms audi with farms for domfmon oalttted in wanting teotions faring wuted mo ipartj i h dence tnvidsd suelphojt ranl4u h w as opena i rlynppmte r street 1 ac iofjhebnbl ia fcsfililiiilil 5- x i que to nil eurj fajrms i turpa

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