turinim moksinomakch 11 i860 not btjilt that way a bo will eat and a boy will drink arid a boysdl play all day lint a boy wont work and a boy wwt thiuk because he aint built that wa i chicago iohjrr a jirl will sing and a girl will dance and a fiirl will work crochet but a girl cant throw and hit a church because she aint built that way lynn union a girl may lauh a nirl niav sport a girl may attend the play but shell not ride a bicycle into port because shes not built that way iliniikiiwu tribuiu a girl will powder a girl vrill paint aud keep it upday by day but shell uotliase hip pockets put in her pants because she aint huilt that way ulfuh ploicnxui a man will smoke a man will drink hell be disgusting every way but he wout wear a lownecked short- sleeved shii because he aint ouilt that way jayiiiiij gaul- a girl will smile sweet with no 5 feet cramped in no 4 shoes all day but she wont whistle and yell from a theatre back seat because she aint built that wa tauahasmii a girl will commit one or probably more fashionable follies each day but she wout spit tobacco juice on a church floor y because she aint built that way liu oal lultuhjeiica sow the girl ivtaylo this aud the girls may do that 2 may be happy cross jolly or gay but they all will get married when tliey get the right chance because they art built that waj i femimc ltiulcr corns when a trial and you ing oju why ro limbing and whining about youij 25 cent bottle of holloway com cure wiljl remove them give it will rjot regret it the prince of patent medicines the stamp upon newspapers was a ready test of the extent of their circulation whilst it was compulsory and the go em inent stamp which must accompany every patient medicine now series in like manner to show the extent of its circula tion ave have recentlyinvestigated this interesting subject of home and foreign interest and find that there are no less than two hundred and forty different patent medicines in circulation which are regular ly c italogued the extent of the sale of each of them and consequently tba public estimation which each enjoys may be in ferred from the number of government stamps winch each of them requires it is impossible to get at the number of stamps used by each of the two hundred and forty different patent medicines but it appears thafhollowa s pills and oint ment takes just o fourth of all the stamps issued by government for such articles such being the case it is clear that the chancellor of the exchequer could not dispensewith hollowavs pills antl oint ment as a matter of mere revenue even if he did not consider them in other respects a moit profitable investment and invaluable boon to the community the magnitude of the figure the vast amount expended for government stamps and the incalculable number cf bushels of pills aud tons of omt- ment required from hollowaj s establish ment to make up the laige expenditure for stamps enables us to conceive the colossal dimensions which hollowaj t extraordi nary remedies haye assumed but this is not all glancing in as on pass jou be hold the signs of thg vast business fdoue at that estaffiishment enter wrlen you please during business hoars- and it is impossible not to be struck with the magni tude of the concern which require so many attentive heads and active pens from day to day fjom month tomouth from year to year not less than thirty clerks and other officials are required to do the work of the establishment many of these being men of superior attainments for a cone- spondence is carried on in almost every language since every part of the world gravitates towards it as the magnet pole of the healing art of health and wellbeing such is the present state of the patent medicine known by the name of hollo- ways pills and ointment xo wonder then that inquire for them where ybu please jou not only find them bat on further tjniioniinj jou will be told that everybody takes themthat the demand for them is perpetually increasing if we ask the cause of th s immense demand the answer invariably is that they have been foancl a safe certain aud perfect remedy iu nearly all diseases th slatidician what is g6od for a cold is aqiiesiioh often asked but i seldom satisfactorily answered w o can answer to the batisfacj tion of all if thoy will follow onr adviojs and try hagyards pectoral balsam a safo pleasant and pertain throat and lnngjhealefl sold by all duggists tue lnjlviir 1r8b after tho above year is ended there neojd be no person puffer ng from rheumatism neuralgia toothache headache lumba go or any acnto pain if they only purchase a bottle of fi uid lightning as it cures in stantly pain cannot stay where it is usqjl the name is fluid lightning sold by dr mcgarviu druggibt mr h mcaw custom house toronto wiites my wife was troubled with dyspepsia and rheumatism for a lojig time fhe tried many different medicines but did not get any relief until she used xortlirop a l mans yegetublo discovery and dyspeptic cure j she has taken two bottles of it aud now finds herself m bettor health thausshehas been for years in iooil rrpntc james mamurdock writing from kinsulo sajs b b b ab a remedy for diseases of the blood liver aud kidneys has an ex cellent reputation in this locality i have used it aud speak from experience as well as observation it is the only medicine 1 want and i advise others afflicted to try it huid ligumiug tliereare bntfewthal have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothacie neuralgia or like acute pains to tbcin suchau instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble xo disgusting offensive medicines to he taken or days oiip application of fluid light- niug cures sold at j k mcgarvins drug store 29 there is nothing lilr it i there isjio one remedy offered to suffer ing humanity whose use is so universally and frequently required as hagyards yel low oil for rheumatism neuralgia colds sore throat deafness croup lumbago and aches pains lameness and soreness of j all kinds when internally and externally used mineral poison xquud but pure extracts from plants and roots are used in preparing mcgregore lung compound the modern and now popular remedy for colds coughs bron chitis croup asthma and all affections bf the throat lungs and chest all mineral poisons ind dangerous substances are avoided which renders it safe for children or adults sold at 50c aud 100 per bottle at dr mcgarvins drug store ope jst your eyes railwayrtime taple to the fact that storekeepimg is a poor paying business to any one ho cannot compete with the g t r low rates i o a 3st do it i commence this morning to sell anything and everything in my stor for just what i can get for it in casbl you will beable to buy more gopds from me for the next i month for ten dollars than you can buy elsewhere in the world dont forget this for i mean it i want to soil every dollars ortli of goods before the 1st of april as my lease of store expires on that date remerab we are doini costs will b incurred grand trunk railway oorsii west ooinoea8t mxod 800 am expresb 710 am pass mini 1102 ara through ex 547 pm accom 10h p m express ixpiebsr mall bpeciftl chicago express does not stop between guelpl amltoronte time oy closing jiailsl going west 1040 am and c 80 pjui going eabt 1040 am and 520 pm english mail closes at lovam on wedncbday 1247 fln 1102 air 545 pu 830 pn accom cdacli sw aro canadian pacific railway to all roint east aud 77 est condhnsed time tviil 1 r this it will cost you nothing to come and see what and pay up any accounts you may owe at once or halton dry ccjods house c b grifftn amazed with the greatest amazement yet at the eight house j i dry goods millinery mantles undeiclothiug of all kinds jsightwear bed clothing of every description house furnishing goods and hundreds of other articles are put down lower than was everhoaidof trench allwool dres3 goods of all kinds put down to far less than cost a very superior stock of black allwool french cash meres marked down from 50 1 1 80c from 05ito 45c fromto to 60c from 80 to 65c from 85 to 70c fiom 95 to 75e from 1 to 80c from 112i toooo from 125 to 1 from 150 to 125 beautiful colored allwool french cashmeres and mcriaos in the latest shades maiked down from 501o 40c from g2j to 30c from 75 to 00c from 80 togoc from so to 70c from 87 to 75c from 00 to 7oc and from 1 to 85o the newest itlesof allwool french 8ergc put down from 30 to 25c- from 37j to 30c from 45 to 37ic ffoln 50 to 40c beautiful black allwool french serge good valuo for 30c k at 2oc just see the gray cotton at 3c the yard wide gray cotton at 5c the 40inch gray cot on atic aud piles of other factory cottons good nd heavy at astonishingly low piiceb excellent white cotton yard wide marked down from 8a to 9c from 10 to 7jc be sure to see the 10c the 121c and 15c bleached cottons hundteds of pieces of ipriuts marked crown from 10 to 6c which are fine c1otbwide wifths and very cheap at 10c but at 5c theyarc astonisliidk bargains hainjlsome 12c prints put down to 7jc a lage lot of veryneat pattern blankets itnd hoitir at an immensc tteductijan local ex 4 15pm 5 23 8 55 7 55 am 5 45 p m moutieal ex h 00 prn 4 38 am 8 18 u 50 pm toronto to detroit cliicago an manitoba btxonib ex pacific hi toronto 8 10 a in 1 05 pn strotsvillejuno 13 2 00 stthoinus 12 37 pm 5 25 detroit 5 50 8 45 chicago oooani 8 05 am winnipeg 7 00 daii exceitt monday toronto to montreal quebec nd boston limited ex toionto j 25 am ottawa 5 25 pm montreal 0 00 quebec g 30 am hoston 8 45 pm 8 45am brampton to streetsville junction ljramnton 9 47 am 6 54 pm btroetsville jct 10 10 7 15 brampton to orangevilleand bwen bound brampton 9 47 am 5 55j pm oraiujevillo 11 00 7 10 owen sound 3 30 pm i 10 20 purchase our tickets by this new and popular line acton planing mills williamson bashaw liiopnrttor suuder nd contractor j3ash door and blind factory carpets aiesclhng off cheaper tlrau ever befoie just seo the tupestiy ijrussels tind wiltons new spring goods just imported two shipments of ner spring amlisummer prints muslins shirtings quilts and vaiious other marked down will not bo put up again of hughson street the name is iew noods iu the veiy latest styles have arrived this week the goods hamilton fcbrunry 18lb j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton megregor a parke dnrbollc tcrate s yoa an old soresput burn bruie corn bunioij salt rhenm pimple blotches rough hands or face if so there is but one cure namely mcgregor iparkes carbolic cerate if you but try it it will convince you it costs but25cts at dr jlcgarvius drug store handy to have every hopsphold should keepbome ready remedy at hand for painful diseases sudden attacks of inflammation and accidental injuries sueh a remedy ig best found in hagyards yellow oil for internal and ex ternal use it cures rheumatism sore throat croup neuralgia lame back sprains bruises and burns people who reside or sojourn in regions of couniry where fever and and ague and bilious remittent fever are prevalent should be particularly careful to regulate diges tion t e liver and the bowels before the approach of the season for the periodic malad the timely use of northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspep tic cue is a valuable safeguard against the m jarial scourge it is acknowledged to be ihe beet blood purifierm the market mcgregors speedy cure when we say mcgregors speedy cure j is the only perfect cure for dyspepsia liver complaints indigestion and impure blood we are telling plain facts of which hundreds upon hundreds can testify who have been restored to perfect health by its use we should therefore advise yon strongly if you are a subject of any of the above troubles to give mcgregors speedy cure a trial and be convinced it is sold m 50c and 9100 bottles atdr mcgarvins drugstore moris rroicii i dollai dpoii dollar is f lequcnlly spent on the faith of leconiuiendations for articles entirely worthless not o with mc grejrors spted cuio on aie not asked to purchase it until its meiits are proven call at j k migaivius diug stoio and get a fice trial bottle and if not convinced it ill cuie juu of the worst foims of ds- pepia lier complaint cu- no iratlei of how long standmg it cosjs jou mtlnii sold in 50c ami i liotllcs see ttstiinoi- as fiom persons in tir oh n low n 29 itching imex- mptoms nuiharc tlieiymptoinsire moisture like perspir ation iuteime itchidg increased by scrateh- ng very distiessiug piiticularly at night seems as if plnwoimsjerecialingio and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affected li allowed to continue very serious iesults may follow swaxes oixtsiesr is a pleasant sure cure also for tetter itchsalt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 boxes 125 in stamps ad dress dr s wayne son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 kest nndtouirort to he surciriii browps hbiuehold panacea has no equal foi relieving pain both infernal and external it tuies pain in the side back or bowels sole tin oat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood and ileal as its acting power is wondeiful browns household pan acea being aekuowledged as the great pain reliever nml of double the stieiiitli of any other elixu or liniment in the world should be in every fannlj hund foi use when wauted as it leillj ib the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach aud pains and acliqa of all kinds and isfoi sale by all druggists at 25 cpntb bottle 44 prominent among the greatest medica discoveries b the inauy cures it hasailect- ed zlcg reyurs speedy cure leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious iuredients characterizing the worthless bpeeirics daily offered to the public eveiy ingredient possesses a pecul- ar adaptability to the various complaints forhieh ithas beeir compounded and its efficacy lsbeiun established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a prepaiation which we can offer to the public uitl the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but an absolute cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im- purebloud free trial bottles at j e mcgaivins drun store 31 when ou uu t 1880 the j will be sold off at under cost as they aro marked uow be sure to come to the ruht house king street east one door west thomas c- watk-ons- j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton keepth5s in mend j ihitcliase your full clothing tint east enll clothing stor is unsurpassed tor extent ot stuck moil rule price iirtistii ilekigt and durable woikinansliiji s14c0 1600 or 1700 an elegant tweed suit for worsted suitl m also overcoatings in all xleltonj kaps a large stock jf underclothing good and clieai uides ot lieiver- tweeds and worsteds j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton 7 fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe actojn bjlstg- i good goods at tow prices everything in winter goods reduced childienb wool hose deduced lo 10c ladies allwool hoje i educed to 20c lidies lined kid mitts educed to childiens lined kid mith ieduced to 3i ladie josephine kid gloves i educed to 50c lleiy qu ility xap cloth reduced to 97c l idles 7 fm cupes reduced to 4 velveteens reduced from loito 25 per ccnt dress good woith jioc i educed in 21e black cashmeres l educed 17 lo 20 pel cut god check wincey 10c woilli lot- lidies and clnldiens wool mitts 15e woith80e laige wool clouds j0e woith 50c ladies wool cuffs reduce d to 12jc ladies undciwenr ieduced to 50c boys wool ve ts reduced to 35c boyfe top sliiit- reduced to 47e jfew embioideries just received from 5c npwauls new prints elegant designs from 5c pji yard to 20c new shu tings choice patterns be to loc new ginjhanis nice patterts 10c blatikelsall rrduced comforters all ieduced caiptts at special l eductions mail orders jressivo prompt and careful attention i mckay brothers cor king and john sts hamilton tmh if loral de a beaulrful wprkof 150 pages colored plates and 1000 illustrations with descriptions ol the best flov fcrs and vegetables prices of seieids plants and how to grow them printed in english and german price only 10 cents v hich may be deducted from list order if tells what you want for the garden and how to get it instead of running to the grocery at the last noment to buy what seeds happen tcj be left over meeting with disappointment after w ecvs of wailing jms5 seeds imes vick seedsman rochesier n y 1 health fo if all hollqwats pills and ointment the pills purify the blood correct all- disorders 6t the liveh stomach kidneys and bowels they invigorate and restore to health dehihlated constitutions and are invaluable in all complaints incidental lo females of all ages for children and the aged they are pliceless bickles anticonsumptive syrup is a combination of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence in curing pulmonary consumption and all other diseases of the lungs chest and throat it promotes a free and easy expectoration and gives ease even to the greatest sufferer coughs colds shortness of breath and affections of the chest attended with weak ness of the digestive ovgans or with general debilityj seems to vanish nnder its nse no other remedy acts bo readily in allay ing inflammation or breaking np a severe cold even tbe most obstinate cough is over come by its penetrating and healing pro perties when children are affected with colcfrj coughs inflammation of the lungs croup quinsey and sore throat this syrup is of vast importance the number of deaths among children from these diseases is truly alarming it is so palatable that u me at lg 2a m 4s m ul 22s and 33s each box or pot and may a child will not refuse it and is put at such be had of all mediciie vcndms thoufchout the world a price that will not exclude the poor from p should uok to the label on the pots aud boxes if ihe addru 8 is not its benefats 533 oxford street lohdon they aw spurious it he ointment is an infallable remedy for bud les bad bieasts old wounds sores and ulceis is famous for gout and rheumatism for disorders of the chest it has no equal 70s sorej throats beonohitis coughs golds glandular swellings aud all skin diseases itlhas no rival and for contracted and stiff i joints it acts like a charm i i r ifamtf aclured only at thomas ho llo ways establishment 73 yfrw oxford ispreet late 539 oxford street london bag the golden lion gtjeilh o jllie lion ietiiin thanks lo his many friends and pntious advantage of the is prepared to put on stornr doors win dows weather strips etc on shdrt notice winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices i we have one of flenrys celebrated chop ping mills and will chop all kjnds of gram on tuesdajsthursdays and saturdays ta ramsjhaw managers go to waters bros the picture mlery for artitts mau rinu oil colorn craiom canra papat brwhrt oil paintings steel eieravings chromos c guelph iiul watir dravimi v frames qf all moulding room and picture cornices iflolleis and pninpule lor weddms and coruiae pl s spn v sh-iie- fromjoc fancy goods suiriblej and brllidiy precnt a cyisiloib cin hve t framed while in the nty s with jou to ieir pictures bring them waters brqs the picture gallery neai fli the key to health kinds e post office 1im liivc tvken ifdriejie excnrsiojst which he is offering to llus luge and n connection with the grand trunk r r we are giving a free trip on saturdays to any person from georgetown limehouse acton or rockwood who buys 5 worth of goods from us our stock is complete in ami ib ihe lugcst stock by many thousands of dollars wclst of toronto every line ur lively doll s are all fresh and new is ttoith wtis puichased within tho year the old stick having all been eleued lout to i member of thfi old linn eleven months ro our friges down everything i we court investlgatiuy and defy competition i c3 come and tee it cost yoa uothing and will make you a litelong cjustomei to ijs j d williamson co peerless oil six as carried q all the prizeb aud is tire best machine oil offered for sale in the jdomin ion in proof of this we will pay freight both ways when it fails to please the purchaser gold medals havebeen awarded this oil within the last three years none genuine onlythat made at the qtjejsr ciihr oil woirzkis samuel roobrs co torontor for sale by j b pearbou dr mcgarvin j e howson and c t hill acton and d shoultz eockwood 17ly unlocks all the clogged avenues of the bpwels kidneys aad liver carry ing offgradually without weakening the system all the impurities and foul humors of tbo occreions at the same time correcting acidity of thi stomach casing biliousness dys pepsia hleaclaphes dizziness heartburn constipation dryness of the skini dropsy dimness of vision jaundice- salt bheum erysipelas scrofula fluttering of the heart nervousness and gen eral debility nil these and many other similar complaints yield to the happy in of etjbdoce blood bittebs ti milbtjkn co prcprletorr toronto npwirpapfr ahqokom00paes jlei xjuorlbis tho best bookforan in artvcltlsel to oon- sult bo ho experi- encecl or otherwise itcontains lists of newspapers and estimates of the costofadvertisinglhe advertiser who wants to spend one dollar finds in it the in- of the costofadvertisinglhe advertiser who ants to spend one dollar finds in it the in formation hereguires while forhim who will invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad vertising a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement or can bemade to do so by slight changes easily arrivedat by cor respondence 149 editions haye been issued sent postpaid to any address for 10 cents write to geo p howell co newspaper advertising bureau 10sprucestfrintinehousebai kew york manhood how lost how restored wo hae recently published a new edition of dr culverweua cele brated essay on thdradical aud a iieruuiueiitcuiewithoutlmedicine of nervous debility mental and physical incapac ity impedimenta of mamajje etc resultniq from excesses jsapnce iu a sealed envelope only g cent or two postage stamps t the celebrated author iu this admirable eb- say clearly demonstrates from thirty years successful piactice that alarming consequences i may be radically cured without the dangerob use of internal medicinesor tho use of theknife pointing out a mode of cure at ouee simple cer tain and effectual by means of which even- sufferer no matter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaplypnvately and radically this lectme should be in tbe hands ot every youth and everyman iu the land address the citlvevwcll medical o j- post office box 450 41 aim stscn york lgurebomajvt freemans worm powders are pleasant to kko contain thoir own pwjatho li a erfo srro and cttectanl destroyer ot 7orma in ckildica or adults a sard a to all who aresnfferingfrom the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early decay loss of tnanhood tc 1 will send yon a recipe that will cure you peee of charke this great reniffy was discovered hy a missionary in south americai send a selfadaressed envelope to the rbv joseph t inji station d aew york city