Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1886, p. 1

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u hm si m i i i n volume xixo 3s ijs ctmvlr torn is rubnanei r every thursday burning l athk free- press power printing h0u8e acton ontario aeaimateabiabb actoni ontario thursday march 25 188i j subscription rate8 one thau stx months 50ctjs i tllbfe mostbsi25 ct8 i nvkriably in advance rt not paid in advance 125 ber voar will bo charged jfo paper discon tinued till all arrears are paid except at the optioti o the publisher acton banking coy storey christie co -bankers- actou ontario a general banking business transacted advertising rastes bfack itr c mo 3 mo lulq one column i 000013500 half column 35001 2000 quarter column iwoo f 12w one inch i 000 i 350- 320wm 1 1200 700 i 200 700 350- 250 100 casual advertseinonts 8 oents per lino f or the first ihsertiou aijd a cents per hue for each sub sequent insertion cash the numbor of lines rcckouedbv the spaco occupied measured by a scale qf solid nonpareil advertisements without speeiflc directions will be inserted tillfortnd ajkl charged accord ingly transitory advertisements must be paid n advance i chjugcs for contract- advertisements must bo in the office by 9 arn on mondays otherwise thoycill be left over until the following i wee h p moob editor andpropriotor m0nby l0a2tsd on approved kotss notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits je m special agency actoa oat cheap uno 6001 at- sleighs welimudej wellpainted slsdgbo for 40p etra large three bench bjandsome 9135 for 85a the clipper for clipper for uoo the 5100 clipper for 60c baby sledi fine box ha 81 20 i the f 8150 bell telephone company messages received aud transmitted at lower rates than telegraphing ttlilo nilcbrrty be found on file at gcap this rarfcll bowcll co newspaper a rutins bureau to sprace stcwhcretertljinj tcntraett may be tnade far u issew luito- j business frrreetory h lowryr m b m c p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons offij and re3idenae at the head of frederick street acton w c- stacey mjx cmgraduate of t trinitv university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of phjsiciausaud surgeons orcemill street late dr websters office l bennett lds dentist lp georgetown ontario allan line steamships tickets issued i to all poin of great britain and tlio contiuout at very lowest rates buy the tickets here if sending for friends monoy save hy coaling with j e mcgarvin acton ontario k q mckinlay l- d s surgeon j4 i dentist georgetojrn ont uses the new svstem of nitrons oxide gas com- niorilfcalled vitalized air for extracting teethlwitbaut pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in royal colleie of dental surgeons toronto pat rons iay depend upon receiving satisfaction in inji operations performed will visit actou every other wednesday of each montji office agnews hotel j stibton l d s m r c d s ontario honor graduate ontario college of dental surgery successor to c b haves ids artificial teeth in serted on robber celluloid gold or atom- in urn and satisfaction guaranteed tjit- rons oxidegasadministered feesmoder- ate appointments made by leteer office tovelis block opposite koguelph john lawson graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont ofmck in kenny bro3 boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examinedas to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy all the farmers and others having crippled horses will do well to 1 call on ceo stoddard who is prepared to remove ringbones spavins curbs and splin without injuring fhe horse satisfaction guaranteed or no charge geo stoddard creechs old stand acton 8130 for 81 idles carpeted baby sled large roomy bo 83 for 82 txton fit mz thdbbdat mobniko maiioh 25 1886 poetry carpet handles the best value the best assortment coll and examine for at days bookstore yourselves cuelph m clean a- mcmiliax barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers 4c private funds to loan ornci town hall acton wm a mcleax hcgh mcmillax m e mitchell lumber shingles and lath f phe undfersifined desires to inform the public j that he has now on hand and will keep in stoci a full line of pino and heinlock as well as other kinds of lumber also eirst and second classpine shingles lath j coal wood haying purchased the coal business of mr c s smith i am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have also a good stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james brown day sells cheap actok dont blame the world uy francis b bmiiii dont blame the world beoause the thorns are found among the roses the day that breaks in storm may be all bunahine when it closes we cannot hopel to always meet with for times fond oaressing and that which seems most hard to bear may bring with it a blessing the buried seedlmust rot in earth erb it produce tie flower r and the weak plaint to motify must have 50th sun and shower toeain development inust struggle with lifes crosses and vtew with calm philosphy his trials aud his losses a deadly poisnpus weed may yield a salve of surest healing the sweetest bloom may poisuous be al- thoughj its baue concealing thiugs are uoitalwayb what theyseem but still twaa heaven designd them and we bhould jslasb them all as good and take them as we find them little we know of this brief and nothing of its sequel then let us take in humble trust all that may beein unequal gods ways are not our ways and he should certainly be trusted all that is wroui in his good time will surely bo adjusted men that loved enr but never got a nigh em and played on guitars under the trees and made me that miserable i oould acried cjfal rp rt jt ssm r s j m ti jij j m our story planing mill wm e smith proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery business of mr h b mccarthy whioh he has removed to his commodious stables on john street in the centra of the business portion of the town mr mith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that he can g to every patrpn anyone desiring a oommexjelal plea sure or oomjany elg ckn ibe supplied with a firstclass turnout ojn ihe shortest notice i ve satisfaction r 1 horses boarded anjj sold with solicrrob cosvevaxckb c omcefirst door west of the champion office main street milton money to loan at 6 per cent s hilton allan baird barristers soucitors so toiwnio axd geoaojrown ofkiceb creelmans block georgetown and 86 king street east toronto os bl w t ala- j bhutos 1 batiip ba b ainlaiblawgo buiiistebs solicitors omces over imperial binjt 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto joilv bain q c c a mastex william lajilaw gef eoe kappele having made arrangements j messrs w h storey son for the continuanceof the planing mill in the build ing formerly occupied by the acton plow company we would inform the public that we are prepared to take contracts for building j -also- dresshtg plpoeihg shj3eti1tq wstjzbiw tn with neatness and dispatch terms reasonable wm m smith quebec stguelph p aten5s secured for inventions i henry grist ottawa casaiu 20 years practice no patent no pay tttm hemstreet j jllcexseij auctioseek c i for the counties of wellington and halfou orders left atthefaee pbeks office actoii or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable monet to loas alsomohey to loan on the most favor able tnflsp and alrthe lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards ipumps pumps in connection with the above we are also prepared to receive orders for pumps from long experience in the business we feel con fideut that we can supply an article second to norie orders by mail will receive prompt attention kindly soliciting a share of public pat ronage we are respectfully yours thus ebbage manager -ttuelpn- bu si ness collece gtjelph ontario thle second scholastic year commenced september 1st each de partment is in charge of a specialist to impart a practical training for the efficient conduct of business affairs is the sphere and vfork of the institution its graduates are already holding responsible positions in the commercial centres in the dominion energetic young men and women are thor oughly prepared for positions as bookkeep erb shorthand writers correspondents or telegraph operators students received at any time for circular and catalogue giving full information address m maccormick 146m principal i john h hamilton prpbietor- wholesale and betail dealer in marble granite and everything pejrtaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble i subvetor john ejavisj provin cial land surveyor aqcl cfe gaelph orders by knail or teiegraph promptly at tended to charges moderate office 33 perth st guelph j ohnxiay j architect grpkljh oxt onrtce queens hotel block market square i m a a i e j ohnrldaray successor to thompson k jacsson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent j mortgages- purchased money loaned for parties in- mortgages and other security- conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent toall parts of the dominion to intendingpurchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office mear the post office gaelph oijt fire mutual insurance company having lately visited tbo bay of fahdy granite quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite inonuinent8hcadstoucsi crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cobt i will until further notice sell at prices never before known- in ontario for ini stance granite monuments g ft high g0 7 ft 758ft 890 s ft 610010 ft si20 all work and material warranteil lintclass parties wanting anything in this iijie will do well to call and see mo before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 percent below all other dealers dontread this the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood alao pliotjr and peed and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thps c moore marvellous piano playing many people have heard elocutionists re cite jud brovnins account of rubin steins playing on the piano and were much amused tliereby it will- repay a reading being one of the funniest and most realistic descriptions ever written wo do not know who the author was jud they say you have heard ruben- stein play when you were in new york i did in the cool well tell us all about it what me i might as well tell you about the creation of the world come now no mock modesty go ahead well sir ho had the biggest cattycor- nerdest pianner you ever laid your eyes on somethin line a distracted billiard table on three legs the lid was hoisted and mighty well it was if it hadnt hed a tore the in- tire sided clean out and scattered them to the four winds of heaven played well did he you bet he did butdoncinterruptme when he first sat down he peared to keer mighty little bout playin and wisht he hadnt come he tweedleeedled on the treblp a little and twoodleoodled some on the pass just foohn and boxin the things ears for being in his way and i says to the man settin next to me s i what sort of foolplayin is that and hesays hutjh but preeentrf his j hands began chasm onenother up and down the keys like a parcel of rats scampering through a garret very swift parts of- it was sweet sthougli and reminded me of a sugar squir rel turnin the wheel of a oanqlycage now i says to myneighhor hes a bhowin off he thinks hes a doin of it but hl aint got no idee no plan of nothin if hbd play a tuneof some kind or other id bat my neighbor sayb heigh very impatient- i as jhst about to git up and go home bein ired of that foolishness jwhen i heard a littlp bird waking away off in the woods and i of the ootjnt7 op vaiiliiiaiowr established 1840 ab head office ci cuelph insures buildings merchandize mahu- factories and all other descriptions of property oh the premium note system fw- sljone cnas davidson presidepfc seoretajy john taylor aflrent i mhe hinlan barbjetr shop mrll stbspt acros au easy sliave r stylish iaircut a good aeafoam ai exhilarating shampoo always 1 given bajors honed and put in firstrclass- concbtion ladies and childrens hair rtwilycnt 1 j p wobkxytnsorial artist j telepliane connection floral view greenhouses georgetown ont re newest and choicest plants and cut flowers wholesale and eetall faneralland w eddins df prepared on snort nofioe- and shiriped safely anj weather picture framing c c speight acton i has a large assortment of picture frames of all kinds and sizes also a lull line of mouldings cornices c special frames made te order promptly parlor mouldings and picture hooks a specialty loan sell you better frames for the same money than you oan purchase elsewhere only firstclass work turned out your otders solicited leave your orders at hills stove depot 4 c c speight and cjallin sleepylike to jbismate looked up and see that rubin was begin- nin to take some interest jn his business and i set down agin it was the peep of day ithe light came faint from the east the brleeze blowed gentle ajnd fresh some birds waked up in the orchard then some more in the trees near the house and all began singing together people began to stir and the girl opened th shi itters just then the first beamof the bun fell upon the blossoms a leetle more and it techt tbjo roses fin the bushesland the next thing it wastle broad day the sub fairly blazed the brds sang like theyd split their throat i all the leaves were movin and flashit diamonds of dew and the whole wide v orldwas bright and hajipya8akimj seeme 1 to me like tber was a good break- fast in every house in jihe land and not a sick cl ild or woman anywper it was a fine m ruin an i i says to my ne igh r thats musio that is bat he glanced at ma lilte hed cut my throat j pri isently the wind turned j it began to thiokei up and a kind of thici gray mist came over things i got lowjsp rited direct ly tlien a silver rain bigai to fall i could sse the drops touch the geound borne flabhed up like long peari eajrriiigs and the rest ro led away like rubies i wab pretty but me lanoholy then the fees rls gathered themselves together into long strands and neckhm es and then they melted into silver stream r running between golden gravels and the n the streams joined each other at the bot om of the hill and made a brook that flawed silent except iat you could when the bust ness on the bank moved as the musio went f rangis nujnan successor to t f chapman bookblndeb st georges square gaelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of evry description carefully bound ruling neaby and promptly done flowers along d jwn the valjey i cprdd smell the in the meadow but the sun didnt shine n r the birds sing j it as a 1 oggylday but not cold the most curious thing was the litth white angel boy me you scje in pictures that run ahead of the musio brook and led it on and on away outof the world where 1 0 man ever wits i never as cer- tain 1 could see the boy asi plain a i see yon 1 hen the moonlight j came jwithout any sun set and shone on the graveyards over the wall and between the black sharps top tree 1 splendid marble 1 ouses rose up with fin 9 lidies4n the bf tu 1 windows and because i wanted to love somebodv i didnt know who better than the men with the guitars did then the sun went down it got dark the wind moaned and wept like a lost child for the dead mother and i could a got up there and then and- preached a better sermon than any i ever listened to there wasnt a single thing in the world left to live for not a single thing and yet i didnt want the mubic to stop one bit it was happier to be miserable than to be happy without being miserable i couldnt understand it i hungmiy head and pulled out my handkerchief and blowed my nose to keep from oryiu my eyes is weak any way i didnt want anybody to be gazing at me asnivellin aud its none of nobodys business what i do witu my nose its mine but several glared at me as mad as tuoker then all of a sudden old rubin changed bis tune heripdand he rard and he tripd and he tard and he charged like the grand entpy at a circus peared to me that all the gas in the house was turned on at once things got so bright and i held up my head ready tolookatanyman in the face and not afeard of nothin it wab a oircus and a brass band and a big ball all going on at tho same time he lit into them keyb like a thousand of bricks he gave em no rest day nor night he set every living joint in me agoin and not be ing able to stand it no longer i jumpt up sprang onto my seat and just hollered r go it rube every man woman and ohild in the house riz on me and shouted put him out i put him out put your groatgrandmothers grizzly- graygreenish cat into the middle of next month j says tech me lif you dare i paid my money and you jest come anigh mel with that several policemen ran up and i had to simmer down but i would a fit any fool that laid hands on me for i was bound to hear rube out or die he had changed his tune igain he hopt like ladies and tiptoed fine from end to end of the keyboard he played soft and low and solemn i heard the church bells over the hills the candles in heaven were lit one by one i saw the stars rise tho great organ of eternity began to play f romthe worlds end to the worlds end and the angels went to prayers then the musio changed to water full of feeling that couldnt bo thought and began to drop drip drop drip drop clear and sweet like tears of joy falling into a lake of glory it was as sweet as a sweetheart sweetend with white sugar mixed with powdered silver and seed diamonds it was too sweep i tell you the audience cheered rubin he kinder bowed like he wanted to say much obleeged but id rather you wouldnt interrupt me h6 stopped a moment or two to catch breath then he got mad he runs his fingers through hi hair he bhoves up his sleeve he opened up his coat tails a little further he drug up his stool he leaned over and sir he just went for that old pianner he slapt her face he boxed her face he pulled her nose he pinched her ears and he scratched her cheek until she fairly yelled heknockt her down andhe staniptonher shameful she bellowed uke a bull she bleated like a calf bhe shrieked like a rat then he wouldnt let her up he ran quarter stretch down the low grounds of the bass till he got clean into the bowels of the earth and you heard thunderj galloping after thunder thrdfcthe hollows land caves of perdition and then he foxohased his right hand with his left till he got away out of the treble into theclquds whair the notes was finer than cambric needlesarid you couldnt hear but the shadders of em he forard andtwod he crosst over first gen tleman he crosst over first lady he bal anced two pard8 he chassed right and left back to your places he all hands arbun ladies to the right promenade all in and out here and there back and forth up and down perpetual motion doubled and twisted and turned and tacked and tangled into fortyleven thousand double bowjknots it was a mystery and then he would- ht let the old pianner go he feoht uphisj right wing he fecht up jhis left wing he febht uphis centre hefechtuphibreserves he fired by file he fired by plajioons byi companies by regiments by brigades he opened his cannon beige guns down thalr najpoleons here 12pounders yonder dig guns little guns middlebize guns round shot shells shrapnels grape canister mor tars mines and every iivin bat tery and bomb agoing at the same time the house trembled the lights danced and walls sunk the flop oame up the ceiling came down j- the sky split the groped rookt heaven and earth creation sweeii pota toes moses ninepenoes glory tenpenny naihvmy mary ann haudujaharrjmnin a simmon tree jerusalem tump thomp son in a tumbler cart roodle-oodle-joodle- oodle-toodle-oodle-ruddle-raddle-iiddle-nd- dleraddleadcue addle- riddle idoie -iddle- iddle-reetle- eetle eetleeetleprrrilang j perlangi pfrrrrrlongl bang with that fcang lie lifted himself bodily into the air arid he came down witi his knees his ten fingerb his ten toes ljtis el- bowb and lp hose striking every jsiflgte solitary keylon tha pianner- the same time twitbingbiiawsfld went c into beventeen hdndfedandflft seren tio isand five hundred and fortytwo hemidem semi quavers and i knowd no n ooe our schoolday attachments l attachments to persons and places are among the most familiar sentiments of the human heart yet there are some very mis taken notions respecting them the gen eral idea is that they are or ought to be as enduring as the heart itself that no one who has ever cherished either friendship for man or woman should change or can change and that let our circumstances ot our situation on the globe be changed as they may we must never forget thoyeople who formerly were around us or the spot we once called our home thus when we part from a friend whom we are almost certain never to see again we make as many promises of a close epistolary corres pondence ab if our mutual welfare in f u- and praises her 1 with ii and iee cents it stands in a en my mi the ldootjplb iow t louse so ejonny aid brown is cumbro jsold s one chimney the gray tool sloping dowhf the tres fold th eir gree 1 arms around i t the pees a ce ifury ol i and the winds g chanti ig through them and jthe sunbe ims drc p their gold i i- the cowslips spiing in tliemarshefi and the roses joorn p 1 thehill and beside theb rook in bhe pasture thetierds go f seding 8 1 will the children ha e gone fnd left them j tiey sit in the bud alope j and the old wife 3 ears are failing as she harks to the wellknown tone that won her he jrt in girlhood that has sooth ad her iii many a care ture depended upon a continued attach ment or as if anything else would be ia kind of treason against one of the most sacred of human sentiments we depart for the new scene and the new society with despondingjiearts as if we believed it impossible ever again to form such at tachments as those we are just breaking it may be whispered to us that there is mboh pleasure in novelty and that we may perhaps soon forget our ojd friends for the sake of the new and lose the recol lection of former scenes in the charm of those to come brit we repel these insinua tions with indignation now the truth is we are not designed to live upon the recollection of either past fades or past scenes suppose for instance the case in which friendships are supposed to be most warm a bchofei intimacy who that ever entertained even the most enthusiastic attachment of this kind and on parting vowed to write regularly every month if not oftener everfound that the correspondence was in the least degree in teresting after the first year a few fond letters are exchanged breathing the very spirit of old friendship but soon this be comes tiresome one of the parties hap pens to delay answering a letter of the other till he is almost ashamed to do it the reply to this is more dilatory still and at last the correspondence from which so much was expected ceases altogether ow for pe brightness 6er old faceui ed to wear she thinks iagain of her i ridal- how dressed i 1 her ro je of white she stood by her gay yot hg lover in the mornings rosy light oh i the morning is rosy as ever but the rose from her cheek has fled and the sunshine still is golden but it falls on 1 silver head and thegirlhood ireamsjonce vanished come back in her winter time till her feeble pn ses tremble with the thrill of springtime prime and looking forth from the window she thinks how the trees have grown since clad in her bridal whiteness she crossed the old doorstonei though dim rried 1 lef eyes bright azure and dimmed h r hairs young gold the love ihher gi rlhood plighted has nevei grow a dim or old they sat in their place in the sunshine the day wa 1 almost done and then at its cl se afi angel stole over the t ireshold stone he folded their hi nds together he touched ihe r eyelids with balm and their last bre itk floated upward like tbe close oe a solemn psalm m i i like a bridal pain they traversed the unseen mystic road that leads to the seautif ul city whdse buildet and maker is god turned out all right i had a very funny thing happen to me last week said one of the leading surgeons of the city in an afterdinner conversation yesterday an old coot came to my office gave me the particulars of his case and wanted a very difficult but at the same tame short surgical operation performed he fully understood the situation and knew that the application of cold steel might be fatal in the end however he was ready totake theehances after the ceremony was over the venerable gentle man gathered himself into his clothes and asked whats the cost of this ere now i was playing lowdown cun ning v knew lie was well off and had the reputation of being very liberal down near- australia my regular fee world have been 950 but i had a great head i re marked casually that i would leave it to himi when he unrolled a long wallet ahd handed me 85 apd a very greasy old bill it was there was nobody around to kick me and so i kicked myself but the next morning the able agriculturist came hop ping upstairs as j lively as a twoyearold hambletonian he slapped down a crisp i00 bill dh my tkble with tho remark hello doc 1 what i paid you yester day was for doinit this little balance is forknowin how cliicagomall itlooked squally for a while a young lawyer who has been recently married to a bear tiful belle was made the viotim of a mal pious anonymous letter that might have resulted seriously to his domestic happine ss it beem that the young man has m ade an enemy of a man who hasan office 30 near that he can at times overlook his movements a few days ago the young ma is bride received an an onymous lettersa jing as new a groom as your husband c ught not to haye a young lady call on him i 1 his office and he ought not to take her in wednesday 1115 was almost heartbroken we pause to smile lwhen the inventor of a life- preserver is drovmed i when we see a sausage maker hunting- for ground hogs j when a tbetotallar eats olpves audcoffee to disguise his breath when a baldheaded njau asks the barber to part his hair in the middle 4 when fresh country butter is bo strong thai it practices on the horizontal bar when we step on another mans corn b the other man does not smile when the street commissioner is pulled from a mud hole by the oity councilmen when a dude asks the barber to wax his moustache and the latter- asks him to mail it to him i when a physician takes a dose of his own medioineby mistake and is sent to the hospital v when we see the sheriff surronud and overwhelm themerchant who said it was folly to advertise when the man who talks in the theatre dies anl is buried beside the woman who wore a large bonnet at the same plaoe his arms and kiss r her am the young yifh she cried until her eyes were red and when her lord came home upbraided h m bitterly she showed him the letter am as he didnt have any explanation but a ienial matters began to look very interei ting around his home he couldnt think who would tell suqha- fateehbod about hi rt and lie started down town ill a very rx oody condition as he satin the corner 0 the car brooding over his trouble an ide suddenly struck him it had the same ei ect on him as if he sat downon a pin 1 1 an instant he was run- niiigat full speec homeward whilehe- passengers iu4hecar were congratulating themselves on thei narrow escape from a dangerous lunatic bursting into his wifes room he fairly danced with delight as he exclaimed dont you remember you were in my office wednesday morn ing you were the young woman i kisfgdl peace now reigns but he had a close call o- womanly feat of telegrams l herriokrack my dear you havent out out the leaves of the magazine i brought home last week fredj 1 havent time to read see how i am gettuig along iritn my rickrack yesn dear youve worked steadily at ii every evening this week navent vou fses- iachereb about five yards of it isnt awre x i i ypu cto buy it in the store for abottt ro cents a- yard cant theolherday a young housewifo lef her home in cinoinnatito spend a few days with friends in hamilton before going she provided a good supply of cold edibles for her husband and told him he could help himself whenever he was hungry he took lunch down towuand went home in the evening for dinner he found cold chicken cbld pie and several other cold dishes but he was not satisfied he wanted bread a telegram asking where is the bread was despatchedti the wifereceiv- ed itiii the midst of a number of ladies arid it frightened her nearly- to death with the cry i know mr b is killed 1 she fell in a- faint a most lugubrious scene presented itself when the man of the hous hippened in whats the matter herei lie asked mrs bfs husband has been killed and shehas fainted waa the reply j how do you know he asked ob arfes got a telegrain where is it ehayept opened it yet im agine the scene when the sympathetic creature read the message jn about an hour the reply was sent back to him- yon mean thing its ih the breadbox under thfrpiano where i hid it from the v 1 i4 i y- iyonif i ohe andten a f ew e vemngs ago a party of were comparing notes u to the fcnd iia mwijfe two cents jbtjwflnldlib wqj oenfe wonldnit a customer for thunder rods yon see said the farmer to the light- ningrod agenti ll it aint lighfain that tm afraid of its thuriderl thunder allere paralyzeb me i dont want no lightnin rods- well admitted tiiie aent i think myself that thnnder is the niore dangerons oi0 you want is thundet v t beayejton got thnnder ods lightnlftnl uie hmeiitsfatmibe- ijbitialivev of them ssffiyionbil 1 a a mi mm i 1

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