m life f u s lit iil wlton fm tin thciwpatt mobniko rfnb 10 188j i 1 r h notes anlcomments tlio quebec government has iutru luced bill to fix tie prjee of licenses undo the canada temperauoe act as toller w drorgistai licenses fu oitloe 70 twns iso parishes 35 wholesale in jaties 8i towns 170 j parishes wo a convention of tcraporauce elect rs of queens county pei has decidid to support for parliament only men wb will pledge themselves to use their iuflnences- to secure the better enforcement f the soott act and to obtain tor each pn ivirice power to xte for the prohibition a he liquor traffio within ifcalimits the dominion parliament was proi ogued on wednesday the session was luefly remarkable for the disclosure of land and other flrabs as the scandalous means by which sir john retained power th last election and a further dip in the publio treasary in the way of railway subsidies to purchase support for the government in the pending contest j the emigration statistics for the month of may show the emigration to the united states and canada to be as follows eng lish 8607 to the united states and 2592 to canada scotch 1903 to the united states 656 to canada irish 10413 to the united states 559 to canada for the corresponding month of 1885 theemig ration was respectively english 8038 2548 scotch 1538 493 irish 10440 59c the pickering ivir having invite 1 cor respondence on the subject of the opera- tions of the soott act in ontario cranty publishes replies from clareiuont vhite vale pickeringtillagei greenwood b rough am punbarton whitby and beaverton all bearing testimony to the efficacy f the law a communicaition frpm lndsay spoke in equally favorable terms of the wayin which the act was being observed there at guelph on tuesday police magistrate saunders imposed a fine of 950 and costs on toney gillies of toronto for violation of the scott aot it was charged th it the defendant sold beer at the exhibition grounds guelph on may 24th to the odd- fellows excursojhists frorn toronto receiy ing tickets in payment therefor the magistrate held that it was receiving one commodity of value for another commodity of valne and therefor a direct violation of the act mr gladstones home role bill vas de feated in the blouse of com mons t lesday morning by a majority of 311 to 311 this ie without doubt the largest voteevei polled in the house after- the- vote was taken mr gladstone movedau adjournment till today on the house reassembling his resignation will donbtless have be si ac cepted jfor i is not likely her j majesty will grant a dissqlntiou until it has been demonstrated that the business of the coun try cannot be carried on by a coalition ministey ck hmts council ifv ppfp thu coiuty coioilniet oh tui forenoon hawardu in the ohair owing t tho limited paoe at our ds- posal wo an only ijive our readers a mitt- niaryoftlo minute tho que itiou of a high school fof georj e towfi was rought u p aiid the beys wi 1- laoe and i odloy an 1 messrs dr bop a id goodwilli address d the couuoil ih tlis behalf after so iie disoui siou by the members of tho council the by- aw authorizing the tiolishme it of ahigli sohool in gecjrgetovn was oarrie 1 on a di isiou a teoo nmeudat on to tuiseteot was ordered to be sent t the minister of kdu cation the quostiou of the credit vajjey sink iugfundvras settle by charging to tne general w count the imouut due the sink ing fund nearly 000 for interest duo that ivoci uut and orediting tho sinking fund acco mt with the same in accordance with thb i eport of the commit too appointed to adjust the matte mr he lry gray principal of the milton publio sol ool was appointed one of the ex amining t oard of tl e- publio school teach ers in pit oe of p ji clean deceased thareport of the printing yvhich was itaudiug committee ton adopted recommended the finande committjee to recommend nty ment for 100 copies of the minutes bylaws and accot nts of the council for 1885 print ed at the office of the milton reformer which so far as the committee could see were satis faotory the usi lal grant oakville 1 ligh schoo a bylaw was pissed appointing miss annie yaballen ma ron of the jail the committee on education presented a report reoommeudir g that the petition colin south and 17 others ratepayers s 13 and 14 nelson be granted against the decision of the dwnship counoil refus ing to form a new section out of these two sections and that is honor judge miller j s deacon and m clements be appointed arbitrators in them itter j the report of the finance committee ire- commending payme it of the following ic of 600 was made j to rockwood news received too late for last issue from our own correspondent the town is besieged by drummers just now statute labor is being performed in the village apearances are indicative of a great improvement in our streets some thirsty ones have a keg of beer to cheer them on in their work a meeting of the reformers was held in mr lees hotel on wednesday evening to prepare for the final revision of the voters list the followers of e blake are very active and do not purpose to return any body but- staunch liberal j one of our native singers did not respond whenhuis name was called at the concert of the 24th nit it was subsequently learned that he became entangled in the crowd on the train whilst bidding adieu to friends and was carried to acton he walked back bnt was too late to receive any abase from the concert committee i counts ws adopted campbell panton printing revised by- lawsa o 7620 s bradley al 775 hume bros flour 345 w hi dan lie 86 hemstreet bastedo u20 v panton postage 5523 tit j conwuy coal grate in co attys office 192i b joses son locks4j0 ditto offiu 10 henry vit- son 10 geo allen 1257 r grahim notices far bridge at sorval 208 broth- i i era a ihitei printing and advertising i335 special committee was appointed to equalize the assessments and the council adjourned for 15 min ites to allow the com mittee to make thei rfepoijt which was afterwards adopted j the sum of 100 w is granted to repair the approaches to th bridge over the six teen between oakvill i and trafalgar the building comn ittee reported the jail roof in a pad conditim and the council decided to have it inspected by a competent several rockwoodites went to toronto last week to see thei regatta mr dan strachan a student of queens college kingston preached an excellent sermon in the methodist church everton pn sunday morning last disappointment arid the opposite reigned here upon the news that gladstones home rule bill for ireland was defeated on the second reading mr j glyall telegraph operator left this morning for wiarton to fill a more lucrative position i than he held here j g was a favorite with all who did business with him he is a conscientious and 6p- rightman andis bound to get along well in the world r some of our townspeople intend pic-nic- -x- ing at puslinch lake on saturday next dancing wiil be an important feature of the days sport that is if a caller off can be secured one young man ascertain ed that that was the cause of his securing an invitation and being full of wrath he declined other capables are very shy at all events boating will be better for them mr hb mccarthy is visiting his father tomorrow we hear is his wed- ding day those fof us who have the pleasure of the acquaintance of the young ladyof hii choice can even more heartily congratulate him than his numerous- other friends all however join in wishing him lifelong happiness and prosperity sunday was great day for everton the anitua jane meeting of the disciples was the means of drawing together hun- dredsof people manyearnest christians were present also others a young man from bockwood had his new whip stolen and a gad left in its place in- the buggy two utortanatestenrning home to this village h misfortunf to upset tiieir baggy ons was eabb uttle on thei head both bnubedttir hate jmd the boggy top wapr badly wrecked qul whips i and wffl be taken to the next june aniixaa 8th 1886 for party and if necessary askfoj tenders anew a bylaw was pass d providing for the levying off a rate for the support of public schools and the granting of 800 each to esquesing and trafa gar 700 to nelson and 450 tq nassagaveya the sup of ten tho usand dollars was au thorised by bylaw t9 beborrowfld forrur- rent expenses a bylaw was ps ssed levying on the county the rate of sue mill on the do lar for the expenses of tl e year the sum of 1960 vas ordered to be paid the warden for the e tpenses of the special committee on the c r sinking fund according toan acl passed by the ontario legislature county councils can nominate a student to attend tl e ontario legislature college free of tuition or entrance fees and the warden was auth orized to publish i in one newspaper in the county that applica tions wilf be received for this j the 20 reward in he case of the horse stolen from walter csle in the winter i by samuel 6rr who wfti sentenced therefor was orde ed to be pai 1 to wallace dent the b rlaw in reference to the gravel road in nelson and trafalgar was faid over until next meeting counc 1adjourned t mtil the first tuesday ip september milton heformtr soot h english a id canadian suitings in great variety at j fyfes acton go t j fyfes a 3ton for your cloth he can suit voi for price quality and style everytime spri ig suits and dvercoata at extreme ly low pr ices and mad be sure to call and see acton 500 mehwnt0 with soff teafeifiitdf will sell the abovennnlber f shirt and continue drop in tv tuorieht the io right at the door ilifco is adknauk in making a shirt a greater ouo in cutting it our shirts ore mart i by men we know who rank as first in t j couutry and cau make a shirt to fit 1 1 jwas tho price jdmorlptlojl- made of superior loilioliiga cotton the front is 1700 fluoifitflj iliien bound mid reinforced to shoulders made with yoke continuous facings down back and up sleeves star gusset 3ply linen cuffs or bands the 3ply coll ar band adds greatly to the fit were thoy dressed you might aubpect deception but being nnlaundriocl a child can judge the quality ooo will buy one compare it with a 150 shirt in a small store wo gotthem in the way of a deal being in a position to handle a large quantity we- bought them cheap and are selling them cheap therofpre custom ers reap the benefit of the purchase buy one take it homo try it on if it fits coino aud get half a dozen the 50c will bo re funded iu every case where this shirt is not satisfactory v hosiery counter every lady with an experience in shop ping in toronto knows this counter it standb at the hoad without a peer here are some of its specialties ladies solid colored hoso with cleared feet two pairs for 25c heather mixtures with fashion seams three paii27p ladies brown balbriggau with finished feet 10c per pair ji ladies regularmaidc freuch balbrig- gau hose extra weight belling at 20c t per pajr ladies best cotton hose with fashioned feet aud legs colors black uavy seal and grenat our price 25c per pair for little children fine ribbed- cotton hosejcardiual sky uay aud grenat shades j this line is inadejn small sizes only and are nice and elastic prices 15 20 aiid 2oc across to tho glove counter the 4buttou diana kidglovc at 50s this has been a standard price with us 75c was the price for a glovo we know jbe better thau diana i the 4buttou h jolette in fawns tans new browns and black price 50c pair anevblove is thej 5buttou length best quality un dressed kid fancy embroidery grays taus and black price 125 per pair 2fay sale of prints in order to make rooln for new goods which are arriving daily- we arc having a tremendous sale in every line of prints u our canadian go prints reduced to 5c our american 7ac prints reduced to cc our canadian 10c prints reduced to 8c our english 12ac prints reduced to 10c and lust of all hose 13c hazel browns worth 17c which never fail to give satis- faction we have also an imported print in medium shadessellintatl7c best value in the market dont forget and ask and see our new printed pique prints which are selling very rapidly they como in light shades onlyjsuoh as pale blue cream and pink iu podium size patterns aud stripes we have still a large stock of- american indigoes those indigo aud gold prints arc always being asked for and as they come iu all different designs they sell every time there has been a terrible rush for those 15c cambrics this last week which hus almost cleared llifem out but it is not too late to secure a drfess of those beautiful prints as we have n i reserve stock of all different 6hades and patterns which will be brought forward tikis week come and ba convinced that tlicjbest patterns are not all sold yet mm hmmm frv re vfei i am offering itor tho juno trade special inducements hdiusekeepers aud others requiring anything in the line mentioned below can rest assured that they can buy from me at more reasonable iricea tnau any other store in acton and as clieap as any outside of toronto thavo given the staff particular instructions not to r lisrepresent goods and customers will fiud goods exact j as wo represent thorn to bo i buy for cash saving thereby laige discounts i sell for oasli or trade and caiisequently have no bad aebts so an intellif gent public cap see at a gfahco that it is noliiooossaiy for cash fcbrestb pile on big profits in order tolive as credit ijtores have to do or in other avords make the promptpaying customer pay for tie i obe that never intends to pay the following lines 1 havo reduced fully t went yflvjfi per cent and over in some cass with the exceptio of groceries which i will sej is cbqap as the cheapest v dress hods iu niiiitf cloth jersey cloth canvas cloth black and colored aluwooi cftahmere blatk auji colored lustres silk grouadiik es pongee silkf black and colored gros gram silks black and colored satin black satin merveilleuxi vejyets velveteens iu hosiery all hiakei ahd prices bustles and ladieb ii ndorwear piiixtsnoi prints a good cloth fu d ornpe cloths gloves to suit everybody eememl ooiio in canada has ever shown a nicer 1st colors splendid pattern tor lojc wol tons white cottons shirtings ducks denims towelstovel house furlsttlnus style ask to see the dont fail to see on r misses lisle glpves at loc ange than wc have now on our counters beautifu worth 12jc giughamsnd muslins to please everybody gray cot ing great value brown holland table damask etc jetc black and colored corsets hoop skirts desigire in canvas curtaiul ot nearly every turki8ltrugs from 3 up carpets iiutapestry xjijion and hemp floor and stair ohcloths madiii8 muslinat 25e per yard it makes lovely curtains and warranted to wash well although it is getting late in the season i am still adding novelties in this department and lustomers will find correct styles and a competent lady in charge mililtnbry 1cct styles and a cc joots and shoes jivall papers and groceries all at prices to suit the times te tne plaoe srifflus old stand the haltoa dry goods house acton now advertisements wool wool w e the undehsigned beg to announce that wo v ifll the wool offered at our mi is for which we are prepared to pay thb h osec or in exchange fo we have a lare aud wellass blank kts twekds flannels ya knitted selected expressly to siippl r goods orted stock of i itns loods ic mehts of the farmers thecrijjle in the latest stytes them at j fyfes inst the wife of 3rd line erin of a thojipsoi on the cth mr g c thompson son stonet in nassagaweya on theoth june the wife of mr thomas storey of twins son nd daughter j the alufar mccaiitiifv alms on the 0th inst at the res dence of the brides father ias allan esq zimmerman by the rev mr al raham mr htrry b mccarthy of carl ton place to miss aggie allan of act n havili bxlts on the 9th inst at the residenseof mr je mcgarvin by the rev d b cameron mr george haiill to miss ambrosena ft hilts both of aotou nows this time valuable premium qiren free wltl c anadas copula weekly the westebs asvebtie b of loudon nas ust made mother important step in advat c now apr ears regularly in twelve page fom and ia addition to all its veilknown popular fif features gi ret in each issue e urn jones sermons the intern itional sabbath i assons a compl ete story etc etc it is vastly improved in evbty respect 1 ob balance op si sab the price is o jly 50c or in tubs of five and o er 40c each fost- agestampi acoepled for fractional- carts ojf ft dollar saiiplesfree j3reach subscriber will lip entitled wlthput additional tost to one of tl b following pre ill- nmswhlcl slionld bevordeieds per number vis 1 portrait ualierya home and health 3 phases 1 ecipes 1 4 ladies fancy work qui de tarbis red letters oot4e at our lialc a1- drfess plainly fig fsbtiaebbbpittsg kjlqn fjpydox oktalupv mvvjf feis mfij notice j our midi order departnfcnt as now iu iood workiiig order sentl fr samples of any goods you may jequire address all letters to the tho mail ordvidepartnicut t e4tgin co 190t0196tonge3teeet torontq ont acton planing mills williamson bamshaw rnopiiieiok suiidor and contractor sash door and blind faotory is prepared to put on storm doors win dows weather strips etc on short notice winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices j we have one of fieiirys celebrated chop ping mills andwill chop h11 kinds of grain on tuesdays thursda vs an4 saturdays tiaramshaw managers weaving- mil r fltcilell desires to inform thelpeople of acton knd surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving all pods of iaucy rag carpets flannel sheeting bbirtiiig and ilress goodbstriped or plaid twill or plain alb bed blankets and horseblankets two yards wide and over and i will guarantee that i will give good satisfaction to all farmers and others who wilhfavor me with their patronage t mitcheli telepkone tonnocilo i flora ji vi hi jeqrgptowfi ont the newest and eh icest plants and c flowers wholesale mid bewail funeral and w ddlnsr designs prepared on hort notioe and shipped lafelyauy eathor boll cardials pinning and in fact all kiuds of cue in onr usual prompt and manner j newton sons limehouse thb- ill again buy ghest price in o- henderso n jm6r ae cp acton 1886 thank their many friends for the more than liberal shal their openings andvcordiully solicit a contiiiuaucc be spared to makettaiisactioiis in tho require- ui work done satisfactory o m e- of trade extended tc them since assuring them that no effort itually beneficial loioioioioioloioioloioloioioiooi ootoloioioioioloiololoioioioioioioioioloioioloiolojoioioioioioloiolbioioioiolololoioioloi dresa toodsriwrijiimrc a o oroto o ol a 0 p ftoo o-o-o-hi- 000 aa u o o7o o- o g is not settled yet but the fact thai w wiltlams has the best stock of boots and shoes in the county it settled beyond dispute i have just received my spring stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and as many new ones us see lit to give me a call iu all lines of footwear boots for the babiet boots for the mcu boots i do make boots i do mend r custom tork and repairing promptly attended to wm williams housti for sale the subscriber will sell on very nabv terms the house and lot on church street how occupied by peter loe adjoining the dwelling of charles speight and immediately behind geo hynds jewellery store price i3so0 one- third cash and the balance may remain indo- finatly at g per cent interest information may be had from the editor of the fnep pdesb or by addressing robt walter m d our dress goods trade this season has been far in excess of any previous seasons business in this line we have made speeia efforts to meet the wishes and rants of our customel and feel flattered that our efforts oave not beenjuivain we trust thafin the future we shall merit k continuance of past favors vc shall still sliow the newest the nicest aud tie cheapest goods intiie niarket i i the management of our millinery department being in cha igc of wellknown and iiilly experienced hands needs no commendatioii from us the liberal patronage of theladie3 of actoiiland surrounding country speaks for itself we iiavc just reqeived the latest styles and shade- for bummer wcarj imd are fully prepared to fill all orders on shortest notice sec our dress gccds muslins mantle silks prints ging tarns garpets table linens lace curtains corsets allover embroideries allover l ices etc boots and shoes i cretonnes parasols leto r- x gray wmmdottons at bed rogk i ool prices j great varieiy in mens boots and shoes womens andciillduen odd liues at less than half mco 3 weakcliearirob do eggs and butter taken in exchange remember our famous 50- wnnnknnviilh belkl s co pa cent tea ruby the artist i niiw taking bojuc beautjul views -op- schools picnic parties and residences thosdesiring bis services should ooll or write bim for terms tow metropolitan studio actob f aistd thresher tjse on your maobihery only ttie wellknown qty flft ts tvrtnisla t fl h n awarded it dijripg theiat three yean 5ja wla bqu4jo t au w peerlqaa aailo rowforiyonc waggoua find horse powerg i -v- 1 t jimm k j fyfe aoton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton f fyfe acton fyfe acton fyferacton money saved by purchasing vourolothing tt ih rm east end c jpthingi store i- spring hats spring tweeds sprio w0 rsteds i sprin overcoatings pull lines of shirts ties collars bijaj etc at low st prices guarantees berfeet aittifrfaotion 4 ffe acton jpfeauton j fsffei acton spring tr0wser1njs spring ttrijeryear t j j4 iftsts jifijabtf his wk fyfe acto fybj acfrok fyfe acton- bpeot lukciti th4ikhu spectacle callwha iei rcei a hou8i 0uilifg th thelargl fectioi foreli good 9m 1 fthuh provided i r 4the id toinl a mon willbeehjj rthel hard at pr j 1st 4farme oil will do advertisem fit iscli found mb 1 and the fi qoioker i at the i lastlweek vfts giveni of ahhl fphewj ing roasted- j to make a je tlonj which yeari jrhei testeutbenl ing for a theioti ofeventois paie dp without j would hot 1 taiteendj were aocomf jche a yeariof pob five paper eviyyear localpaper i itev exchange j sabbmhj church 8t albans the slim appear six or seven withithe home till af i were here did front bf the j fwriav titan labor- 1 which seen implies no i free front thj themsetre abicailedlah dignified anl who believe f writes i have found wuiji tho beetle of jane poisoning re eflgs before t keep jonger j pestvouldi fhe eutertaiume evening was well alter the e foithe stnd iwill meet in at ioclpckl a succedsf all have receiij gentleman ntending 1 paragraph our mjohb oimritho imrh was an towj r mf b sabbath wi mr and iawrenoe this week mr m guest ot grj mi and t d the fnij lastjthnr eev9 in town ih neralserviij ajjss y i kueatof ra lhiasiretiirni mii ch more boinnioned mother i jrand smafnaec xafc smanj cxli j rs mm sm i- 1 8jj feeisfkgs8aii8