Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1886, p. 2

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ammm mmm i i ateiviefcis bton jfm jjss- v lloaxixii ocroniir ii -5- ii if hr ti 1 mi im ni im r i hp 8 rotbb and commi iu e predicted over yew aw the liqaor men have bomly orgaulaed in oppo- ioou to the prohibition mowraofrt and oljewhere we give the addtws bf their chairman at the ooutauuon held this week ib chicago u is unnaoastary to comment upon it etoept to say that for pore and unadulterated impudence the addr sa isthe tbttimiuxalatebttrvil commercial aietit- rtyiv k i jsigus not wanting in bnsiuess centres ol increasing activity ionrioai depart- iriente of bade and oomaeroej thereby glvior inspiration to the nopeii that the raantrj if entering upon a career of renew ed proaperity theory of hard times tor political effect in somed our news- papers is not unfrequenuy contradicted by f their own commercial reports and admis sions of increased success of local enterprise a proposition has been made iii kuglaud to fonn a company with a capjtal of a million pounds sterling to carry ofc i general trading with the dominion of canada the object is to bring into direct common i- cation the producers and the- consumers in england of canalhan products a large proportion of canadas ei ports i are now sold in england as american fjooda and canada desires credit for lenoe in goods arqlibvi8iiiunteo a aooountof ltttmbuomana fa ctaettwatvntoorjnent l t i aoton ohoral sooiity rf pur1 m parasraphiu our fon the extent of the flou minneapolis one of the of the west is worh l grand total tor the year is 5936530 barrels and two da running time would have put it n bn wjofl- production of i floor centres k she ding plept 1st more to the even 6000000 u as ithsenendw stated the mulerslof minneapolis jnade no money last year they certainly mane some flour- just bow roach win be realized when it is considered that they turned oat about one barrel in every ten ground on the continent it is the greatest concentration of a single innstry known to tw world the district lying between hamilton and niagara is known in ontario as thejfrujt garden of canada to prove that is was entitled to the name messrs c p carpcn- ter a son farmers living at winona about 14 miles east of hamilton took an exhibit of fruit to the great fair at st louis mo and- carried off the prize for the largest and moat artistically arranged collections of fruits in competition withj the whole united states besides a number of first prizes it will be apparent to americans that the country which can outdol the southern states in a prize competition for the finest collection of fruits cannot bet exactly an iceberg we understand that the provincia government has decided to set aside as i national park several eutire townships ii i irnakoka the locality chosen being th watershed from which the ilnskoka flow i j westward to the georgian bay ahdjuhi madawaska petewawa and bonnecperi j rivers flow eastward- to the ottawa 9thi district is heavily timbered but with more valuable for their beauty than thei timber the soil is too broken to be of greal value as agricultural lands and there is a perfect network of lakes and rivers each more beautiful than the last the i new stional algonquin park as the reserva- n is called will it is to be hoped i long be a true bit of wfldnessfortbe refreshment of mens souls it will enhance the ialue i of all the surrounding wilderness j anydreadful anted by our own ibulating quill- fcity rather decent erin free pressings a temperance electoral union at os pringe is being attempted threshing is for the most part about over tbe smail amowit of straw com pared with last year and the large number of machines io do tb work have made the season rather a short j one grain has yielded very good returns this year i tbelpw prices paid for grain makes iti necessary for fanners to curtail needless expenditures this year it takes a great many bushels of anything to amount in cash to one hundred dollars farmers through out the country seem to realize this of late and a large number of farms have been leased last year and this and at prices too that will make it difficult to make till ends meet in some cases at least i we had the privilege a few days ago of examining a copy of the holy bible on the title page of the new testament part of which reads imprinted at london by ckriftopher barker printer lo the queens majeflie 1582 the book contains addi tional matter to the scriptures proper somewhat similar to that found in our modern bibles the book is in thp pos session of an old lady living in this town ship j we may again refer to it j ecstkxs erin october 2th 1886 i bockwcodnews from our oien correspondent j bonald mccaig school inspector algo- ma is home for the winter village the typhoid fever epidemic in the seems to be abating only one new lease be- ing reported this week policeman carter who had bis leg so badly broken about a month ago is lfmping around town on crotches j the turnip business is again bojoming quite a number of car loads havint been shipped already from here to the stages there was a large turn put from here at erin howau available conveyances being in rejuigiuoh and of course every i yoaog fellow of any aceount took bis best irl richard hewat lately employed mpar rishi mills has accepted a lucrativi situa tion as head miliar for a flmmiingersol ifeatrs strange hewat managers of tne skating rink are building a mln pre paratory to going into jthe lime business next summer 1 a series rf revival jneetings w wji tiere in themettiddist chnroi uhdei fee charge of lessrr swan an ejerr a great deal of mterest is being tken and it is great deal a new featare isfa rberof sertibes for hfldrettakme which aw well aetjoed biuce my last another great oveut has ejwne and gone i refer of course to the hkt fevent of tho season in that line to wit 4ertn8how- j 1 attended in tact wouldnt have missed tor worlds never had so much fuu since ewab a small boy and used to guy taoher there was more fan thu ou ooald shake si stick atj as a popular saying runs though why you should want to shake a stick at fen i dont see and sgaiij hpw mnoh fun must you have to exceed tht quantity at whieh yon eonld shake stiokv but to resume i drove down in most charming company and iwted not say that did not go in that uondescript rig fitted up y one of our enterprising citizens i meau at arrangement that had two horses to raw ft one big one and one little out who ught both to be dubbed napoleon be cause the bonypart was so prominent in ihem nb jokes of this kindoonstantly on tap oountry orders- filled with prompt ness and despatch the show was a great success in point jf attendance and enjoyment there must pave been between 6000 and 4000 people on the grounds the leading feature was the stock especially the horses tho display bf stuff iu the building wais below the aver age audvtne buildings themselves are not jwortby the grounds fakirs of all kina w ire there in plenty and reaped a rich harvet i with their thim blerigging sweetbreads wheels of fortune aunt sallys shooting galleries snide jewelry and so on two sideshows raked in a little of the filthy lui ire one i believe had a mermaid hot aliv and the other a panorama a regular the press was rep local jewel and two pe drivers from the royal fellows and not of the dude type one re porter a jolly littlejeuow reminded me of a cock sparrow on the rampage and owing to his dignified strut and gorgeous badgebp was mistaken by some of the bucolic exhibi- tors for the pressdentjuid interrogated as to where they should place their particular exhibits and the little fellow would say you see the ground dont you well put em there and they would put em there anywhere and then have to move them the press representatives were treated most cordially by the officials of the exhibit and my little friend was made judge of the raspberry vinegar homemade wines and things of that sort and as ho had to taste them the otherfellows got rather envious j perhaps the mostgratifying feature of the whole concern was the entire absence of whiskey and liquor of all kinds conse quently there were no drunken men no rows no fights or broken heads no raciug home and leaving wheels and other portions strewn albng the road for miles everything was lovely and the goose hung high it may be said here that perhaps the most nngratiiyine thing was- that check room it was a regular delusion and a snare our town wis fairly well represented and although not exactly the flower of pur youth was present still there wtre some daisies from here and my dont some of our dear creatures who are so staid and prim at home come out of their shells so to speak when they get away and where they think that nobody sees them it seems that one individual in town is somewhat upset by ray remarks of last week and it takes the form o the following letter io aluitb ikas- sin i should feel very muoh obliged if you would explain some of your remarks in this he means last a weeks foei pkes8 for the benefit of myself and of the youth innocence and ignorance of this town who are quite nnable and incap able of grasping the utter profundity of the sarcasm contained therein even though from its very simplicity it is evident to the meanest capacity the description of how to be chdye is only within the compre hension of a few in this town the great majority have not the faintest conception of yonr meanings i could name several of either sex who have passed the necessary examinations for a school teacher who cannot see the drift of your phrases how can ve therefore we the vulgus the igrio- rami of the town know your meaning please explain yourself in your next aud oblige yours truly kes cikrsv now thats the letter and it must have been an immense relief to get it off the writers brain what the writers aiming ttt and what is wanted is not easy to see in the first place this n c querywouldnt n g be a better fit does not state whdt remarks require explanation and mixes his subject up in a pretty bad way if hes unable and incapable of grasping the uttet profnndityvc4 how does he know that its there again he says from its very simphcitjt it is evident to the meanest capacity and in tie next sentence he assurnhe lvone of tjie few who are cap able of grasping it whatever it is there fore he mnstj be one of the meanest capa city and alpolje says oneof the vulgus and ignoramil nice aint it it isnt necessary to call yourself bad names n c your relations and friends can keei ygu supplied in that line you ask mr n c for ine to explain myself i think it more in order for you to explain yourself and let me tell you youve got the biggest job f ieetbat pur choral society makes itef retbow to the public on fiiulay even- ling text they ought to be ablejb give us v pr 3tty good concert at any rate the citi zens ought to turn out well and show they app jeciate their endeavors to foster j a love for i nd to promote enconrage and improve vou 1 music in onr midst i believe it is hop d that it will impwe the singing in onr shnrohes and faitn its needed if we jhavi good earnest heartfelt singing in our chui chest good congregational slngihg we shal not see so niany empty twohes there wa rill be better men land women and will really mghtty pitch our moving tents a dayjs march nearer tujme ypbrbbnal iotlngilewlthvlteom i are indlttdually or ivelyaoquaioted is cousin mregaitt who will roinaiii horo a few weeks rev jt phillips and mcsttrs lames aud h p moore are the delegate from the mothodut sabbath school irtt hiding tlie proniioial b b association ijow in session at hamilton mr w ii storey atteuded the gjwuoiis of themifcioiittiy conimitteo of the melh odisl chiurch guelph conference at har mtou o i monday and tuesday he left there foi now york on a businew trip and was acc mpauied thence from hamilton by mr ale secord mauoger of the panada glove avorks messri johu mclaughlin of majinetto wis kdward and ciewsonmolaugliliuot saginaw sons of mr hugh molaughlin crewsoi s coruers are home on i visit there it quite a family ronnion an i there lis joy under the parental roof the messrs mclaughlin arc all doing swell ii their american homes acton oct 27fh 1886 if- k ornrjbuslnam t is undersigned is giving up business jand leaving acton j sntire stock at cost and nndar for a days i t l f ehowsos tif a8iissijy j aaorc- lior e on v miss mjhuiej adams i vititing aj hur homo iu i raytpn mr jatea morton of port jhuiii visiting a iton frieuds mr aj mrsj r hemsticet of trafalgar visited frl uds bore on 1vluay and satu rday misses jrutoh and thompson of i uron to were g nests of actn frlonds last vwk mrs ji 15 mogarvin icturned fror visit to u sr old home in oraimevil monday mlssaioo hughes of detroit left for home yes erdny after snonding a woe very pleasant with aoton frieuds mrs ji hn holt- otrpprt hurou wlo has been the gnest of mrs john bpeig some wee in returned home yesterdai bov iijid mrs lachlan camerm of thatuosfi ltd spent several days during the week anong their manyold friends aotou anl vicinity mr8 loimu cameron returned last thursday from an eiijoyublo visit near owen sojud nnd was iicoompauied y her r kiilpi it for in the obadx1s bokhsjou the 7th iiist at the methodist parhb lage waterloo out the kite of bov a bowers of a danghter mouths in acton on the 24th obtobert the wife of mr- james morton pf por hurqi of a daughter j tbie altar jlkmtbkiiat guelph by the ltev r j bwttic on oct 20th 1880 david dcwejr to elizabeth bell both of mil ton the grave auimsln drayton oil the uhrtl iiist carroll infant son of w k adaias aged 3 mo itlis 3 weeks and 4 days ciutttnitn in kassogaweya en the 23rd octolier mr samuel crawford jaged 85 yeanj trtsim ken salo sale register irrn nov sale of stock emjetots the projierty of er lot 32 con 7 at 12 oclock wm r auctioneer fainvy more mo new auoi 1 ni actou es i 2uth ocioiikbi bailiff s and colt covered by the age ofooberand becbtei s hotel at 2 pm wm hey oneer rgi tud im- remiah uesiug hehistreet sale of a chattel at ag- nstreet w advertissmoiits teders tok wood kkhh wiu be received by the niiilerjruhl body iibod beech aud maple twofeet long one- half tof bouse tn to mouhy 1st november for ubllc school with thirty cords iiipidyluc of bound iw delivered as directed at the school or town hall nt onco the balance by the tli a insry h i moonf- sfjcrvtnrv actoiioctj0tli 1h farms wanted mil 48 wantkd for thk xbtft ishlk e o our canadian farm advertli or which ft to b circulatwl amongst iutending lurchascrs of fan ib throughout canada the fill xl ktotes europ b aud other countries we lnvc in our office i it juolnh thousands of letters 1 roui appli- cants tor farms from all parts of canada all sartsufthe united states europe sc utli africa atnalca and other countries ah he letters are in in parties whohoye seen our advertise- mentt those wanting to sell are inyi ed to come to our office in guelph and see the letters for theme al ves we ore selling more firms than any ol her arm in canada aud wo defy contra dictio i to this statement if you w m to sell send i m your name and address and tl len we will write io you mo charge unless a salejis effected address john j daley co oublph ont auction salj2s u i wm h emstrbet auctioneer will conduct sales as follows octoi eb awn- wm smith lot 28 cjou 0 xas- sa jaweya ottoi ehwh- aguews hotel actonl xove bed 3rd patrick oboyle lo i con j ejamosa kove djebsth w towiiseud lot 30 con 1 eiqueslng novki ibbbvth jeremiah keutner iot oi con 7esqneing novemueb j6th n forbes lot 1 cou 7 nab- sgltaweyav novuj bebr james tlark lot li con krainosa a mswibst u watfjrms cvivii ro ladys pook for i837j repairing always satisfactory u- vou itavk ilkkn itlbaliortrtkil m spegtacjtite try- the alaska tluy ire tbo bc weeversold b savage sole agent for guelphv go i and all school requisites mm school booksj slates tjlwx wis keep a fcul uflaillo a vli fcljcb ik s osimjir i- sample copy 10 cents uto vi a ft always ty x sij xv in advance ueuutiful pieiniums to every sulscriler tsbms to clin5 kxtrn iirciiilumb to club raisers jcoiich i i so kor 4 ml 7 75 list of itretuluuisaml tonus to larger clubs send for hamplo copy which will give you full lufonuatlon iopkyhat the pressnt time is admltttod by press uiul people to bo superior to any lady s j macazlno in america having tho greatest variety -the- tetf jtot abkivbd a new stoorx m w8w goods including albumt ijfcovk and handkubchikf oas15s perfumery casks ac- ssmsjasmsbasmsssasbt r iv paints ol ls v alixiftjlies bruheh etc dost fohgbt thk place mogarvins bmff and stationery store aoton of departuiouts oblf edited the literary features are serials novolottoi short stories charades poems ote antoug tbe ikjpalar author who xslli contribute to tiddey are j v mtclianl miss kinily iteed lohu ohnrchlll wlluni mluer hatlor kmlly lenubx and others eueraviugs appear in uvny number of sub- 1 jocu jy wollknowu luttsts and produced by tho neweit processes iu its colored fashions uodeys leudain colors and stylcf ilotli modistes and liom dressmakers accord them the foromost twslt on fa ier patterns are one of the important fea tures of this magazine each subscriber belujf allowed to select tbofrowupatternsevcry month au it in alouo moro tlmu covering the ubscrip- tlon irico ln ctical hints upou tuoasmnkiug biiow bow garis euts can bo renovated and made over by the patti rns given i pn ctical hints for the household show young boubkeeporh6w to liianuge tho culinary de partment with economy and skill fa iliiou notes atj ihiiiio and abroad dolight ever latlys heart th i colored mid black work designs giro all the i ewest ideas for fancy work tin cooking recipes are under tliu control of an e porionccdlhousckoeper j tlia architectural department is of practical utill y careful estimates being glveu with each i plan cliuhralsehslkkmllmh 5 ic leys has armuged to givo elegant silvor llutijl wareof v makers as preuiiuuis is not settled yet but the fact that w williams lias tlie best stock of boots and shoes in the county in settled beyond dispute 1 have just received my bpriutf stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and as many new ones as see lit to give me a call in all lines of footwear boots for the babies boots for the men boots j do make bootis i do mend udstom work and repairing promptly attended to wm williams t east end clothing store j i i l t rr i ri f i i r i v i t the lltxl5iirrolothingf hcjuse jt i a large and wcllassorteil slock of tweed and worsted suitings an p over6oatings adkfttedtor fall nml winter wpartji vtwh also erertbinjjtiew n f hats caps underclothing in ahorti orerythiog necetsary to a gentlemans complete outfit haying all my altentiindevoted totlje above lines i a prepared to ive i be almost satlsfaclion in fif workmanship jind price 1 j ftfe acton ont tho aluo of which in some inntauccs reache send is oants f6i contain illustrated in snd terms ladys book ihilmielihia ia overlij or due premium send is cents for l jj address 10drys lapy8 book one samiile copyl which will contain illustrated premiums with full particulars snd terms tnjelub wiib this paper godey8 an tbo kitbk pltkhs for ijw year which should be sentitotliooflice of this paper -4- canadas favorite weekly the western advertiser op london ont has been vastly improved of late now apicariuit lovillfe jaietteer and history of thk i dominion of canada in nine volumes royal 8o rv0 b commenced wlieuevcr i sufficient 1 number of subscribers is obtaine 1 to cover costf publication subscription to the mine volumes 970d to the province of lutario or to quebec aja50 to new bniustvick st to nova uamwlleo to manitoba or to hrit jj olnrnbu wjoj to prince edward island or toj sortbwest territories 0m bacji province to b ire a mojt heasesendfcwprewpeotjii johnlovblfc ii junaokit ahjjlubughkl months augtist 4th kwo 1 i rogdlarly iu twelvepage form with tbe addition of new oenartments illustrated articles etc au its wellknown popular features will be re tained far 1hk7 only si per annum including tlie remainder of 18w to bona flde new subscribers tbi holly quken this is the title of our now and beautiful pre mium for 17 beyond doubt the most charm ing oleograph colored picture ever offered with abynewspaper siro 15x20 inches only 10 cents in addition to yearly subscription ijr agents wanted everywhere fifty valuable prises to be awarded over- and above the cosh commission to the most successful agents for freq wimple papers terms to agents etc address aoverf i8er printing co j ijondon ost the free press dubbing offer vim can have the western advertiser aud its beautiful premium together with the fhkk ibh8ioriwforsib5 or wltbout tlie premi um for si by nddixksiug us as follows thk acton luee pke8k acton ontario excelsior bakery bread will be left daily nt tlie store of lr john nelson for the accommodation of customers conk of revision ol vol eij lists tillage of acton that a at to the jndmof altoatte notmr p hebkbyoncbn 1 jonrt whj fylgeld ptf the co nnty court of the county of sa town hall actop pn idjr utnpayofovemlwr 1886 dbttoewajraplaintsor l niin tiwyotojabpfth jvulags of aefe57flif a ddrltv tusetbdsyl d188b i m ol sppwi8wslif8s8ssrfie5 ife 1 the delivery wajjfion will also call three times ft week as usual mrs t- stat ham go to- waters bros tu picture 6mlery 6uelph far artm uuuruiu 6iwd water colors grayonsi canvas drawing papersj jsruslies dv oil paintings bteel ewrravlrirs obromoe fee frame8 all kinds mouldings boom nnd picturo jnmicea and cornice poles bprlpf rollers and win- low shades frnra 00c couiplete panby qpodb suitable for wedding and birthday preeentflc 1 ty vlsitbrsi ban havp their piuta res xamed while in tbe city so otin them wllhyou to has cowe for tliosc vl i vitii and aforctbought make their kairseleutiunfi while nsaorfcincnta are unbioeu while goodsarc i jet irie s m ttjs ttmvr i while theyve the time to look and wo the time to give that careful atteirtiou which we desire they all shall have this season iiuds us tar better prepiared hi every particular to meet your waute than did buying time alyeiir ago and wc are not aware that you then found us lacking either in r assortment qulty or ityle oo be tliat as it may this years buying time siirpsisses all oflnr buying times in the size of our v stock in the assorimcut offered you iu every department in the r excellenge of our gooijs 4 i and in the lowhess -oo- of tpr friieks better facilities and an increasing trade are the things that have done it and j i are to reap tfhe beotm1 1 ov j watjrb baos thft piotre 4tajjevv npn iie post offiop 3ese9pk ooiii englibh and canadian snuings v vtyftfyty 7 pi0 and style overytiino i oorao and see to ivhat extent you may be benefitted at ijbe reasonable prices remember our famous f 1 leaders tii eirstclass goods and 0- cent tea i the lastow otlfe ioton all kinds spkomi a has now a fine f waj oystarsor femleysisi ery canned o teradi crumb ptorided by dayae let fr i and they i siderab aftener t nusai qorvi and ban astb an stations i 0iii yt j

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